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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Twilight glanced over at the monitor to check the readings why Tyra answered, "Uh, huh." she replied and then wrote somehting down on her clipboard. While she was writing she continued with an extension of the question, "Why do you love that pony?" she asked; She didn't even look up from taking her notes. 


Tyra sat on her haunches, deciding to get herself comfortable, and listened to her next question. Her smile was unwavering since she still had her marefriend on her mind.

"She is a powerful unicorn," she explained, "She is rather quiet and stoic, but she truly cares about me, and I her. Her skills in combat with her magic are incredibly admirable, too!"

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Twilight listened for no more than Tyra's words. She'd look for understadning later, right now she had her muzzle buried in her clipboard as she wrote word for word of what Tyra spoke and every few moments she'd glance over at the monitor to record some data.


"Ok, in what way do you love her?" she quizzed absent mindedly. 

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Twilight listened for no more than Tyra's words. She'd look for understadning later, right now she had her muzzle buried in her clipboard as she wrote word for word of what Tyra spoke and every few moments she'd glance over at the monitor to record some data.


"Ok, in what way do you love her?" she quizzed absent mindedly. 


Tyra tilted her head at that question. Hadn't she made it clear already? She shrugged, not having any qualms about speaking of her special somepony.

"She is a beautiful mare," she answered, smiling dreamily, "we are incredibly close...and we have exchanged kisses whenever we see each other." Her blush returned, a bit redder than before.

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Twilight didn't look up, to see Tyra' s embarassment. If she did then she would stop for Tyra's good. Unfourtunately she couldn't see what was right in front  of her, literally. 


"So it's an intimate relationship? Romantical?" she stated inquisitively, still oblivious to Tyra's emotions.

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Twilight didn't look up, to see Tyra' s embarassment. If she did then she would stop for Tyra's good. Unfourtunately she couldn't see what was right in front  of her, literally. 


"So it's an intimate relationship? Romantical?" she stated inquisitively, still oblivious to Tyra's emotions.


"Aye, definitely romantic," Tyra confirmed, sounding rather happy as she thought about her encounters with Juniper, "she is a sweet unicorn, and we have helped each other in many a battle."


Her cheeks blushed even redder as she added, "She is quite a good kisser too, if I may say..."

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"Aye, definitely romantic," Tyra confirmed, sounding rather happy as she thought about her encounters with Juniper, "she is a sweet unicorn, and we have helped each other in many a battle."   Her cheeks blushed even redder as she added, "She is quite a good kisser too, if I may say..."


"Hm--Let's see if you are ,"  She said paying no mind to Tyra but more so to her work. 


She glanced over at her monitor that was recording Tyra's vitals and she glanced back down at her paper but while doing so she caught glimpse of the reddest blue pony she'd seen in a while.


"Tyra, are you alright?" 

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"Hm--Let's see if you are ,"  She said paying no mind to Tyra but more so to her work. 


She glanced over at her monitor that was recording Tyra's vitals and she glanced back down at her paper but while doing so she caught glimpse of the reddest blue pony she'd seen in a while.


"Tyra, are you alright?" 


Tyra, caught up in her fantasies, hadn't noticed her face had gone beet red and a wide smile was crossing her face. Hearing Twilight call to her snapped her back to reality, and she shook her head to clear it.


"I am fine, thank you," she assured her, grinning widely as her blush began to fade, "Do you have more questions? Also, it is quite warm in here..."

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@@Mars Orbit,


Pinkie pie smiled, "Okiedokielokie, Skitz."


Then she did the unexpected, which isn't too unexpected for her standards, but she jumped out the window. She and Skitz began to fall from the sky scraper. 


But, instead of plummeting, she caught herself on the floor below. She left herself and Skitz dangling, only for a moment though. As she pulled out a cake knife and ran it across the wire, detaching her from Skitz and leaving Skitz to fall to his defeat.




Tyra said it was hot but Twilight didn't think so herself, "Uh, no feels just fine for me. Do you need a drink? We can take a break but I'm not sure how long the truth serum's effects will last so I don't want to take long," she explained

Edited by louisvillepride
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"Dammit pink..." he said before he fell. "AAHHH!!!! WINDOWS!!" He started air swimming towards the windows. "DIVE DIVE DIVE!!!" He screamed as he dove into the window breaking it and landing inside. "That wasn't as bad as...I...thought...OH BUCK!!!! MY BONES!!!!" He broke his front legs. "At least...I'm not dead." He said laying down being careful to keep pressure off of the legs. "I need a nap." He said as he slowly started to fall asleep.

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Tyra said it was hot but Twilight didn't think so herself, "Uh, no feels just fine for me. Do you need a drink? We can take a break but I'm not sure how long the truth serum's effects will last so I don't want to take long," she explained


Tyra shook her head, fixing Twilight with a smirk of sheer determination.

"I need no rest, my friend," She assured her, stomping a hoof on the ground, "I am happy to continue this test of yours!"


She hopped in place on her hooves, psyching herself up for the next round of questions.

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@@Mars Orbit,


Pinkie Pie had won, so she went down to help Skitz... wherever he may be.


She walked to the nearest stairwell and began walking down the stairs until she reached her Skitz's floor. She sang to pass the time, "Come one everypony smile, smile smile, smile. Fill my heart with sunshine, sunshine. Do, do do, Make my whole life worth while, when I go to my friends and get them to smile." 


She finally found Skitz about 30 stories down, "Come on. Let's get you to the hospital." she beamed at the unconcious Skitz, "Skitz?" she questioned when he didn't respond. 



"Alright, if you're sure."


She looked back at her clipboard and wrote a few notes about Tyra then looked back up at her, only to look back down at the clipboard and write more information.


"Next question," she stated. "If you were to descirbe your past in one word, what word? Why?" 

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"Alright, if you're sure."


She looked back at her clipboard and wrote a few notes about Tyra then looked back up at her, only to look back down at the clipboard and write more information.


"Next question," she stated. "If you were to descirbe your past in one word, what word? Why?" 


Tyra grinned widely and toothily at Twilight's approval to carry on, then sat back down and fidgeted with her forehooves out of boredom until another question came her way.

"One word?" She repeated, then smirked, "Exciting! I have faced many battles and adventures in my life, even as a filly!"

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Skitz heard something talk to him in his sleep. It didn't matter. What mattered now was sleep, but he couldn't stay asleep. "W...what?" He said weakly, eyes still closed. "Just let me sleep. Please."

He was in pain. Deep, horrible pain. He stayed laying down. He didn't want to stand. He only wanted to sleep.

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Twilight wrote what Tyra said then, yet again. Checked the monitor to see data running across the old, thick, glass screen. She then resumed her focus to her sheet of paper on the clipboard.


"Next question, What does your family mean to you?"  she asked. 


@@Mars Orbit,


Pinkie evaluated Skitz who lay motionless upon the cold tile of the skyscraper floor. "Okiedokielokie, Sleep tight Skitz," She cheered as she turned away from him and happily bounced off, singing," la la la la la, Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine..."

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Twilight wrote what Tyra said then, yet again. Checked the monitor to see data running across the old, thick, glass screen. She then resumed her focus to her sheet of paper on the clipboard.


"Next question, What does your family mean to you?"  she asked. 


Tyra perked up at the next question, and puffed out her chest with a proud smirk.

"The Shatterhoof Clan has been the spearhead of Trotstheim for many years," she explained, "we are among the most powerful clans in the Frozen North, if not the world!"


She put a hoof to her chest. "I am proud to call myself one of them!"

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Twilight inscribed some more data. She couldn't take her eyes off the paper, they were almost literally, glued on the paper. She kept engrossing upon the paper with doodles, sketches, data tables, quotes, anecdotes, questions, answers, etc.


"Ok, not much there to delve into. Next question, how much do you think you matter to others?"  

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Twilight inscribed some more data. She couldn't take her eyes off the paper, they were almost literally, glued on the paper. She kept engrossing upon the paper with doodles, sketches, data tables, quotes, anecdotes, questions, answers, etc.


"Ok, not much there to delve into. Next question, how much do you think you matter to others?"  


Tyra blinked at the question, then darted her eyes around while she tried picking an answer from her brain.

"I like to think I mean a lot to anypony I meet," She answered, giving a shrug, "I have been told I make quite an impression, so I assume that is what it means. I like anypony I meet, I hope they feel the same!"

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"Ok," Twilight responded. The last question was more intrapersonal on interpertations of her own character and her afflictions of others in contradictory of her own perception. She couldn't be sure by any means but she tried her best to describe how others felt towards her. That made Twilight realize that the potion did not prevent a subject from providing a subjectual statement even if they couldn't answer the question with any sort of objective insight.


"Alright, just one more. What do you think of me?" 

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"Ok," Twilight responded. The last question was more intrapersonal on interpertations of her own character and her afflictions of others in contradictory of her own perception. She couldn't be sure by any means but she tried her best to describe how others felt towards her. That made Twilight realize that the potion did not prevent a subject from providing a subjectual statement even if they couldn't answer the question with any sort of objective insight.


"Alright, just one more. What do you think of me?" 


Tyra blinked at the question, not really seeing it coming, but put on her trademark grin regardless.

"You seem like quite a nice pony," She answered honestly, then tilted her head to look at the Princess of Friendship's wings, "I do not meet many alicorns, though. How you can have the powers of flight and magic at the same time is truly interesting!"


She looked around her lab. "I do not quite understand your taste in decorating, either."

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"Ok." Twilight had figured that it would be hardest for Tyra to be honest to someone directly then about anything else besides something sickening or vile from her past but it didn't seem as if either of those two things existed. 


"Two of those things are material things you like or dislike about me, what are some things you like or dislike about me as an indiviual mare. Think of the values you love about Juniper. What things do you love about her? Of those things what might I have, what might I lack? What do you feel about me as an indiviual?" Twilight pestered, still not removing her eyes from her clipboard. She was too focused. 

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"Ok." Twilight had figured that it would be hardest for Tyra to be honest to someone directly then about anything else besides something sickening or vile from her past but it didn't seem as if either of those two things existed. 


"Two of those things are material things you like or dislike about me, what are some things you like or dislike about me as an indiviual mare. Think of the values you love about Juniper. What things do you love about her? Of those things what might I have, what might I lack? What do you feel about me as an indiviual?" Twilight pestered, still not removing her eyes from her clipboard. She was too focused. 


Tyra blinked slowly, trying to understand the question. "Um...well, you are smart, and you like...glasses...and liquids...?" She tried.


She tapped her temple with a hoof before adding, "You certainly seem dedicated to your causes, and determined to get the final answer you are looking for."

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Tyra blinked slowly, trying to understand the question. "Um...well, you are smart, and you like...glasses...and liquids...?" She tried.   She tapped her temple with a hoof before adding, "You certainly seem dedicated to your causes, and determined to get the final answer you are looking for."


Tyra struggled to forumalte a response and that was very apparent. As she sweat more and she her vitals became more active. All that was needed to confirm that she didn't know what to say was a glance at her face. She took a moment to question her understanding, "Are you understanding the question fully?" 

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Tyra struggled to forumalte a response and that was very apparent. As she sweat more and she her vitals became more active. All that was needed to confirm that she didn't know what to say was a glance at her face. She took a moment to question her understanding, "Are you understanding the question fully?" 


"Um, well," Tyra muttered, then gave a small regretful nod of the head, "aye, I fear I do not quite understand what you want me to say."


She was honestly confused; why did she suddenly want to know what she thought of her? She'd only known her for an hour at the most, even if she did seem like a nice pony.

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Twilight marked down Tyra didn't lie to her about understanding but was straight forward. That's all Twilight needed to know.


"Alright, that's all of the questions. However, I have no idea how long the truth serum will last just get me whenever you think it has worn off or you feel less honest, let me be aware of any sideeffects as well. Now you said, you'd test some more potions but perhaps... another time. I don't want to tamper the results by mixing potions. Addendum; it's unsafe. So you can go, just say the words andI'll teleport us wherever you need to be."  

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Twilight marked down Tyra didn't lie to her about understanding but was straight forward. That's all Twilight needed to know.


"Alright, that's all of the questions. However, I have no idea how long the truth serum will last just get me whenever you think it has worn off or you feel less honest, let me be aware of any sideeffects as well. Now you said, you'd test some more potions but perhaps... another time. I don't want to tamper the results by mixing potions. Addendum; it's unsafe. So you can go, just say the words andI'll teleport us wherever you need to be."  


Tyra grinned and nodded at Twilight's instructions. "Very well, I will do just that!"

Hearing that she could go anywhere she wanted, she smirked and began hopping on her hooves again.


"Could you take me back to the arena?" She requested, "I am ready to engage in a fight!"

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