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@The Down Trotten

Trixie paused at both Lektra and at Rhetoric. She had never been one to express her feelings to anyone; not when she Great and Powerful, and not now, long after she had hung up the hat and cape. Those things had been hers to deal with alone; one of the few things Trixie could say is that she didn't need anypony for anything. But, was that the right pony to be? Should she rely on others? Could she? She shook her head, and it was only partially at the two ponies that were talking to her.


"I'm fine, really..." She paused, put out a puff of air, and decided to add more. 


"Sometimes, I wish...things would've been different, I suppose. And, I know that i've been fighting the fact that they're not for a long time; maybe its something I won't ever give up. But, it's something i'm going to have to get used to. There's no more grandeur, no more Great and Powerful, and no more miracles for a lost unicorn. There's just Trixie. Just me." She talked more to herself at this point, in a sense of self-realization. She had already received a miracle in Celestia a long time ago, and she had blown it; she didn't think she deserved anymore.




@Star Saber

Anette took a quick walk outside, flagged closely by all four of her dolls. Her reason for leaving the house was twofold; to find something to eat, and to calm the raging headache that she had developed while indoors. Because, today had been the unfortunate day that she had decided to teach Nightmare the drums, an action that had to be one of the worst skill sets he learned since fire eating, and twice as obnoxious. Naturally, though he had taken a shining to it, and by the time she had managed to get the drumsticks and drums away from him, it had gone down on the list as possibly one of the worst experiences of her entire life. Perhaps for the rest of the dolls too; they were shooting him dirty looks, ranging from disgusted on Hearthrob's end to unconcealed fury on Glory's end. All the while, Nightmare cackled happily to himself, still reminiscing on the good times as they moved past the hospital.


"Nightmare it really wasn't that..." She was about to turn toward the doll in order to chastise him, when something unmistakable caught her immediate attention. There was a pony laying in the middle of the road, smoking, charred, and barely breathing. Anette broke out into a cold sweat as she rushed over to him, her dolls following behind her and Glory actually heading the dash. She placed her hooves on top of him, already beginning the process to heal his injuries without any prompting from Anette.


"Please..." She whispered; tears were falling from her face as she waited patiently for any signs of life...





Diamond Tiara had flinched as Ice Blizzard had came in; she actually hadn't expected to be here, this early if at all. Secretly, she had actually hoped that he wouldn't; she didn't want to talk to him about this, and the rage was making on his face was making it hard to look at him, so instead, she focused on the article that he was holding up. The one that she had signed off on and sent out that morning. The one that she had betrayed a friendship for.


For one brief instant, Diamond Tiara looked back up at him, and shot him a look of absolute misery, like in that moment, she was just another foal that had got up in something way to big for her. But then, she closed her eyes.


"New heights...New heights..."


When she opened them, that foal was gone; her eyes were dark and emotionless as she stared directly at Ice Blizzard with what could only be described as casual disinterest.


"I have to say...get in line. You think you're the first one to have their secrets spilled? To have their privacy ruined? To be the first one to be in my office, complaining? Well, you're not! This is a gossip column! That's how we get famous!"


She looked directly at Ice Blizzard now, but she did it with condescension, as if he was the younger of the two of them. She was speaking calmly, belying her fury; inside, there was a cold fire burning somewhere inside, and she was feeding every ounce of venom that he had given her back at him.


"Maybe you didn't understand, so let me be clear; this is a business. The Chatty Cathy will do anything to keep itself alive, and make sure that it reaches fame and success. There's no sacrifices too great...none." She glared him down; the undertone she had just made would be easy to follow for anypony.

Edited by Fractured
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Trixie paused at both Lektra and at Rhetoric. She had never been one to express her feelings to anyone; not when she Great and Powerful, and not now, long after she had hung up the hat and cape. Those things had been hers to deal with alone; one of the few things Trixie could say is that she didn't need anypony for anything. But, was that the right pony to be? Should she rely on others? Could she? She shook her head, and it was only partially at the two ponies that were talking to her. "I'm fine, really..." She paused, put out a puff of air, and decided to add more. "Sometimes, I wish...things would've been different, I suppose. And, I know that i've been fighting the fact that they're not for a long time; maybe its something I won't ever give up. But, it's something i'm going to have to get used to. There's no more grandeur, no more Great and Powerful, and no more miracles for a lost unicorn. There's just Trixie. Just me." She talked more to herself at this point, in a sense of self-realization. She had already received a miracle in Celestia a long time ago, and she had blown it; she didn't think she deserved anymore.


Her words filled him with melancholy and being a rather new pony on the scene he wondered if he should just remain quite and let Lektra handle it. But even a situation like this he felt that maybe just maybe he might have some insight "Madam... I can not claim to know you well, heck I've just met you. But let me say, that the pony who I saw that night on that stage, she was alive, she was real. Yes I know you made up some of those stories and what not but that doesn't change the energy the stage she, you had. You couldn't have been faking all of that, you were real then Madam. Just as real as the unicorn whose bravely baring part of her soul to us now. I think you may be making the mistake thinking that these two "Trixies" are to be sperated... Maybe they just need to be balanced out. Like I said though, I don't know you really at all, so I could be completely wrong..." a voice in the back of his head told him to stop but he quickly ignored it and pressed onward "If I may ask a rather personal question, what do, or rather what did you want to be different." he felt like he was over stepping some boundires at this point, but then again he always was.


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Ice sighed, "Business. It's always business. I have to say, it's not about the secret being exposed. Sure it's a big deal, but that's my least concern."


He looked up to her with the coldest, most angry face he had ever made in his life, "I trusted you. I thought you were my friend. But then you turn around and stab my back. I didn't do anything to you to deserve what you did to me, and that's how you treat me? Well no longer. I may not seem like it, but I actually have a tolerance level for which others buck around with me until I lose it. And you have no idea that you've just crossed that line..."


He turned around, facing away, "I don't have that many friends out there as it is, and now you've just made it worse. I don't like getting all this attention and now you've destroyed not only the secrecy of my family, but the trust I have put in you."


Turning back around, he continued, "Because of this, I'm starting to wonder if I made a good decision becoming your friend at all, and the way I see it, I'm not surprised you don't have anymore friends. Just as well, I wonder how in the hell Silver Spoon has been your friend for so long," he raised an eyebrow, "Or is that a lie too? Have you ever considered whether or not Silver Spoon is your real friend from time to time? You should. Because nopony should want to be friends with a backstabbing pony. You're like a bloodsucking tick; take what you want, only for your personal gain."


He laughed and put a hoof to his face, "But then again, why am I wasting my time talking to you? You're a filly, and all you seem to care about is business this and business that. Wow I was right: Once a snobby rich pony, always a snobby rich pony." He chuckled as he made his way to the exit, "And one more thing: If you can't seem to get any of that through your thick-headed mind, then get this: The one friend you thought you had? Gone. I'm done with you. I can't be the friend of a backstabber, and Silver Spoon shouldn't either. So go ahead: Ruin the lives of everyone in the motherbucking city for all I care, but remember the pony who used to be your friend, and ask yourself, 'What's more important? Business or friendship.' If you had to choose between Silver Spoon and this newspaper, what would you do? That's all, Diamond Tiara, I'm outta here. "


He walked outside, and had to avoid the mob of ponies running after him for the secret to his clan's paradise.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Trixie paused at both Lektra and at Rhetoric. She had never been one to express her feelings to anyone; not when she Great and Powerful, and not now, long after she had hung up the hat and cape. Those things had been hers to deal with alone; one of the few things Trixie could say is that she didn't need anypony for anything. But, was that the right pony to be? Should she rely on others? Could she? She shook her head, and it was only partially at the two ponies that were talking to her.


"I'm fine, really..." She paused, put out a puff of air, and decided to add more. 


"Sometimes, I wish...things would've been different, I suppose. And, I know that i've been fighting the fact that they're not for a long time; maybe its something I won't ever give up. But, it's something i'm going to have to get used to. There's no more grandeur, no more Great and Powerful, and no more miracles for a lost unicorn. There's just Trixie. Just me." She talked more to herself at this point, in a sense of self-realization. She had already received a miracle in Celestia a long time ago, and she had blown it; she didn't think she deserved anymore.

Her words filled him with melancholy and being a rather new pony on the scene he wondered if he should just remain quite and let Lektra handle it. But even a situation like this he felt that maybe just maybe he might have some insight "Madam... I can not claim to know you well, heck I've just met you. But let me say, that the pony who I saw that night on that stage, she was alive, she was real. Yes I know you made up some of those stories and what not but that doesn't change the energy the stage she, you had. You couldn't have been faking all of that, you were real then Madam. Just as real as the unicorn whose bravely baring part of her soul to us now. I think you may be making the mistake thinking that these two "Trixies" are to be sperated... Maybe they just need to be balanced out. Like I said though, I don't know you really at all, so I could be completely wrong..." a voice in the back of his head told him to stop but he quickly ignored it and pressed onward "If I may ask a rather personal question, what do, or rather what did you want to be different." he felt like he was over stepping some boundires at this point, but then again he always was.

"I have to agree with um, not sure of your name yet. Sorry sir." I sighed sheepishly to the stallion then turned to Triixie. "You're the same pony. There isn't more than one Trixie, except from something I read on a tour of Twilight's castle. There is another Trixie somewhere else, actually. But nevermind about that. There's only one you in Equestria. 'The Great and Poweful' is a stage name, but it's still you. I overreacted when I thought you were the same mean jerk back when we met, but it's still your stage name and you're better off after everything that's happened. Your shows are your talent and passion." I paused and bit my lip a little here.


"You wouldn't happen to um, wanna put on a light show for my little siblings, would you? You might have met them briefly back in the hospital room. They have bits for expenses if needed. Maybe I'll come too if there's no fights scheduled for me." Trixie's shop couldn't be anymore different than what she used to do with the shows, so this was a long shot.

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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It was about six in the evening and Night Tracer would be waking up soon; he had slept for a congenial 10 hours which was good enough to keep him functioning properly. Although he would be waking up soon, it wasn't quite yet. He tossed and turned while sleeping. He was rampant, presumably he was having nightmares but no one was able to tell that besides himself. However, for now, he was calm. 

He laid in a familar position to the night before. He laid facing towards Applejack with his legs intertwined with hers just like he did with Luna, only this time, their muzzle's were touching. He wouldn't be caught dead like this. It wasn't even a full day since he fell out with Luna and it wasn't even a full day before he was in bed with another mare. Whether it was accidental or not, he techincally, still was. If he woke up he would be glad no one else was around to him like he was.

Ironically, Applebloom had finally come in from being with her friends all day to get some early shut eye since she had a school presentation early in the morning. While walking to her room she peered in to AJ's room to see if she left her markers on a shelf inside. 

She turned on the light in AJ's room and her jaw dropped like an old women's breasts. She saw her sister nuzzled up and into an uknown stallion. Applebloom shrieked in her place before grabbing a convientely placed camera (Cuz Deus ex Machina.) and snapped a photo of them. Before screaming yet again in a shriller tone, "APPLEJACK HAS A COLT FRIEND, APPLEJACK HAS A COLTFRIEND!"

In moments, Night Tracer opened his eyes to the closed lids of AJ's eyes. He didn't scream but he gasped before slightly panicking and incidently rolling himself and AJ onto the floor with her on top and him on bottom. He groaned louldy as he put his hoof to his head only to let out an exasperated moan on discomfort. 

(Shit post is true unbearing shit)

Edited by Pretend


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Vera slowly made her way back to the stands and sat next to Kazas. She was visibly beaten, and somewhat cut all over, but she was mostly ok. She sat down next to Kazas, "This place is dangerous. Haha."


Meanwhile, Ice was still on the run away from all the ponies that were following him. He had to ditch them somehow. So he made an ice clone, and sent it running forward, and jumped into some bushes nearby. The mob of ponies chased after the clone while Ice hid, allowing him some peace for the moment, "Whew...lost 'em..."


After a while, his clone must've disappeared, and the ponies started to come back.  Until he could get to his apartment, he was stuck. He had no other option, but to make a push to the closest building: the hospital hospital. He snuck around the back of the building, went in through the front door, and immediately closed it behind him, breathing heavily as he did so. 


"Whew. It's been awhile since I've been here. I wonder who's in this time...."



He started to think about Diamond Tiara as he walked through the hospital, "Man, I wish I didn't have to talk that way, but that's how it happened. And all that just to impress her father....unbelievable. Unbelievable."


He then happened to cross Celestia's room. Wait. Celestia's room? Celestia was in the hospital? It  sure came as a surprise to Ice once he stopped walking and looked inside, "Oh, poor Celly. And...that other guy too. But Celly..."  He went into Celestia's room and saw not only her, but a red and yellow maned mare, "Hey, uh, do you know if Celly's ok?" he asked, "Uh...don't mind me, I'm just a friend of hers visiting."


Putting a hoof through the blinds, Ice could see outside, and saw the mob of ponies had gone. For now.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Diamond Tiara gave no visible reaction when Ice Blizzard was walking outside of the room, outside an absolutely venomous stare and slightly shaking hooves. However, when he left, everything exploded, as if time was catching all up at once.


"Fine! Leave! I didn't want you here anyway!" She shouted angrily at the now closed door, then, in one sudden motion, picked up the nearby glass vase on the table and hurled it into the nearby wall with all of the force she could muster. It whistled through the air before impact, crashing with an enormous noise and breaking into thousands of tiny pieces. And it wasn't long before Silver Spoon rushed in, expecting the worst to have happened.


"Di!" She slowed down once she realized her friend was alright, and instead now eyed the shattered vase with both curiosity and concern. She turned back to her friend, slowly. "Di, are you alright?"


Diamond Tiara paused for a moment, as if even she didn't know the answer. And then, still staring out towards the door over Silver Spoon, she decided to ask one of her own, in a voice as hollow and empty as a tomb.


"Silver Spoon... do you think my dad will finally notice me?"


Silver Spoon nearly choked up right then and there. It was only by practice and strength of will that she managed to keep a smile on her face.


"Di, we're going to be famous now... he has to notice you." She wanted to get up close, to hug her friend, but wasn't sure what reaction that would receive, so she kept her distance. As usual.


"Good. Then that's all that matters." She said it in a voice of triumph, but her facial expressions never changed, and it was that empty, hollow look that scared Silver Spoon the most. She actually preferred she'd be shouting as compared to...this.


"Okay, Di, we'll try to find a new article for tomorrow. I'll see you later." Silver Spoon walked out and lightly closed the door behind, then immediately lost her composure falling with her back to the door as she cried silently.


What had she done?




Applejack awoke, and the first thing she heard was her sister's high pitched voice ringing in her ears., to her discomfort. Then, when she opened her eyes, and found herself immediately, she realized what the shouting was about. To her dismay.


She gently got off of Night Tracer, reached over to the Night Stand, and put on her hat.


"Sorry. Imma guess this probably was another one of those things that happen that didn't look like what it looks like. At least, I reckon you ain't the kind of guy who'd try to take advantage of a pony while she's sleeping, and you look just as shocked as I am to be here. So, let's just leave it at that for now. Now, I got a bar to run, and a little sister to wrangle when that's all said and done, so i'll talk to you later." She left, silently closing the door behind her as she left go back to the bar. She was so going to kill that filly...




@The Down Trotten


"No, Great and Powerful was more than just a stage name. For a long time, that name was me; it took control of me, until I couldn't see who the real me was anymore. Just Great and Powerful, an arrogant, boastful unicorn who wanted fame and attention, and was willing to do anything to get it."


Her eyes opened and closed slowly as she looked at Rhetoric; this was obviously taking its emotional toll on her.


"If things were different..." she closed her eyes, not wanting to meet anypony else's for this particular part of the speech. "I'd have been the one winning Celestia favor. Becoming her student. Not to be a princess, and not even to be powerful. I just wanted..." she took a deep breath. "To impress her. Just once. Like she wanted to be."


Finally, she turned back to Lektra, shaking her head slowly.


"Sorry, all I have here in Bangcolt is my rinky-dink magic shop, my assistant, and my own personal magic. I don't think i'd be able to put on a very good performance. One worth paying for at least." More to the point, she was done with that; she had hung up the cape and hat for good now. Just like she should have...right?





The phrase "friend" certainly gave Sunset Shimmer pause. It wasn't every day that she met somepony who claimed to be a friend of the princess, outside of those desperate to procure favors from others. Sunset Shimmer hoped he wasn't one of those ponies, anyways.


"She's fine, actually. She absorbed a lot of white magic, which temporarily sent her magical systems into overload, but it wasn't too much, and alicorns heal quickly. She'll be back up soon."


Thinking that it was probably common courtesy at this point, Sunset Shimmer stuck out a hoof in the new ponies direction.


"Hi, i'm Sunset Shimmer. I'm... Celestia's friend too. Nice to meet you." She still wasn't clear on where she fit in here. But, until then, she might as well meet somepony new.

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Ice shook the mare's hoof, "Hi Sunset, I'm Icesius Blizzard. Nice to meet you." He thought about the princess' condition, "Magical overload? Ooh. That sounds like the worst pain a unicorn could have next to breaking it comple..ooh sounds to painful to even think of."


Looking out the blinds again, Ice was seemingly paranoid of being mobbed again. After that, he looked over to a rack; the hospital had the exact. Same. Paper. From. Before. Even the ponies at the hospital's front desk were reading it. "Wait, what the-- oh no," he said, getting up and grabbing 2 of the papers. "Well would ya look at that," he said sarcastically, handing Sunset one of the papers with himself and Rarity going through the portal, "Heh. Front page....my ass."


Ice opened up a window, and chuked the newspaper so far, that it was out of sight in 3 seconds. He sat down in an ice chair he made, putting his head down, and his hooves over his face, "Ugh...ponies wanna end up in the newspaper badly, now I'm in it, I've been having to run away from mobs for the last...hm...almost an hour. Ugh...to tell you the truth I had no idea Celly was hurt, I was just coming here to hide until the mobs outside die down," he sighed, "I hate publicity...especially when it involves not only my family secrets being revealed, but being backstabbed by whom I thought was a friend..."


Looking up, he realized he was probably screwing up his first impression, "...I'm sorry Sunset....I've had a bad day today. And now I come and see one of my friends in the hospital....It's been rough these last few weeks, but hopefully it gets better. How's your day goin'?

Edited by J.R.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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“Ugh. I’m fine, I’m fine.” Ash did not miss the high pitched rapid ramblings of pinkie though; like tiny little drills grinding against his skull. The dragon stretched his shoulder out, his wing was still sore but the pain was subsiding, “I’ve been through worse pain. I just didn’t expect to get floored by a pony…”


There definitely was a hint of embarrassment in Ash’s voice...




Calibur always thought that he would see a white light at the end of the tunnel when he was going to kick the bucket. However all he saw was how much of a colossal failure he had just been. He both mentally and physically sighed in relief as he felt the pain across his body lessen figuring it was his body shutting down. He hoped he was good enough to get into Elysium, no he wasn’t most virtuous pony but he wasn’t the worst. He certainly didn’t think he deserved Tartarus. However nothing changed, there was no warm majestic light welcoming him to the beyond or the heat of eternal fire. All he felt was better than he had been… still laying on the cold street.

Calibur opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a tiny white alicorn standing over him. He sat up and looked around, “...Either Elysium looks like bangcolt, which would be so wrong… or I’m not dead…”

Edited by Star Saber
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"You wouldn't happen to um, wanna put on a light show for my little siblings, would you? You might have met them briefly back in the hospital room. They have bits for expenses if needed. Maybe I'll come too if there's no fights scheduled for me." Trixie's shop couldn't be anymore different than what she used to do with the shows, so this was a long shot.


He sighed inwardly, what little she was sharing him, and it really wasn't that little, it was very personal. And while he wanted to explore her issue further and help her. Now was not the time. "I think we've taken enough of out time madam." he couldn't lose the melancholy face he had been given from his short listen in. Turning to Lektra, as far as Rhetoric new, Trixie's only friend so to speak "I think we should just leave her alone for now, or at least halt our probings. I don't know what your going to do but I need to sit for a bit. My fight is catching up to me." he limped over to  a chair semi next to Trixie, mostly because it was near by and also he didn't know where else to go. He couldn't go back into Celestia's room, he just didn't have the gumption to deal with that yet. He heaved a heavy groan of plain exhaustion. Was every day going to be like this?


"If things were different..." she closed her eyes, not wanting to meet anypony else's for this particular part of the speech. "I'd have been the one winning Celestia favor. Becoming her student. Not to be a princess, and not even to be powerful. I just wanted..." she took a deep breath. "To impress her. Just once. Like she wanted to be."


Whatever the case he needed to unwind , he dainty rummaged through his saddle bag and pulled out a rather beat up looking journal and pen. Opening it up he was just about to lose himself in his writing when he tried to grip his pen with his writing hoof. His burn sent a sharp pain up his leg into his brain letting him know it was still there. Gasping in pain and dropping both his book and his journal, he began to chuckle bitterly "Well, mom always said not to play with fire, she never mentioned Princesses who could create little sun orbs. But I guess it means the same thing. Damn, will I ever learn?" he didn't know why he was asking himself that, it was a rather stupid question, but he didn't realize just how habitual talking to himself had become. After all who else was there to talk to?



Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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EWS woke up at the sound of thundering hooves as a mob of ponies ran past him, "H-huh? Eh?" He yawned, and got up, "What's happening?" He could see, clear as day that they were looking for Ice, and he immediately turned sour, "Damn snowball. Why does he get all the goddamn attention? Last I checked he doesn't even like all the attention, it's not fai---"


Stopping mid-thought, EWS grew a very evil smirk on his face.....


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Tyra listened, trying her best not to collapse from sheer exhaustion. She understood everything; Lorec's guilt, his regret for his family, and how he wanted to find peace for what he had done in his life.


She smiled at his praises, feeling pride that she could give this warrior the battle he desired. She flinched a bit, feeling a searing pain through her chest.


She heard his request for his sword, and she staggered over to the large weapon. Returning her axe to its harness, she lifted the large sword and dragged it back to the fallen minotaur, placing the hilt in his hand.

"W-what...do you plan...to do...?" She asked, breathing heavily.

Lorec, forcing himself to sit up through all of the pain and absolute exhaustion, was facing towards the crumbling fort in the distance. Intently, he stared, as not only was the fort in his field of vision.... But so were the two statues that had assisted him in delivering his final strike. And of course, many of the statues that had popped up near the grave markers were also in his sights.


For one final moment, the amber surge returned to engulf Lorec, and his eyes would shine to match. As if he were commanding this macabre force of stone warriors without even speaking or signaling, they all turned, and slowly marched towards the forsaken fortress. All but two of them. The pair that served as Lorec's aid. They simply stood still, looking at Tyra and the Giant Minotaur stoically and still, arms to their sides and standing tall.


It took some time for Lorec to answer. In fact, he did not speak until this mysterious stone army had reached the fortress. However. When they finally completed their journey, it was then that he decided to answer Tyra's final question.



" Letting go. "


Having made contact with Viruden's vessel, Lorec raised his left leg, and smashed it into the ground as hard as he could. A crack formed from the impact, and began traveling towards the two statues, passing them and heading straight towards the fort. As the ground splintered, the cracking snaked around the crevice that Lorec had formed earlier, and kept up with its trajectory.



When whatever Power Lorec had loosed towards the fortress had finally fufilled its journey's goal, an amazing feat began to happen. The fortress began to collapse in on itself with a massive shockwave resonating throughout the entire area, sending up dust and earthly debris. The stone minotaurs were all taken with it as heavy slabs of stone, bulwark, and iron all came crashing down upon them. The fort was no more. Only a pile of rubble would play as a memorial to its glory.



As Lorec finished this motion, he smiled, and gently fell backwards, hitting the ground once with a loud thud. He slowly closed his eyes and smiled. A genuine smile. He had enjoyed the battle, and like a child whom had spent all day playing heartedly with his companions, would sleep in both peace, and excitement, knowing that a new day would mean another oppritunity to play once more.


However, the two statues from earlier were still there, staring at the pair, and watching intently.


there was something peculiar about them. The one that looked very much like Lorec was smiling. And the female Minotaur statue with soft features looked directly at Tyra, and nodded.



Carried through a breeze, a gentle female voice could be heard, directed at Tyra. It spoke only two words.


" thank you.... "


The voice was one that seemed to be filled with regret, but also one that was truly indebted and grateful for whatever service it had felt rendered to it.


The two statues then slowly crumbled, and fell away as dust to rejoin the Earth. As they did so, the female statue gave a warm, appreciative smile to Tyra, and nodded before fading back into the womb of the world.





Caught between having to follow Vera or stay and try to help Lorec once the match was over, Kazas was indeed a mess when Vera had found her way to him again, albeit this time, bloodied.


Almost unable to speak and his mouth dropping open widely, he collected himself within a moment, if but a little scattered still. Turning his head to the others, he gave orders.


" Al, Ren, Vorrin, take Sifana and go to the hospital to meet with Lorec!"


Not making any comments, all of them nodded in acceptance of the order, and began to make their way towards the infirmary.


Kazas, afraid and in shock, Ran up to Vera and hugged her while trying to pull her down gently to the ground so she wouldn't exert herself any further. Not knowing the extent of Vera's injuries, Kazas's paranoia got the better of him, but justly so, considering the physical condition of his beau.


" Vera... What in the name of Avae happened to you?!? Who did this?!?"

Edited by Hokuto's Heir
  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Caught between having to follow Vera or stay and try to help Lorec once the match was over, Kazas was indeed a mess when Vera had found her way to him again, albeit this time, bloodied. Almost unable to speak and his mouth dropping open widely, he collected himself within a moment, if but a little scattered still. Turning his head to the others, he gave orders. " Al, Ren, Vorrin, take Sifana and go to the hospital to meet with Lorec!" Not making any comments, all of them nodded in acceptance of the order, and began to make their way towards the infirmary. Kazas, afraid and in shock, Ran up to Vera and hugged her while trying to pull her down gently to the ground so she wouldn't exert herself any further. Not knowing the extent of Vera's injuries, Kazas's paranoia got the better of him, but justly so, considering the physical condition of his beau. " Vera... What in the name of Avae happened to you?!? Who did this?!?"

Vera could hardly speak any words. She was tired, and in major pain, "Well Kazas...I was attacked by....had to...use my sword....my neck.....my leg....ugh...."


She tried to speak, but was in too much pain. She literally passed out from exhaugstion right in front of Kazas, "Need....hospital....." she mumbled before coughing.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Lorec, forcing himself to sit up through all of the pain and absolute exhaustion, was facing towards the crumbling fort in the distance. Intently, he stared, as not only was the fort in his field of vision.... But so were the two statues that had assisted him in delivering his final strike. And of course, many of the statues that had popped up near the grave markers were also in his sights.


For one final moment, the amber surge returned to engulf Lorec, and his eyes would shine to match. As if he were commanding this macabre force of stone warriors without even speaking or signaling, they all turned, and slowly marched towards the forsaken fortress. All but two of them. The pair that served as Lorec's aid. They simply stood still, looking at Tyra and the Giant Minotaur stoically and still, arms to their sides and standing tall.


It took some time for Lorec to answer. In fact, he did not speak until this mysterious stone army had reached the fortress. However. When they finally completed their journey, it was then that he decided to answer Tyra's final question.



" Letting go. "


Having made contact with Viruden's vessel, Lorec raised his left leg, and smashed it into the ground as hard as he could. A crack formed from the impact, and began traveling towards the two statues, passing them and heading straight towards the fort. As the ground splintered, the cracking snaked around the crevice that Lorec had formed earlier, and kept up with its trajectory.



When whatever Power Lorec had loosed towards the fortress had finally fufilled its journey's goal, an amazing feat began to happen. The fortress began to collapse in on itself with a massive shockwave resonating throughout the entire area, sending up dust and earthly debris. The stone minotaurs were all taken with it as heavy slabs of stone, bulwark, and iron all came crashing down upon them. The fort was no more. Only a pile of rubble would play as a memorial to its glory.



As Lorec finished this motion, he smiled, and gently fell backwards, hitting the ground once with a loud thud. He slowly closed his eyes and smiled. A genuine smile. He had enjoyed the battle, and like a child whom had spent all day playing heartedly with his companions, would sleep in both peace, and excitement, knowing that a new day would mean another oppritunity to play once more.


However, the two statues from earlier were still there, staring at the pair, and watching intently.


there was something peculiar about them. The one that looked very much like Lorec was smiling. And the female Minotaur statue with soft features looked directly at Tyra, and nodded.



Carried through a breeze, a gentle female voice could be heard, directed at Tyra. It spoke only two words.


" thank you.... "


The voice was one that seemed to be filled with regret, but also one that was truly indebted and grateful for whatever service it had felt rendered to it.


The two statues then slowly crumbled, and fell away as dust to rejoin the Earth. As they did so, the female statue gave a warm, appreciative smile to Tyra, and nodded before fading back into the womb of the world.


Tyra watched, showing as much surprise as she could on her bleeding face, as Lorec's final movement caused the fort, the embodiment of the minotaur's past, collapsed before her eyes.


He had come to terms with his past.


The feminine statue, Lorec's wife, seemed to whistle a thank-you on the wind to the mare, and gave her a heartfelt smile before she and their son turned to dust.

Lorec had collapsed, looking incredibly peaceful.


Unable to hold herself up for another second, the small warrior promptly collapsed onto her side, choosing the least painful one so to not damage her ribs more than they already were.

She was more than happy to let her consciousness slip away, allowing herself a much needed rest. She had fought well, but at last, it was over.


She had done so much for Lorec, and she could rest easily knowing that.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Mars walked into his house alone. "I give up. In a town full of fighters who destroy stuff constantly, there is a lack of construction worke-" he saw a note on his couch. "You couldn't leave it alone. You just had to go and look for a new door. Now I'm coming after you and I'm going to do something, and you'll never know what I'm going to do until I do it. -E" the note read. He was shocked, he closed all the windows and pushed a bed over where the front door used to be and sat, scared, on the floor where his bed was.

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@Star Saber

Anette didn't waste any time on waiting; once she was sure the strange pony was fully healed, she rushed forward and hugged him, not caring in the slightest that she didn't know him. Glory gently floated to the side to allow her rampage passage; she had already anticipated the inevitable glomp long before it happened.


"You're not dead... thank Celestia you're not dead." In emphasis, she briefly tightened her hug to near strangling proportions, before she became of aware of the fact, and just stepped off, smiling gently as she proceeded to introduce herself.


"I'm Anette. The one that saved you is Glory." She pointed to the white alicorn that was now floating beside her patiently.


"Hero..." She pointed to the brown doll on the opposite side of her now, who bowed politely in respect as his name was called.


"Heartthrob..." Heartthrob, unlike the other dolls, seemingly had no hesitations; as soon as her name was called, she popped into the air over the ponies head, and rested comfortably on the nape of his neck, to where she could look out over his head.


And Nightmare-"


Suddenly, the red doll behind her let out a belch, letting loose a five foot stream of fire into the air. Anette, and the other dolls for that matter, didn't break stride in the slightest; they had been here too many times before. Nightmare simply grinned at the stranger afterward, satisfied.


"Nightmare." she said, re-instating her last sentence. At which point, she held out a welcoming hoof.


"It's nice to meet you."




@J.R. @The Down Trotten@Star Saber



Sunset Shimmer nodded; she guessed today had been tough for everyone.


"You know, I'd say you wouldn't believe it if I told you, but it's right here. Today, I woke up, went outside to go make some new friends, and then an hour later, i'm in here, watching Celestia in the hospital. Life here sure does move fast." She actually smiled at that one; life at Canterlot High was nice, but it could be tragically boring at times. She was actually glad to be back, in all honesty... even if she didn't have internet.


"You know, maybe I should-" Her statement was interrupted suddenly. Celestia twitched twice, shifted, and then leaned up in bed, smiling as brightly as sunlight through a windowsill.


"Hello...my ponies."

Edited by Fractured
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Fluttershy squealed, "No!" She jumped towards Nighting Gale to try and knock the lighter out of her hoof but it was too late. She watched as her cottage and all her helpless animals inside burned to a crisp. She lay on the dirt, earth, motionless--, What an unfortuante turn of events. 



Strix sat forward, eyes widened as he saw what was happening. That mare's house was being burned down!

You don't just burn someone's house down like that, especially if they're nice enough to patch you up for no charge. That's just not cool.


In a flash, he sped over and stood between the two mares. "Hey, the hell's your problem?" He snapped, pointing an accusatory claw at the arsonist.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice listend to Sunset with complete attention, "I see. But hey, nothing ever says we can't stay positive, am I right?" Suddenly, Celestia had awoken, and Ice looked up to her. He wore a huge smile, and instinctively went over to her, hugging her, "Celly! You're ok! Wait...did somepony attack you? Where is the scumbag? I'll beat him with my bare hooves!"


Backing up to where he was sitting, he calmed down, and chuckled sheepishly, "Uh...hehe...sorry. It seems common friend of mine gets put in the hospital, and I have the urge to jump up and ask, 'Who did this?!', when in this city, battles happen left and right." He sctratched the back of his head, "So uh...how ya doin, Celly? Sunset here said you had a magical overload or something, and I wanted to see if you were alright."


Axton turned over in his bed, "Ugh...keep it down over there."


"What's that guys' problem?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Vera could hardly speak any words. She was tired, and in major pain, "Well Kazas...I was attacked by....had to...use my sword....my neck.....my leg....ugh...."


She tried to speak, but was in too much pain. She literally passed out from exhaugstion right in front of Kazas, "Need....hospital....." she mumbled before coughing.

Trying to keep any semblance left of composure, Kazas frantically kneeled down beside her to assess the damage.


From what she had said, it was quite obvious that she had been attacked. By who or what, would likely have to wait. While Kazas was no expert, he had seen enough to at least know that these were left by the kiss of steel.


Discerning that The neck wound was the most life-threatening, Kazas, without thinking, turned to grab his mantle, and with his claws, ripped off a long shred of cloth from the bottom.



Leaning down towards Vera, Kazas applied pressure to the cut on her neck, attempting to curb the bleeding enough so the cut could coagulate. But even with his effort, it would not be enough. He would have to perform a life energy transfer. However, this was not the time or place.


Wrapping the torn mantle around her neck tight enough to where the bleeding would slow, but where she could still breathe, Kazas, with some strained effort, managed to get her off the ground, and onto his backside. Around them, some of the civilian onlookers were observing in frightened silence.


His goal being the infirmary, Kazas yelled in a dramatically saddened, panicky squall.



" Please move! Clear me a path, I have an injured pony with me!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Nightingale had still been staring at the fire, even as Strix had charged over and started shouting at her. It was beautiful; probably the best she'd seen in a long while, and it almost sang to her with its intensity. They just didn't make houses like they made Fluttershy's anymore, she thought as she closed her eyes, and she would know; she'd burned plenty of them in her times. And what good times they were.


She slowly turned towards Strix, opened her eyes, and grinned widely, her dark body and white teeth striking a monstrous and demented contrast to the raging fire in the background. She looked like a demon.


"Not enough love from my parents?" she quipped. "Not enough attention from the world? Although that last ones probably true..." She put her hoof up to her chin as in thought, before putting it back down again.


"To answer your question, darling...why does there need to be a reason? Or a problem? Is it that hard to imagine that I don't have one? That I do these things..." She leaned up close, practically whispering in Strix's ear.

"Because I can?"

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Wilhelm had been working this whole time. After the disaster at Annette's house, he had taken the firework sample home in an attempt to analyze it, finding several materials that were uncommon for pyrotechnic materials to use- unless, of course, you made them custom for a specific purpose. The explosion would be bigger, and they wouldn't go out from rain, among a few other things. After he had finished that, he slept for a very long time, and then got up to a dispirited breakfast of cereal and daisies. 


After that, he simply went back to work, doing anything he could to keep his mind off life and its obligations. Some part of himself told Wilhelm that he should go outside, attend a few fights, be a Faust-damned pony instead of a machine, but he kept on working. He fixed his telescope, finished several books, attempted to finish writing a paper he had been working on for months, and built a 1/100th scale model of the REA Manticore. He thought he might be able to consult with Lektra about giving it a flying enchantment, but didn't want to bother.


That day, he ended up lying on his bed, a pile of books next to him, just working his way through the pile. He hadn't talked with Celestia yet, as she had gone to the hospital, and Luna had disappeared, so he wasn't able to question either of them about the mysterious shadows or the explosives. Sighing, Wilhelm picked up another book.

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Trying to keep any semblance left of composure, Kazas frantically kneeled down beside her to assess the damage.


From what she had said, it was quite obvious that she had been attacked. By who or what, would likely have to wait. While Kazas was no expert, he had seen enough to at least know that these were left by the kiss of steel.


Discerning that The neck wound was the most life-threatening, Kazas, without thinking, turned to grab his mantle, and with his claws, ripped off a long shred of cloth from the bottom.



Leaning down towards Vera, Kazas applied pressure to the cut on her neck, attempting to curb the bleeding enough so the cut could coagulate. But even with his effort, it would not be enough. He would have to perform a life energy transfer. However, this was not the time or place.


Wrapping the torn mantle around her neck tight enough to where the bleeding would slow, but where she could still breathe, Kazas, with some strained effort, managed to get her off the ground, and onto his backside. Around them, some of the civilian onlookers were observing in frightened silence.


His goal being the infirmary, Kazas yelled in a dramatically saddened, panicky squall.



" Please move! Clear me a path, I have an injured pony with me!"

Vera rested on Kazas' back. She was in detrimental pain, and she wouldn't last much longer without immediate attention. The torn mantle slowed the bleeding, but she had already lost quite a bit by the time she managed to return to Kazas in the first place. This wasn't good. At all. Kazas would have to rush to get Vera to the hospital before it'd be too late....


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Rainbow Dash was exhausted after her race with Lightning Strike and Lightning Dust. Neither suiting of their names. Although for an amateur Lightning Strike was pretty good even if she finished last; she might not of it weren't for Lightning Dust playing dirty.

She wondered why she was even racing. Rainbow thought Lightning Dust quit after being rejected by the Wonderbolts. She might of herself; in fact, she almost did because of Lightning Dust herself. She had behaved recklessly and inconsiderately...She injured other trainees in addition to incompetently risking her friends lives. Her negligence was a good enough reason to revoke her wings.

The more and more Rainbow thought about it, the more and more admonishing she thought to herself. Yes, Lightning Dust behaved poorly, but did Rainbow ever Reconcile with her to see if he had a light side. She finally did with, Gilda and was quite pleased that she did make the effort to revive that near forsaken friendship.

Rainbow continued to ponder. She may have made amends with Gilda but she never intended to. Her reason of going to Griffonstone was to spread friendship, but she didn't even do that. Pinkie pie did-- Rainbow, who was nuzzled into a cloud, trying to fall asleep, turned red in the face. She was embarrassed, humiliated. She never came to the mind boggling realization that she hadn't practiced friendship in the moments she really needed. Her heart ached and head throbbed. She lay silently on the cloud, glad to be alone as that's all she believed she deserved at the moment.

Fortunately, fate was lenient as her friend, Twilight, who happened To be looking for her had alas spotted her, "There you are, Rainbow." She cheered. "Are you ready to go eat with Rarity, AJ and I? Pinkie can't come and Fluttershy said she would be occupied with her animals." Twilight explained, still smiling as she couldn't see Rainbow's glum face blanketed in the now, greyscale colored cloud.

Rainbow Dash listened aloofly. She just remembered that she had made dinner and shopping plans with her friends for that night and it was a bit late to back out now. She let out a deep sigh before lifting her head. "Sure Twilight, let's go," she said monotonously.

"Great!" Twilight exclaimed, "I'll race you to Rarity's." Before Rainbow could respond, Twilight hard ironically, dashed off. Rainbow let out a groan of discontent before slowly flapping her wings and lethargically racing after Twilight. She was going to have, "Fun."

@@Unicorncob, @@Fractured,

Fluttershy lay on the ground as her cottage was set a blaze. She was paralyzed; she couldn't move, it was as if she was immobilized in fear.

Fluttershy began hyperventilating rapidly. She was absolutely mortified. Her constant, inconsistent breathing scared her even more. She gasped for breath, salty tears ran down her muzzle an dripped to the ground. She sobbed loudly as she choked. Her panic caused her throat to enclose upon itself.

Eventually she lost enough oxygen that she passed out and stopped hyperventilating which steadied her breathing pattern enough to keep her from dying of shock. She'd be physically alright, but after this trauma would she ever be the same?

@@Star Saber,

Pinkie, of course, not being able to tell that Ash was embarassed carried on. "Well, we stayed late, we better get a move on if we want to make it to Mount Canterhorn anytime soon." She iterated before making a circumvolution towards the mountain and humming a happy song


"Well it wasn't me who brought another stallion into my home." He retorted ignorantly. He knew he wasn't right but he didn't really care. He may of loved and trusted Ditzy but he still wasn't comfortable with having another stallion staying with her. Especially since Ditzy didn't want them living together yet 


Night Tracer scrambled to his feet as Applejack went out the door, he bunglingly tripped over the loose bed sheet he unraveled when he and AJ fell. "Son of a..." He murmured under his breath, before getting back on his four hooves. 

He proceeded out the door to AJ's room which had a spiral staircase right beside it.  Applejack was about to cut the corner and return to the bar but he stopped her, "Wait!" He said, "You didn't even give me a chance to apologize for the mishap." He pointed out. "How about I make it up to you," he offered. He didn't want to impose upon or impead her work but he felt like he owed her something for allowing him to stay with her; especially after falling asleep in her bed and waking her up in such a rude fashion.

Edited by Pretend


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Nightingale had still been staring at the fire, even as Strix had charged over and started shouting at her. It was beautiful; probably the best she'd seen in a long while, and it almost sang to her with its intensity. They just didn't make houses like they made Fluttershy's anymore, she thought as she closed her eyes, and she would know; she'd burned plenty of them in her times. And what good times they were.


She slowly turned towards Strix, opened her eyes, and grinned widely, her dark body and white teeth striking a monstrous and demented contrast to the raging fire in the background. She looked like a demon.


"Not enough love from my parents?" she quipped. "Not enough attention from the world? Although that last ones probably true..." She put her hoof up to her chin as in thought, before putting it back down again.


"To answer your question, darling...why does there need to be a reason? Or a problem? Is it that hard to imagine that I don't have one? That I do these things..." She leaned up close, practically whispering in Strix's ear.


"Because I can?"




Fluttershy lay on the ground as her cottage was set a blaze. She was paralyzed; she couldn't move, it was as if she was immobilized in fear.


Fluttershy began hyperventilating rapidly. She was absolutely mortified. Her constant, inconsistent breathing scared her even more. She gasped for breath, salty tears ran down her muzzle an dripped to the ground. She sobbed loudly as she choked. Her panic caused her throat to enclose upon itself.


Eventually she lost enough oxygen that she passed out and stopped hyperventilating which steadied her breathing pattern enough to keep her from dying of shock. She'd be physically alright, but after this trauma would she ever be the same?


Strix couldn't help but chuckle hollowly at this pony's aloof reaction to his accusing. It was almost amusing how she only got a psychological gain from arson. Her creepy little face would have been intimidating to some, but he just smirked.


"Doing it for the hell of it, huh?" He asked, his ear flicking from her whispering, "I get my kicks the old fashioned way; beating up bad ponies. Especially if there's coin to make doing it. And something tells me someone out there has a pretty bit put on your head."


He stared her down, to see how she'd take this little warning.



"Well it wasn't me who brought another stallion into my home." He retorted ignorantly. He knew he wasn't right but he didn't really care. He may of loved and trusted Ditzy but he still wasn't comfortable with having another stallion staying with her. Especially since Ditzy didn't want them living together yet 


"It was just for one night, Doc!" Ditzy protested, trying to plead her case, "You saw the weather last night, I couldn't possibly kick him back out there! He only stayed on the couch anyway, I had my own bed!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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