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private The Elements


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"I DON'T KNOW!" He screamed his lungs out. "THERE WAS A BIG WELCOMING PARTY, AND YOU WERE ALL ALICORNS. YOUR ASCENSIONS ARE WIDELY KNOW PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE! GO ASK A SCHOOL FILLY!" He panted heavily. Very crossed no doubt. This was going too far. Royalty or not, this was abuse!



"You hear that?" Starchase perked up, ears standing.

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while lektra was tying to make her adrenaline go away, caliber was trying to hold onto his. "listen, i get that someponies would want me to become an alicorn. BUT. i dont wanna be an alicorn. can you tell us who made us into alicorns?" he asked, sword still out. "cause i wanna be a unicorn again."


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"Sir, nobody knows how to ascend into alicornhood. If we'd knew, we'd all be alicorns. You once overtook a city all by yourself. And when you returned. You were an alicorn." The guard wheezed. "Princess, I really can't help you. Perhaps you should speak with the wise one. She may hold answers."

  • Brohoof 1


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There was great fanfare in the dark empire that day. A soldier patrolling the castle grounds had discovered a black alicorn while doing his duty. The servants chained the unconscious prince and took him to their ruler.


At first glance, the king could tell this pony a as royalty. Horn and wings. He couldn't believe his luck. Not only was it a prince, but an element as well.


He ordered his minions to bathe the unconscious pony and place it in one of the guest rooms. The dungeons would do too much damage, he had bigger plans for this one. He dispatched a message to the enemy immediately, demanding an audience at his castle.

  • Brohoof 1


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Arcing Storm

Storm groaned when he slowly sat up, his whole body hurting badly and especially his head. "What the buck happened...?" He slowly got onto his hooves and looked around. "And where is this place?" It looked like a guest room. Is he inside the castle right now?

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

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"I DON'T KNOW!" He screamed his lungs out. "THERE WAS A BIG WELCOMING PARTY, AND YOU WERE ALL ALICORNS. YOUR ASCENSIONS ARE WIDELY KNOW PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE! GO ASK A SCHOOL FILLY!" He panted heavily. Very crossed no doubt. This was going too far. Royalty or not, this was abuse!



"You hear that?" Starchase perked up, ears standing.


"Yeah," Amber said, frowning slightly. She looked towards Starchase with a quizzical expression, ears perked up.

"I think he said something about 'ascension'," she said. Amber pondered this a moment. Perhaps the guards had something they could tell them about their situation, after all.

"Maybe we should go check things out," Amber suggested, then added with a smirk: "My master plan can wait 'til later."

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There was an excited murmur in the room as they watched the alicorn captive awaken from his sleep like state. They rushed off to inform the king of this new development.


"A guard found you unconscious on castle grounds. You are in one of the castle's best guest rooms. Please rest up." A meek mare appeared at the bedside. A servant of the king.





"Master plan?" He looked curiously at her as they walked to the source of the earlier screams. This seems to be a change of attitude from her earlier paranoia. "Ascension, like to alicornhood? I doubt anypony would know anything about it. But if it pleases you." He trotted alongside them.

Edited by Swinton


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Midnight flapped along, "Master plan? Amber, why you ackin' so cray cray?" Is Amber paranoid? I don't know. Should I know? Aaaagh!!!  she screamed inside. "So...is the person who screamed crazy? Or did he die? I don't like dying. No one likes dying. Can someone like dying? I don't know..." she blabbered.

Edited by LyraBae
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Amber let out a sigh as her joke went over both of their heads.

"Its probably nothing as serious as death," she said to Midnight, offering a smile. "It sounded more like angry yelling."

Although she sounded brave and rather sure of herself, on the inside Amber was pondering the possibility. Could we die here? she thought. Gears churned in her head as she tried again to make sense of their situation, but her thoughts were dismissed as they reached the room where the angry yell had come from.

"What's going on?" Anber asked.

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A guardpony rushed over to the five Elements, convieniently grouped together. "Sirs! Madams!" He breathed heavily as he tried to catch his breath. "S-Sir Storm... has been captured... b-by the Sombran Empire!" He reported and hung his head, hoping that none of them is going to go furious on him.

  • Brohoof 1

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

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"You what?!" Starchase looked at Lektra with an eyebrow raised that's said 'seriously'. He went over to the unhappy guard and helped him up. He apologized and sent him off.


"What do they want?" Starchase asked quietly.


"An audience with the Elements. In his castle." He guard chattered but had calmed down a great deal seeing as nopony was threatening him.

  • Brohoof 1


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caliber pulled out his sword once again. "how, many guards we got here?!" he asked, "i say we take the guards trained in stealth, and we'll lead a party to retrieve him!" he said, "or hell, kill 'em all if we have to!!!"


he was furious. didnt matter or not he barely knew storm, those sombrian ponies need to die.


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Amber cast a sideways glance on her still-in-training wings. Wake up with wings one morning, a few ponies disappear, you become an element, and suddenly you're storming a castle. She looked hesitantly at her fellow Alicorns.

"Do we really know what we're getting ourselves into here?" she asked.

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"To be honest, I expected you two in worse condition." Starchase joked. "Besides, we're alicorns!"


"It is said that Prince Caliber possess twenty five wounds from his conquest of Corhayoli." The messager pipe up. "The Empire has simply requests your audience and no one's else at his castle. He has asked for nothing more. We are currently spread rather thin. Deployment may not be possible at such a short notice. The Sombran Empire is a dangerous place, to enter it without permission is to die.

  • Brohoof 2


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A grin played at Amber's lips.

"An adventure sounds good to me," she said, looking about.

"But we're going to have to be smart about this. They have one of us, so if we just barge in they might think we're hostile and..." she looked up ponderously, searching her mind for the most delicate terms she could think of.

"...Tighten their grip on him, so to speak? We need to make them think we come in peace--which we do," she added hastily.

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caliber waved sparky away, who was assaulting him with what he assumed would be something that would sting. 


"i could just go in, and really cause a commotion." he said, grinning. "that might give the rest of y'all time to be able to infiltrate the place. im sure ill be fine."


he looked at the guard, who called him 'prince.' "call me that again, ill slice your vocal cords." he said cheerfully.

Edited by PeytonJay


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Starchase stared blankly at them. All this talk of infiltration and castle storming turned his brain off. It was the whimpering guards that snuck behind him and scampered off that shook the clouds out of his head.


"We could do ask they ask and maybe come to some sort of arrangement to get him back." He suggested in a small voice. It seemed unlikely it would happen but he had hoped for peace. And he doubt his somewhat bloodthirsty friends would like that idea. "Also can we stop threatening the ponies that quite literally worship us? It isn't very polite and I don't think they like it. You've scared him away. Now how are we going to get any useful information?"

  • Brohoof 1


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Amber nodded.

"I agree with Starchase," she said, "but we should always have a plan B. Maybe even a plan C."

She looked over to her bleeding companions.

"I don't know any healing spells, but now that we're Alicorns, they shouldn't be too hard to learn. We can pick up some books at the school library before we head out, if you'd like." She smiled sympathetically at Lektra.

"And don't bully the guards!" She added sharply, sticking out her tongue at Caliber."We might just need them later."

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"Yeah, Caliber," Midnight echoed, "Don't be a bully, be a princess! I mean- a prince..." The foal turned her focus to Amber, "I'm not the best with magic. I've never been. All I know is levitation, and teleportation, and even those spells aren't good." Midnight shrugged, "Well, I don't care, 'cause I'm gonna learn!"

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caliber grinned. "ah, he knows we're joking!" he said, putting one hoof over the guards shoulder. "we're buddies!"


"and as long as your sure a peaceful thing would work. but make no mistake. as soon as they pull a fast one, the swords coming out." his eyes darkened. "and i may-or-may-not have been working on a spell..."

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"Whatever we, we better do it now. Who knows what Arcing is going through?!" Tensing up, he drew circles on the ground with his hoof. "They could be torturing him or beating him up to a pulp or torturing him by beating him up into a pulp. Or breaking his bones one by one or..."

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"...or he could be sitting quietly in the dungeon or having tea with the king," Amber said. She nudged Starchase lightly.

"Don't worry. Even if they ARE mistreating him, he's an Alicorn now, and he can handle himself." She walked towards the door and opened it with a shock of orange magic, and a grin spread across her face.

"Now," she said, wih a tone of finality, "Who wants to go to the library?"

Edited by AmberDust

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"Me! Me!" Midnight yipped, "I wanna read some books at the library!" She wondered what books would be found there. Maybe some magic books? Flying books? Oh, this is so exciting! I could just burst! Hehehe! Midnight thought cheerfully. "Ooh, maybe we'll find a book about that theory you have about us, Amber," she said.

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"I can't believe we're going to a library." Starchase sighed in defeat. He doubt they'd have much information in there. If they did it was probably stashed in some secret vault. "Let me ask somepony, I'm sure they'd know directions to the library."


He stepped out of the open door and flagged down a guard who tensed up when he saw Caliber. After quickly mumbling some directions, Starchase bade him good day and he continued whatever he was doing.


Directions in hoof, they set off to the library.

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