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Peppermint Harmony

Peppermint looked down at her pendant, confused. "Ya mean this?" she asked, pointing one of her hooves at the note-shaped jewel. "This is a gift from my dad." she added, smiling before looking at what everypony else was looking at.


A small glimmer was coming from a shadowy area. "Or that thing, over in the shadows?"

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Chrysteel spun towards the instinctive presence she feels. She says, "You can say that again. It feels instinctive. Be careful who knows if we can even do anything to it."


Chrysteel desides she will support the others. She mutters under her breath, 'Not enough love stores to be aggressive with my power. I think I will support them to be safe, just in case.'

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@Swinton (hopefully what Amber does is okay. Tell me otherwise)


Amber jumped in surprise as the custard-like creature loomed out from the darkness. Without thinking, she quickly shot something out of her saddle bag with a flash of orange magic into the monster's gluey gut. The black ball halted unceremoniously within the monster, floating near the gem.

"Everypony duck!" Amber yelled in a panic, and with another flash of golden magic, the ball exploded.


As the smoke cleared, Amber wiped the unsightly blobs of goo off of her face, blushing at the bewildered ponies.

"...Can't be too prepared," she squeaked.

Edited by AmberDust

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"Ew, I feel violated." Starchase cringed, badly. He tried to swipe it off but he was more or less covered in it. He was about to levitate his scarf off his neck till he noticed it seemed to vanish when his magic touched it.


Delighted he got the gunk off him. "Hey look! Miss Harmony is back!" The hall its gloomy air and seemed to brighten up.


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Chrysteel raised a love shield around her, tapping the last of her love stores. When the smoke clears the shield falls and Chrysteel looks visibly weakened. "I think I used too much love energy in that. Sorry yall but good night."


Chrysteel collapses, where she is unceramoniously, to the floor. She looks to be out cold and her colors look a lot paler then when she first showed up.

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caliber had been unfazed when the goo exploded. and when the shield thing appeared, and that changling passed out, then he got worried. he picked her up, and inquired about the nearest clinic. "yeah, shes a changling, right? love is like, what powers them?" caliber asked, wondering if he's gonna have to kiss/hug/some act of love somepony.


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"We could take her to the infirmary!" The guide mare peeped out from behind a benches.


"Caliber, I suggest you think of nothing obscene. One must always respect a lady." Starchase stared at him as if to say 'I've got my eye on you'.


They took her to the infirmary and the school nurse tended to Chrysteel with the help of a matron.


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Amber grinned pathetically.

"Sorry," she repeated sheepishly. She then noticed the fainted Changeling.

"Oh dear! Did I do that?" she asked Caliber, looking horror-struck. Amber trotted over to the limp changeling as the matron took her away to he infirmary. "What should we do? What happened?" she asked again, looking around at the other ponies. Amber scoured her mind for any information about changelings, but this changeling was also half-pony, and Amber was drawing a blank.

Edited by AmberDust

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caliber grinned. "you took out the threat. i dont know what your freaking out about." he said, as the changling was carried off. "and as for you..." he looked at starchase. "no promises." and with that, he started laughing. pretty hard, as i might add. "oooh, am i the only one here who's killed?" he asked everypony, still laughing.

  • Brohoof 1


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Chrysteel doesn't look injured. She just looks drained. She should be fine in a few minutes. Her colors were already returning. It seems that her colors are acting as a countdown of some kind. Only she might know what it means. Her cutiemark is also faintly glowing. Her horn is also bearly, very dimly, glowing.

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Starchase held Chrysteel's hoof and gave it a soft squeeze. "We will make dinner, you stay put and rest up till then."


It wasn't easy. The cooks were not happy to have their kitchen invaded. Nevertheless, they stepped out and let the gang use the kitchen and in extension, the dinner hall.


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caliber decided to follow, and when he was in the kitchen, he started going through the cupboards and fridges, tossing everything inside on the table. "im gonna make myself a little something, anyone want anything?" he called out, still taking every bit of food out of every possible place.


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Amber had lost her appetite after having been coated in the monster's custardy goo, but she decided she'd at least help with preparations.

What do Changelig ponies eat, she asked herself as she rummaged through a half-empty cupboard. She let out a sigh.

"My head feels fuzzy...I can't even concentrate," she said, giving up on the cupboard. She looked to the passed out changeling.

"This has gotten pretty strange," Amber admitted.

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"ya think?" caliber asked, still making a pile of food. "but, im used to it. so its cool." he grinned at her. "after all, we're all weird, right?" he continued looking around for food, and seeing that there was nothing left, he started cooking the food. "so, what're ya craving?"


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Being the half decent cook he was, Starchase rummaged around the large larder and threw together sandwiches. For dinner. At least there wasn't spam in it.


He gave some to Chrysteel, hoping she'd like it. Afterall it was the only thing he could not screw up.


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A few minutes after everyone started cooking Chrysteel comes to. "Wow. The ambient love around here must be either strong or very potent. I shouldn't have woken till tomorrow morning. I smell something"


She looks around and notices the sandwiches. She picks one up and tries it. From the look on her face and the fact she is still eating it. She seems to be enjoying it. She asks, "Who made the sandwich? They weren't half bad."


She looks over the group as they prepare their meals. She only know how to make one thing and she couldn't see any of the needed items to make chocolate chip muffins.

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caliber had finished making the food. it was a small mountain, with nothing but sandwiches, hay, and other things. he looked at chrysteel. "look whos better!" he said happily, as he started eating. at an alarming rate, too. turns out, he had made all that food for himself!


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"I am," Amber yawned in response. She finished off her sandwich and kindly thanked Starchase. I wonder if they've prepared someplace for us to sleep, Amber thought, looking about the kitchen. She was used to crashing in unconventional places like caves or trees, but a proper bed was always a better option. All this excitement had made her quite tired, not to mention all of the traveling. She sat herself down on the cold floor and yawned once more.



What happened to Peppermint Harmony?


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Chrysteel says, "I am feeling better. The ambient love around here has been very helpful in giving me a minor store. Though i may need yo feed again for a full restore. I think for now I can go a week before I fell to hungry to think rationally."


Crysteel looks around for the items she needs. She then begins mixing a batter of some kind. (She gathered the ingredients for makeing chocolate chip muffins.)

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caliber grinned when he was called greedy. "but i have to!" he complained, "my body burns up calories faster than yours do!" he continued eating. "and i need to get some training in, i dont think 'imma sleep tonight. perhaps you'd like to help me?" he asked lektra. "i have a feeling your no stranger to battle."

  • Brohoof 1


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The worn out guide mare looked at the mention of fighting distastefully. Also they were having sandwiches, for dinner. She shook her head in disapproval. "We do have a fencing arena if you must practice." She answered stiffly.


It was a hard earned moment of peace after the day of emotions. A moment, nothing more and will come to pass much sooner than they expected.


Act 2


It was a brand new day. The sun was shining as Celestia raised it after night had passed. Another day as an element bearer.


Something seemed off... perhaps it was the high altitude or the decreased levels of oxygen. Or the fact that they were above ground, way above ground. In the clouds in fact.


There were eight ponies sleeping peacefully in bunks. All alicorns. This is the reality they will wake to. Inside bootcamp, there is no escape. There are strict rules to adhere to if one wishes to survive. Especially if they're the elite force of Equestria, the Elements.

Edited by Swinton
  • Brohoof 1


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Chrysteel wakes from her sleep. "Hopefully they like the muffins I left them. Derpy says I was good with them."


She felt different. Her love stores were gone and a new hunger feeling was in its place. She panics. Looking around. She quickly finds a mirror And looks at herself. Her pink carapace was gone. She couldn't feel any of the things she was use to feeling on a daily bases.


She curls up and starts shaking, "I can't feel anything. I am alone. Scared, don't wish to move." She looks like a frightened filly.

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Arcing Storm

Sunlight came through the window but luckily not through the curtain, allowing Storm to sleep a bit more. The alicorn stallion slept peacefully under the blanket, not waking up until tossing and turning in bed for a while. With a yawn, he got up from bed and discovered Chrysteel all curled up and shaking in fear. "What wrong, Chrys?" Asked Storm as he walked over to her bunk and gently shook her with a hoof.

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She continues to shake. "Can't feel it. Can sense anything. Not normal. Scared. Want to return to true self. Can't use shapeshift. Can't feel love energy."


Chrysteel looks like a frightened filly. He can tell she won't come out of it anytime soon. He can see her horn faintly glowing, but the effect she wants just won't come to her. Despite her form her tiara remains and so does her cutiemark.

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In the bunk, Midnight continued sleeping. Releasing soft snoring noises, twitching her leg lightly. She was having quite a peaceful dream about picking rainbow berries. "So...delicious..." she softly said, still in her dream world. Hopefully, she wouldn't get woken up.

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