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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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"It's intended to be veritaserum; a truth serum, is what it is commonly referred to as. And it's purpose is to well, get people to tell the truth." She explained, "I also need a test subject, which I don't know if you'd like to do that. You don't have to if you don't want to. I have my assistant Spike who could do it but I believe with him not being a pony than it could alter the results." 


Tyra tilted her head, listening to her instructions. A truth serum did not sound too dangerous; she would simply tell the truth and nothing more. No harm in that, is there?

She nodded, grinning widely. "Very well, I will try this potion! It does not sound too dangerous!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Orion Caelum

"I'm fine Wilhelm. It's just intense nausea and third-degree burns; i'm fit as a fiddle!"


Anette tried tried to laugh, but her body had other plans, and it instead exploded into a series of weak coughs as pain racked her body.


"Ow. Okay, maybe not," she said with a chuckle, before her face became more serious.


"Wilhelm..." she said almost distantly as they walked. She was holding him tightly. "I'm glad I found you."




The lights around him froze suddenly in a catatonic state before vanishing into trailing lights. An indignant  voice echoed from around the room in response to Aknor.


"So impatient! Fine, we shall skip to Great and Powerful Finale!"


Suddenly, sparks crawled out from behind the stage, building on each until they formed massive Chineighs fire rockets that pointed upwards towards the ceiling. The same ceiling from where a large glass box slowly began to protrude, as if it was moving through the wood itself. As it descended further, it revealed a shock; Trixie, tied to the top by a single string of rope, bound, gagged, upside down, and blindfolded, with seemingly no way out. Suddenly, from the floor, the fuses on the rockets began to ignite, moving down to the rockets themselves. When they released, they would blow the box to pieces, along with destroying whatever was inside it.

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Kevin was conflicted. The 'Breezies' did indeed sound like an interesting life form, but it was already documented. He was looking for NEW species. Ones of which the Equestrians are either too afraid or too lazy to seek after themselves.


After giving it some thought, he made a decision, "Hmmm...sounds interesting. I might be there to see them if I have time. However, I'm looking for whole new species to document. I'll just have to keep looking...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Ice Blizzard

Walking through pony lands have taught me quite well how easily frightened they could be. However luckily for me the ponies here are quite used to a striped being like me. With my cowl in place and my saddlebags rustling I was wandering the town to see if they had the proper type of herb I needed to make a potion I was trying out. Though ponies are used to zebra by now thanks to zecora they still steered clear of my path when I went shopping. However what beset my eyes were two ponies having a conversation.


 The yellow coat and long pink mane were easily recognized as the towns local animal caretaker fluttershy. Yet I did not know of the one of who she spoke to. His appearance would lead me to assume he was a well taught and mannered sort of pony, but my mother has always told me to be wary of assumptions. "Hello my good pony folk may I introduce myself for we have not spoke." I said with a joyful tone, rhyming was actually limited to zecora herself but I think I'll go with it as a joke.

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Darkrai was astounded. Each living memory was a fatal mirror to her own past. She had no idea of this griffon's prior life experiences until now. 


As she predicted, Kaz's younger life wasn't easy. But she wanted to learn more about him, so without regrets, she pointed a hoof to the next orb, "давай"("Bring it on")

Ezerepth, still staying disembodied, spoke again.


" War... is a tragic pastime of mortals. Lives are lost. Both sides suffer. All for what they feel like is a righteous cause. Even more terrifying, is a civil war that pits brother against brother, and father against son. Leovia suffered a civil war when a potential usurper named Gorven rose to prominance. Kazas already told you why Gorven followed the path that he did... but he did not tell you what that entailed...




The metaphysical mindspace warped again into a familiar setting; Sebes village. However, only the location was the same. It was night, with a crescent moon looming overhead. There were no clouds, only black smoke. Sebes village was in flames. Nearby, two groups of Griffons could be seen, clashing blades with each other. Among them, Kazas and his father could be seen, among with some of the other griffons from the previous memory. They were into their adolscelent stage at this point. Kazas and his father were surrounded along with a few of their other fellow royalists. Four of the surrounding griffons charged at Kazas and his father, hoping to take them down. Instead... in one instant, Kazas's father lifted his claw and pointed it towards the oncoming group, and a burst of flame seemingly gushed out of his claw, setting them ablaze. Screaming, the immolated group of griffons fell to the ground, burning to death. He was still the Phoenix knight at that time. Kazas's father roared loudly.




From the other side of the conflict, another griffon yelled.


" yes! And we'd do it again! Leovia can't survive the way we have been anymore! Annexing hunting grounds, resources, and farmland are the only ways we can survive!"


" There are more solutions to our problems than going to war with other nations! Of course... we could always thin the population... in which case.... I will do so MYSELF WITH THE BLOOD OF YOU TRAITORS! COME! I WILL SHOW YOU WHY THE INAROS ARE THE EMPEROR'S RIGHT CLAW!"


With that, multiple griffons stepped in to charge at Kazas and his father. Kazas raised shield and sword, and was immensely afraid from the looks of it, shaking profusely. There were five griffons charging at them. Kazas's father charged at them himself, sword drawn. Quickly, he cuts four of them down with masterful cuts, but was unable to slay the fifth one. Turning to see the griffon charging at kazas and the boy clearly shaken, Kazas's father yelled.


" Kazasssssssss!!! "


The griffon jumped into the air, with sword in claw. It was one of the two griffons from the earlier memory, grown up. " your mine, B**** of Avae!" Using his wings to gather height and momentum, the griffon commenced an overhead smash with his sword, intending to split Kazas's skull.


It was then, that instinct took over. Immediately, he stopped shaking. He lowered his shield, and in one quick motion, side-stepped the other griffon at the right moment as he was coming down. The other griffon had put too much into his attack, reeling forward from the weight. Without thinking, Kazas rose his sword, and brought it down on the griffon's neck as he was reeling forward. Under the strength of Kazas's swing..... the Griffon would no longer have the means to spurt blasphemies against him. After realizing what he had done and seemingly coming off of the adrenaline high, Kazas's face contorted into one of terror and guilt. He falls to the ground, heaving and starting to sob. This was his first kill. And given his personality, it was not sitting well with him.


The memory fast forwards, to the aftermath of the battle. Kazas and his father are alright, with minor cuts and bruises, along with other fellow royalists. The battle had been won, and the flames of Sebes quelled. However, there was no sense of victory. A village, split down the middle in ideals, had just consumed itself in the flames of war. Alone and near a tree that had caught the breath of the flame, Kazas wept and mumbled quietly.


" I'm... I'm sorry... I... I didn't want to... Avae, I am sorry. I didn't mean to do that! I... I wanted to disarm him, but I was afraid, I was... why.... why..."


The memory freezes. This time, Darkrai had the option of trotting near Kazas in this memory. She couldn't actually touch anything, as it was a metaphysical construct, and would just phase through. She could observe what she wished, as Ezerepth spoke.




" that was not the only kill that Kazas would experience that night. He slew neighbors, former classmates, and many others who had chosen to attack him. While jt was self-defense, Kazas... never forgave himself for what he did on that night. The village was so evenly split between the royalty and the rebellion that this was inevitable. All Kazas ever wanted to do was to become a healer. But fate would not be so kind. This war forced him to lose his innocence, and what is worse, is that he volunteered, thinking he could talk down the other villagers and keep the peace. It was not so. In his heart, I could feel the guilt and shame that he had felt. That he still feels. Tonight... was the first night that he hasn't thought about all of that in a long time. Thanks to you. I have frozen the memory. Feel free to observe what you will. Speak when if you want to continue when you are done, should you choose to explore."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Ezerepth, still staying disembodied, spoke again.


" War... is a tragic pastime of mortals. Lives are lost. Both sides suffer. All for what they feel like is a righteous cause. Even more terrifying, is a civil war that pits brother against brother, and father against son. Leovia suffered a civil war when a potential usurper named Gorven rose to prominance. Kazas already told you why Gorven followed the path that he did... but he did not tell you what that entailed...




The metaphysical mindspace warped again into a familiar setting; Sebes village. However, only the location was the same. It was night, with a crescent moon looming overhead. There were no clouds, only black smoke. Sebes village was in flames. Nearby, two groups of Griffons could be seen, clashing blades with each other. Among them, Kazas and his father could be seen, among with some of the other griffons from the previous memory. They were into their adolscelent stage at this point. Kazas and his father were surrounded along with a few of their other fellow royalists. Four of the surrounding griffons charged at Kazas and his father, hoping to take them down. Instead... in one instant, Kazas's father lifted his claw and pointed it towards the oncoming group, and a burst of flame seemingly gushed out of his claw, setting them ablaze. Screaming, the immolated group of griffons fell to the ground, burning to death. He was still the Phoenix knight at that time. Kazas's father roared loudly.




From the other side of the conflict, another griffon yelled.


" yes! And we'd do it again! Leovia can't survive the way we have been anymore! Annexing hunting grounds, resources, and farmland are the only ways we can survive!"


" There are more solutions to our problems than going to war with other nations! Of course... we could always thin the population... in which case.... I will do so MYSELF WITH THE BLOOD OF YOU TRAITORS! COME! I WILL SHOW YOU WHY THE INAROS ARE THE EMPEROR'S RIGHT CLAW!"


With that, multiple griffons stepped in to charge at Kazas and his father. Kazas raised shield and sword, and was immensely afraid from the looks of it, shaking profusely. There were five griffons charging at them. Kazas's father charged at them himself, sword drawn. Quickly, he cuts four of them down with masterful cuts, but was unable to slay the fifth one. Turning to see the griffon charging at kazas and the boy clearly shaken, Kazas's father yelled.


" Kazasssssssss!!! "


The griffon jumped into the air, with sword in claw. It was one of the two griffons from the earlier memory, grown up. " your mine, B**** of Avae!" Using his wings to gather height and momentum, the griffon commenced an overhead smash with his sword, intending to split Kazas's skull.


It was then, that instinct took over. Immediately, he stopped shaking. He lowered his shield, and in one quick motion, side-stepped the other griffon at the right moment as he was coming down. The other griffon had put too much into his attack, reeling forward from the weight. Without thinking, Kazas rose his sword, and brought it down on the griffon's neck as he was reeling forward. Under the strength of Kazas's swing..... the Griffon would no longer have the means to spurt blasphemies against him. After realizing what he had done and seemingly coming off of the adrenaline high, Kazas's face contorted into one of terror and guilt. He falls to the ground, heaving and starting to sob. This was his first kill. And given his personality, it was not sitting well with him.


The memory fast forwards, to the aftermath of the battle. Kazas and his father are alright, with minor cuts and bruises, along with other fellow royalists. The battle had been won, and the flames of Sebes quelled. However, there was no sense of victory. A village, split down the middle in ideals, had just consumed itself in the flames of war. Alone and near a tree that had caught the breath of the flame, Kazas wept and mumbled quietly.


" I'm... I'm sorry... I... I didn't want to... Avae, I am sorry. I didn't mean to do that! I... I wanted to disarm him, but I was afraid, I was... why.... why..."


The memory freezes. This time, Darkrai had the option of trotting near Kazas in this memory. She couldn't actually touch anything, as it was a metaphysical construct, and would just phase through. She could observe what she wished, as Ezerepth spoke.




" that was not the only kill that Kazas would experience that night. He slew neighbors, former classmates, and many others who had chosen to attack him. While jt was self-defense, Kazas... never forgave himself for what he did on that night. The village was so evenly split between the royalty and the rebellion that this was inevitable. All Kazas ever wanted to do was to become a healer. But fate would not be so kind. This war forced him to lose his innocence, and what is worse, is that he volunteered, thinking he could talk down the other villagers and keep the peace. It was not so. In his heart, I could feel the guilt and shame that he had felt. That he still feels. Tonight... was the first night that he hasn't thought about all of that in a long time. Thanks to you. I have frozen the memory. Feel free to observe what you will. Speak when if you want to continue when you are done, should you choose to explore."

Darkrai looked around intently at what was happening here. This was off the charts in terms of a normal way to be raised, but then again, her own life wasn't exactly normal either. She walked up close to the frozen Kazas and looked him over, slosely and intently. She dropped a tear near his side.


She then turned to the village itself which was in complete ruin. It looked as if it was caught in a firestorm. After awhile she spoke again to the voice, "What's next?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@Mars Orbit,


Pinkie Pie (Pinkamena) backed Skitz to the window and smiled widely, she tackled him and forced his head to hang over the edge of the building. 


"Time to hang the pinata," she beamed brightly. She tied the balloon string around his hind legs nd squeezed them tight so no blood would be able to circulate. Then she pushed him out of the building, leaving him dangling upside down outside the building.



"Oh well, I'll keep my eyes peeled and I'll try my very best to let you know before anypony else does.

Their conversation was ceased as a rather feminine looking Zebra appraoched Kevin and herself, she was hoping Kevin would greet the zebra so she wouldn't have to. Although she wasn't as shy as she use to be, she still would rather have him speak before she introduced herself


"Glad to see your enthusiastic about this," Twilight kept walking toward her library silently, she didn't have all too much to say. so she tried her best to create small talk,"So, Tell me about yourself, So we could become properly acquainted." 


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"Glad to see your enthusiastic about this," Twilight kept walking toward her library silently, she didn't have all too much to say. so she tried her best to create small talk,"So, Tell me about yourself, So we could become properly acquainted." 


"Well, as I said, I come from the Frozen North," Tyra began, a proud grin on her face, "I am travelling across the world to meet strong fighters and learn from them! My father is the Chieftain of my village, Trotstheim, and my brother is training to take his place one day!"


She glanced back to her axe. "This is our clan's ancestral weapon, which has seen generations of battles!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Amazing. IF YOU'RE GONNA TRY TO KILL ME DO IT RIGHT!!!!" Skitz broke the window just under him, grabbed the edge and attempted pulled himself lower trying to make pink fall off the building. "DON'T FALL!!" He wrapped the string around one of his forelegs and yanked savagely while holding onto the window frame with the other.

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@, @@Ranger22,

Kevin looked over the zebra intently as his swarm crawled along his legs this time to inspect it, "Hmm....we got an odd one here. Whoever this is, it's definetly no pony. It's more than likely a zebra, and what's with that rhyming?" He wasn't normally one for starting conversation, but since he was spoken to, he responded, "Hello. I'm Kevin, and this is Fluttershy."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Ice Blizzard @louisvilepride

The pink maned pegasus didn't seem comfortable answering my introduction, which kinda left a few seconds of awkward silence. Luckily the stallion she was talking to didn't seem to mind as he introduced himself and the mare."This pegasus lives up to her name just as there is pink in her mane. My name is xander and I hope you don't listen to this town's slander. For their rumors slur my name, it isn't the best kind of fame. Oh pardon me for being rude but do you mind if we talk more about you?" The yellow pegasus was named fluttershy, from her wings to her social interaction she certainly lives up to her name. This other fellow however had a strange name but it wasn't my place to judge. I pulled down my hood in order to be more accommodating to my new companions.

Edited by Ranger22
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"Lektra, Caliber, I need to talk to you."

caliber trotted over to the machine, and flipped the switch.


he was hit by luna's spell, and was immediately thrown to the ground. grinning, he started pushing himself back up, but it was slow going. like, really slow going. "this...is...more...like it!" he said. since it was 30x gravity, it was everything caliber could do to just breath. (seriously, do the math on that :P)


the spell was cut short by celestia coming to deliver some sort of message.


caliber narrowed his eyes. celestia doesn't normally seek out ponies...'what could she want?', he wondered.

I was about to say I was partial to all four of us training together. Caliber was really struggling with the gravity spell he requested, and no wonder since at normal cost it felt like a 30x, but with the machine dial still turned up half way when he flipped it on it was another 50x on top of that. He really should have been crushed. I was doing calculations on the mana expenditure when another strong mana signature appeared and he was released. Oh come on now. Was this a Princess convention? All we would need were the other two and we could have a party.


I then chuckled at the mention of Luna having a coltfriend. Pretty sure she explained about being with us mortals, which is what made it funny to me. Not funny haha, but funny sad. Maybe she had the power to make him immortal. Still made me feel like chuckling uncontrollably for the time being. Oh well. Best to not be saying anything for worry of sounding rude. I turned to Celestia.


"Is something the matter that you'd come looking for us specifically Princess?" What could I possibly have to offer one who had it all? Maybe she was looking to make use of my Magic Booster to lower the costs of her spells so something casted at normal power would be much stronger due to not needing as much mana?


@@Mars Orbit,


Pinkie Pie watched as Skitz burst through the window below; she then began jumping on the roof.  The constant pressure and force exerted upon the roof was too much so it fell through. She was right over head of Skitz as she belly flopped onto whatever was below her. 





Night Tracer looked at Celestia; she had only addressed Caliber and Lektra so he figured that he and Luna didn't have to pay attention and they could fight. "Alright, let's go," he thought, then Luna spoke and he rolled his eyes. "We aren't ever going to start this,"  He let out an impatient groan and looked up at the non attentive Luna and spoke, "You know, if you weren't immortal and have such a loving boyriend, you'd be so dead right now. I have two swords, some cyanide and a few other tricks, the kinds of pain you'd be in is unimaginable. Yet, you're still not paying attention to me; ok." 


He then turned his attention to Celestia, "What seems to be the matter?" he asked, since everyone else was and he didn't really have much to do but wait on her to speak before they could continue with what they were doing like everypony else. 





"Sorry," the answered together.


As Speed talked they tried their best  to keep up with her but it was close to impossible; somehow, they caught a bit of what Speed said. 


"Sure we'd love too!" Sweetie Belle's voice sharped and deafened everyone's ears, "Oops, Sorry."


Applebloom and Scootaloo covered there ears, "That's alright I guess...


"So, Y'all want to know what we do for fun? Well we..."


"Come here and hang out..."


"Try a bunch of different things to earn our cutie marks; hence, the Cutie Mark Crusaders..."


"Go on adventures..."


"Hang out with the elements of harmony..."


"Burst out into random song..."


"Buy some apples..."




"More etc..."




They burst out into high pitched childish laughter combined with a snort or two. They had completely forgotten about the other two foals, they were so busy enjoying each other that they almost forgot about the other two.


But they refocused and sat up in their chairs, wiping tears of laughter from their eyes.


"Yeah we have siblings, my sister Applejack and she does it fight. She's a six shooter with two of the strongest stemps in all of Equstria! She could beat a warthog to the mud pin on hot summer day if she wanted to. Besides that she owns and manages the local bar and is one of the six elements of Harmony."


"Her sister is cool and all; not to mention dependable but my sister is the coolest! She's Awesome, her name is Rainbow Dash and she's the fastest flyer in all of Equestria; she's even better than the Wonderbolts! She also trains Fillys and colts that want to fight."


"Yeah, Yeah, but neither of them are as beautiful as my amazing big sister Rarity. She fights  like them but she does it with much more grace and style. She's an absolute beauty to watch unlike the other two ruffians."


"What did ya just say about my sista?"


"Don't take it personally, they just don't pay much attetion to their style. It's sort of brutish--,"


"That's not even a word!


"Yeah, and Rainbow Dash doesn;t need style, She's awesome! And she can make SONIC RAINBOOMS! I've never seen Rarity do that.


They bickored back and forth, and back and forth and back and forth then a little to forth and not enough back but then it balanced out since forth became tired and back still had some in the tank, y'know? Eventually they became physical and got kicked out of The Sweet Shop, 


"Man, did you see her face when she was all like, 'Ya here kids best not be behavin poorly'," Applebloom made a funny face and spoke mockingly; they all laughed hysterically. 


"Huh, what should we do now?" Scootaloo asked.


"Hey, you two. How bout you pick what we do next." Sweetie Belle insisted. 



"That actually sounds fun. We know our talents, but we used to get into all sorts of trouble at various places looking for things we might be good at. Getting into more to help you sounds fun, if you'd have us of course." Explained Flash as he took a bite of his floating cheesecake slice. He was kind of staring at the Unicorn filly in the bunch, then turned away. No no, best not to think about that.


"Yeawewerekindofshowingsignsofourtalentswhilewewerestlllindiapers, soassoonaswewereoldenoughtonotneedthemourparentsshowedusspellbooks. Wedidn'twanttoatfirstandpreferredtoplayandcausedtrouble. Whenweeachcastedourrespectivespellsourflankswerenolongerblank." Explained Speed, taking a bite of her cake as well. "We'vebeenpracticingforaroundsevenyearsnow.


"We're nine. Not that we're masters at these spells or anything, but we're good at them and it's our calling." Confirmed Flash, looking over at the Crusaders as they went into their own little world for a while before explaining about their relations. Then they went on to argue again and calmed down again. He was reminded of bickering with his sister, but they usually got along.


"Iwasn'tawarethatRainbowhadanysiblings, andwefollowtheElementsprettyavidlysowe'dknow. Wepickeditupfromoursister. Butmaybeyoumeansymbolically?" Then we backpedaled a bit. "Wait, fastflier? Doessherace? Iloveraces. I'dprobablystilllosetoherifshe'sasfastasyousay, butI'dlovetoracewithher."


"That's right. Speed loves races. She always wins, but she's never raced someone claiming to be the fastest flier in the world." He finished the slice he was eating and floated up another one. "You sure you don't want any? It's good cake, and it's free since we already paid for it." He said with a friendly grin.


They were leaving it to Speed and Flash? Speed spoke up first. "Adventuresoundsfun. Iguesswe'reinnohurrytofindoursister. Orwecouldmakethatintoanadventure? FindingLektraBolt. Doyoumaybeknowherlocation, orwhereshe'ssetupshop?

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Darkrai looked around intently at what was happening here. This was off the charts in terms of a normal way to be raised, but then again, her own life wasn't exactly normal either. She walked up close to the frozen Kazas and looked him over, slosely and intently. She dropped a tear near his side.


She then turned to the village itself which was in complete ruin. It looked as if it was caught in a firestorm. After awhile she spoke again to the voice, "What's next?"

" you have already seen the persecution and the loss of innocence. What is left, is loss of loved ones and the shattering of bonds. Do you choose to continue, Darkrai? And, if you wish to carry on... find out what the azure terror is and why Kazas may very well become the next incarnation?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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" you have already seen the persecution and the loss of innocence. What is left, is loss of loved ones and the shattering of bonds. Do you choose to continue, Darkrai? And, if you wish to carry on... find out what the azure terror is and why Kazas may very well become the next incarnation?"

Darkrai listened to the voice speak. It was a heavy burden of such a black past that Kazas had. But nevertheless, trying to understand who he is, where he came from, and why he's the way he is, could only be understood through experience. And this was the closest she would get to experiences, so she answered without hesitation, "I'm ready."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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They laid side by side in the middle of an empty field, facing upside down to one another with their eyes on the sky. 

"That one looks like a turtle," Cadence said as she pointed her hoof to the sky and followed the cloud with it.  
Shining Armor looked over where she had pointed her hoof to. He squinted and slightly lifted his head to see the cloud, "Huh, it kind of does." he agreed.
Cadence kept looking up at the clouds, wiggling her hoof around and about as well as imagining them as different things. She laid her head completely back on the ground and put her hoof over her chest; she sighed happily, "You know, this is nice. Not having anything important to do, not having any worry, having just bliss.
Shining Armor hung on the words his beloved spoke. He agreed with her. "Yeah, but it doesn't matter what am i doing or where I'm at as long as I'm with you." he cloyed.
She looked up and smiled at him, "Sweet boy." She got up to reposistion her self so her head was on top of his chest. They laid there in silence for a few minutes, only for Shining Armor to break it. "Oh look at that cloud," he said. 

She didn't want to open her eyes, she was too comfortable, "What does it look like?" She inquired

Shining Armor frowned, "Uh, I think it's a..." before he could finish little water droplets began to fall. One hitting her face, then, it trickled down her muzzle and set at the tip of her nose. She opened her eyes and finished his sentence... "Rain cloud...
"Great while it lasted," she thought, and she picked herself up off of him and started walking towards a cave for shelter that they had passed no more than a fifth of a mile back. But she stopped when she realized Shining Armor was still lying in the rain. "Come on, we need to find shelter in case the storm gets bad.

"In a minute, I'll catch up," he replied, while looking at the sky. Cadence may of hated the rain but Shining Armor loved it. He'd sit there while it poured for the next 15 minutes before heading back to the cave they had passed. 

Once he finally arrived he saw Cadence lying down. She appeared to be sound asleep so he went over and laid down next to her and nestled himself next to her and laid his head on top of hers as well as his left foreleg over her body. He looked at her and smiled, "Sleep well," he said, then kissed the top of her head before laying to his to rest. 



Twilight evaluated the axe, her face tilted every which way trying to see it from every angle. She was very intrigued by the weapon it was unique. Then something else caught her eye, Tyra's cutie mark. 

"You're cutie mark, it looks beautiful, what does it represent?" she asked curiously.

@@Mars Orbit,


Pinkamena was thrown from the skyscraper and she began plummeting towards the ground. A surely fatal fall.... or so on would think. 

Luckily fo Pinkie Pie some stallions were moving a trampoline. (OOC: Fighe me about it, ok? XD) And she just so happened to land right in the center of the trampoline. Since she gained enough momentum from the fall that she went soaring back into the air, slowly ascending untill she was at the window where Skitz was. Miraculously she made it back up to him, but instead of landing on her feet she hit her head on a loose lead pipe.

Little animated birds circled her head and small chirps played. Then, the unthinkable happened. her mane reinflated and her cloroed restored to her original scheme. 

She spoke loudly to a still deaf Skitz, "Hey, Skitz! What's up? Are we still fighting or did I win already? Or did you win already? Or maybe it was a tie and that way we would both be winners!" She cheered. 

Pinkamena was gone and Pinkie Pie had returned, leaving Skitz with a fighting chance. 


@@Ranger22,  @


Fluttershy offered a small smile and a sheepish handwave when Kevin introduced her. 

Xander reminded her of their friend Zecora, the way he spoke and looked were very, very similar. Just Zecora was white with black stripes and Xander was the opposite... Or was he?

"Me?" Fluttershy answered Xander, "I suppose we could but their isn't all too much to talk about with me."


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@, @@Ranger22,

Kev was unimpressed by the zebra. Granted, he had also, never really met many zebras in his lifetime, so it was justifiable. More of his swarm crawled on his face and forlegs to inspect the zebra to understand it better, "Hm...we're not picking up on anything major. And that rhyming. It irks me. Kinda don't wanna hear her speak all that much more, but I'll tolerate it for a bit."


After a moment of silence, he spoke out, "What's the deal? Why're you here?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai listened to the voice speak. It was a heavy burden of such a black past that Kazas had. But nevertheless, trying to understand who he is, where he came from, and why he's the way he is, could only be understood through experience. And this was the closest she would get to experiences, so she answered without hesitation, "I'm ready."

" very well. The last two memories, I assure you, are shorter than the previous ones. However, their impacts are just as potent as the rest. I admit, Darkrai. You have a strong mind, especially for a mortal. I can see why Kazas chose you."


After he spoke those words, the spatial warping began once more, transforming into emptiness into yet another memory.


" There few things more agonizing to a soul than the loss of those closest to you. You, better than many, know that to be truth. This war lasted for more than a decade, spanning all of Kazas's formative years. He became strong physically, emotionally, and mentally. However... losing a loved one, no matter how powerful you may be in these aspects, can rend you asunder."





The backdrop is in a medical tent, strewn with the heavily wounded on mats and few medics to help them. Among the medics, a fully armored ashen griffon is kneeling beside a heavily wounded fellow warrior, of whom was coughing up blood by the gallons, it seemed. Kazas's claw was on this warrior's chest, and a familiar white aura was engulfing them both as it had done Darkrai from earlier. The healing aspect of the Phoenix knight. Kazas looked strained, almost as though he was about to pass out. He spoke frantically, almost as if he was a paranoid schizophrenic.


" Come on, Felwin! You can pull through this... you can pull through, dammit! I know you, you're the toughest swordsgriffon in the entire legion! Come on, you can survive this!"


The griffon that lay dying, Felwin, grabbed Kazas's claw, and smiled as he was still coughing. He shook his head slowly, and spoke softly.


" Save it... for somegriffon... that didn't get ran through in the gut... save who you can... If that all-maker of yours is real, maybe... I'll see you up there... but you'd better be old when you come up... you hear?"


His head turned to the side, and the life drained from his face. Kazas looked away, still clenching the dead griffon's claw in his own. He gently laid the other griffon's claw down.


The memory fastforwards as Kazas attempts to heal other soldiers diligently, but failing nine times out of ten, losing them to extreme bloodloss and mauling. This happens over, and over, and over again. This time, from Kazas, no tears. Only the desperate hope that he may be able to save one more.




" Kazas eventually was shaped into tempered steel, through and through. But even steel can be bent when enough force is applied. Outwardly, he kept himself as composed as he possibly could. But on the inside... as he slowly lost his comrades one by one over the years, it started to affect him. However... Having hope and faith... does reward one, eventually."


The memory keeps fastforwarding, until the tent is nearly empty. All in all, it was a terrible ending... more had died than lived through their wounds.


It was then that a green pegasus with a silvery mane, of all beings, had ran into the now nearly empty tent, with only a kneeling Kazas praying for the souls of the dead to be found. The pegasus had a spear on his backside, a peculiar spear with a blade that split into a shape of of what was reminiscent of centaur horns. He looked almost too young to even consider joining the military, about 16, if even that. Covered in combat leathers, The Pegasus spoke.


" Yo! You Kazas? "


He responded


" I am. "


" good! I heard you... * pant * were * pant* a helluva healer. Look, I'll make it short. You know that group of Minotaurs that are fightin' with us? They got a bad deal, man... had a fort held down that they took from those rebel-guys. Fort got blown to hell by... I dunno... TNT or somethin'! It was a damn trap. The whole force got destroyed, except for this guy..."


Lugging him in, it took six griffons to lift a huge Minotaur into the med-tent. His hide was dark, his hair unkempt, and his eyes were a golden-brown. Two more griffons walked in, carrying a giant zweihander. Even the two of them had trouble carrying it. The griffons laid him down on one of the mats near Kazas. The Minotaur was extremely wounded, suffering massive blood loss, cuts, and stabs that should have ended his life by now, the Minotaur was weeping, looking upward.


The pegasus spoke up.


" he was the only one... I found 'em and carried him back, but not before witnessing some crazy-as-hell stuff back there... this dude is like... a super minotaur! Seriously, this guy was doing crazy stuff, like making stone walls appear out of nowhere, crushin' enemies with boulders that he FRIGGIN LIFTED OUT OF THE GROUND, and did it with friggin arrows in his back! I'm telling ya, we need to..."


The pegasus noticed his weeping, and hung his head. " I'm... sorry... I.. ain't exactly war material... I didn't know it would be like this. Please help 'em... big guy has been through the ringer..."


With that, the green pegasus began to trot out, until Kazas spoke.


" wait! Before you go... what is your name?"


" Syuren. But you can call me Ren. Look, i've gotta get back to scoutin' for the coalition. Promise me... I'll have someone to check on when I get done later, capish?"


Kazas simply nodded his head, and began to look over the Minotaur. such devastating injury... Kazas wasn't sure he could heal the Minotaur, but he would try. The Minotaur was silently crying, almost as though he were begging for the end to come. The Minotaur spoke, albeit it was a foreign language.


" Sie sind weg ... sie alle weg sind ... ... mein Sohn ... meine Frau ... Götter , helft mir ..."


It was then that Kazas grabbed the Minotaur's large hand, and squeezed it tightly. The white, flame-like aura returned and engulfed both. The Minotaur looked over at Kazas, and into the griffon's eyes. His own eyes widened. The griffon... was shedding a tear as well. In a show of mutuality, the Minotaur squeezed his hand gently, and nodded. In that one moment... they understood each other exactly. Kindred souls.


" Ich... bin... Lorec... und du?"


The griffon responded, almost as if he knew exactly what the minotaur said.


" Kazas. "


The process kept on, until the memory came to an end, concluding like a tape paused on a particular scene.





In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Twilight evaluated the axe, her face tilted every which way trying to see it from every angle. She was very intrigued by the weapon it was unique. Then something else caught her eye, Tyra's cutie mark. 

"You're cutie mark, it looks beautiful, what does it represent?" she asked curiously.


Tyra tilted her head and craned her neck to look at her flank, the notched axe cutie mark in full view.

"Ah, this?" She chirped, returning her grin to Twilight's direction, "It represents my strength and effectiveness in battle! The notches in the blades represent my love for fighting!"


A proud smirk replaced her grin. "I got it when I was but a filly, after I had joined my father on my first raid!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Pink!" Skitz walked up and hugged her. "What happened? Also don't answer because I won't hear you."

He let go of her. "So here's what happened." Before he even finished talking he threw a high power uppercut, trying to send her flying through the roof or out the window.

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@, @@Ranger22,

Kev was unimpressed by the zebra. Granted, he had also, never really met many zebras in his lifetime, so it was justifiable. More of his swarm crawled on his face and forlegs to inspect the zebra to understand it better, "Hm...we're not picking up on anything major. And that rhyming. It irks me. Kinda don't wanna hear her speak all that much more, but I'll tolerate it for a bit."


After a moment of silence, he spoke out, "What's the deal? Why're you here?

I chuckled a bit due to there obvious discomfort at my rhyming."My rhymes are but a joke my friend I will cease if it will make amends. I'm currently looking for ingredients for a brew I'm currently making, until I stumbled upon both of you. I'm currently traveling these in lands in search of new information to find or share. Now lets get back to the topic about you, which you  have so rudely choose to ignore." I said with a smile on my face.

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Celestia looked at both Lektra and Caliber, worry etched into her brow.


"I need to know if either of you have seen Ice Blizzard or know if he has left anywhere. I do not wish to trouble you, but I was searching for him, and I cannot detect his magical signature anywhere within the arena's range. Just as well, one of my ponies happened to give me this," she said, handing them the note.

A simple, white piece of paper which reads "Ice Blizzard is dead" in horrible handwriting.


"I cannot make a case for its legitimacy, but I am concerned, to say the least."




Luna cocked her head at the event, then turned to Night Tracer.


"I know of Ice Blizzard, though it was only for a short time. It is troubling that he is away, but ponies disappear all the time, and I believe my sister can handle this matter, whatever it may come down to. Shall we continue our spar, Night Tracer?"

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Wilhelm looked down at Annette with a soft smile, his outburst before now properly repressed into the darkest corners of his mind. "I'm glad I found you too, Mary Annette Brightstrings, Puppetmistress..." In the barest whisper, as he handed her over to the hospital ponies, he added "My love.." As she was lead away to her own room, he lowered his head for a moment in a show of respect, then turned to head into the waiting area. They'd have to heal her, and only direct relations were allowed for visitation for a few hours- just in case.

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Blizzard was still stuck under the ravine's cliff. SInce he was unable to move, nature decided where he went. The rain did start to let up, however, the amount of water and dirt that had pooled up within the ravine, caused a mudslide that moved everything within it; including Icesius. The mudslide moved his frozen body all the way along the ravine until he was 'poured' into a seemingly endless desert-like area with no nearby signs of life or vegetation. His cryonic ice wasn't designed to melt in the heat, but his time was still on the clock.


Within his mind, Ice could feel his energy levels drop, but even though he was in his mind, his speech began to sound slurred due to low energy, "Ugh....ok. A-a-acording to the levels of energy I can feel....It's about..." his voice then became normal, "4:00 AM?! 4 freakin' AM?! I got one day left. One. Day. Left.. Buck! I can't believe this. Has NO ONE come looking for me?! It's like been almost 3 goddamn days! I knew it. I'm worth jack sh*t around here, well if I ever get outta here..." he punched his hooves together as if a human were to punch their open palm with their fist, "I'm so gonna wreck someone's sh*t if they try to buck with me or my friends from now on..."


" very well. The last two memories, I assure you, are shorter than the previous ones. However, their impacts are just as potent as the rest. I admit, Darkrai. You have a strong mind, especially for a mortal. I can see why Kazas chose you."

After he spoke those words, the spatial warping began once more, transforming into emptiness into yet another memory.

" There few things more agonizing to a soul than the loss of those closest to you. You, better than many, know that to be truth. This war lasted for more than a decade, spanning all of Kazas's formative years. He became strong physically, emotionally, and mentally. However... losing a loved one, no matter how powerful you may be in these aspects, can rend you asunder."


The backdrop is in a medical tent, strewn with the heavily wounded on mats and few medics to help them. Among the medics, a fully armored ashen griffon is kneeling beside a heavily wounded fellow warrior, of whom was coughing up blood by the gallons, it seemed. Kazas's claw was on this warrior's chest, and a familiar white aura was engulfing them both as it had done Darkrai from earlier. The healing aspect of the Phoenix knight. Kazas looked strained, almost as though he was about to pass out. He spoke frantically, almost as if he was a paranoid schizophrenic.

" Come on, Felwin! You can pull through this... you can pull through, dammit! I know you, you're the toughest swordsgriffon in the entire legion! Come on, you can survive this!"

The griffon that lay dying, Felwin, grabbed Kazas's claw, and smiled as he was still coughing. He shook his head slowly, and spoke softly.

" Save it... for somegriffon... that didn't get ran through in the gut... save who you can... If that all-maker of yours is real, maybe... I'll see you up there... but you'd better be old when you come up... you hear?"

His head turned to the side, and the life drained from his face. Kazas looked away, still clenching the dead griffon's claw in his own. He gently laid the other griffon's claw down.

The memory fastforwards as Kazas attempts to heal other soldiers diligently, but failing nine times out of ten, losing them to extreme bloodloss and mauling. This happens over, and over, and over again. This time, from Kazas, no tears. Only the desperate hope that he may be able to save one more.


" Kazas eventually was shaped into tempered steel, through and through. But even steel can be bent when enough force is applied. Outwardly, he kept himself as composed as he possibly could. But on the inside... as he slowly lost his comrades one by one over the years, it started to affect him. However... Having hope and faith... does reward one, eventually."

The memory keeps fastforwarding, until the tent is nearly empty. All in all, it was a terrible ending... more had died than lived through their wounds.

It was then that a green pegasus with a silvery mane, of all beings, had ran into the now nearly empty tent, with only a kneeling Kazas praying for the souls of the dead to be found. The pegasus had a spear on his backside, a peculiar spear with a blade that split into a shape of of what was reminiscent of centaur horns. He looked almost too young to even consider joining the military, about 16, if even that. Covered in combat leathers, The Pegasus spoke.

" Yo! You Kazas? "

He responded

" I am. "

" good! I heard you... * pant * were * pant* a helluva healer. Look, I'll make it short. You know that group of Minotaurs that are fightin' with us? They got a bad deal, man... had a fort held down that they took from those rebel-guys. Fort got blown to hell by... I dunno... TNT or somethin'! It was a damn trap. The whole force got destroyed, except for this guy..."

Lugging him in, it took six griffons to lift a huge Minotaur into the med-tent. His hide was dark, his hair unkempt, and his eyes were a golden-brown. Two more griffons walked in, carrying a giant zweihander. Even the two of them had trouble carrying it. The griffons laid him down on one of the mats near Kazas. The Minotaur was extremely wounded, suffering massive blood loss, cuts, and stabs that should have ended his life by now, the Minotaur was weeping, looking upward.

The pegasus spoke up.

" he was the only one... I found 'em and carried him back, but not before witnessing some crazy-as-hell stuff back there... this dude is like... a super minotaur! Seriously, this guy was doing crazy stuff, like making stone walls appear out of nowhere, crushin' enemies with boulders that he FRIGGIN LIFTED OUT OF THE GROUND, and did it with friggin arrows in his back! I'm telling ya, we need to..."

The pegasus noticed his weeping, and hung his head. " I'm... sorry... I.. ain't exactly war material... I didn't know it would be like this. Please help 'em... big guy has been through the ringer..."

With that, the green pegasus began to trot out, until Kazas spoke.

" wait! Before you go... what is your name?"

" Syuren. But you can call me Ren. Look, i've gotta get back to scoutin' for the coalition. Promise me... I'll have someone to check on when I get done later, capish?"

Kazas simply nodded his head, and began to look over the Minotaur. such devastating injury... Kazas wasn't sure he could heal the Minotaur, but he would try. The Minotaur was silently crying, almost as though he were begging for the end to come. The Minotaur spoke, albeit it was a foreign language.

" Sie sind weg ... sie alle weg sind ... ... mein Sohn ... meine Frau ... Götter , helft mir ..."

It was then that Kazas grabbed the Minotaur's large hand, and squeezed it tightly. The white, flame-like aura returned and engulfed both. The Minotaur looked over at Kazas, and into the griffon's eyes. His own eyes widened. The griffon... was shedding a tear as well. In a show of mutuality, the Minotaur squeezed his hand gently, and nodded. In that one moment... they understood each other exactly. Kindred souls.

" Ich... bin... Lorec... und du?"

The griffon responded, almost as if he knew exactly what the minotaur said.

" Kazas. "

The process kept on, until the memory came to an end, concluding like a tape paused on a particular scene.



Tears streaked down Darkrai's eyes as she watched the memory. When it was paused, she looked over everything that had occured. She knew her life was nowhere near as detrimental as this what she had just witnessed. But luckily, her mind-training kept, her sane, and she replied, "Isn't there one more? If there is, show me."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Aknor stared, unable to belive the sight he was seeing. He resisted the urge to get her out as he guessed it was part of the show. He sat the anxiously, watching her struggle and writhe out the trap. He wated to fuse on the rockets as it reached its base. "Uh oh..." He covered his eyes and hoped she'd escaped.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
-Avatar by Odyssey-
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It was about 4am in the morning and the two were sleeping peacefully, it was quiet. A little to perfect for a cave in the midst of the wilderness, but they sure weren't hoping for anything bad; much less, out of the ordinary. They were to amicable to care about anything. 

Unfourtunatley their bliss would soon come to an abrupt end as a strong, warm air came over them. It flew through their thick coats and itched their skin. 

Cadence twitched at the feeling and Shining Armor was too far asleep to notice feel anything. As the wind grew hotter and hotter and the air became thicker something registered in Cadence's nervous system. She languidly opened her eyes a slight bit. To her dismay two massive, beady pupils belonging to a monstrous creature glared deep into her eyes. Within nanonseconds she was wide awake and screaming at shriller volumes.


Of course, she woke Shining Armor up who met the same intimidating eyes as Cadence did and they began to scream in unison. They each jumped back from the grotesqueness in fear. Shining Armor Stepping out in front Cadence to protect her.

He stood before a enormus Ursa Major; a vile killer and savage animal to those who threatened them or their young and to the Ursa Major, that's exactly what Cadence and Shining Armor were doing. In her cave, if her young were to be home then that could be a major issue so she wasn't going to risk anything with these two. 

She swung a claw toward the two but Shining Armor pushed himself and Cadence out of the way mere moments before the Ursa Major could hit them. 

The Ursa Major had its claws retracted and when she missed she hit the side of the cave and some of her claws her stuck inside of the rock; she couldn't pull it out. She was stuck. Which gave Shining Armor and Cadence an oppurtunity to escape and they wasted no time on acting upon their chance.

They darted out beside the Ursa Major and by her left foot. They were up and gone in no time. 

They ran at full speed out of the cave and towards Bangcolt which was still miles off, but they didn't care. They were going to keep running until they got there, and nothing in Equestria was going to make them turn around.



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