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@@Fractured, @@The Down Trotten,




“Help them? I don’t even know what’s going on…” Calibur admitted; he had seen Sunset, Trixie as well as the stallion she had been talking with earlier and… wait was that Queen Chrysalis that just jumped through that ominous looking portal? Needless to say he missed something big and important “I have so many questions.”


Calibur walked passed the two ponies at the door and approached Celestia while looking into the portal with a worried expression on his face. He had heard Celestia mention something about a world of shadow and boy that didn’t sound like a pleasant place.

Edited by Star Saber
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Mars wasn't looking where he was walking, tripped, burst through a wall, and slammed headfirst into Green, who was just walking around minding his own business




"Green?" Mars said, confused.


"Hehe. So are you stalking me or something?"


"No, this was kind of a random occurrence, but now that we're here, in front of this generic building, I need to ask you something."


"What? You gonna ask me to dinner?"


"No, I was gonna ask you if you knew anything about this?" Mars held up the note.


"Ummmm now that you mention it, I did get one of those a little while back, but it seemed really nonspecific, so I just kinda forgot about it."


"I see. It's signed by 'E'. Know who that might be?" Mars asked putting it away.


"Nope. Mine is signed by 'O'....I see what's happening here." Green stopped and looked around.




"Skitz. He didn't get one. And if he did then he never told us. That must mean he's the cause if this, but if so, then what is he planning?"


"I never took him for the 'planning' type and this doesn't seem like something he'd do without reason."


"Well?" Green asked.




"Did you make him mad lately?"


"No. I didn't really do anything to him."


"Well then I guess we get to go find him. Where does he usually hang out at?"


"I wish I had an answer to that question. He just kinda goes anywhere."


"Waait wait wait wait. We're looking at this all wrong. Where is the least likely place he would be?"


"Hmmmmmmm..." suddenly Mars got an idea. "The training grounds."


"Why there?"


"Think about it, he's never actually there unless you take him there and even then he just disappears. I think if we go there we'll find him and be able to figure out what this is all about."


Green nodded and started flying toward the training grounds with Mars.


"It's awfully bright out for the middle of the night, eh Mars?"


"I haven't noticed. I was too busy being worried for my life." Mars said with a frown.

"Let's just go get Skitz."

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( @@Fractured, @@Tacoma, @@Unicorncob, @@P-Jay, )




Electron was still asleep in his hospital bed. The heart rate monitor was beginning to beep faster, indicating that either he would awaken soon, or was beginning to relive a harsher memory in his mind. Unfortunately, it seemed to be the latter, as Electron's mind began to show him what happened as his friendship with Ice Blizzard continued.




(Flashback in Electron's mind)


Everything was seemingly prosperous for the two young colts. Everyday they went to school, and everyday Ice would help Electron study for the tests, and Electron would keep the bullies off of Ice. They were very good friends, and nothing seemed as though this friendship would sink.


However, as friends go, there isn't always perfection. They still had points in which they may have argued or fought like foals do from time to time. For example, one day, after school, Ice and EWS were studying.


"So...that's division?"


"Mm-hmm. Pretty easy when you put your mind to it."


"Uh-huh....I think I get it. Sure makes homework a lot easier with your help."


"Don't thank me...than the power of mathing! ...Oops that was too loud. Hehe...um," The train whistle could be heard outside, "There's the train. My mom's here. Time to go home."


"Yeah, I guess so, huh?" They both walked to the door, and didn't realize that they had both gotten stuck in the doorway, because of each other, "Hey uh, could you move? I'm kinda....ergh...stuck."


"Ugggh. I'm stuck too. I think your mass is greater than mine."


"Huh? What?"


"You body profile. It's bigger than mine...squeeze backward."


"Body profile? You're saying I'm fat? I'm not the fatty. You are."


"No, you are!"


"No, you are!"


"No, y-- woah!" Suddenly, they both managed to squeeze through the doorway, and feel into a puddle of water. They instantly started laughing, "Hahahahahaha!"


"Sorry, for calling you, fatty, Tron."


"It's ok, and I'm sorry too. I think I am the fatty, though."


"No, I think I am."


"No, I am."


"No, I am."


"No, I am."


They continued to laugh at each others friendly teasing until Ice's mom called out to him, "Uh-oh. That's my mom. See ya tomorrow!"




The shouted at one another, waving excitably. Even with their occasional squabbles, Ice and Electron still somehow managed to set their differences aside, and settle things in their own...peculiar way. It did seem that their bond was unbreakable, until...it happened. Ice Blizzard had gotten his powers. When Ice Blizzard got his powers, nopony besides him and his mom knew. Nor It didn't seem like that big of a deal, mainly because Ice was very shy about using his powers. Fortunately, he hadn't gotten his cutie mark yet due to not having proper control of the powers he had. Good thing too, because he didn't want anypony to feel jealous of him, especially Electron. Unfortunately, his lack of proper control over his powers, he accidentally...presented them.


It was another normal day at school during recess, and Electron, and Ice were in a 4 vs. 4, squad on squad soccer match. Ice and Electron were the offensive ponies on their team, and were also the top scorers. Currently, however, the games was tied 9-9. Sudden Death PENULTIMATES....sorta. The game was already in progress, with Electron moving down the field with the ball. The sounds of little foals screaming and hollering as well as hooves rampaging across the recess field could be heard.


"Here it is....Sudden Death. Whoever scores the final goal for their team is gonna be recognized at the one who did it all. It's time for our team to shine!" "Here we go!!!!!!!!" He ran down the grassy field, as fast as his legs could move, while Ice was the wingpony. He was running in the same direction, and as fast as Electron to keep up with him, in case of a sudden mishap.


"I'll be right behind ya!" Unfortunately, one of the colts on the other team was standing right in Electron's path at the goal line. He was a heavy-set colt that was always blocking goals on defense. Ice knew that if Electron carried on, he's lose the ball, "Tron! Over here!!"


Electron looked to his far left; Ice was planning to flank on the right side, where the other foals were least expecting a kick. However, Electron was conflicted for a moment, "But I...I wanna be the one to score the winning.....Wait....I'm remembering what Ice said. There's no 'i' in team. We win as a team, and we lose as a team, and right now....we're gonna win!" "Over to you, dude! You got this!" He shouted to Ice, passing the ball with a headbutt, and lobbing it into the air.



Once the ball was high in the air, it gave Ice a few moments to factor how hard he needed to kick, when to jump, and how high, "This is it...one ball, one pony, one goal....Oh..I hope this works...." Ice jumped into the air, rotated himself, to where his back was aligned with the ground, and performed a backflip kick. He grunted, and with all the force he had, he kicked the ball. It flew in a downwards-diagonal fashion straight to the goal, and suddenly...the ball became enveloped in snow! Ice had used his powers accidentally, and triggered the ball to be covered in snow! The goalie was so confused, she didn't know what to do until she ducked at the last moment, allowing the goal, and earning Ice and EWS's team the win!


Everypony fell silent out of confusion, until Electron shouted, "W-w-we...We win! We win!!!!" Everyone on their team gathered around Ice, and began cheering for him for taking the win, as Electron picked his friend up, "Nice job, bud. You did it."


"Nah, it was your great pass. It looked like you kicked it above 6 feet in the air, nopony passes like you, Tron."


"But how did the ball get covered in snow?"


The foals that were cheering around Ice went silent as they waited for an answer. They didn't realize it as first, but it was confusing how the ball suddenly caught snowy, "Um...well.....I have.....ice powers...."





"I....have ice powers....I got them last night from a crystal that I found....and...yeah..."


"wow, dude that's--" He was suddenly interrupted by the shouting and crowding of several foals, who wanted Ice to show them more.


"You can control ice?"

"That's amazing!"

"You're cooler than we thought!"

"Show us more!"


Even the most popular fillies in the class shot Ice a few...cute looks. They even waved at him. He had become popular instantly, but it wasn't something he wanted. At all, "Thanks everypony...but uh.." the school bell suddenly rang, and the teachers were calling the students back inside, "Whew...saved by the bell...."


Electron didn't like everyone crowding Ice when he was clearly uncomfortable, he was going to say something, but the bell rang, and everypony had to go back inside, "That's awesoem, Ice. You're awesome! Up top for the team!" he said, raising his hoof for a high-hoof.


Ice high-hoofed Electron, however, he hoped that his other classmates finding out about his powers wouldn't cause any sort of rifts as they went back inside, and finished their school day.


A few days later, however, Ice had gotten his cutie mark from practicing, and somewhat mastering his powers at home. He was the talk of the whole school by then, on high levels.


"You got your cutie mark? Awesome!"


"Yeah. After practicing my ice powers, I managed to get this baby on my flank. Looks good?"


"Pssh, duh! You're gonna be so popular, dude."


"I kinda don't wanna be popular. It's too stressful. I wanna be normal."


"Don't worry, Ice. I got your back. I won't let anypony crowd you like that."


"Would you? Thanks, buddy!"


"I'm here for ya, now let's go inside. I've been waiting for this test for weeks!"


"Hm. Looks like studying paid off for you."


With his snowflake cutie mark, Ice was getting a lot of unwanted attention, so much so that during class that day, before the test, a paper airplane flew onto his desk. Naturally, he was curious enough to sniff it before opening it, it read, "Hey, cutie. Come sit with me at lunch. <3 Alena."


Ice blushed as his eyes grew wide, he didn't know what to do. He looked behind him to see Alena, who was two seats behind Ice, and shooting him a cute look. She was not only the, richest, cutest, and most talented filly in school, she also seemed to have a crush on Ice Blizzard, which was unfortunate considering he wasn't a romantic type.


"Tron, look. It's from Alena."


"Again? That girl just likes you for your powers. Gimme that darn thing."


Ice gave the note to Electron, who balled it up, and threw it away, "Thanks bud. I'm not sittin' next to her at lunch."


They both began to silently snicker, until the bell for lunch rang. Once it did, everypony got up, and prepared to go, with Alena waving at Ice...again. From there, everypony went outside, and sat down at the benches to eat. Unfortunately, Alena wasn't giving up. She spoke when Ice passed her table.


"Hey, Ice. Why don't you come sit with me, and the popular foals?" she asked, winking at him.


"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm sitting with my friends...as always. Bye, Alena."


"Hmph. He doesn't know what it's like to sit by a popular girl. I have a plan."


"Hey, guys." He went to sit with Electron, and the two colts who were on their team during the soccer game.


"What up?"




"Not much, just avoiding Alena again."


"What? Are you crazy? She's the most popular girl in school. You should take the opportunity you got!"


"Yeah, dude. No way ever, she'd dare look at the rest of us."


"You're kidding right? Guys, Ice doesn't even want that kind of attention, and she's no real friend."


"Tron's right, guys. She's no friend. She just likes me for my powers and whatnot."


He sat down on Electron's side of the bench. Then, almost out of nowhere, Alena, was at their table, "Hi, boys..." she said with a bright smile, "Would you care to leave just me and Ice here?"


"Here we go..."


The other 2 foals immediately got up, and left, however, Electron was standing his ground, "I'm not moving for anything, so step off sister!"


Alena silently chuckled to herself. Almost instantly, she flipped Electron out of his seat, and onto the ground, "Hey what! Grr...you're lucky I don't his girls!"


"Now it's just us..." she said while sitting next to Ice and touching his cutie mark with her own, "Oopsie..." she said sarcastically while giggling.


Ice was blushing and felt very uncomfortable, "Um...wait up, Tron!"


"No you don't..." As soon as she said that, more fillies squeezed in, and blocked Ice from getting out on either side. Unfortunately for Electron, he could do anything against girls, so he decided to walk away.


"I'll wait for you..over here, dude." He felt so bad for Ice, that he couldn't stand to watch him undergo that.


Eventually, Ice managed to escape, but it took a lot of elbow grease. He was like a tightly packed sardine. When he got out, the fillies were about to start chasing him, but he was already gone. Ice ran and found Electron behind the school, "Tron? You ok?'


"I'm fine. I just couldn't stand it when those fillies were crowding you. Mom always said never to hit girls which is why I felt useless. I know you said you don't like all that popularity, and whatnot, and I just....I'm sorry. I'll be there for you next time, I swear."


"It's perfectly fine. I know you won't always be there, I just need to find an alternative way. Come on, don't be sad."


"Thanks...but they tossed me out before I could eat lunch...."


"I still got mine. Let's share it right here."


"Thanks, Ice."


As they sat and ate their lunch behind the school, Ice couldn't help but think that everypony liking him for his powers would somehow rupture their friendship. And Electron was worried of not upholding his promise of when they first met to always protect Ice when he needed it. This friendship was a tough one, but they knew they could figure out a solution somehow.



In the real world, Electron was starting to toss and turn slightly, along with his heart rate monitor increasing its speed. Now it would seem as though why his friendship with Ice was starting to fall apart was explained, but how it completely broke is a pony of a different color.

  • Brohoof 5


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Vera was now feeling guilty. On one side, there was the fact that she didn't want Kazas to stress himself out or worry over something somepony did to her, due to the fact that she can take care of herself, and  Kazas seems to be stressed out enough as it is. On the flip side, however, there was the fact that she knows he feels extreme levels of guilt due to what he's done in the past.


The past. Just like Vera herself. She had done things in the past that would seem unforgivable to most others. However, what she had done was forgiven by the only one that has cared about her all this time: Kazas. Therefore, she knew that not only was it right to be fair to him, but to show her level of care for him as well. She walked


"Kazas...I.....It's not your fault. Ok? No one, should be individually held responsible for such a big loss." she started to rub his head affectionately, "You're a noble guy, Kazas. And to me, you'll never be inadequate. You'll always be my number one. I know you were worried about me when I got banged up, but you fixed me. I'm perfectly able to walk again, thanks to you. But with my skills, I beat the ever living crap out of the guy who dare tried."


She began to feel empathetic for Kazas, "Trust me, I kinda know what that feels like. When what I've done in the past seems unforgivable, but you, Kazy. You've forgiven me. You've changed my entire outlook on life, and I thank you for that. But the last one on this planet who should feel sad, for any reason is you. Because I love you, and you love me."


And there it was. For as long as the Leovian Civil Contention had been concluded, Kazas had internally despised his own inability and lack of experience at the time of his compatriots' deaths, so long ago. Their collective demise weighing heavily upon Kazas's heart, he had emotionally condemned himself in a strange sense of self-serving penance, believing that he was an unworthy sinner. It would not be long until Kazas would have sought the council of his then new-found friends and fellow keepers. Lorec was the first that he had ever spoken to about what stained his very soul. Surprisingly, Lorec had been very receptive of Kazas's regrets, and comforted him as best he could, explaining exactly why the sullen griffon could not be blamed for his brothers-in-arms' passing. And while Kazas took all of it in strife, he continued to suffer in self-emotional reprisal. He would also console the other keepers as well, only to hear the same answer; It wasn't his fault.


Of course, in his own stubborn way, Kazas refused to believe them, thinking that if his faith had been stronger and had practiced with Ezerepth's gifts more, then he could have saved more lives, reveling in his naivete that he could have healed fatal wounds had he been stronger.


But now, even Vera, the mare that he had fallen for in a short deal of time, was telling him the same thing that his fellows did a long time ago; That he should not blame himself for those losses, even going as far as to call him ' noble'. Kazas had never asked for others' opinions of him out of humility, and the fact that his own self-reflection took precedence. Was he, in fact, noble? After all, in his mind, he was just adhering to the law bestowed by Avae, the creator, in the form of the Vakor texts. Was he noble for just doing what the being he worshiped asked of him? Of course, the law of Avae could be seen as noble in itself, as it is one of loving all, judging not one soul, forgiveness, and self sacrifice.


Kazas, through his humility and belief, always thought himself unworthy of reprieve. But Vera, whom to him, was as a ravishing, loving angel of whom Avae had decided to bless the world with, spoke to him the words that would soothe his soul. And this time, instead of revisiting the loss that he had previously believed to be due to his own inadequacy, Kazas would instead remember the times of joyous, hard earned success. Lorec, those that he had managed to save, and finally... 




But the last one on this planet who should feel sad, for any reason is you. Because I love you, and you love me."


Those last words rang as loudly as church bells in his mind. Was he worthy of forgiveness, truly? Was it even his sin to begin with? Alas, Kazas did not know... but finally, after so long, he had began to believe these things. Maybe he really wasn't to blame for the deaths of his comrades, and why should he be? He only tried to aid them, even if the effort was all for naught. Perhaps he had taken the mental plummet so that his brethren did not have to, when in fact, not one of them was to blame. Not even Kazas. But all of that was beginning to seem like a moot point. Especially with Vera's tender assurances.


Kazas slowly brought his claw up to the hoof that Vera had been embracing him with, and gently cupped it with his talons. Her hoof felt so warm on his cheek, and was of great comfort. He looked her in the eyes with his one, and smiled exuberantly in grateful appreciation. he spoke to her softly, voice reminiscent of embers crackling on a summer evening of bonfires and merrymaking.


" Vera... Thank you.... Never in my life, would I have thought myself worthy of an angel such as yourself. It is as you say, Vera. I love you, and you love me. And that's why I want to stand beside you in all ordeals that you would face, such as this most recent one. Vera, I will completely understand If you choose not to tell me how, or why this happened... But I do want you to know that you are no longer bound by loneliness. A Phoenix will fight until it is nothing but a pile of ashes in order to protect its loved ones. And even if struck down, the bird of flame shall only be reborn anew with strengthened vigor and shall not cease until the goal of having their beloved safe is achieved. Vera..."


He leaned in closely, and pressed his forehead against hers, smiling. With a whisper, he would let loose his next words with an air of confidence. It seems like Vera's own assuaging of Kazas's guilt and fear of not being good enough had instilled a new confidence in him.


" If you will it, then I shall be that Phoenix."





The Stormbringer chuckled, as if he were a child who had just received free reign to purchase anything they wanted from a venerated candy store.


" Good... Very good. As for the reason why.... It's because I intend to do battle with him."

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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And there it was. For as long as the Leovian Civil Contention had been concluded, Kazas had internally despised his own inability and lack of experience at the time of his compatriots' deaths, so long ago. Their collective demise weighing heavily upon Kazas's heart, he had emotionally condemned himself in a strange sense of self-serving penance, believing that he was an unworthy sinner. It would not be long until Kazas would have sought the council of his then new-found friends and fellow keepers. Lorec was the first that he had ever spoken to about what stained his very soul. Surprisingly, Lorec had been very receptive of Kazas's regrets, and comforted him as best he could, explaining exactly why the sullen griffon could not be blamed for his brothers-in-arms' passing. And while Kazas took all of it in strife, he continued to suffer in self-emotional reprisal. He would also console the other keepers as well, only to hear the same answer; It wasn't his fault. Of course, in his own stubborn way, Kazas refused to believe them, thinking that if his faith had been stronger and had practiced with Ezerepth's gifts more, then he could have saved more lives, reveling in his naivete that he could have healed fatal wounds had he been stronger. But now, even Vera, the mare that he had fallen for in a short deal of time, was telling him the same thing that his fellows did a long time ago; That he should not blame himself for those losses, even going as far as to call him ' noble'. Kazas had never asked for others' opinions of him out of humility, and the fact that his own self-reflection took precedence. Was he, in fact, noble? After all, in his mind, he was just adhering to the law bestowed by Avae, the creator, in the form of the Vakor texts. Was he noble for just doing what the being he worshiped asked of him? Of course, the law of Avae could be seen as noble in itself, as it is one of loving all, judging not one soul, forgiveness, and self sacrifice. Kazas, through his humility and belief, always thought himself unworthy of reprieve. But Vera, whom to him, was as a ravishing, loving angel of whom Avae had decided to bless the world with, spoke to him the words that would soothe his soul. And this time, instead of revisiting the loss that he had previously believed to be due to his own inadequacy, Kazas would instead remember the times of joyous, hard earned success. Lorec, those that he had managed to save, and finally... J.R., on 19 Sept 2015 - 03:05 AM, said: But the last one on this planet who should feel sad, for any reason is you. Because I love you, and you love me." Those last words rang as loudly as church bells in his mind. Was he worthy of forgiveness, truly? Was it even his sin to begin with? Alas, Kazas did not know... but finally, after so long, he had began to believe these things. Maybe he really wasn't to blame for the deaths of his comrades, and why should he be? He only tried to aid them, even if the effort was all for naught. Perhaps he had taken the mental plummet so that his brethren did not have to, when in fact, not one of them was to blame. Not even Kazas. But all of that was beginning to seem like a moot point. Especially with Vera's tender assurances. Kazas slowly brought his claw up to the hoof that Vera had been embracing him with, and gently cupped it with his talons. Her hoof felt so warm on his cheek, and was of great comfort. He looked her in the eyes with his one, and smiled exuberantly in grateful appreciation. he spoke to her softly, voice reminiscent of embers crackling on a summer evening of bonfires and merrymaking. " Vera... Thank you.... Never in my life, would I have thought myself worthy of an angel such as yourself. It is as you say, Vera. I love you, and you love me. And that's why I want to stand beside you in all ordeals that you would face, such as this most recent one. Vera, I will completely understand If you choose not to tell me how, or why this happened... But I do want you to know that you are no longer bound by loneliness. A Phoenix will fight until it is nothing but a pile of ashes in order to protect its loved ones. And even if struck down, the bird of flame shall only be reborn anew with strengthened vigor and shall not cease until the goal of having their beloved safe is achieved. Vera..." He leaned in closely, and pressed his forehead against hers, smiling. With a whisper, he would let loose his next words with an air of confidence. It seems like Vera's own assuaging of Kazas's guilt and fear of not being good enough had instilled a new confidence in him. " If you will it, then I shall be that Phoenix."


Vera was so taken by Kazas's change of mood, and his words. Not only did Vera finally feel she was being listened to, but also, felt as though she did something productive, and constructive by helping him out. Now that she was face-to-face once again with the griffon she loved, she couldn't help but cry of happiness. She threw her forelegs around Kazas in a hug as tears started to run down her face.


"Kazas....thank you. You mean everything to me, and I feel so happy knowing you feel better.....I'm just...speechless...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The Stormbringer chuckled, as if he were a child who had just received free reign to purchase anything they wanted from a venerated candy store.


" Good... Very good. As for the reason why.... It's because I intend to do battle with him."


"You do?" Tyra asked, eyes widening and her jaw going agape for a moment. She just barely survived her fight with Lorec, which seemed to last a lifetime, and now this supposed deity wanted to battle Caliber?!


"There is no doubt, Caliber is an incredible fighter," She continued, grinning up at the large minotaur, "I have fought him before, so I know. Just, know that the two of you will find a great challenge within each other."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"What?" Diamond Tiara looked around, shakily at first, before she turned back to lock eyes with Screwball. "What do you mean, inside my head? And what do you mean, turn out like you?" She took a nervous step back.


"Oooh... Well, first off, this is your head, your mental...zone?" She put a hoof up to her chin in thought, before shrugging. "Zone. And look how squeaky clean it is. I mean, there's nothing here!" She shouted suddenly for emphasis, and the room echoed around her in response. Diamond Tiara flinched in retaliation.


Screwball turned back to Diamond Tiara, grinning. "It's actually funny, in a way. You spend all of your time making chaos for others, and yet you keep this place neat and tidy and sterile, like your life depended on it. Like you were afraid of it." She dropped down to the ground suddenly in a mid-air twist, landing neatly on the floor.


"I'm not scared," Diamond Tiara replied back bitterly. "And if I keep this world clean, it's because everything's always getting in my way. I'm better off without distractions."


"That's what I said!" Screwball shouted suddenly, causing Diamond Tiara to step back again. "I was actually exactly like you when i was younger! Super uptight. Super serious." She deepened her voice for emphasis. " I was throwing everything fun away, but once the madness kicked in, it all started to make sense. Like it will for you!" She grinned widely.





"The Mountains?" Silver Spoon walked next to Jade, still managing to keep a curious eye on her as she walked "I've taken a few trips out of Ponyville, mostly to Manehatten, but i've never been to the mountains. Or Neighsha," she said, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "What's it like?" she asked, her eyes sparkling in interest.





Moondancer cautiously stepped out of the house, and looked up. She gasped softly at the feel of the sun; this was incredibly wrong.


"The moon still hasn't been raised yet..." She dropped her head down slightly, eyes dark and troubled. "I honestly can't tell you where Luna is right now, or where she's gone. The last time I saw her, she had left to go off to the dance hall, and I haven't seen her since then."


"And I can't sense her connection either." Talon broke in suddenly. He was still standing on Moondancer's shoulder, and he scowled heavily at the sun on his back. "We wyverns are magically sensitive; I would be able to sense her if she were anywhere in Bangcolt. And I can't feel her at all," he said, frowning darkly.




@J.R. @The Down Trotten



Celestia watched Chrysalis disappear through the portal without a sound. When she finally disappeared, she turned her attention to the other pony in the room. She looked at him sadly.


"My pony... I myself have many questions. Unfortunately, now is not the time to ask, but to act. Now, I don't know who you are, where you have come,  but if some desire compelled you to come here..." She stopped outside the portal, looking at him softly. "Follow it."




Trixie had been frozen during Rhetoric's entire speech, a slow blush building up and turning her face bright cherry red. But, once he was finished, she reacted; reaching out with a hoof, she slapped him, hard enough that Sunset Shimmer, standing a little ways away from her, flinched at the sound.


Trixie's brain kicked into a gear only a few seconds after she hit him. She gasped, and rushed over next to him, checking his face for signs of damage. When she was satisfied he was all right, she gave a sigh of relief. She stepped a little ways away from him.


"But you're right, I do. Know what it's like to be alone," she corrected, looking at him assuredly. "It's awful, and I would never want anyone to go through that. I'm still scared, but..." she paused, looked up at him, and smiled. "I think I can go ahead now."

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"The Mountains?" Silver Spoon walked next to Jade, still managing to keep a curious eye on her as she walked "I've taken a few trips out of Ponyville, mostly to Manehatten, but i've never been to the mountains. Or Neighsha," she said, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "What's it like?" she asked, her eyes sparkling in interest.


Jade gave Silver a warm smile, glad to hear that the filly seemed interested in where she came from.

"Well, it tends to get quite cold and snowy," She explained, looking ahead with a fond smile, "Especially in the winter. In fact, our fighters have to move their training indoors because of the blizzards."


She looked up toward the sky. "I would always rise early to sit on the roof and get a look at the sunrise, ever since I was a filly. It was, and still is, the most beautiful sight...my master would often scold me for doing something so dangerous." She chuckled.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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He stumbled back as she slapped him. The only conclusion he could come too was that it hurt like the dickens. rubbing his face, waiting for whatever else she would throw at him, more worried about what she would say really he was surprised to here her words. Looking at her he forgot about the pain in his face and when she smiled he smiled "That's really good to hear. And definitely worth getting slapped for." he chuckled, which sadly quickly died, it didn't seem right under the circumstances.


Giving Trixie one more look of lightheartedness he turned to everyone else and gave them all a quick look over "I don't know about any of you, but I don't have any military experience, but we need to devise a plan, and seeing how our enemy relies primarily on fear, fast. Don't want to be caught off guard. I know the Princess isn't here yet but we should come up with something. Now anyone got any ideas?" he hoped they would have at least some time to do this, if not then they would have to improvise everything and considering the amount of different ego's in the room that could be dangerous.


Looking at the former Queen of the Changelings he suddenly had an idea "Um, I know this may seem rather bizarre, but exactly how good are you at imitating Luna?... That could really come in handy, in fact if you could some how disguise yourself and your magical aura, so that our enemy doesn't know your here. Then we have an ace in the hole."

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Ice put a hoof to his chin and raised an eyebrow. This was some very interesting information. The fact that they didn't know where she was, raised suspicion, but at the same time, it made Ice suspicious as to why she was there. "Hm...peculiar....she doesn't know? That's weird. But how does she know? Who IS she? There's something strange going on."


Putting his hoof down to the ground, Ice spoke casually, "Hm. Inteseresting. It's also interesting how you seem to know where they've been, yet you're here. And I don't think I've seen you around here before. Would you mind telling me, what's your name? And what's your connection to the princesses? And how come you're here when they're not? If you don't mind me asking."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Night Tracer shut his eyes tight and cringed in pain, "G'aaaaaw." He reflexed his left hoof to his head to apply pressure onto the wound which was now oozing, pouring blood. It was a thick gash running across his temple, right above his left eye. It looked a lot worse than it hurt.


Applejack had hastily broke towards the counter and leaned down to raid the cabinets for a clean rag. She sifted through a heap of dirty ones, covered in Apple Cider, Liquor or bread crumbs. She eventually found a clean, cotton rag and snatched it. She got up and rushed over to Night Tracer..


The blue Stallion, now purple from the nose up, laid flat on his back, on top of the splintered, ochre colored stool. Night Tracer flinched and bit his lip, addendum, he kicked his right hind leg spuriously. "Son of a..." He grinded through his teeth. Applejack leaned down beside him and pressed the rag to his head, more blood gushed and she cringed, even so, she continued to apply pressure.


As Applejack pressed down on his forehead he slowly opened his eyes. Everything around him was blurry; he could vaguely see the outline of Applejack but what was amiss was he could see the outline of four of her. Night Tracer lifted his hoof to put it on top of the rag and rubbed it as she explained that she'd do something but, "what," wasn't understood even though his ears strained, trying to catch a few of her words.


Night tried to pick himself up but before he could lift himself more than a few inches off the ground his hoof began to wobble like a wacky waving tube at a used cars retail depot. Unfortunatley, it resulted in him losing his balance and hitting the hard floor again. "Agh," hissing, and shutting his eyes tightly.


The disfugured mustang reached up to Applejack with his free hoof and in a few seconds he was trying to balance on his hind hooves before settling down on his forelegs.


Night Tracer stood up next to her, "Thanks," he said while looking down towards her hooves; it hurt too much to look straight. His vision began to become a little less foggy but it was still distorted; Night Tracer, turned around to look at the damage that had been done. The stool that was leaned against was split at it's base then crushed into uneven pieces from there on up. He scruffed up the floors but was unable to make that out, however, it was impossible for him to miss the blood splattered over the edge of the bar corner. He glanced to see the demolition site and there was more blood, unlike the countertop it was more of a thick pool. The blood that had oozed accumulated into one thick, sticky, icky mess. His nose crunged and a quiet, dismal, "Bleh," escaped


He turned to Applejack and stuttered, "Ya-ya s-sure ya d-d-don't-a want me help." Night said goofily with his jaw slightly agape and tongue just barely hanging out the side--sure looked like a goofball; don't mind the blood and scarce amount of carnage behind him, and he would look quite cute. Sure--pretty ditzy but strangely enough the clutz managed to look adorable. An adorable fool, only issue would be disregarding the blood. Which, wasn't going to happen. 

Edited by Tacoma


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@@Fractured, @@The Down Trotten,


Calibur furrowed his brow as he listened to Celestia’s words. He wasn’t really considering going through that portal was he? The stallion hesitated for a moment before muttering under his breath, “Oh screw me.”


“Hey? Could you two do me a favor?” He asked to the two ponies leaving the room, “Tell the receptionist that Calibur will be back he’s just got something to take care of first. I’d really appreciate it.”


“If I don’t get myself killed…” He muttered to himself again before jumping through the portal himself. The world beyond the portal was worse than he imagined, maybe it was portal itself but he immediately felt queasy after stepping through. Calibur keeled over as he tried to orient himself to the sudden change of atmosphere, “...I think I’m gunna hurl.”

Edited by Star Saber
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Vera was so taken by Kazas's change of mood, and his words. Not only did Vera finally feel she was being listened to, but also, felt as though she did something productive, and constructive by helping him out. Now that she was face-to-face once again with the griffon she loved, she couldn't help but cry of happiness. She threw her forelegs around Kazas in a hug as tears started to run down her face.


"Kazas....thank you. You mean everything to me, and I feel so happy knowing you feel better.....I'm just...speechless...."


Kazas, taken somewhat by surprise from Vera's embrace, answered with wrapping his own foreclaws around her, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder. Of course, fully armored, he did not know if it would be comfortable for Vera to cry unto a metal cuirass. So in order to circumvent any discomfort she would have as she let out her welled up tears, Kazas reached for his backside, and took hold of the crimson mantle that marked his standing as a commanding figure. Slowly bringing it up to her face as he gently drew back, he wiped away her tears as they came rolling down delicately. The fabric of the mantle was actually quite flocculent, and would provide great comfort. 


" Sometimes words don't do emotions justice, Vera. And as I mean that much to you, know that you hold a unique placing within my heart, a position that I feel that only you can occupy. And If I were to lose you somehow... I feel as though it would be a permanent void that nothing could fill."


Kazas smiled at her, and managed to steal a slow smooch upon her cheek as he held Vera closely to his being. 


" Take all the time you need, Vera. Let it all out. I love you."




"You do?" Tyra asked, eyes widening and her jaw going agape for a moment. She just barely survived her fight with Lorec, which seemed to last a lifetime, and now this supposed deity wanted to battle Caliber?!


"There is no doubt, Caliber is an incredible fighter," She continued, grinning up at the large minotaur, "I have fought him before, so I know. Just, know that the two of you will find a great challenge within each other."


" I hope so, Shatterhoof. 100 years of boredom, and not even a single damn warrior worth my time has appeared. I was beginning to think I'd run out of options to cure the doldrums. oooooooohhh, I can imagine it now.... our blades clashing and adrenaline pumping, locked in intense combat.... How I've longed for this! of course, I'd consider you for a challenge too, if I felt that you were actually ready. And of course, the Beast of Sadauris, I'm not allowed to touch... such a shame."


Lorec, still flabbergasted at the events unfolding, had many questions that he wanted to ask his apparent god, but would not get the chance, for as soon as he opened his mouth, the pale hide stormbringer would only ask a question of his own, this time, directed to both.


" So... Do you really wish to know the true reason I dragged you both into this poor imitation of paradise?"





The old mage, Alrahm, had trotted out of the medical facility, quite sure that his fellow keeper Lorec and Kazas's new apparent love interest were left within capable hooves, especially since the Inaros' heir was present with them. Alrahm chuckled to himself as he predicted Kazas's response as he trotted out. Right now, Kazas was probably being a hopeless romantic as he watched over and cared for his injured mate, using loaded, yet proper language to express his affections to the mare.


And what a catch Kazas had made. definitely a smoker, by the scent. Not only that, but she seemed brash, coarse, and even somewhat improper, from how she spoke and acted around himself and the other keepers. Alrahm was quite adept on picking up on even the most subtle social cues, as was his extremely observant nature, tempered by years of tutoring, research, and of course, field work. How such a lady attracted the likes of a straight arrow that was Kazas baffled Alrahm. Maybe the cliche of ' opposites attract' really did hold at least a smidgen of truth.


the grizzled unicorn, in silver and blue robes that would suggest a respectable mage, sporting bifocals, and what seemed to be a crystalline, translucent staff that he used to help himself get around, was contemplating and stroking his aged, gray, grizzled beard. He thought about the future of the Divine Retribution Order, the impact that this new factor which was Kazas's star-crossed lover could have upon it, and Lorec's ascension to a higher sphere of power. Where Kazas led by heart and emotion, Alrahm differed to logic and reason as being the truest means of great leadership. While, as a being, Alrahm could respect Kazas for his nobility, humility, sense of justice, and kindness, it was hard to stomach Kazas's policies at times. Where Kazas would forgive one who was a major threat to society and allow them another chance, Alrahm would have logically eliminated said threat, ensuring future peace and mitigating possible damages in the near future. Where Kazas would attempt diplomacy with even the most stubborn of beings, Alrahm would already have dozens of strategies formulated in his head in order to lay waste to his enemies.


Was Alrahm by any means heartless? Of course not. He had a wife, a child, and a grandchild, and loved them dearly. He gave free tutoring to those struggling students who desperately needed the extra push in order to get through their schooling. However, battles were different, and any who would dare threaten his way of life demanded existential removal, an action that he had no quarrels with, if required. Of course, the mental barriers that Alrahm had which dictated the euthanasia of another were quite numerous, and seldom broken. And for many, that is a great relief, considering that he was the second most powerful keeper within the D.R.O. He was Alrahm Velle, keeper of the windigo monarch, Serro, and an undisputed aegis of magical talent that lorded over the element of water and ice as if he were one with it. And even at the golden age of 62, he was a true force to be weary of. Knowledge was power, and knowledge is something Alrahm had an overabundance of. 


Straying out near the arena's entry area in an effort to get back home and head to bed, Alrahm noticed a peculiar specimen before him. A stag, rarely seen around this area of Equestria. With his cloudy vision, Alrahm was in no shape to observe from afar, so he decided to trot slowly closer to this creature, hoping to record notes of social skills, habits, and miscellaneous information for future posterity. It probably would not be long until he was noticed...

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas, taken somewhat by surprise from Vera's embrace, answered with wrapping his own foreclaws around her, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder. Of course, fully armored, he did not know if it would be comfortable for Vera to cry unto a metal cuirass. So in order to circumvent any discomfort she would have as she let out her welled up tears, Kazas reached for his backside, and took hold of the crimson mantle that marked his standing as a commanding figure. Slowly bringing it up to her face as he gently drew back, he wiped away her tears as they came rolling down delicately. The fabric of the mantle was actually quite flocculent, and would provide great comfort. " Sometimes words don't do emotions justice, Vera. And as I mean that much to you, know that you hold a unique placing within my heart, a position that I feel that only you can occupy. And If I were to lose you somehow... I feel as though it would be a permanent void that nothing could fill." Kazas smiled at her, and managed to steal a slow smooch upon her cheek as he held Vera closely to his being. " Take all the time you need, Vera. Let it all out. I love you."

Vera continued to cry. She was simply overjoyed, and thrilled by Kazas's happiness. It was interesting, because never before had she gotten emotional over anything in her life. Probably because nothing actually meant to her in life other than money. Until now. Kazas had changed her life, and nothing would ever change that.


"I love you too."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The figure lying on the ground stirred, his eyes  flickering open.


Yawning wearily, Enzo used his magic to dig out his antlers which had somehow impaled themselves into the dirt while he was asleep. Steadily getting onto his hooves, he shook the rest of the filth off his coat, occasionally using a bubble of telekinesis to brush the stubborn bits off.


"Congratulations. You arrive at possibly the largest arena in equestria, full of honor and glory to be earned by merit and you take a 3 hour nap in the dirt"


Enzo stretched for a while: the hard surface didn't do his body any favours.


"Your point being?"


"Well, an arena as large as this ought to be filled with veteraned warriors, mages full of ancient wisdom and the bravest pegasi in all of equestria. Adding together the girlish screams you made when you were falling from the sky and aforementioned nap in the dirt, i think you have quite possibly made your best first impression yet."


".....Point taken. Hey, you can't fault me for screaming? Ha, i bet you screamed like a little girl on the inside as we were falling"


"When you get swung around at breakneck speeds on a daily basis, you tend to grow numb to the feeling of falling." Khris deapanned. "While on the topic of first impressions, there's an old unicorn slowly approaching you over there"




Straying out near the arena's entry area in an effort to get back home and head to bed, Alrahm noticed a peculiar specimen before him. A stag, rarely seen around this area of Equestria. With his cloudy vision, Alrahm was in no shape to observe from afar, so he decided to trot slowly closer to this creature, hoping to record notes of social skills, habits, and miscellaneous information for future posterity. It probably would not be long until he was noticed...



Enzo turned his head to observe the newcomer. Clutching a staff and rocking a beard, this one was obviously old.


"You see the robes? This one's a wizard. Alright, here's your chance at redemption. An old mage like this, filled with wisdom and experience, wants to be treated with respect and-"


"Hey there gramps!" Enzo yelled, a wide grin adorning his face and waving a hoof in the air.


"-you never, ever, bloody listen to me"

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" I hope so, Shatterhoof. 100 years of boredom, and not even a single damn warrior worth my time has appeared. I was beginning to think I'd run out of options to cure the doldrums. oooooooohhh, I can imagine it now.... our blades clashing and adrenaline pumping, locked in intense combat.... How I've longed for this! of course, I'd consider you for a challenge too, if I felt that you were actually ready. And of course, the Beast of Sadauris, I'm not allowed to touch... such a shame."


Lorec, still flabbergasted at the events unfolding, had many questions that he wanted to ask his apparent god, but would not get the chance, for as soon as he opened his mouth, the pale hide stormbringer would only ask a question of his own, this time, directed to both.


" So... Do you really wish to know the true reason I dragged you both into this poor imitation of paradise?"


Tyra, hearing Stormbringer's comment that he felt she wasn't ready to face him in battle, felt her face scrunch up with a scowl. Of course she would take such a statement as a challenge.

"Of course I am ready!" She argued, stomping a hoof on the grass beneath her, "I have faced minotaurs before, and I can hold my own against them!"


As for his question, her scowl immediately turned into a small frown of bewilderment. "Aye, I am indeed curious about why we are here..."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Tacoma@@Unicorncob, @@Fractured, @@P-Jay,





As Electron slept in his hospital bed, things started to get worse. His facial expressions changed to that of worrysome fear as he lay there, meaning that something was really going wrong in his mind. The last bit of his past was now being relived in his mind. A part so maddening and crazy, that there were no words in the dictionary to describe it.


(Final Flashback in Electron's head)


The attention Ice was getting made it more difficult for the little colt to actually get his work done. So much so, that Electron had to triple his efforts to keep the crowding ponies off of his friend. However, it wasn't easy. Due to Electron making a promise to Ice to always be there for him when he needed it, as if he was his bodyguard, was getting more and more difficult as time went on. Things actually got worse. One day, the class had a seating arrangement change-up, which was done monthly. The results, weren't exactly the best. Electron was sitting at the back Ice's row, with Ice in the front, and unfortunately, his right wasn't the best view.


"Aw man. Tron's way back there. Well, he can still see me, so I think he'll be fine." It was fine indeed, that is, until a certain unicorn filly, with a purple coat, beautiful, long white hair, bracelets on her forelegs, and wearing a necklace, came to sit down. Her seat was right next to Ice's, "Oh no! NO!!!!!"


"Hey, Ice," Alena said, charmingly, "I bet you're glad to sit next to me..." she said with a wink. She then took out a small lolipop, and started to lick it, she looked at Ice cutely, "Want one, my cute little snowflake?"


"...I am not your 'cute little snowflake'."


"Awwww. You're so cute when you're mad."


Ice slammed his head on the desk, "This is gonna end me....."


Unfortunately, Electron, was stuck several seats behind Ice, and thus, unable to help his friend out. Fortunately however, when the bell for lunch rang, Ice was able to be away from Alena during lunch--for the most part. She was still not giving up on trying to get Ice, and made it difficult for him to even have lunch freely anymore.


As Electron and Ice were walking to their table, Alena tried to stop them, "Hi there, Ice."


"Tron, what do we do? She won't leave me alone!"


"Just ignore her. She'll give up eventually."


The continued to walk past until Alena stopped in front of them both. She then walked to Ice, and hugged him. Rubbing her face against his cheek, and intertwing her tail with his, "Come on, now, Ice. You shouldn't ignore your--marefriend."


When she said that, all the foals nearby immediately fell silent, and looked at them all. Ice was now, blushing, sweating, and extremely uncomfortable. Electron however, wasn't standing for it, and took action. He separated Ice from Alena, and stared her down.


"Hey! Leave him alone!"


"What?! How dare you?! He's mine!"


"No he's not! He's not yours! He's not anyone's!"


"You're just jealous, that Ice is in love with me, and that he doesn't care about you. And thathis powers make him better than you!"


"No! My powers don't make me better than anypony! I'm just a regular pony like you!"


"Yeah! His powers don't matter, it's his personality that does. And Ice doesn't like being around you, so leave him alone!"


"Yeah! You're mean, Alena. I'm NOT gonna be your coltfriend.You're so.....mean."


"But...but....grr....fine! See if I care!"


Alena huffed, and walked away with her head held high like her parents had taught her. The other foals were still staring at Ice and Electron, "Dabuck ya'll lookin' at?"


Everypony continued to do what they were doing before the incident, and Ice spoke, "Wow...thanks, Tron. You saved me there."


"Yeah, but come class time, you're gonna have to sit next to her, and I'll be in the back of the class. And I won't be there to help you..." He grew a sad frown as his ears drooped. He felt sad knowing that his friend would be subjected to having to deal with Alena all the time during class, and being unable to help.


"Hey. Don't worry about it. I can manage. In fact, she's the least my worries. I wanna help get you in shape for the math test. So, let's go study some more, ok?"




The colts continued to go about their ways that day. Unfortunately, Ice was still having troubles with Alena, especially when their teacher's back was turned. From passing love notes, to engraving, "IB + AS" inside of hearts on their desks, and even trying to kiss him. It was getting really annoying.


Later that day, when school was over, Ice and Electron bid each other goodbye, leaving Ice to walk to the train, and Electron to walk to his home in town. They noticed a group of fillies on the path to the train, but Ice was ready to try and sneak. He got lo to the ground, and started to run behind rocks, trees, and bushes Sadly, he was spotted when he stepped on a branch.




"Oh no..."


"Look! There he is!" The fillies instantly gathered around Ice, as Alena hugged him, "He's my sweet little snowflake."


"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not--"


He was cut off by the fillies shouting, "Alena and Ice, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G~! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage~!"


Electron was watching the whole thing, and wanted to run over there, and push all of the fillies off of Ice, but remembered, that he couldn't hit a girl for any reason. He stayed where he was, hoping that it would end  soon.


Alena didn't seem to mind the song. In fact, she liked the attention she was getting. Ice on the other hand, felt more embarrassed than ever before in his young life as a colt. Eventually, Ice's mom, Yuki, had stepped off the train to pick up her son. The fillies knew who it was, and started to walk away, blowing kisses, and saying goodbye to Ice.


Ice was so embarrassed, that he stood there, blushing and shocked at the same time. When Yuki nudged her son, he didn't even move, "Icesius? Time to go home." She looked up to see the fillies running off, "Were those your friends?" Ice still didn't answer. Yuki decided to pick up her son, and carry him on her back to the train, "School must be really fun for you. I'm really proud of you, Ice. You're the top student, and you've made friends. Keep it up, son. Keep it up." Unfortunately, Yuki didn't even know half of it. Had she knew, she would've immediately asked the school, and Alena's parents. But, she didn't.



Electron knew. He saw everything that had happened, and once again, failed to be there for his friend, whom he promised to protect. This was really starting to take a heavy toll on Electron's shoulders. As he walked home, he felt sadder, and sadder. Starting to question whether or not he was a good friend.


"I said I'd always be there to protect him. I promised. Ice is the best guy I ever knew. He's smart, he's helpful, and supportive. He's always helped me with my schoolwork, but now...I can't seem to keep a simple promise that i made. Grr...not anymore. Tomorrow, I don't care who messes with Ice, he's my buddy, and I'm not gonna let anyone do anything to him ever again!"


He ran all the way back home after he gained some inspiration from his friend, and slept on it that night.


The next day, a letter went out to all the parents of the students. School wouldn't be held that day due to a massive storm being over the general area of Central Equestria. Nopony went to school that day, so Ice got a break from Alena, but he missed Electron more. Electron on the other hand, was stuck inside that day, worrying about what he'd do to protect his friend when he needed it, tomorrow.


Since he couldn't think, Electron decided to go outside, and take a walk. He was told to stay near the house, and to come inside immediately when it started to rain. There wasn't much happening in the sky, mostly dark clouds and distant thunder.


"I know there's something I can do. But what? I don't like telling on anypony, because I'm no snitch. Maybe I could just push her away like I did last time. But what about when there's a lot of them? It's all really confusing. Maybe I should--"


The thunder got closer, and with several low rumbles, it started to sprinkle. Then, the pitter-patter of rainfall could be heard, which then made Electron realize it was time to return.


"Oh no, the rain! Better get back."


He ran back the way he came, his hooves splishing along the wet ground. The close her he got to home, the faster the rain started to fall. The thunder started to rumble more frequently as well. After a bit of running, Electron had finally made it back to his house. By then, he was soaking wet from the rain, and was ready to get inside to dry off. He was about to open his front door to go back inside, when all of a sudden, a bolt of lighting came down from the sky, and instantly struck Electron's body with a flash. The energy from the bolt traveled up his spinal column, and straight to his brain. After which, he fell to the ground, with his eyes closed, motionless.


His parents heard the scream and ran to the door. Opening it, they saw their son, on the ground, and were in shock. His mother, Thunderlight Storm, (an orange pegasus mare with blue eyes), passed out on the spot at the sight of her son on the ground. While his father, Voltron Storm, (a yellow pegasus stallion with black eyes), grabbed his son, and flew as fast as he could to the nearest hospital, where Electron was put in the ER.


After passing out and waking up, Electron's mother managed to gather herself, and go to the hospital. Once both parents were at the hospital waiting room, they began to cry in fear of whether their son would make it or not. After a while, a doctor came through the door, and explained how Electron was.


"Your son is going to be alright. It looked pretty bad at first, but after further inspection we found that he would indeed survive. Amazingly, he can still walk and talk and think perfectly fine. That's the good news. Now, the bad news is that a few of his brain cells seemed to have been shocked badly, and are no longer functional. Apparently the bolt came from a defective cloud. It reportedly has too much voltage packed into one single cloud, causing it to go haywire, and struck a specific set of brain cells that helped him understand compassion and sympathy. After the first few days, he may not show any changes, but over time, he will start to exhibit more aggressive behavior. Because of that, I'm going to give you a prescription that will help migitate this behavior. Give it to him twice a day, in the morning and at night. If his behavior persists, then contact me immediately. And one more thing, he may end up losing a bit of his memory when he gets older, so try and make sure he remembers everything."


By now, Electron was wearing nothig more than a cast on his head after undergoing several hours of medical procedures. He then walked out to his parents, however with one key difference, his eyes were now red instead of gray.




His parents were speechless. They both began to cry, and hug their son happily. No words in the dictionary could describe how scared they were before they knew Electron was ok. Now that they knew he'd be fine, they were happier beyond any level.


"We love you, son..." they both said.


"I love you guys, too."


After getting a prescription for Electron, he and his family returned to their house, to sleep off the drama for the night.


The next morning, was calm and clear. Birds were singing, a small breeze was blowing, and clean-up crews had finished their cleaning operations, and had removed most of the debris from the town. Electron had taken his morning prescription, and walked to school. When he got there, he saw his friend Ice once again, and greeted him.


"Hey, Ice! What up?"


"Hey, Tron. Guess what? Alena's sick, and can't come to school. Meaning that she won't be messing with me for one full week!"


"Awesome. Can't wait to get in there and ace some tests!"




Things went a lot smoother that day with Alena gone. However, Electron was starting to seem a bit--different. He wasn't talking to Ice as much, and was a lot more quiet. Maybe something was wrong? Lunch, however, was starting of same as normal with Ice and Electron sitting at their usual table, until they were confronted.


"...And that's how my powers work."


"Holy moly, that's interesting."


"Yup and-- heads up, Tron, we got company."


"So, Ice. I heard you were Alena's coltfriend. How do you feel stealing somone from somepony?"


"Huh? I never stole anypony. And I'm definetly not her coltfriend."

"Riiiight. You say that, yet she told everypony that you were her coltfriend. You've got some nerve stealing her from me."


Electron wasn't in the mood today. He had had enough before the other colt could even finish. He got up, and got right in his face, "Shut up! He's nopony's coltfriend, and for darn sure not with Alena! So get outta here with your lame excuses!"


The colt who had confronted them, fell to the ground in fear, and ran off. Ice was astounded, "Wow. That was new, Tron."


"Yeah, but he had so business bothering you. Come on, we're late for class."


Ice was confused, but shrugged it off. This new Electron was different, but he couldn't complain much considering how much it did help. From that point forward, throughout the week, Ice and Electron were no longer messed with, nor bullied. On the flip side, the prescription Electron was given by the doctor didn't seem to be helping his aggression. It got worse and worse along the week, with Electron even pushing some bullies around to defend Ice.



What was worse, was that there was a small part of him that disliked the fact that Ice was getting so much attention. Was it for his powers? His popularity? The part of his accident that affected his sympathy showed, even when Ice was involved. The first day Alena was back in school, Electron handled things differently. As he made his way around the corner to go to school, he saw Ice, once again, being surrounded by fillies on account of Alena's teasing.



"Darn it, Ice. Again? Hmph. Nopony notices me like that, but he seems to get all the attention. He's still my friend, but I don't know if I can help. Messing with fillies isn't my thing. Besides, Ice has his powers. I'm pretty sure he can find a way out of that."


With that, he simply walked to school, and left Ice alone, figuring that he could use his powers to find his own way out. Not even recognizing the fact that he had a promise to keep. This was all due to that lightning bolt. It had caused his normal, defensive nature to change to less and less social as the days went by. Even though Electron took his medicine at home, school, is where his attitude changed most.


Along with being slower to jump and help his friend Ice, Electron was starting to feel, albeit minutely, jealous of him due to his powers, and how seemingly popular he had gotten because of them. Ice would always be crowded by other foals due to how amazing his powers looked, and Electron would always be left out. One could blame Ice for getting his powers in the first place, however, that would be unjust. Rather, one should focus on the fact that Electron wasn't steeping to his defense as often anymore, and started to feel jealous of his own friend for getting attention. At the same time, it wasn't really all his fault due to the fact that Ice had nearly forgotten about his friend at some points.


It was time for recess once again, and Ice was ready to make sand and ice castles with his friend Electron in the sandbox. However, this was shortstopped on the spot. As soon as Ice exited the classroom to locate the sandbox that was across the schoolyard, he was crowded by his classmates and--who else?-- Alena.


"Off to the sandbox~ off to the sandbox~ off to the-- Not again."


"Everypony, gather around. I wanna tell you all that Ice and I are dating now..." Alena said, rubbing her face against Ice's neck.


A rousing, "OOOhhhh" emitted from the foals in unison. Ice however, was getting tired, and backed up, "Look, Alena. You're a nice girl and all," which was a complete lie, "But I'm not dating you, I'm not your coltfriend, and the way things are going. I never will be. You're rude, manipulative, and annoying the heck out of me." He turned to his classmates, "And the rest of you, please stop crowding me. I mean, I may have ice powers, and they seem cool, but if all you like me for is my powers, then you're not real friends are you?"


"But, they are your real friends. They like you, you're popular, and you have me. Why can't you be happy?!"


"Because! None of what you're doing is making me feel happy! You've done nothing but tease me, and cause me more trouble since you've known me, and I'm starting to get irritated just looking at you!"




"Oh, yeah, by the way. You wanna make me happy?" He got right in her face, "Never speak to me again!"


Alena was so shocked by what Ice had done, she was speechless for a moment, until she got an idea. She instantly started to fake cry, and ran off, leaving Ice with the group of foals. She ran behind a nearby wall, and stopped, "Nopony messes with me and gets away with it! I'll get my revenge, Ice Blizzard!"


The crying sounded real enough to make the group of foals that were left behind to think that Ice had really hurt Alena's feelings. They all started to look at him angrily, "Come on, guys. I-It wasn't that harsh was it?"


The mean looks persisted, until Ice had run off, and finally met Electron at the sandbox. Electron spoke in disgust, "You're late....again. recess is almost over."


"I'm sorry. I got...wrapped up."


"With your marefriend?"


"What? No! I..um, well..."


"Look, Ice. I'm gonna be frank. The last few days we've been hanging out less and less. I'm starting to think you're forgetting me, and maybe you've found other friends to hang out with."


"That's not true!"


"Please tell me you're telling the truth. Because I can't stand being shunned all the time, and whatnot. Plus, I think you're getting all the attention for your powers, am I right?"




"Dude. I'm serious. If we wanna stay friends, we can't be forgetting each other. It'll only cause thing to get worse, alright? Promise me you'll try."


"I give you my word."


The school bell rang, and they had to go inside for class. With Electron feeling left out, it only made Ice want to try that much harder to stand by his friend. It was also conflicting, because if Ice was unable to stick by him, then Electron wouldn't be able to keep his promise for watching out for him. As well, due to the amount of infamy that Ice was getting from having, "hurt," Alena's feelings, he was getting a lot of shady looks from other colts in the classroom. He was staring to lose his good reputation among his peers.


Over the next few days, Ice continued to be surrounded by more and more bullies who were friends of Alena. They were angry at him for making her feel sad. This was causing him to hang out with Electron even less, until one day, they were approached by two colts in the schoolyard.


"Well, well, well. If it isn't the kid who made Alena cry."


"It wasn't my fault! She wouldn't leave me alone!"


"You didn't have to make her cry, you know."


"Yeah well...what are you gonna do about it?"


"Nothing. Alena knows how to get her revenge. You never should have done that!"


"Oh, please. What do they know, right, Tron? ...Tron?"


Electron was now at his breaking point. After being ignored for many weeks, he was ready to blow his lid, "Ice....maybe he's right."


"Exac-- wait..what?!"


"You heard me. All this time you've only been around those fakers, who aren't even you're real friends, and then you stab me in the back by shunning me!"


Electron's voice was loud enough to cause the rest of the foals to gather around and listen, "Wh-what? Electron...why?"


"Ever since you got your powers, all you've done was hang out with all the other kids, and forget me! Is that fair to you?!"


"I don't hang out with them! They crowd around me, and annoy the ever living heck out of me all day! I never get a break from them. I try to hang out with you, Electron, and be your friend, I do my best, really."


"Apparently not. First you got famous for getting your powers, and now you're plummeting because you talked smack to the most popular girl in school, and you know what...I think you deserve it."


Ice almost began to cry when he heard that from his friend, "Wh-why...?"


"You deserve every single amount of infamy you get for shunning your real friend; me. If you had stuck by me, like I promised to do for you when we first me, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But since you didn't, I'm staring to think you're not a real friend at all."


"But...Tron...I am your real friend. We can fix this, I promise.."


"Really? 'Promise'? You broke your promise to try and stand by me no matter what. At recess you never come to play, and at lunch, you're never sitting at our usual table, so tell me, what's you're problem, man?!"


"I'm not the one with a problem! You must have a problem if you think I'd ever do that do you!"


"I don't have time for this! If you can't admit that you were shunning me, then I can't be your friend anymore!"


"But I....I want to..."


"It's too late. You've had your chance, and you blew it." He turned to leave, and after a few moments, Electron had realized what he was saying, and was in complete shock. He turned back around to see Ice with tears in his eyes, "Ice, I'm...I...."


He couldn't get any words out, and ran off. It had been time for everypony to go home that day, anyway. Electron ran all the way back to his house, and felt as though a dark cloud was looming over his head. Literally. A pony with googly eyes was carrying a cloud over him, on accident.


That night, Electron looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, he noticed that his eyes were a different color, and said, "What's wrong with me?"


He then went to bed, and laid down to sleep. His mom, Thunderlight, came into his room, and sat down on his bed, "Is everything ok, sweetie?"


Electron sat up to his mom, and said, "I don't know, mom."


"You wanna talk about it?"




"What's wrong?"


"Well...You know my friend Ice Blizzard?"




"He and I got into a fight, and well, pretty much what the problem is is that, I'm getting more angry, because Ice seemse to get more attention. It's probably because of his powers, and the fact that he was at first, thought to be dating the most popular girl in school, then, he told her off, and now everypony dislikes him for hurting her feelings. And then I told him off, because I thought he was always hanging out with everyone who thought he was cool, only for his powers."


Electron's mom was stunned for a few moments before speaking, "I see. It sounds as though you should try and repair your friendship. It'll only get worse if you don't."


"I know, but...that lightning bolt. For some reason I'm starting to care less and less about him, as well as getting jealous."


"Electron, nothing can take away who you really are. You can make amends with him, I know it."


"Mom...has the doctor said anything about if I'm doing better?"


"Well, he said that the prescription is taking longer than normal to have its effect, and that you may still act a bit more aggressive. Why do you ask?"


"Mom. I have something I want to ask."


The question he asked his mom surprised her, but after an explanation, she understood completely, "If you're 100% sure..."


"I am, mom. Please."


"Alright. Would you like to tell him yourself?"


"I couldn't do that, it'd make him sad. Can you write out a note for me, and give it to the teacher to give to him?"


"Sure, honey. But in the morning, it's late."


"Thanks, mom. You're the best."


And for the first time in a while, Electron was able to sleep soundly. He finally felt that he had a solution to his problem, and that by tomorrow, it'd be all over.


(Because Electron isn't present at this part of the flashback, this is telling from Ice's POV)

The next day, Ice got to school, but Electron wasn't there. It was strange to him, considering the fact that he didn't call in sick or anything. He decided to ask the other students, but they had no clue. Some of other students he asked didn't want to even speak with him after what they thought he had done to Alena. School went normally, except for the fact that this time, at lunch, Ice sat all alone, sad, and wondering where his best friend was. Alena however, took advantage of the opportunity, and sat next to Ice, close enough for their cutie marks to touch.


"Hey, my little snowflake. Is your 'friend' not here? What a shame."


Ice wasn't listening. He was worried about where Electron might be. A sudden clunking on his head brought him back down to earth. It was Alena tapping on him, "Hello...? Blizzy? You listening to me?"


Ice turned his head, and saw her. He muttered in a low voice, "Oh. It's you. What do you want?"


"Well...since I'm nice, I plan to give you another chance. If you take back what you said about me before, you can still be my boyfriend, and maaaybe, I'll let you have some silver from my parent's mine. So whadddya say, baby?" She asked, slowly licking Ice's cheek, and kissing him.


Ice was disgusted, and his natural reflex would have been to push her off of him. However, he kept his cool, stood up, and backed away, "I'm sorry, Alena. I said no. I want nothing to do with you, ever. Go away, please."


Alena's expression changed from cute to angry in an instant. She got so angry, that her veins were almost visible. She then walked closer to Ice with the most intimidating tone she had ever taken, "What did you say?"


"Leave me alone. Bye-bye. Go. Vamoose. I want nothing to do with you."


Alena broke internally, and in that instant, she slapped Ice across his face, hard enough for it to leave a mark. She then got crafty. She hit herself in the face hard enough to leave a mark, and said quietly, "Wrong choice, babe. You could've chose, me, but now you're gonna pay..."


She ran off fake crying to the teacher, "Ms. Dots! Ms. Dots! Ice hit me!"


Ice was walking to the school nurse, when the teacher and Alena spotted him, "There he is! He hit me, and I hit him back, but I was defending myself! He's savage!"


"What? No. You gotta believe me. Id never hit a girl!"


Alena was now crying as she spoke to sell it, "Ms. Dots, I wish I didn't have to hit him back, but he was trying to beat me up, and I had no choice." As she was fake crying, she shot Ice an evil look.


"Come on! You're not gonna believe her are you?"


Their teacher, Ms. Dots, was an orange mare with long hair, and glasses. Some colts nicknamed her "hot teach," with good reason. She sighed, "I'm sorry, Ice. But I have no choice. Meet me in detention after school."




Alena and their teacher walked off. Alena even stuck her tongue out at Ice to add a literal insult to injury.


After school, Ice now had a bandage on his cheek, and was still confused to where his buddy was. He went to detention, and he was the only one there besides his teacher who had her hind hooves up on the desk like a lazy executive, and reading a magazine. Ice meanwhile, had taken a seat and began to read from his grandfather's book.


Thirty minutes had passed when Ms. Dots remembered something, "Oh, Ice. Electron's mom wanted me to give this to you." She handed Ice a note with writing on it.


The note was written by Electron's mom, but in the words of himself. It read:


Dear Icesius Blizzard,


I'm very sorry for being mean to you the other day, and I couldn't bring myself to tell you this in person. As you may have noticed, I wasn't acting myself lately. This is because I was hit by a lightning bolt from a defective cloud. The cloud was said to have too much voltage packed into it. Anyway, after I was hit, my brain was messed up, and I couldn't feel sympathetic anymore. I was also starting to have an increase with my aggression. I was taking a prescription to help fight it, but it wasn't really working due to my brain not having the right cells it needed to be normal.


I talked with my mom, and she said I should try and fix the problem we had with our friendship. But because of my increasing aggression, and jealousy towards you, it'd never get solved. So, the only way I figured I could solve this was to move away. That's right, buddy, I'm moving to Manehattan and starting at a new school tomorrow. I'm not moving because I hate you, Ice. I'm moving away because of myself.


You're my friend, and I would never forgive myself if I ended up hurting you, so I decided to leave before I ended up doing just that. As well as the fact that, I made a promise to always protect you. And if I ever hurt you...I'd hate myself. What's more is that we may never see each other again unless I decide to visit. But because of my increasing aggression to others, I may not ever be the same again, so I had to write this out with what little air of friendliness I had left.


So to you, Ice. I leave you my one sole earthly possession. Just ask Ms. Dots for it on the way out from school. Take care of yourself, Ice. I know I won't be around to protect you, but know that I'll never be around to hurt you.


Love, Electron Wave Storm. Your friend. 8D.



Tears began to fall from Ice face onto the paper. Ice had never felt more sad in his life. One of his best friends, gone. Never to see each other again. This started to cause him to cry aloud, to which his teacher responded by giving him a hug.


"It's ok, Ice. I know what it's like to lose a friend. He also wanted me to give you this."


She then gave Ice the other of what EWS wanted him to have. It was a poorly drawn picture of Ice Blizzard, and Electron high-hoofing each other with the words, "FRIENDS 4EVUR" drawn in crayon.


Ice took it, and started to cry a lot more. He felt so bad that he would never see one of his best friends again. His one friend that had protected him since they first met, only to turn around and have to leave the school to protect him a few months later. It was like a savage lion cub had left his best friend that was a tiny baby ducking, in fear of that one day, he would end up hurting him, and right now, Ice was that little ducking that was left behind.


"I know this must be hard for you, and that you're going though a lot with Electron, so just this once, I won't tell your mother about what happened, ok?"


"Ok...thank you."


Ice wept for the rest of his detention. Once it was finally over, the train had pulled into the city, and his mom had picked him from school. They started to walk back to the train, when his mom asked, "You ok, Ice? You seem....off."


Ice showed his mom the note, and she hugged him, "Oh. I'm sorry, honey. Electron was a good friend of yours. And if he's leaving to keep you safe, then he still must care about you."


"I know, mom. He's one of my best friends. If he's gone to keep me safe, then I know he'll always be my friend forever."


The both boarded the train and left for their home in the north.


(1 hour earlier, EWS's POV)

Electron and his family were already on the train to Manehattan. They had already had an apartment picked out, and were making plans for Electron's new school.


"Are you sure this is what you wanted, son?" his father asked.


"Positive. If I'm gonna get more aggressive before this stuff takes effect, then I don't want my best friend Ice to have to deal with me being angry at him. He doesn't deserve that. I just hope he'll make it without me."


"If he's as tough as you say he is, I'm sure he'll be fine," his mother said.


"Yeah, whatever," Electron mumbled. The long term effects of the shock were worsening, and being away from Ice was all he could do to keep himself sane.


"Goodbye my friend."


(Ten years later)

After Ice graduated, he had decided to check out homes in Ponyville when he was 15. Electron on the other hand, was already there, and working as a weather pony at 15. The medicine he was supposed to take, only mitigated his aggression somewhat, and he was still in the mentality of the fact that Ice had shunned him, and his powers were what made him feel superior. He also, suffered a bit of memory loss, and didn't remember 100% of the entire ordeal. So when he and Ice met up again in Ponyville after ten years--


"E-electron? Is that you?" he asked in awe.


"Snowball....it's you..." he said in anger.


And from then on, Electron's hatred for Ice had fueled their rivalry for more than three years. Even to this very day, his jealousy and anger towards Ice in tandem with his slight amnesia, has always made him hate Ice, but there was always the part of Electron who drew that picture that dwells inside of him. He just hasn't found it yet.



In the real world, Electron's heart rate was increasing, and the monitor was beeping like a video game. Soon after, Electron woke up out of his sleep, and started to scream like crazy, "AHHHHH!"


The doctors rushed to his room, and tried to contain his craziness. They injected him with an anesthetic that'd keep him out for a bit longer. With this, he should wake up soon, and shouldn't have felt a thing.

Edited by J.R.
  • Brohoof 2


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Moondancer turned to Talon, momentarily shooting him a soft, but incredulous look. Talon returned the gesture. She slowly turned back to Ice Blizzard, curiosity etched on her face.


"Actually, little pony, I think you should answer those questions first." Talon lazily wove his way over to Moondancer's right shoulder, where he could stare Ice Blizzard in the eyes. "Given the circumstances, we have no reason to trust you, nor give you any crucial information." He laid back down, still looking at Ice Blizzard, unblinking, while Moondancer watched him silently out of the corner of her eye. "Prove to us we can trust you."





"Wow, that's really amazing." Silver Spoon smiled, but it quickly faltered as she continued walking.


"I've never had anypony telling me what to, outside of Di, or my parents. And sometimes, not even them." She looked back up at Jade, smiling again. "So, your master, what's he like?"




@Star Saber@The Down Trotten


Princess Celestia watched Calibur as he passed through the portal, slowly nodding to herself as he went through. Then, without a pause of hesitation, she stepped through the portal, the black scar slowly closing itself up behind her.


As soon she stepped through the other side, she begin to feel the familiar queasy feeling and strange sensations, like she was being pulled in every direction at once. Philomena shivered next to her, despite the warmth that she usually brought. Celestia frowned; this world was already starting to eat her magic, and she wouldn't have much time here. She duly took in the sight of the scar to the other world sealing itself up behind her, then paused as a familiar sight caught in the corner of her eye. She stopped, looking at a perfect reflection of her sister. Her eyes darted over to Sunset Shimmer.


"It's Chrysalis," her former student explained. She nodded in confirmation, but kept staring at the figure until the portal finally closed, plunging them into darkness save the light from Philomena and Sunset Shimmer's horn. Two more joined them, Trixie and Celestia, giving the group at least enough light to see each other.


"Keep moving forward, no matter what happens," Celestia warned, the little golden light stepping forward to the front of the group. Trixie and Sunset Shimmer followed a little bit behind her.


"I actually ended up isolating myself," Trixie explained to Lektra as she walked. "I guess first out of a desire to make somepony happy, and then to prove that pony wrong when I couldn't. But I only ended up making everything worse." Her ears flip-flopped as she heard faint noises in the background around her. A barely audible mysterious howling...





Applejack sighed openly; at this rate, he wasn't going to be much help to her, or himself.


"First day here, and you darn near kill yourself," she muttered. Pulling her head under his mid-section, she slid him down onto her back, both carrying and balancing him with little to no effort. "This is sure going to be some interesting times..."


She carried him to the bathroom, and when they got there, she slowly slid him off onto the floor. Taking the rag, and washing it out, she began to tend to his injury, doing her best to both stop the bleeding and clean up the wound he had given himself.

Edited by Fractured
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Ice scoffed. Litlle was the last thing he'd ever expect to be called. However, given the circumstances, identification of some kind was crucial to prove his loyalty.


"I see your point," he said, "But then again, I'm more than willing to put forth my loyalty, because I love the princesses." He started to flip through the pages of his grandfather's book, until it flipped to an illustration of his grandfather in the Equestrian Military, and showed it to Moondancer, "Let me show you. This guy right here. My grandftaher. Equestrian General. His loyalty to Celestia was extreme, and it carried down to me as well."


He looked around quickly before pulling out a solid gold medal, showing it to her, "This medal was given to me by the princess herself. It even has her symbol on it. I got this for completing a mission that required going through all nine stages of Tartarus, and what do you know? My team and I made it out alive. The operation was of a high level of security, and secrecy. I don't even think I should be talking about it out here. You can even feel it if you want for authentication. However, I suppose that if you can be trusted, then you'll keep the secret as well, correct?"


Ice made a smug expression. Truthfully he managed to snake his way past a verbal blockade. If Moondancer was as loyal as she  proclaimed, then she would agree to keep it a secret. if she wasn't, well, then Ice would be wasting his time.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Wow, that's really amazing." Silver Spoon smiled, but it quickly faltered as she continued walking.


"I've never had anypony telling me what to, outside of Di, or my parents. And sometimes, not even them." She looked back up at Jade, smiling again. "So, your master, what's he like?"


Jade smiled warmly, humbled by Silver Spoon's praise. "Why, thank you!"


Her smile became more fond at the question, and she looked back up at the sky.

"My master, he is a spectacular teacher," She explained, remembering many moments of her training from a filly to just up to many months ago, "A cranky old stallion who's done more scolding than teaching, but he always knows what he's doing." She added with a smirk.


"Don't get me wrong, though," She quickly continued, looking back down to the filly, "He is a good pony at heart. He wouldn't have personally trained me otherwise."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Good idea Rhetoric, but we should probably wait for Celestia to join us before proceeding." And then a form exited the portal behind us, but it wasn't her.

@@Fractured, @@Star Saber,


 Rhetoric, sighed, with all the power players finally here, he thought it would be best if he simply remained quiet until he was needed, if that ever happened... He chuckled cinicly as he noticed how everyone here had a horn, and therefor magic. Even now he couldn't help but to think about it. Here were the ponies who were going to save the world and only one of them didn't have magic. And he doubted that he was going to be much use from this point. Heaving a sigh at this thought, he figured he might as well pick up a conversation with someone to pass the time and keep the tide of fear at bay.


Looking around to see who wouldn't mind speaking with him he was sort of at a lost "So um...Beatrix, or Celestia...Chrissy... anyone... how about a little conversation? battle stratagems?, favorite tea?...anything?   his voice echoed in the darkness and even among the crowd he felt strangely alone, he shook his head, he couldn't let that fear get hold of him.

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@Fractured, @@The Down Trotten,




“Ugh… I’m fine the world just needs to stop spinning… or is this how it normally is? I can’t tell…” Calibur responded to Lektra as he regained his composure. She asked him about his firearms to which he responded, “Er… they’re mostly mechanical…”


Calibur turned his attention back to the rest of the group; since no one else seemed to be questioning why the queen of the changelings was with them he wouldn’t either. When the portal closed and darkness began to encroach upon them Calibur, without thinking, moved closer to Sunset Shimmer. He turned to her and asked, “So uh… would you mind filling me into what I just jumped into?”

Edited by Star Saber
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Vera continued to cry. She was simply overjoyed, and thrilled by Kazas's happiness. It was interesting, because never before had she gotten emotional over anything in her life. Probably because nothing actually meant to her in life other than money. Until now. Kazas had changed her life, and nothing would ever change that.


"I love you too."


Kazas would pull her in closer to him, and would use the mantle cloth as a cushion between his armor and her head so she wouldn't feel any discomfort. All Kazas could think of was holding her tightly for as long as Vera required. Knowing Lorec was safe as well, he could, with a clear mind and an uplifted heart, concentrate all efforts on his beloved. It was almost strange. Vera was very resistant to the world's attempts to break her, and yet... she was so fragile. And while mercenary work was best handled by those with cold hearts, the ashen griffon had only ever experienced the warmth of her love, which to him, was both a blessing and a privilege. 





Galtos folded his arms once more, and only chuckled a bit before reprimanding Tyra.


" Don't assume that if you've fought one, you have fought them all. Underestimating an opponent is a quick way to lose that life of yours, Shatterhoof. You almost found that out today. Maybe when you're older, stronger, and wiser, but not today. If and when you've become worthy of my time, you'll know... And I have a feeling that you will. "


Immediately shifting to Lorec, Galtos's tone changed to one of utmost seriousness and prideful authority.


" Now, the reason why I dragged you into this place was not only to congratulate you two on a battle well fought, but to ask Lorec to perform the rite of krigarguden."


Lorec, looking perplexed, spoke out. Not in refusal, but in an honest state of confusion.


" ... The rite? But why? That is reserved for when Saduaris is on its last heel, the trump card against any foreign invading force.... reserved for when even the strongest sons of Sadauris have fallen... The song that summons the pale rider.... you."


" Hmph. And a damn good song it is, with power to send fear through the most hardened warriors as they piss themselves in terror, slowly realizing that they have earned the ire of not just myself, but of every single Saduarian that they bled. A Shamanistic spell, invoked by the collective will of our people."


" But you never answered me... Why?"


" Because... I want everyone there to know. I want the princesses to know. I want the citizens of Equestria to know. I want our brethren to know. All creatures within the borders of the equine nation. I want Caliber to know. When that song is heard, and those who understand grasp the meaning, they will know that it beckons a storm."


" It... Will be done."






The old unicorn sighed, and looked quite disappointed in the stag, shaking his head from left to right slowly. Great. He could already tell that this one was very much the social equivalent of Syuren. Not making much of an effort to hide his lack of enthusiasm, given Enzo's response, he would still at least try to make intelligent conversation with this obvious outsider. As he trotted, he spoke in an old, somewhat strained voice.


" Greetings, and salutations. I couldn't help but wish to gather insight upon you. I hope it is not too much of a tedium, but I have never had the opportunity to study one of your kind before. Pray tell, you are a stag, are you not?" 

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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With a soft telekinetic pull, Moondancer grabbed onto Ice Blizzard's medal. She held it up to Talon, who, without hesitation, bit down hard on the medal, before unleashing a small puff of green flames that flashed out around it. After a second, the flames died down; the metal remained unharmed. 


"It's the princesses', alright," he grumbled. Moondancer exchanged one more look with him, before she telekinetically floated the golden piece back over to Ice Blizzard.


"My name's Moondancer, and i'm Princess Luna's top astrologer. I'm staying with the princesses for the duration of their visit here, and I take care of things while they're gone."


She turned her head over to the little dragon currently perched on her shoulder.


"And this is Talon, Luna's-"


"Personal aide," the dragon interjected, giving a small huff of green flames. "Take note, little pony, that the use of the word pet or any phrase similar when referring to my person will constitute grounds for an immediate mauling, and that, while I am nowhere near as strong as the solar princesses pampered pet phoenix, it will sting quite a bit," he said, flexing his front claws in emphasis. Moondancer looked at display, and sighed openly, rolling her eyes dramatically before turning her attention back to Ice Blizzard.


"So, know that you know what you needed to know, do we get to know your name?" She looked at Ice Blizzard expectantly.





"The wise but harsh teacher?" Silver Spoon cracked a small smile. "Sounds like one of the plays I did at the Ponyville Schoolhouse with..." 


Her face fell, and she put out another dejected look.


"Jade? Do you really think I can help her? And that she'll still want to be friends with me? I might have messed up bad this time," she admitted, looking up at her openly as they walked.




"That's what I said!" Screwball shouted suddenly, causing Diamond Tiara to step back again. "I was actually exactly like you when i was younger! Super uptight. Super serious." She deepened her voice for emphasis. " I was throwing everything fun away, but once the madness kicked in, it all started to make sense. Like it will for you!" She grinned widely.

"What." Diamond Tiara stopped dead; time had frozen for her, leaving her at a momentary loss of words.


"Oooh, didn't you know?" Screwball beamed. "Well, since i'm talking about it, I guess you must have always been thinking it, but-

"What. Are. You. Saying?" Diamond Tiara spat. Screwball actually stopped for a moment, paused by the look of rage on Diamond Tiara's face. Then, she giggled loudly to herself.


"Oh my little baby..." she sighed sarcastically. "Have you never wondered why your father spends so much time focusing on his job, but never you? Why he still puts so much money into making sure that i'm well taken care of, despite having every reason to leave me out to rot? Well, let me tell you." She leaned in close, whispering softly into Diamond Tiara's ear.


"It's hereditary."

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Ice let Moondancer and Talon inspect his medal. He was confident in the fact that his medal would be enough to prove his trustworthiness. Surely enough, once it was given back to him, he listened at Moondancer and Talon introduce themselves, nodding as they spoke. After they were done, Ice, put his medal away, and thought for a moment before replying with his own introduction, "Hm. She's not joking around. I better introduce myself somewhat formally."


"Very happy to meet you both," he said casually. "As for who I am, my name is Icesius Snowfort Avalancus Blizzard. I'm one of the last active descendants of the Clan of Ice," he said proudly. "I'm an earth pone, however, I do have ice powers."


He held up his left hoof, as small a continuous fountain of icy mist emitted from it,  "These powers were the remnants of my family's magic, and I have harnessed them and used them only for the good of Equestria, I assure you."


"As well as every now and then, the occasional ice sculptures that I sell," he said awkwardly, putting his hoof down, "But that's not important. I have been on many adventures throughout the land of Equestria, and have always been devoted to the princess. Which is why as soon as I saw the letter she put out for help, I raced into action. With my team, we all successfully completed the mission to Tartarus, and returned Celestia's relic to her. Now that I am here in Bangcolt, I've been able to talk with Celestia and even become her friend."


He stopped himself, and started to blush a little, "Sorry. I-I'm probably talking too much. To make a long story short, I came here as soon as I noticed the moon out of whack and stuff. But you guys don't know where she is, so..." He felt a bit sad that Luna wasn't there. However, he had confidence in Celestia, "Well, if she isn't here, I'm pretty sure that Celestia's out looking. Heh, I bet she's probably found her by now, too. If I were you, I wouldn't start worrying yet, they've handled much worse before."


A grin grew on his face as he continued, "So you're Luna's top astrologist? Wicked. You must be very smart to have that position. And Talon, is it? I don't think I've met a wyvern before. You look pretty cool." His enthusiastic curiosity kicked in as he looked at Talon closely, "Wow, I'd love to know more about what wyverns are and where they come from." He turned to Moondancer, "And, MD, I'd be interested to know what's it like living among the princesses. Is it fun?"


Realizing how invasive he was being, Ice backed up, and rubbed the back of his head shyly, "Whoops. Um, you were probably in the middle of something when I knocked. I'm not keeping you from anything am I?" he asked sheepishly.

Edited by J.R.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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