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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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@@Star Saber,

Electron was taken to a hospital room for treatment. The medical ponies shook their heads at the sight of the same yellow pegasus making his return to the hospital. You could almost read their facial expressions saying, "Great. Who did he piss of this time?"


Some of the staff were laughing to themselves while the doctors and nurses weren't amused. This was the 5th time this month Electron had been here, and they had to tear him again. It wasn't gonna be fun, that was for sure.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Silver Spoon shook her head at the strangers encouragement. She didn't need any sympathy or false praise, she thought as she looked up at her; she was a bad pony, and she knew it. At least, most of her actions were dictated on what she felt Diamond Tiara needed most, and although she still kept a sliver of her conscience around in case Diamond Tiara really went off the edge, there was little that she wouldn't do in order to secure her friends well being. She felt bad about bullying the CMC every now and then, but it wouldn't stop her from doing it.


Silver looked back up at the mare, blinking softly.


"Maybe I wasn't. Have you ever liked somepony so much that you didn't want to risk hurting them yourself, even if it was the best thing to do?"




Diamond Tiara woke up groggily, but then snapped to attention almost immediately as she realized where she was. Or rather, where she wasn't. She wasn't in the Chatty Cathy.


She stood up, looking around nervously. The room was relatively large, big enough to fit at least part of her mansion. It didn't seem to be hot or cold here, either, just so, she thought as she looked around. But, she stopped at the walls. Really, the color of the entire place. It was starch white, like bleached paper, and looked clinical and dead, like she had just stepped into a hospital. Diamond Tiara repressed a shiver.


The room didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it, she found as she explored it more. Its walls seemed to recede the more she walked into them, effectively giving them infinite space. But, the more she walked, the more she found out that it didn't matter. There was nothing here; no plants. no animals, no ponies. Just silence...and her. After an hours worth of walking, Diamond Tiara gave up sitting down roughly and laying her head on the floor. This had to be a trick, or a dream. If it was the former, she would wake up soon, and it would be over. and if it was the latter, and she was playing home to some twisted deity who had taken out a grudge on her,  then they would just have to be disappointed she wasn't willing to play their games. She wasn't going a step further.


"Aw, baby, why so serious?"


A soft, almost disembodied voice from above her caused Diamond Tiara's ears to twitch. She looked up... and locked eyes with a pony she hadn't met in years. And had hoped she would never meet again.


"Hi baby." Screwball looked down at her, upside down in a pose almost mirrored to her. She smiled, waving enthusiastically.





Anette smiled lightly at Ice Blizzard's compliment, silently noting Nightmare's hiss at the bad joke; it wasn't a sound she'd ever heard him make before. She didn't get a chance to dwell on it, though; her heart skipped a beat when Ice Blizzard brought up talk of the princesses.




She paused,  looking up at the dolls with concern, while they looked back down at her, equal expressions barring Nightmare, who looked nonplussed. The mental link began to buzz, thoughts being exchanged with a speed that Anette had to struggle to keep up with. Finally, however, it slowed down a bit, allowing her to understand the majority of the conversation. She listened intently, then turned back to Ice Blizzard, concern creasing her face.


"Well, Glory says that a magical overload is possible for anypony, even an alicorn, although she's not a true one per say. I think the bigger problem is the moon. Everypony knows the two sisters control them; if it's not coming up... that means that one or both of them is in trouble."


She left it off with an eerie pause, and even her end of the mental link was silent, despite the conversations going on around her. She wanted to say she would help, but... what could she do?





"I'm staying with...Rarity..."


Lyra looked away slightly, because her story was only partially true. The truth was, she had practically begged Rarity for a place to stay with her after she had failed at Carneighgie Hall. Rarity, in her mercy had been kind enough to let her stay, free of charge, but it didn't do anything to make her feel better. In fact, it had only made things worse; she knew she didn't deserve any of what had been given to her.


"Just for a little while," she insisted heavily. She turned back to Minuette, bracing the lyres on her back sub-consciously again. "At least until i'm back on my feet."




Rarity frowned, looking back to where Rainbow Dash had been only seconds ago. She let out an audible sigh; she loved Rainbow Dash, but that mare could be a little too temperamental for her tastes, sometimes.


"Well... there has to be something bothering her. It's our duty to go find out, I suppose," she said. She closed the door behind her softly as she stepped outside, stopping briefly to soak in the feel of the warm sun.


"Now, tell me; how has your day been?"




Applejack swore under her breath as she heard the sound of snapping wood. Reacting instinctively, she ran behind the counter and started to tear the place apart, looking for rags or something to clean up the mess. It didn't take her too long, and when she found them, she was back by Night Tracer's side in seconds, pressing the rag to the side of his face tightly in order to stop the bleeding.


"You go off to the bathroom and get that fixed. I'll fix this up while you're gone." She leveled a hard stare at him; she wasn't going to take no for an answer.




As she heard the door to the front room shut locked with a click, Nightingale didn't waste a second. Crawling out of the dark corner, she made her way over to the gem. As she took it off of the stand, holding it softly, she nearly purred with contentment. This was the other part of what she lived for; to be a recipient of divine beauty. The best food, the best wine... it all had belonged to her at some point, as it rightfully should have. And now, she would have the best gem as well. Every single wonderful facet of it. She couldn't help it this time; she did purr audibly.


"And it's only just the beginning," she smirked, placing the jewel around her neck securely.




@Star Saber

"Sealed away... and now i'm back..." she whispered to Eclipse as she walked back from him. Her horn glowed, and the world shifted. An endlessly long, soft field took the place of the hall of chains that had been there before. Mist floated around the ground, collecting around Nightmare's feet as she.


"I'm back, but that's not important. Whatt's important, Eclipse, is whether you are with me..."

Her eyes narrowed, glinting in the darkness.


"Or against me."

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Silver Spoon shook her head at the strangers encouragement. She didn't need any sympathy or false praise, she thought as she looked up at her; she was a bad pony, and she knew it. At least, most of her actions were dictated on what she felt Diamond Tiara needed most, and although she still kept a sliver of her conscience around in case Diamond Tiara really went off the edge, there was little that she wouldn't do in order to secure her friends well being. She felt bad about bullying the CMC every now and then, but it wouldn't stop her from doing it.


Silver looked back up at the mare, blinking softly.


"Maybe I wasn't. Have you ever liked somepony so much that you didn't want to risk hurting them yourself, even if it was the best thing to do?"


Jade glanced down at her hooves at the question, biting her lip.

"I feel this way about almost anypony," She admitted, looking aside, "I do not dare try to hurt an innocent pony, unless it is for their own good. But even then...it feels awful of me."



Minuette leaned in as Bon Bon shadily looked around the room after lowering her black rimmed, especially darkened sunglasses. The bags underneath Bon Bon's eyes gave Minuette the impression that she had been looking for something for a while. What? She didn't bother asking but she felt bad yet a bit odd for saying, "No Bon, I can't say I have..."


She scoured before turning to Lyra who then answered her initial question, "Ah I see; what friend?" As if she didn't already know. Perhaps she'd be surprised, Lyra had a tendency of doing so. 


"I'm staying with...Rarity..."


Lyra looked away slightly, because her story was only partially true. The truth was, she had practically begged Rarity for a place to stay with her after she had failed at Carneighgie Hall. Rarity, in her mercy had been kind enough to let her stay, free of charge, but it didn't do anything to make her feel better. In fact, it had only made things worse; she knew she didn't deserve any of what had been given to her.


"Just for a little while," she insisted heavily. She turned back to Minuette, bracing the lyres on her back sub-consciously again. "At least until i'm back on my feet."



"Drat," Bonbon mumbled, giving one of her eyes a rub with a hoof before raising her sunglasses back up, "I've been hearing rumours...strange goings-on in this city. Supernatural, spooky-scary stuff. And I've arrived to see for myself what's going on."


Upon hearing Lyra's confession, she blinked with surprise, and took off her sunglasses to face her best friend.

"Lyra, why didn't you tell me you needed somewhere to stay?" She asked, frowning, "I'm renting an apartment till I'm done here, I would've let you stay in a heartbeat!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice stayed deep within thought for a moment. And before he could speak, the plate of giant waffles he had ordered was brought to him, "Oh thank Celestia! I'm starving!" Normally, Ice would mind his manners, but this time, he was too hungry to even care. He literally wolfed down every waffle that was on his plate, and wiped his face of with a napkin.


He looked up, and blushed. He had publicly embarrassed himself a bit. Luckily, there was something greater on his mind at the moment: The Princesses. Because of this, he was able to continue, "Um....excuse me, guys. I haven't eaten in days. Ahem, so based on what we're saying, there could be something going on out there that we're not aware of? Hm." He made a pair of ice binoculars and looked outside, "I think we could do them a favor and scout the area for any trouble. Maybe we could find out what's going on here. And if we can't, maybe we can prevent it from getting worse. I already have a few locations around town that would be great to go looking."


A stiff wind blew through a window, and started to blow on Ice's scarf, making is flap in the wind. He then turned around in his chair to face Anette, "Whaddya say, guys? Wanna join me? It could be fun. You may need something to take your mind off your troubles, anyway, Annie. That's what I usually do. So, what'll it be?" he asked with a smug smirk.


This seemed like a good idea. Anette seemed to have a lot on her mind, so maybe if she focused on something else, she could lose the stress she had. As well, is she refused, then it wouldn't be a big deal. Ice could simply go exploring on his own without Anette, but it'd be more fun with a friend along. Oh well. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make her--- oh wait, that'd be too literal.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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It was a busy night in bangcolt, Countless stalls lined the streets, Cheap flourescent lights hanging from the stall's makeshift roof, iiluminating the stalll's contents and pretty much everything in it's immediate vicinity, adding on to the suppressive atmosphere of the crowded streets. The ponies running those stall did not contribute either, the cacophony of sales pitches carrying through the air, each voice trying to out loud the other.The crowd was no better, ponies pushing and squeezing past each other, each of them with varying interests.The smell of sweat and stale perfume hung heavily in the hot, humid air, mixing with the smell of rotten fruit and celestia knows what.


which was why Enzo opted to stay on the roofs of the nearby concrete buildings


""Alright alright .Bangcolt arena..Bangcolt arena...Where the flying fuck are you?"The stag used his magic to fan out a crumpled flyer, large red block letters that read 'BANGCOLT ARENA'.


"According to the flyer, it says that it's entrance is right here", Khris, Enzo's sentient sword, said. "You know, i'm starting to wonder what an arena that their management claims 'is magical' and 'is where legendary battles take place' is doing in this shit-hole."


Enzo walked over to the west of the roof, looking down into the dank alley below. Squinting his eyes, he noticed a large red arrow pointing to a trapdoor hidden underneath several bags of rubbish.


Curious, the stag anchored khris into the roof with Khris's frost enchantment and used his extending tassel to rapple down the side of the building, landing in the alleyway.Retrieving his partner, the stag gripped the handle of the trapdoor and flung it open, scattering the piles of rubbish over it to the side.


Wrinkling his nose at the smell, the stag looked down into the inky blackness of the hole. 

"Jackpot. You should never doubt my navigational skills."


"I don't know.. perhaps we should check-"


Throwing caution into the wind, the stag jumped into the hole, rapidly descending into the inky blackness below.




"Told you so"


Enzo grumbled as he used a hose to wash off the rest of the filth that had gathered from his adventures to the sewer off his coat.


"Well, at least we found the place"


Turning off the hose, still dripping wet, the stag strode through an entrance adorned with bright neon signs that boldly read 'BANGCOLT ARENA', found in the alleyway in which the stag reemerged from the sewers.


He knocked on a door down the hall. With a faint 'come in', the stag opened it to reveal a stark white office, populated by a single pony that sat at a desk that looked like an information counter you could find at a mall, looking extremely bored. On the desk, a name plate that read '@@Tacoma' was the only piece of decoration.


The stag uncrumpled his flyer once more and showed it to the pony. "Is this place bangcolt arena?"




"Can i enter?"




"Alright that's great when can i- wait, what?"


"No. sign-ups are closed"


"Wait wait wait, the flyer said-"


"If you want to appeal, your chances are slim. Our dm is going through a rough patch right now." The pony reached under his desk and pulled out a form and a pen, passing it to a bewildered Enzo, who received them with his magic.


"Please fill up your name, give a quick description of yourself and your reason for joining, as well as your race-"


"Got it, uhm, Enzo, i'm a spellsword, fun... uhm, no official name for my race yet, just some stag/pony hybird from what i know"


"Also, please flip to the other side and give us your current place of residence, the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow, the meaning of life and your age."


"Place of residence.. The everfree forest i guess? or was it whitetail? can't remember. As for the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow, i guess it would depend on what kind of- wait, what? What thos that have to do with anyth-"


Enzo was interrupted by the telltale 'pop' of a teleportation spell. The source, a white unicorn with a purple mane, leaned over (@@Tacoma, . Smiling brightly, she looked at Enzo.


"Hello there! welcome to bangcolt arena! i'm @@J.R., the second DM-"


'What even is a DM?'




"- of this establishment.  I have reviewed your application-"


'But we didn't even finish it'


"And everything seems good so far"


'Damn right'


"However, our DM has closed sign-ups. I'll put in a good word for you, and you'll likely-"


At that moment, her horn started buzzing. She froze for a moment, as if in a trance. Snapping back to reality, she turned to  the stag


"Well, that's convenient. you're in! Get ready for a ride!"


"Wait, what?"


At that moment, the room began to change, the walls changed from their pure white to a display of a bright blue sky, as if the entire room was some floating glass box.


Which turned out to be true, when the floor suddenly opened, causing everypony in the room ( except the receptionist, which had mysteriously disappeared ) to free fall.




Enzo flailed his hooves, trying to grasp the air. in stark contrast, the white unicorn seemed to lay back on an invisible chair, perfectly relaxed, falling next to Enzo.


"Now before you begin your adventure, let's start off with a few rules. in battle. 1. you must be a fighter"


"well, i won't get to fight anymore when i'm  MUSHED IN THE GROUND"


"2.No unfair matches, let's say for example, fire vs water."




"3.weapons and-"




"Geez, fine, i'll pass you the list later. Hey, want to see my impression of in about 10 seconds?"


The unicorn mimicked flailing and flopping on the ground, screaming all the while. She then lit her horn and with a flash, everything went white.






Enzo flailed his hooves and flopped around for a while, his eyes clenched shut. Then, he lay still for a while, confused. The feeling of falling was gone, and he seemed to lying on a flat surface. Cracking open an eyelid, he saw a red face above him, staring at him with black pupils.


"Greetings, newcomer, and welcome to BANG COLT ARENA"


The pony stepped aside and Enzo tilted his head up..




...to see a grand colosseum, thousands upon thousands of creatures in the bleachers, watching the combatants duke it out in the middle.


He set his head back down.


"I think... I think i'll just rest a bit for now."

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As Celestia explained and made her speach. Rhetoric didn't know how to feel, fear? Was he suppose to feel fear? In actuality he was more curious if he was even allowed to go, and if so would he be any use? the idea of being useless worried him more then dying. He didn't want to die, but he didn't know if he could live with himself if he just stayed behind in safety. He looked at his fellow ponies, and then to the changelings, they were worried of course but the only one showing signs of dire fear was Trixie, she was actually shaking . And seeing how all other parties probably weren't interested in him in the slightest (Although he did bow politely to Lektra when she mentioned him.) he thought maybe he could help somepony who could seriously impact the forthcoming mission


. Inching towards her, he quietly nudged her and whispered "Hey, I know your scared, that's ok, don't let the masks around you fool you, we're all scared." he leaned just a bit closer "But Equestria needs you right now, it needs both Trixie and Beatrix ok? Trixie needs to face the fears Beatrix can't, and Beatrix needs to relate to Luna the way Trixie couldn't." he hoped to something that he didn't sound too crazy at the moment, this wasn't time for him to be poetic. "I'm not doing this to make you feel good, I'm doing this because it freaking needs to be done." He nearly swore... maybe he was scared, he knew what his nightmares were like , and he was about to face them, he was sweating and his mouth was dry. yes he was afraid, dying or being useless was one thing, but he realized he could very likely do both very soon, that terrorized him 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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“I...I don’t know.” Eclipse admitted. He nervously avoided Nightmare Moon’s gaze, “I never considered you separate from her...”


“So that begs the question.” Eclipse grit his teeth, this entire situation made him unfathomably uncomfortable. He shifted positions taking on a more aggressive stance as he asked,  “W-What have you done to Princess Luna?”






“Urgh… Question.” Ash frowned, he hadn’t really given much thought to what he would ask her and any thought he had given it disappeared the moment Pinkie starting on about her Cherry Changa nonsense. He rubbed his chin in contemplation.


“Have many creatures have you- no, not appropriate.”


“How large is your- wait no, ponies don’t have hordes…”


“...Family?” Ash looked down at Pinkie and shrugged, “What are they like?”




Seeing as the club before him was the only building of note in this strange nighttime street Fuse decided to check it out. Stepping inside Fuse was greeted with a large dance club; multicolored tiles on the floor seemed to change to the beat of an unseen DJ. What stood out the most was the large ominous looking purple crystalline formation hanging from the high ceiling that looked as if it would be more at home in King Sombra’s castle than a dance club. There was a bar, tables to sit at, everything you would expect from an establishments. Except well… customers. For such a large establishment there certainly were a lack of clients. Other than Fuse there were only a few other clients present, mostly hanging around the bar and none of them looked particularly friendly.


“Greetings and Salutations!”


“Shit!” Fuse jumped and whirled around, instinctively throwing a ball of fire at the the source of his startling. A pale-brown earth pony with a green mane who causally ducked out the way as if it the ball of flame was nothing and stood back; greeting Fuse with a… rather unsettling smile.


“Well that’s quite the reaction timing you got there” The stallion chuckled, not seeming to be phased by almost having a face full of fire, “I guess I shouldn’t have startled ya, Fuse.”


“Where the hell did you come from?!” Fuse asked in an agitated tone, “And how do you know my name?”


“Ah! Where’s not important, what’s important is that you got my invitation!” The stallion chuckled, “And of course I know your name; I did hire you after all.”


“Oh, so that was you huh?” Fuse began to calm down a little, This is a nice place you have here mister…?”


“Oh of course, where are my manners.” The stallion gave a small bow, “You may call me Maverick.”




@@Fractured, @@The Down Trotten,



[sorry if I missed any of you I’m not sure who’s all in the hospital room.]


Calibur stood in the main hall of the Hospital, he figured that getting the guard here would take some time and his curiosity started to get the better of him, he was wondering how Sunset was doing; and if Celestia was recovering alright. So he made his way to the room Celestia had been taken to after her fight and poked his head in through the door. He almost immediately regretted it as it seemed he had stumbled into something important...

Edited by Star Saber
  • Brohoof 1
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Doc gave a minute laugh under his breath, one that was audible, but hardly so. He hardly found it to be a topic worth joking about. If anything it was concerning. Maybe one day his push would come to shove and he'd be able to swallow his pride. But for now, that wasn't the case.


He stepped backwards, away from his lover and in the doorway to Ditzy's pale white house, with a red picket fence. A cliche dream house, minus the lack of, "yard." Regardless of Ditzy enjoying being a mailmare (or not), it wasn't an ideal job as far as income goes. Something that worried the Doc every now and then, especially with her having a child. Dinky, sweet Dinky. An arbitrary name but it worked for her personality. Young, curious and always blurting out those naive adorable comments parents long for their young'uns to say. Dinky was certainly an added bonus to having Ditzy Doo as a lover. 


Doc scanned the room to look for Dinky as she was on her mind; he didn't see her. At first it was a bit odd not to see her in the other room asleep at this time or behind the couch peering over to see what she could of her mother and himself. Then Doc realized that it was Thursday, she would of been in school by now. 


The Doctor then redirected his thought process to his initial purpose for coming over, "It seems we've strayed a bit from my reasons for being here. Ditzy, I wanted us to have the day together; I decided it was time to take a bit of time off from work and if you'd be interested in taking the day off yourself, perhaps we could do some things I have planned for us. What do ya say?" His voice began rather monotonously but as his speech progressed you could detect a dash of enthusiasm in his voice. It was something you didn't hear much outside of his science but to hear it must of meant something was up.  




You may call me... Maverick




Amethyst sighed longingly,"I'm sorry, I've-- I've just had it rough for a while and It's not the matter of me wanting help as much as need it." She trailed off and hung her head. She'd gone through enough that this little skirmish wasn't enough to make her cry but it did bug her. Everytime she messed up it bugged her. It seemed like her entire life, or the past few years of her life, "bugged." her and she didn't know what to do. 

Edited by Tacoma
  • Brohoof 1


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Doc gave a minute laugh under his breath, one that was audible, but hardly so. He hardly found it to be a topic worth joking about. If anything it was concerning. Maybe one day his push would come to shove and he'd be able to swallow his pride. But for now, that wasn't the case.


He stepped backwards, away from his lover and in the doorway to Ditzy's pale white house, with a red picket fence. A cliche dream house, minus the lack of, "yard." Regardless of Ditzy enjoying being a mailmare (or not), it wasn't an ideal job as far as income goes. Something that worried the Doc every now and then, especially with her having a child. Dinky, sweet Dinky. An arbitrary name but it worked for her personality. Young, curious and always blurting out those naive adorable comments parents long for their young'uns to say. Dinky was certainly an added bonus to having Ditzy Doo as a lover. 


Doc scanned the room to look for Dinky as she was on her mind; he didn't see her. At first it was a bit odd not to see her in the other room asleep at this time or behind the couch peering over to see what she could of her mother and himself. Then Doc realized that it was Thursday, she would of been in school by now. 


The Doctor then redirected his thought process to his initial purpose for coming over, "It seems we've strayed a bit from my reasons for being here. Ditzy, I wanted us to have the day together; I decided it was time to take a bit of time off from work and if you'd be interested in taking the day off yourself, perhaps we could do some things I have planned for us. What do ya say?" His voice began rather monotonously but as his speech progressed you could detect a dash of enthusiasm in his voice. It was something you didn't hear much outside of his science but to hear it must of meant something was up.  


Ditzy blinked and cocked her head to the side, wondering why the Doctor had backed up toward the doorway. Was it something she had said? He didn't really look offended, he would usually tell her if he was. As well as a bucketload of other things.


However, hearing what he had to say perked her back up.

"You planned something for us?" She squeaked, wings ruffling with excitement, "Well, I suppose I could close the shop today, it's been pretty quiet lately with all the big fights going on. What'd you have in mind?"



Amethyst sighed longingly,"I'm sorry, I've-- I've just had it rough for a while and It's not the matter of me wanting help as much as need it." She trailed off and hung her head. She'd gone through enough that this little skirmish wasn't enough to make her cry but it did bug her. Everytime she messed up it bugged her. It seemed like her entire life, or the past few years of her life, "bugged." her and she didn't know what to do. 


Cloud Chaser smiled and helped the mare up onto her hooves.

"Well I can help you however I can," the pegasus offered, her smile warming slightly as she reintroduced herself, "As I was saying, I'm Cloud Chaser."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Silver Spoon looked up at the stranger, then nodded distantly.


"That's what I thought. It hurts every time..."


Silver Spoon gave a soft sigh, before she looked up at the mare once again.


"Thanks, I guess. I was planning on..."


She paused, then gave a shake of the head. It wasn't important anymore.


"Never mind. For now, though, I think i'm just going to go home. Maybe I can talk to her then."


She began to walk away, then paused; she had forgotten something. She re-adjusted her glasses, before turning back to the stranger, looking back awkwardly.


"Umm...I'm Silver Spoon..."




The room grew frigid, colder than bones in a graveyard, and Diamond Tiara grew equally as icy. Little pulses of fear raced up her spine as she backed away from the light pink figure in front of her who couldn't, shouldn't be here. She turned and fled, hooves clattering on the tiled ground as she scrambled to get away.


Screwball chased behind in close pursuit, riding on a bright pink fluffy cloud and keeping pace with her perfectly. She tilted her head down over its edge to look down at Diamond Tiara, face punctuated not by her everpresent goofy grin, but by a blank and confused stare.


"Are we playing a game?"


Diamond Tiara swung right suddenly, heading in a direction completely opposite from her original. Screwball changed her pace to match Diamond Tiara's once again, swinging around to match her with ease.


"Because, if we are, this isn't very fun."


Diamond Tiara halted suddenly, making a dead stop and forcing Screwball to flip over her head in order to avoid crashing into her. She took a deep breath, then shot Screwball a look with so much venom, it could've poisoned the both of them.




She walked up purposely to Screwball, steps echoing in the emptiness of the hall.


"You think this is supposed to be fun?"


Diamond Tiara chuckled once, out of sheer disbelief. Then, she spit violently in Screwball's face, the wad sinking slowly down her face while Diamond Tiara bubbled over in a quiet rage.


"You ruined my life. Because of you, Barnyard Bargains isn't the biggest business in Equestria, because most of our money goes to you."


Screwball produced a napkin out of nowhere, reaching up distantly to clean the spit off.


"Because of you, dad can't get to sleep at night, because he's too busy thinking of ways to cure you, so we can be a happy family again."


Work finished, she put the napkin behind her, where it seemingly vanished into thin air.




She fired a look at Screwball with three times the intensity as the last one, before she turned away suddenly. Raw pain took place of her anger, filling every inch of her body with a hollow, aching void.


"Because of you, nothing I can say or do will ever be good enough to make him happy. Ever. You took it all away from me."


She paused, then began walking again.


"I hope you rot in hell."





Anette paused, briefly ignoring everything around her as she mulled the question over. Finally, she glanced back up at Ice Blizzard, where she shook her head softly.


"I'd love to, just not now. I really shouldn't be here; there's somepony out there who needs me, and i'm in here, eating muffins, when I should be checking to see if he's okay. I'm such a terrible marefriend."


The mental buzzes came, probably reassurance, but she once again ignored them, although she did offer them reassurance she was fine. She flagged down a waiter, waving distantly, and asked them for a to go bag, along with an extra two muffins, for someone who possibly needed them. When she received them, she stuck everything in the bag, slung it over her shoulder, and finally turned her attention back to Ice Blizzard. She smiled warmly.


"Sorry, Ice maybe later. But right now, I have to go save my world."





Trixie flinched slightly at the tone Rhetoric's voice. Every inch of her wanted to crawl away and hide right now, and he knew it, and it made her feel worse. She'd rather be anywhere but here right now, but he was right; she couldn't leave. Not now.


I'm so scared.


She concentrated on a spell, magically weaving together complex patterns as she worked. Moments later, a familiar hat and cape appeared, popping up into the air above her with a crack before they attached themselves to her, fitting her body seamlessly. She looked down distantly at the ground as they worked, though; she felt like anything but Great and Powerful right now.


I don't want to do this.


"...I'm ready."


She whispered, and the voice was nearly drowned out by Celestia's, who talked to Lektra, but spoke in a voice that easily reached out to eveyone in the room.


"As I said before, we must go through the portal to the World of Shadows."


She began to charge up her horn, and the ugly presence of Shadow magic filled her again. She ignored the queasy feeling, focusing on pulling it out, putting it to form, and within seconds, it responded. A small, inky black dot formed right in front of the window to the room, before it quickly swelled as it pulled in the light, becoming an ugly, inky black scar. It grew horizontally at first, then rounded out at its edges, becoming completely circular. A portal, big enough for a pony of Celestia's size to walk through. She looked back to the group, regarding it off-handedly.


"This is the entrance. Now, once you go in, you must remember one rule; stay together. There are many dangers in that world, but none quite as dangerous as the darkness itself. It feeds on weakness, errant emotions, and your greatest fears, and if you let it, it will take you, and you will forever be a part of that world."


She sighed suddenly, before she began to speak again, in something almost akin to a whisper.


"And, i'm sorry, but I will not be as much help as I could otherwise be. The darkness eats away at the light, which means my magic wil be weakened, and in time, will slowly fade away, as will as any other light-based magic.


She stopped and looked at Chrysalis pointedly.


"On the other hand, darkness will be stronger there..."

She stopped suddenly, gritting her teeth in pain. She had been right; even keeping this portal open was sapping her energy, now that she had no sunlight to support her. She took a slow breath and steadied herself, and when the burst of light that was Philomena appeared, materializing to caw softly at her side, she smiled softly at the bird, before turning to address the rest of the group.


"Go through whenever you are ready."




@Star Saber

Nightmare's eyes narrowed even further, glinting even in the darkness of the World of Shadows.


"I have done nothing to her except make her realize that she is better off here, with us. You want to know where your princess is, Eclipse? She is dreaming. Dreaming of a place free of pain, misery and anguish. Dreaming of a place best for her. Which is more than she could ever hope for out there."


She strode over to Eclipse, peering down at him darkly.


"Now, tell me you want differently for your ruler, for my mother. Tell me you want her to suffer."

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Silver Spoon looked up at the stranger, then nodded distantly.


"That's what I thought. It hurts every time..."


Silver Spoon gave a soft sigh, before she looked up at the mare once again.


"Thanks, I guess. I was planning on..."


She paused, then gave a shake of the head. It wasn't important anymore.


"Never mind. For now, though, I think i'm just going to go home. Maybe I can talk to her then."


She began to walk away, then paused; she had forgotten something. She re-adjusted her glasses, before turning back to the stranger, looking back awkwardly.


"Umm...I'm Silver Spoon..."


Jade tilted her head, curious as to what the filly was going to say, but decided if she did not want to tell her, best not to pressure her.


"A good idea," She agreed, and smiled as she looked back and introduced myself, "A pleasure to meet you, Silver Spoon."

She trotted up to the filly's side, her smile warming up. "Perhaps you would like some company for the walk?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice nodded. He comepletely understood what Anette needed to do and why. The pony you love seems to become a priority above all else nowadays, but Ice wasn't about to complain. He got up along with her, and reassured her, "Hey. You're not terrible. Trust me, I've seen and done worse. Plus, Will may be crazy, but he's forgiving, and I'm sure he'd want you to feel good about yourself. So don't get bogged down. As well, I understand how you feel. I mean, I'd put Rarity before almost anything at this point. That's how much I cherish her. If you cherish Will like I know you do, you're a better marefriend than you realize."


A big smirk then grew on his face, "Anyway, I think I can handle a one-pony op. I think the princesses will have it wrapped up soon, anyway. So don't worry about it. I just don't like sitting in one place for too long. I gotta get up and move!" he said with a laugh.


He gave her a quick hug, trying to help Anette feel more confident. He then shot the dolls a serious look, and whispered so only they could hear, "Glory, Hero, Heartthrob, Nightmare...watch out for her." He then let go of Anette, and with his signature excitableness, Ice shouted, "Oh, and watch out for the rain outside, it may get cold. See ya'll later. I'm out!" and ran out the door, confusing the ever living hell out of some of the patrons.


Electron was in his hospital bed. He was placed under knockout magic during his procedure, and was now in a deep sleep after he was done. One of the side effects of the knockout magic however, was reliving past events in one's state of mind. Electron was now undergoing these side effects, while he was out.



Ice was now grinding an ice rail as he was constructing it. He was getting some strange and a few jealous looks Literally moving along a horizontal ice pole while balancing on his hind legs, while his scarf was flapping in the wind and reading from his book, "Hm....now where did I wanna go...oh yeah!"


Grinding all the way down the street, Ice finally stopped when he got near the Princesses living quarters. Seeing that there was strange stuff going on for quite awhile now, and the fact that Celestia was in the hospital, raised suspicion of something happening. If Luna was having an off day, maybe she was here. If not, then it would only make more sense to knock and see if anypony was home. As well, if somepony was there, what were they doing there and why?

"This seems the most logical place to begin. If nopony's here, then it must be ok, but if somepony IS here, and it's not Luna, then that only further enhances my suspicions. Fortunately, if it's someone friendly, then they may have an ablibi. Well, now that I'm here, only one way to find out."


Reaching his hoof to the door, Ice gently knocked on it a few times, as well as pressing the doorbell. After that, he stood there, and waited for an answer. Whilist waiting, he took out his book again, and started to read. Light rain began to start falling from the gray blanket of clouds in the sky, as thunder could be heard in the distance.




Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Vera giggled. Kazas was still half asleep. That must have really been a lot of power he used, especially considering how much better Vera was feeling, "Come on, big guy. Wake up." she said, cheerily, "It's like....8:15PM and you're sleeping already? Where I come from, we used to have to stay up 24 hours doing jobs. Not fun..."


Her smile turned to a frown for a moment until she looked outside, "It's raining. And the sky is gray with clouds. Hm." She turned back to Kazas, and shook him a bit, "Wake up...wakeup. Wake up. Wake up. Come on." she giggled as she continued to shake him, "Thanks for helping me. I don't think I could've made here alone."


Kazas was not very partial to being woke up in this manner, but of course, Vera's nagging would eventually win out. And besides, it's not like he wouldn't be waking up to a pleasant situation. In fact, far from it. Lorec was going to make a full recovery, and his beau had also pulled through, likewise. As she spoke, Kazas began to slowly arise from her bedside, still staying seated. When he finally came to, he yawned. After doing so, Kazas scooted in closer to Vera, and at a leisurely pace, softly brought his claw to Vera's cheek, caressing her as he spoke.


" Vera, I love you. It's only natural that I would do this. There is no need for gratitude when I was just doing what comes natural... But, Mi Amore...."


He spoke the last two words quite sullenly, and a depressive, alerting drop in his tone of voice was ever so foreboding of his next inquiry.


" Please, I want to know who the assailant was so I can....."


For just a brief instant, Kazas's eye became as crimson as the sun on a summer evening, as per an unintentional, emotional tapping into of Ezerepth's power. He looked away from Vera almost as if he felt great shame in tandem with frustrations welling up inside of him. His frown turned into an intimidating scowl as he looked away. Eventually collecting himself back together, Kazas looked to face his love again. His face was a painting of shame and grief, almost as if he had just committed an unforgivable sin. He kept caressing her cheek for a while, and then let his claw fall to the side.


" ... I..... Forgive me... I do not know what that was just now. I just... Never want to see you in that state again..."


What exactly was going on in the griffon's head? Was he convicting himself due to failing to protect Vera? Was he not able to cope with his reaction, albeit natural, and thus, was scaring himself into a tizzy? His lower beak quivered, just barely. And who could really blame him for appearing as an emotional hurricane right now? He had Spent much energy to save both one of his best friends and his lover, fearing that both would pass on to the other side. And not only that, but one could tell that he had in fact, come close to transferring a dangerous amount of his soul's essence in order to preserve their lives. Alas, he couldn't bring himself to keep eye contact with Vera, and silently looked away in guilt.







Nodding his head, the pale minotaur... patted Tyra on the head as if she were a child? The audacity of this warrior was almost as legendary as Lorec claimed the pale minotaur himself to be.


" Ha Ha! NOW you understand! Remember, to be swornless in this world, is to lead a pathetically tragic and lonely existence. Of course, neither of you have to worry about that."


Standing erect and proudly tall once again, he took a few steps back, and stood between them, crossing his arms once more.


" Well, I do not know of this, " Hero's Realm " that you speak so fondly of, but I can tell you both that you needn't fear death; you're both very much still alive. You are both dreaming intensely. This area we are in is nothing more than a projection of my will into your sleeping minds, a feat made possible by young Sifana."


Lorec, looking shocked, slightly twitched his fists a tad. Of course, being a father, who wouldn't at hearing that their daughter was being used as some means in order to achieve a supernatural event that should not be occurring. Almost as if he were forgetting that he was just bowing to this minotaur earlier, Lorec spoke loudly, neck veins and muscles bulging in slight annoyance.


" What do you mean, made possible by Sifana... what have you done?!?"


Raising his palm to Lorec as if motioning him to still himself, he spoke calmly, and yet with authority. 


" No need to rush head first into a thrashing, boy. Your daughter is, and will be fine. In the physical world, she is but holding your hand and Tyra's hoof. Now, while I would be able to connect with you, Krigare Lorec, I couldn't bring you here with Tyra unless one of the cursed blood connected you both, or if Tyra had the very same bewitchment thrust upon her."


" .... What do you mean by ' cursed blood'?"


".... In due time, boy. All will be explained if you are patient. Now......"


He looked down at Tyra, his cold eyes expressing a desire for battle and debauchery, almost.


" The one, known as Caliber Greycoat... He is there, in Bangcolt, correct?"

  • Brohoof 2

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Nodding his head, the pale minotaur... patted Tyra on the head as if she were a child? The audacity of this warrior was almost as legendary as Lorec claimed the pale minotaur himself to be.


" Ha Ha! NOW you understand! Remember, to be swornless in this world, is to lead a pathetically tragic and lonely existence. Of course, neither of you have to worry about that."


Standing erect and proudly tall once again, he took a few steps back, and stood between them, crossing his arms once more.


" Well, I do not know of this, " Hero's Realm " that you speak so fondly of, but I can tell you both that you needn't fear death; you're both very much still alive. You are both dreaming intensely. This area we are in is nothing more than a projection of my will into your sleeping minds, a feat made possible by young Sifana."


Lorec, looking shocked, slightly twitched his fists a tad. Of course, being a father, who wouldn't at hearing that their daughter was being used as some means in order to achieve a supernatural event that should not be occurring. Almost as if he were forgetting that he was just bowing to this minotaur earlier, Lorec spoke loudly, neck veins and muscles bulging in slight annoyance.


" What do you mean, made possible by Sifana... what have you done?!?"


Raising his palm to Lorec as if motioning him to still himself, he spoke calmly, and yet with authority. 


" No need to rush head first into a thrashing, boy. Your daughter is, and will be fine. In the physical world, she is but holding your hand and Tyra's hoof. Now, while I would be able to connect with you, Krigare Lorec, I couldn't bring you here with Tyra unless one of the cursed blood connected you both, or if Tyra had the very same bewitchment thrust upon her."


" .... What do you mean by ' cursed blood'?"


".... In due time, boy. All will be explained if you are patient. Now......"


He looked down at Tyra, his cold eyes expressing a desire for battle and debauchery, almost.


" The one, known as Caliber Greycoat... He is there, in Bangcolt, correct?"


"Hooray for me," Tyra snarked, not exactly appreciating being petted on the head like a foal by this so-called 'legendary warrior'.

However, upon hearing that she and Lorec were still alive, she breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, we are simply deep asleep? Good, we shall soon wake to fight another day, then!"


The talk of Sifana and cursed blood caused her to tilt her head quizzically, but she was also relieved that she had no such blood within her. As far as she knew, at least.


"Caliber?" She repeated, cocking her head, "Aye, I believe so. He is a good friend of mine! Why do you ask?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"WACHOO!" caliber sneezed. "woah, where'd that come from?"


"you know, theres this belief that when you sneeze, someone's talking about you, or at least mentioned your name." violet sprouted a random bit of info.


"...nah, im not that well-known here." caliber reasoned, turning a corner. 


they had gotten lost a few times, before violet took charge of leading the two. and lucky she did, as she had finally located ronin's residence. 


it was eye-catching, having a few bamboo plants near the door, and bonsai beside the welcome rug. his door looked like he had taken the privilege to paint a family embalm over it.


"...yeah, this is ronin." caliber broke the silence. 


violet knocked on the door, and a few minutes later, ronin opened with his usual small smile. "oh, caliber!" he said, "and a new friend, as well. you havent had a mare tagging along with you like that since ebony..." 


caliber blushed a little, while violet looked at him weirdly. "ebony...?"


"childhood friend, nothing more." caliber spoke swiftly, "anyways, ronin, im here because i wanna pick up where i left off."


ronin nodded. "of course. and i assume ms...um..."



"ms. violet will be joining us?"


before caliber could react to that, violet nodded.


ronin dipped his head again, and walked inside, where caliber and violet followed. 


it felt like they had gone back in time, as ronin had refurnished the entire house to look more...his type. the lights were replaced with paper lamps, bonsai were replacing everywhere a plant would be, and antique-looking furniture had replaced most of the room. but the walls were just DECORATED with various scrolls, fans, swords, and a few other heirlooms.


caliber, being used to this kind of environment, merely walked past everything while violet started to ask questions about the armor on the wall.


"now, caliber, as i recall, you hadnt read all the books i had assigned to you, yes?" 


caliber frowned. "thats right..."


"well, now, in my study you can find a shelf or three dedicated to all the books you were SUPPOSED to read." he smiled. "as for violet...i sense your no stranger to martial arts?"


she grinned. "not at all!"


"ah, well, lets converse to see how trained you are. do you know foreign, or average styles..."


while she and ronin talked, caliber found his way into ronin's study. where he saw the selves marked 'Cailber's To-Read Books'


"...how'd he even know id be back...?" he wondered to himself, picking up one and sitting down to read.




meanwhile, yrel was complaining loudly. "but i wanna eat NOW!"


and zenru was being incredibly patient. "now, yrel, we were just at the last restaurant. where you didnt eat anything you ordered."


"im saving it for later."


"but if your hungry, why not eat it now?"


"because...i dont wanna eat a hayburger. i want a salad!"


"...very well. we may take another break." 


zenru's smile looked genuine, however, as the two walked into the 3rd restaurant that they had come across. 




rebilac had gone to the town library, and was researching zenru's family tree, as to learn more about the mysterious pony. "interesting...they've always had a knack for swordplay...even way back before the princesses...and it was always speed that was their greatest attribute..."

Edited by P-Jay
  • Brohoof 1


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He was probably the only one who heard Trixie, had he pushed her too far when she wasn't ready?... Suddenly the weight of someone else life seemed to be shoved into in his hooves by his own doing. This experience was getting worse and worse by the second. He gave Trixie first an apologetic look then one of encouragement."Beatrix, I swear, our not going to die, your talented, your smart, and whatever this darkness is is going to underestimate you. Use that. Plus if its any consolation, I got your back, as long as I'm breathing your not dying." if he was going to have to feel the weight of another ponies life on his shoulders he might as well bear the brunt of it in full force "Now if you'll excuse me I need to go before I completely lose my nerve." he walked forward feeling as if the room was completely empty expect for him and the black mass in front of him.


He heaved a sigh and turned to the crowd "The Princess pretty much said it all,so I'm not going to say much more, but I know I for one am going to need every last one of you to survive in there. And if I die I die, but... you know what screw it this isn't going anywhere. See you guys on the other side." without looking back he leaped into the portal, into the darkness alone. 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Kazas was not very partial to being woke up in this manner, but of course, Vera's nagging would eventually win out. And besides, it's not like he wouldn't be waking up to a pleasant situation. In fact, far from it. Lorec was going to make a full recovery, and his beau had also pulled through, likewise. As she spoke, Kazas began to slowly arise from her bedside, still staying seated. When he finally came to, he yawned. After doing so, Kazas scooted in closer to Vera, and at a leisurely pace, softly brought his claw to Vera's cheek, caressing her as he spoke. " Vera, I love you. It's only natural that I would do this. There is no need for gratitude when I was just doing what comes natural... But, Mi Amore...." He spoke the last two words quite sullenly, and a depressive, alerting drop in his tone of voice was ever so foreboding of his next inquiry. " Please, I want to know who the assailant was so I can....." For just a brief instant, Kazas's eye became as crimson as the sun on a summer evening, as per an unintentional, emotional tapping into of Ezerepth's power. He looked away from Vera almost as if he felt great shame in tandem with frustrations welling up inside of him. His frown turned into an intimidating scowl as he looked away. Eventually collecting himself back together, Kazas looked to face his love again. His face was a painting of shame and grief, almost as if he had just committed an unforgivable sin. He kept caressing her cheek for a while, and then let his claw fall to the side. " ... I..... Forgive me... I do not know what that was just now. I just... Never want to see you in that state again..." What exactly was going on in the griffon's head? Was he convicting himself due to failing to protect Vera? Was he not able to cope with his reaction, albeit natural, and thus, was scaring himself into a tizzy? His lower beak quivered, just barely. And who could really blame him for appearing as an emotional hurricane right now? He had Spent much energy to save both one of his best friends and his lover, fearing that both would pass on to the other side. And not only that, but one could tell that he had in fact, come close to transferring a dangerous amount of his soul's essence in order to preserve their lives. Alas, he couldn't bring himself to keep eye contact with Vera, and silently looked away in guilt.


Vera did not understand. Kazas seemed...apprehensive of something. Almost as if there was something he wanted to say, but seemed to hold his tongue. As well, after asking Vera who had attacked her, it wasn't going to be beasy to get that out due to her level of sheer pride. She wasn't about to tell, or wash she? She started to speak in a shaking voice.


"The assailaint? Uh...I took care of him. Don't worry."


Kazas now seemed....off. He wasn't even looking at Vera at this point, and now that made her start to worry. What did she do? Did something upset Kazas? Surely he had an explanation for why he was acting so....strange.


"Kazas? Are you ok?"


( @@Fractured, @@Unicorncob, @@Tacoma, @@P-Jay,
and anyone else who's interested. There will be several other posts about EWS and Ice's past, so keep reading if you wanna keep up. )


As Electron slept in his hospital bed, he began to relive some of his past expereiences in his mind. The spell that was put on him by the nurse seemed to be working, as well as the side effects taking...well, effect. His memories started to cycle through his mind like an old film reel, taking him back to where it all began.


(Flashback in Electron's head)



As a colt, Electron Wave Storm was a regular student at school in Ponyville. He was an averaged sized, pegasus colt, looking almost the exact same as he used to. A yellow coat, yellow and black in his mane and tail, and his eyes were gray. He didn't have many friends due to not talking much, as well as the fact that he wasn't bullied due to not interacting with anyone. Everything seemed alright with him, however, his grades were not the best. Having a 'C' in almost every class, and couldn't seem to get his grades up. However, it was also an advantage. This was because that he would always see other students at his old school be bullied for either being too smart, or not being average. In which they would be called 'nerds' or 'idiots' repectively. Because of this, Electron managed to slip through the cracks and manage to avoid bullying.


However, that all changed when a blue earth pony colt camed on the train one day for his first day of school. He was somewhat taller than the average colt, and was ready to get out there, and learn new things. He was very smart, and at the time, he wanted to become a scientist, simply because the world seemed so interesting to him. And he carried his enthusiam for learning right into the classroom. However, this proved to be agianst him, as his enthusiasm for learning, good grades, and excitement for whenever there was a pop quiz, made other ponies in the class very annoyed.


Ice seemed to be at the top of the class, but because of it, he would constantly be bullied, called a nerd, and his books being taken and destroyed. Electron didn't seem to care at first, but started to feel guilty for letting it happen to an innocent pony, and not doing anything about it. He had seen worse things happen at his old school, and one day, he felt like enough was enough.


One day, Ice had just got off the train to go to school, and his mom waved goodbye as the train pulled away. As he turned around, he could see a few foals--filles and colts-- who were expecting Ice, and were prepared to bully him as they always did.


"Hey, look everypony!" a colt said mockingly, "It's the snowball!" The foals that were gathered, had started to laugh quietly.


"He thinks he so smart and better than everypony, when he's just a tiny ice cube!" another colt remarked.


Ice began to try and walk faster to avoid them, but it wasn't working. "Gonna try outshine us again, teacher's pet?" a filly said condescendingly. "Look at all these books..." she said, taking one of Ice's books out of his hooves, "'Therories of Quick Freezing'? Aren't you a little young to have a book like this? Why dont you go read Morse Code since you're such a smartypants."


Another filly spoke, "I don't think he can even read all that well. I think he cheats on every test. He's a cheater!"


Ice tried to speak up for himself, "I...I'm not a cheater....I study hard everyday. And..I'm not a teacher's pet!"


"Pssh, that's exactly what a teacher's pet would say, bookworm," the colt said, knocking the books out of Ice's hooves, and into the mud.


"I-I'm not a..." Ice stammered, as he tried to retrive his books from the mud via kneeling down.






Everypony called him names and started to point and laugh. As well, Ice was starting to cry. He felt so bad for being himself, that he wanted to run away and never come back. This had been the fourth time this week he had been bullied, and he wished that it would stop.


On the flip side, Elelctron was standing in the crowd of foals, and he wasn't happy. He had heard literally everthing that the other foals were saying, and it wasn't nice. Having witnessed bullying endlessly at his prior school, he wasn't about to stand for it right now. He ran out and stood his ground in front of Ice.


"There some sorta problem here?" he asked, clenching his teeth.


Most of the foals immediately went silent, and the main one spoke, "Yeah. There is. He's a nerd, and a teacher's pet. He thinks he soooo much better than the rest of us because he gets good grades, but nopony likes a smartypants."


That's probably because he's smarter than you are. You're all just jealous of him. Now, step off!"


"Oh yeah? What if we don't?


Electron grew a smug smirk, "What if somepony managed to leak out to the teacher that you're the one responsible for all the gum under her desk? Or that the fact that you write on the other students' desks with permanent marker? Or how about what you're doing right now to the new kid?"


"...Forget it....I don't care about him anyway..." the colt said, walking off.


The other foals who were laughing at Ice walked off as well, leaving just him and Electron. Class was 10 minutes from beginning, and Electron turned around. Ice was still crying while his books were in the mud. Electron went over to him. He brushed the mud off of Ice's books, and gave them back to him.


"Hey there...um...here."


Ice looked up, and stopped crying, "Thanks. And...thanks for getting rid of those bullies. I've had to deal with them for the last few days since I became the new student. I wish they'd stop calling me nerd. I just do my best in class and follow the rules. Why do they have to pick on me?"


Electron sighed, "Dude, some ponies just want to watch the world burn. Don't worry about them, they're just jealous."


Ice smiled, "Hm. You're probably right."


"And besides, you've continued to get good grades even though the've picked on you. You're pretty cool, dude. What's your name?"


"Icesius Blizzard....just call me Ice, ok?"


"Icesius? Cool name. Literally. Haha. I'm Electron Storm, but you can call me Tron. You got any other friends?"


"Yeah, his name's Caliber, but he doesn't go to this school. Speaking of which...won't those bullies be back?"


Electron scoffed, "Pssh, nah. Not while I'm around. Nopony wants to mess with me. I'm the tough guy!"




"Hey...you're at the top of the class, right?"




An idea popped into Electron's head, "Hey, i got an idea. I kinda need some help with my grades, and you need someone to keep those bullies off you. Help me study, and I'll be your bodyguard."


"Thanks, but I don't need a bodyguard. However, you're welcome to keep the bullies off me if you so choose. And, I'll glady help you study, Tron, but not in exchange for your help with bullies, ok?"


"Wow. You're really noble, dude. I could hang with somepony like you. Wanna be friends?"


"I guess we can. I needed somepony to show me around the school anyway."


"You've come to the right guy, now--" he was interupted by the school bell, "Whoop, there it is! Looks like it's time for class. Come sit next to me inside. You can help me out during break. Alright, bud?" he reached his hoof out for a hoof-bump.


"Sure, dude. See ya inside." he said, hoof-bumping his new friend. After which, Electron ran inside. "Wow. I never thought I'd see the day when somepony helps me out. That was awesome. he looks pretty tough too. Hehe, I wonder if Caliber could take him. He'd probably shout, YEAH, I CAN. Hah. Or that girl I met up north, she's tough too. I think school is gonna be that much easier with a good friend like Tron. He's nice. Well, time for school. Don't wanna tarnish my perfect attendance record, or my straight A+ record, or my behavioral record, or my...."


And with making a new friend, and countering off some bullies, that is how Ice Blizzard and Electron Wave Storm became friends. Over the next few months, their friendship was unbreakable as Ice helped out Electron with his schoolwork, and, on occasion, whenever bullies tried to taunt the two, Electron would step in and defend them both. All was right in their world when the two met, and each other's lives seemed to get better with their friendship getting stronger. Everything seemed perfect. For the time being.



While still asleep in the real world, Elelctron was seemingly sane as he relived his memories in his mind. He even cracked a smile at what he was reliving. Maybe he enjoyed meeting Ice Blizzard for the first time? But how does that explain why he hates Ice Blizzard's guts now? It's possible that there was something further down the line of their friendship that caused it, but for the time being, Electron was still sleeping off his medical procedure. Only time will tell the truth of the matter from here on.

  • Brohoof 2


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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“No! I would never…” Eclipse immediately backed down as Nightmare Moon approached him. He looked away from her gaze towards the floor of the shadowy realm; He still had mixed feelings about this whole situation but he couldn’t deny that Nightmare Moon was right “I’ve seen her suffer far too much already…”

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Vera did not understand. Kazas seemed...apprehensive of something. Almost as if there was something he wanted to say, but seemed to hold his tongue. As well, after asking Vera who had attacked her, it wasn't going to be beasy to get that out due to her level of sheer pride. She wasn't about to tell, or wash she? She started to speak in a shaking voice. "The assailaint? Uh...I took care of him. Don't worry." Kazas now seemed....off. He wasn't even looking at Vera at this point, and now that made her start to worry. What did she do? Did something upset Kazas? Surely he had an explanation for why he was acting so....strange. "Kazas? Are you ok?"

Kazas, acknowledging Vera's concern and turning back to face her, was still frowning deeply. Kazas, even though not having been with her for that long, had found himself very trusting of Vera. And besides, being an adherent to the teachings of Vakor, Kazas would not dare to tell a lie, only resorting to absolute silence when he did not wish to answer a question. However, silence would not be golden this time around, at least for him.


" Vera... It has been two and a half years since the Leovian civil contention concluded. It lasted a for a decade and a half. In that time, I saw many close to me come back from battles in the exact shape that you were in. Except when I tried to aid in their recovery....."


That was it then, he was truly opening up to her, allowing her to see what silently plucked at the harp-strings of his very being. Of course, as per Ezerepth's conversation with Vera via the melding of consciousness, she would already know how this story ends. However, this was also an opportunity for her to possibly help mend another blot upon Kazas's soul, thereby halting the ' second coming of azure', as the great phoenix had so gracefully put it... And to help Kazas put his past behind him, as he was trying to do for her.


"... We lost many, and it was due to my inability at that time that I was unable to complete my duties to them. I have no one but myself to blame. However, what is done in the past is done. What I'm truly trying to express, is that I'm afraid, Vera. I'm afraid that I would fail you as I have them. You know that you are precious to me. And I have trouble bearing the possibilities of what would happen if I were to prove inadequate..."

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas, acknowledging Vera's concern and turning back to face her, was still frowning deeply. Kazas, even though not having been with her for that long, had found himself very trusting of Vera. And besides, being an adherent to the teachings of Vakor, Kazas would not dare to tell a lie, only resorting to absolute silence when he did not wish to answer a question. However, silence would not be golden this time around, at least for him.


" Vera... It has been two and a half years since the Leovian civil contention concluded. It lasted a for a decade and a half. In that time, I saw many close to me come back from battles in the exact shape that you were in. Except when I tried to aid in their recovery....."


That was it then, he was truly opening up to her, allowing her to see what silently plucked at the harp-strings of his very being. Of course, as per Ezerepth's conversation with Vera via the melding of consciousness, she would already know how this story ends. However, this was also an opportunity for her to possibly help mend another blot upon Kazas's soul, thereby halting the ' second coming of azure', as the great phoenix had so gracefully put it... And to help Kazas put his past behind him, as he was trying to do for her.


"... We lost many, and it was due to my inability at that time that I was unable to complete my duties to them. I have no one but myself to blame. However, what is done in the past is done. What I'm truly trying to express, is that I'm afraid, Vera. I'm afraid that I would fail you as I have them. You know that you are precious to me. And I have trouble bearing the possibilities of what would happen if I were to prove inadequate..."


Vera was now feeling guilty. On one side, there was the fact that she didn't want Kazas to stress himself out or worry over something somepony did to her, due to the fact that she can take care of herself, and  Kazas seems to be stressed out enough as it is. On the flip side, however, there was the fact that she knows he feels extreme levels of guilt due to what he's done in the past.


The past. Just like Vera herself. She had done things in the past that would seem unforgivable to most others. However, what she had done was forgiven by the only one that has cared about her all this time: Kazas. Therefore, she knew that not only was it right to be fair to him, but to show her level of care for him as well. She walked


"Kazas...I.....It's not your fault. Ok? No one, should be individually held responsible for such a big loss." she started to rub his head affectionately, "You're a noble guy, Kazas. And to me, you'll never be inadequate. You'll always be my number one. I know you were worried about me when I got banged up, but you fixed me. I'm perfectly able to walk again, thanks to you. But with my skills, I beat the ever living crap out of the guy who dare tried."


She began to feel empathetic for Kazas, "Trust me, I kinda know what that feels like. When what I've done in the past seems unforgivable, but you, Kazy. You've forgiven me. You've changed my entire outlook on life, and I thank you for that. But the last one on this planet who should feel sad, for any reason is you. Because I love you, and you love me."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Screwball paused, as if some part of her had actually understood the raw hatred that was being flung at her like water out of a bucket. But then, she laughed, dismissing Diamond Tiara's doubts and sending chills racing back up her spine.


"Oooh, that wasn't very nice, young lady. I'm going to have to punish you." She put on a mock stern expression, barely concealed by her toothy grin, but she couldn't hold it for long. She broke down laughing again.


"Oooh, just kidding. You're really just adorable, you know, like Filthy. Who could ever be mad at-"

"Shut up. Shut. Up." Diamond Tiara spat suddenly. "You don't get to talk about my dad. Ever." She glared harshly, only for it to go completely unnoticed by Screwball, who was busy kicking lazy circles in the air around her.


"Oooh, harsh. You know, keep that up, and you will end up like me. Ooooh, or maybe you already are. We are in your head, after all..." She absentmindedly performed a mid-air backflip, eyes closed, while Diamond Tiara stared blankly at her.





Silver Spoon, paused, considered it, then shrugged. It's not like she had anything to lose right now, and she had made worse decisions before. She began to walk, slowly making her way to her complex in the residential district.


"So, if we're talking, what's your name, and who are you?" She had to admit she didn't know too many ponies in this town, outside the ones that ended up on the front pages, so this mare was a total blank to her.





Moondancer had been tending to the castle's roost, distantly vanishing old hay and replacing it through a complex series of spells, when she heard a knock at the door, clearly audible even to her, sitting in one of the back rooms. She tilted her head, looking nervously over to Talon, who simply gave a yawn in response, stretching his body adorably.


"Okay, I guess i'm going answer it..."


It wasn't more than a minute's walk before she made it to the other end of the hall; she happened to know this place like the back of her hoof now. Well, except whatever places the princesses wanted to keep from her, obviously. Standing in front of the door, she slowly opened it, staring cautiously at the pony on the other end. She kept herself tense, but inside, she was nervous could fight, but not for long. She still needed practice channeling the spells Luna had taught her.


"Can I help you?"




@Star Saber @The Down Trotten


Trixie gritted her teeth,squinting heavily as she watched Rhetoric jump through the portal, followed shortly by Sunset Shimmer. The determined expression on Celestia's former student's face only made her feel worse; why did she have to be the only pony that was scared? And she was scared; it pulled at her like the tendrils of a tatzelwurm. It was only the fact that lives would be at risk if she didn't that spurred her on. Closing her eyes, she moved through the portal, leaving one last empty thought clinging to the other side.


Please, just let me save her.


...She emerged through the other end of the portal, and opened her eyes to a world completely different than the one she had just left. Everything was black; inky black, from the ground of the soft field she walked on, to the grass that she seemed to be crunching through. It was also bitterly cold; clenching her teeth, she still couldn't avoid chattering them here. And, looking out briefly, she realized that Celestia was right about the darkness; if she looked anywhere but directly in front of her, her vision failed after a short while, and she could only see shadows. Except every once in a while, she thought she could see movement, something scuttling about in the darkness. She tried not to think about it.


"So, this is the world," Sunset Shimmer sighed softly. This place gave her the creeps. And she really hoped it was grass she was stepping through. Without much effort, she lit up a fire spell, a bright blue flame extending from the tip of her horn like a beam. She could now see the mist that swirled around her and the rest of the group; it was thick as soup and clung to her form as she moved.


"We should wait for Celestia and the others," she called out. She turned her back, and looked at the portal, waiting.




@Star Saber

"Good," Nightmare Moon muttered in reply. She walked up next to him again slowly. "Then you understand that we both want the same thing. Luna must be protected, at any costs."


Suddenly her horn pinged, and she stopped, gritting her teeth in anger. Intruders were in this world, again, which could only mean one thing; Celestia was back.


...But, the more she thought about it, the happier it made her. The last time Celestia had exited, her magical source had almost been snuffed out, little more than a blip on a magical radar. Now, that she had foolishly come back, she would die here. Nightmare could let this world finish the job, and she wouldn't have to lift a hoof.


Thoughts dismissed, she turned back to Eclipse with a smirk; there was something interesting about him. Something that she couldn't read intuitively, even if he was just a figment of her imagination. Well, Luna's imagination.


"You love her, don't you?"

Edited by Fractured
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Silver Spoon, paused, considered it, then shrugged. It's not like she had anything to lose right now, and she had made worse decisions before. She began to walk, slowly making her way to her complex in the residential district.


"So, if we're talking, what's your name, and who are you?" She had to admit she didn't know too many ponies in this town, outside the ones that ended up on the front pages, so this mare was a total blank to her.


Jade smiled down at Silver Spoon, grateful for her accepting her company as they walked side-by-side down the street.


She cocked her head, assuming she hadn't heard her before. "My name is Jade Lotus, I come from Neighsia, and I am here for the fighting tournament. I have trained high in the mountains." She added out of nowhere, just to see if it would peak her interest.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rhetoric looked around and was slightly underwhelmed , he had been expecting more Tartourus like conditions. This, this just reminds me of my old root cellar, expect bigger, maybe even a bit warmer. He thought to himself trying to use hurmour to drive at the haunting quiet darkness around him. he turned to look at his two companion and smiled, he wasn't alone, that in itself was good news. Trixie however still looked like she was going to die of fright. This worried him greatly and decided that the problem had to be addressed now before the crap hit the fan as the old saying went . from what he could tell Trixie was just too scared, not he blamed her, but she wasn't really feeling any other emotions either. Nothing else for her to focus on but her fear, maybe what she need was some righteous anger. He wasn't quite sure how to instill that but he had an idea on how to piss her off at the very least. 


Walking right up the caped pony he looked her in the eyes "Beatrix I know we haven't known each other for very long, but I could very well go to my grave here, and I don't want to die before I experience something..." before she could even ask, or respond he sweeped her up in a kiss. He felt guilt the size of a anvil in his stomach but he made sure that kiss was meaningful before he pulled away. when he did he took a deep breath before going on


"Now before you clobber me here me out. Your angry at me right? Well good, you can beat the crap out of me after we get through this. But just think why are you here. Your here because some twisted Nightmare took advantage of Princess Luna in her loneliness and rejection. Sounds familiar doesn't it? You know how that feels doesn't it to be lonely and rejected? now imagine some evil being manipulated you in your rejection and loneliness and threaten the entire world because of that. Doesn't that anger you, don't you want to teach that evil bastard (pardon my language) a lesson? don't you want to tell Luna your not alone? " his voice got more passionate as he spoke, he didn't know if he was helping Trixie but he was getting himself fired up "Come lets show these shadows how The Great and Powerful Trixie deals with evil doers!" 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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“I…” Eclipse was a bit shocked to having been asked that question and didn’t know how exactly to answer it.


“Well… she is my everything… without her I wouldn’t even be here.” Eclipse said, he didn’t even realize how true that statement was. “She took me in, made me who I am.”


Eclipse smiled warmly up at Nightmare Moon, “...I guess… yes. I do love her.”

Edited by Star Saber
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Ice was still reading his book as he stood outside, waiting for an answer to the door. It started to get colder and colder as time wnet on due to the evening coolness and the rain. It wasn't a bother to Ice in the slightest however, as he stood there. He finally looked up when he heard a voice answer the door.


"Hm? Oh, right. Lemme tell you who I am. I'm Ice Blizzard, Earth Pony Cryomancer. I'm just checking around for some things and making sure stuff is secure. Mainly because Princess Celestia is currently in the hospital, and I don't know if you noticed, but it seems as though the sun is still out, even though it's almost 9:00PM. Let me show you what I mean."


To prove his point, Ice felt he had to show the mare what exactly was happening. He jumped straight up, as high as he could (about 5-7 feet in the air), made an ice ball in his hoof, and chucked it straight at the cloud-line in the sky, causing a hole through the clouds which emitted a ray of sunlight unto the ground nearby. Ice then landed, and pointed a hoof to the sky.


"See what I mean? Its almost 9:00PM, yet the sun is still up in the sky." He turned back around, "The reason why I came here is that, since Celestia is in the hospital, and Luna's not there either, I wanted to come see if Luna was here. If the moon hasn't been raised by Luna yet, then something must be wrong. She could be sick or worse. So my questions to you are: A, Is Luna here? And B, if she's not here at the moment, could you tell me the last time you've seen her, please? This is very important to me personally as well, because Celestia is my friend, and I can't stand it when my friends are in trouble. So please, if you know something, I'd appreciate if you tell me."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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