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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Blizzard was still stuck under the ravine's cliff. SInce he was unable to move, nature decided where he went. The rain did start to let up, however, the amount of water and dirt that had pooled up within the ravine, caused a mudslide that moved everything within it; including Icesius. The mudslide moved his frozen body all the way along the ravine until he was 'poured' into a seemingly endless desert-like area with no nearby signs of life or vegetation. His cryonic ice wasn't designed to melt in the heat, but his time was still on the clock.


Within his mind, Ice could feel his energy levels drop, but even though he was in his mind, his speech began to sound slurred due to low energy, "Ugh....ok. A-a-acording to the levels of energy I can feel....It's about..." his voice then became normal, "4:00 AM?! 4 freakin' AM?! I got one day left. One. Day. Left.. Buck! I can't believe this. Has NO ONE come looking for me?! It's like been almost 3 goddamn days! I knew it. I'm worth jack sh*t around here, well if I ever get outta here..." he punched his hooves together as if a human were to punch their open palm with their fist, "I'm so gonna wreck someone's sh*t if they try to buck with me or my friends from now on..."



Tears streaked down Darkrai's eyes as she watched the memory. When it was paused, she looked over everything that had occured. She knew her life was nowhere near as detrimental as this what she had just witnessed. But luckily, her mind-training kept, her sane, and she replied, "Isn't there one more? If there is, show me."

The voice, disembodied still, spoke. Once more.


" This final memory will shed some light on what it is I hope to accomplish, as well as show you why Kazas is better off here, than in Leovia. You see, Kazas became the next full-fledged Phoenix Knight during the final battle of the Leovian civil contention. In fact, it was he who apprehended the potential usurper who started the conflict. Naturally, this made him a war hero, known throughout the land. His father, who had passed the torch before the final battle, was also honored as he had held high rank in the Leovian military along with being a major factor on the war front. Kazas was chosen to serve as a royal gaurdsgriffon in the capital, and Terminan, his father, was made governer over the Sebes region. Eventually, as thanks to Equestria for aiding in the quell of the rebellion, they would send their greatest shining example and most powerful hero as an ambassador to further the friendship between two nations. That ambassador was, and is, Kazas. You would think that his woes would be over, after all of the trials. But there is a potential looming threat.... one that is eight centuries in the making....





The spatial shifting occurs once more. The backdrop is back in Sebes village. New trees had been planted and the village, slowly being restored to former glory. However, not all is peaceful. Nearby, in a hut that is slightly larger than the others, an argument is taking place between an ashen griffon, now who only had one eye, and a jet-black griffon, familiar in earlier appearences, though aged significantly. Kazas and his father, Terminan. The father spoke first.


".... do you realize what you have done by playing at this charade of yours, Kazas? I may be a governer of Leovia now, but all of the political power in the world cannot heal all of the damage that you are doing with this.... divine retribution nonsense! All you had to do, was stay in Equestria, do your duties, and smile along with waving! But no! Instead, you decide to play hero with a rag-tag group of friends that you met around the end of the war there! Honestly, even that would have been understandable... HAD YOU NOT STARTED TO INSPIRE OTHERS TO DO THE SAME, AND JOIN THIS... BAND OF MISFITS!!!"


Kazas retorted.


" But father, I am not the only wielder of a primal soul anymore! Those friends you speak of... each one also wields the power of the divines as well, and you SAW that during the final battle of Feyrien! And you know they are far from ' rag-tag '! Did not Alrahm, with his strategies and dominion over ice help us win the conflict? Did not Lorec's bravery and strength inspire our own to fight in even the worst conditions? Did not Syuren's sway over wind keep the aerial battles in our favor? Not only that, but I just recently discovered a fith user of a primal soul, and he is the reason why the opposition's command was in such disarray, as he could literally sneak into a battlefield undetected and rout their commanders! So think before you call my compatriots ' rag-tag '! And when it comes to the divine retribution, I am sorry, but my beliefs and dreams are set! Our power is meant for the good of the WORLD, not the interests of nations. Emperor Raziak is a good Griffon, father, and so is his son. You know that, and you know me! If this is about the bad blood between the Razi dynasty and the Inaro bloodline, drop it! It is a new day and age! I am neither Saerael or Zephrael Inaro! Besides, have you read their journals, father? Their writing that they left us seemed very sincere and contradictory to what history says about them!"


"... you read... the forbidden texts?"


" I did! And I'd do it again! Avae says that, in order to pass fair judgement on an individual, both the word of the offending and the offended, along with truthful evidence and honest witness must be considered! Not only that, but their journals contained techniques that are phenomenal!"


" to the nine fathoms with Avae! I turned my back on Vakor years ago! Where was Avae when my men lay dying? Where was Avae when I helped my closest brethren bury their sons and daughters? Where was our savior when we needed him most? He wasn't there. What isn't real CAN'T be there! I was a fool for believing, and if you do not turn your back on Vakor, you too, will walk as a fool. And as for the forbidden texts... you would dare commit the ultimate taboo against our family? Kazas, I did not raise you to be another Gorven-..."


Kazas cut him off, flames suddenly appearing all around him.




Terminan, trying to regain composure, spoke.


" Alright, not like him. But son, look at the facts! I am a governer of Leovia, and you are a representative of Leovia in a distant, allied nation! After nearly 800 years, the Inaros finally have some amount of political power! Now look at what you are doing. You have a group of five powerful warriors leading an evergrowing... ' volunteer force ' of Leovians, Equestrians, and even Sadaurians. And who is at the helm? You. An Inaro. Even if that may not be what you intend, it looks like you are starting to prepare for a battle! You know what our ancestors did 800 years ago... this looks like a second Azure Rebellion in construction! Son, I love you. But if you would endanger your family like this, then I am afraid this is where our relationship as father and son ends. Leave here, and never return."


" if that is the way it has to be... may I... at least say goodbye to mother?"


" You would cause her more grief? "


" I understand... I shall take my leave... good luck governing Sebes, father. "



No response. The door to the domain slammed shut. Kazas, not showing any emotion at all, turned away, and began walking towards a giant minotaur with a zweihander on his backside. Kazas passed him, and the minotaur followed. Lorec. They stayed quiet, as Lorec did not yet know how to speak their language. However, the minotaur, as he was walking side by side with Kazas, stopped the Griffon, and put a hand on his shoulder, as a sign of companionship. When Kazas looked up at Lorec, The minotaur had a smile on his face.


" bier?"


Kazas answered.


" Bier. When we get home. "


The minotaur was the same one from the previous memory, save for the fact that he was wearing bandages under a tunic that covered most of his upper body. Even his legs were clothed with linen trousers. It was clear that they had become good friends.


" mit Syuren, Alrahm, und Vorrin? "


" not Syuren. Too young. "


" wie alt? "


" 17, now. "


" pffffffff... sechszehn ist okay. "


" not in Equestria. "


He said, cracking a smile.








The spatial warping occured again, warping into the white space of nothingness, save for the same great golden Phoenix that stood there before. There were no more black orbs. Darkrai had seen all that had needed to be seen.


" Kazas's father turned away from Vakor and Avae while Kazas remained faithful. And as if things were not terrible enough already, Kazas commited the Inaro taboo by reading the journals of two of his predecessors, Saerael and Zephrael. Saerael, the great healer turned traitor, and Zephrael, the Azure Terror. You will learn more of the Divine Retribution later, Darkrai. All you need to know... is that these memories, and the past deeds of Kazas's ancestors... go claw-and-claw together. The emperors of Leovia have always been fearful of the power of the Inaros. While Kazas and Terminan have assauged much of the fear with their service to Leovia... there are still doubts in the minds of the royal family there. Kazas truly wants the best for others, and the world, Darkrai. Especially for you. He would sacrifice himself for you, if but only to see you smile. I have shown you what drives him. What hurts him. You and you alone, because you are the only one who can heal these pains upon his conscious. We needn't continue any further... but, if you wish to know whom the azure terror was and what he did that made the Royal family so fearful, I will more than happily tell you. After all... your soul... is similar to Kazas's. And that means your soul is similar to Zephrael's."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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The voice, disembodied still, spoke. Once more.


" This final memory will shed some light on what it is I hope to accomplish, as well as show you why Kazas is better off here, than in Leovia. You see, Kazas became the next full-fledged Phoenix Knight during the final battle of the Leovian civil contention. In fact, it was he who apprehended the potential usurper who started the conflict. Naturally, this made him a war hero, known throughout the land. His father, who had passed the torch before the final battle, was also honored as he had held high rank in the Leovian military along with being a major factor on the war front. Kazas was chosen to serve as a royal gaurdsgriffon in the capital, and Terminan, his father, was made governer over the Sebes region. Eventually, as thanks to Equestria for aiding in the quell of the rebellion, they would send their greatest shining example and most powerful hero as an ambassador to further the friendship between two nations. That ambassador was, and is, Kazas. You would think that his woes would be over, after all of the trials. But there is a potential looming threat.... one that is eight centuries in the making....





The spatial shifting occurs once more. The backdrop is back in Sebes village. New trees had been planted and the village, slowly being restored to former glory. However, not all is peaceful. Nearby, in a hut that is slightly larger than the others, an argument is taking place between an ashen griffon, now who only had one eye, and a jet-black griffon, familiar in earlier appearences, though aged significantly. Kazas and his father, Terminan. The father spoke first.


".... do you realize what you have done by playing at this charade of yours, Kazas? I may be a governer of Leovia now, but all of the political power in the world cannot heal all of the damage that you are doing with this.... divine retribution nonsense! All you had to do, was stay in Equestria, do your duties, and smile along with waving! But no! Instead, you decide to play hero with a rag-tag group of friends that you met around the end of the war there! Honestly, even that would have been understandable... HAD YOU NOT STARTED TO INSPIRE OTHERS TO DO THE SAME, AND JOIN THIS... BAND OF MISFITS!!!"


Kazas retorted.


" But father, I am not the only wielder of a primal soul anymore! Those friends you speak of... each one also wields the power of the divines as well, and you SAW that during the final battle of Feyrien! And you know they are far from ' rag-tag '! Did not Alrahm, with his strategies and dominion over ice help us win the conflict? Did not Lorec's bravery and strength inspire our own to fight in even the worst conditions? Did not Syuren's sway over wind keep the aerial battles in our favor? Not only that, but I just recently discovered a fith user of a primal soul, and he is the reason why the opposition's command was in such disarray, as he could literally sneak into a battlefield undetected and rout their commanders! So think before you call my compatriots ' rag-tag '! And when it comes to the divine retribution, I am sorry, but my beliefs and dreams are set! Our power is meant for the good of the WORLD, not the interests of nations. Emperor Raziak is a good Griffon, father, and so is his son. You know that, and you know me! If this is about the bad blood between the Razi dynasty and the Inaro bloodline, drop it! It is a new day and age! I am neither Saerael or Zephrael Inaro! Besides, have you read their journals, father? Their writing that they left us seemed very sincere and contradictory to what history says about them!"


"... you read... the forbidden texts?"


" I did! And I'd do it again! Avae says that, in order to pass fair judgement on an individual, both the word of the offending and the offended, along with truthful evidence and honest witness must be considered! Not only that, but their journals contained techniques that are phenomenal!"


" to the nine fathoms with Avae! I turned my back on Vakor years ago! Where was Avae when my men lay dying? Where was Avae when I helped my closest brethren bury their sons and daughters? Where was our savior when we needed him most? He wasn't there. What isn't real CAN'T be there! I was a fool for believing, and if you do not turn your back on Vakor, you too, will walk as a fool. And as for the forbidden texts... you would dare commit the ultimate taboo against our family? Kazas, I did not raise you to be another Gorven-..."


Kazas cut him off, flames suddenly appearing all around him.




Terminan, trying to regain composure, spoke.


" Alright, not like him. But son, look at the facts! I am a governer of Leovia, and you are a representative of Leovia in a distant, allied nation! After nearly 800 years, the Inaros finally have some amount of political power! Now look at what you are doing. You have a group of five powerful warriors leading an evergrowing... ' volunteer force ' of Leovians, Equestrians, and even Sadaurians. And who is at the helm? You. An Inaro. Even if that may not be what you intend, it looks like you are starting to prepare for a battle! You know what our ancestors did 800 years ago... this looks like a second Azure Rebellion in construction! Son, I love you. But if you would endanger your family like this, then I am afraid this is where our relationship as father and son ends. Leave here, and never return."


" if that is the way it has to be... may I... at least say goodbye to mother?"


" You would cause her more grief? "


" I understand... I shall take my leave... good luck governing Sebes, father. "



No response. The door to the domain slammed shut. Kazas, not showing any emotion at all, turned away, and began walking towards a giant minotaur with a zweihander on his backside. Kazas passed him, and the minotaur followed. Lorec. They stayed quiet, as Lorec did not yet know how to speak their language. However, the minotaur, as he was walking side by side with Kazas, stopped the Griffon, and put a hand on his shoulder, as a sign of companionship. When Kazas looked up at Lorec, The minotaur had a smile on his face.


" bier?"


Kazas answered.


" Bier. When we get home. "


The minotaur was the same one from the previous memory, save for the fact that he was wearing bandages under a tunic that covered most of his upper body. Even his legs were clothed with linen trousers. It was clear that they had become good friends.


" mit Syuren, Alrahm, und Vorrin? "


" not Syuren. Too young. "


" wie alt? "


" 17, now. "


" pffffffff... sechszehn ist okay. "


" not in Equestria. "


He said, cracking a smile.








The spatial warping occured again, warping into the white space of nothingness, save for the same great golden Phoenix that stood there before. There were no more black orbs. Darkrai had seen all that had needed to be seen.


" Kazas's father turned away from Vakor and Avae while Kazas remained faithful. And as if things were not terrible enough already, Kazas commited the Inaro taboo by reading the journals of two of his predecessors, Saerael and Zephrael. Saerael, the great healer turned traitor, and Zephrael, the Azure Terror. You will learn more of the Divine Retribution later, Darkrai. All you need to know... is that these memories, and the past deeds of Kazas's ancestors... go claw-and-claw together. The emperors of Leovia have always been fearful of the power of the Inaros. While Kazas and Terminan have assauged much of the fear with their service to Leovia... there are still doubts in the minds of the royal family there. Kazas truly wants the best for others, and the world, Darkrai. Especially for you. He would sacrifice himself for you, if but only to see you smile. I have shown you what drives him. What hurts him. You and you alone, because you are the only one who can heal these pains upon his conscious. We needn't continue any further... but, if you wish to know whom the azure terror was and what he did that made the Royal family so fearful, I will more than happily tell you. After all... your soul... is similar to Kazas's. And that means your soul is similar to Zephrael's."

Darkrai was stunned at the memory. She hadn't expected that Kazas had gone through such crap priorto when they met, "Well..that escalated quickly.." She said simply before listening to the disembodied voice once again. After she was asked about the Azure, she was interested, "Tell me more about that 'terror' thing."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Trixie had already removed the gag and blindfold deftly with her teeth, and was beginning to remove the hoofcuffs, but it looked like something was wrong. She began fumbling with the locks, a confused expression on her face, before she abandoned her action in favor of panickedly banging on the glass case in Aknor's direction. She looked into his eyes, with one last expression of absolute terror. Then the rockets went off.


They smashed powerfully into the case, turning it into a massive, sparking fireball that spit fireworks and bits of glass all over the brightly lit stage. A few seconds later, it also spit out the handcuffs; they bounced out of the explosion and landed at Aknor's feet as the flames died down. They were still smoldering.

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Aknor sat there completely still on the chair. He looked down and saw the cuffs and gagged. "Oh buck... Oh buck... Oh buck... What do I say of someone comes looking for her? It'll look like I blew her up... I'll be banished from this place too, damnit why do I get involed with these kind've things and get people killed?" He started to get up and leave Trixies shop, then Bangcolt and never return in fear of execution.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
-Avatar by Odyssey-
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caliber took the note, and looked at it. he tossed it aside, and grinned up at celestia. "cool, very nicley done." he said, as he started walking around, apparently looking for something. "okay, ice, very funny. i dont know how you got celestia herself to give me that note, but you cant fool me! where ya hiding, buddy?" he asked, checking all the nooks and crannies in the room.


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"Hey, wait!"


Trixie, completely unharmed, ran out from behind one of the curtains, grabbing Aknor's hoof as he attempted to flee the shop.


"It was a trick," she explained, huffing a little from crossing so much distance. "The lights on the floors and walls activate illusive runes embedded in the infrastructure. What you saw back there wasn't real."


She gave him a nervous chuckle.


"I actually set that up to get back at you for the "rabbit in the hat" crack, but it looks like I overdid it. I apologize."

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Darkrai was stunned at the memory. She hadn't expected that Kazas had gone through such crap priorto when they met, "Well..that escalated quickly.." She said simply before listening to the disembodied voice once again. After she was asked about the Azure, she was interested, "Tell me more about that 'terror' thing."








" a long time ago, a child was born of the Inaros... A product of experimentation, this child's soul was half Phoenix lord, half mortal. His father, Saerael, had been commanded to produce an heir that would be unstoppable in battle, as the ruling dynasty of Leovia at that time were planning a massive, all out war for land, minerals, and hunting ground. They didn't care who they hurt... They were the epitome of what you mortals called greed. Keeping their true intentions obscured, employed Saerael to create a child to spearhead their ambitions. Under the impression that he was doing the deed for peace, Saerael, when he bedded his beloved, transmigrated his soul with mine and ordered me to... Carry onward with the action. Instead of receiving a portion of his own soul, the child received a portion of mine, along with his mother's. when the child was born, so powerful was his soul, that the mother died in birthing him, giving him the rest of the power of her soul just to ensure the child survived. Eventually, Saerael found out the true intentions of the ruling dynasty, and contemplated slaying the child, to prevent his suffering, and to prevent his use as a weapon against others. However, he could not force himself to do it. Eventually, Saerael plotted himself to rebel against the ruling dynasty, but was discovered, imprisoned, and eventually executed by hanging, leaving his son, Zephrael, alone. This son, born of Phoenix, would grow to be the most powerful of all Phoenix knights to ever exist. More yet, he was righteous, loving, faithful, and full of self-sacrifice, much like Kazas. But he too would discover the plot, with him as the centerpiece. Choosing between the good of the world and the good of Leovia... He chose the good of the world. With his mighty soul and unrivaled abilities as a Phoenix knight, he systematically slaughtered the ruling family of Leovia.. Condemned as a traitor, he and his family fled, with him staying behind to face an army of 10,000.... With his awakened azure flame.... He decimated an entire army... Except for one. One righteous friend he had made. Zephrael, being cautious as he fought, spared one soul. His friend, Raziqa. Zephrael had carefully planned events so that Raziqa's family would become the new ruling dynasty by right of rank... And when the battle was done, fell on Raziqa's sword, martyring himself. His azure flame became synonymous with fear, allowing

Raziqa, as his slayer, to ride the coattails of a false legend...."


Ezerepth paused.


" zephrael, righteous in soul, yet woeful as well, was portrayed as a heartless monster and a traitor. His descendants would face the stigma of a traitorous cur, even suffering exile for many years before being allowed to reintegrate with Leovian society."


He paused once more.


" because of what is in Kazas's soul, he may very well awaken the azure flame as Zephrael did. He knows love, righteousness, faith, and sacrifice. But like zephrael, he knows guilt, despair, sorrow, and hatred.... These shall inevitably mix, and the azure terror will be born anew, this time, as Kazas. If he awakens the azure flame, Leovia will hear of it.... And they will come for him, Darkrai... And his sense of duty will dictate his action. He will not resist. Only you, can get him to forget the pain of his past, and prehaps... Change his awakening. Do you understand?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Fluttershy nervously appraoched Xander with her little ducklings cautiously stepping forward as Fluttershy did. "Hi..." She trailed, "I'm uh Fluttershy. It's nice to meet you." 

She was rather nervous, it was the second zebra she had ever met asides Zecora. She had no real reason to be scared but for whatever reason she was. Perhaps after years and years of hiding from Zebra's some traces of older memories still remained looming.



He smiled as she was finally ready to start, granted he was a little concerned about Ice. Regardless of how little he knew him, he seemed like a good stallion. But that wasn't important right now.

He stood across from Luna. His necklace began to glow a peach, pink color as it activated and he went to stand in posistion. He grinned and narrowed his eyes, "Your move." 

@@Mars Orbit,


Pinkie Pie was caught off guard as she went flying through the hole she had made previously in the ceiling above.


She wasn't punched hard enough to send her into any above objects so instead she just landed on her four hooves right in front of Skitz but this time she didn't smile. Instead her lips quivered and eyes watered. She broke into tears, in pain over what Skitz had just done.She just sat in front of him; bawling.



Twilight couldn't keep her eyes off of Tyra's cutie mark. It was so unique, of course she had seen other fighters Cutie Mark's be something that dealt with fighting but this one was almost identical to this ancestrial weapon. Interesting...  

Another question had entered Twilight's mind, "A raid? What kind of raid?" The first thing she thought of when Tyra mentioned raiding was how ancient barbarian ponies like Leif Marekson who pillaged and raped other settlements. But Tyra didn't seem like the type to do such a thing. But looks could be decieveing.




Sweetie Belle had noticed the Colt staring at her but she decided not to say anything for his sake, granted it was a little weird to have someone eyeballing her. But she shrugged it off.


Scootaloo was slightly offended at Speed's question, "No, we're sisters. I assure you. You could ask her yourself, she'll tell you the same thing. I bet you on it!"


It was apparent to her friends that Scootaloo was upset about the question and quite honestly, she had a right to defend herself when someone was questioning her relationship to Rainbow Dash. Applebloom decided it would be best to try and divert the topic; to their latter question, "No, I don't believe we've seen her... or for that matter, met her. But going on an adventure sounds fun," she looked back to the other two musketeers who nodded at her in approval. "We're in." 

Edited by louisvillepride
  • Brohoof 1


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" a long time ago, a child was born of the Inaros... A product of experimentation, this child's soul was half Phoenix lord, half mortal. His father, Saerael, had been commanded to produce an heir that would be unstoppable in battle, as the ruling dynasty of Leovia at that time were planning a massive, all out war for land, minerals, and hunting ground. They didn't care who they hurt... They were the epitome of what you mortals called greed. Keeping their true intentions obscured, employed Saerael to create a child to spearhead their ambitions. Under the impression that he was doing the deed for peace, Saerael, when he bedded his beloved, transmigrated his soul with mine and ordered me to... Carry onward with the action. Instead of receiving a portion of his own soul, the child received a portion of mine, along with his mother's. when the child was born, so powerful was his soul, that the mother died in birthing him, giving him the rest of the power of her soul just to ensure the child survived. Eventually, Saerael found out the true intentions of the ruling dynasty, and contemplated slaying the child, to prevent his suffering, and to prevent his use as a weapon against others. However, he could not force himself to do it. Eventually, Saerael plotted himself to rebel against the ruling dynasty, but was discovered, imprisoned, and eventually executed by hanging, leaving his son, Zephrael, alone. This son, born of Phoenix, would grow to be the most powerful of all Phoenix knights to ever exist. More yet, he was righteous, loving, faithful, and full of self-sacrifice, much like Kazas. But he too would discover the plot, with him as the centerpiece. Choosing between the good of the world and the good of Leovia... He chose the good of the world. With his mighty soul and unrivaled abilities as a Phoenix knight, he systematically slaughtered the ruling family of Leovia.. Condemned as a traitor, he and his family fled, with him staying behind to face an army of 10,000.... With his awakened azure flame.... He decimated an entire army... Except for one. One righteous friend he had made. Zephrael, being cautious as he fought, spared one soul. His friend, Raziqa. Zephrael had carefully planned events so that Raziqa's family would become the new ruling dynasty by right of rank... And when the battle was done, fell on Raziqa's sword, martyring himself. His azure flame became synonymous with fear, allowing
Raziqa, as his slayer, to ride the coattails of a false legend...."

Ezerepth paused.

" zephrael, righteous in soul, yet woeful as well, was portrayed as a heartless monster and a traitor. His descendants would face the stigma of a traitorous cur, even suffering exile for many years before being allowed to reintegrate with Leovian society."

He paused once more.

" because of what is in Kazas's soul, he may very well awaken the azure flame as Zephrael did. He knows love, righteousness, faith, and sacrifice. But like zephrael, he knows guilt, despair, sorrow, and hatred.... These shall inevitably mix, and the azure terror will be born anew, this time, as Kazas. If he awakens the azure flame, Leovia will hear of it.... And they will come for him, Darkrai... And his sense of duty will dictate his action. He will not resist. Only you, can get him to forget the pain of his past, and prehaps... Change his awakening. Do you understand?"

Darkrai was hung up on every word as the Phoenix spoke. She knew that this was serious business, that this griffon alone could very well be more important to her than anything that has happened in her life prior to this experience. Because of this, she knew what she had to do, "I got it. I love him, and he's the only one who understands me. I won't let anyone or anything, take him from me. Ever! You can rest assure that I'm gonna keep him safe." she said with a confident grin.


Kev, was unmoved. As his swarm gathered whatever info they could on Xander, and retreated into his mane and tail and thought to him, "There's something about this one....Nope, just don't like this one. Maybe she could use some help.."


It took him a moment before speaking to Xander, "Sorry, what would you like to know? Also, do you want some help?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Ice Blizzard


"My oh my your an interesting fellow, you have much knowledge to share yes? I would be grateful if you told me more about yourself, you could say your aura is an interesting one." This one doesn't talk as much as the common pony but then again the pink maned one doesn't either. Those who think alike are drawn together as they say.

Edited by Ranger22
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@@Ranger22, @,

Kev didn't want to say much. He isn't normally the type to go around talk so much, so he replied simply, "Well there isn't all that much to tell. I'm interested in insects mainly, and finding whole new species of said fauna." he said monotonously.


He then thought to himself, "Better watch what I say....never know who's an enemy around here. She could be making something explosive, or worse. Or maybe she's friendly. Gotta be safe, but one thing's for sure, Fluttershy is a likely pony who's not evil. But better keep our several thousand eyes open..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai was hung up on every word as the Phoenix spoke. She knew that this was serious business, that this griffon alone could very well be more important to her than anything that has happened in her life prior to this experience. Because of this, she knew what she had to do, "I got it. I love him, and he's the only one who understands me. I won't let anyone or anything, take him from me. Ever! You can rest assure that I'm gonna keep him safe." she said with a confident grin.@,@@Ranger22,Kev, was unmoved. As his swarm gathered whatever info they could on Xander, and retreated into his mane and tail and thought to him, "There's something about this one....Nope, just don't like this one. Maybe she could use some help.." It took him a moment before speaking to Xander, "Sorry, what would you like to know? Also, do you want some help?"



the disembodied voice spoke once more, this time, in a cheery tone.


" Lover of the Phoenix knight, even if the path be laden with treachery and danger, be not intimidated, for Kazas shall never leave thee unless thou wills it to be so. Though thine soul once grieved and ached for vengeance, it now resembles a paradigm of love and affection that transcends all else. Quell the storm in Kazas's soul, and thou shall be the first, and the only, to receive the Seraph's kiss. I know Kazas... and I know he made the right choice. Sleep in peace, and know that you have my blessing."


And like a flickering flame in a strong wind, the presence seemingly left Darkrai's mind. Leaving three words as an echo.


" he loves you... "

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Twilight couldn't keep her eyes off of Tyra's cutie mark. It was so unique, of course she had seen other fighters Cutie Mark's be something that dealt with fighting but this one was almost identical to this ancestrial weapon. Interesting...  

Another question had entered Twilight's mind, "A raid? What kind of raid?" The first thing she thought of when Tyra mentioned raiding was how ancient barbarian ponies like Leif Marekson who pillaged and raped other settlements. But Tyra didn't seem like the type to do such a thing. But looks could be decieveing.


"Oh, 'tis quite a tale," Tyra chirped, grinning proudly to the alicorn, "Well, the Frostwing Clan had attempted an attack on our village. A few had gotten through the gates, but my parents and the village wizard dealt with them swiftly. My father decided that we should attack them back, to make sure they knew not to try the same mistake twice."


"I was but a filly, but I asked and begged and pleaded to come along. I'd had plenty of weapons training, so he finally decided to let me if I was careful. I remember it fondly, gripping the handle of an axe between my teeth, the cold breeze brushing my mane and the spray of the sea on my face."


A dreamy look came over her momentarily, before returning to her bright grin.

"Anywho, as if by chance, one of their longboats was coming in our direction! Ragnar, the stallion in charge of our assault, quickly made a new plan; attack the longboat and send them back alive as a warning. And that is what we did!" She hopped on her hooves rather giddily.


"They did not take any lives from our village, so we spared them all to spread fear to the Frostwings, make it clear that Trotstheim and its Shatterhoof clan were not to be taken lightly! And that is how I got my cutie mark!"


She tapped the dome-like helmet on her head, the wings on both sides at attention. "It is how I got this helmet too!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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4am, a horrible time to be woken from a nice dream. A dream of gold, gems and victory, all shattered in an instant as a monstrous roar echoed across the wilderness. As such it would make sense that the dragon would be beyond agitated as he woke from slumber. With a disgruntled growl the crimson dragon took off into the air from the boulder he called bed for the night in search of the miserable creature responsible for his rude awakening.


Ash would’ve had to been blind to miss it; the massive beast, an Ursa Major angrily chasing a pair of tiny ponies across the countryside. Now, the average creature would just leave things be at that point; no reason to rile up a dangerous creature like an Ursa Major, especially one already angry. However this was Ash, at 4am, grumpy, with no breakfast. Something this morning was going to get hurt; badly.


The dragon swooped down from the sky. Throat glowing an orange-red as he landed directly between the ponies and monstrous Ursa. Ash opened his mouth and launched a ball of fire like a cannon, the flame sphere impacted the ground at the Ursa Major’s feet, exploding in a shower of fire. It didn’t seem to hurt the creature much, but it certainly grabbed it’s attention.

“Do you have any idea how goddamned early it is?! The sun isn’t even up yet!” Ash yelled at the beast, not caring if it could understand him or not, “But hey, since those weakling ponies don’t seem to want to play with you, I will!”

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Skitz stared at pink, who was crying in front of him. "STOP CRYING!!!!" He put his hooves on both sides of her head. "Listen. I need you to-" he stopped mid sentence and pushed pink as hard as he could towards the window. "I'm sorry, but I need the money!" He said with a frown.

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the disembodied voice spoke once more, this time, in a cheery tone.


" Lover of the Phoenix knight, even if the path be laden with treachery and danger, be not intimidated, for Kazas shall never leave thee unless thou wills it to be so. Though thine soul once grieved and ached for vengeance, it now resembles a paradigm of love and affection that transcends all else. Quell the storm in Kazas's soul, and thou shall be the first, and the only, to receive the Seraph's kiss. I know Kazas... and I know he made the right choice. Sleep in peace, and know that you have my blessing."


And like a flickering flame in a strong wind, the presence seemingly left Darkrai's mind. Leaving three words as an echo.


" he loves you... "

Darkrai began to blush as the dream faded, and woke up in the real world noticing how early in the morning it was, "Huh? Woah. It must be 6:00 AM already. The sun is begining to rise." she then turned to Kazas and rapidly nudged him, "Kaz! Kaz! Kaz! Wake up, look at the lovely sunrise..."


Meanwhile, Blizzard wasn't taking the time change all that well, "Goddammit. The sun is about to rise, by calculations of how much power I got left." he began to lightly sob some more, "Just great. My last day alive...." his voice began to break, "a-and I never even got the chance to watch the sunrise with Rarity....."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"If you wish me first draw, so be it," Luna replied back to Night Tracer. Her horn glowed, and as a she muttered a few short sentences in an unknown language, a medium sized sword popped into the air in front of her. For a sword, it was incredibly strange, though; it's blade seemed to have no definite form, and wavered back and forth in the space over the hilt. It was pure black, from hilt to point; drawing in light itself as it moved. Finally, there was a faint, high pitched noise that could barely be heard over the sound of the wind, and the grass around Luna's feet began to die, as if the very presence of the blade was causing life to protest.


"This is Erebos, my personal weapon," she explained, grabbing the sword in a telekinetic grip and focusing. Immediately, the screaming stopped, and the grass returned to normal. "Kept contained and under control as it is now, it is a thing of beauty. But when allowed to run loose, it can rust steel and corrupt flesh, even kill..."


She paused, as if she didn't want to finish her sentence. Instead, she reacted; holding the sword sideways, she quickly darted towards Night Tracer, aiming a light swipe at his mid-section.


"Let's start."




@Orion Caelum

Without much fuss, Anette woke up from the hospital bed. Rolling over, she discovered that her dolls were just getting up, as well, and she waited patiently for them. When they finished, she hugged each of them before rolling out of bed and heading down the hall.


"Wilhelm?" she called out inquisitively, finding him momentarily.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Aknor ignored what she said and how she explained how it worked and hugged her, "THAT... That was uncalled for. There was no need to make me think you'd blown yourself up. I was genuinly worried about y-." He looked away for a moment, "Ahem... I mean I could've been kicked out've this continent if you'd blown yourself up," He stammered, loosening the hug a little then tightening it again. "I don't need to lie here, I was seriously worried about you. Don't do that again." He said quickly correcting himself.


After an awkward moment he let go of her and looked at the floor shyly, "Sorry about y'know... Insulting your performance before seeing it... And the hug incident..." He was mentally kicking himself,' Why of all the thing you could do, did you hug her? You've probably creeped her out now you foal.'


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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Night Tracer was taken back by Luna's sword, it was massive. It was dark, it was somber. Scary... but it didn't rattle him all too much. He assumed that Luna knew how to use it and he assumed that she'd be using limiters.


He waited for her move and for an alicorn, it was a rather bold move. He had expected her to do something more strategic than just charge at him... "quite foolish..." He thought.  But he for sure wasn't going to argue.

She moved with incredible speed but she had already posistioned her sword so it made it obvious as to what exactly she was doing. 

Night Tracer stood, motionless. Waiting like a fool, or it so seemed that way. But mere moments before Luna could strike he bolted to the opposite side of the sword. 


He placed his hoof down and flipped over Luna's back. While doing so he grabbed one of his Kukri's and pulled a sedative dart from behind his ear. He flew under her stomach; facing upwards. He drug his Kukri under her stomach, across her skin and jammed the Dart into her stomach but since he was going so fast; he didn't have to let go and it broke off the metal tip leaving it embedded in her skin. 

In less than two seconds he had succsessfully landed his first attack and flew up into the air about 20 feet above and behind her. 


He lifted the broken dart in front of himself, "Thought I'd level the playing field a bit." he said as he threw the remainder of the dart to the ground. "It will have done its job in time. Give it a minute." He smiled cockily, to think he had gotten the upper hand already. But he knew that wouldn't last for long....



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@Ice blizzard @louisprideville


"Ah a cataloger for insects and fauna, that profession is harder then most ponies presume. Coincidentally I too study fauna and an insect or two. We may share similar goals, if what your telling me up front is to be believed." There was no hiding it, his aura is very strange. Fluttershy as I now know managed to squeak out an introduction," apologies if we didn't add you to our conversation it is very nice to meet you." I said before pulling out a bottle filled with an unfinished potion. Looking back at the pony with the strange aura "this is the potion I'm currently brewing. I need a certain ingredient before it's ready for consumption."

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Fluttershy stepped into the conversation when Xander mentioned her, "Oh. What do you need, perhaps we could help? But it may take some time depending on what it is you need," As Fluttershy spoke she evaluated the potion. It reminded her of Zecora's; it had a familiar glow to it. Not a specific color but for whatever reason it reminded her of Zecora's concontions.

Edited by louisvillepride


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@@Ranger22, @,

Kev was unsure of whether or not he should help. He was still pretty skeptical of this Zebra, and whether or not she was planning something, "I don't know. Better keep close eyes on this one here. Worst case scenario: a WMD. Best case scenario: harmless."


"What is it that this 'brew' of yours will do?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@Mars Orbit,


Pinkie suddenly was falling back towards the window but luckily she was able to grab hold of an electrical chord. She yanked a side of it from the wall and tumbled back toward the edge of the building but luckily she wasn't sent plummeting.


She stood back up and yanked the other half of the electrical chord from the wall and into her hooves. She then used it like a lasso and threw it around Skitz. And smiled, "Prepared to be... shocked, electructed." She looked wiped a tear from her eye and onto a loose wire it fell as she dropped the cord and sat down to watch. A smile crossed her face.


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@Ice Blizzard


 "Well this brew of mine will temporarily increase my muscle mass and dampen my nerves effectively making me last longer in combat. I use many brews to help me in combat, mostly for self defensive purposes. In a land full of lions do you think a zebra can last long without getting tricky?" I truthfully stated to the curious pony with an odd aura.

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@@Star Saber,


The Ursa Major got its massive paw out the wall and turned around to see a miniscule dragon behind her. It was feeble compared to itself. She snarled at it and then looked up above it and smiled.

Suddenly a massive boulder rolled in front of the entrance. And the light dissapeared, pitch back soulessness filled the cave.


The Mother Ursa Major growled real low but seemingly out of no where another deeper one joined her. The dragon's arrogance has left him in the darkness with not one; but two Ursa Major's and no possible escape from hindsights.  Pity...Such Pity...


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