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private The Elements


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Being the half decent cook he was, Starchase rummaged around the large larder and threw together sandwiches. For dinner. At least there wasn't spam in it.


He gave some to Chrysteel, hoping she'd like it. Afterall it was the only thing he could not screw up.

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A few minutes after everyone started cooking Chrysteel comes to. "Wow. The ambient love around here must be either strong or very potent. I shouldn't have woken till tomorrow morning. I smell something"


She looks around and notices the sandwiches. She picks one up and tries it. From the look on her face and the fact she is still eating it. She seems to be enjoying it. She asks, "Who made the sandwich? They weren't half bad."


She looks over the group as they prepare their meals. She only know how to make one thing and she couldn't see any of the needed items to make chocolate chip muffins.

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caliber had finished making the food. it was a small mountain, with nothing but sandwiches, hay, and other things. he looked at chrysteel. "look whos better!" he said happily, as he started eating. at an alarming rate, too. turns out, he had made all that food for himself!

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I picked up a hay and flower sandwich to eat, enjoying it and scarfing down more. "Pretty good. Starchase you're a good cook, and Caliber you're being greedy."


I looked over at Crysteel feeling better. "Good that you're up. Starchase made sandwitches."


So what now? We seem to have completed our mission here, but we weren't really meshing too well as a unit yet. What would the future hold? Nopony knew what their element was yet either. I looked around at the others. "So are you guys sleepy? I'm not. Not one bit."

Edited by bronislav84
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"I am," Amber yawned in response. She finished off her sandwich and kindly thanked Starchase. I wonder if they've prepared someplace for us to sleep, Amber thought, looking about the kitchen. She was used to crashing in unconventional places like caves or trees, but a proper bed was always a better option. All this excitement had made her quite tired, not to mention all of the traveling. She sat herself down on the cold floor and yawned once more.



What happened to Peppermint Harmony?


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Chrysteel says, "I am feeling better. The ambient love around here has been very helpful in giving me a minor store. Though i may need yo feed again for a full restore. I think for now I can go a week before I fell to hungry to think rationally."


Crysteel looks around for the items she needs. She then begins mixing a batter of some kind. (She gathered the ingredients for makeing chocolate chip muffins.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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caliber grinned when he was called greedy. "but i have to!" he complained, "my body burns up calories faster than yours do!" he continued eating. "and i need to get some training in, i dont think 'imma sleep tonight. perhaps you'd like to help me?" he asked lektra. "i have a feeling your no stranger to battle."

  • Brohoof 1
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"Hmm, a calorie deficiency? Or is it normal for you?" I was concerned about that, but shrugged it off at the mention of training. "I'd love to actually. Do you teach? I'm not really all that accomplished. My talent isn't directly for battle. It just has other uses. I can conjure things besides swords, that's just the most common thing I conjure when I need to fight. But I'd be interested if we could find a place to train without incident."


I turned to the mare that was guiding us around. "Do you know of such a place, ma'am?"

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The worn out guide mare looked at the mention of fighting distastefully. Also they were having sandwiches, for dinner. She shook her head in disapproval. "We do have a fencing arena if you must practice." She answered stiffly.


It was a hard earned moment of peace after the day of emotions. A moment, nothing more and will come to pass much sooner than they expected.


Act 2


It was a brand new day. The sun was shining as Celestia raised it after night had passed. Another day as an element bearer.


Something seemed off... perhaps it was the high altitude or the decreased levels of oxygen. Or the fact that they were above ground, way above ground. In the clouds in fact.


There were eight ponies sleeping peacefully in bunks. All alicorns. This is the reality they will wake to. Inside bootcamp, there is no escape. There are strict rules to adhere to if one wishes to survive. Especially if they're the elite force of Equestria, the Elements.

Edited by Swinton
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Chrysteel wakes from her sleep. "Hopefully they like the muffins I left them. Derpy says I was good with them."


She felt different. Her love stores were gone and a new hunger feeling was in its place. She panics. Looking around. She quickly finds a mirror And looks at herself. Her pink carapace was gone. She couldn't feel any of the things she was use to feeling on a daily bases.


She curls up and starts shaking, "I can't feel anything. I am alone. Scared, don't wish to move." She looks like a frightened filly.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Arcing Storm

Sunlight came through the window but luckily not through the curtain, allowing Storm to sleep a bit more. The alicorn stallion slept peacefully under the blanket, not waking up until tossing and turning in bed for a while. With a yawn, he got up from bed and discovered Chrysteel all curled up and shaking in fear. "What wrong, Chrys?" Asked Storm as he walked over to her bunk and gently shook her with a hoof.
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She continues to shake. "Can't feel it. Can sense anything. Not normal. Scared. Want to return to true self. Can't use shapeshift. Can't feel love energy."


Chrysteel looks like a frightened filly. He can tell she won't come out of it anytime soon. He can see her horn faintly glowing, but the effect she wants just won't come to her. Despite her form her tiara remains and so does her cutiemark.

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In the bunk, Midnight continued sleeping. Releasing soft snoring noises, twitching her leg lightly. She was having quite a peaceful dream about picking rainbow berries. "So...delicious..." she softly said, still in her dream world. Hopefully, she wouldn't get woken up.

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caliber woke up, yawned, stretched, and got outta bed. he walked to the others, getting ready for the day, which was namely, putting his cloak on. but something felt off. he looked at his side to discover he had wings!! he looked at it for a couple seconds before unsheathing his sword, and preparing to cut them off. "nope, im fine the way i am. these'll get in the way." he said bluntly.

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Peppermint Harmony

Peppermint woke up as the light filtered through the windows. She shuffled a little in her place, before rolling off the bed and standing up. The first thing that she had done was place her necklace back on, before turning attention to Chrysteel. "Are you alright?" she asked.

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Chrysteel remains as she is. She keeps repeating the same words over and over again. "Not good. Can't feel it. Can't return true self. Alone. Not normal. Want be normal again. Not true self, need be true self."


Chrysteel looks to be in a state of shock and fear. It doesn't look like she will come out of it anytime soon.

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Midnight lurched forward in her bed, lodging her sharp horn into her head board. As she turned over, she ended up banging her horn in the hole the horn had made. "Eeek!" the filly exclaimed, now awake from the strong surge of pain. A small tear trickled down her cheek from the pain she had been exposed to.

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Amber was used to camping out away from home, but it still took her a moment to remember where she was when the sound of chatter woke her up in the morning.

Amber Dust hadn't fallen asleep easily that night--or any night, really. Although this pseudo-insomnia made for a good survival tactic, it also made for quite the headache come morning. The thought of monsters, the Elements, and the Princess had kept bouncing about in her mind, never giving even the slightest chance to catch up. It wasn't until a couple hours before she was woken that Amber had finally fallen asleep. She groaned quietly as ponies chattered around her.

Slowly, Amber lifted herself up and out of bed, stretching herself bit by bit. First her stiff neck, then her sore legs, her aching wings...


Amber's eyes bulged open as she stared in disbelief at the pair of minty wings that had sprouted from her back. She looked back to the group in shock, and suddenly realized what all the chatter was about.

"We're all Alicorns!" she gasped, still in disbelief. Her wings locked to her sides almost instinctively, and although Amber was thrilled, she couldn't help feeling I'll at ease. First the elements, now this, the mare thought. She tried an experimental flap with her wings.

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"i know" caliber said, still trying to find the exact right spot that'll slice right through his wings un-painfully. "im working on it." he grinned at her. "you want me to do you, next?" he asked jokingly. "im pretty sure it wont hurt...much" he was thinking about keeping his wings, of course, but he felt as long as he had these wings, they'd get in the way during combat. he was too used to his current style, and wings would just complicate it.

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"Caliber, you can get my element off my wings?" the small filly asked, wiping off the fresh tears she had shed. She coursed her hoof through her mane, trying to tame it. She stretched her now normal wings. Midnight was a tad bit sad that her wonderful berry-picking dream had ended.

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"What are you doing?" Amber cried, as the swordspony took a few practice swings at his new feathers. She stomped up to him madly and, with a wisp of orange magic, pulled the sword frantically out of his hooves--however, her magic was more powerful now than it used to be, and much to the mare's surprise, the sword shot violently into the ceiling, where it stayed, stuck.

Amber smiled apologetically as her face coloured.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do...that." She stared up at the sword. However, enbarassment was soon replaced with reproach as she looked back down towards Caliber.

"What were you trying to do just now, hmm?" she asked, orange eyes piercing his. She looked quite angry indeed, and had a rather motherly air about her as she forced eye contact. "That could have killed you," she said, more softly this time.

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Peppermint Harmony

Peppermint heard the other mare jump back in surprise.  Then her gaze darted over to the grey unicorn - alicorn? After a bit of pondering, she looked on her back to see if anything new had happened to her. Almost as soon as she did, a pair of wings that were very plush shot up in surprise. "Mmmmm, aaah!" Peppermint's voice faltered, going higher in tone when her mouth was closed and out when she had opened her mouth.


"Wings!" she whispered, before settling down a little. She then looked ahead, before letting her lower eyelids raise slightly as she gazed down. Then, she looked back up. "But how..."

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caliber positively freaked when his sword was wrenched away, and he frantically tried to fly to get it back. he awkwardly got it, and fell back down, sticking the landing. he glared back at amber with eyes that were much more dark than they normally were. "dont ever, take my sword again." he said with a voice that made normal ponies shrink away. "ever." he turned away. "i know what can kill me, and what cant. there was a reason i wasn't blindly trying to slice it off." he wasn't his goofy self, he was furious. 

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Midnight turned her gaze over to Peppermint, "Haven't you always had wings?" She cocked her head, "We've always been alicorns, haven't we?" she said, "It's how we've been for like, ever.What a daft young pony!  the alicorn thought, wondering if Peppermint had gone through amnesia, or worse! 

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caliber took a deep breath, and turned to midnight. "yeah...maybe, i dont know." he said, still trying to cool off. "let me see your wing, there might be a simpler solution." he looked at her wing, examining it. "i dont even know how this happened. for the rest of us, it was on our things, not bodies."

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