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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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@,@, @@Orion Caelum,


Twilight heard knocks at the door. She was on the upper floor of her library so she couldn't get to the door instantly. Sure, she could of just used magic but she didn't. She first had to put away her book that she was reading; "Daring Do; Crusade for The Lost Mark"


Once she had returned the book to its original place she began walking down the stairs of the library while she was about halfway down; she peeked around to see three ponies who had just broken into her Library.


"Hey! I get this is a public library but this is also my home so if everyony could please be a little bit more considerate then I'd appreciate it very much. What do you all need?" Twilight asked.


She then looked over to her door, "I swore I locked it." she thought. "Wait a minute...", she then noticed that her lock had been magnled.


"Wait, everypony. I want to know who did this," she asked inquisitively, interrupting the others.


Wilhelm waved uncomfortorably. "Eh, not my fault. Crazy stallion with the tattoos did it. Anyway, we're here because we need to search for something rather important that, if not obtained within the next four minutes, may result in Rarity getting killed, tortured, or having various other unspeakable things done to her, by some insane assassin who has obviously no idea how to actually murder people." Wilhelm paused for a moment. "Erm, sorry for the rant and obvious too much information time."


Wilhelm began to edge further into the library, aiming like a guided missile subconsciously towards the astronomy shelves. "So, if you don't mind, Miss Sparkle, we'll just be obtaining this item and we'll be off, hopefully with a not-unspeakable-things-done-to-her-Rarity at the end." Wilhelm bolted towards the shelves, looking through all the books. He couldn't find anything in the massive library, but then a idea suddenly struck him with only a minute remaining. "Letters than a post office... History of the Equestrian Mailpony Service!" He picked up the book off the shelf and rummaged through it, finally finding the recorder, which he threw to IB. "Got it!"

Edited by Orion Caelum
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"hm? well, for one, we do kinda fight like in the arena. only more...controlled. you know, stopping the blade before it hits something serious, and whatnot. and theres weights to make it harder to move, and the padding is for...i dont know."


he grinned. "have you ever had a spar with somepony, before?"


it was a simple sand pit, around 50 meters in diameter, with soft sand to land on. it was a couple feet deep into the ground, but not that deep. inside the sand dune, there was some racks and chests surrounding the edges, stacked with equipment, and supplies. even some first aid, for the non-serious wounds. above the sand pit, there was a fence surrounding it, to ensure no-one fell in, and more importantly, the fences were enchanted so that any kind of magic, or force, was contained inside, and didnt hit anyone who happened to be walking by.


there was one gate on the fence into the pit, and caliber opened it, and jumped in.


(is that good?)

(Alternate realities don't count, so no she's never sparred)


I honestly had not, and it was a good idea to be honest. "Nope, I haven't." I looked around some more. Besides the training equipment outside the gate, the stuff inside was pretty interesting too. "This little arena place makes me wish I was an earthbender with all this sand. What kind of sand is it? Is it ferrous?" I paused after that, thinking I might use a less scientific word. "Is it made of iron or another kind of metal?" Sparky came into the little arena at this point.


"So how do we start? Should I put on weights? You know I'm all magic right? You swing your sword with your magic too?" I asked him, moving over to the weights and reading off to myself how heavy they actually were.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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You swing your sword with your magic, too." I asked him

"This sand is imported here from beaches, if that answers your question." caliber said, "and to answer your other question, well,"


he unsheathed his sword, and stood on his hind legs. "does this answer your question?" he asked, grinning. "i was trained like an earth pony, so..."


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@@Orion Caelum

Blizzard caught the recorder and ran outside with it, "This way William! Uh, thanks Princess for letting us in, and uh, pay no mind to the Rarity bit hahah.." he laughed with crazed worry and ran outside with the recorder and pushed play.


"Getting closer to your marefriend ice idiot. Next clue..."


Upon hearing 'marefriend again, Blizzard almost smashed the recorder. But he knew he needed it.


"I am loud. I am a liar. I proclaim excellence, but who I am is really a shame. I talk of defeated bears but I am weak. Who am I? Oh and by the way, if you're this far in the game, then rest assure your marefriend and I are having a fun time where I am...."


Blizzard was so enraged by the recording's final comment that instead of disintegrating, Blizzard did smash it, stomped on it like an angry schoolfilly with a tantrum, and threw it as far as he could, "GRRRRRRAAAAAAHHH!!!! Goddammit!!! I swear I'm gonna kill you!!!!" he then fell on his knees, then to the ground and began to sob again. "*sniff* Did you understand the clue Will....?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@@Orion Caelum

Blizzard caught the recorder and ran outside with it, "This way William! Uh, thanks Princess for letting us in, and uh, pay no mind to the Rarity bit hahah.." he laughed with crazed worry and ran outside with the recorder and pushed play.


"Getting closer to your marefriend ice idiot. Next clue..."


Upon hearing 'marefriend again, Blizzard almost smashed the recorder. But he knew he needed it.


"I am loud. I am a liar. I proclaim excellence, but who I am is really a shame. I talk of defeated bears but I am weak. Who am I? Oh and by the way, if you're this far in the game, then rest assure your marefriend and I are having a fun time where I am...."


Blizzard was so enraged by the recording's final comment that instead of disintegrating, Blizzard did smash it, stomped on it like an angry schoolfilly with a tantrum, and threw it as far as he could, "GRRRRRRAAAAAAHHH!!!! Goddammit!!! I sear I'm gonna kill you!!!!" he then fell on his knees, then to the ground and began to sob again. "*sniff* Did you understand the clue Will....?"

Wilhelm laughed in a way akin less to mirth and more to choking. "The Great and Powerful Trixie. I would have said EWS, but the Bears talk clinched it. Ursa Major is literally Large Bear in Equestrian Latin. It must be in either her living quarters or her shop, and I doubt he would have had access to her living quarters." Wilhelm clapped his hooves together in a way that, if done by a human, would be like cracking his knuckles. "So, who's ready to go ransack another shop?"

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@@Orion Caelum

Blizzard sniffed and perked up, "Ok. This is supposed to be #5 the last one. So here we go, let's do it." Blizzard started to skate as fast as he could to Trixie's magic shop, "Hm. This is Trixie here, so I guess we can bust in if she doesn't answer." He said with a sinister grin as he knocked on Trixie's door.


"Trixie? You there?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@Orion Caelum

Trixie's door opened up on command as Ice Blizzard called her name. As the door opened, a cheesy voice could be heard calling out from an automated tape recorder.


"Welcome to THE GREAT AND POWERFUL Trixie's shop, where all of our spells and scrolls are GREAT AND POWERFUL- guaranteed!"

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@@@Orion Caelum

Blizzard raised an eyebrow at Trixie for a moment before entering her shop, "Uh...ok. Anyway, Will and I are looking for something important here, but uh no time to explain. Only got 4 minutes!" he began feverishly looking around the shop, trying his best not to knock anything over. "Lemme know if you find it Will!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@Orion Caelum

"Heh. Name's Applejack, and if I hadn't spent more than enough apologies already, i'd give you one more for not telling you that from the start. Now you-whatsit?!"


She turned rapidly at the commotion, only to see the same blue pony that she had kicked out of her bar the other day bolting in through the door and rummaging through her stuff. followed by a well-dressed pegasus baring a dangerous expression.


"I ain't even gonna question it," she said to the griffin "sometimes it's just better that way.". Over her shoulder, she yelled "if y'all break any of my stuff, i'm breakin' you, ya hear?!"


She turned back to the griffin.


"So, where do you plan to go from here?"

Almost dropping a dish from the sudden outburst, kazas's eye widened as he turned to watch this sudden play of events. When it was over, he would answer Applejack's question.


" well now... interesting turn of events... as for where I head afterwards, I'm heading back to the Leovian Embassy to retrieve the proper attire to honor our friend's battle. Afterwards, I'll be heading to outside the arena to conduct the formalities for him and the one he is fighting. However, it will take some time to prepare, so I am more than able to stay and help out longer!"


He said with an optimistic grin.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"This sand is imported here from beaches, if that answers your question." caliber said, "and to answer your other question, well,"


he unsheathed his sword, and stood on his hind legs. "does this answer your question?" he asked, grinning. "i was trained like an earth pony, so..."

I laughed, then scoffed. Then laughed again, then scoffed again. "That looks extremely uncomfortable. Get back down and stand normally." I motioned for him to get down.


"I calculate you can only stand like that for a little while, even if you can grip your sword. Like how many times per fight do you have to stand up then back down when you need to move somewhere and drag your sword across the ground? We're 4 legged. Get what I'm saying?" I gave him a second to imagine darting up/down/sideways when hefting the sword around, then attack. "You're a Unicorn and yet you don't use your telekinesis to swing your sword? Here I thought you were going to teach me, but it seems I will be teaching you first." I scoffed again. "Sir Caliber, let's practice your telekinesis. It's an extremely skill every one of our race should know." I pointed a forehoof at his sword. "Let go. Let it drop to the floor first. Focus on it and will it to move. What is your magic color? Have you ever seen it? This should become as natural as having extra limbs. You never really have to use your hooves ever again, and can even swing multiple swords." I said with a grin as I let him process the possibility of that.


"Why, I can do this." I materialized six swords out of hard lightning and floated them to demonstrate. "Granted they're not as heavy as yours, but surely you can lift, carry, and swing your one sword?"

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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"Ooh, Magic! Of course their are places! How about I show you that first then afterwards I show you the rest of our town? Wouldn't that be fun? So, super, ultra, mega, fantastically fun!" She was right in Vice's face again; they stood eye to eye, literally.


"So, how about I take you to Trixie's and afterwards we can go elsewhere and I can show you all sort of neat stuff." She asked. Inside she begged for a "yes" or even better, maybe "Absotively" or something. 


Pinkie was very close, in more of a literal sense then anything. Her upbeat enthusiasm would of totally annoyed any other griffon to the point of screaming. Luckily I wasn't the sort who got mad at just anything and besides she offered to help me so that means something right? "As I have stated before I would love a little tour, so yeah go ahead and lead the way!"

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Fluttershy was about to let Strix walk out but she still didn't feel right baout what she had done. She gritted her teetth; trying to decide to make him stay or let him go. "Wait! Strix..." She paused and looked around nervously, "You can't go. Um, your foreleg hasn't healed yet, and uh I still don't, uh feel right about it. Is their anything else I can do for you?" She asked as she drug her leff forehoof across her floor. 




Pinkie drew back from Vice and sat down of her rear and set a hoof under her chin. 


"Oh, follow me!" She yelled; she darted off toward Trixie's shop and didn't look back, she had just assumed Vice would be following her. She passed the hospital then made a sharp left turning towards Trixie's shop as she did so she skidded across the ground and pink sparks flew up into the air behind her. 


She finally arrived and walked into the shop, "Trixie?" she called.


(BAD POST, I'm busy so just work with me guys, sorry)

"i did!" rune said happily, "now, do you happen to have the 'The Advanced Combinations Guide to Runes and Glyphs' book in your personal library?"

he showed no shame in breaking her lock, and didnt seem bothered she had found out about it. in fact, alls he seemed to care about is that book.

She looked at Rune and raised an eyebrow, then she looked at the door and put the lock back in place by using her magic.

She then turned back towards Rune. "Yeah I think so, follow me." She instructed as she began galloping down a row of shelving. She was muttering the name of the book over and over again until she spotted it on the third shelf. Her horn lit up and she brought down the book and dropped it on the ground.

"Here ya go, anything else you need me to do? I don't want you making a mess in here so let me know if you do."

(I hate my mobile posts... So bad...sorry... They suck) Edited by louisvillepride


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After he finished with his home security, he cast an enchantment on them making them drift off towards his home, reappearing back infront of his house. In the corner of his eye he noticed a blue unicorn watching him and decided that greeting her would be the best approach.



He approached her with a slight smile and gave her a short bow, "Greeting ma'am, my name is Aknor Kal'dir, renownd blacksmith, metalbender and earthwarder. I've come here to test my might against the best of equestria's fighters!" He stopped for a moment, realizing how loudly he'd announced himself and asked, "To whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting?" In a quieter voice.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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It took Wilhelm several minutes to find the recorder. It could have been anywhere in the shop, but since the previous period of Trixie's life was mentioned in the clue, it would likely be somewhere nearby something that was a reference to her magician days. Therefore, Wilhelm looked in those places, and eventually found the recorder taped behind a faded poster advertising Trixie's traveling magic show. "Got it! Last one!" Wilhelm threw it to IB with only half a minute remaining. When Pinkie came in, though, he nearly cringed away from the walking offense to personal space, order, and everything a pony should respect. "....Hi?"

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Trixie cocked her head to the side curiously. He didn't know who she was? She grinned hugely.


"You've met none other than Trixie Lulamoon! Equestria's greatest illusionist and stage performer!"


She shouted the last words. As she did so, small fireworks shot off from behind her, arcing off into the air before exploding beautifully.


"Or at least I was. Sorry, old habits, couldn't resist," she said in a normal voice, giving a wry smile as the lights faded. "As of now, i'm just a large collector of dusty magical items, and a crackshot at imbuing. I own a magic shop a few blocks from here, in fact, which is where I was walking when I found you, burying something in the ground. Curiosity took it from there." she informed him. 

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@@Orion Caelum

Blizzard caught it and ran out the shop, "Got it my man! Let's go! Hi Pinkie, Bye Pinkie!" he got a decent distance from the shop and hoped that Will was still near him when he pushed play, "Last one. Now tell me where she is!"


"Ahahahah! You actually think I'm gonna tell you where I am?! Oh well, if you're such a big hero you can try." There was a lot of ambient background noise discernible from the recording, "Emptiness.....ve.....ts....and...ites." the recording was shorting out and only relaying bits and pieces. "Meet me here unarmed and alone, and I'll let your marefriend go. If I see any sign of assistance, it's gonna be her last breath after some 'fun' I have planned for her. As well, be here in 15 minutes or else. Got it? Unarmed, alone, and time limit. Good luck lover boy...."


Blizzard became frantic since the recording didn't work properly, "Oh no! No! NO! The bucking thing didn't work!! God help me. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have turned my back on Rarity not even for a second. Now she's gonna die because of me...." As he said that, his eyes became full of tears and he began to cry more than he ever did at any other time in his life. "Goddammit...just..kill me now. I don't deserve to live for letting such a thing happen to an Element of Harmony. I'm the one that deserves to die...."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Ex-Illusionist and stage performer? What kind've things did you do then? Cheesy old rabbit-out of-a-hat kinda things? I've always liked moving festivals, theres one that comes by Saddle Arabia every year, kinda like a circus but also not a circus. If you get what I mean?" He realized he was just talking random gibberish that flew into his head at this point, "Anyway... Before my railway mouth decideds to spout more nonsence, would you be OK with me coming with you back to your magic shop? I'd be intrested in what you're selling." He asked her as he slowly disintigrated his tools back into steel dust in his pouch. Then he noticed a blue unicorn in the distance who'd just broken down into tears, "Wonder whats up with him." He thought aloud.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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Fluttershy was about to let Strix walk out but she still didn't feel right baout what she had done. She gritted her teetth; trying to decide to make him stay or let him go. "Wait! Strix..." She paused and looked around nervously, "You can't go. Um, your foreleg hasn't healed yet, and uh I still don't, uh feel right about it. Is their anything else I can do for you?" She asked as she drug her leff forehoof across her floor. 


"I'm fine, kid," Strix insisted, rolling his eyes, "It's a broken leg. I've had worse."


He glanced down to his leg, wrapped in a cast and held up in a sling. "This is fine, thanks. I'm headin' back to the arena, havin' a look around. Might get into a scrap if I can." He smirked, continuing toward the door.


He looked over his shoulder to the pegasus. "Thanks, I guess. You're alright, I suppose."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Orion Caelum

Blizzard caught it and ran out the shop, "Got it my man! Let's go! Hi Pinkie, Bye Pinkie!" he got a decent distance from the shop and hoped that Will was still near him when he pushed play, "Last one. Now tell me where she is!"


"Ahahahah! You actually think I'm gonna tell you where I am?! Oh well, if you're such a big hero you can try." There was a lot of ambient background noise discernible from the recording, "Emptiness.....ve.....ts....and...ites." the recording was shorting out and only relaying bits and pieces. "Meet me here unarmed and alone, and I'll let your marefriend go. If I see any sign of assistance, it's gonna be her last breath after some 'fun' I have planned for her. As well, be here in 15 minutes or else. Got it? Unarmed, alone, and time limit. Good luck lover boy...."


Blizzard became frantic since the recording didn't work properly, "Oh no! No! NO! The bucking thing didn't work!! God help me. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have turned my back on Rarity not even for a second. Now she's gonna die because of me...." As he said that, his eyes became full of tears and he began to cry more than he ever did at any other time in his life. "Goddammit...just..kill me now. I don't deserve to live for letting such a thing happen to an Element of Harmony. I'm the one that deserves to die...."


Wilhelm sighed. "No. It isn't your fault at all. Nothing about this is; he instigated it, and he will get his comeuppance. Now, come on! Do you think Rarity would want you to save her, or to mope around and cry while she's imprisoned?" Wilhelm offered his hoof to Ice. "Get up. We have an Element to save." He paused for a moment to think. "What kind of background noise did you hear in the recording? That's immensely important. Emptiness could be anything; an empty house, the sky, and so on. What will narrow it down is what we can hear going on around them. Besides, we do have fifteen minutes." Wilhelm smiled, but in the way that a predator might if they finally found their prey. "And I know just what to do with five of them." 

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@@Orion Caelum

Blizzard recollected all the moments he saw Rarity, and the time they had spent together, "Don't worry your pretty little face. It's the ice pone to the rescue!"


He grabbed Will's hoof, and got up, "Ok you're right! Can't be whining when we gotta save her! I thought I heard stuff like a cave, or it could be running water. One or the other. What is it that you had in mind Will?


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@Orion Caelum

"Rabbit-in-the-hat? Not exactly," she said, feeling a little insulted. She knew the stallion had no clue what she did, though, so she kept her indignation to a minimum.


"But yes, you can come back with me. It is technically opening time, I just closed down the shop temporarily so I could fulfill a personal request. The mare in question wasn't home, however, so back to business as usual, I suppose..."


She looked over to what had caught the stallion's attention.


"It's better to ignore it, trust me," she said, looking at the small scene in front of her. "The longer you stay here, the quicker you'll realize the ponies in this town are crazy."


She turned towards her shop and began walking, not giving it a second thought.




"Well, if you're that eager, ya' can finish the dishes first," she said with a grin. "Then, when you're done, we can see if we can patch up this enormous hole in the tavern. Just a light one, then i'll be doing the rest later when I get the supplies. Customers will be coming in a few hours, so I reckon we have plenty of time to do this if we work hard."


Without another word, she disappeared off into the cellar, only to re-appear moments later, hauling an enormous wooden beam on her back and moving like it weighed no more than a box of matches.


"Apple family motto, by the way," she said as she passed him. "Work hard, and work together. I appreciate the help."

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@@Orion Caelum

Blizzard recollected all the moments he saw Rarity, and the time they had spent together, "Don't worry your pretty little face. It's the ice pone to the rescue!"


He grabbed Will's hoof, and got up, "Ok you're right! Can't be whining when we gotta save her! I thought I heard stuff like a cave, or it could be running water. One or the other. What is it that you had in mind Will?


"Echoes and running water... yes, I believe it's an empty cave. Where would there be an empty cave? Maybe in... no, that's not it. Where's the nature in here? It's mostly town, except for... The lake! There's a cave system under the lake!" Wilhelm smiled, pleased. "So, Ice, now that we know our destination, you go and rescue Rarity. I need to get some things from my armory first, but I'll be there as soon as I can." Wilhelm brohoofed Ice. "Good luck." With that, he turned and left, bound for his lab. Inwardly, he inventoried what he planned to get. Two grenades, my bow, and, possibly.... Wilhelm debated bringing the rocket launcher, but smiled as he imagined testing it on the pony who had threatened the life of one of the Elements, kidnapped Rarity, planted bombs in the Arena, and toyed with Ice in such a horrific manner. Rocket launcher. Heheh...

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@@Orion Caelum@

Blizzard brohoofed Will and heeded his advice, "Thanks my man. I'm going in!" Blizzard skated all the way out of the town and had reached the cave system under the lake with 2 minutes to spare and shouted, "Whoever you are! I'm here alone, unarmed, and within the time limit!!!"


Suddenly, the cave was opened with magic by moving a rock. Blizzard walked in slowly and surely until Carmine was spotted on a high rock, "Aha! Welcome fool!"


Blizzard was shocked to see who it was, "Carmine?! I thought I ran you outta Ponyville?!"


"You fool! I was testing you! Every time I lost, I gained more info from you!" He picked Rarity up and held her recklessly, "And this little lady..was the key to getting you here!" He sniffed her mane again, "Mmmm....such a lovely body...."


Blizzard was appalled by Carmine's actions, "You let her go right now!!!"


Carmine laughed and threw Rarity down to Blizzard, "Heh! I didn't need her anyway. Whenever I get a mare, I just use her for what I want, get rid of her, and move onto the next one! Something you should do too if you don't wanna cope with loss..."


Blizzard caught Rarity and removed her gag, and her restraints, "Rarity! You ok? I swear to Celestia this guy is gonna get what he deserves. And if you're not to hurt, would you like to help me kick his flank? He didn't take your gear or your necklace, you can still fight."


"Oh please! What can a stupid mare do? Mares are SO inferior to stallions! Hahah!"


Blizzard was enraged, "Enough! Let's go ya stupid motherbucker!!" he said as he got into his fighting stance.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@Orion Caelum

The first thing Rarity did when her restraints were removed was hug Ice Blizzard. She had stopped crying long ago, but her face was still streaked with tears.


"I'm so sorry," she whispered, holding onto him. "He used me to get to you, and I couldn't stop him. It keeps happening; i'm not strong enough to to protect the ponies close to me..."


She shook her head. She turned to face Carmine, giving him a look of utter hatred. Her necklace began to glow an ephemeral blue, as gems quite literally ripped themselves out of her bag to move into the air around her. They tightened around her in a semi-circle, where they began to elongate; their points became sharper than swords as they stretched, pointing dangerously in Carmine's direction.


"But never again."


She sent the gems shrieking through the air at him, one at a time.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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@@@Orion Caelum, (Orion, your turn bring in Will next if you want. :P )

Blizzard spoke to Rarity, "It's not your fault Rarity. It's these bastards who keep doing this to you. Well I dare say the same thing: Never Again Goddammit!!!" he then shot a straight beam of ice at Carmine.


Carmine laughed and teleported around the room to avoid their attacks, "Aha! Too slow! Aw, look at how adorable you two are together. Maybe you should die together!!!" he then levitated and threw a flurry of weapons at them.


"Look out Rares!" Blizzard said as he shot ice to freeze the weapons in midair. The few he missed, he dodged. "Dammit Will, where are you?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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