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Arcing Storm

"Graduation?" Storm was caught off guard by the sudden question from Chrysteel. Plates of food were being served and more food was cooked, mostly for Caliber, while he thought about the question and answered her. "I'm not sure to be honest. We have been here for a long time. But no one had said anything about leaving here. Not that I complain..." The last sentence from him had an unsure manner, as if he wanted to get out of the camp and go somewhere. Edited by Arcing Storm

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

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Chrysteel now knew something was off. Her heart swelled with sorrow and compassion for him. "Then we work hard and gain what we need. The world beyond is a wonder and a mystery. I for one wish to see it again. To be as I truely am in all regards. To love and be loved for who and what i truely am. This is my reason for training. Never have I encountered a place that one can't leave. Even the elements have to face a foe they know are beyond this camp."


Chrysteel stands and looks to the others, "I believe yall would agree. We have things that must be done and foes whom only we can face. This isn't something that sits right with me. And by the element in my tiara, we will solve this as a team."

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Amber snapped out of her trance when a plate of pancakes was dropped in front of her. Her stomach growled loudly.

"Oh, thank you," she said, looking up to the unfamiliar stallion. She ruffled her new wings. Since they had left their bedroom, Amber's mind had been fixated on the bowing stallions back in the gated courtyard they passed through. Nopony else seemed to have noticed them, but they most certainly were there, and most certainly weren't there before she fell asleep...at least, according to her memory.

Amber's stomach growled at her again. The aroma from the pancakes was just too much, and she lost her train of thought. Amber began scarfing down the pancakes, (her favourite breakfast from her childhood,) hardly noticing the ponies around her. When she had her fill, she stood up. Her mind had snapped back to the barbed-wire courtyard.

"Did anypony find it weird," she started suddenly, thinking out loud, "That those ponies bowed to us?" She looked about the room curiously. Now that her hunger was subsided, her need for answers was taking over. She looked to her own element, then to her wings.

This feels wrong, she thought, her mind all hazy. It was as though her thoughts were coming from far away, and had to travel via tinfoil tube to reach her.

No, this feels beyond wrong...It feels like...


Like a lie


"Something strange is going on in this castle," Amber snapped suddenly to nopony in particular. She was staring at something beyond the kitchen door. A fire raged behind her amber eyes as she felt the spirit of adventure swell angrily within her. Her face was solid stone, but her mind was whirring frantically.

And I WILL find the truth...



Alright. What do all of you want today?" He asked Starchase, Midnight, Lektra, Caliber And Chrysteel while he grabbed some ingrediaemts to cook.

I'm here, too...



Edited by AmberDust
  • Brohoof 1

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"It's not bad here. I don't see why we'd ever want to leave, all we need is here. And there's nowhere to go anyway." Starchase shrugged casually. "It's tough but it's home."


Wait, home? The word felt foreign to him, like it was a concept he couldn't grasp. It made him feel uneasy but the feeling passed as he smelled food. It smelled like, like...like what? It was on the tip if his tongue but it evaded him like it didn't want to be found and he didn't want to find it anyway.


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caliber sat down at the table, with enough food to feed ten ponies. he then started eating it all at an alarming rate. "i found it strange, too." caliber said in between bites. "but, since we're alicorns, now, i guess we're royalty. call me Prince Caliber, the Wanderer." he smirked.

Edited by PeytonJay


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Chrysteel says, "I guess this power requires a calm mind. When I was panicking before I couldn't feel the power flowing through me."


Crysteel eats the offered pancakes and smiles, "Truely made with T.L.C. A good thing too. I always enjoy a good loving meal."

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Amber looked warily at the other ponies feasting. Mind still whirring, she hesitated a moment before moving back to the table. They're all in pretty good moods, so maybe we should relax a bit before we get back into the thick of things, she decided to herself. She sat down next to "Prince" Caliber.

"I guess that makes me...Princess Amber Dust of...hmm." she paused to think. "...of the Valley of the North!" she hazarded. Amber smiled at the sound of the royal name. She knew she wasn't really a princess, but it was nice to pretend. She grinned at the others.

Edited by AmberDust

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It was taking all my concentration just to have my magic not spiral out of control again. I listened to some of the others talk like we'd been here a long time. Yea, right. If we have then why am I just now having this problem? They're so easily deluded. We don't have everything. If we did then Sparky would be here. The fact that he isn't is proof this isn't normal, at least to me.


"Thank you." I said to the stallion who I hadn't met before. He seemed to have just appeared here with us.


But for now, pancakes. I practiced my magic control by floating pancakes around and eating them. I was too hungry to actually voice my concerns. Maybe after I'd eaten.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Chrysteel seems to calm down more but the others can tell she isn't liking the fact of her true self being altered. She finished her meal quickly and asks Lektra, "Hey Lektra, What happened to that metallic friend of yours? I haven't seen her around recently."


Chrysteel knows she may be touching a very touchy area but she was curious. New memories and old ones blend into something she is unfamiliar with.


She knows once she is able to achieve her full power, she might be able to activate her evolution Chrysalis for a temporary one and break some hold on her true self.


'Love reserves and power level must equal a certain value. Also need a bond with the one to whom I will protect. If I can befriend those around me the bond to protect will form. Then all I would need is the power level and love stores past that basic value. If I can achieve double this value, then I can evolve permanently.' She thinks to herself trying to calculate the needed variables for the Evolution Chrysalis.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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The idea of being royalty was mind boggling. A prince. An actually member of royalty. Ponies bowed to them, look up to them. What's not to like?


"What are we up to today?" He asked them. He felt like he knew and it was something important but thinking was hard and made him dizziness. Besides if he couldn't remember it probably wasn't important.


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Chrysteel looks to storm and asks, "What do you think? What should we do today?"


Chrysteel gives the others a look that asks the same question to all of them but she directed it to Arcing Storm. She felt he would know the answer better then her. She waits to hear his response.

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I answered Chrysteel's question. "Sparky actually has a male personality, but you wouldn't really know it since he doesn't talk. Anyway he's not here, which is how I know this is some kind of fake place. I don't go anywhere without Sparky. I'm rolling with it for now since there's food, but the food might not be real either." I continued to practice my magic by floating around pancakes and eating them with syrup.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Arcing Storm
@@Swinton, @@Midnight_Aurora, @, @@AmberDust, @@LyraBae




"Then we work hard and gain what we need. The world beyond is a wonder and a mystery. I for one wish to see it again. To be as I truely am in all regards. To love and be loved for who and what i truely am. This is my reason for training. Never have I encountered a place that one can't leave. Even the elements have to face a foe they know are beyond this camp."

"I believe yall would agree. We have things that must be done and foes whom only we can face. This isn't something that sits right with me. And by the element in my tiara, we will solve this as a team."




"I have to agree with that. There has been some foes we have dealt with." Storm nodded while still cooking the big breakfast for everypony, but most of it is for Caliber and his suddenly huge apatite.




"Oh, thank you,"




"No problem, Amber." Storm smiled in response as he continued with cooking breakfast. The amount of spells and effort he put into making breakfast for them was amazing, even when he was talking and replying to them, his concentration with the levitation spells didn't phase.




"Did anypony find it weird, that those ponies bowed to us?"


"I found it strange, too. But, since we're alicorns, now, I guess we're royalty."




"That is true. Those stallions were guards for us... Although I'm not sure why Celestia sent them to protect us. I mean we are the Elements, we can protect ourselves, right?" Said Storm with a confused expression on his face, only to shrug it off soon after.




"Truely made with T.L.C. A good thing too. I always enjoy a good loving meal."




"Thanks for the praise, but T.L.C?" Storm had never heard Chrysteel used that acronym before, thus making him confused again... No, curious would be the better term.




"Can I have some more, please?"




"Of course you can." A few more plates of pancakes was put on the table. They were for everypony of course, as he found out that they liked them more than everything else, except for Caliber who was eating everything Storm put onto the table.




"What are we up to today?"




"Hm..." Storm hummed to himself as he tried to remember the schedule. "If no monsters or any threats pop up, we are free the whole day, actually. We have already trained yesterday." He replied after thinking for a while.




"What do you think? What should we do today?"




"I'm not sure to be honest, Do you have any suggestions?" Storm asked Chrysteel in return. "For me personally, I'd go fly around for, you know, exercise and probably read some books while lying on the clouds. The weather doesn't look bad today."

Edited by Arcing Storm
  • Brohoof 1

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

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Chrysteel smiles, "Sounds romantic. Maybe I join you?"


Chrysteel seems to calm some more. She looks to Arcing Storm and asks, "How do you fly so fast? I feel I am always left lacking, to be honest. I just want to see the truth. Love and hope in all things. it feels as if I know them. As for the TLC thing, it means Tender Love and Care. Anything made that way never tastes bad with me. I look beyond the physical and see what lays inside. True self shouldn't be hidden. It should be embraced."


She awaits his response for her asking to join him.

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Arcing Storm

"Sounds romantic. Maybe I join you?"

"Sure, I don't mind. You can tag along." Storm answered with a smile as he finished cooking up the feast which is supposed to be their breakfast. He grabbed a plate of pancakes and added some honey onto the pancakes, starting to eat them.

"How do you fly so fast? I feel I am always left lacking, to be honest. I just want to see the truth. Love and hope in all things. it feels as if I know them. As for the TLC thing, it means Tender Love and Care. Anything made that way never tastes bad with me. I look beyond the physical and see what lays inside. True self shouldn't be hidden. It should be embraced."

Storm listened to her while eating his breakfast before answering her question. "That is quite a long story... To keep it short, I have always wanted to be a Wonderbolt so I trained myself to be as fastest as I can possibly be." He stopped a bit to drink some apple juice and resumed talking. "That is a nice way to see food and well, everything else."

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

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caliber completely lost it, and burst out laughing. "protect me?" he looked at the guards. "if the day ever came that i would need to be protected, i doubt these guards could do the job." he looked at them, and they stiffened. "considering how strong i am, of course. an enemy stronger than me? im already better than these guys!"

  • Brohoof 1


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Chrysteel says, "Caliber, please calm yourself. That is just their job. They are strong in their own way. As we all are. Your love for your sowrdsmanship is prof of your heart's desire."


Chrysteel finally reveals why she scans the hearts of others. To help them when she feels they need the help, even if they don't feel said need.




Arcing Storm






"Sure, I don't mind. You can tag along." Storm answered with a smile as he finished cooking up the feast which is supposed to be their breakfast. He grabbed a plate of pancakes and added some honey onto the pancakes, starting to eat them.







Storm listened to her while eating his breakfast before answering her question. "That is quite a long story... To keep it short, I have always wanted to be a Wonderbolt so I trained myself to be as fastest as I can possibly be." He stopped a bit to drink some apple juice and resumed talking. "That is a nice way to see food and well, everything else."

"So it is your heart's desire to be the best you can be and you train yourself to that end. An exceptional trait to have. For me love and hope. That is all I need and the power will come to those who have it. A love to protect and a hope to drive away fear."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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caliber looked at her. "yeah...your right." he said. "sorry, guys!" he patted one of the guards on the shoulder. "if you guys ever need training, feel free to ask. but be warned. it will be intense." he walked back to the others. he finished his giant plate, and went for seconds.


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Arcing Storm

"So it is your heart's desire to be the best you can be and you train yourself to that end. An exceptional trait to have. For me love and hope. That is all I need and the power will come to those who have it. A love to protect and a hope to drive away fear."

"That is exceptional, too." Storm praised as he finished up the pancakes. A golden aura surrounded the plate which he had used to eat and brought it over to the sink. "I'm ready to go. I'll be waiting outside until you are ready." He said politely and trotted over to the door, going outside as he left her to finish her own breakfast.

Edited by Arcing Storm

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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Chrysteel had finished her food well before Arcing. She was just socializing with him. Now she had a chance to get to know the true him. She got up and put her already empty plate in the sink. She then heads outside saying to the others, "Despite it being a dream come true for some to most of yall, I fell as if something is trying to hide our true selves. Please do me a favor and search your hearts for what is truth. It may help us figure out how this all happened. Cya in a bit."


She then heads out and steps next to Arcing Storm. "Ready? I wish to see who you truely are beyond that which can be seen. Will you open your heart to me? Take you time before you answer. Let your heart guide your choice."


She spreads her wings and gets ready to fly.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"Despite it being a dream come true for some to most of yall, I fell as if something is trying to hide our true selves. Please do me a favor and search your hearts for what is truth. It may help us figure out how this all happened. Cya in a bit."

"Got it," Amber said vaguely. That thought had already crossed her mind what felt like eons ago. The guards, the fence, the elements...they all bounced madly in her head as she tried to sort things out. She looked about the table, struggling from under the weight of her throbbing, hazy headache. Everypony seemed to be finishing up their breakfast.

Amber opened her mouth to speak.

Amber paused. She looked hesitantly at the happy ponies before her. She didn't want to ruin this rare and serene moment for them, but things were slowly becoming more and more blurry. Some of them even thought this was their home. Amber nodded to herself determinedly.

"Does anypony else feel...strange?" she asked, breaking the momentary silence.

"Like, as if...as if you're having a hard time thinking?" she searched the eyes of the ponies around her desperately and hoped it wasn't too late. This...false reality, this illusion had already begun to consume them. Amber shivered at the thought.

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"I feel fine. Is something the matter? Do you not feel well, Amber?" Starchase cocked his head to a side and an ear fell. "Should we check you in the infirmary and have the medics look at you?"


He felt rather unsettled about all this talk of illusion, leaving and nonsense. It stirred something in him and it made him uncomfortable. Sort of like an itch he couldn't scratch except he could and scratching made no difference.


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I felt completely ignored in the recent conversation, bored completely. And I still didn't know the new guy's name. He sure seemed nice though.


I finished my pancakes as well and talked to Amber to make myself feel better. Maybe we could figure something out together. "Amber I'm not having any trouble thinking, but I'm still not in full control of this boosted magic level. Also Sparky isn't here. I *know* it's not real, and that makes me not inclined to do anything. This isn't my life." I looked to my back. "These aren't my wings, either."

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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caliber piped up. "as a matter of fact, does anyone want their wings removed? iv figured out the exact spot that'll cause minimal bleeding." he said, as he returned with a couple more plates stacked high. "im planning on removing mine sometime later today." 


he munched causally. "and if we really are in a illusion, then would it matter?" he said, "is this any better than the real world?"


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