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Celestia watched Axton leave, but she didn't attempt to follow him or stop him in any way. That wasn't her right anymore. She shook her head in a silent no as Jade finished speaking, however.



"It was nothing you have done. Axton has, unfortunately, let his past consume him; I think this moment had been coming for quite some time. I'm just glad it did not escalate into violence, and that nopony was harmed." Celestia let that give her a little bit of hope that, maybe, the real Axton was still somewhere inside, buried underneath the pony she had just witnessed leave her home.



"I cannot save him." She once again shook her head in emphasis. "My presence would only cause him more pain and anguish, no matter what I attempted to do for him. At the same time, I do no think that he should be alone; I fear what he might do by himself. I believe, right now, what Axton Guile needs now, more than anything, is a friend. Maybe the one that he seems to have found in you." She stared pointedly into Jade's eyes, before turning back to the letter that lay on the table.



"This is a letter of competition. It seems somepony has decided to challenge me." As she spoke, golden light started to form around her body in pools, a prerequisite to her teleportation. "I'll be leaving now. You may help yourself to the fruit, and leave when you are ready. And Jade?" Her body was almost fully gone right now, making her appear like a translucent ghost in the center of the kitchen.

"Take care of him." With a final flash of golden light, she was gone.



Jade sighed and shook her head. She knew the princess was right; Axton did not need to be alone right now, he needed somepony. A friend, as Celestia claimed her to be.

She nodded at her instructions, and kept quiet until the alicorn disappeared into a flash of light.


She looked to the fruit, and grabbed an apple from the bowl.

"I will."


Axton ran out of the princess' abode, and stopped at the corner of the road near the bar. He placed his back on the wall, and sat down, "Nopony...understands me....nopony cares.....my life is just a joke....."


He put his head down and started to weep. Sitting alone and confused.


Jade trotted out of the princess's box, and kept the apple balanced in her hoof while she scouted out for Axton.

It wasn't long until she found him sitting by the bar, weeping. Quietly, she slowly walked up, and sat next to him.


"Why are you crying?" She asked softly, holding her hoof out and offering the apple.


Doctor Whooves coddled Ditzy Doo and simpered brightly as she giggled. He stood nervously before her; his insides mollified and cheeks burnt a red rosy color. He looked around shiftly, as if he were hiding something but in reality, he was just that awkward. 

However, he eventually cleared his throat to speal but he was cut off be another pony who emerged from Ditzy's home. He was aloof while looking at him and far more engrossed in excogitating why he was there instead of who he was. It was very apparent that he was disgruntled in addition to being uncomfortable by his presence in Ditzy's home. 


Regardless, he tried to play off his curiosity, "What kind of doctor am I? I am the doctor. I am physician and extrordinare in studies of the science field. I have pattoned dozens of inventons and created many more which have yet to achieve their primal status. Now, the word, "Doctor," comes from, the label on my PhD.Sensical enough for you?" He inquired and boasted sub conciously. 



Ditzy, as klutzy as she was, could tell the Doctor was a bit agitated. His gaze was fixed on Crash, but she couldn't imagine why she wouldn't like him. He seemed to be a good stallion.


"Crash had an accident and, well, crashed into my room," She explained to her coltfriend, "I couldn't let him just go back out in the rain, so I let him have the couch!" She beamed, rather proud of her hospitality skills.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade trotted out of the princess's box, and kept the apple balanced in her hoof while she scouted out for Axton. It wasn't long until she found him sitting by the bar, weeping. Quietly, she slowly walked up, and sat next to him. "Why are you crying?" She asked softly, holding her hoof out and offering the apple.

Axton looked up to the mare and frowned, "Leave me alone....I'm not crying. Only little girls cry. Me on the other hoof? I don't know who I am anymore. My life has been nothing but a joke, there's nothing I can do to fix it. And what's worse....is that I never should have signed my name on that stupid contract."


He sighed and looked away, "I don't need your sympathy. I don't need your pity. You can keep that, I don't have time for it. What I do need, is a damn way out. I mean, sure, my life is a joke. But a joke at the hooves of the princess? Heck no. She can kiss my flank. That was wrongful, and because of her, I was permanently traumatized from that banishment."


Raising his voice a little, Axton spoke out, "Do you know what it was like to live through that?! My parents gone before my eyes, being banished to Tartarus, and my entire life, ruined?! It's not freakin' funny at all, and I blame that princess for causeing me all this pain. She's the reason my life was messed up. And these ponies around here call her thier ruler? No. Uh-uh. Wake up call you idiots. She's not all she's cracked up to be, and she deserves to be brought down from her position. I don't care who hears me. This NEEDS to be stated,"


Turning away from Jade again, he spoke lower, "Her words were tempting, but her thought process was unforgivable. I don't know what to say about somepony like that, but I for damn sure know that that's the last pony who needs to be 'ruling' anything...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton looked up to the mare and frowned, "Leave me alone....I'm not crying. Only little girls cry. Me on the other hoof? I don't know who I am anymore. My life has been nothing but a joke, there's nothing I can do to fix it. And what's worse....is that I never should have signed my name on that stupid contract."


He sighed and looked away, "I don't need your sympathy. I don't need your pity. You can keep that, I don't have time for it. What I do need, is a damn way out. I mean, sure, my life is a joke. But a joke at the hooves of the princess? Heck no. She can kiss my flank. That was wrongful, and because of her, I was permanently traumatized from that banishment."


Raising his voice a little, Axton spoke out, "Do you know what it was like to live through that?! My parents gone before my eyes, being banished to Tartarus, and my entire life, ruined?! It's not freakin' funny at all, and I blame that princess for causeing me all this pain. She's the reason my life was messed up. And these ponies around here call her thier ruler? No. Uh-uh. Wake up call you idiots. She's not all she's cracked up to be, and she deserves to be brought down from her position. I don't care who hears me. This NEEDS to be stated,"


Turning away from Jade again, he spoke lower, "Her words were tempting, but her thought process was unforgivable. I don't know what to say about somepony like that, but I for damn sure know that that's the last pony who needs to be 'ruling' anything...."


"There is no shame in crying," Jade explained matter-of-factly, nodding her head once, "In fact, it is stronger to let your feelings be shown than to keep them hidden inside you. Emotions, if bottled up, will only cloud you."

Her master would tell her that all the time, if she hurt herself in training or got frustrated that she couldn't get a lesson right.


"Nopony's life is a joke," She continued, "Especially not to the ruler of a kingdom. I am not defending her or saying you are wrong, but that perhaps there is more than you may think."


"As I said before, the past cannot be changed," she said, smiling as she offered the apple once again, "but your future is not set in stone. Allow somepony to help you mend the tears in your soul, and your path will appear much brighter than before."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@The Down Trotten

"No, I guess not." Celestia chuckled, her hoof up to her mouth, before she fluttered down off of the stage. She walked up to rhetoric softly and slowly, reached her hoof out in order to shake his, and, that concluded, moved to the front of the hall, adjacent to him. She turned back once she got there, still in a relaxed posture.


"Let's... begin." Without warning, two whips appeared at both of Celestia's sides. They were crafted out of what appeared to be raw, condensed yellow sunlight, though they were easier to look at than their real counterparts. It was these whips that Celestia brandished at Rhetoric Rash, the whips snapping up and down independently of each other to his movements.


"They're beautiful aren't they? So, I have the range here. What will you do?" She called out to Rhetoric Rash as she controlled the whips. Hopefully, she could jar him into thinking, because that was her intent; this was a teaching lesson and an experience as much as it was a fight. Maybe even more.




Rarity still didn't know which of the Ice Blizzards was the real one, and didn't want to risk a direct strike and seriously injuring him. These shots that kept hitting her were annoying, though, and definitely inconveniencing. But, she had a plan for that. Or so she thought.


The ruby drifted from her belt as the diamond returned to its original form. At the same time however, the amethyst popped up too, hovering right in front of her and behind the ruby. With the two working together, she felt somewhat secure about her next action; she detonated all of the ruby's stored energy, right in front of her face. The explosion wrapped the area around her in a an enormous, concetrated ball of fire at least three times her height and length, destroying all of the clones, but also throwing dirt everywhere, temporarily obscuring that part of the field from view.




Applejack was still at the bar, and, though she had been on task the whole time, she still found her thoughts distracted. They kept going back to Night Tracer, and the princess, and wondering how all of this was going to go down in the end between everypony. She sighed; why did she feel that somehow, she was going to end up involved in this further by the time it was over?


Luckily, she was rewarded a distraction; a fight had broken out somewhere over by the table booths. Applejack sighed, actually smiled, placed her hat down on the table, then took a running head start, diving headfirst into the pair of offenders with a flying tackle.


"Consarn it! Not in my bar!"




@Star Saber

Sunset Shimmer went to stop and say something to Calibur, then heard the intercom blare. She looked up in shock; Celestia was fighting! She had to see this!

But...she looked back over at Calibur. Leaving anypony out like this in the street, especially a friend, wouldn't be right. Which meant she had to deal with him first. Or...


She looked at Trixie, personally excited, but more concern appearing on her face because of Caliber.


"Hey Trixie, would you like to go see the show too?"


Trixie stopped. The grudge with her teacher still pulled at her, but... so did the promise of assuaging her curiosity by talking to Sunset Shimmer, as well as the very idea of getting to see any alicorn actually fight. She took a moment, then stiffly nodded yes, not saying anything in response.


"Okay, then. Get close to me." After Trixie complied with little more than a nod and a movement, leaving her on side of Sunset Shimmer and Caliber the other, Sunset Shimmer fired up her horn concentrating. To Trixie's confusion. Then fear.


"Wait, are we!-" Trixe shouted suddenly in panic as she realized what was happening, right before the three teleported off, heading towards the arena.


They landed rather cleanly, conveniently outside of three open seats. Neither Sunset Shimmer nor Trixie looked good, however; the former looked dog tired, like she had just drained her magical reserves, while the latter seemed to be in shock, wide eyed and stock still like the ghost of King Sombra had just passed through her. Sunset Shimmer, with great effort, managed to perform one final feat; levitating Calibur into the seat next to her. After which, she fell back in her own, now nursing a steadily growing headache. Trixie, on the other hand, simply fell backwards into her hers as if she had been ordered to, eyes still wide open.

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Blizzard looked out from the tree, and was mortified. Rarity had seemingly engulfed herself in flames, and now, Ice didn't know what to think, "What the---? An explosion?! And she blew it up on herself?! No way! Oh no.....oh no....I-Is she alive? Is she ok? What do I do? Did she do that on purpose? Should I go down there? What the hell do I do?"


Unknowing of what he should do, Ice dropped down from the tree to the ground, and held a hoof in front of his face to block the flying dirt.  He was just outside of the blast zone of Rarity's explosion, and since the area around he was concealed by dirt, it seemed as though he'd have to wait until the dust settled to get his answer, "Come on, Rarity. Please tell me you defended yourself before initiating that..."



"There is no shame in crying," Jade explained matter-of-factly, nodding her head once, "In fact, it is stronger to let your feelings be shown than to keep them hidden inside you. Emotions, if bottled up, will only cloud you."

Her master would tell her that all the time, if she hurt herself in training or got frustrated that she couldn't get a lesson right.


"Nopony's life is a joke," She continued, "Especially not to the ruler of a kingdom. I am not defending her or saying you are wrong, but that perhaps there is more than you may think."


"As I said before, the past cannot be changed," she said, smiling as she offered the apple once again, "but your future is not set in stone. Allow somepony to help you mend the tears in your soul, and your path will appear much brighter than before."

Axton sighed. He figured that Jade had made a point, but the soulkeeper's voice was still rattling in his head, telling him, "Don't listen to her. She's on the side with the preincess. She doesn't care for you, all she wants you to do, is be a wimp, and not exact your revenge...."


"Jade.....maybe you're right...maybe I do need to stop worrying about the past and focus on the future...."


In reality however, Axton wasn't being truthful. He figured the mare would drop the whole thing if he just agreed to what she said.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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“...” Even with his complete lack of social skills Ash could still tell that something was off about the pink pony’s sudden change of demeanor. However was this really such a bad thing? The pink pony was being a lot more quiet now which was good. However at the same time just looking at her as she was was starting to make him feel depressed.


“...H-Hey don’t… get all sad I was just… well...I don’t want to accidentally hurt one of my ffff…” Ash struggled with the word. “Ffff…...fffriends…”


The angry bitter dragon inside him was screaming at him now for saying such a thing...




Fuse grit his teeth as the sun shone through a crack in his room’s curtains. He opened a bloodshot eye and scanned it across his terrible apartment. He had collapsed on his couch after a long night of gambling and drinks after he had left Applejack’s bar in favor of the casino and was now suffering a rather painful hangover; and how did Fuse plan to solve his hangover problem? With more booze obviously!


Fuse groggily sat up and grabbed a bottle of whiskey standing on his coffee table and took a swig; or rather, Fuse tried. The bottle was empty. With a spew of profanities, Fuse tossed the bottle across the room; shattering it on the wall in the corner. “Useless past me… couldn’t leave future Fuse some for the morning, you ass…”


Fuse collapsed back onto his couch covering his eyes with a foreleg and silently prayed the sun would go away...






The teleportation went completely unnoticed by the sleeping Calibur in fact he simply curled up on the seat he was placed into without a issue and began to sleep… loudly. Hopefully Calibur’s earthquake-like snoring would be drowned out once the fight began.


“Mrgh… hey pretty lady… wanna go get some lunch? I know a…. nice place on the waterfront…” Quietly muttered an unconscious Calibur. Perhaps he was having a nice dream?

Edited by Star Saber
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It didn't seem like anything was moving inside the dust cloud. But, all of the sudden, a body flung itself out of the dust and darkness nearest to Ice Blizzard. Rarity tossed herself bodily at Ice Blizzard, turning the maneuver into a diving tackle that sent them rolling across the field, and ended up with Rarity standing above Ice Blizzard on all fours, gazing affectionately at him.


"The amethyst protected me, darling. Well, most of me, anyway." She had a few first degree burns and a few cuts, but they weren't pressing right now.


"It also provided some of the smockscreen. But regardless..." she said, looking down at him, and being close enough for him to feel her breath on his neck. "I think I win."

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Ice's eyes were opened by Rarity's sudden tackle. Never had he thought that he'd be roughed up like that by her, and then, he suddenly found himself on the ground, looking up at her. He blushed wildly for a moment before realizing, "Wow....I don't think I can get up to try and fight back....maybe...I should go along with it...."


Believe it or not, for once, Ice managed to supress his urge to want to fight. Instead he felt a different urge. His heart was practically beating out of his chest. His adreadnaline levels increased as he looked in her eyes. He didn't know what to say, so he decided to go with his impulse, leaned up, and kissed her on the lips. He put his forelegs around her, so she could lean in and feel the sense of passion between them.


He stopped for a moment, and looked into her eyes dreamily. It was like he had died and gone to heaven twice over, and one thing's for sure, he didn't want it to end, "Well, Rarity. It seems you won more than just the fight....."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Unicorncob (No, you guys aren't actually affected, it's just visibility)

Speed and Flash had showed up to spectate in the morning, and were talking to a stallion to the left of them. He had explained what had happened so far.


"And still neither of those two refuse to give up? How long has this fight been going on?" Flash asked the stallion.


"Around 18 hours last I checked, overnight. I'm at the edge of my seat as you can see." He pointed a hoof to where he was almost sliding out of the stands. "Literally."


"I see that." The twins went back to observing the fight while another one had started, but were startled by what happened next.

They landed rather cleanly, conveniently outside of three open seats. Neither Sunset Shimmer nor Trixie looked good, however; the former looked dog tired, like she had just drained her magical reserves, while the latter seemed to be in shock, wide eyed and stock still like the ghost of King Sombra had just passed through her. Sunset Shimmer, with great effort, managed to perform one final feat; levitating Calibur into the seat next to her. After which, she fell back in her own, now nursing a steadily growing headache. Trixie, on the other hand, simply fell backwards into her hers as if she had been ordered to, eyes still wide open.

The teleportation went completely unnoticed by the sleeping Calibur in fact he simply curled up on the seat he was placed into without a issue and began to sleep… loudly. Hopefully Calibur’s earthquake-like snoring would be drowned out once the fight began.


“Mrgh… hey pretty lady… wanna go get some lunch? I know a…. nice place on the waterfront…” Quietly muttered an unconscious Calibur. Perhaps he was having a nice dream?

In teleported three ponies to take the empty seats to the right of them. "Oh, hellothere." Speed greeted the newcomers with her traditional fast talking and waving a hoof. "Cometowatchthefights? CanIoffersomeassistance?" She ordered some popcorn for her and her brother from a concession-pony passing through the stands. Gosh, the prices at these events! "Whoa, isthattheprincess?"

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Axton sighed. He figured that Jade had made a point, but the soulkeeper's voice was still rattling in his head, telling him, "Don't listen to her. She's on the side with the preincess. She doesn't care for you, all she wants you to do, is be a wimp, and not exact your revenge...."


"Jade.....maybe you're right...maybe I do need to stop worrying about the past and focus on the future...."


In reality however, Axton wasn't being truthful. He figured the mare would drop the whole thing if he just agreed to what she said.


Jade's expression hadn't changed; she could tell from Axton's tone that he wasn't truly convinced.


"Yes, you do," She agreed with a single nod, "a life spent looking for vengeance is not a life fondly looked back on. A mistake on the princess's part, as grave as it was, is still just that. Allow yourself to open up to other ponies, and they will help you mend the damage caused by the past, so you may have a bright future."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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He swore under his breath, this already hadn't gone quite as planned, but that was fine, he would just have to improvise. Something he was actually pretty good at. "What are you going to do your majesty? That is the better question I do believe. Here you are facing an opponent who we both know you could obliterate at any moment. And yet here we are. It would seem you would have a sense of sportsmanship. I can't tell you how refreshing that is." he was hoping that his meandering would engage her mind as well, while he knew he couldn't distract her completely, perhaps he could at the very least buy him some time


"But back to the original question, and allow me to answer yours and mine. I am not going to tell you what I'm doing, we are "fighting" after all, and you are going to drag this out as long as you can. I'm not quite sure why yet, but I like to think its for our mutual benefit. Now next question" by this point he had made it half way across the room, he stopped not wanting to push his luck any further, at least for now "Do you, your highness, consider yourself the teacher or the student?" those whips were making him slightly on edge, in fact every time they moved he wanted to jump, fortunately there was a grand piano nearby, it would provide decent cover if necessary.



* * Members * Posted Yesterday, 10:35 PM Ice Blizzard It didn't seem like anything was moving inside the dust cloud. But, all of the sudden, a body flung itself out of the dust and darkness nearest to Ice Blizzard. Rarity tossed herself bodily at Ice Blizzard, turning the maneuver into a diving tackle that sent t
Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Tyra looked around her as the statues of minotaurs, all taking a different appearance, appeared around the two combatants. They did not move, though, so they seemed to be benign.


The ones nearest to Lorec, however, approached him, and took ahold of his hands. His eyes glowed amber once again, though he seemed to be much more at peace than before.

Like he had come to grips with something.


She gasped with widened eyes as her opponent's hoof slammed down on his sword, snapping it into two! The hilt was sent into the air, and landed in Lorec's mouth. How could he still have so much power left?!


With the statue's assistance, he began to approach her. Break time was over.

With a deep breath, she rose onto her hooves, and limped toward the three minotaurs, to meet them halfway.

Still slowly walking towards Tyra, Lorec and the two statues seemed as though they were a family with the way they walked together. With their hands holding his, any with a semblance of knowledge of Lorec's past could put the pieces together and know who these statues were representative of.


Stopping abruptly, the two statues let go of his hands, no longer holding them. Lorec's arms continued to dangle lifelessly to his sides as he gazed at Tyra, who was some distance away.


As the two statues had stopped and loosened their helping grip, Lorec kept going, building up speed, eventually enough to amount to a running charge. This was the final gambit.


Bringing back his neck to swing as Tyra does, Lorec put all of his weight, strength, speed, and heart into the charge, and went for a final, brutal downward slash towards Tyra with what was left of his might.










Kazas, still with a concerned look, turned his head back towards the fight.


" Alright Vera... But the offer is still upon the table if you wish to speak of it."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Still slowly walking towards Tyra, Lorec and the two statues seemed as though they were a family with the way they walked together. With their hands holding his, any with a semblance of knowledge of Lorec's past could put the pieces together and know who these statues were representative of.


Stopping abruptly, the two statues let go of his hands, no longer holding them. Lorec's arms continued to dangle lifelessly to his sides as he gazed at Tyra, who was some distance away.


As the two statues had stopped and loosened their helping grip, Lorec kept going, building up speed, eventually enough to amount to a running charge. This was the final gambit.


Bringing back his neck to swing as Tyra does, Lorec put all of his weight, strength, speed, and heart into the charge, and went for a final, brutal downward slash towards Tyra with what was left of his might.


Tyra watched as the statues helped Lorec approach her. This was the final moment, she knew it.

Those had to be the spirits of his family helping him.


He began a charge toward her, which she responded to in kind. Her legs were aching and she felt ready to collapse, but this fight was still on, and she wouldn't stop until it was over.


With a forced roar, she jerked her head to the side and gave her axe a heavy swing to meet with Lorec's sword, using all her might.

Hopefully it would still be enough to stop him.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The kiss broke, and Rarity continued to stare into Ice Blizzard's eyes, her head swimming.


"It looks like you have." She looked down at him, but didn't bother to move while the moment was so good.


"Well, we might as well see what the last two gems do." She spoke absent-mindedly. She tossed the topaz down as the opal returned to her, and suddenly, there was an incredible shaking as the earth around them seemingly jumped. The shaking flipped their positions, with Ice Blizzard now on top of Rarity. She flushed, harder.

"And now, I guess the Lapis..." She tossed it into the air, and it broke into its individual pieces before they all began to fall, dropping onto the floor of the field and burying themselves halfway. This time, however, they begin to glow, and as they condensed the air around them, water burst from the area above them, covering both Rarity and Ice Blizzard in water and leaving them soaking wet.


"W-well, I guess that's all of them. We're d-done." She was in a complicated state, shivering slightly from the breeze that was moving through this place. But, she'd never felt so warm...




@Star Saber


Sunset Shimmer was weary, and it took her a minute to translate the new pony's odd manner of speech. When she did, though, she nodded, slowly.


"If you can get some food for me, and some smelling salts for my friend over here..." She pointed to Trixie, who was still in a state of perfect shock. "That would be perfectly fine. I'll even pay you." She removed the small purse that she had tied around her neck, making sure to take off the necklace that Celestia had given to her, and gave the pony a small pile of bits. Then, she sat back down heavily, trying hard to focus on the events happening in front of her.




@The Down Trotten

The whips disappeared. In it's place, Golden balls began to form, glowing softly on the tips of Celestia's feathers. As she flicked them, they scattered in every direction forwards and backwards, the little balls lodging themselves in the walls, ceilings, and floors. Once there...they did nothing. They just sat there, glowing softly and beautifully lighting up the interior of the hall. When it was finished, Celestia simply looked up, smiling at Rhetoric Rash.


"I consider myself both, even if I most often take the place of the former; there is always something more to learn. And perhaps you can teach me." She walked forward slightly towards Rhetoric Rash, drawing her voice down slightly lower, so that even the crowd outside listening wouldn't hear it.

"Rhetoric, I know you are not a fighter. You carry no weapons, have no magic I am aware of, and judging from the minutes past, aren't particularly strong, nor fast. But, I believe you have weapons that are just as strong, if not stronger; your mind, and your tenacity. If you can use them effectively."


She stepped back to her starting place. And with that, the whips once again resumed, lashing out at Rhetoric in straight strikes before pulling back and striking again.

  • Brohoof 1
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Suddenly the tables were almost literally turned, and Ice found himself looking down at Rarity. He felt flustered as well, but didn't want to because of the spine tingling feeling he got from the water. He started to look into Rarity's eyes and said, "I don't know if we're done just yet.." he said before kissing her lips again.


Ironically, even though he was cool most of the time, and even though they had water on them, Ice felt warmer and blushed more. He felt like the moment would last forever that day.....



Axton nodded, "I see what you mean, Jade. I just wish there was a way to turn my hideous life around from the disgusting pit trap I've fallen into..."


He sighed, "I suppose you've been of some help to me as a friend....."




Kazas, still with a concerned look, turned his head back towards the fight. " Alright Vera... But the offer is still upon the table if you wish to speak of it."

Vera yawned, "Thanks....Oh...brother thheir fight seems to be long as heck."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton nodded, "I see what you mean, Jade. I just wish there was a way to turn my hideous life around from the disgusting pit trap I've fallen into..."


He sighed, "I suppose you've been of some help to me as a friend....."


Jade smiled and shook her head. "No, your life is not hideous. Nopony's life is. It may have not gone the way you would like, but that does not mean you cannot salvage a good life out of it, yes?"


She tried holding out her apple in offering once again. "I am glad I could help you, my new friend."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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He had barely enough time to jump out of the way of the strikes the second one catching is hind leg as he jumped behind the piano "OW!...sun of a brusselsprout... Ok this is what I get for going up against a thousand year old Alicorn, its like playing chess with someone who already knows your next ten moves..." he pulled himself together and tried to think of another question


"I don't know if I can teach you anything your highness, after all looking at our experience levels, you out weigh me by leaps and bounds. However perhaps I can get you to teach yourself. Now I hate to play my trump card so soon. But who knows how long a simple mortal such as myself has amidst a near goddess as yourself ." while he was jabbering he was slowly pushing the piano forward, his only protection from the rather painful whips "Would you like to guess what my trump card is Princess?" his back leg was already limping a bit Magic...I swear is going to be the death of me


The whips disappeared. In it's place, Golden balls began to form, glowing softly on the tips of Celestia's feathers. As she flicked them, they scattered in every direction forwards and backwards, the little balls lodging themselves in the walls, ceilings, and floors. Once there...they did nothing. They just sat there, glowing softly and beautifully lighting up the interior of the hall. When it was finished, Celestia simply looked up, smiling at Rhetoric Rash. "I consider myself both, even if I most often take the place of the former; there is always something more to learn. And perhaps you can teach me." She walked forward slightly towards Rhetoric Rash, drawing her voice down slightly lower, so that even the crowd outside listening wouldn't hear it. "Rhetoric, I know you are not a fighter. You carry no weapons, have no magic I am aware of, and judging from the minutes past, aren't particularly strong, nor fast. But, I believe you have weapons that are just as strong, if not stronger; your mind, and your tenacity. If you can use them effectively." She stepped back to her starting place. And with that, the whips once again resumed, lashing out at Rhetoric in straight strikes before pulling back and striking again.

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Jade smiled and shook her head. "No, your life is not hideous. Nopony's life is. It may have not gone the way you would like, but that does not mean you cannot salvage a good life out of it, yes?"


She tried holding out her apple in offering once again. "I am glad I could help you, my new friend."

Axton looked at the apple. He levitated the apple over and took a bite out of it, "Thanks. I think I know what I need to do now." He got up and swung his scythe at the air a few times before resting it on his shoulder, "If you think you're tough enough, maybe you'd wanna come with me...."


He said mockingly as he started to walk down the street.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton looked at the apple. He levitated the apple over and took a bite out of it, "Thanks. I think I know what I need to do now." He got up and swung his scythe at the air a few times before resting it on his shoulder, "If you think you're tough enough, maybe you'd wanna come with me...."


He said mockingly as he started to walk down the street.


Jade smiled as Axton accepted her offering, and tilted her head as he gave his resolution.

"What do you plan to do?" She asked, getting up after him.


At his comment, she snorted and got onto her hooves. One thing she didn't take likely was a challenge.

"I know I am tough enough!" She retorted, trotting after him.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade smiled as Axton accepted her offering, and tilted her head as he gave his resolution.

"What do you plan to do?" She asked, getting up after him.


At his comment, she snorted and got onto her hooves. One thing she didn't take likely was a challenge.

"I know I am tough enough!" She retorted, trotting after him.

Axton smirked at Jade, "Well then, little lady, just follow me. Whenever I feel bad I usually like to find some souls and stuff to capture. But what about you?"


He turned his head to her, "Tell me, what does a girl like you do when you're feeling down and want to have fun?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton smirked at Jade, "Well then, little lady, just follow me. Whenever I feel bad I usually like to find some souls and stuff to capture. But what about you?"


He turned his head to her, "Tell me, what does a girl like you do when you're feeling down and want to have fun?"


Jade trotted up to Axton's side and tilted her head again.

"Well, I do not capture souls," She teased, smirking at him, then blinked, "Well, I enjoy training or meditating, that usually calms me down. But to have fun, I like to spar, or have fun with somepony else, yes?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Minutes rolled by. Rarity had felt like the world had paused, but eventually, it started moving again, and she got up off the floor, still blushing slightly.


"Wow, that was incredible. But then, everything about this world is, isn't it? It's a paradise. Maybe one day, when i'm gray, i'll move here, and it'll be just us..."


She caught herself, and virtually ate the sentence she was just speaking.


"Me. I meant me." She flushed for had to have been the thousandth time today, then decided to change the subject.


"Can we take a walk? I'd like to see more of this place, if you don't mind."




@The Down Trotten

Celestia cocked a curious eyebrows as the whips kept going, lashing quickly at the piano and leaving smoldering dents in the wood. It wouldn't last very long under the assault, and he wouldn't much cover to stand under afterwards.


"Oh? Trump card? I'd love to hear it. Or perhaps you'd like to show me?" She watched him get closer, and decided that she would have to change strategy soon; soon he would be too close for the whips to be of much use. Meanwhile, the room itself begin to undergo a notable change; it started to dim slightly, darkening the whole setting noticeably. Strangely enough, however, the little balls of light Celestia had tossed out seemed to grow brighter as they lay around the room, almost as if they were building up for something...

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Wood and now piano strings were flying as the piano desintergated. "Come on your highness, your fights with me not the beautiful piece of musicery, I was hoping for no collateral damage." as he finished the sentence the piano gave shredding death whines and shrieks as the strings began to break and snap by the score. He took a peek at the orbs. They couldn't help but make him feel nervous and though he didn't know magic well, if he had to guess he would say that explosions were in his near future Alright, not much time left here, lets take a gambit 


He took a deep breath and pulled the hoof cuffs out of his bag, cuffed one end to himself and left the other swinging open. Timing the wipes, he jumped out from behind his decaying cover and allowed the second whip to strict his foreleg. The burning sensation stung and for an untrained stallion as himself made his eyes water, but it was a trade off. As the wipe pulled back it brought him with it and with as much grace as he could muster he slid next to her and with a click the other cuff was around her regal hoof, opposite to his. The pain of his burn  hiding under the new aderline rush that he had just received, allowed him to smile "Now your highness would you care to dance?" he held out his cuffed hoof, gave it a tug and caught her majesty's in his. With two of his legs burned it was going to be a wobbly waltz but hey he had made it this far right?


Celestia cocked a curious eyebrows as the whips kept going, lashing quickly at the piano and leaving smoldering dents in the wood. It wouldn't last very long under the assault, and he wouldn't much cover to stand under afterwards. "Oh? Trump card? I'd love to hear it. Or perhaps you'd like to show me?" She watched him get closer, and decided that she would have to change strategy soon; soon he would be too close for the whips to be of much use. Meanwhile, the room itself begin to undergo a notable change; it started to dim slightly, darkening the whole setting noticeably. Strangely enough, however, the little balls of light Celestia had tossed out seemed to grow brighter as they lay around the room, almost as if they were building up for something...

He turned around with holding a sigh. If this Doctor character was going to engage him it was at least polite to talk back, even if he didn't understand him one bit "sensical? Not really, it makes as much sense as calling me Mailcolt, you do have a name don't you?" he looked at this doctor and assumed if he did have one he wasn't going to tell him "Well.. I'm going to call you Brown, cause your brown, makes about as much sense as Doctor, heck I'll even throw Doc in front, so hows about it Doc Brown? Nice to meet you all the same I suppose" he held out his hoof "I'm Crash Test, Ditzy's new employee" 



Doctor Whooves coddled Ditzy Doo and simpered brightly as she giggled. He stood nervously before her; his insides mollified and cheeks burnt a red rosy color. He looked around shiftly, as if he were hiding something but in reality, he was just that awkward. However, he eventually cleared his throat to speal but he was cut off be another pony who emerged from Ditzy's home. He was aloof while looking at him and far more engrossed in excogitating why he was there instead of who he was. It was very apparent that he was disgruntled in addition to being uncomfortable by his presence in Ditzy's home.
Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Ice felt like he was in a dream for a moment. But then suddenly he "woke up." realizing that Rarity had gotten up and asked him a question, "........Hm? Huh? Oh, right."


He got up and stood beside her, while blushing, "Was incredible wasn't it? And I mean, this place is awesome." He opened his book and turned to a page in it. Reading what was on it, he looked Rarity over. She was a mess. A great big beatiful mess. Ironic? Yes. But that's how Ice saw Rarity, and nothing would change that, "Oh please, Rarity. A beatiful mare like you doesn't turn gray. You stay looking beautiful forever especially with your wet hair down," he said with a quick kiss to her cheek.


Still looking at his book, he walked over to the flowing waterfalls/river, and got on his knees, "Hm....the Healing Waters. Perfect." He brushed some of the water onto his neck, and in a matter of seconds, the cut that was once there was gone. It had fully healed. Ice decided to have a bit of fun, and to cure Rarity's burns at the same time, "Oh, Rarity...~" he said in a singsong voice, "Thinkfast!"


He splashed some of the water onto her, and one of her burns was fully healed, "On the first stop of our grandiso tour of the the Ice Clans' Sacred Grounds: The Healing Waters. Just take a step over here, Raresy, and your cuts will be healed. Look." He demonstrated with his right hoof, which had a cut. He showed the cut to Rarity, and put his hoof in the water. After he took his hoof out, the cut was gone and his skin fully healed, "These waters are powered by my family's healing magic. Capable of healing any injury. Come on. Take a dip, the water's great."


Little did Rarity know, the very moment she got near Ice, he'd push her into the waters forcefully as a prank. Ice was snickering away quietly at the thought.



Axton nodded, "I see. Have you registered to become a fighter yet? Or are you just gonna be practicing outside the arena, small-time style?"


He looked forward, "The only reason I'm asking, is because you gotta register to figt before you fight in the arena. I'd love to watch you and see more of what you can do."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton nodded, "I see. Have you registered to become a fighter yet? Or are you just gonna be practicing outside the arena, small-time style?"


He looked forward, "The only reason I'm asking, is because you gotta register to figt before you fight in the arena. I'd love to watch you and see more of what you can do."


"Registered?" Jade repeated, blinking, then nodded when she realised, "Ah, of course! That makes sense, the arena in the Imperial City back home works in the same way!"


She smiled at his compliment. "I would love to let you see what I can do. What about you, are you registered too?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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