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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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"See what you did Skitz?"

Skitz smiled. "I didn't if you didn't."

"What?" Mars said with a confused expression.


Then silver spoon walked up and asked if they had seen anything weird.

Mars looked up at Skitz to see if he was still there, which he wasn't, Mars chuckled "No, nothing weird or interesting here."

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She heard Glory's voice in the back of her head, screaming protest again, and she ignored it, much to the dolls anger. If Rhetoric was looking over at the shelf, he would notice the doll shaking slightly in fury.


he cursed his mortal body and how even he needed to sleep "Your right... but only an hour, I have far to many things to do. And I'm not getting any younger." he walked to the door and finally noticed the dolls. Two things struck him as strange, one they were the ones he had seen playing muisc and two they seemed to be moving. He displaced as him being tired, magic, or both. However this didn't stop him from being polite


"Oh and I must give my compliments to whomever played that wonderful music. I would say it was these dolls here but then again I must be tired... but still wonderful craftsmanship." he smiled at them. True he was oblivious but he still seemed kind, if a bit weird.


"Now where would you like me to sleep?" he never gave her the chance to answer, his body just gave up on exhaustion and flopped over in the entrance hall 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Axton was interested by the fruit as he looked at it through the bag, "Not even Tartarus has fruit that looks like this. Interesting. So you mean to tell me, you put the juice from that in your wine?"


Jade nodded, smiling and taking the fruit out of the bag. "Yes, just a little bit, though. Too much and your tongue will burn as if a dragon breathed into your mouth!"


She took the green off the top of the fruit, revealing a small hole. Ever so gently, a drop of red plopped into her drink, causing it to fizz rather loudly for a moment.

She took a sip and beamed. "Spicier, but good! Would you like some?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ash’s mind quickly realized that Pinkie was not a threat and snapped his mouth shut to stop the flames. Smoke leaked from his nostrils as he glared down at the pink pony. The dragon turned his head and coughed out a cloud of black smoke.

“Are you crazy? I could’ve hurt you!” Ash caught what he had just said and it embarrassed him. Great, he was actually starting to care about this pony...




“Ugh… this place got boring fast.” Fuse muttered to himself before chugging down the rest of his cider. He might as well head out. Plus he was getting a strange vibe from some of the other bar patrons.


With a sigh he set his mug down and got out of his seat. Fuse turned away from the counter and headed towards the door to the casino.






“Thanks?” Calibur took the tiny ice sculpture from Ice; honestly he had no idea how to react to such a gesture, “Just… try to stay out of trouble I guess?”


After Ice left to do, whatever important thing he had to do. Calibur stayed behind to continue investigating the scene.




Calibur wandered the streets of Bangcolt; dark circles under his eyes. He had neglected to sleep, instead he spent the whole night investigating around town. He could barely keep his eyes open and in his sleep deprived state he barely noticed the cyan mare before he stumbled directly into her.

Edited by Star Saber
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He looked at her and nodded before turning and going up to the stairs of the cellar but right before he left he said, "Thanks." And forced a smile. It was crooked but it still was a smile.


On his way up, he took another flight of stairs up to a second floor. He stumbled into a room without paying mind to his surroundings, and he fell asleep on the right side of the  wrong king bed. He fell into Applejack's bed, not the one she told him to. It was mere moments before he drifted off, leaving all his worries, all his pains away for the night.  


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Jade nodded, smiling and taking the fruit out of the bag. "Yes, just a little bit, though. Too much and your tongue will burn as if a dragon breathed into your mouth!"


She took the green off the top of the fruit, revealing a small hole. Ever so gently, a drop of red plopped into her drink, causing it to fizz rather loudly for a moment.

She took a sip and beamed. "Spicier, but good! Would you like some?"

Axton was somewhat skeptical of the new fruit, but at athe same time, did not want to hurt the mare's feelings by not accepting her offer, "..Ok. I'll try it. But i'm not that big on spicy stuff, so forgive me if I don't like it."


His glass was refilled, and he waited to taste the dragonfruit.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton was somewhat skeptical of the new fruit, but at athe same time, did not want to hurt the mare's feelings by not accepting her offer, "..Ok. I'll try it. But i'm not that big on spicy stuff, so forgive me if I don't like it."


His glass was refilled, and he waited to taste the dragonfruit.


Jade smiled, happy that Axton was willing to accept her offer, and leaned over to his side of the counter, letting a drop of dragonfruit juice fall into his drink. Like before, the water fizzed and bubbled with the spicy drop.


"Be warned," She told him, putting the berry back into the bag, which went back into her saddlebag, "It still may be quite spicy, so make sure you are ready."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@The Down Trotten


A few moments after Rhetoric asked his question, there was a weak knock on the door, then another, stronger than the first. Wilhelm's voice carried from the other side of the door, sounding slightly worried and more than a touch tired. It was, after all, a little before dawn, and Wilhelm had been up for a good twenty hours without sleep.


"Annette? Are you in there? I just wanted to check on you, after the whole monument explosion and everything... I mean, are you still in one piece?" Through the door, there was an audible sound of hoof contacting face. "Er, I meant 'are you okay'..." Outside, there were some shuffling noises, as if somepony was about to leave- likely out of embarrassment- and then decided to stay where they were.



OOC: Cue drama in T-minus three... two... one...

Edited by Orion Caelum
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rune almost looked concerned for night when he saw him run out. "...is he okay?" he ventured, his voice soft. 


he frowned when vinyl said that they'd have to put on one more performance. "and...im sorry, couldnt you and octavia take care of that? not trying to sound rude here, but...im a little tired."




caliber was still out of it, while he watched sleight storm off. 


he remembered how he butchered the night, blindly drinking the...oh man. bad decisions on his part.


"so is she really your marefriend?" violet's words interrupted his thoughts. "she said your her boyfriend, after all..."


"did she really?" caliber found himself smiling, at that news. 


violet, meanwhile, saw the smile, and frowned instantly. but she put on a fake smile when he looked back. "yeah, thats...what she said."


caliber laid back down on the bed, holding his head. 'well, thats one good thing...' he thought.


violet looked at him for a few seconds, before getting the pasta out of the fridge. she divided it in half, and cooked it. "so, caliber, how have you been doing? from what iv seen, you've been losing quite a few fights."


caliber groaned on the bed. "the competition here is obviously better then i thought it would." he was quiet for a little. "all these loses are really starting to get to me."


violet bit her lip, knowing how much winning was to him. "im sure its just bad luck! you'll make your comeback. you always do!"


"...i hope so." caliber sighed, and asked violet about her dojo. the two started talking, catching up, and generally being friends.


​but caliber was certainly concerned for sleight. he didnt know her that well, yet, but maybe seeing violet at his house...did she get the wrong idea?




Ronin was on the streets.
Cubus was on the streets.

Zenru was in his home.

Sparren was at the training arena.

Ruk wasnt there.

Daria was at her home.

Hunter was presumingly chilling on a bench.
Rebilac was observing everyone.


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@Mars Orbit,@Unicorncob@Star Saber@Orion Caelum@Little Red

Luna arrived in the world of shadows, a dark, hellish place in the daytime. It was one giant, impossibly large multi-layered room, built entirely out enormous, sharp, rusted chains from the floor to the ceiling. They moved as she walked, grinding against each other noisily, and occasionally, they whipped about in the gray darkness, lashing out at the things that moved in the shadows just beyond a ponies vision. Every so often, one could hear a scream, sharp and shrill, although whether it was pony or animal was impossible to tell. Maybe it was both.


It was this path that Luna walked, uninterrupted. This world had learned the hard way to give her a wide berth, although at this point, she wouldn't put up much of a fight. She was emotionally drained, and beyond caring right now. She just wanted to rest, and the world responded to her command. A bed of chains appeared, and Luna lay down on it without a word, wrapping herself up in a blanket crafted of the same material. Luna went to sleep, while a pair of eyes watched silently from the shadows, only punctuated by a predatory grin.


"Goodnight...Mother." As Luna slept, bitter laughter began to ring out through the endlessly shifting world of gray...


Rarity still looked down at the gem, watching the faint blue light pulse softly. All of her thoughts had been drawn to this, bent of pulling out the secrets of the new la clochette, but the truth is, she still had no idea what this thing was capable of now. Naturally, she couldn't test out something so dangerous in a public area, and she hadn't had the time to go anywhere, so she had been more or less stuck with more refining. Until now. It seemed she would finally have the chance to do a field test...


And spend some time with Ice Blizzard. Both benefits, she presumed, in any case.


"Just a second, Ice Blizzard." She moved off into the back room, where the refinery was located. She picked up her saddlebag, and, from the small drawer on the opposite wall, picked up the gemstones she would need for the test. She then hurried back to Ice Blizzard in the front, determination in her eyes and a pleasant smile on her lips.


"I'm ready."




@Mars Orbit

Silver Spoon looked up at the pair, expectantly. She had to get something, and it was only going to be a few hours before she was expected back. She couldn't fail to get a candid story... or to impress Diamond Tiara.


"Uh... you guys wouldn't happen to be weird and interesting, would you?" She smiled eagerly at the two, hoping that one of them might amuse her and play along.



@The Down Trotten@Orion Caelum

Anette knew that stuttering, nervous voice anywhere. She opened the door, and immediately wrapped Wilhelm in a hug. She completely ignored the passed out body clearly visible in the hall, too wrapped up in being wrapped up in Wilhelm.


"You're alive!" She tightened the hug for emphasis as she burrowed into him. "When the hall went dark, everypony started crowding around the center, and then they started running, and I got separated from you. I have no clue what was going on, but i'm glad you're safe..."

Her attention was roughly pulled back to center, as she felt the dolls pulling at her mind. She had forgotten something...




@Star Saber

"Trixie? What are you..." She flew through all of the possible reasons of why Trixie would be here, as well as how she found out about the mirror, before coming to a realization; this would mostly likely be this world's Trixie, not the one she knew back home. At the very least, it seemed to be concluded by the fact that this Trixie was a heck of a lot nicer than the one back at Equestria High, for now at least. She let the sentence die in her mouth, then, and just smiled, not wanting to alert this pony to the fact that there was something strange about her.


"Hmm...?" Trixie looked at her, curiousity building in the strange way Sunset Shimmer acted, but she didn't get to dwell on it. A pony smacked into her flanks, startling her.

"No one touches the Great and Powerful Tri-" She turned around, horn sparking with a fury, only to stop when she realized this pony was no threat to her. Or anyone in his state. Sunset Shimmer looked at him, realization slowly dawning on her face, while Trixie decided to speak.


"Can I help you?"




The clearing in the middle of the lake looked as calm and serene as ever, but if one looked into the lake, one would get the impression that it was anything but. The water there was having fits; it froze, boiled, and occasionally exploded, giving the impression that there was a miniature storm going on just below its surface, though there was nothing to indicate any such thing going on above the lake.


It was this clearing that Terra stumbled into. Still wandering, and waiting for yet another sign, she noticed the fit of bubbles, and curiosity drew her in. She stood back, silently watching the dark shape that moved underneath the surface...




As she watched Night Tracer stumble out of the cellar and head out towards the bed, Applejack stood up as well; she had work to do, after all. She went back to the bar, taking over her duties once again. Just as well; she could've swore she had just caught Berry Punch sipping some of the merchandise...

Edited by Corona de Adamas
  • Brohoof 2
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Vinyl was a bit taken back. For being such a go getter and up tempo. She didn't think Rune wasn't up or the party scene, or at least a performance. Apparently she had misread him for who he was, "Uh yeah." She cocked an eyebrow. "Are you alright?" She asked with concern, "Did I do something?



"Oh, I'm Fluttershy, it's very nice to meet you miss...?" She subtly inquired for Nighting Gale to reveal her name. She had another question for her but she decided not to ask until she knew the name of this peculiar mare. 

Fluttershy was almost home; no more than a few hundred feet before she could settle back down and into her cottage so she could be with her dependent animals once more.  


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"Oh, I'm Fluttershy, it's very nice to meet you miss...?" She subtly inquired for Nighting Gale to reveal her name. She had another question for her but she decided not to ask until she knew the name of this peculiar mare. 


Fluttershy was almost home; no more than a few hundred feet before she could settle back down and into her cottage so she could be with her dependent animals once more.  



Strix slouched back against the tree trunk again, watching the little exchange take place. He had decided that the pegasus, Fluttershy if he remembered correctly, was alright for a pony. She did patch him up for free, after all.


He watched carefully, intent on making sure the smaller pony walked away unscathed. It was the least he could do.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard smirked, "Awesome. Now follow me. We gotta take a secret route so we won't be followed..." he said. He and Rarity started walking with Ice leading. Eventually they stopped near the forest, "Ok...here we go..." There was an 'X' symbol on the ground. It had a magical signature that could only be activated by the touch of an Ice Clan member. He then spoke the words that would activated the seal, "Ahem....Ég, Ice Blizzard, óska færslu." After that, a sudden rumbling could be heard as a magical portal opened up, "Jump in, Rarity," he said, as he grabbed Rarity's hoof, and jumped through the portal. The portal then, immediately closed behind them.


After going through the portal, Ice and Rarity exited through the other side. He let go of her hoof, and said, "Take a look, milady..." he pointed his hoof to the beautiful scenery. It was an elegant paradise with calm flowing waters, and thriving plant life, "This area is my ancestors' prized sacred grounds. Only the members of the Ice Clan know where this place is located. There are signs of my family everywhere here, and for a thousand years, they'd come here, and practice each other's abilities. And the best part is that, like I said earlier, no matter how much destruction we cause, this place is invincible, and will never be destroyed."


He walked forward and put his hoof an another "X". The switch caused a small pillar to rise up with a gold tablet. The tablet had the image of 6 unicorns, Ice's ancestors, joining their horns together. He showed it to Rarity, "These are my ancestors. For their final magic spell, they used their non-ice-based magic to create this place invincible in their memory. After they passed on, my clan would come here to battle and practice."


He put the tablet back, "I know this may seem like a lot to take in, but I hope you like it. And don't worry about anything. This may be sacred, but like I said, nothing can destroy this place no matter how hard you try. And if you don't mind....I'd like to keep this place....between us...only my clan can access this place, and I don't even know if this place is in Equestria. All I know is the portal via and Ice Clan member's hoof is the only way to get in and out of here."


He cleared his throat, "Uh...sorry if that was too much, Rarity...I tend to ramble hehe..." he said with a sheepish grin while scratching the back of his head.

(What the area looks like:)





Jade smiled, happy that Axton was willing to accept her offer, and leaned over to his side of the counter, letting a drop of dragonfruit juice fall into his drink. Like before, the water fizzed and bubbled with the spicy drop.


"Be warned," She told him, putting the berry back into the bag, which went back into her saddlebag, "It still may be quite spicy, so make sure you are ready."

Axton levitated the glassed, and sipped it. It was indeed spicy. So much so, that it caused him to sweat and cough, "Ack! Ugh...whoo...damn, what's in that? That tasted nice."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@The Down Trotten@Orion Caelum

Anette knew that stuttering, nervous voice anywhere. She opened the door, and immediately wrapped Wilhelm in a hug. She completely ignored the passed out body clearly visible in the hall, too wrapped up in being wrapped up in Wilhelm.


"You're alive!" She tightened the hug for emphasis as she burrowed into him. "When the hall went dark, everypony started crowding around the center, and then they started running, and I got separated from you. I have no clue what was going on, but i'm glad you're safe..."


Her attention was roughly pulled back to center, as she felt the dolls pulling at her mind. She had forgotten something...



Wilhelm hugged her back, a smile tugging at his face. "I'm happy you're okay. When I lost you in the crowd..." He paused for a moment and then simply pulled back to lightly kiss her. "I was worried; let's leave it at that. Especially with the terrorist outside somewhere... But it's okay now." 


He broke the hug for a moment. Abashedly and far too late, he said "Faust, I just remembered I was crawling through rubble and inside passageways for the last hour or so." Wilhelm sighed dramatically. "Can you tell me where the bat-" His question was cut off mid-word as he caught sight of the other stallion, and Wilhelm's train of thought abruptly derailed, crashed into a major city, and then went off a cliff. 


A single eyelid twitched. "...Who is that?"

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Tyra lowered her head, panting and gasping to try and get her breath back. She held one hoof to her fractured ribcage, and the other wiped beads of sweat off her brow. With every beat of her heart, cuts across her body stung sharp. Her bones and muscles ached, begging her to give them a rest, and there was nothing she wanted more right now.


But this fight wasn't over. Lorec would be back for her, for one more attack.


She raised her head and watched as the gold aura returned to her opponent, though seeming to be much...calmer, and more peaceful than before. Had he reached some kind of resolve?


She perked up as the earth began to shake again, around the gravestones. Could he be summoning the dead...?

As the ground rumbled ever so slightly within the alotted area, so too, did a strange occurrence begin to take place.


As Lorec's life force aura wisped about him lightly and calmly, the stone from the ground around the graves began to shift slightly. Almost as if they were great beasts arising from the ocean, stone statues began to seemingly form and rise upward from the ground near the two graves that held Lorec's family. They were in the image of minotaurs...


All around the area, the same phenomenon took place, with these stone minotaurs being formed from the ground upward, encircling the two in a large radius. They seemed not to be hostile, and only stood still. These statues had an excessive amount of detail to every one of them, with what seemed like expertly chisled details such as armor, distinct facial features, and even stone weapons.


The two that were rising near Lorec's fallen body soon took on a very distinctive appearance as well. The one to the left was obviously female, with soft features and what the stone would imitate as long, flowing hair frozen in time. The statue to the right would harbor a Minotaur that would only be a few inches shorter than Lorec, and even favored the last golden horn's appearance greatly.


Though this stone army would not move, the two near Lorec did. The female Minotaur statue, and the statue that favored Lorec heavily, gently grabbed Lorec under his arms, and helped him to stand upright, being gentle as he was weakened. After being helped upward, Lorec turned to face His sword and Tyra... His eyes were once again lit with the golden tint, pupiless. He had a very absent and stoic look upon his face, almost as if he were actually unconscious and dreaming, potentially even sleepwalking.


His eyes concentrated on the blade, Lorec would then do what no one else could've possibly expected; with all of his might and with a lion's roar, Lorec stomped on the blade of the zweihander with such force, that it snapped the blade into two clean pieces! The longer portion of the sword would remain hiltless and on the ground. The hilt, however, with about a fourth of the blade's length still attached, flew into the air, above Lorec's head. Opening his mouth and pointing his head skyward, Lorec caught the blade in his mouth, and looked directly at Tyra.


The two statues, the female statue on his right and the favoring statue on the left, then did something unexpected; they threaded their fingers with Lorec's now defunct hands, and held them gently with Lorec in the middle of the two. It was then that they began walking slowly with Lorec towards Tyra, aiding the heavily wounded beast of Sadauris to his end goal, as the army of statues that encircled them watched onward... Was it possible that this was from Lorec's uncouncious mind tapping into his memories of them?





Kazas, still worried about Vera, leaned in close as the fight continued on.


" Vera.... You do not need to hide anything from me. I've suffered from nightmares too, on occasion. If you want, we can talk about it when we are alone, alright?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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As the ground rumbled ever so slightly within the alotted area, so too, did a strange occurrence begin to take place.


As Lorec's life force aura wisped about him lightly and calmly, the stone from the ground around the graves began to shift slightly. Almost as if they were great beasts arising from the ocean, stone statues began to seemingly form and rise upward from the ground near the two graves that held Lorec's family. They were in the image of minotaurs...


All around the area, the same phenomenon took place, with these stone minotaurs being formed from the ground upward, encircling the two in a large radius. They seemed not to be hostile, and only stood still. These statues had an excessive amount of detail to every one of them, with what seemed like expertly chisled details such as armor, distinct facial features, and even stone weapons.


The two that were rising near Lorec's fallen body soon took on a very distinctive appearance as well. The one to the left was obviously female, with soft features and what the stone would imitate as long, flowing hair frozen in time. The statue to the right would harbor a Minotaur that would only be a few inches shorter than Lorec, and even favored the last golden horn's appearance greatly.


Though this stone army would not move, the two near Lorec did. The female Minotaur statue, and the statue that favored Lorec heavily, gently grabbed Lorec under his arms, and helped him to stand upright, being gentle as he was weakened. After being helped upward, Lorec turned to face His sword and Tyra... His eyes were once again lit with the golden tint, pupiless. He had a very absent and stoic look upon his face, almost as if he were actually unconscious and dreaming, potentially even sleepwalking.


His eyes concentrated on the blade, Lorec would then do what no one else could've possibly expected; with all of his might and with a lion's roar, Lorec stomped on the blade of the zweihander with such force, that it snapped the blade into two clean pieces! The longer portion of the sword would remain hiltless and on the ground. The hilt, however, with about a fourth of the blade's length still attached, flew into the air, above Lorec's head. Opening his mouth and pointing his head skyward, Lorec caught the blade in his mouth, and looked directly at Tyra.


The two statues, the female statue on his right and the favoring statue on the left, then did something unexpected; they threaded their fingers with Lorec's now defunct hands, and held them gently with Lorec in the middle of the two. It was then that they began walking slowly with Lorec towards Tyra, aiding the heavily wounded beast of Sadauris to his end goal, as the army of statues that encircled them watched onward... Was it possible that this was from Lorec's uncouncious mind tapping into his memories of them?


Tyra looked around her as the statues of minotaurs, all taking a different appearance, appeared around the two combatants. They did not move, though, so they seemed to be benign.


The ones nearest to Lorec, however, approached him, and took ahold of his hands. His eyes glowed amber once again, though he seemed to be much more at peace than before.

Like he had come to grips with something.


She gasped with widened eyes as her opponent's hoof slammed down on his sword, snapping it into two! The hilt was sent into the air, and landed in Lorec's mouth. How could he still have so much power left?!


With the statue's assistance, he began to approach her. Break time was over.

With a deep breath, she rose onto her hooves, and limped toward the three minotaurs, to meet them halfway.

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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A single eyelid twitched, and there was no evidence of his smile on his face. Indeed, the farther his eyebrow went up, the more his muzzle curved into a frown. "...Who is that?"



His mind had slipped into reboot mode. He was prone to these sudden blackouts, and after some time his body or perhaps sheer force of will had managed to figure out how to restart itself rather shortly. He would be himself in no time flat, of course he had to get up first. Which it did, just in time for his ear to catch the question posed about him.


First his eye popped opened and then he scrambbled up and tried to look presentable "Um...." he looked between the two of them and tried to peice the situation together. Before he had passed out there was no stallion and now there was a stallion. He was asking, no demanding who he was, and was looking mighty sour about doing so. It would apear that Rhetroic had gotten himself into a spot of trouble. Could he not fall asleep without cuasing contraversy, and furthermore why couldn't he cuase this much hubbub when he was awake?


"Sir, I will answer your question. My name is Rhetroic Rash and my purpose here was only to rest. Your um marefriend here was kind enough to take me in. And now that I am awake I shall take my leave." he tried to push past in a hurry not to cuase more awkwardness but realized this might look a tad suspect. Turning around at the door he offered what he hoped would fix the problem


"If you do not believe me. or her, as she will make the same claim as I have, and you feel your honor is at stake, then I will humbly comply with whatever you wish. You seem to be a gentlecolt sir, and I can't imagine this has to come to bloodshed. Oh and my apologies and gratitude Miss." he smiled and bowed to them both


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Axton levitated the glassed, and sipped it. It was indeed spicy. So much so, that it caused him to sweat and cough, "Ack! Ugh...whoo...damn, what's in that? That tasted nice."


Jade snorted into her hoof at Axton's reaction. "I warned you that it was spicy! Though, you took it much better than I thought you would! Not everypony can take dragonfruit that well!"


She smiled at the stallion. "You are quite the warrior, Axton, I am impressed!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade snorted into her hoof at Axton's reaction. "I warned you that it was spicy! Though, you took it much better than I thought you would! Not everypony can take dragonfruit that well!"


She smiled at the stallion. "You are quite the warrior, Axton, I am impressed!"

Axton smiled back. He was happy to be recognized, but in the back of his mind he still knew he had an issue to work out, "Yeah, thanks. Nobody else ever thought so. Especially that damn princess who banished me....."





Kazas, still worried about Vera, leaned in close as the fight continued on. " Vera.... You do not need to hide anything from me. I've suffered from nightmares too, on occasion. If you want, we can talk about it when we are alone, alright?"

Vera didn't know what to do. Whether she should tell Kazas what was wrong, or keep it a secret to keep him safe, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Really."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"...im just thinking about something. i could go again, if you really want me to, but i really am tired." he chuckled weakly. 


he hated to just...bail on her, but he wanted to have some time alone. for...some reason. "dont worry, ill still be sure to talk to octavia. and like i said, its up to you if i go again."


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Nightingale listened to Fluttershy, and she stopped for a second. Even her voice sounded perfect... Nightingale felt the dark side of her attempting to crawl out and wrassle control of her brain despite herself. She put it on hold, for now; she still had formalities to dispense with, after all.


"Nightingale. The name's Nightingale." Subtly, Nightingale flew up and over Fluttershy, until she landed in front of her, blocking her path to the cottage.


"I was just flying over, and came over to say hi. It's not every day I meet somepony like you." Nightingale once again smiled, voice calm, and hopefully, pleasant.




Rarity had been expecting something impressive; Rarity did Ice Blizzard disappoint her in these things. But, as she stepped through the portal, she was suddenly smacked in the face with serene beauty, and her brain temporarily lost the fight. She stopped, attempting to take it all in at once, and failing miserably.


"Ice Blizzard...this is..." She tried to formulate the proper word, but simply shut her mouth in response. She had nothing to say. She simply moved forward, eyes darting every which way in order to capture all of the wonders being presented to her.




@The Down Trotten@Orion Caelum

Anette nodded in response to Rhetoric Rash in a silent "you're welcome." She then looked over at Wilhelm. And for once, in an incredibly rare moment, Anette was not smiling.


"I found him out on the street, in the rain, too tired to walk and with nowhere to go. I let him in, and he crashed here, on my floor." Anette spoke simply, but inside, she was caught somewhere between anger and disbelief. Did Wilhelm really trust her that little?

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Skitz was coming towards Mars from behind peeking from behind buildings and moving to another slowly getting closer.

Mars look at silver spoon, completely oblivious to what was happening behind him. "Ummmm nope. We're pretty nor-" He was cut off by Skitz, who grabbed the back of Mars' head, jumped, and slammed his face into the floor. "R.K.O out of nowhere!!" a voice said in the distance.

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Axton smiled back. He was happy to be recognized, but in the back of his mind he still knew he had an issue to work out, "Yeah, thanks. Nobody else ever thought so. Especially that damn princess who banished me....."


Jade blinked, tilting her head and frowning. She hadn't heard this part of Axton's story, but she was curious to hear who this 'princess' was, and what role she played in his tale.


"Who is this 'princess'?" She asked, looking right at him, "Do you mean the princesses who rule Equestria?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice, feeling guilty for making her lose her train of thought, quickly rushed to her side to comfort her, "I'm sorry if I confused you, I mean...I hope I didn't confuse you, I mean.....I mean....ugh."


He smacked himself in the face for not making any sense, and tried to say something, "Yeah...it is nice isn't it? Perfect place to practice along side crystal clear waters, beautiful trees, and peaceful quiet. And you're the only one beautiful enough to compliment this place with your presence."


He smiled, "So. Whenever you're ready, we can begin..."

Jade blinked, tilting her head and frowning. She hadn't heard this part of Axton's story, but she was curious to hear who this 'princess' was, and what role she played in his tale.


"Who is this 'princess'?" She asked, looking right at him, "Do you mean the princesses who rule Equestria?"

Axton scoffed. He turned away from Jade, because of how touchy of a topic it was. He also realized, that talking about it publicly wasn't a good idea, considering how many people who support the princess may be nearby, "Yeah...but it's not a big deal. She's just the reason I was banished...."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton scoffed. He turned away from Jade, because of how touchy of a topic it was. He also realized, that talking about it publicly wasn't a good idea, considering how many people who support the princess may be nearby, "Yeah...but it's not a big deal. She's just the reason I was banished...."


Jade frowned, thinking she had hit a nerve with her question from how Axton reacted. She glanced down to the ground guiltily.

"I apologise," She said softly, looking around the bar, "I did not mean to cause any offence, I was simply curious about what happened."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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