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planning Ponyfinder: Age of Adventure (Updated) [Full]


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Do you have skype? Even on mobile we can voice chat while Jaith and I work on your character, perhaps tomarrow or Tuesday.



On ideas for your character bio I would ask a few questions. Does your character have a 'Cutiemark story', as in a few sentences to a pharagraph involving how they got their cutiemark and what led to them getting it? What of your character's friends and family, their growing up years? The events and ponies they know which helped turn your character into the pony they are now? What are their hopes and dreams, their struggles and loss, there achievements and accomplishments?
Also, since their is religion in this MLP setting, what of their believes or lack there of when it comes to the likes of Celestia, Luna, and Cadance or others even the legendary Paragons of Harmony? Related to this what of some of the more well known cults in Equestria that may have caused problems or issues for your character and the damage if any they have caused?
Considering and detailing such can help a lot when playing your character, as you can consider their motivations and drive, what in their past has most effects them in the current day. Though of note is you don't have to cover every detail just at least a more complete general overview would be nice.
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@@Big_Macincheese,Do you have skype? Even on mobile we can voice chat while Jaith and I work on your character, perhaps tomarrow or Tuesday.

No I don't sorry, but you and Jaith could PM me, it will take a little longer, but at least we could work on my character ( I get on daily so it would probably only take 1-3 days at most to finish I would think) what do you guys think about this?

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Big Book of Archetypes



You’ll find no truer embodiment of a deity than an avatar. An avatar walks in the footsteps of her deity closer than any other mortal. Although she loses flexibility granted to other clerics, the avatar is rewarded for her commitment.

The avatar is an archetype of the cleric class.


Requirements: An avatar’s alignment must be the same as her deity’s. In addition, an avatar is very rarely without a deity.

Weapon Proficiency

An avatar receives a -2 penalty to attack rolls when wielding a weapon other than her deity’s favored weapon.

Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells

An avatar may not select spells aligned differently than her deity’s. For example, an avatar of Eldol (a Neutral Good deity) may not cast spells with the chaotic, evil, or lawful descriptor.

Devotion (Ex)

An avatar gains a +2 morale bonus against fear and charm effects.

Deific Obedience

At 1st level, an avatar gains Deific Obedience as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

This ability replaces spontaneous casting.

Extra Domain

At 4th level, an avatar gains another domain from her deity’s domain list. Granted powers from the avatar’s extra domain function as if the cleric's level, Wisdom, and Charisma were 3 lower than normal in terms of effect, DC, and uses per day. This also means the avatar doesn’t gain the domain’s higher-level ability until 3 levels later than normal. If this extra domain grants additional class skills, the separatist gains these as normal.

This ability replaces channel energy.



Monster Chronicler

Relying on knowledge rather than brute strength, monster chroniclers know exactly how to exploit the weaknesses of any foe monstrosity they encounter.

The monster chronicler is an archetype of the investigator class.


Diminished Alchemy

A monster chronicler may prepare one fewer extract of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, he may prepare extracts of that level only if his Intelligence allows bonus spells of that level.

Monster Scholar (Ex)

At third Level, whenever a monster chronicler makes a knowledge check to identify the special abilities of monsters, he may spend a use of inspiration to roll the check twice and take the higher result.

Favored Enemy (Ex)

At 6th level and every six levels thereafter, the monster chronicler gains a favored enemy as the ranger ability of the same name, however the monster chronicler cannot select a humanoid as a favored enemy.

This ability replaces trap sense.

Anatomy Specialist (Ex)

At 9th level, while the monster chronicler prepares his extracts, he may study his notes on monster anatomy, gaining insights to their weaknesses. Studying notes this way allows the monster chronicler to change one of his favored enemies for 24 hours, gaining the same bonus to his new favored enemy that he did on his previous.

This ability replaces the investigator talent gained at 9th level.


Dashing Hero

Not all paladins gallivant around in bulky metal armor with a heavy weapon and huge shield. Some go gallivanting around in light armor with a light weapon and small shield. These called champions find that the increased mobility, defensive combat training, and variety of skills to learn are just as effective in stopping evil as the heavy armor and great weapons of the more traditional holy avenger.

The dashing hero is an archetype of the paladin class.



A dashing hero's base skill points per level increases to 4. He gains Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Perform, and Swim as class skills.

Hero's Finesse

At 1st level, a dashing hero gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and he can use his Charisma score in place of Intelligence as a prerequisite for combat feats. This ability counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for purposes of meeting feat prerequisites.

This replaces the paladin's proficiency with medium and heavy armor and with shields other than bucklers.

Panache and Deeds

At 2nd level, a dashing hero gains the swashbuckler's panache class feature, and learns the swashbuckler's derring-do deed.

This ability replaces lay on hands.


Dashing Rescue

At 2nd level, a dashing hero can spend 1 panache point as an immediate action when an ally is targeted by an attack or included in the area of a harmful effect in order to move up to his speed. At any point during this movement, he may pick up the targeted ally and carry them along with him. This movement provokes opportunity attacks for the dashing hero, but not for his ally. If this movement removes the ally from the reach or area of the attack or effect targeting him, he is not subject to the attack or effect. He may use this ability while astride his bonded mount, in which case he commands his mount to move up to its speed.

This ability replaces divine grace.


At 3rd level, a dashing hero learns the swashbuckler's opportune parry and riposte deed.

At 6th level, a dashing hero learns the swashbuckler's kip-up deed.

At 9th level, a dashing hero learns the swashbuckler's grace deed.

At 12th level, a dashing hero learns the swashbuckler's superior feint deed.

At 15th level, a dashing hero learns the swashbuckler's dizzying defense deed.

At 18th level, a dashing hero learns the swashbuckler's edge deed.

This ability replaces mercy.


At 4th level, a dashing hero gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor. Anything that causes the dashing hero to lose his Dexterity bonus to AC also causes him to lose this dodge bonus. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 4th (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level).

This ability replaces channel positive energy.

Divine Bond

When the dashing hero gains this ability at 5th level, he must select a bonded mount.



The Horned Warden (Paladin)

Paladins are called to serve the ideals of law and good, and the horned warden is no different. Rather than taking up shining steel to guard the values of civilization, however, this paladin finds his calling in the arms of Mother Gaia. Nature needs a sworn guardian just as much as the world of men does, and the horned warden is blessed with druid-like abilities to safeguard the wilderness.


Alignment and Code of Conduct: In addition to the standard paladin code, a horned warden must respect and cherish nature and protect it against all who would do it harm. He must not take more than his share from the natural world, nor may he slay an animal for a purpose other than food or clothing or to protect others from it, and then only after attempts to pacify it have failed.

Class Skills: The horned warden does not gain Knowledge (Nobility) as a class skill; he replaces it with Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Geography), and Survival.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The horned warden is prohibited from wearing metal armor or using metal shields. If he uses such a prohibited item, he cannot cast spells or use any of his supernatural or spell-like class features (including base paladin class features) for as long as he uses it and for 24 hours thereafter.

Smite Evil

Rather than dealing double damage on the first hit against evil dragons, evil outsiders, and undead, the horned warden’s smite deals double damage on the first hit against aberrations, constructs, and undead. He may use smite evil against aberrations and constructs as if they were evil, regardless of their alignment. This ability alters the existing Smite Evil class feature.

Wild Empathy

The horned warden gains this ability at 2nd level, as the druid class feature. This ability replaces Divine Grace.

Trackless Step

The horned warden gains this ability at 3rd level, as the druid class feature. This ability replaces Aura of Courage.


A horned warden treats all spells on both the paladin and ranger spell lists as paladin spells, and may prepare ranger spells in his daily spell slots. This ability replaces Channel Positive Energy.

Nature Bond

At 5th level, a horned warden forms a bond with nature. This bond takes the form of a single cleric domain, selected from the following list: Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water, Weather, or an Animal or Terrain domain. When determining the powers granted by this domain, the horned warden’s effective cleric level is equal to his paladin level. A horned warden that selects this option also receives additional domain spell slots of each level he can cast (1 through 4), just like a cleric. He must prepare the spell from his domain in this slot. He does not gain access to higher-level domain spells than 4th level, and they are not considered to be part of his spell list. This ability replaces Divine Bond.

Favored Enemy

At 8th level, a horned warden may select one favored enemy, as the ranger class feature. This enemy must be chosen from the list of Aberration, Construct, Outsider (Evil), or Undead. The bonuses granted by the horned warden’s favored enemy do not increase as he goes up in level. This ability replaces Aura of Resolve.

Venom Immunity

At 11th level, a horned warden gains immunity to all poisons. This ability replaces Aura of Justice.


Hoof of Luna

The Hoof of Luna is an archetype of the Inquisitor class

Skill Ranks per Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Hoof of Luna is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hoof crossbow, repeating crossbow, and the favored weapon of his deity. He is also proficient with light armor but not with shields.

Agent of Deception (Ex): The Hoof of Luna must infiltrate the strongholds of foes unseen and approach without alerting them to danger. He gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his inquisitor level (minimum 1) to all Bluff and Disguise checks.

This replaces stern gaze.

Hooves of Death (Ex): The Hoof of Luna gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. He deals unarmed damage as a monk equal to his inquisitor level. When using an unarmed strike against an opponent denied his Dexterity bonus to AC (whether or not the target actually has a Dexterity bonus), or when the Hoof of Luna flanks his target, the Hoof of Luna inflicts +1d6 damage and an additional +1d6 points for every two inquisitor levels after 1st. This otherwise acts as the rogue sneak attack ability and stacks with sneak attack gained through other classes.

This replaces detect alignment.

Stunning Hoof (Ex): At 4th level, the Hoof of Luna gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat. He does not need to meet the prerequisites.

Magic Strike (Su): At 4th level, the Hoof of Luna’s unarmed strikes are considered magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. At 10th level, his unarmed strikes are considered aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. This alignment must be selected at 10th level and must belong to his deity. Once selected, it cannot be changed. At 16th level, the Hoof of Luna’s unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction (but not bypassing hardness).

This replaces bane.

Greater Hooves of Death (Su): As a swift action at 12th level, the Hoof of Luna can imbue his unarmed attacks with one of the following properties: anarchic, axiomatic, flaming, frost, ghost touch, holy, keen, shock, thundering, or unholy. Once selected, the type of enhancement can be changed as a swift action. At 16th level, the Hoof of Luna can imbue his unarmed attacks with two of the above properties. The Hoof of Luna cannot select an alignment-based enhancement opposed to his own or his deity’s. This ability lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to the inquisitor’s level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

This replaces greater bane.



The hitman specializes in the art of assassination. She strikes with diligence and guile. She excels at stalking her prey, waiting for the right moment to strike. With this offensive training, she loses many of the defensive abilities of most rogues.

The hitman is an archetype of the rogue class.


Studied Target (Ex)

At 1st level, the hitman learns to study her targets to learn how to best debilitate her target. This functions as the slayer's studied target ability and uses the rogue's class levels as her effective slayer level for this ability.

This ability replaces trapfinding.

Track (Ex)

A hitman adds her level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks. At 3rd level, a hitman leaves no trail in urban surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired.

This ability replaces evasion.

Uncanny Strike (Ex)

At 4th level the hitman may ignore an opponent's Uncanny Dodge benefits as long as she has at least two more levels in rogue than her target has in class levels that grant her Uncanny Dodge. In addition, the hitman treats her rogue level as two levels higher to overcome Improved Uncanny Dodge.

This ability replaces Uncanny Dodge.

Stalker (Ex)

At 7th level, a hitman gains her studied target bonus on Disguise, Intimidate, and Stealth checks against her studied opponent.

This ability replaces trap sense.

Hide in Plain Sight (Su)

At 8th level the hitman can use the Stealth skill even while being observed. As long as she is within 10 feet of an area of dim light, a hitman can hide herself view in the open without actually anything to hide behind. She cannot, however, hide in her own shadow.

This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.

Rogue Talents

Whenever the hitman gains a rogue talent, he may select one of the following talents instead of one of her normal rogue talents:

Deadly Range (Ex): A hitman who selects this talent increases the range at which he can deal sneak attack damage by 10 feet. A hitman can select this talent more than once, its effects stack. A hitman must be 4th level before selecting this talent.

Foil Scrutiny: A hitman with this talent is able to obscure her thoughts and intentions. She gains a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Disguise checks, as well as on Will saving throws to resist mind-reading spells and effects (such as detect thoughts and discern lies).

Hidden Weapons (Ex): A hitman who selects this ability can easily conceal weapons on her body. The hitman adds her level on opposed Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a weapon. In addition, she can draw hidden weapons as a move action, instead of as a standard action.

Impromptu Disguise (Ex): A hitman who selects this talent may change her appearance using Disguise as a full-round action.

Slowing Strike* (Ex): A hitman may select the slowing strike slayer talent, using her rogue level as her effective slayer level for this ability.

Wall Climber (Ex): A hitman with this talent gains a climb speed of 20 feet, but only on vertical surfaces. This ability cannot be used to scale perfectly smooth surfaces or to climb on the underside of horizontal surfaces.

Advanced Talents

Assassinate (Ex): The hitman may select the assassinate slayer talent, using her rogue level as her effective slayer level for this ability.


Black Powder Hood

More progressive assassins add firearms to their arsenal of lethal tools. However, those who are truly gifted learn to wield two firearms at once, fighting multiple targets and reloading their weapons quickly in the heat of battle.

The black powder hood is an archetype of the slayer class.


Weapon Proficiencies

The black powder hood is proficient with all martial weapons and one handed firearms, as well as light armor.

This replaces the slayer's normal weapon and armor proficiencies.

Gunsmith (Ex)

At first level the black powder hood gains a pair of battered pistols each of these firearms are identical to the firearm gained by the gunslinger at level one, except the both must be pistols. The black powder hood gains Gunsmithing as a bonus feat at level one.

This ability replaces track.

Grit (Ex)

At first level a black powder hood gains the gunslinger's grit ability. At the start of each day, a black powder hood gains a number of grit points equal to his Wisdom bonus (minimum 1). a black powder hood gains the gunslinger's quick clear and gunslinger's dodge deeds.

Rapid Reload (Ex)

At second level the black powder hood gains rapid reload as a bonus feat.

This replaces the slayer talent gained at second level.

Bullet Rend (Ex)

At third level when a black powder hood deals damage to a single target with two different firearms within the same round he deals an additional d6 damage, this damage cannot be dealt to the same target more than once per round. This damage increases by an additional d6 at 6th level and every three levels afterwards.

This ability replaces sneak attack.

Juggling Reload (Ex)

At third level, the black powder hood can holster a firearm as a free action as long as he has at least one grit point.

Gunslinger Initiative (Ex)

The black powder hood gains the gunslinger initiative deed at 4th level.

This ability replaces the slayer talent gained at 4th level.

Studied Target (Ex)

The black powder hood gains studied target at level five. This ability works exactly like the normal slayer ability of the same name except that the black powder hood may not study a target as a free action after dealing sneak attack damage.

The bonuses granted by studied target increases to by 1 at 10th level and every five levels afterwards (max of +4 at 20th level). A black powder hood gains is able to study an additional target at 10th, 15th and 20th levels.

At 11th level a black powder hood can study a target as a move or swift action.

This ability modifies studied target.

Targeting (Ex)

At 7th level the black powder hood gains the targeting deed.

This ability replaces stalker.

Evasive (Ex)

At 11th level the black powder hood gains the evasive deed.

This ability replaces swift tracker.



A berserker relishes in the glory of combat. Her hedonistic pleasure from battle wounds is borderline masochistic. While enraged, she enters a sort of high where pain is just another form of indulgence.

The berserker is an archetype of the barbarian class.


Armor Proficiency

A berserker does not gain proficiency in medium armor or shields.

Tiring Rage (Ex)

A berserker remains fatigued twice as long as other barbarians. At 17th level, a berserker can rage even while fatigued or exhausted.

The ability replaces tireless rage.

Regenerate (Su)

At 2nd level, a berserker gains fast healing 1 while in rage and conscious. This increases to fast healing 2 at 8th level, fast healing 3 at 14th level, fast healing 4 at 17th level, and fast healing 5 at 20th level. This healing may only occur if the berserker has taken at least a total amount of damage equal to twice her level in the last 10 rounds.

This ability replaces uncanny dodge.

Fearless (Ex)

At 3rd level, a berserker gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 3rd.

This ability replaces trap sense.

Scarred Flesh (Ex)

At 5th level, whenever a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the berserker, there is a 15% chance that the damage is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.

This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.


Righteous Flame Initiate

Paladins who completely devote themselves to the ideal of righteousness learn to wield divine fire and incorporate it into combat, rather than forming a bond with a weapon or mount. These paladins learn to incorporate their divine flame into their martial disciplines, fighting with blade in one hand and holy fire in the other.

The righteous flame initiate is an archetype of the paladin class.


Righteous Flame Strike (Su)

At 3rd level a righteous flame initiate can make a melee touch attack as a standard action that deals 2d6 fire damage. Half the damage is fire damage and half result directly from divine power. The damage increases by 2d6 at 6th level and every three levels thereafter. This ability is usable a number of times per day equal to half the righteous flame initiate’s class level plus his Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces the lay on hands and mercy abilities.

Righteous Assault

While wielding a one handed weapon and and not holding anything in his off hand, the righteous flame initiate may make iterative attacks with his weapon in addition to using his Righteous Flame Strike class feature as an off hand attack. Using Righteous Flame Strike in this manner causes all attacks made by the righteous flame initiate take a -2 penalty.

This ability replaces Divine Bond.

Aura of Flames (Su)

At 8th level the Righteous Flame Initiate begins to emit an aura of holy fire. Allies within 20ft of the righteous flame initiate gain resist cold 5. This resistance increases to 10 at 14th and 20th levels.

This ability replaces aura of resolve.


The Sanctified Sorcerer

Not all sorcerers are viewed as tainted monsters. Many faiths place these gifted individuals into rigorous religious training while fostering their innate abilities.

The sanctified sorcerer is an archetype of the paladin class.


Divine Dabbler (Ex)

The sanctified sorcerer adds half her level to use magic device checks to activate spell trigger and spell completion items with divine spells. This ability replaces bloodline arcana.

Power of Faith (Ex)

At third the sanctified sorcerer gains the ability to convert spells into channeled energy. As a standard action the sanctified sorcerer channel energy as a cleric, using her sanctified sorcerer level as her effective cleric level. a sanctified sorcerer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1+ her charisma modifier.

This ability replaces the bloodline power gained at third level.

Spells of the Divine (Ex)

At third level, and every even level afterwards, the sanctified sorcerer selects a spell from the cleric list and adds it to her spells known. The spell must be one level lower than the highest spell level she can cast.

This ability replaces bloodline spells.


The Skyguard (Pegasus) Paladin Archetype)

A skyguard is an ardent and pious flying sentinel, drawing power from the four winds in order to guard the freedoms and lives of all who find themselves oppressed or enslaved by evil.

A Skyguard is an archetype of the Paladin class


Windblast (Su): Once per day per paladin level, a skyguard can draw upon the power of raging winds. As a standard action, the skyguard can make a ranged attack against a single creature within 30 feet, blasting his foe with supernatural winds that cut like swords. On a successful attack, the target takes 1d4 points of slashing damage per class level that the paladin possesses. Hardness and damage reduction apply against this attack. At 5th level, and every five levels thereafter, the skyguard gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls with this ability.

This ability replaces smite evil.

Buffeting Winds (Su): At 2nd level, a skyguard is protected by buffeting winds which reduce the impact of weapons that successfully strike the paladin. The skyguard gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC and damage reduction equal to his paladin level. This deflection bonus to AC increases by +1 at 6th level, and every four levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5 at 18th level. These benefits are halved when the skyguard is not exposed to the air (such as while underwater).

This ability replaces divine grace.

Divine Freedoms (Su): At 3rd level, a skyguard becomes a force nearly impossible to restrain, contain, or put down. He adds his paladin level to CMB and Escape Artist checks to escape from a grapple. At 9th level, the skyguard gains the ability to use freedom of movement as a spell-like ability once per day. At 15th level, the skyguard benefits from his freedom of movement ability constantly, and may suppress or renew the ability as a free action. As long as the freedom of movement effect is active, the skyguard may expend one use of his lay on hands ability to cast knock as a spell-like ability targeting one set of manacles, shackles, or similar bindings. The caster levels for these spell-like abilities are equal to the skyguard’s class level.

This ability replaces divine health and the mercies gained at 3rd, 9th, and 15th levels.

Air Channel (Su): At 4th level, a skyguard gains Elemental Channel (air) as a bonus feat, which he may activate by spending two uses of his lay on hands ability using his paladin level as his effective cleric level.

This ability replaces channel positive energy.

Rise Above (Su): At 5th level, the skyguard gains a supernatural fly speed of 50 ft. with perfect maneuverability.

This ability replaces divine bond.

Wind Warden (Su): At 20th level, a skyguard’s body is suffused with elemental air. He no longer needs to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, gains an increased fly speed of 100 ft., cannot be flanked, and becomes immune to paralysis, poison, and stunning.

This ability replaces holy champion.


Weird Musician

A weird musician taps into ethereal vibrations that cause tears in the reality around her. By tampering with the strings of actuality, enemies and allies are warped into something otherworldly.

The weird musician is an archetype of the bard class., requires worship of Discord.


Weird Vibrations

At 1st level, a weird musician can use his performance to twist and snap the auras of his allies to give them aberrant abilities, usually belonging to a self from another dimension. These properties can be as mundane as heightened senses or as strange as tentacles, gills, or another head. While performing, allies gain an evolution pool equal to half the weird musician level (rounded down, minimum 1). Abilities that require a minimum summoner level use instead the weird magician's level -3. For example, burrow requires a 9th level summoner to be selected for her eidolon or a 12th level weird musician to be given to allies.

This ability replaces inspire courage.

Disturbing Tremolo

At 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, a weird musician gains a witch hex, his effective witch level equal to his bard level. During a bardic performance, a weird musician may apply a hex to target with 30 feet as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. This uses 2 rounds of bardic performance. A weird musician may not apply a hex without using bardic performance.

This ability replaces inspire competence, inspire greatness, soothing performance, and inspire heroics.

Aberrant Magic

At 2nd level a weird musician adds a witch or shaman spell to his list of bard spells known. This spell must be of a level that the weird musician can cast. At 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the weird musician selects an additional spell.

This replaces versatile performance.


Spellscorn Fighter

Whether jealous of the power to manipulate reality, prideful at not needing "parlor tricks" to fight, vengeful of the crimes of arrogant mages, or angry with those who meddle with powers beyond their control, each spellscorn fighter has a reason to hate, fear, or distrust practitioners of magic. They train in special techniques to both withstand arcane assaults and bring down casters.

The spellscorn figher is an archetype of the fighter class.


Class Skills

The spellscorn fighter gains Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft as class skills.

Bonus Feats

The spellscorn fighter gains Step Up and Blind-Fight as bonus feats at 1st level.

This replaces the normal bonus feat gained at that level.

Hardened Mind (Ex)

Starting at 2nd level, a spellscorn fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against charm and compulsion effects. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels beyond 2nd.

This ability replaces bravery.

Spellscorn Shield (Ex)

Starting at 3rd level, while using a shield, a spellscorn fighter may add half his shield bonus to armor class as a bonus to all Reflex saving throws and to his touch AC. He also gains the Evasion ability while using a shield other than a buckler.

This ability replaces armor training 1.

Mage Killer (Ex)

Starting at 5th level, a spellscorn fighter gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against creatures that have cast a spell or used a spell-like ability in the past round, as well as against summoned monsters. This bonus increases by +1 at 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

This ability replaces weapon Training.


The spellscorn fighter gains Disruptive as a bonus feat at 6th level.

This replaces the normal bonus feat gained at that level.

Spellscorn Armor (Ex)

Starting at 7th level, while wearing medium or heavy armor, a spellscorn fighter gains spell resistance equal to 6 + his class level.

This ability replaces armor training 2.


The spellscorn fighter gains Spellbreaker as a bonus feat at 10th level.

This replaces the normal bonus feat gained at that level.

Stalwart (Ex)

Starting at 11th level, while wearing medium or heavy armor, a spellscorn fighter can use mental and physical resiliency to avoid certain attacks. He gains the stalwart class feature as an .

This ability replaces armor training 3

Resist Energy (Ex)

Starting at 15th level, while wearing medium or heavy armor, a spellscorn fighter gains resistance to acid, cold, electricity, and fire damage equal to his armor bonus to AC.

This ability replaces armor training 4.

Spell Immunity (Ex)

At 19th level, a spellscorn fighter may spend a standard action to harden his resolve against magic. For 1 round, he has spell immunity; this is effectively unbeatable spell resistance. Spells that do not allow spell resistance still affect him normally.

This ability replaces armor mastery.

Sever Magic (Ex)

At 20th level, a spellscorn fighter learns to cut off a mage from his power source. As a standard action, he may make a single melee attack against a creature capable of casting spells or using spell-like abilities. If the attack hits and deals damage, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC = the damage dealt) or be unable to cast spells or use spell-like abilities for 1 round for every 5 points of damage dealt by the attack.

This ability replaces weapon mastery.



Rather than serving a deity or a church, a witchknight is an in service to an occult patron the likes of those which grant witches their heathen power. Whereas witches are specialists in using their arcane powers to befuddle and jinx their enemies, the witchknight blends such eldritch crafts with martial pursuits in order to serve their mysterious lords in different ways.

The witchknight is an archetype of the class.


Weapon and Armor Proficiency

The witchknight gains proficiency with one martial weapon of her choice.

This replaces the 's proficiency with her deity's favored weapon.

Witch Training

A witchknight treats her witchknight levels as witch levels for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites.

Patron Spells

A witchknight selects a patron from the list of witch patrons at 1st level. As a witchknight increases in level, the witchknight's patron adds new spells to the witchknight's list of spells known. She learns the first patron spell at 2nd level, the second patron spell at 5th level, the third patron spell at 8th level, the fourth patron spell at 11th level, the fifth patron spell at 14th level, and the sixth patron spell at 17th level. The rest of the patron spells are not considered to be part of the witchknight's spell list.

This ability replaces domain.


A witchknight gains the following judgment in addition to the normal list of judgments.

Hexing (Su): When the witchknight scores a critical hit against the target of this judgment, she may cast one of her hexes on the target as an immediate action.


At 1st level, a witchknight is granted a familiar by her patron. This is identical to the witch's familiar class feature; the witchknight uses her level to determine her effective witch level for the purpose of determining her familiar's abilities. The witchknight's list of spells known, including patron spells, is stored in her familiar; she must commune with her familiar each morning to regain her spell slots.

This ability replaces monster lore.


At 3rd level, a witchknight learns one hex from the witch's list of hexes. This is otherwise identical to the witch's hex class feature, except that the witchknight uses her Wisdom modifier to determine her hexes' save DCs and she learns a new hex at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter.

This ability replaces solo tactics and teamwork feats.

Major Hex

Starting at 12th level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the witchknight may select a major hex from the witch's list whenever she could learn a new hex.

This ability replaces greater bane.


Gunmetal Mystic

From the weapon adept to the zen archer, many monks understand that physical weapons can be vessels for their skills and ki. The gunmetal mystic is simply keeping up with the times, blending their ancient fighting traditions with the cool metal of the present. They find that bullets can channel their ki energy into a devastating strike, and it is said that their foes fall as if lightning from god had smote them down.

The gunmetal mystic is an archetype of the monk class.


Weapon and Armor Proficiency

The gunmetal mystic is proficient with all firearms in addition to the normal monk proficiencies.


At 1st level, a gunmetal mystic gains a battered firearm identical to the one gained by a gunslinger. The gunmetal mystic also gains Gunsmithing as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st level.


At 1st level, a gunmetal mystic gains the gunslinger's grit ability. At the start of each day, a gunmetal mystic gains a number of grit points equal to his Wisdom bonus (minimum 1). A gunmetal mystic gains the gunslinger's quick clear and gunslinger's dodge deeds. In addition, a gunmetal mystic with the Stunning Fist, Elemental Fist, or Punishing Kick feat may use those feats with firearm attacks as if they were unarmed strikes.

This ability replaces stunning fist.

Flurry of Blows

A gunmetal mystic may use this ability with a combination of unarmed strikes, firearm attacks, and pistol whips (once he gains the pistol whip deed at 3rd level). However, he may only make one firearm attack and one pistol whip in a single flurry, and must use unarmed strikes for the other attacks. A firearm attack made as part of a flurry of blows does not provoke an attack of opportunity from its target if it is threatening the gunmetal mystic; however, it still provokes from other creatures threatening him.

Bonus Feats

A gunmetal mystic gains a bonus grit feat at 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter. He must meet all the prerequisites for the feat, using his monk level as his effective gunslinger level.

This ability replaces the normal bonus feats gained at those levels.


At 3rd level, a gunmetal mystic gains the gunslinger's pistol-whip deed. When making a pistol whip, he may use his unarmed strike damage die if it is higher than the pistol whip damage die and treat it as an unarmed strike for the purpose of using his ki pool to overcome damage reduction.

This ability replaces maneuver training.

Ki Pool

At 4th level, a gunmetal mystic can treat ki points as grit points for any gunslinger deed gained through this archetype. In addition, his ki pool allows his firearm to be treated as magic, cold iron, silver, lawful, and adamantine at the appropriate levels for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction as if it were an unarmed strike.

This ability modifies ki pool.

Lightning from God (Su)

At 4th level, a gunmetal mystic may spend 1 ki point as a swift action to imbue the next firearm attack he makes within 1 round with his inner power. If the attack hits, it deals an extra 1d6 points of damage; this damage comes from pure ki power and bypasses all damage reduction. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. At 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the additional damage increases by 1d6, to a maximum of 5d6 at 20th level.

This ability replaces slow fall.


At 7th level, a gunmetal mystic gains the gunslinger's targeting deed.

This ability replaces wholeness of body.

Lightning Reload

At 11th level, a gunmetal mystic gains the gunslinger's lightning reload deed.

This ability replaces diamond body.

Slinger's Luck

At 15th level, a gunmetal mystic gains the gunslinger's slinger's luck deed.

This ability replaces quivering palm.

Stunning Shot

At 19th level, a gunmetal mystic gains the gunslinger's stunning shot deed.

This ability replaces empty body.


Gold-Robed Wizard

Most who strive to protect the world and its peoples from the forces of evil turn to shining steel and the magic of the gods. There is another kind of holy champion, however, who harnesses the power of the arcane to defend the innocent. These mages in their golden robes become masters at smiting the wicked with eldritch force, conjuring holy beings to do battle against their foes, and banishing fiends back to their vile pits.

The gold-robed wizard is an archetype of the wizard class.


Alignment and Code of Conduct

A gold-robed wizard must be of lawful good alignment and follows a code of conduct identical to the paladin's. A gold-robed wizard who ceases to be lawful good, who willfully commits an evil act, or who violates the code of conduct loses all wizard spells and class features (except weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She may not progress any further in levels as a wizard. She regains her abilities and advancement potential if she atones for her violations (see atonement), as appropriate.

Arcane Smite Evil (Su)

Once per day, a gold-robed wizard can call out to the powers of good to aid her in her struggle against evil. As a swift action, the wizard chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is evil, the wizard adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her caster level checks to overcome her target's spell resistance and adds her wizard level to all spell damage rolls made against the target of her smite. If the target of arcane smite evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful spell increases to 2 points of damage per level the wizard possesses. Regardless of the target, arcane smite evil spells automatically bypass any energy resistance (but not immunity) the creature might possess.

In addition, while arcane smite evil is in effect, the wizard gains a deflection bonus equal to her Charisma modifier (if any) to her AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the wizard targets a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no effect.

The arcane smite evil effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the wizard rests and regains her uses of this ability. At 7th level, and at every six levels thereafter, the wizard may use arcane smite evil one additional time per day, to a maximum of four times per day at 19th level.

This ability replaces arcane school.

Empyreal Magic

All spells from the cleric spell list with the [good] descriptor are considered to be on the gold-robed wizard's spell list at one level higher than the level they appear on the cleric list. The gold-robed wizard may learn these spells as she advances in level and may write them into her spellbook as if they were wizard spells.

This ability replaces arcane bond.

Celestial Summons

At 5th level, whenever the gold-robed wizard uses a summon monster spell to summon one or more celestial animals or good-aligned outsiders, she may cast the spell as a standard action.

This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 5th level.

Improved Banishment

At 10th level, whenever the gold-robed wizard casts the dismissal or banishment spell targeting an outsider with the evil subtype, the save DC increases by 2.

This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 10th level.


Faytouched Hexer

Great faerie beings make strange and unique patrons for witches, granting them powers somewhat different from a more traditional patron. These witches seem to have a supernatural beauty and presence, and use their sheer force of personality for their powers rather than occult learning.

The faytouched hexer is an archetype of the witch class.



A feytouched hexer casts arcane spells drawn from the witch spell list. She can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, a feytouched hexer must have an Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a feytouched hexer's spell is 10 + the spell level + the feytouched hexer's Charisma modifier

A feytouched hexer can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is the same as a sorcerer of the same level. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Charisma score. A feytouched hexer's selection of spells is limited. She has the same number of spells known as a sorcerer of the same level, and can choose new spells to replace old ones at 4th level and every 2 levels after that, just as a sorcerer does. A feytouched hexer's spells known are stored in her familiar, and she must commune with her familiar to regain her spells each day.

This replaces the witch's spells class feature.

Patron Spells

A feytouched hexer adds her patron spells to her list of spells known stored in her familiar. She replaces some of her patron spells with the following: 2nd - charm person, 4th - unnatural lust, 6th - bestow curse, 8th - hallucinatory terrain, 10th - mind fog, 12th - cloak of dreams, 14th - waves of ecstasy, 16th - irresistible dance, 18th - wail of the banshee


The save to resist a feytouched hexer's hex is equal to 10 + her level + her Charisma modifier.

Faerie Wings

At 5th level, a feytouched hexer can grow faerie wings and fly at a speed of 60 feet (40 feet if speed is slowed by armor or encumbrance) with good maneuverability for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spend in 1-minute increments.

This ability replaces the witch's 5th-level hex.


Mutagenic Rager

The mutagenic rager's vicious power comes not from her primal anger, but from alchemical transformations that enhance her physical prowess while tearing at her mind.

The mutagenic rager is an archetype of the barbarian class.


Mutagen (Su)

At 1st level, a mutagenic rager discovers how to create a mutagen that she can imbibe in order to heighten her physical prowess, though at the cost of her personality. This functions as an alchemist's mutagen and uses the barbarian's class level as her alchemist level for this ability (alchemist levels stack with barbarian levels for determining the effect of this ability). A mutagenic rager counts as an alchemist for the purpose of imbibing a mutagen prepared by someone else.

This ability replaces rage.

Mutagenic Rage Power

This ability functions like the barbarian's rage power ability, except that a barbarian also gains the use of rage powers while under the effects of a mutagen. In addition, a mutagenic rager may select a discovery that modifies her mutagen instead of a rage power at every even level. She may also select the following discoveries as options: healing touch, preserve organs, and spontaneous healing. She uses her barbarian's class level as her alchemist level for these discoveries.

This ability alters rage power.

Greater Mutagen

At level 11, the mutagenic ranger gains greater mutagen as a bonus discovery, gaining the benefits even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

This ability replaces greater rage.

Mutagen Antidote

At level 14, the mutagenic rager can end his mutagen's effects as a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. She siphons the antidote back into a vial so that she can use the remaining rounds later. This process is traumatic; as such, the mutagenic rager is fatigued for 2d6 rounds.

Grand Mutagen

At 17th level, the mutagenic rager gains grand mutagen as a bonus discovery, gaining the benefits even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

This ability replaces tireless rage.

True Mutagen

At 20th level, the mutagenic rager gains true mutagen as a bonus discovery, gaining the benefits even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

This ability replaces mighty rage.


Wild Experimenter

The wild experimenter disregards technique, recipes, and tradition when making his bombs, preferring to randomly mix ingredients and see what happens. He can be a bane to both his allies and his enemies if he isn't careful when aiming his unusual creations; indiscreet wild experimenters are often forced to go from place to place and from party to party, not fitting in anywhere due to his causing of random destruction and other strange events wherever he goes.

The wild experimenter is an archetype of the alchemist class.


Wild Magic Bombs

When the wild experimenter throws a bomb, he may choose to make it a wild magic bomb by mixing the ingredients haphazardly without regard for proper technique. When he does this, the bomb deals half its normal damage, but the wild experimenter rolls on the primal magic event table to determine its additional effect, using his alchemist level as the event's CR. If the effect chosen affects an area, use the bomb's area rather than the area listed on the table. If it affects a single target, use the target struck by the bomb; if no creature was struck directly, randomly determine a creature in the area to be the target.

This ability replaces mutagen.

Improved Wild Magic Bombs

At 14th level, when the wild experimenter throws a wild magic bomb, he may roll twice on the table and choose which result to use.

This ability replaces persistent mutagen.


Spirit-Scarred Paladin

Some noble paladins take up the sword against incorporeal threats, yet some are born with a natural connection to the spirits of the living world, both cursing these holy warriors and granting them strange abilities.

The spirit-scarred paladin is an archetype of the paladin class.


Detect Undead (Sp)

At will, a spirit-scarred paladin can use detect undead as the spell however this ability can only detect incorporeal undead.

This replaces detect good.

Revitalizing Body (Su)

At third level a spirit-scarred paladin recovers ability damage at a rate of two per day, and recovers from ability drain at a rate of one point per day.

This ability replaces divine health.

Spirit Scarred (Su)

At first level a spirit-scarred paladin selects an oracle curse and gains the benefits of it, using his spirit-scarred paladin level as his oracle level for determining the benefits and hindrances. If an oracle curse would add a spell of a level the spirit-scarred paladin could not cast to his spell list (such as the blackened curse granting delayed blast fireball) he instead gains that spell as a spell-like ability useable 3 times per day.

Spirit Magic (Su)

A spirit-scarred paladin's bond to the spirit world grants him spells he normally could not normally have access to. At fourth level and every even level afterwards the spirit-scarred paladin adds a spell from the shaman list to his spell list. This spell cannot have the chaotic or evil spell descriptors and must be of a level he is able to cast. Spells gained this way use the spirit-scarred paladin's Charisma for the purpose of determining save DC's and making concentration checks.

This ability replaces mercy.

Divine Bond (Su)

A spirit-scarred paladin must choose to create a divine bond with his weapon, and cannot choose to bond with a mount. He adds the ghost touch and undead bane weapon special properties that he may add to his weapon when using divine bond.

This ability modifies divine bond.

Ghost-bane Armor (Su)

At 7th level any set of armor worn by the spirit-scarred paladin automatically gains the ghost touch armor property.

This ability replaces the use of smite evil gained at level seven.

Phantom Wings (Su)

At 13th level the spirit scarred paladin can manifest phantasmal wings from his back that grant him a fly speed of 60 ft. He may use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to his level. The minutes need not be consecutive but must be spent in one minute increments.

This replaces the use of smite evil gained at 13th level.

Guardian Angel Spirit (Su)

At 20th level a spirit-scarred paladin makes contact with an angelic spirit. He may summon a movanic deva ghost to aid him in battle for a number of rounds equal to his level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. The spirit-scarred paladin can dismiss the angel as free action. He may select the movanic deva's special abilities granted by the ghost template upon gaining this ability but once those abilities are chosen they cannot be changed. If the movanic deva is slain in combat a spirit-scarred paladin cannot call upon the angel for 24 hours.

This ability replaces holy champion.


Covert Mage

Some see the world as a maze of deceit, lies, and trickery, and the only way to get along in such a world is to become a master of guile yourself. A covert mage is an expert at using her magic to manipulate others without their knowledge, as well as learning some non-magical tricks to help her deceive and confound her foes.

The covert mage is an archetype of the Archanist class.


Class Skills

A covert mage gains Bluff, Disguise, Perception, Perform, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth as class skills.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Weapon and Armor Proficiency A covert mage gains proficiency in light armor, and may cast arcanist spells while wearing light armor without suffering a spell failure chance.


At each level that a covert mage automatically adds two spells to her spellbook, one of the spells added must be either a divination, enchantment, or illusion spell.

Mesmerizing Touch

At 3rd level, a covert mage can spend 1 point from his arcane pool to make a melee touch attack as a standard action. If he hits, the target takes a penalty on Will saves for a number of rounds equal to the covert mage's Charisma modifier (minimum 1); this penalty is equal to his arcanist level.

This ability replaces the arcanist exploit gained at 3rd level.

Spell Trick

At 7th level, when a covert mage casts a spell targeting a creature he is adjacent to, he may make a Bluff check to feint as part of the spellcasting action. If he succeeds, the spell does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the target, and the target must roll its saving throw against the spell twice and take the lesser result. The spell must have a casting time of 1 standard action.

This ability replaces the arcanist exploit gained at 7th level.

Illusion Spotter

At 11th level, a covert mage has become an expert at seeing through others' illusions because of her own mastery at weaving them. Whenever she is within 10 feet of an illusion effect, she gets a free Will save to disbelieve it as if she were interacting with it. If she fails, she gets another save when she actually interacts with it.

This ability replaces the arcanist exploit gained at 11th level.


Divinely Bound Ranger

Divinely bound ranger is accompanied by a familiar instead of the animal companion that most possess. This familiar is a divine aspect of nature whose soul is intertwined with the ranger.

The divinely bound ranger is an archetype of the ranger class.



At 4th level, a divinely bound ranger forms a bond with a familiar. His effective wizard level is equal to his actual ranger level. At 6th level, he gains improved familiar as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces hunter's bond

Enhanced Spellcasting

This functions like the regular class feature of the same name for rangers, except that a divinely bound ranger's caster level is equal to his ranger level. In addition, the divinely bound ranger gains one more spell of each level than normal.

Evolved Familiar

At 5th level, a divinely bound ranger gains evolved familiar as a bonus feat even without meeting the prerequisites. In addition, he does not need to meet the prerequisites to take the feat multiple times.


Far Hand Adept

Some magi practice a strange and unique fighting style, taking a common cantrip to new heights. They are capable of manipulating invisible force to wield a weapon at a distance as if they were right up next to their enemies, staying safe from danger while still inflicting damage both martial and magical. Their eclectic battling confounds and confuses their enemies who must deal with the twin assault of a disembodied blade and blasts of arcane force.

The far hand adept is an archetype of the magus class.


Diminished Spellcasting

A far hand adept casts one fewer spell of each spell level than normal. If this would reduce his spells per day for a given level to 0, he casts spells of that level only if his Intelligence is high enough to grant him bonus spells.


At 1st level, a far hand adept automatically adds mage hand to his spellbook. At 13th level, he automatically adds telekinesis tohis spellbook. These spells are in addition to the normal spells added by simply gaining levels, and do not cost money or time to add.

This ability replaces the magus's heavy armor proficiency and ability to avoid the arcane spell failure chance of heavy armor gained at 13th level.

Telekinetic Combat (Sp)

At 4th level, a far hand adept learns to use his expertise at moving items from afar with a weapon to attack from a distance. When he casts mage hand or uses the sustained force version of telekinesis, he may manipulate a single light or one-handed melee weapon up to the weight limit of the spell and use it to attack enemies as if he were wielding it normally; this weapon may be magical as an exception to mage hand's restriction against manipulating magic items. He may maintain concentration on the spell as a free action while using it for this purpose.

He cannot attack targets outside the spell's range, and it still takes a move action to move the weapon according to the spell. If the spell ends or is dispelled and the weapon is not in his hand, it falls to the ground. If the far hand adept loses line of sight or line of effect to his weapon, the spell ends. He must always have a free hand to direct his telekinetic weapon and cannot use that hand for anything else. He may spend an arcane point as a move action to teleport his telekinetic weapon back to his hand and end the spell. He adds his Intelligence modifier to his telekinetic combat attack rolls rather than his Strength modifier, but he does not add either his Strength or Intelligence modifier to his damage rolls. He may use spellstrike and spell combat normally with this weapon. His weapon threatens the squares within its reach normally, and the far hand adept can use it to flank opponents and make opportunity attacks.

The magus uses his Intelligence modifier rather than his Strength modifier to determine his CMD against any combat maneuver check made against his telekinetic weapon, such as disarm or sunder. Disarming the telekinetic weapon causes it to either fall to the ground, forcing the far hand adept to spend a move action lifting it back up before attacking again, or to be snatched out of the air, ending the spell.

While using telekinetic combat, the magus takes a -2 penalty to his Armor Class as his concentration is being taken up by manipulating his weapon.

This ability replaces spell recall.

Improved Telekinetic Combat (Sp)

At 11th level, the far hand adept may add his Intelligence modifier as a bonus to damage rolls when using telekinetic combat, and the AC penalty decreases to -1. In addition, he may spend 1 arcane point when activating telekinetic combat to cast the spell as a full-round action, move his weapon up to 30 feet, and make an attack with it in the same action as casting the spell. He gains a +2 bonus on this attack roll and takes a -2 penalty to his AC for 1 round as if he were charging.

This ability replaces improved spell recall.



Bombers forgo the backstabbing associated with most rogues. Instead, bombers focus on the construction and lobbing of explosives to control and destroy their foes. A bomber is more likely to blow a hole in a wall than bother disarming a trapped door.

The avatar is an archetype of the rogue class.



At 1st level, a bomber gains the bomb and throw anything abilities as an alchemist of the same level. If a character already has bomb from another class, the levels from the classes that grant bomb stack to determine the effective alchemist level for the bomb's extra damage dice (so an alchemist 1/ rogue 1 deals 1d6 + Int damage with a bomb like a 2nd level alchemist, a rogue 2/ alchemist 1 deals 2d6 bomb + Int damage like a 3rd alchemist,

and so on.)

This ability replaces sneak attack.

Explosive Talents

At 2nd level and every even level thereafter, a bomber may select an alchemist discovery that modifies bombs in place of a rogue talent. She treats her rogue level as her effective alchemist level.

Silent Bomber

At 3rd level, a bomber can choose to have a bomb explode without making any noise, although those damaged by it may cry out. In addition, she adds her level to Craft (alchemy) skill checks.

This ability replaces trapfinding.

Demolition Expert

At 4th level, a bomber gains the demolition charge discovery even if she does not meet the prerequisites. In addition, she adds her level to Knowledge (engineering) skill checks. If she succeeds on a knowledge check to determine a structure's weakness, she deals an extra 1 damage per die with bombs.

This ability replaces the rogue talent gained at 4th level.



The ascetic believes faith and devotion are best expressed through denial of bodily needs. Ascetics temper their flesh and their wills with physical deprivation and rituals meant to inure them to pain and gain complete control of their physical form. The extreme testing often breaks lesser creatures, but those who endure it can achieve a level of physical resiliency and perfection that is almost supernatural.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An ascetic is proficient with the club, dagger, handaxe, javelin, quarterstaff, shortspear, short sword, sling, spear, and temple sword. An ascetic is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str)

Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier

Bonus Feats: The ascetic gains Toughness as a bonus feat at 1st level. At every even level, she may select a bonus feat from the following list: Acrobatics, Agile Maneuvers, Alertness, Athletic, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Defensive Combat Training, Diehard, Endurance, Fleet, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Lunge, Nimble Moves, Run, Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus, and Toughness. She must meet the prerequisites for these feats.

Bodily Manipulation (Sp): An ascetic does not gain the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells by sacrificing prepared spells. However, she can spontaneously cast the following spells by sacrificing a prepared spell of the noted level or above. As an additional limitation, only the ascetic can be the target of these spells.

1st level—endure elements

2nd level—bear’s endurance

3rd level—haste

4th level—stoneskin

5th level—polymorph

6th level—transformation

7th level—ethereal jaunt

8th level—iron body

9th level—astral projection

Mind is Body (Ex): The ascetic can grant a total number of enhancement bonuses to any of her physical abilities (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution) equal to her Wisdom modifier. She may divide the bonuses in any way between these three ability scores. She can change the distribution of these bonuses when she prepares spells.

Wise Defense: When unarmored, an ascetic adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC and her CMD. These bonuses apply to AC even against touch attacks or when the ascetic is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, or when she carries a shield.



A charismatic exerts a supernatural influence on others merely through the sound of his voice. He can exhort allies to great feats of courage and daring, and bolster the weak of heart and hand. Most charismatics travel the land, preaching their faith and urging others to convert. A few charismatics lead crusades against unbelievers. Others attempt to use their powers of persuasion to urge congregations to do good.

Inspiring Word (Sp): The charismatic receives the inspiring word power of the Nobility domain even if he does not choose that domain. A charismatic with the Nobility domain can use inspiring word an additional 2 times per day and gains a +4 bonus to his leadership score at 8th level.

Spontaneous Casting: A charismatic does not gain the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells by sacrificing prepared spells. However, a charismatic can spontaneously cast the following spells by sacrificing a prepared spell of the noted level or above.

1st level—bless

2nd level—aid

3rd level—prayer

4th level—sending

5th level—atonement

6th level—heroes’ feast

7th level—mass hold person

8th level—mass charm monster

9th level—mass hold monster

Leadership (Ex): At 7th level, a charismatic gains Leadership as a bonus feat



Enthusiast means one filled with the god. An enthusiast displays an immense fervor for her faith and her deity. She is often so consumed with the spirit that she loses all sense of herself. The enthusiast can fly into a holy rage, disdaining fear and injury.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An enthusiast is proficient with all simple weapons and the weapon of her deity, but not with any armor or shields.

AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored, an enthusiast adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her AC and her CMD. These bonuses apply to AC even against touch attacks or when the enthusiast is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, or when she carries a shield.

General Devotion: The enthusiast worships a god or concept in a generalized way and is often outside the mainstream of a faith. As such, she can select only one domain and she gains only the domain’s powers. She does not gain domain spells.

Spellcasting: The enthusiast does not possess the focus to study spellcasting. As such she does not gain the ability to cast domain spells or cleric spells. She does not have a caster level and cannot use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.

Holy Fervor (Su): The enthusiast’s extreme devotion allows her to enter combat without fear. She may go into a holy fervor a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Charisma modifier. She adds 2 rounds to this duration for every cleric level attained after 1st. While in a holy fervor, the enthusiast gains a +4 divine bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Charisma, and a +2 morale bonus to Will saving throws. In addition, for the duration of the fervor, the enthusiast’s base attack bonus is equal to her cleric level, also modifying her CMB and CMD. At 11th level, the bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Charisma increases to +6, and the bonus to Will saving throws increases to +3. At 20th level, the ability bonuses increase to +8 and the morale bonus to Will saving throws increases to +4.

Divine Defense (Su): At 5th level, the enthusiast trusts in the power of her beliefs to keep her safe. As a standard action, an enthusiast can enhance her flesh by channeling the power of her god. This lasts for 1 minute per cleric level. When channeled, the divine energy causes the enthusiast to shed light like a torch. At 5th level, the energy grants her skin a +1 enhancement bonus. For every 3 levels beyond 5th, the enthusiast gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level.

These bonuses can be used to add any of the following properties to the enthusiast’s flesh: champion, ghost touch, heavy fortification, invulnerability, light fortification, moderate fortification, spell resistance (13, 15, 17, or 19). Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s cost (see Table 15–4 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook).

In addition, the bonuses can be consumed at the listed amount to add any of the following armor properties: energy resistance for +3 bonus, improved energy resistance for +5 bonus, or righteous for +4 bonus. These bonuses do not function if the enthusiast wears any type of armor. At least a +1 bonus must be kept as an enhancement bonus before any other properties can be added to the enthusiast. The bonus and properties granted by a deity’s energy are determined when an enthusiast channels the energy and cannot be changed until the energy is channeled again. The energy imparts no bonuses if

the enthusiast falls unconscious or dies, but it resumes giving bonuses if the enthusiast recovers before the duration runs out. An enthusiast can use this ability once per day at5th level, and one additional time per day for every 4 levels beyond 5th, to a total of four times per day at 17th level.



Possession is a real threat. Devils and demons constantly tear at weak creatures, hoping to find a body to inhabit and a spirit to exploit. Exorcists war against outsiders who would claim what is not their own.

Focused Domain: An exorcist focuses on combating evil outsiders and their influence on mortals. As such, he gains either the Good or Protection domain. He must also select the Exorcism subdomain if it is available.

Abjurant Caster: An exorcist does not gain the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells by sacrificing prepared spells. However, an exorcist can spontaneously cast the following spells by sacrificing a prepared spell of the noted level or above:

1st level—protection from evil

2nd level—shield other

3rd level—remove curse

4th level—dismissal

5th level—dispel evil

6th level—banishment

7th level—repulsion (evil creatures only)

8th level—holy aura

9th level—dimensional lock

Demon Hunter (Sp): The exorcist can detect evil at-will as a spell-like ability but only to detect the presence of evil outsiders.

Hallowed Beacon (Su): At 5th level, the exorcist gains Alignment Channel against evil outsiders as a bonus feat.



A flagellant believes pain and suffering lead to the realization of the divine. A common method of flagellation is to whip a leather strap across her shoulders while praying. Other flagellants scour their limbs with blades. Their wounds proclaim their devotion, and the self inflicted agony focuses their belief.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:

Flagellants are proficient with light armor and shields and with the following weapons: club, dagger, heavy mace, light mace, quarterstaff, spiked chain, sling, and whip.

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier

Mortified Spellcasting (Ex): A flagellant powers spellcasting through her own blood. As a swift action, she may inflict 1 damage on herself per level of a spell she wants to increase in power. If she does so, she can cast a spell in the same round as if she is 1 level higher or she can increase the spell’s saving throw DC by +1 without increasing its casting time. This stacks with the Heighten Spell and Spell Focus feats. She cannot use temporary hit points to power spells in this way.

Inured to Pain (Ex): At 2nd level, the flagellant becomes accustomed to physical pain. She gains Diehard as a bonus feat.

Deadened Flesh (Ex): At 7th level, the flagellant becomes so used to physical injury that she gains DR 1/—. At 10th level, and every 3 cleric levels thereafter (13th, 16th, and 19th level), this damage reduction rises by 1 point. This damage reduction does not negate self-inflicted damage from mortified spellcasting or greater mortified spellcasting.

Greater Mortified Spellcasting (Ex): At 11th level, the flagellant can spend 2 damage per spell level of a spell she wants to increase in power, raising her caster level by +2 or the saving throw DC by +2. This stacks with

the Heighten Spell and Spell Focus feat. She cannot use temporary hit points to power spells in this way.



The theosophist believes that formal study and learning leads to wisdom and knowledge of the divine. He approaches his faith as a student rather than a devotee. As such, the theosophist gains an intellectual understanding of his religion. This allows him a more nuanced view of divine powers.

Slow Base Attack Bonus: Theosophists devote their time to study and introspection. As such, they are not capable combatants. A theosophist uses a d6 for Hit Dice and has a slow base attack bonus progression. His base saving throws remain those of a normal cleric.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The theosophist is proficient with the club, dagger, heavy mace, light mace, quarterstaff, and sling, but not with any type of armor or shield.

Domains: The theosophist’s intense study grants him access to three domains, two of which must be domains his deity possesses. The third can be any domain available to the character. He gains access to all three domain powers and domain spells.

Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int)

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier

Scholar (Ex): The theosophist gains a +2 bonus to Knowledge (religion), Linguistics, and Spellcraft checks.

Versatile Channeling (Ex): The theosophist’s study allows him to utilize divine energy more effectively. At 1st level, he must choose to channel either positive or negative energy for his channel energy class ability. However, at 3rd level, he gains the Versatile Channeler feat no matter the alignment of his deity. He does not need to meet the feat’s prerequisites.

Studied Spellcasting (Ex): The theosophist’s study of magic allows him to recall spells even if he has not prepared them. At 8th level, the theosophist can choose one domain. He may lose any prepared spell that is not an orison or a domain spell so that he can spontaneously cast any domain spell of the chosen domain of the same level or lower.



The vatic sees the future and distant places. Unlike oracles or seers, the vatic’s glimpses are not random, uncontrolled revelations of the future but focused visions brought about by prayer and devotion.

Domains: The vatic must select the Prophecy domain. She does not gain access to a second domain.

Spells: The vatic gains access to divination spells far in excess of other clerics. She adds all sorcerer/wizard divination spells to her spell list and can cast these spells as divine spells.

Divination’s Master (Su): The vatic can lose a prepared spell to spontaneously cast any divination spell. The sacrificed prepared spell must be equal to or greater in level than the one she spontaneously casts. She retains the ability to spontaneously cast heal or inflict spells.



The weapon-sworn cleric believes devotion comes through the study and use of his deity’s favored weapon. This does not necessarily include violence, since many weapon-sworn achieve a meditative clarity through martial exercises. A few weaponsworn, especially those of evil deities, find dogmatic expression in the expert cut and the perfect kill. These weapon-sworn live to fight, especially by participating in duels against other weapon experts.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A weapon-sworn cleric is proficient only in his deity’s favored weapon as well as light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Single-Minded: The weapon-sworn cleric devotes his time to the study of his deity’s weapon. He may select one domain. However, the weapon-sworn does not gain domain spells or spellcasting abilities, does not have a caster level, and cannot use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.

Favored Weapon (Ex): The skill with which a weapon-sworn wields his deity’s favored weapon makes him deadly in its use. When wielding his deity’s favored weapon, the weapon-sworn uses his cleric level as his base attack bonus. This also applies to his CMB and CMD when making or defending against combat maneuvers involving the weapon (such as disarm or sunder).

Martial Expert (Ex): The weapon-sworn studies the ways of combat. He gains bonus combat feats as a fighter equal to his cleric level. He may take any combat feat with fighter as a prerequisite as long as he is high enough level and meets the feat’s other prerequisites. For purposes of BAB, use the weapon-sworn’s cleric level as his BAB. The weapon-sworn can use only feats that apply to the use of a weapon, such as Improved Critical or Blinding Critical, when wielding his deity’s weapon.

Divine Weapon Training (Ex): Starting at 5th level, as a standard action, a weapon-sworn can focus divine energy into his deity’s weapon for 1 minute per cleric level. This grants the weapon a +1 enhancement bonus. For

every 3 cleric levels beyond 5th, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon bonuses to a maximum of +5, or they can be used to add five of the following weapon properties: axiomatic, chaotic, disruption, flaming, flaming burst, frost, holy, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, unholy, and wounding. A weapon-sworn cannot enhance his weapon with a property based on an alignment contrary to his own or his deity’s alignment. All other enhancements are also subject to the GM’s permission. Once chosen, they cannot be changed. Adding these

properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s cost (see Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities).

These bonuses are added to any properties the weapon already has, but duplicate abilities do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. The bonus and properties granted are determined when the ability is activated and cannot be changed

until another activation. The divine energy imparts no bonuses if the weapon is held by anyone other than the weapon-sworn but resumes giving bonuses if returned to him. These bonuses apply to only one end of a double weapon.

A cleric can use this ability once per day at 5th level, and one additional time per day for every 4 levels beyond 5th, to a total of four times per day at 17th level. If a weapon infused with divine energy is destroyed, the weapon-sworn cleric loses the use of this ability for thirty days, or until he gains a level, whichever comes first. During this thirty-day period, the cleric takes a –1 penalty to attack rolls and weapon damage rolls.


Wonder Worker

The wonder worker possesses the ability to channel divine power without the need to study long hours in a temple, memorize a faith’s dogma, or apprentice to a spiritual teacher. Their powers seem innate except that wonder workers believe their abilities come from their strong devotion to a deity or fundamental idea.

Single Devotion: A wonder worker chooses only one domain from her deity’s portfolio rather than the normal two domains.

Healing Hands: A wonder worker does not gain the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells by sacrificing prepared spells (except as noted below). However, a wonder worker can spontaneously cast the following spells by sacrificing a prepared spell of the noted level or above:

1st level—remove sickness (UM)

2nd level—remove paralysis

3rd level—remove blindness/deafness

4th level—neutralize poison

5th level—raise dead

6th level—heal

7th level—greater restoration

8th level—mass cure critical wounds

9th level—true resurrection

Miracle (Sp): At 5th level, the wonder worker chooses one domain spell she can cast. She may cast this spell once per day as a spell-like ability. At 8th level and every 3 levels thereafter, she may choose another domain spell she can cast once per day as a spell-like ability.


Moon Druids

(Life, Death and Transformation)

Some druids take on nature’s metaphorical aspects. These druids can embody death, life, or transformation, often represented by the phases of the moon.


Full Mood Druid

A druid devoted to the full moon promotes growth and renewal, not as the antithesis of

death, but rather its partner.

Spontaneous Casting: The full moon druid loses the ability to spontaneously cast summon nature’s ally and instead casts a spell from the Artifice or Healing domains as long as she is of high enough level to cast the spell.

Nature Bond (Ex): A full moon druid does not gain an animal companion but instead gains access to either the Artifice or Healing domains.

Channel Energy (Su): A full moon druid channels positive energy as if she were a cleric equal to her druid level. The druid can take other feats to add to this ability, such as Extra Channeling and Improved Channeling, but not feats that alter this ability, such as Elemental Channeling and Outsider Channeling.

This ability replaces wild shape.


New Moon Druid

A new moon druid is not evil, nor does she revere destruction. Rather, she understands the necessity of death in the natural order. This grants her power over death and its aspects, and creature’s souls.

Spontaneous Casting: A new moon druid loses the ability to spontaneously cast summon nature’s ally. Instead, she can spontaneously cast a spell from the Death or Repose domains as long as she is of high enough level to cast the spell.

Nature Bond (Ex): A new moon druid does not gain an animal companion but instead gains access to either the Death or Repose domains.

Channel Energy (Su): A new moon druid channels negative energy as if she were a cleric equal to her druid level. The druid can take other feats to add to this ability, such as Extra Channeling and Improved Channeling, but not feats that alter this ability, such as Elemental Channeling and Outsider Channeling.

This ability replaces wild shape.


Phase Druid

Embodying the natural flux of nature, a phase druid embraces the roiling, protean aspect of the environment.

Spontaneous Casting: A phase druid loses the ability to spontaneously cast summon nature’s ally. She instead gains access to spontaneously cast a spell from the Madness or Transformation domains (see page 12 for Transformation).

Transformation (Su): When preparing spells for the day, a phase druid gains a +1 enhancement bonus to his Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. This ability increase by +1 for every five druid levels to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. At 20th level, the phase druid can apply this bonus to two physical ability scores.

Wild Shape (Su): Phase druids are not as in touch with the world around them as other druids and lose the nature bond ability. Instead, the phase druid gains the ability to wild shape as a druid equal to her level + 3, gaining wild shape at 1st level.



The Greenmen

The traditional druid is about the forests and green lands. These two archetypes expand that role and deepen it with clear connections to their role as tree wardens and forest dwellers.


Green Warden

The green warden cares for the world of life, growth and renewal. She despises creatures and artifacts that mimic life and its potency, or that pollute the natural order.

Foe of Unlife (Su): At 1st level the green warden gains the ability to channel energy as a cleric of her level. However, the druid may not heal other creatures with this ability. She may only use this ability to damage

creatures of the aberration, construct, or undead type, as if she channeled positive or negative energy (depending on the creature type). In addition, the druid gains Turn Undead as a bonus feat and may use Turn Undead to panic aberrations and constructs as if they were undead. The druid can take other feats to add to this ability, such as Extra

Channeling and Improved Channeling, but not feats that alter this ability, such as Elemental Channeling and Outsider Channeling.

This replaces nature bond.

Resist Undeath (Ex): At 4th level a green warden gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of undead.

This replaces resist nature’s lure.

Disease Immunity (Ex): At 9th level a green warden becomes immune to all diseases, including magical diseases.

This replaces venom immunity.


Forest Child

The forest child exerts power over the mysterious world of the forest and other wild areas. Association with the woods and the mystical creatures that live there grants her a special connection to the deep, dark part of

the woods.

Fey Turning (Su): At 1st level the forest child gains the ability to channel energy as a cleric of her level. However, the druid may not heal with this ability. She may only use this ability to damage creatures of the animal, fey, magical beast, and plant type. In addition, the druid may channel energy to cause all creatures of these types within 30 feet to flee, as if panicked. The creatures receive a Will save to negate this effect (DC 10 + ½ druid level + Charisma modifier). Creatures that fail their Will save flee for 1 minute. Creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or more receive a new saving throw each round to end this effect. If used in this way, the channeled energy has no other effect. The druid can take other feats to add to this ability, such as Extra Channeling and Improved Channeling, but not feats that alter this ability, such as Elemental Channeling and Outsider Channeling.

This replaces nature bond.

Tree-kin (Ex): At 15th level, long association with the green infuses the forest child’s body with plant-like characteristics. She becomes immune to sleep effects, cannot be stunned, and no longer needs to sleep. She is considered both a plant and her original creature type for any effect related to race or creature type.

This replaces timeless body.



Bard (Ninja)

Master of Disguise

Like a ninja, you are a master of disguise, and are able to effortlessly Switch from one face to another, confounding your foes and learning their secrets.

You add 1/2 your class level (minimum 1) to all Disguise skill checks. Additionally, you may add this bonus to any Bluff skill checks made to maintain your disguise (but not other uses of Bluff, such as feinting, or lying about topics unrelated to your disguise).

At 5th level, you become a true master of disguise, and may take 10 on any Disguise checks you make, as long as you have ranks in the Disguise skill. You may choose not to take 10 and can instead roll normally. In addition, once per day, you may take 20 on any Bluff skill check made to maintain your disguise {but not other uses of Bluff, such as feinting, or lying about topics unrelated to your disguise). You may use this ability one additional time per day for every six levels you possess beyond 5th. To a maximum of three times per day at 17th level.

This ability replaces bardic knowledge and lore master

Poison Adept

You are trained in the art of using poisons, and have built up a resistance to toxins from years of exposure.

You are trained in the uses of poisons, and cannot accidentally poison yourself when applying poison to a blade (see the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook for more information on poison use). Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against poisons.

This ability replaces well versed



Fighter (Ninja)

Deadly Strike

Your skills with the blade are unparalleled, and you can fell even a mighty foe with a single stroke if you catch him unprepared.

You may perform a coup de grace action against characters that are flat-footed. Additionally, you may perform a coup de grace as a standard action, rather than a full-round action.

This ability replaces Weapon mastery

First to Strike

You know that he who draws first blood is usually the victor. As such, you are always

prepared for combat to break out, and make a habit of striking your enemies before they've even drawn their blades.

You gain a +l. bonus on initiative checks. This bonus increases by +2 for every four levels beyond 2nd (to a maximum of +10 at 18th level).

This ability replaces bravery

Nimble Steps

Your keen senses forewarn you of danger, and allow you to better evade the attacks of your foes.

As long as you are wearing light armor or no armor, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC. At 7th

level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1 (to a maximum of +5 at 19th level).

This ability replaces armor training and armor mastery



Sorcerer (Ninja)

Instead of taking a sorcerer bloodline, a sorcerer can take the following class feature.

Though the shinobi mystic class feature represents hard work and training rather than an accident of birth, and as such is not referred to as a bloodline, it serves the Same essential functions as a bloodline. Sorcerers with this class feature may have received their magical powers from an ancient and secret ritual known only to their ninja clan, or these abilities may not be the source of the character's spellcasting at all, instead serving as merely an extra set of skills the character has taken the time to master.


Shinobi Mystic

You have studied the ancient and hidden precepts of the mystical ninja arts, and have unlocked a number of special powers.

C1ass Skills: Stealth

Bonus Spells: disguise self (3rd), pyrotechnics (5th), gaseous form (7th), greater invisibility (9th), prying eyes (11th), shadow walk (13th), greater teleport (15th), greater shadow evocation (17!h), time stop (19th).

Bonus Feats: Arcane Strike, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Deadly Aim, Dodge, Improved

Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Quick Draw, Stealthy.

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the highest level you can cast, you gain 50% concealment until the beginning of your next turn.

Bloodline Powers: Your ninja training and mystical secrets provide you with a number of extra tricks which allow you to confound and defeat your opponents.

Strike from the Shadows (Su): At 1st level, you master the secret of instantly transporting yourself short distances, allowing you to catch your foes by surprise. As a move action which does not provoke attacks of opportunity, you may teleport yourself anywhere within 20 feet, as long as the destination is unoccupied and you have both line of sight and line of effect to your destination. This otherwise functions as the spell dimension door, except that you are not prevented from taking actions after the effect, meaning that you may use this ability and then attack. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. The maximum distance increases by 5 feet for every two class levels you possess.

Agent of Shadows (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, you are able to, in a limited way, call upon the very shadows themselves to conceal you from your enemies. You add your Charisma bonus to all Stealth checks you make, in addition to your Dexterity bonus. You also gain a permanent +1 dodge bonus to AC.

Aura Master (Su): At 9th level, you gain mastery over your own aura, and can mold it at will. By spending five minutes in intense concentration, you can alter how your aura is registered by detect evil and similar effeds

(including those that detect things besides alignment). This functions identically to the spell misdirection, except that you may only use it on yourself, and you do not need another target. Instead, you simply declare how you want to appear to such effects, and your aura remains that way until the effect ends or you spend another five minutes readjusting it. (For example, Brencis, a chaotic evil human sorcerer, could choose to appear as a lawful good undead with no spellcasting ability. He would not register a result when viewed with detect evil, but he would register a result when viewed with detect good. He would also register a result when viewed with detect undead, but arcane sight would indicate that he had no a spellcasting ability.)

Unseen Stalker (Sp): At 15th level, you become a master of stealth, and can, as a standard action, make yourself invisible, as the spell invisibility, at will. The effect still ends if you take a hostile action, but another standard

action will resume it.

Shadow Master (Sp): At 20th level, you can call upon your mystical shinobi powers to create magical duplicates of yourself. Once per day, as a full-round action which provokes attacks of opportunity, you can conjure Id4 perfect clones of yourself. These clones are identical to you as you are at the time of their creation, down to the last detail (including their ability scores, gear, hit point loss, etc.), and, as such, can never use this

ability themselves. They fight loyally on your behalf to the best of their ability, acting on your initiative. They last a number of rounds equa1 to 1/2 your Charisma modifier (rounded down), then disappear, fading into nothingness, along with any gear in their possession.

Spells they cast expend your own daily spell slots, and they cannot cast a spell if you do not have the appropriate spell slot available.

Additionally, any gear with limited charges or uses loses those charges or uses if one of your duplicates uses the item. Finally, if any of the clones would take damage, it instead dissolves into nothingness, and you take the damage instead.



Wizard (Ninja)

Instead of selecting a school of magic to specialize in, a wizard may choose to adapt his scholarly pursuits to include the mystica1 ways of the ninja. Wizards who takes the following class feature are treated as universalist wizards in all ways, except that instead of gaining the powers normally granted to the universalist they gain

the following powers instead.

Ninjutsu School

Wizards who learn the ancient arts of ninjutsu find many ways to apply its precepts to their own arcane powers.

Shadow Shuriken (Sp):As a swift action, you summon up a number of small throwing-star made of pure shadows. These shadow shuriken function identically to normal shuriken, except that you are always proficient with them, and they lade into nothingness after a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. The

shadow shuriken as an enhancement bonus equal to 1/4 your class level, rounded down. At 1st level,

the ability creates only a single shuriken, but at third level, and every three level thereafter, the number of shuriken created increases by one (to a maximum of seven at 18th level). You may use this ability at will.

Acrobatics Master (Ex): As a swift action, you can bring extra speed to your step, making you more nimble than normal and allowing you to perform exceptional feats of tumbling, jumping, and dodging. You gain a bonus to Acrobatics equal to twice your class level, and your base movement speed increases by 5 feet for every three class levels you possess. These bonuses last for one minute, and you may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3+ your Intelligence modifier.

Swift Arcana (Sp): At 8th level, you gain the ability to call on incredible bursts of speed to cast your spells. Each day, you may apply the Quicken Spell metamagic feat to one spell you know,

without taking up a higher spell slot. You do not need to have the Quicken Spell feat to make use of this ability, and the spell need not be chosen in advancement. You may choose, instead, to apply it to three different spells in a given day, as long as each of those spells is at least four levels lower than the highest-level spell you can cast.


I have now added my "Big Book of Archetypes", hope you all enjoy


Rewrite for the Changlings



Where others see a pony, the truth lurks beneath the flesh. Pony society plays unwitting host to a discreet set of shapeshifters, you among them. You draw small amounts of energy from others by proximity, though perhaps different motivations draw you to adventuring. Though Changelings tend more towards selfish alignments, individuals can seek greater things, despite their origin.


Changelings Racial Traits:

Type: Fey (changeling)

Racial Traits:

Ability Scores: +2 Charisma, -2 Strength

Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, changelings have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size

Fast Speed: Changelings have a base speed of 40 feet, and a bipedal speed of 20 feet.

Low-Light Vision: Ponies see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Flight: Changelings have a fly speed of 30 feet with clumsy maneuverability.

Shapeshifting (Su): You have a specific pony shape that you can take at will. You gain a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks to appear as that pony.

Deceptive: A changeling gets a +2 racial bonus on bluff and disguise checks.

Fingerless: See fingerless rules.

Quadruped: Due to being four-legged, ponykind receive +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense against trip attacks and +50% carrying capacity.

Languages: Common and Sylvan. Bonus Languages: A changeling with high intelligence scores may choose Griffin, Deerish, and Undercommon




Greater Deception

Prerequisites: changeling race, 14 Cha, Disguise 6

You can take either add a +8 bonus when making a roll for disguise checks but only when Shapshifting is used, which stacks with the deception and shapeshifting ability.


Kara’s Kissed

Prerequisite: Must worship Chrysalis, non-good alignment, character level 3rd.

Benefit: Gain the changeling subtype. You qualify for any feat, effect, spell, or ability that targets, affects, or requires being a changeling. Your appearance becomes insectoid, but you gain the supernatural ability to take on your birth form as a standard action as per alter shape without the stat adjustments.


Emotion Eater:

Prerequisites: changeling race, 14 Cha, Diplomacy 6

Whenever a changeling stays in the company of one who has an attitude of Helpful towards them for 3 hours, they may force their victim to pass a DC 10 + 1/2 level + Cha modifier, will negates, and if failed they take 1d4 Wis temporary damage. A changeling gains a +1 temporary bonus to all saves and spellcasting DC checks for every point their victim loses to Wis, and can stay transformed for a number of hours equal to the same amount. This ability can be used 1 time per day.


Greater Emotion Eater

Prerequisites: changeling race, 16 Cha, Diplomacy 10, Emotion Eater

The DC to save against the ability Emotion Eater increases to DC by an additional +2, will negates, and if they fail the victim takes 1d6 Wis. This otherwise follows the rules of the Emotion eater ability. Also, mattering the Wis damage taken the victim becomes either Sickened (1-3), Dazed (4-5), or Nauseous (6). This ability can be used a number of times equal to half the changeling's Cha ability modifier.


Adept Shapeshifting

While even immature Changeling ponies can imitate one form, you have learned how to take on new roles, giving you much improved flexibility.

Prerequisite: Shapeshifting.

Benefit: You may imitate any ponykind that you have seen, gaining +10 to Disguise checks to appear as that particular pony. This works otherwise like your usual shapeshifting ability.


Master Shapeshifting

While infiltrating pony society is your people’s specialty, you have branched out, and can now imitate all fey as well.

Prerequisite: Shapeshifting, Adept Shapeshifting, character level 9th.

Benefit: You may imitate any fey race that you have seen of small or medium size, gaining +10 to Disguise checks to appear as that particular person. This works otherwise like your usual shapeshifting ability. You do not suffer Disguise penalties for imitating fey of other genders or races.


Hidden Spell

Prerequisites: changeling race, Still Spell, Silent Spell, Spellcraft 10, caster level 10

Benefit: The feats Still Spell and Silent Spell can be used without increasing increasing casting time or spell level, and anyone trying to identify a spell cast by one with this feat adds a +10 penalty to such rolls.


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So Grey here pocked me so i guess i'm kind of with you all, hey everyone o3o

Going to be a wizard. Thing. Silver-robe wizard.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@@Spell Shock,
A Silver Robed Wizard, a Lawful Good changeling wizard that is a worshiper of Luna. Because of the Gold Robed archetype she will be able to smite with her spells, have a bonus to summoning monsters with the good subtype, and can cast cleric spells with the good descriptor.

Diamond Dust: Earth Pony -  - Dragonic Rageshaper (Character Sheet)
Lunar Novel: Kirin - @strideralchemy - Druid (Character Sheet)
Skysplinter: Pegasus - Wild Experimenter (Character Sheet)
Iron Smith: Unicorn @Big_Macincheese - Oathbound Paladin of Honesty (Character Sheet)
Skydancer: Pegasus - @Midnight_Aurora - Velocity Master (Character Sheet)
Scroll Seeker: Unicorn - @Brosparkles - Magus (Character Sheet)
Gazsi Softpaw: Purrsian - @OmegaPony - Archaeologist (Character Sheet)

Daawnily: Changling - @Spell Shock - Silver Robed Wizard (Character Sheet)

I Created a Player List

Update my Original Post, moved a few things around. I also added a few things such as the Sun and Moon Mystery, the Kirin and the Changeling race, and changed some archtypes to racial (counting one for earth ponies).

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By the way, i would recommend anyone with a character sheet to take a look at those two wonderous items:


and especially:



You can poke Grey (EquestrianScholar) or Jaith on skype if you want those.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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  • 2 weeks later...

Decisions Involving the Campaign 


I have decided to have the Mane Six will be, relatively, normal if high level NPC adventuring heroines between 14th and 18th level. Apart from their level and the fact they can used an artifact set that allows them to defeat epic level dangers, they will be following the same rules for building as the players.


I will have the domains I had them offering instead gained by six 'Orders of Harmony', philosophies that ponies follow inspired by the lives of the Mane Six and taken by those who wish to follow in their hoofsteps. Perhaps in addition to their veneration of the royal sisters or the crystal princess. I may also offer other 'packaged' domains and called them philosophies that others may choose from.


Celestia, Luna, and Cadance will be Archfey. Having a similar purpose and respect among the fey races as deities but not quite the level of power. They will still be very powerful, and offer domains to those that follow them more devotedly, but not to the level true deities are. They will have shrines or temples perhaps, or at least places like such.


Nightmare, Discord, Chrysalis, and Sombra will still have their place as well as Archfey perhaps as well... all but Discord who I feel would be as I said before a primordial or a primal spirit of chaos. There will be cults for these villains, in which the party may very well have to face and stop so as to prevent these powerful and more harmful being from gaining more power or from beings released from the prisons they find themselves in.



I want my campaign to fairly closely follow the actually canon of the show, but it wont be exact. For one, this takes place before Twilight becomes an alicorn and before Discord's 'reform'... which I wont let happen at all during the course of my campaign since I want him to be a danger/threat to Equestria and the party if they ever get involved with the Cult of Chaos.

Also, to bring Equestria more in line with how the mechanics and flavor of D&D/Pathfinder works I may decide on other things.


Edited by EquestrianScholar
  • Brohoof 1
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@, @@strideralchemy, @, @@Big_Macincheese, @@Midnight_Aurora, @@Brosparkles, @@OmegaPony, @@Spell Shock


I need everyone to pick 4 traits from here: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits



1. You may only pick only a single one trait from each section

2. These traits must be from a different section, no doubling up

3. You may pick a trait from the following sections: Campaign, Combat, Equiptment, Faith, Magic, Religion, Social, Regional, and some Race traits with permission. I may so no to a trait here and there though there are plenty to choose from none the less.


I would suggest picking traits that best reflect your character's personality, skills, and talents. I can then help you add these traits to yoru character sheet.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Those traits are fine




Also we have a player that wont be able to start right away with everyone else.

I suggest everyone start considering an opening post as no one will be starting out know anyone else, unless it was already planned for your character to know them. Pick for your character to start either in Cloudsdale or in Canterlot, and I will create the thread and starting post for the roleplay asap.

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Pegasus in cloudsdale. At a wonderbolt academy admition sign up. Still going to have to wait on acceptance into the academy. It just a starting point.

Heavenly Touch, Courageous, Hero Worship, Storm-Touched.


Hope these are good.

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That is fine


Pegasus in Cloudsdale. At a Wonderbolt academy admission sign up. Still going to have to wait on acceptance into the academy. It just a starting point.
Heavenly Touch, Courageous, Hero Worship, Storm-Touched.

Hope these are good.

That is fine. Maybe I can treat the Wonderbolts as a 'Organization', an idea which was introduced in D&D as factions or groups that can offer characters benefits as they go in the organization by doing certain things or go down by certain actions.... though that can be discussed later. As the moment you will be giving the admission papers, so it isn't necessary at this moment.
* Courageous is fine
* Storm-Touched is fine, and actually fitting for pegasus in general I may have that become a racial trait.
* Heavenly Touch may be okay but with reflavoring such as by having her growing up seeing the everyday miracles of the priests for the Celestial Sisters.
*Hero Worship, which I assume is towards Rainbow Dash, is fine though I say the “+1 bonus to your AC against attacks of opportunity” would be most fitting out of the two options.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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