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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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"Sorry, pink." Skitz said under his breath and then, with two swift motions, he grabbed the part of the wire that wasn't wrapped around him, but in front of pinkie and whipped towards her side trying to wrap it around her while pushing himself forward with his hind legs. "Pleasegetluckypleasegetluckypleasegetlucky."

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@@Mars Orbit,


Unfourtunatley for Skitz, Pinkie was able to dodge the wire. She giggled and snorted, "Silly goose, Skitz! You've already lost. Instead of choosing to act like a friend, you chose to fight me for money. So you chose money over friendship."


She pulled another wire from the roof; this time a suspension wire. She threw it to lasso him again and squezze him tighter. The Protective rubber around the suspension wire prevented electricity from passing through. Not to mention, rubber is a poor conductor anyway. 


She preped to throw him out the window, "I hope there is some monetary value in your hospitial bill. Let me know when I stop by to see you, ok?" She grinned widely. 


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Darkrai began to blush as the dream faded, and woke up in the real world noticing how early in the morning it was, "Huh? Woah. It must be 6:00 AM already. The sun is begining to rise." she then turned to Kazas and rapidly nudged him, "Kaz! Kaz! Kaz! Wake up, look at the lovely sunrise..."


Meanwhile, Blizzard wasn't taking the time change all that well, "Goddammit. The sun is about to rise, by calculations of how much power I got left." he began to lightly sob some more, "Just great. My last day alive...." his voice began to break, "a-and I never even got the chance to watch the sunrise with Rarity....."

Kazas, mumbling in his sleep, was having trouble waking up.


" zzzzzzzzz.... but mother, the field mice are better when you roast them over an open fire, not in a stew.... zzzzzzzzz....."


Eventually, he woke up from Darkrai shaking him.


" wha-what? I'm awake! I'm awake!" He said, rapidly standing upward. Yawning and stretching out his wings, he spoke after he had gone through the motions of waking up. At Darkrai's behest, he had noticed the sunrise, and smiled.


" And it is with great satisfaction that this is my first morn waking up with another. Thanks for waking me up, Darkrai. It is a beautiful day. Did you sleep well, Mea Amica?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas, mumbling in his sleep, was having trouble waking up.


" zzzzzzzzz.... but mother, the field mice are better when you roast them over an open fire, not in a stew.... zzzzzzzzz....."


Eventually, he woke up from Darkrai shaking him.


" wha-what? I'm awake! I'm awake!" He said, rapidly standing upward. Yawning and stretching out his wings, he spoke after he had gone through the motions of waking up. At Darkrai's behest, he had noticed the sunrise, and smiled.


" And it is with great satisfaction that this is my first morn waking up with another. Thanks for waking me up, Darkrai. It is a beautiful day. Did you sleep well, Mea Amica?"

Darkrai giggled slightly at the griffon's weird talk before he had awoken. When he asked her how she slept, she got up and stretched, "Uh....well. Not my worst night sleep." she knew that she was obligated to him now, and she'd do everything in her power to keep him safe. "I noticed you were saying something about mice. A big guy like you must get hungry quick." she said, giggling again, "I wonder if any mice could be within this field here..."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Hm, interesting." Twilight half mindedly mentioned as she was still examining Tyra's cutie mark. But she finally took her eyes off of it; abruptly as she crashed into her house. She looked up, "Oh, we're here."


She walked around front and into the library which looked spotless, as always. "Welcome to my humble home, a litttle dirty right now," she said. 


"Let's go underground," Her horn glew and in seconds they were telported to a labratory underground.




Fluttershy listened as Xander spoke but he didn't acknowledge her offer in regards to her needs; ironically, considering he asked her in the first place. So Fluttershy stepped back behind Kevin again; excusing herself from the conversation at hoof

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@@Ranger22, @,

Kev looked at Fluttershy to see her walk behind him, seemingly nervous and wanting to leave, "Sensing tension within Fluttershy. Maybe I should leave this one. This zebra creeps me out."


He thought for a moment before walking along with Fluttershy, "Thanks but, I'm not much of a help with potions. I got species to find."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai giggled slightly at the griffon's weird talk before he had awoken. When he asked her how she slept, she got up and stretched, "Uh....well. Not my worst night sleep." she knew that she was obligated to him now, and she'd do everything in her power to keep him safe. "I noticed you were saying something about mice. A big guy like you must get hungry quick." she said, giggling again, "I wonder if any mice could be within this field here..."

" oh I... you really don't mind the fact that I'm not an herbivore? I mean... I am quite famished, but, I don't want to... you know... make you feel uncomfortable while I forage around for sustenance..."


He said, looking downward and grabbing his upper left claw with his right, rubbing it nervously. It was then that his stomach growled loudly. His eye widened, realizing that Darkrai would hear it.





waking up with an intense combination of hangover, coming down, and allergic reaction, Lorec groaned while rubbing his forehead.


" Schiße... how long was I out..."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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" oh I... you really don't mind the fact that I'm not an herbivore? I mean... I am quite famished, but, I don't want to... you know... make you feel uncomfortable while I forage around for sustenance..."


He said, looking downward and grabbing his upper left claw with his right, rubbing it nervously. It was then that his stomach growled loudly. His eye widened, realizing that Darkrai would hear it.





waking up with an intense combination of hangover, coming down, and allergic reaction, Lorec groaned while rubbing his forehead.


" Schiße... how long was I out..."

Darkrai giggled again. She had never heard a griffon's stomach sound like that before, she knew he must be hungry. "I mean, it's not a really big deal. Trust me, I've seen worse as mercenary. In fact...maybe I could help you find something to eat? I mean you are an apex predator aren't you Kazy?" she said with a playful taunting tone as she made bedroom eyes at him.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai giggled again. She had never heard a griffon's stomach sound like that before, she knew he must be hungry. "I mean, it's not a really big deal. Trust me, I've seen worse as mercenary. In fact...maybe I could help you find something to eat? I mean you are an apex predator aren't you Kazy?" she said with a playful taunting tone as she made bedroom eyes at him.


" well I, you see, yes, but I mean-..."


Looking up while still feeling embarrassed, he gazed upon Darkrai's face, and immediately, he grew flustered. He started to break out in a very faint sweat. His eye began wandering everywhere. It was apparent that Darkrai's sensuous gaze was able to really set him off.


" wow... It feels... Extremely hot. Am I immolated again? Because occasionally, I, ummm... Trigger Ezerepth's gift without thinking you know?"


Awkwardly, he began checking himself in a somewhat humorous manner to observe if he was using the Phoenix flame or not.


" Dear Avae, you are hot... I MEAN, IT IS HOT, AS IN, HOT OUTSIDE AND IT'S MAKING ME SWEAT!!... I mean, uhhh... You are very beautiful, Darkrai..."


One look was enough to send him way off the deep end. He was a stuttering mess, trying not to seem awkward in front of his special somepony.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Hm, interesting." Twilight half mindedly mentioned as she was still examining Tyra's cutie mark. But she finally took her eyes off of it; abruptly as she crashed into her house. She looked up, "Oh, we're here."


She walked around front and into the library which looked spotless, as always. "Welcome to my humble home, a litttle dirty right now," she said. 


"Let's go underground," Her horn glew and in seconds they were telported to a labratory underground.


Tyra grinned, rather goofily, at Twilight's compliment before blinking at her crashing into her own house. She followed her inside, and raised an eyebrow at her comment.


"Dirty?" She repeated incredulously, "I do not see a speck of dust anywhere! Only more books than my village's wizard would know what to do with!"


She only had a split second to squeak nervously at the alicorn's glowing horn before she was teleported somewhere. She stumbled a bit, stomach churning lightly, and swallowed down some bile. Given her weakness to magic, teleporting always made her feel nauseous.

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Twilight looked across her magnificent, brilliant lab. The air was thick and stagnate but that seemed to bother Twilight all too much. "Let's get busy," She muttered as she extended her fore hooves and cracked them. 

She turned around and looked at the uneasy Tyra, she looked like she was about to regurgatate. Twilight jogged over to her side, "Are you alright?"

It may not of been much but it didn't take much to concern Twilight.


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Twilight looked across her magnificent, brilliant lab. The air was thick and stagnate but that seemed to bother Twilight all too much. "Let's get busy," She muttered as she extended her fore hooves and cracked them. 

She turned around and looked at the uneasy Tyra, she looked like she was about to regurgatate. Twilight jogged over to her side, "Are you alright?"


It may not of been much but it didn't take much to concern Twilight.


Tyra looked up at Twilight and nodded, managing a grin.

"Aye, not to worry," She assured her, putting her hoof down from her mouth, "I am not used to travelling by magic, you see."


She began looking around the lab, at all the glass bottles and the liquids inside them.

"What are all these?" She asked, lifting a beaker in her hoof, "Some kinds of drinks?" She sniffed the rim curiously.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Cadence and Shining Armor had stopped running a little over an hour ago and now a new day was being born. They were only twelve to sixteen miles out from Bangcolt. They could be home within the day. They had gotten a good rest, regardless of their abrupt awakening. 

The trotted along each other side by side conversing, "I'm just saying you should get your mane cut, at least let Rarity look at it when we get into town.

Shining Armor put his left forehoof on his back and felt his mane. Yes, it was long; he had to admit it but he liked it at it's length. "What's wrong with it? I like it long." 


Cadence rolled her eyes and refocused on his mane, "There isn't anything wrong with it... it's just it looks a little sloppy and untrimmed. " she explained, "You don't have to get it cut but could you at least get it restyled; it'll look nice.


Shining Armor knew she was right, "Fine, I will." he reluctantly agreed. "If there are two mares I trust with looks, it is you and her, but don't get too carried away. Ok?" 

She smiled and nodded, "Promise." Seconds later she spoke again, "What should I do with my mane? How does it look?" Shining Armor didn't realize how loaded the question was. So, he stupidly spoke before thinking it through, "Looks Fine, babe."

Cadence Scowled, "Fine? You think it looks fine? We've been running through this dirty forest for two days now. I've got so much dirt and dust in my mane and it hasn't been restyled; much less cleaned in two days and it looks fine?

Shining Armor stepped back and his eyes darted from side to side nervously as she intensified. "Um..." he gulped, "Maybe, uh..."


"Which is it Shining? Is it fine or not," She eyeballed him; almost literally. She was right up next to him, mere inches away.

"It's um uh..." he coughed, "Fine..." he choked out. Sweat dripped down his forehead. He had offically embraced his lose/lose situation.

"Fine! This is fine to you, " she rolled her eyes and let out an upset sigh, "Do you not care about how I look? Do you want me to be out in public looking like a mess--?"

"No!, No, no, That's not what I mean at all. Babe, you're mane is naturally beautiful."

"Oh well that's nice to know, all the effort I put into it and It has looked fine all this time, thanks Shining."

Shining hung his head, he was confused and sorry, "Sorry..." he muttered. After a few seconds Cadence raised a brow on him although he was too focused on the ground to notice. She began to giggle.

Shining Armor looked up confused, "What's so funny?"

She just kept laughing, "I'm joking Shining, I was playing you! You think I expect you to know? You wouldn't know style if it hit you in the face." she snickered. Breaking in between her words with childish laughter. 

"Hey! I found you didn't I?" He said and smiled.

She looked at him, "I guess you did?" she put her hoof to her chin, "Perhaps that's worth something?" she pondered.

He looked at her, knowing what she was thinking about, "Perhaps so, maybe we could find a place further along? What'd ya say?"

She smiled, and took off running in the direction of Bangcolt, seems like she was wanting it more than Shining Armor did and he had no pronlem with that.



"These?" Twilight asked in reconfirmation. "These, are all my potions, enhancers, etc. They are just some things I've been working on for the past few years. They each do different things. They aren't all magic based so perhaps you could try some other ones for me as well?" She inquired

Edited by Tacoma


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"These?" Twilight asked in reconfirmation. "These, are all my potions, enhancers, etc. They are just some things I've been working on for the past few years. They each do different things. They aren't all magic based so perhaps you could try some other ones for me as well?" She inquired


Tyra nodded, seeming to understand. The multicoloured liquids still fascinated her, even enough to give them a try!

"Very well, I will try these potions," She declared, a wide grin of determination crossing her face, "I will take on as many as you would ask of me!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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  Tyra nodded, seeming to understand. The multicoloured liquids still fascinated her, even enough to give them a try! "Very well, I will try these potions," She declared, a wide grin of determination crossing her face, "I will take on as many as you would ask of me!"


"Woah, woah, hold on. Are you sure? Some of these are untested and I don't know how they would affect you. I'm all for scientific tests, believe me but I don't want to put one of my friends in a posistion where they could be harmed. So are you sure about this? I'm not asking you to do this. It's up to you."


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"Woah, woah, hold on. Are you sure? Some of these are untested and I don't know how they would affect you. I'm all for scientific tests, believe me but I don't want to put one of my friends in a posistion where they could be harmed. So are you sure about this? I'm not asking you to do this. It's up to you."


"I have given you my word that I would assist you," Tyra declared, puffing out her chest and putting a hoof to it, "And as a Shatterhoof, I refuse to back down from a promise! I will see this task through to the end!"


She smirked with determination. "Fear not about me, I am more than happy to challenge these potions of yours!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Challenge?" Twilight thought, how peculiar for he to think of it as one


"Well I suppose we might as well start with the whole reason I brought you down here." she paused for dramtic effect, "The Truth Serum."

"What I need you to do is get on that hamster wheel sort of thing over there," she motioned with her hoof, "And run. I need enough power to get the molecules in the potion moving in order for it to be effective. Right now it is in an unstable state. I could use my magic and move the atoms but I fear if I do it might combust." she explained.

"So, I just need you to run as fast as you can, got it?"


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Luna grunted in pain as Night Tracer executed his first attack, more from shock than actual pain. It was a pleasant surprise, though; he'd already exceeded her expectations by hurting her. Now this was getting interesting.


She took off quickly and silently, moving through the air like a shadow as she chased after Night Tracer. Instead of attacking this time, however, she flew up to his level, made a hard stop just out of attacking range, and cracked her wings back and forth once; hard. The result was a veritable gale ripping itself into the air less than a foot in front of his face, and Luna wasn't very far behind, aiming a swipe at him with her sword as she strafed his mid-side.




Trixie let out what could only be described as a squeak as she was picked up and hugged. As she was set down, she realized her cheeks were reddened; she let out a cough to ease the tension.


"Uh... no problem, just don't do it again," she stammered, before catching her composure. "Either, if you would, Trixie's not really a hugging pony, to be honest...


She let a few more awkward seconds go by before talking again.


"So...I assume you're leaving, then?"

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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"Challenge?" Twilight thought, how peculiar for he to think of it as one


"Well I suppose we might as well start with the whole reason I brought you down here." she paused for dramtic effect, "The Truth Serum."


"What I need you to do is get on that hamster wheel sort of thing over there," she motioned with her hoof, "And run. I need enough power to get the molecules in the potion moving in order for it to be effective. Right now it is in an unstable state. I could use my magic and move the atoms but I fear if I do it might combust." she explained.


"So, I just need you to run as fast as you can, got it?"


Tyra looked toward the large wheel, tilting her head as she listened to her instructions.

"So, all I must do is run in that wheel, yes?" She repeated, to be sure, then nodded, "Aye, I can do that!"


She trotted toward the wheel and hopped on, then started a wild sprint inside.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Yet another rash move by Luna. Powerful but little thought behind it. As the gale approached him he turned facing away from Luna and darted forward. He wasn't just flying fast, he was being propelled forward by the current and when he throttled, he broke away from Luna and the currents power created plenty of space between himself and his attacker. 

Once he got enough distance between himself and Luna he shot up in the air to not only gain distance but an arieal posistion. He continued rising higher and higher.




Tyra began walking, as her pace increased the molecules began to speed up. But it wasn't enough. Twilight scoweled at her calculations and looked at the potion and evaluated the readings running across a screen.

She walked over to Tyra, "I need you to go faster, Like a lot faster. Do you think you can do that?" 

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Tyra began walking, as her pace increased the molecules began to speed up. But it wasn't enough. Twilight scoweled at her calculations and looked at the potion and evaluated the readings running across a screen.

She walked over to Tyra, "I need you to go faster, Like a lot faster. Do you think you can do that?" 


Tyra looked over to Twilight as she walked in the wheel, overhearing her request.


She smirked, and began trotting, and quickly breaking into a sprint.

"I will run as fast as I can!" She declared, smirking ahead at nothing in particular, "This wheel shall see I am not to be trifled with!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Twilight admired Tyra's determination, it wasn't seen everyday. But it seemed common in Earth Ponies.


Twilight noticed Tyra seemed to be enjoying herself, talking to inanimate objects  which would be strange to most ponies but if Twilight thought it was weird ir would be hypocritical.

She walked back over and evaluated the results. There was progress after a few minutes but not quite enough speed to get the molecules moving quick enough, "Just a little faster, Tyra," she instructed.  


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Aknor looked at her for a moment after she responded,"Unless you want me to stay I'll be heading back to my place just by the border of the arena, your welcome to visit at any time." He looked to her, "Thank you for the brilliant performance and allowing me your company for the day. I'll come by later on to check on you, by then I'll have probably have some money to go somewhere nice this evening, if you're intrested?" He said as he opened the door of her shop. " Also, if Trixie is not a hugging pony the what would she prefer?" He asked with a wink as he started to leave.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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As she watched Night Tracer ride the current and pull himself up into the air, Luna decided to try a new strategy. She too now pushed for the high ground, powerfully cracking her wings again, to ascend diagonally away from him. Once there, she held a defensive stance about 30 feet away from him, blade held horizontally in front of her as she searched for an opening.

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Twilight admired Tyra's determination, it wasn't seen everyday. But it seemed common in Earth Ponies.


Twilight noticed Tyra seemed to be enjoying herself, talking to inanimate objects  which would be strange to most ponies but if Twilight thought it was weird ir would be hypocritical.


She walked back over and evaluated the results. There was progress after a few minutes but not quite enough speed to get the molecules moving quick enough, "Just a little faster, Tyra," she instructed.  


Tyra quite enjoyed this little workout, running around in a large wheel did not seem like such a bad thing! Perhaps she might get one for back home!


She broke into a faster sprint, a sweat breaking down her forehead as she stuck her tongue out in concentration.

"I shall push myself, and this wheel, to our limits!" She yelled.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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