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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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As Blizzard was stuck in his mind, a familiar figure returned, "Hello fool."


Blizzard looked up with a shock to see Carmine, "What the--? Carmine?! How the--? This is MY MIND! How the hell are you in here?!"


Carmine chuckled and replied, "Well it's because you're thinking about me of course. You can't get me out of your head ever since you died. And I've come to give you a rap message....Ahem..."


I will never stop killing you

always gonna see it through

aw what's wrong? You gonna cry now?

well take a look at me, I'm on fire now!

You suck. I'm serious, do you know how much you suck?

Dude please get outta here no one gives a mad buck

You think you're so cool with all your ice

but I'm the game master;I have the dice!

And when I have the dice, I'm always in control

so go home to your mom like a whiny little foal.

What have we learned? I always win!

Don't you EVER cross me again!

I wasted you, you ain't gonna win

but one thing's for sure, you're not even a stallion.


Suck on that freak."


Blizzard was hung up on every word in Carmine's rap. He started to cry for a moment and sulk of the mindscape floor.


"Aw what's wrong? Crying like a baby?"


Blizzard grew angry and retaliated with a punch to Carmine's chin.


"Boom! I'm back dummy! DING-DONG! Remember me?

ok, nice verse, but let's go, you and me!

Oooh, yeah you're real scary

ha! please. you wouldn't get a casket at the ugly cemetery

You think you're the best thing since horseshoes?

ha ha! An attitude like that is what's gonna make you lose

Oh and by the way, you think I'M a loser?

Get real, 'cuz I'm a thinker, a doer, a chooser!

You bucking assasins are hung up by rule

and I gotta say, you're damn fool

You think you can mess with my friend Rarity?

well guess what? Lemme give you some clarity

I did what I needed to do, you hear me?

I protected them, and got your poison off the streets

I don't care about winning or losing

I care about my friends, and the words I'm using

So now that's all said and done, here's my final piece

I may be on the brink of death, but at least my parents loved me."


Carmine was stunned at Blizzard's last few words about his parents, "How...? That's....not..."


Blizzard continued,

"Aw what's wrong? Can't handle a burn?

Pssh of course, you stupid crooks never learn

This is MY MIND Carmine, you forgot that?

I think maybe it's 'cuz your head is too fat

I knew what I was doing, right time, right place

Now get the buck outta here, you big disgrace."


Blizzard said as he got up and drop kicked Carmine so hard, that he flew out of sight, seemingly vaporized. "Now THAT's how you rap...whew.." he said before sitting down.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Flying lower, they were just now exiting town airspace and into the flower field's, with the hundreds of Phoenixes following them. It was then that from Kazas, a loud screech could be heard. As if they were soldiers taking orders from their commander-in-chief, they fanned out in formations, scattering in all directions, looking for Ice Blizzard. In one singular screech, Kazas had emitted all necescary information; a blue pony with yellow streaks in his mane, in a catatonic state, or worse. Heading toward the woodlands by following the river, Kazas would speak to Darkrai in an affectionate tone of voice.


" Darkrai... I am overjoyed that I stumbled into you on accident. You are a blessing from all-maker himself. Never forget that you are precious, especially to others. Especially to me."


He paused.


" But Darkrai, let me ask you something... Are YOU proud of yourself? Take others out of the equation. And imagine a mirror that you are looking into. Are you proud of what you see, my love? Trying to make your parents proud is a sweet and honorable goal. One that I myself have been attempting... And failing horrendously at for years. We can't make everyone proud, Darkrai. But then again, it is also up to the individual as to whom they wish to make proud... Above all else, themselves."

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Darkrai began to blush as Kazas told her how special she was and started to wonder exactly how much she was herself. "Thank you Kazas. I've been wondering how special I am for my entire life. But I'm so glad that you have made me feel like I matter. And as far as how I feel, I do think I'm special, but I'm unsure of my purpose. I mean all my life I've been just a mercenary, but I feel like there's something more for me out there. I just don't know what..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai began to blush as Kazas told her how special she was and started to wonder exactly how much she was herself. "Thank you Kazas. I've been wondering how special I am for my entire life. But I'm so glad that you have made me feel like I matter. And as far as how I feel, I do think I'm special, but I'm unsure of my purpose. I mean all my life I've been just a mercenary, but I feel like there's something more for me out there. I just don't know what..."

The group of phoenixes had fanned out exponentially, going on ahead in many areas. Some went into the woodland area, others started to circle over the town, and more yet still were searching the flower fields, looking for the smallest trace of the ice pony. As he kept searching, Kazas spoke to Darkrai again.


" Well, what are some things that you've always dreamed of doing, Darkrai? And... whatever it is, I'll throw the full weight of my support behind it, Mea Amica (my love)."

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Darkraii had to think for a moment before she spoke, "I have thought of using my skills for the benefits of others. But as a mercenary, that was my only way to earn money to survive. But now..I'm not sure..." she looked down to the ground, "Any sign of him yet Kazas?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Thanks, but i'm not all too comfortable with soul binding," Trixie responded. "I've seen to many issues in my time happen over normal enchanting and imbuing, let alone permanently tethering a soul to an object. I'll be staying as far away from that as possible, thanks."



She paused for a second, debating whether or not to tell Aknor about the incident, before shaking her head.



"It's not that important anymore. Let's just say I entered this tournament to settle a grudge with a certain pony, only to finally discover after a one-sided fight and a long hospital visit that it had taken me over the deep end. I needed to let it go. So, I let it go, and here I am, feeling the best i've ever felt since Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I guess, in a way, I kind of owe her a favor, then. Not that I minded being the center of attention, but i'd rather not think about where I would've gone if I kept down that route. I'm surprised you haven't heard about this all in the papers, to be honest."







Rainbow Dash peered at the paper the pony given to her. Her eyes narrowed.



"Dude, this is totally not cool. I don't know if this is true or not, but we need to get to the bottom of this. C'mon!" she said, hastily grabbing the ponies arm and pulling him towards the arena. Then, she stopped, looking at him confusedly.



"Uh... who exactly are you, by the way? And what was with the weird bugs?"







Sleight Mist caught the glass ball with a barrier, having to resort to using a second one when the sheer momentum of the ball shattered the first one. She quickly moved out of the way before it slowly crunched through the second one, as well, dropping to the floor with a crash and a small explosion of sharp glass that cut through her cheek as she ran.



In the remaining silence, she looked around to find Rune, only to discover with minor annoyance that he was gone.



"Okay, where are you..." she muttered. She summoned three barriers around her which rotated around her like a shell as she began to search for him.






@Orion Caelum


"Thank you, Professor Wilhelm, you don't believe how much this means to me!"



Dr Mind then turned, remorse apparent on his face as he looked Anette over.



"Mary, i'm sorry, can you-"



He cut his response off as Anette shook her head before proceeding to bury herself even deeper in Wilhelm's shoulder. His eyes dropped.



"I understand," he began. "No, i'm sorry, I realize I can't possibly understand, but I just wanted to extend an apology to you regardless. I won't be bothering you again."



With that, Dr Mind turned and left the arena, leaving Anette and Wilhelm alone.



"Wilhelm," Anette managed to choke out after a few seconds focus. "In the arena... that stuff Electron Wave Storm was saying about Ice Blizzard... was that...?"







In the princesses booth, Luna and Celestia turned away from their conservation as the door all but burst off of its hinges, revealing none other than the pony they were talking about. Princess Celestia, rather non-plussed by the loss of a door after all of the recent events, was the first to speak. Luna stood back, suspiciously averting her eyes.



"Night Tracer," she began, "me and my sister have been talking; both about what transpired last night between the two of you, and about the feelings that she now holds for you."



It was barely noticeable, but Luna blushed lightly. Celestia took a long pause, her eyes shifting nervously as if trying to find the right words.



"Night Tracer, I am... concerned. Do not misunderstand my words; I do not mean to pass judgement on you at the current time. I simply wish to know if you properly understand all of the responsibilities that come with the relationship the two of you wish to pursue. This is a serious matter, Night Tracer."



  • Brohoof 1
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Night Tracer watched as Luna stepped back and blushed, he offered her a gentle smile. 


He then tuned his ears to what Celestia was saying, "Ok, mom," he initally thought but he figured now wasn't the time for sarcasam. He listened carefully, only to find many faults in the question Celestia asked, "Yes, I understand," he thought about Nightmare Moon and shuddered, "I understand more than may ever know, I understand more than I think you do." He stated boldly.


He looked at Luna and tilted his head slightly, "Why?" he asked, "Why do I love you, why do I support you? It makes no sense, we've hardly talked, we've hardly interacted yet such intimacy has looed overhead, like a rain cloud about to rain a barrage of water droplets. You're much more than words could ever describe but like the brilliant fool I am, I will try." He said. He spoke with ease, each word came out of his mouth like it was engraved in stone; smooth as silk. 


"Luna, I honestly, don't even know why I'm standing here. I was told by hell, herself that if I did such a thing I would live in eternal agony, but, honestly... I don't really care what I have to do.to be with you, to be there for you.... That star, you know which one I'm referring to; well, It's given all of it's light to the moon and now that star must go a little further, It's already given it's loyalty, now it must give its soul. It's matter, what, makes it a star. And well, if I don't the moon may take that soul anyhow...." He realized that he hadn't told them about Nightmare Moon so the last thing he said may sound concerning. 


He turned back to Princess Celestia, "With all due respect, I don't really know. if you know the responsibility yourself. And not only that but what I'm willing to give." He looked back at Luna and put on a big grin, "I can tell you how serious I am about this, I could tell you anything I want, but talk is cheap. So, I could tell you," he walked up to Luna, nearly, face to face and smiled stupidly, "Or, I could show you." He leaned in and kissed her, all his feelings came flooding forth. He didn't care about Celestia or Nightmare Moon; any of the pressure, anxiety, or consequences. He just cared about Luna, and to him that's all that mattered. 


He broke the kiss and opened his eyes and stepped back and began walking in the opposing direction of Luna and Celestia," My dear Princess, it's love. It's not serious, it's exhilarating. It's what keeps you up in bed at night smiling like an infant. It's your pride, joy, happiness, sadness, and pain but it is all worth it in the end. Because, nothing is Stronger than love."  he chuckled with his stupid grin still gleaming brightly. He was one cocky son of a...


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Kevin's dark goggles hid his facial expression. A section of his tail swarm crawled along his back as all he simply said in reply was, "Just call me Kevin. As for my insects, they are my own personal swarm. I care for them, they care for me. And if necessary, I'll step into that arena and we'll fight everyone. But right now, I've got more important things to accomplish, such as documenting new species of insects. Or at least I was until this note came along. Now, as I said, who do we tell something like this to?" he said,looking her straight in her eyes.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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The room went silent. Celestia simply stared; Luna flushed an absolute scarlet as her heart rushed like it hadn't since the day she went up against Sombra. When Night Tracer finally pulled away, the former coughed to ease the tension, while the latter stepped back a little, until she was once again behind her sister.


"Very well, then. If it is love as you claim, then I do not wish to intrude. But there are still things you must know and understand before this relationship can continue. The both of you," she stressed, draping a wing over her sisters back


"First, as i'm sure you are aware, we alicorns cannot age. Luna will never grow old with you, and, though it is regrettable, the day will eventually come where we will come to see you pass. It will bring us all great sorrow, but it a sad truth we all must come to face.


She paused.


"Second, while being in such a close relationship with an alicorn will bring you many benefits, it may also bring great harm to you. As princesses of Equestria and as alicorns, we have few enemies, but the few we do have are extremely powerful. We will do our level best to protect you, but regardless, you may end up a target for those who wish to harm us. Again, a sad reality, and one that we have faced many, many times."


Another pause.


"Third, and most importantly, such a relationship will bond you to us. You will come to know secrets known only by us, both wonderful and terrible; you may not share either with anypony. There may come times we may keep secrets from you, either for our safety or Equestria's, and you must come to accept this without acting rashly. You will grow distant from friends and family naturally; though we will never hold you to us, you may find it all but impossible to stay close to them and keep them safe from harm. Finally, great sacrifices may be required of the both of us in order to protect Equestria, down to our very lives. When that time comes, you may not interrupt, no matter what may happen to the two of us. It is our duty as rulers to put the lives of our subjects above us, and when you are with us, it will become your duty, too."


Celestia's voiced dropped to little more than a tired whisper as she looked down at Night Tracer.


"I cannot pretend that this is not a heavy burden, Night Tracer, because it is. But if you truly believe you can hold onto these ideas, then I will not stand in your way. I just urge you to commit to your decision, whatever it may be. Take as much time as you wish."




Rainbow Dash took a voluntary step back; this guy was intense. And creepy.


"Well, technically, we'd go to the princesses about something about this. If anypony knows about this, it'll be them."


She took off like a shot... only to return seconds later.


"Sorry, forgot about the whole "no wings" thing. Let me just walk you there." she said with embarrassment.Several feet off the ground now, she began to move with a moderate pace towards the direction of the princesses booth.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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@, @,

Kevin grew a tiny smirk before his face returned neutral, "This seems like an urgent matter. I think we better get to the princesses as fast as possible. Meet you there..." He began to run as fast as he could in the direction he saw Rainbow Dash take off in. When he saw the sign that pointed to the princesses booth he thought, "Hmph. This must be it. Now to get some answers...." he then slowly walked up the steps, and knocked lightly on the door, "Hello? Are the princesses here? There's something urgent I think you need to see..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Darkraii had to think for a moment before she spoke, "I have thought of using my skills for the benefits of others. But as a mercenary, that was my only way to earn money to survive. But now..I'm not sure..." she looked down to the ground, "Any sign of him yet Kazas?"

As the phoenixes kept fanning out, Kazas spoke in a worried tone, flying slowly and scanning the ground for any sign of Ice Blizzard. As he did so. He contemplated... maybe.... Darkrai would consider joining the Divine Retribution when Kazas revealed that fact about his life. No, he couldn't ask that of her. How could he? But even still, prehaps it is just what she needed?


" I... don't see him. I'm getting worried Darkrai. Should we go to ground level and search more closely? The others are still fanning out, and the foilage from the woodlands would block our view from on high. I suggest we go there with the other phoenixes to better our chances."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Fair enough, if you fought for honor then nothing more can be done. If you gave your all then thats all there is for it. I'm not going to question further, as I have a habit of hitting the wrong nerve and getting into trouble for no reason." He felt something but ignored it for the moment, "So... What now? I mean... Anything left for me to do or am I here on leisure time now?" He said giving a sly wink.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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As the phoenixes kept fanning out, Kazas spoke in a worried tone, flying slowly and scanning the ground for any sign of Ice Blizzard. As he did so. He contemplated... maybe.... Darkrai would consider joining the Divine Retribution when Kazas revealed that fact about his life. No, he couldn't ask that of her. How could he? But even still, prehaps it is just what she needed?


" I... don't see him. I'm getting worried Darkrai. Should we go to ground level and search more closely? The others are still fanning out, and the foilage from the woodlands would block our view from on high. I suggest we go there with the other phoenixes to better our chances."

Darkrai nodded and replied to Kazas, "Yes, I agree. The ground would be easier to search for him. Especially if he's laying down somewhere half-way dead. Whenever you are ready, take us down and let's begin to search for Ice Blizzard on hoof alright?" she asked while stilll looking down.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"yeah, yeah. you raise good points." he said dimly. "shoot me down, why dont ya..." he was getting the hang of it, swishing the sword around with apparent ease. but hey, the machine was still doing about half the work, but they were steadily lowering the dial. "yeah, im getting the hang of this. though, im sure my current fighting style is...'ingrinaed'"

(Adjusting for the passage of time elsewhere in the RP, like Ice being encased for a while already, so tell me if this is a problem)


I had heard the last part, naturally. "Really not trying to be harsh here, but you simply cannot move and carry the sword at the same time. I haven't heard of anypony who can walk upright for longer than ten seconds. Not without intense training, a back brace, or magical implements. Ten years of intense training would probably do it, and you might still need surgery. We're just not built for it." I concluded, adding the reality of an operation to the mix.


"But really, you should integrate it, not replace it. Practice a bit while I attend to some work." I couldn't actually work at my Lab with the Magic Booster here, so I brought my work to the training hall. Particularly Will's order. While Caliber practiced for hours I metalbended one molecule at a time on the rifle, so as to not make it explode. I was barely started when the clock on the wall struck morning. I'd fallen asleep for a couple of hours and woke up when the clock made it's sounds. Was he still practicing? I vaguely remembered setting the rifle back down on it's pillow.


"What do you say we test the results of your training?" I materialized six katanas out of hard electricity in the air. "Come at me and show me how your levitation has improved." This was what I was interested in originally.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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the moment caliber heard 'come at me' he was upon her, already on the inside of her defense. grinning for just a sliver of a moment, he would finally be able to correct her in what he knows.


which is swordplay, the best thing he's at.


"well, lets get started!" he said, as he made a slash at her neck. he used the blunt side of his sword, however. but it was still damn fast.


if anything, caliber had got the 'jump' on her, so to speak. ah, the fruits of attacking first ...




rune stayed hidden, throwing bits of rubble here and there to distract her. every once in a while, he'd call out something like 'over here!' or 'not that way!'


he was waiting for her to try to locate him using...something other then her eyes and ears.


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All six swords moved instinctively to deflect the slash. Of course I'd blunted them and we weren't fighting for real, but the force was still overwhelming as all six moved to block and push away his attack. He'd come close that I felt the hit though, but I was good at my levitation technique. "You're fast, I'll give you that. I don't even need to move most of the time though." I moved the swords into quick slashes, aiming at different parts of the body with each one. "Blade Dance!" I yelled as I was in the middle of the attack and protected by it. The blades moved as if dancing, slashing and circling in both an offensive and defensive stance.


I had the numbers advantage.

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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At Annette's question, the gentle smile faded from Wilhelm's face, and he hugged her closer to his side, as if afraid to lose her, as if she would leave if he was away from her for a second. He paused for a long moment, and as he considered what to say, his eyes began to shimmer with tears. "I... Yes, the rumors are true. Ice.. Ice Blizzard is dead. Well... I don't think so, and I'll be damned to the Ninth Circle if I won't try and find him, but...." Wilhelm took his glasses off shakily, and wiped his eyes with his coat sleeve. He blinked a few times and then continued.


"I tried to fight Carmine, but I didn't make it in time. Ice and him were fighting, and... I only turned in time to watch Ice sacrifice himself for the lives of me and Rarity. When... I don't know what I was thinking. I came at him, lecturing him on everything he ever did wrong, judging him for the victims he took, railing against him with every profanity I knew in Equestrian, Latin, Germane, Prench; I don't even remember what I was saying after a certain point; it had all become one red-colored blur. And then when I got within range, I switched from words to my sword, my hooves, everything I had. Even when he finally died, my sword through his throat, his ribs broken, and his side caved in, I still didn't feel as if he had enough. Enough to repay him for forcing Ice's hoof. Enough to repay him for killing my friend."


Wilhelm twisted around to look at Annette, his eyes still welling with tears despite his attempts to calm down. "I would have gone to Tartarus and brought him back simply to kill him again, but even that wouldn't have been enough. But... When I came home that night, I looked at myself, bloody and sweaty, crying for the first time in Celestia knows how many years, and I was disgusted. I was disgusted that I would kill, maim, destroy so wholeheartedly... Even if it was for a cause, even if it was for Ice, I still hated myself. Electron accosted me on the way home; did you know that? He was trying to provoke a fight, and I was so close to killing him. I could have. My hoof was on my sword, he was too distracted by gloating to fight back effectively, fueled by fury as I was; but I couldn't."


Wilhelm gestured at his shirt, the clean whiteness of it, the pocket protector, the green fountain pen ink streaks on the sleeves. "I'm not a murderer. I'm a scientist; I'm not somepony would should.... I didn't know who I was at that moment. If it would have brought Ice back, I could have killed again, and again, and again." He reached out a hoof to cup Annette's face. "If I ever lost you, I would never stop until I found you again. Never. Never, never, never. Please, Annette; don't ever leave me. I've seen so many... My sister, my comrades, my commander, and now Ice... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...." Wilhelm hugged Annette, his body wracked with sobs. He finally closed his eyes, tears squeezing through the gaps. "I'm sorry..."

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caliber grinned. were they naming their moves? he wasn't exactly the best at naming things...he'll refrain from that.


sword now in the air (magic), he started weaving around, most of the swords coming within an inch, but never actually getting him. he had to parry a few blows, using his sword momentarily, and his cloak was being batted around, however. and the swords weren't showing any signs of stopping. simply dodging isn't enough.


to win, you gotta ATTACK.


he quickly jumped up, and while in midair, undid his cloak, and tossed it at lektra in one fluid motion. hopefully, it'll land on her face, blinding her. 

and even if it didnt, she would either a: move out of the way, or b: slice it up with her swords.


either way, her concentration will be lowered, allowing him to dodge with more ease, along with perhaps being able to get in close. and the moment that happens, he'll move in.


and it would also be a silent victory for caliber if she moved, so soon after she said 'i dont even have to move most of the time'


she might have the numbers advantage, but he had reflexes, skill, and experience on his side.


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"Oh you're fast, but I can quicken them too." Like a giant claw, the six swords sliced the cloak as I'd momentarily made them sharp then not sharp again. Sparky gave me a second field of vision, so if Sir Caliber hoped to distract me it would do him no good. I kept weaving them in a dance around me, leaving no place to get in close while also attacking. First time I'd used this move and it already had a name. Not losing focus at all, the swords moved at double the speed of their previous movement. I hoped he was getting a workout, cause I sure was.


I also hoped he wasn't too mad I'd destroyed his cloak.

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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I also hoped he wasn't too mad I'd destroyed his cloak.

caliber frowned when his cape was destroyed.


his cape...the thing he'd had since his childhood, a possession he'd had even longer then his sword...hopefully, rarity can knit the severed threads back together, to make it look like it was never sliced up in the first place...


but he had a spar to win. and damn, he was gonna avenge his cape, should rarity not be able to fix it.


"oi! lektra! how are ya with melee?" he yelled, as he landed on the ground. his sword was no longer floating, and he was positively dashing about, with surprising agility and speed, parrying blows faster and faster, going left and right.


once or twice, he felt a dragging sensation that meant a sword of her's found it's mark, but they were in places he just so happened to have a blind spot, like his flank, or tail. so, he knew if they were fighting for real, they would be minor wounds.


he got an idea. sheathing his sword, he started running in a wide circle around her, steadily decreasing the diameter of said circle. his speed turning from combat speed to travel speed. the idea was to avoid the swords, while slowly getting closer to her. 


he was gonna move her from that spot. and he was gonna win.

  • Brohoof 1


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Kazas flew in low, and braced himself to land. Doing so slowly in order to achieve Darkrai's safety while the process was being completely. Coming in slightly hot, he slid across the ground, leaving two great scorch marks where he had touched upon the earth And skidded across it, with scars of dirt being left behind in his wake. Stopping near the edge of the woodlands, he gently lowered his head so that Darkrai may safely leave his backside and he could revert back to his normal form.


" Darkrai... We are here. Be careful climbing off, okay?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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He pulled back from Celestia, and smiled. "Think about it? Celestia, I'm the dumbest Genius you'll ever meet, you'll learn that in time. I act before I think, but I don't act blindly, I act based off of my heart and my gut." he leaned to Celestia and whispered, "You don't have to worry about her and I; I'm in this for her best interests. Not only my own."


He pulled away again, "As for the immortality..." He thought, "You could just make me an Alicorn, y'know?" but he decided now wasn't the time to be suggesting somethign of that magnitude, especially as a joke. "You know, my mortality shouldn't concern you. More so; her, " he motioned his hoof toward Luna, "I'm prepared to die one day, I'm prepared to let everything go; even you Luna, as much as I don't want to. Death is inevitable but It's something I don't concern myself. Something, I find pointless to concern myself with, because it's something I can do nothing about. That I know all to well..." He looked to the ground sullenly, "But, as long as I have life now, then I shouldn't worry about my passing, because in the time I would be worrying now, I would be losing life." 


He spoke to Luna, "I'm aware it will hurt you more than me. I won't exprience the pain and agony and misery that you'll have to go through, but would you rather have cry about what has happened, or what never will?" He asked, looking at her with soft eyes. He knew that if she did really care for him, then it would bring her great pain. Hopefully, the tears and joy of the past will overshadow the misery.


"As for my safety, glad to know I have your protection, because for a town of lethal fighters, no disrespect but the here guard is real shitty, I'm pretty sure Canterlot had far better protection than this place could ever have. I mean I wouldn't be surprised if someone was just outside the door, unsearched, listening in on the conversation right now." He looked behind him to see a flung open door broken off of its hinges, "Or...What's left of it..." He snickered nervously as he turned back to Celestia and Luna, "Yeah... I'll be paying for that I suppose..." 


"Now, as far as me being at risk. I live with both of you anyhow, I work along side you personally, I'm pretty sure I'm a potential target anyhow. Besides, they can't kill what they can't catch." he winked, playfully. He smiled, trying to lighten the tone.


"And as far as your last point... You mustn't worry.You must trust me, when I say that nothing shared with me will be shared. What do I benefit for sharing your secrets?" He spoke quickly afterwards so neither Celestia or Luna could answer, "It's rhetorical, nothing. The only thing sharing your secrets could bring is hurt and lack of trust. And to betray and Alicorn... Alicorn? Forget Alicorn, betray your Girlfriend. You know how many kinds of dead, I'll be?" He laughed. "Matter a fact, I doubt either of you'd let me die... Damn, There's a line to kill me isn't there?" He said joyously, as he laughed more and more.


"I'm looking forward to getting to know the both of you better, creating bonds. Both in the highs and lows, thick and thin, expect me to be around for both. And don't worry about my previous relationships..." He frowned and looked very sullen, "Just don't mention my family anyway... I don't got any and don't want to hear about them. So, don't worry about me not being able to abandon relationships, I cut most of those ties years ago," his voice dropped and rumbled. He was aggravated; he was anytime he thought of his family, "Disgraceful, pathetic, pitiful." he thought. 


Whenever he thought of his family he thought of his parents primarily, although he loved his grandfather and his sister they never stood out like his hatred for his father and pity for his mother. 


He hung his head and sighed, "But that isn't important." he stated. "And, with uh, your duties to protect Equestria. I won't stand in the way, promise." He said very little about the topic, so they couldn''t find fault in his statement as he was lying through his teeth. He wouldn't want to stand in their way but he couldn't say for sure what he would do when the time came.

He walked over to the window in the Princesses' Box. He looked out upon the massive arena, and an idea came to mind. He smiled, "Like all relationships there will be lows, highs, goods and bads. But what I dislike the most is fights. So, Luna; How would you have to like our first one now?" 


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Kazas flew in low, and braced himself to land. Doing so slowly in order to achieve Darkrai's safety while the process was being completely. Coming in slightly hot, he slid across the ground, leaving two great scorch marks where he had touched upon the earth And skidded across it, with scars of dirt being left behind in his wake. Stopping near the edge of the woodlands, he gently lowered his head so that Darkrai may safely leave his backside and he could revert back to his normal form.


" Darkrai... We are here. Be careful climbing off, okay?"

Darkrai happily jumped from Kazas's back and looked him over another good time. He was a dynamic and shining phoenix. Her love for him felt like it burned hotter than its flames. She was in complete awe since she had never seen something so bold and amazing as griffon turning into the fire bird phoenix, "Kazas, are you alright? Maybe we should take a break for a bit?"

While still stuck in his ice, and therefore his mind, Blizzard was able to tell how much time he had left based upon his energy levels, which were dropping, "Ugh...Losing....eeerrgy..." he then shook his head back and forth several times to regain composure, "Oh man...high noon. That means I literally have 1-and-a-half-days left. God...I wish there was a better way to spend my last few hours." he started to tear up in his eyes, but held them back, "No. To die knowing that Rarity's ok, is the best way to go out. At least I have confirmation that she's still alive. But I don't think I could ever forgive myself for ever letting her fall into Carmine's hooves. Even if she did forgive me, I'm still not gonna ever let it go that that was somehow my own fault..."


He felt exceedingly guilty that Rarity was captured and tortured in such a way. So much so, that he almost felt he deserved to be dead for letting something like that happen to one of the 6 elements of harmony of all ponies. He felt as though that, if it wasn't for his stupid crush, Rarity wouldn't have had to go through all of this crap, including witnessing IB die.


He tried his best to hold back his tears, but he started to cry quietly, almost uncontrollably, "I'm sorry Rarity...if.it wasn't for my stupid puppy love crush, you wouldn't have had to see me do that, nor would I be on the brink of death...What was I thinking? Rarity deserves better. I'm not fit for her. She needs somepony who's not gonna end up dead or get her captured from being to close to her. Not me...I mean....I still love her with my entire heart. But I think I'm too much of a death magnet to be in a relationship....god somepony just put me out of my misery.....kill me now please...." he said as he sat weeping in a fetal position.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai happily jumped from Kazas's back and looked him over another good time. He was a dynamic and shining phoenix. Her love for him felt like it burned hotter than its flames. She was in complete awe since she had never seen something so bold and amazing as griffon turning into the fire bird phoenix, "Kazas, are you alright? Maybe we should take a break for a bit?"

While still stuck in his ice, and therefore his mind, Blizzard was able to tell how much time he had left based upon his energy levels, which were dropping, "Ugh...Losing....eeerrgy..." he then shook his head back and forth several times to regain composure, "Oh man...high noon. That means I literally have 1-and-a-half-days left. God...I wish there was a better way to spend my last few hours." he started to tear up in his eyes, but held them back, "No. To die knowing that Rarity's ok, is the best way to go out. At least I have confirmation that she's still alive. But I don't think I could ever forgive myself for ever letting her fall into Carmine's hooves. Even if she did forgive me, I'm still not gonna ever let it go that that was somehow my own fault..."


He felt exceedingly guilty that Rarity was captured and tortured in such a way. So much so, that he almost felt he deserved to be dead for letting something like that happen to one of the 6 elements of harmony of all ponies. He felt as though that, if it wasn't for his stupid crush, Rarity wouldn't have had to go through all of this crap, including witnessing IB die.


He tried his best to hold back his tears, but he started to cry quietly, almost uncontrollably, "I'm sorry Rarity...if.it wasn't for my stupid puppy love crush, you wouldn't have had to see me do that, nor would I be on the brink of death...What was I thinking? Rarity deserves better. I'm not fit for her. She needs somepony who's not gonna end up dead or get her captured from being to close to her. Not me...I mean....I still love her with my entire heart. But I think I'm too much of a death magnet to be in a relationship....god somepony just put me out of my misery.....kill me now please...." he said as he sat weeping in a fetal position.

After Darkrai had safely dismounted, The great Phoenix furled it's wings. Slowly, it was as if the flames were fading away, and the great Phoenix was dissipating, almost as if it were sand being blown away by the wind. This happened slowly until only Kazas, in his original form, remained. Standing there, he reached toward his chest, fanning his claws out to lay it upon his breast. Closing his eye, he would breath slowly, and concentrate until finally the same great burning orb, the Phoenix lord soul, was ejected out of his body and into his claw. Drawing his sword, he would gently take his claw from his chest, and by letting the soul come into contact with the sword, re-infused it. Afterwards, he sheathed his sword, and began to walk towards Darkrai.


" I'm okay, Mea Amica. Besides, we do not have much time to waste. It is most likely that we do not have the time to rest. We should press on-"


Pain. Excrutiating pain. Felt all over his body. He had pushed his abilities for too far for an excessive amount of time. Clenching at his chest and breathing hard, Kazas began to cough violently. Putting his claw over his beak to cover the cough's, it would not be long until his claw was... covered in blood. The coughing ceased after awhile, and he tried to hide the blood away from Darkrai, so she would not worry. Still, he was shaking, shivering, even.


" heh heh... I might have overdone it a tad bit."


He forced a smile, hoping that he wouldn't worry Darkrai.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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After Darkrai had safely dismounted, The great Phoenix furled it's wings. Slowly, it was as if the flames were fading away, and the great Phoenix was dissipating, almost as if it were sand being blown away by the wind. This happened slowly until only Kazas, in his original form, remained. Standing there, he reached toward his chest, fanning his claws out to lay it upon his breast. Closing his eye, he would breath slowly, and concentrate until finally the same great burning orb, the Phoenix lord soul, was ejected out of his body and into his claw. Drawing his sword, he would gently take his claw from his chest, and by letting the soul come into contact with the sword, re-infused it. Afterwards, he sheathed his sword, and began to walk towards Darkrai.


" I'm okay, Mea Amica. Besides, we do not have much time to waste. It is most likely that we do not have the time to rest. We should press on-"


Pain. Excrutiating pain. Felt all over his body. He had pushed his abilities for too far for an excessive amount of time. Clenching at his chest and breathing hard, Kazas began to cough violently. Putting his claw over his beak to cover the cough's, it would not be long until his claw was... covered in blood. The coughing ceased after awhile, and he tried to hide the blood away from Darkrai, so she would not worry. Still, he was shaking, shivering, even.


" heh heh... I might have overdone it a tad bit."


He forced a smile, hoping that he wouldn't worry Darkrai.

Darkrai could tell that something was wrong. Not normal at all. She could plainly see that Kazas was messed up from using his phoenix based form, so she went to him, "Kazas. You're shaking like crazy. Maybe we should head back and get you to the doctor and begin searching again later. If I have to, I'll carry you all the way back there myself."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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