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"Why Luna?" Night Tracer wondered, he hadn't thought about the question. Or at least enough to formulate a response. She then continued one, what initially attracted himself too her. What did she possess that no other mare had? He stopped walking. He peered over Luna's head to Celestia smiling at him; comforting him. He almost smiled back but he was too lost in thought to do so. He looked down, at Luna with a bruise on the side of her muzzle that was right in front of him.


He looked at her weary head. She smiled as she slept and at the sight of this, he grinned; a soft grin had grown across his face and it'd take one hell of a lot to knock it off his face. He was entranced by her, almost ignoring the questioned but it lingered in the back of his mind. 


"Why Luna?" He was still unsure how to answer the question, but he figured he might as well give it a shot. He was a writer after all, he figured he could conjure up some response worth listening to. 


"Well, when I was younger. I sort of fell in love with both of you in a sense. I heard countless stories of you two, I admired you and read about you all the time. Even wrote stories actually... Keep in mind I was young and this isn't something I still do. Especially since I can make my own stories with you here and now, no need for a child's fantasies when I'm living those fantasies right now."


"I think my favorite story I heard was about Nightmare Moon, I still cherish the story until this day." He spoke with a rather sullen tone when he said so, "A story I wish it was." He then thought about Nightmare Moon and his encounter with her; he cringed while thinking of it. He shook his head back and forth rapidly to dispel the thought. 


Then he refocused, "I loved the story, but as the years have passed. I have grown attached to, I cherish it. In a sense, I relate to it. But I don't wish to dwell on it and I'm sure you don't wish to as well, " he inquired rhetorically. It was must of been even more painful for Celestia than it was Luna or so he believed so. He was almost about to ask a question about it but he decided against it, he figured it wasn't worth the trouble. "But, perhaps that is worth discussing another time?"


He continued,” Luna in specific?" He put his hoof to his chin and thought for a brief moment to gesture he was thinking although he really didn't have to since he knew his answer but he did anyway. "I remember coming in late for a lecture my junior year of university and she was at the podium, speaking. Sort of perked me up since I hadn't gotten any sleep the night before. You know? Having some famous figure just show up out of the blue was a little intriguing to my mundane life at school."


"Well, she wasn't necessarily the best speaker, but she was most definitely a meaningful one. It seemed as if she was actually connecting. She wasn't someone who came spoke a few words then left but she tripped over her words. She struggled to put her thoughts to mind but what that meant was she spoke from her heart. I would know because that's exactly what happened."


"Her words of encouragement gave me hope for the rest of my schooling, it was inspiring. It was motivating. It was fulfilling before anything else. She was able to connect, it was almost like a one on one conversation. Go figure that she'd be able to do it so well, with her dream invasion and such. Personal interaction would be her strong suit, wouldn't it?"


He thought more and more into it, more about Luna. She may of been connecting on a personal level but only because she was on a personal level. She had been gone, away from society for a thousand years. She had all the time to herself, she communicated through her own thoughts, in addition to her own feelings because that's what she was use to... Herself. And herself alone. Only made sense that was all she knew, then a light bulb lit inside Night's mind. He picked up on a different note out of nowhere.


"She was alone, for a thousand years on the moon. As I have been alone, for the majority of my life. So many things have slipped away from me and for so long I had been secluded from society. I'm a nut, can't you tell? I'm like a lost little kid wandering around a toy store. Picking up all the toys and messing with them, playing with them. Trying to figure out how they all work. But once I figure out how one works, then the next is completely different. One toy is, uh," He blushed and muttered, "Snuggable... and the other is mechanical."


"She's different, she's herself. Like I am, but she doesn't embrace it like I do, second guessing herself and pushing her worries aside and foolishly bottling them up," he sighed as a tear filled his eye, though he wouldn't dare let it fall, "Whereas; I, I pillage my worries and leave them in the dust. I don't step back and think about who I am... I just am me."


"She is in a sense, a parallel to me, a lovely parallel. If you follow?" He inquired. "She's just, so," he couldn't ponder of a word that fit so he said something arbitrary, "Me..." He hung on the word, me. What about him? Everything or... anything? He couldn't lay his hoof on the right word. "I know... it's weird, but she just compliments me. She, I--, Uh. I love her!" He beamed stupidly.


"I'm sure this isn't the response you're looking for but frankly, it's the best you're going to get. I love her! I really love her, she's just great. She's herself, something I can't find anywhere else. Something that couldn't be recreated. Many mares I've observed in the past are, well, fake. They aren't themselves. They try to blend into whatever they are around, but not her. She is well, true to herself. It is an admirable trait that goes unnoticed by many but it is something I see clear as day... It is cute to watch her try and hide it though." he chuckled. "I wish she was more comfortable in her own coat; so to speak, but that doesn't make who she is any less beautiful."


He began to walk again; Celestia followed him, "I'm assuming you might want a few concrete things as well and we have time, so, why not?" He questioned rhetorically. Earlier he was thinking intensely but now, he was just smiling. He was enjoying chatting it up with Celestia. 


"Well, in addition to my mess of an explanation," he grinned. "She's actually quite loving herself. Example, our fight. She didn't kill me. That was great, in return; I broke her wing and almost blinded her with a toxins filled throwing dart, but hey, we can't all be perfect, can we?'


"She's also very caring for others and I guess you could call it being kind as well. You weren't there but, the night. I fell for her and she fell well, uh, for me. She was looking for my best interests and not her own. Or so it seemed that way. When I was hurt, she was nothing but comforting and helpful. Most people would of ignored my cries, she, however, did not. That speaks volumes for her."


"Next, she's trustworthy. You, probably won't be too pleased with this but all I gave was my word, in turn; she gave me her's and opened up to me. Naïve, I say, but even with all the pain she's went through, she is still willing. Bearing of fruit, that is perhaps her strongest trait. Her ability to persevere. Even throughout pain, agony, and misery. She still stands on all four hooves with a level head." He said some things that may have left Celestia asking, "How did he know that?" So, he clarified, "As you can tell, I'm about the farthest thing from stupid. It's fairly obvious of her state emotionally just based off of how she acts." He then turned his head to check back on her.


"She reminds me of myself, which I'm aware I've stated but reminds me of myself in a different light. She cares for others and ignores her own pain. That's one definitely the one thing that draws me towards her. She is troubled, shaken to her core. Afraid and unforgiving of herself. It's not too hard to tell, but she is there for others. Miraculous. For one to stand for a whole empire, let alone one pony when she herself can't stand on her own four hooves comfortably." he talked in more of a concerned voice while he made this point. "I know this because, well, uh... I'm the same way. I don't know if I'll ever be ok, probably not, but as long as I'm still standing I want to be there to help others. Hopefully, I can do so for her..." he trailed off in a saddened tone once more.


In contradiction to last time, he still tried to end his response to her happily, and that, he did. "But let's not forget about the most important part," he joked. "She's the most bucking beautiful mare in all of Equestria. From Flank to muzzle no question, she's more gorgeous than the night sky itself." he chuckled, almost forgetting her sister was right beside him. "What? Am I not allowed to be attracted to my partner?" he asked jokingly, with both eyes on Celestia, and a wide smile across his muzzle. He, was actually, having fun. Not odd for him but not what he was expecting to have with Celestia. He was pleasantly surprised. Hopefully, Celestia shared a similar feeling to him, for he feared, at least a little bit that he'd end up as the stereotype in a cliché Hollywood film. 

Edited by Flying Far


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Aknor scratched the back of his head nervously, "Sure, sounds good to me... And uh... Sorry about not having something pre-arranged. I know its no excuse but I barely know where anything is here." He looked at her, slightly embarrassed about his disorganised evening. "And um... Your going to need to lead the way to the resturant." He looked to the sky, "Weather seems pretty good today and of course, after this is over I'll make it up to you." He smiled reassuringly, "Well, shall we go then?"

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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If there was one thing impressive that came from ponies, it was their cities, much more appealing to look at than some dusty dragon’s cavern. As Ash walked through the streets he noticed that the ponies there gave him a wide berth, and Ash got several looks of suspicion and fear. Oh well, not Ash’s problem; his problem was his injured wing awkwardly hanging from his back.

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Kazas spoke as he clasped his talons together.


" Avae, creator of our world, son of the all-maker... I pray to thee. I pray that you watch over Lorec in his next battle, for it will be of great importance to him. I pray that you, by your grace, lift the woes from his soul and comfort him in this time of change. I pray that you also extend your protection to his opponent, Tyra Shatterhoof, and bless her with the strength needed to re-ignite the flame of his warrior soul."


He paused briefly, and then began to finish his prayer.


" I pray that the one known as Ice Blizzard may yet still be found, and that by your kindness, he be returned to kith and kin in good health. And finally...."


He paused one more time, and then spoke his final request to his deity.


" I pray for the soul of Vera, my bondmate. I pray that she be filled with joy and love, and that she never again experience heartbreak or woe. I ask you Avae... No, I beg of you! As she is now part of my nest, give me the power to protect that nest! Lend me the power to make that beautiful soul feel loved, cherished, safe, and happy. In the name of the all-maker, I pray."


The prayer was finished, and he rose from his kneeling position. He walked over to the mannequin, and took the final piece; his shield, ashen colored just like his armor, with the same eight-winged Phoenix that was on his mantle painted on it. Using a leather strap that was standard issue for all Leovian military, he tied it to the shield, and slung it upon his backside, over the mantle. The strap came across his torso from his right shoulder diagonally. The armor was now complete. He was in full military outfit. He then walked out of the door, and towards Vera.


Without any warning, Kazas simply brought his talons gently to Vera's cheek, and kissed her with a vigor that he himself didn't know he had. It just came natural to him. He had hoped that it wasn't too sudden for Vera.






Alrahm smiled at Tyra, and spoke.


" well you see, I, along with my young friend and this particular band of warriors are here on orders from our commander, If that is what you wish to call him. He heard about the upcoming battle and its potential importance, and he wanted to honor Lorec for the occasion. And not only that, he wanted to honor you greatly, as well. You see, this battle is quite an event in the making, more so than you realize. In fact, you may not even realize that you are playing the part of an uninformed savior... Ah, but forgive me. I needn't say more. Warriors understand other warriors better than they can understand themselves. In a short time, you will understand these words. But for now, I shall ask you to be patient a little while longer... The gathering is nearly complete."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas spoke as he clasped his talons together.


" Avae, creator of our world, son of the all-maker... I pray to thee. I pray that you watch over Lorec in his next battle, for it will be of great importance to him. I pray that you, by your grace, lift the woes from his soul and comfort him in this time of change. I pray that you also extend your protection to his opponent, Tyra Shatterhoof, and bless her with the strength needed to re-ignite the flame of his warrior soul."


He paused briefly, and then began to finish his prayer.


" I pray that the one known as Ice Blizzard may yet still be found, and that by your kindness, he be returned to kith and kin in good health. And finally...."


He paused one more time, and then spoke his final request to his deity.


" I pray for the soul of Vera, my bondmate. I pray that she be filled with joy and love, and that she never again experience heartbreak or woe. I ask you Avae... No, I beg of you! As she is now part of my nest, give me the power to protect that nest! Lend me the power to make that beautiful soul feel loved, cherished, safe, and happy. In the name of the all-maker, I pray."


The prayer was finished, and he rose from his kneeling position. He walked over to the mannequin, and took the final piece; his shield, ashen colored just like his armor, with the same eight-winged Phoenix that was on his mantle painted on it. Using a leather strap that was standard issue for all Leovian military, he tied it to the shield, and slung it upon his backside, over the mantle. The strap came across his torso from his right shoulder diagonally. The armor was now complete. He was in full military outfit. He then walked out of the door, and towards Vera.


Without any warning, Kazas simply brought his talons gently to Vera's cheek, and kissed her with a vigor that he himself didn't know he had. It just came natural to him. He had hoped that it wasn't too sudden for Vera.






Alrahm smiled at Tyra, and spoke.


" well you see, I, along with my young friend and this particular band of warriors are here on orders from our commander, If that is what you wish to call him. He heard about the upcoming battle and its potential importance, and he wanted to honor Lorec for the occasion. And not only that, he wanted to honor you greatly, as well. You see, this battle is quite an event in the making, more so than you realize. In fact, you may not even realize that you are playing the part of an uninformed savior... Ah, but forgive me. I needn't say more. Warriors understand other warriors better than they can understand themselves. In a short time, you will understand these words. But for now, I shall ask you to be patient a little while longer... The gathering is nearly complete."

Vera was taken by the sudden kiss, but closed her eyes as she enjoyed it. After a moment, she backed up and looked around, hoping nopony saw them do that, "Uh, Kazy? Shouldn't we get moving to see Lorec's fight? Don't wanna be late do you Mr. Noble?" she asked snarkily with a laugh.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Vera was taken by the sudden kiss, but closed her eyes as she enjoyed it. After a moment, she backed up and looked around, hoping nopony saw them do that, "Uh, Kazy? Shouldn't we get moving to see Lorec's fight? Don't wanna be late do you Mr. Noble?" she asked snarkily with a laugh.


Kazas blushed in slight embarassment as she playfully teased him.


" s-sorry... I don't know what came over me just now. It was like all I could think about was kissing you for a single moment... You're right. Lets head out, Vera. Before we go there, do you need anything to eat? I have enough to buy something on the way. I know you haven't eaten since we woke up, and I feel terrible about that."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas blushed in slight embarassment as she playfully teased him.


" s-sorry... I don't know what came over me just now. It was like all I could think about was kissing you for a single moment... You're right. Lets head out, Vera. Before we go there, do you need anything to eat? I have enough to buy something on the way. I know you haven't eaten since we woke up, and I feel terrible about that."

Vera considered it for a moment. Her mercenary training had made her used to only eating one meal a day. But at the same time, she didn't wat Kazas to feel bad, but she also didn't wanna waste time, so she was a bit conflicted, "Uh..no. I'm good. Let's go out together and eat after the fight. For now, let's focus on your friend ok?" she said as she walked ahead of Kazas with sassiness in her walk.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Vera considered it for a moment. Her mercenary training had made her used to only eating one meal a day. But at the same time, she didn't wat Kazas to feel bad, but she also didn't wanna waste time, so she was a bit conflicted, "Uh..no. I'm good. Let's go out together and eat after the fight. For now, let's focus on your friend ok?" she said as she walked ahead of Kazas with sassiness in her walk.

Kazas looked on for a bit as Vera trotted away sassily. In particular, his gaze was, for whatever reason, attracted to her flank. It was then that a strange thought would cross his mind.


' I do not know what has come over me as of late, but I must say, that a** is as divine as Avae himself-... What?!? No! What is wrong with me?!? That is both morally repulsive and sinful! But even still... There is something that draws my gaze to that point. Could this be the legendary power of the a**?... Why can't I stop thinking like this?!? Snap out of it Kazas! You are better than this!'


He shook his head a tad, and snapped out of it, following Vera.

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas looked on for a bit as Vera trotted away sassily. In particular, his gaze was, for whatever reason, attracted to her flank. It was then that a strange thought would cross his mind.


' I do not know what has come over me as of late, but I must say, that a** is as divine as Avae himself-... What?!? No! What is wrong with me?!? That is both morally repulsive and sinful! But even still... There is something that draws my gaze to that point. Could this be the legendary power of the a**?... Why can't I stop thinking like this?!? Snap out of it Kazas! You are better than this!'


He shook his head a tad, and snapped out of it, following Vera.

Vera was purposefully walking that way to see how Kazas would react. She giggled and turned her head around to him, "Hey Kazas..." she stopped and snapped her tail like a whip, as if she was trying to hit a fly in the air, "See something you like, big boy?" she said before she continued to walk sassily as she laughed.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"oh, i could go for some food!" ruby said, walked next to red. "er--this is my first time being here, so could you guide me?" she added. 'this is so great!' she thought, 'iv already made a friend!' she squealed inwardly. 'and who knows? this is only day one! ill be sure to make more friends!'


Red shrugged. "I've actually never been to any restaurants around here. I kind of just buy some food and go back to training." Speaking of which, she was actually slightly sore. Not sore enough to postpone their fight, though. She was sure Ruby wasn't in tip-top shape either, as she'd only just come in.


She stopped at a sign that read;

"Warrior's Diner

All-Equestrian Food!

open 24/7!"


Probably was just hay-burgers and fries, but hey. (Hey, hay! Huehue) It was food.


"Is this okay? It seems pretty cheap. I don't have much money on me, so I can't afford too much more." Red said, shrugging.

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Vera was purposefully walking that way to see how Kazas would react. She giggled and turned her head around to him, "Hey Kazas..." she stopped and snapped her tail like a whip, as if she was trying to hit a fly in the air, "See something you like, big boy?" she said before she continued to walk sassily as she laughed.

Kazas blushed tremendously, looking back and forth in a frenzied state of pure awkwardness.


" I, ummm. Yes, quite.. I-I mean..! I... I... Yes..."


Might as well admit it when he'd been caught. Of course, to him, this was even more awkward, given the fact that he'd never been in a relationship previously. He didn't know how to act, really. But one thing was for sure. He was quite a lucky griffon.

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas blushed tremendously, looking back and forth in a frenzied state of pure awkwardness.


" I, ummm. Yes, quite.. I-I mean..! I... I... Yes..."


Might as well admit it when he'd been caught. Of course, to him, this was even more awkward, given the fact that he'd never been in a relationship previously. He didn't know how to act, really. But one thing was for sure. He was quite a lucky griffon.

Vera laughed as she heard Kazas sputter like a child. It was so nice to be able to 'have fun' with her special somegriffon. Kazas had presented himself as serious and whatnot, so having some fun, was perfect for getting him outta that zone, "Come on Kazy. You gotta have some fun sometimes. You're always so serious and noble which, don't get me wrong, those are admirable traits. But you gotta....go crazy. You know? Just let loose and do whatever sometimes you know?" she got close to him, and put a hoof around his shoulder, "Whaddya say Kazy? Wanna take a walk on the wild side?" she asked with a face that said 'I dare ya'.

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Vera laughed as she heard Kazas sputter like a child. It was so nice to be able to 'have fun' with her special somegriffon. Kazas had presented himself as serious and whatnot, so having some fun, was perfect for getting him outta that zone, "Come on Kazy. You gotta have some fun sometimes. You're always so serious and noble which, don't get me wrong, those are admirable traits. But you gotta....go crazy. You know? Just let loose and do whatever sometimes you know?" she got close to him, and put a hoof around his shoulder, "Whaddya say Kazy? Wanna take a walk on the wild side?" she asked with a face that said 'I dare ya'.

Kazas blushed again, and looked at Vera with a faint smile of reminiscence.


" aha... The last time I let loose, I drank an extremely heavy amount of alcohol with some friends on a journey. One friend ended up going behind the bushes to take care of business, and as it turns out, he urinated on an Ursa Minor. The resulting battle ended with me receiving broken ribs as a parting gift while a Mage lulled him to sleep... But you know what... What the hell. I guess I should loosen up a bit... Haha... ' what the hell. ' I like that phrase! So... What did you have in mind?"

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas blushed again, and looked at Vera with a faint smile of reminiscence.


" aha... The last time I let loose, I drank an extremely heavy amount of alcohol with some friends on a journey. One friend ended up going behind the bushes to take care of business, and as it turns out, he urinated on an Ursa Minor. The resulting battle ended with me receiving broken ribs as a parting gift while a Mage lulled him to sleep... But you know what... What the hell. I guess I should loosen up a bit... Haha... ' what the hell. ' I like that phrase! So... What did you have in mind?"

Vera had to think for a moment. She had to think hard for a moment on what exactly she wanted her and Kazas to do. Suddenly, it clicked! "Well...maybe...I was thinking that if we had enough time before Lorec's fight, we could run a race out to the lake, and race back when they say his fight is gonna happen. Whaddya say?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Red shrugged. "I've actually never been to any restaurants around here. I kind of just buy some food and go back to training." Speaking of which, she was actually slightly sore. Not sore enough to postpone their fight, though. She was sure Ruby wasn't in tip-top shape either, as she'd only just come in.


She stopped at a sign that read;

"Warrior's Diner

All-Equestrian Food!

open 24/7!"


Probably was just hay-burgers and fries, but hey. (Hey, hay! Huehue) It was food.


"Is this okay? It seems pretty cheap. I don't have much money on me, so I can't afford too much more." Red said, shrugging.

"race ya to the restaurant!" ruby blurted out, as she started sprinting in the direction of said restaurant.


when she got there, she started ordering enough food to feed the two, plus three more. 


she grinned. "so, red, how strong do you consider yourself?" she asked.


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Vera had to think for a moment. She had to think hard for a moment on what exactly she wanted her and Kazas to do. Suddenly, it clicked! "Well...maybe...I was thinking that if we had enough time before Lorec's fight, we could run a race out to the lake, and race back when they say his fight is gonna happen. Whaddya say?"


" that's the thing, Vera... They need me for... Well... This opening ceremony that we are doing for the fight. If I'm not there for the ceremony, well... It would be disrespectful, and many others would be saying ' what the hell ' in my stead. So how about this... After the fight... What say you and i go on that date for drinks we never got around to. And once we are there... I'll show that fire and alcohol really do mix. if you want to see me cut loose, it won't take much alcohol... But do you think you can out drink your lover?"


He said with a confident smile.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"race ya to the restaurant!" ruby blurted out, as she started sprinting in the direction of said restaurant.


when she got there, she started ordering enough food to feed the two, plus three more. 


she grinned. "so, red, how strong do you consider yourself?" she asked.

Red caught up to Ruby, smiling. Though Ruby seemed only slightly younger than her, she acted a little childishly. It was refreshing, really, to see such a carefree pony.


Red blinked at how much Ruby had ordered. "Er... I can pay for my food, if you like. Unless... you're going to eat... all that?" she asked as the waiter-pony left. She watched him leave, then turned back to Ruby. "Well, anyway. I'm stronger than the average pony. I mean, obviously, as I have a sword. But I am easily of the lower level of warriors here. I hope to get stronger, though, and train here til I am at least mid-tier. But in less than a year year I will most likely run out of bits and have to find work elsewhere for awhile before returning. What about you?"

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" that's the thing, Vera... They need me for... Well... This opening ceremony that we are doing for the fight. If I'm not there for the ceremony, well... It would be disrespectful, and many others would be saying ' what the hell ' in my stead. So how about this... After the fight... What say you and i go on that date for drinks we never got around to. And once we are there... I'll show that fire and alcohol really do mix. if you want to see me cut loose, it won't take much alcohol... But do you think you can out drink your lover?"


He said with a confident smile.

Vera was relieved to hear Kazas' idea. "I bet I could." then she sighed and sat down in a chair, "Waiting. Sooooo fun..." she said with a slightly disgusted look on her face, "So, do we wait here, or do we go over to the ceremonial gathering now?"she asked inquisitively.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Red caught up to Ruby, smiling. Though Ruby seemed only slightly younger than her, she acted a little childishly. It was refreshing, really, to see such a carefree pony.


Red blinked at how much Ruby had ordered. "Er... I can pay for my food, if you like. Unless... you're going to eat... all that?" she asked as the waiter-pony left. She watched him leave, then turned back to Ruby. "Well, anyway. I'm stronger than the average pony. I mean, obviously, as I have a sword. But I am easily of the lower level of warriors here. I hope to get stronger, though, and train here til I am at least mid-tier. But in less than a year year I will most likely run out of bits and have to find work elsewhere for awhile before returning. What about you?"

"NO, NO, I INSIST." she said loudly, as she dug around in her bag, and pulled out a gargantuan-sized money bag. she tossed it to the waitress, who started to say something, but was interrupted by ruby saying 'keep the change'


they got their food, and ruby immediately started getting the food, and putting them into some type of bag she swiped from the front desk. she wrapped the food beforehand, of course.


she listened intently to everything red said, with a few nods here and there. "i know how it can feel to be so strong, and yet so weak." she said, still neatly putting the food into the bag.


it started getting weird when she got red's food, and put it in the same bag she stuffed her own food. 


"and while i would love to say something deep and meaningful right now, unfortunately, we gotta go! NOW!"


she pulled red's sleeve, and ran out the restaurant the moment the owner 'tested' the bag of bits ruby gave, and ended up with a chipped tooth. the rest of the 'bits' had paint that was washing off. it turned out they were just pieces of wood, painted gold with some sort of juice!


ruby laughed as they were briefly chased. then they got away by dashing into a alley, and waiting till they passed. 


"so...you had the grilled cheese, right?" she asked, looking in the bag of food she had stolen. "im sure you did..."


she grinned. that little trick she pulled was invented by no other then caliber, who according to his adventure log, did it quite often.

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Vera was relieved to hear Kazas' idea. "I bet I could." then she sighed and sat down in a chair, "Waiting. Sooooo fun..." she said with a slightly disgusted look on her face, "So, do we wait here, or do we go over to the ceremonial gathering now?"she asked inquisitively.


" heading there now is what I had planned. That way, we can actually get some excitement in all of this monotony. Believe me, if this battle is going to be what I believe it shall be, you won't be bored for very long... To be honest... I've been thinking about getting into some arena battles myself...."


He said as he turned to walk out of the embassy.


" come with me, Mea Amica. And please, you look so, so much more beautiful when you smile."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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" heading there now is what I had planned. That way, we can actually get some excitement in all of this monotony. Believe me, if this battle is going to be what I believe it shall be, you won't be bored for very long... To be honest... I've been thinking about getting into some arena battles myself...."


He said as he turned to walk out of the embassy.


" come with me, Mea Amica. And please, you look so, so much more beautiful when you smile."

Vera smiled as Kazas talked. She got up, and followed him outside the embassy, "Alright Kazas. Where exactly are we headed? Like, you know where the ceremonial gathering is being held prior to the fight, right?" she asked as she walked ahead of him again.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Noooo." Red groaned, facehoofing as Ruby dragged her out. "I would be fine with stealing, but only if we were in disguise! Goodness, now they know what we look like!" She groaned again, regretting her entire life, and plopped down in the alley.


"Okay, let's eat." She said grumpily. She wasn't about to get angry at the friendly pony that Red knew would become her friend soon-- not that Red would trust her anytime soon after that little trick.

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"Noooo." Red groaned, facehoofing as Ruby dragged her out. "I would be fine with stealing, but only if we were in disguise! Goodness, now they know what we look like!" She groaned again, regretting her entire life, and plopped down in the alley.

"thats what these are for!" she said, pulling out a few slap-on fake mustaches. "so we can do it again under a disguise!" 


she went for an evil cackle, but considering her age and size, it only came out as a sorta cute giggle.



"Okay, let's eat." She said grumpily. She wasn't about to get angry at the friendly pony that Red knew would become her friend soon-- not that Red would trust her anytime soon after that little trick.

ruby frowned. "relax, if worst comes to worst, we could just eat berries. im sure cali--er, calcifer has a page on edible plants..."


she tossed red's sandwich at her, and pulled out her own food. "by the way, can i be your roommate?" she asked suddenly. "feel free to decline." she added causally.

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Red stared at the mustache then, despite herself, burst out laughing.


"This is a terrible disguise!" She laughed, then collapsed backwards, sighing. She grabbed the sandwich Ruby had given her and began eating.


She didn't steal unless she had to-- so this rubbed her the wrong way. But she'd stolen a lot when she was younger. True, she'd made it a point to begin paying back all those she'd stolen from... but Ruby was younger than her. She didn't mean any harm by stealing.


Anyway, one meal wouldn't do that much harm...




"by the way, can i be your roommate?" she asked suddenly. "feel free to decline." she added causally.

Red almost spit out her sandwich in surprise. She swallowed quickly, wiping her mouth with her hoof.


"Well, I would say yes, but... well, do you mind living on the ground next to a training area? I don't have a room, I don't have the money," Red admitted. "Anyway, the open air is more comfortable to me than a room."

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Red stared at the mustache then, despite herself, burst out laughing.


"This is a terrible disguise!" She laughed, then collapsed backwards, sighing. She grabbed the sandwich Ruby had given her and began eating.


She didn't steal unless she had to-- so this rubbed her the wrong way. But she'd stolen a lot when she was younger. True, she'd made it a point to begin paying back all those she'd stolen from... but Ruby was younger than her. She didn't mean any harm by stealing.


Anyway, one meal wouldn't do that much harm...




Red almost spit out her sandwich in surprise. She swallowed quickly, wiping her mouth with her hoof.


"Well, I would say yes, but... well, do you mind living on the ground next to a training area? I don't have a room, I don't have the money," Red admitted. "Anyway, the open air is more comfortable to me than a room."

"hey, its worked before." ruby said with a suddenly serious tone. "i got this one shop thrice."


she brightened up when red said 'yes'


"all right! we'll be an unstoppable team, you and me! the dynamic duo! the sisterly swords! red-coated terror! ice and dice! team we're-not-that-experienced-but-we'll-still-kick-you-into-next-week!"


she laughed. and she didnt even seem to care that red was homeless.

Edited by PeytonJay
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