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open Fallen Canterlot RP Thread [An Adventure/Action/Dark]


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OOC: [Planning] Fallen Canterlot [Title Pending] (An Adventure/Action/Possibly Dark RP) - Everfree Empire Planning & OOC Discussion - MLP Forums


@@Gloomfury, @@FortyTwo42, @@Windbreaker@@Evilshy, @@Golbez,


The Canterlot dungeons exemplify everything you've heard about Unicornian hospitality to prisoners. The cells are cramped, filthy, and Ill-equipped for stays of any duration. There are no beds or cots, at least not in the traditional sense. Your beds are a mixture of straw and hay that have been piled in a corner of the cell, sadly it also seems to be your sole source of food. It would explain why half the cell was filled  A small trough on the opposite end of the cell trickles just enough water so you won't die of dehydration...at least not anytime soon. The walls of the cells are stone and the thick iron doors have resisted all attempts at opening them. The thickness of the doors also prevent you from communicating with one another. The only light in the dungeon comes from a glowing fungus that grows on the ceiling and walls of the cells.


The guards would carry torches with their magic. None of the guards have come by the cells in quite a while. Instead of being taken to a refugee camp that was placed built somewhere on the outskirts of Canterlot you were brought here. You were told that this was just temporary and you would be taken to the camp soon. Unfortunately that never happened, you've been left to rot in your cells for weeks. No guards have come by since the first or second day. The hay in your cell running low. 


One by one a knock followed by the clicking of a lock comes from the other side of your cell door. Once you leave your cell you'll unlocking the other cells, even empty ones. There's a trail of bloody hoofprints and bloodsplatters on the ground leading up to the mare. Her once pristine ashen grey coat is now stained crimson. Her mane isn't in a better condition, it's frazzled and one part looks singed from flames. The light from her horn illuminates her face more than the ceiling fungus ever could.


Her left eye is simply...broken, it doesn't follow anything in particular, it just twitches every few seconds before resting in the same position. Blood is slowly flowing out of the socket and down her face. The mare doesn't say anything or even look at you until she finishes unlocking all the doors. Eventually she turns around, leaning her weight against the stone walls of the prison. The mare takes in a deep breath before slowly wheezing it out. "Hey there," she smiles at the five of you, her teeth are covered in blood. "You probably don't recognize me anymore. I'm Silver Heart, I was one of the ponies that was ordered to watch after you....Well you're all still alive, so that's nice..."


You vaguely remember her, a rather bright and cheery mare that examined each of you before you were put into the cells. You only saw her twice after that, when she came to let you know how much longer it would be before you were to be transported.


Silver Heart traces her hoof over the stone floor. "A lot has happened but I don't think I have the time to explain...I need to try to unlock the rest of the cells. I left the armory unlocked. Try to get some weapons there....Canterlot isn't very safe anymore." She paused to wheeze a little more. She paused to grimace. The paing of talking was apparantly too much for her. "Just get out and find someone friendly to tell you what's going on. Try to be quiet, I think I cleared the way...but I'm not too sure. Well...good luck.." The nurse said. As she turned around you caught a glimpse of her Cutie Mark, a heart with some sort of green medical symbol in front of it. Surrounding her Cutie Mark was a thick black circle. It was the curse, the same thing that each of you were captured for, only yours was much thinner.

Edited by SilverHeart

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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(Sorry for lack of color)




Sillic's normally white coat was far dirtier than he liked. As a craftspony, he was too concerned with cleanliness, but he still like to be presentable. His mane was ragged a badly needed a trim, and his tail had a few tangles that would be such a pain to get out later. He smirked to himself. I must be going insane, caring this much about appearances. Not like I have any customers to leave a good impression on. His horn glowed as he absentmindedly levitated a pebble a few inches off the ground, but fell as his head started aching. It had been awhile since he had been able to sleep well, and magic would be accompanied by headaches until he got some quality rest. He sighed and closed his eyes.


Not for long, though. He sat upright when he heard a clicking sound coming from his cell door. He was shocked to see the mare standing there, or rather, the condition of the mare. What happened to her? They wouldn't send a near-dead pony to replace the hay, guess I'll have to wait for... His thought trailed off as she freed the other prisoners and spoke to them all. Sillic hesitantly peeked out and saw nopony except the wounded mare and the others. He cautiously stepped forward.


"Wait." He said as the mare began to walk away. "Why free us? What's going on?"

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Gloom eyes were glazed over as he stared off at the door of his cell. He was sitting in his corner like normal. His mind wandering, images of is time before he was placed in this gods forsaken place. Most of the hay in his cell was pushed against his corner, mostly because whenever he got up to walk around or punch the walls to keep himself strong for when he leaves this place.When he dose the first think he's going to do is hunt down whoever did this to him.


As he kept staring at the door, he heard a clank, witch knocked him out of his trance. He quickly got up and got ready to pounce on whoever is behind the door.  When he saw a very wounded mare and a few others that seemed to be prisoners as well he calmed down. He grabbed a hoof full of hay and stepped out of the cell. Then he listened to what the mare had to say.


He vaguely remembered her. But he could recognize her voice. 


When the stallion next to him asked why she set them free he couldn't help but think the same thing.  Normally he would say something but he decided to be hold his tongue for now.  All he cared about was getting the hell out of this place and getting his knife back while he was at it.

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Phantom Dancer


He sat in the corner of his cell, his mane a frightful patchwork of white, gold and dirt. His seemingly red coat was similarly mismatched as the dye faded and got smothered with dirt. He'd almost given up hope of ever getting out. Not that he had much ambition if he ever did. He had no family, no friends, no contacts in Canterlot. He'd forgotten why he started doing what he did, and could no longer consciously recall it. He just was. Not that he allowed it to bother him. Sometimes a pony needed killing, and he was there, ready to fulfill the request and get paid. It was no more than business, where emotions had no place. Not that it mattered now. He had all but accepted that he was going to die here...


...Until that mare came to set them free.


Not one to turn down the opportunity, he was up and ready within moments. "Which way to the armoury?" He asked bluntly. If she just took down the guards, based on her injuries and the amount of blood on her and the ground, then more would follow. He'd need a plan, an idea, or a weapon. Preferably all three, but not all operations allow the time. This one likely wouldn't allow him such a luxury.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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This might be it. Ebony's been in this cell for so long. That huge iron door has completely isolated her from the rest of the world. The guards used to come and check on her every now and then, but lately, there's been absolutely nothing. Without the sun to go by, it was getting difficult to tell whether she's been in this cell for a few weeks or a few months. Ebony still didn't fully understand why she was in jail in the first place. They said it has something to do with the circle surrounding her cutie mark. Sure, Ebony agrees that's weird, but why did that mean she had to be locked up? She just wants to go home. Her friends and family must be getting worried sick about her. But with each passing day, the amount of hay left in her cell keeps getting smaller and smaller. It'll run out eventually, and unless someone comes soon, she's surely going to die here.


Then the door rattled. Ebony instantly sprang up and watched the door intently. This was the first time the door has been touched since... Ebony lost track of the time, but it was definitely a while. But once the door opened... She certainly wasn't prepared to see a mare covered in blood. Her excitement quickly turned to fear, but she hid it as best she could under a glare and a scowl. She can’t show weakness, she has to put on a brave face.


She screeched softly. Most ponies would probably think screeches are just a sound bat ponies make when they're annoyed, trying to scare someone, or according to some odd ponies, trying to somehow be cute. However, what she's actually doing by screeching is echolocating; she's listening for the echos from her screech to determine the general layout of the area and if there's other ponies there. She's trained herself to do it often when she's in an unfamiliar place, as when she's exploring the Everfree Forest the echoes are sometimes the only warning she gets that something dangerous is nearby.


From the echo, Ebony could tell there were four or five ponies there apart from herself. Perhaps there were other guards, she feared. But her fears were quickly put to rest as she stepped outside of her cell and saw the other prisoners. There couldn't be any guards nearby, the prisoners account for all the ponies she detected. Hopefully, these were just innocent ponies thrown in jail for no reason like her, and not actual criminals. For now, she just silent stood with them, and listened to what the mare who freed them had to say.


'Yeah, you certainly did a great job looking after us,' she muttered under her breath partway through the mare's talk, during which the mare called herself Silver Heart. However, the last part Silver said really got Ebony's attention. Adding onto what that white unicorn said to Silver, Ebony said 'You left the armory unlocked for us? Do you just expect us to know how to use a weapon with no training? What could possibly have happened to make us need to use weapons ourselves?'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Cherry didn't like this, not even the slightest...
Being put in cell all on her own was a far-cry from what she was used to, entertaining many a merry pony in her travels from tavern to tavern in Equestria, sure some of may have been more rowdy than she would have liked. but it was all in good spirits...most of the time. 
Right now however the red pegasi would have very much preferred the company of a castle full of brutal drunken ponies, ANYTHING would have been better than this...the silence...the emptiness...the loneliness.
She was scared.
Cherry curled up in the corner of the cell on top of what was left of her hay, her eyes red and a little swollen after crying quietly to herself, why was she even here? She had done nothing wrong and she was well in rights for battering squire around the head with her loot that day, the way he behaved was totally out of order.
It was all because of that stupid ring she found around her cutie mark one, at first the musician thought plainly that somepony was playing a trick on her and painted it on, it was only when she pointed it out to somepony about cleaning it off that all the trouble started.


As she thought about that day the pegasi began to feel like crying again, it wasn't fair, she didn't know a single thing about it and was no closer to knowing right now.

Cherry restrained her cries to a slight whimper, as much as she wanted to she didn't want to cry out loud in the event she may have drowned out the sound of somepony coming.

she whimpered quietly as she kept her ears perked up for the sound of anything...anything at all.

















​As if almost in response, the door clicked and slowly opened with a metallic whine, Cherry gasped and sat up abruptly, her back pressed up hard against the wall, her mouth gaping open in shock, was this it? Had somepony come to put her nightmare to an end?

But no-pony came, she see the silhouette of a shadow passing by and the sound of hooves against the stone floor, what was going on?

Cherry was terrified, but very well knowing she may not be offered another chance to leave this place if she turned it way, she stepped forward to wards the door, albeit very tentatively. 


Cherry gulped as she peeked her head out the door and look into the corridor, finding she was the last of other prisoners to show themselves.

Glancing at each of the prisoners in turn, Cherry turned to look down the corridor...albeit looking on in shock...at the badly wounded mare addressing them.


As the red mare had assumed, something had gone very, very wrong within the castle as Silver had stated, it answered a few questions but it seemed to raise more questions.

Whilst the other Prisoners saw fit to assault the beaten mare with questions, Cherry remained silentl, instead simplt trying to grasp everything that is happening...was actually happening.

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@@Golbez,@@FortyTwo42, @@Windbreaker, @@Gloomfury, @@Evilshy,  


Silver Heart continued to limp towards the door, despite the many questions that had been lobbied at her. The mare might not have even heard the questions for all the intent she showed to answering them. It wasn't until she had reached the door at the end of the hall that she even looked back. Her expression was unreadable in the dim lighting of the hallways, not that it would have been easy to see it behind the wounds, blood, and dirt anyway. Turning back towards the door, Silver Heart placed her hoof on the door's handle and pulled. The door didn't open.


"Well I guess I can take a small break to try to explain the situation...since I can't open that thrice damned door." The mare responded as she hesitantly lowered herself to the stone floor. "So...I'll be honest, I don't really have too much time to spare....that uh, that's probably pretty obvious." Silver Heart said, her voice was barely above a whisper, though that didn't seem intentional on her part. "No pony is very sure about what's going on. Almost over night the curse...or disease spread throughout the entire city, despite all the steps we took to prevent that from happening. There are all sorts of rumors about it n-" Silver fell into silence, raised her hoof, and turned her head to the side. Seconds later she began violently coughing. This went on for several seconds before she stopped.



A fresh layer of blood covered her mouth. Silver Heart stared at the ground next to her for several seconds. The frown on her face indicated she wasn't very pleased with what she was looking at. "So...the curse..um...it also began to act faster than before. Either that or some ponies are more resistant to it. Whether that's a good thing or not, I don't know. Most of Canterlot...or possibly Equestria might as well be gone." It looked like she was wincing with every word spoken now. "The cursed ponies will try to murder any ponies that are still sane. Thankfully most ponies weren't fighters before. As long as you are careful they're only dangerous in groups."


"I got separated from my family a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to find them since. I decided that instead of just hanging myself or jumping off the city walls I could try to do something nice and free some of the prisoners. Not everypony in here deserves to die...as I'm sure you'd agree. I wouldn't want to starve to death if I were locked in here." Silver laid her head down on the stones and rolled onto her side. She positioned her head so that she could still see you out of the corner of her vision." 


."The armory is....somewhere in that direction." Despite what she said she neither raised her head nor used her hooves to point in any direction. "I don't remember, its not hard to find. Unless you follow me downward, it will be mostly safe. Noiw can one of you come over here and open the door for me? I'd like to clear the first level before...before...my wounds get the best of me."




The mare didn't answer your question.


Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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That answered some of their questions, and a few more unspoken questions. But Silver Heart didn't answer her main question: How are they expected to get by when they don't know how to use any weapons? Ebony had a nagging feeling that Silver didn't forget about the question, but she was avoiding it. But it sort of made sense. What kind of answer could you give to that? Get proficient at swordplay in a few seconds? There doesn't seem to be any realistic way to increase her odds of survival in a fight above zero.


But she doesn't necessarily have to fight, does she? She may be poor at direct combat, but she excels at avoiding dangerous animals in the Everfree Forest. Those skills should hopefully help her in avoiding the cursed ponies in Canterlot. Right now, getting out of Canterlot safely and quickly sounds like her highest priority.


One thought in particular made her heart sink. Silver mentioned the curse may have spread all across Equestria... Does that mean her home is affected too? If so, would she even have a home to come back to? She initially planned to make for home immediately once she got out of Canterlot, but now she's not so sure that's the best place to go. Ironically, the Everfree Forest sounds like the safest place for her at the moment. There aren't any ponies there, and any ponies that try to enter would be chased back out by the wildlife there if they didn't know how to get by the wildlife like she did. Perhaps she should focus on getting to the Everfree Forest now. She'll have a lot more time to mull things over once she's there.


Ebony glanced back over the other prisoners with her. Before, she was hoping they were all normal, everyday ponies locked in here for the same reason as her. But now, she found herself partially hoping some of them, or at least one, was a real criminal who could hold their own in a fight. And hopefully they're not psychopaths as well. But a non-psychopathic criminal might be asking for too much. Either way, she better get to know them. If the rest of the world has gone crazy like Silver says, they may be the only allies she'll ever find. She just prays they'll make good, reliable, and most importantly, trustworthy allies.


Introductions can wait for now. First, Ebony wants to get some more information out of Silver Heart. She walked to the door Silver just tried to open. She put her hoof on the door, but held it there and looked at Silver. '"Most ponies weren't fighters before." That applies to me too, you know. I can't defend myself with any weapon. So, do you know any good route for escaping Canterlot without encountering many crazy ponies?'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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While Gloom kept quiet he looked around at the other prisoners, he could tell that some of them haven't seen any kind of battle. But one of them have. He could smell a hint of blood on him. He didn't really care, at least someone could handle themselves in a fight. He also could tell that he seemed to be the strongest looking stallion in the group. So it was up to him to do the heavy lifting. 


Gloom walked towards the the mare and went past her to the door where one of the prisoners were. He lightly pushed her out of the way and kicked the door open. "I ain't the sneaking type. Besides, I need something to take my anger out on." He walked back over to the hurt mare and gently scooped her up in his forelegs.  "Now before we head off I'm gonna need ya to tell me when they put our stuf, lass. I got to get my knife and dagger back. I also got a med kit on my mag so I can dress your wounds."

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Silver Heart




"I'm sorry, you'll have to learn...I did, if it helps. But...I won't tell you how to leave Canterlot," Silver Heart looked up at you, while her expression didn't change much, her voice did sound regretful, there was even a little bit of shame. "You're a batpony. Your cities are very iso-" Silver Heart was however caught off guard as the prisoner walked up to the doors and attempt to kick it open before grabbing her and lifting her up.. 



You look back at the door. Despite the impressive strength of your kick the iron door did not budge. It is then that you notice the hinges are on this side of the door. It can only be pulled open, not pushed. The mare was just too weak to pull open such a heavy door.




Silver Heart squirmed in the forehooves of the stallion, despite her lack of strength it was obvious that she didn't like this situation. "Why in tartarus would you even do that you stupid git?!" She muttered before renewing her attempts to wiggle out of his grasp. Her efforts were not in vain whether he dropped her or she actually managed to force her way out didn't matter. She rolled out of his grasp and onto the floor. The sound she made as she hit the ground was reminiscent of a sack of flour being carelessly tossed onto the floor. Somehow she managed to take the fall without hurting herself too much more. She didn't waste any time recovering from her fall, instead she glared up at at Gloomfury "You may not rely on sneaking around but I certainly do. Every single one of them probably heard that." The wounded medic looked back at the door, a mixture of anger and sorrow. The mare slumped down next to the door. "It really would be suicide now....I probably wouldn't even get to the first cell..."


@@Gloomfury,@@FortyTwo42, @@Golbez, @@Windbreaker, @@Evilshy,  

In the brief silence that followed, a subtle scratching sound began to come from the otherside of the door. It was difficult to tell but the sound was suspiciously like hooves scraping over stone. Silver Heart let out a shallow sigh. "Is there anything else you want.?"


((OOC: I'm not trying to rush y'all for a post. I just didn't want to have to respond to everyone at once again. It's a lot of writing.))

Edited by SilverHeart

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Phantom Dancer


Phantom started off in the direction the mare had just come from. He'd evaluate the others later, as the more pressing matter was arming himself and possibly the others. It was necessary that they be able to defend themselves, but Phantom was unsure about trusting them yet. His heart almost leapt into his throat when he heard the sound of hooves impacting on iron. He looked back, eyes wide in a combination of fear and disbelief that one of them had just tried to kick open a heavy iron door. Based on the mare's reaction, he'd assume that in addition to blowing their cover, he'd tried to open the door in the wrong direction. It would seem he should've evaluated them a little before going to acquire weapons but now that really was their priority. Before there was the chance a guard might have detected them. Now it was practically guaranteed.


He bolted for the armoury as quickly as his legs would carrying him, keeping eyes open for signs or clues that would tell him if he was going the right direction and how far away it was.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Gloomfury, @@FortyTwo42, @@Windbreaker, @@Evilshy, @@SilverHeart


Cherry kept mostly to herself as the others conversed with one another, still getting to grips with the situation, but at least after a moment to calm down she think with a clearer head.




The red mare jumped on the spot at the loud sound, look across the corridor she noticed the largest stallion trying, but in vain, to open the steel door to one of the cells.

As Silver scolded him and stated their was a possibility of others still being in the castle, her ears drooped at the realization that was not a safe place, it was dangerous....ironically it became dangerous the moment her cell door was opened.


Cherry sat back on her flank still in the confines of the doorway to her cell, and sighed deeply, they were gonna struggle to get out of here in one piece at this rate.As She looked up she noticed one of the other prisoners was missing, she blinked and looked down the opposite end of the corridor where Silver had come from int he first place...and noticed him galloping down it, "Where's he going?..Is that a good idea?"


Cherry felt that she should at least mention it to some-pony, but looking back and seeing she was in the presence of a bat-pony and and a rather large and well built, (and possibly slightly thick) Stallion, she felt a little imitated.


Despite this, Cherry gingerly crept up against the wall, trying not to look too noticeable as she approached the Silver, laying on the floor beside the door.

She frowned as she looked at the sorry state the poor mare was in, had it not occurred to any of the others that this pony may have been fighting for her very life not too long ago?

After first implying about how to get out of here and where their weaponry was, it didn't seem likely at all.


Taking pity, Cherry used her head and wings to gently help the mare up into an upright sitting position, placing one wing over her shoulder, she didn't know why she did that...force of habit maybe?

"Um...I noticed one of the others run down the hall just now....should we...should we go after him?"

Her ears perked up however at the sound of scratching on the other side of the Iron door, she looked at the mare with a mixture of nervousness and confusion.

"Wh-wh-wh-what was th-that?!"

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Gloom sighed. He thought the door would open if he kicked it. But he was rather disappointed when it didn't. He just wanted to take some anger out on it. He was also annoyed that Silver Heart wiggled out of his hooves when he was trying to help her. So he took note to not even bother. When he heard the other stallion who smelt like blood took off, he didn't really care. Considering he asked where the armory was, he pretty much could tell that was where he was heading.


While he was thinking sounds came from the door he kicked. He started to get tense, maybe there were still ponies in the dungeons. And it would seem that the blood sent pony had the right idea. "Well if there is still guards here, I got something to take my anger out on. I'm going to look for my blades. You all can look after yourselves." He turned around and head off the same direction Phantom was going.

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It's starting to sound like Ebony's lack of experience with weapons is going to become a big problem. Still, the armory was apparently left unlocked so they can all easily get a weapon anyway. Ebony should pick one up too, since a weapon she barely knows how to use is better than no weapon at all. If she's lucky, perhaps she could get one of the other prisoners to train her. But training should wait until they escape Canterlot.


Although Silver is not being helpful with her advice on escaping. Ebony scoffed at Silver's last sentence. 'Of course, everypony gets to go home except the bat pony. Oh, I'm sorry, it's "sub-pony", isn't it?' Ebony removed her hoof from the door. 'You want that door open, you tell-'




Ebony got cut off by the bulky stallion who gave the door a big kick. Not only did it not open the door since it opens inwards, but it made a large sound that would surely attract any nearby guards or cursed ponies to them. 'You stupid idiot!' Ebony shouted at him, but she didn't say anything else as Silver beat her to yelling at him.


Although he seems dumb, at least he sounds like he knows how to fight, which is probably the most important thing right now. Now that a confrontation seems all but inevitable and Ebony doesn't know how to fight, she's probably just going to be a liability to the team. There's definitely no time to train her to fight now either. Although as the only bat pony here, she'd be the only one who could use echolocation, so she could quickly map out the surrounding area and how many ponies there are with a quick screech. That would've given her something useful to contribute to the team, if it wasn't for that stupid stallion blowing their cover and making sneaking impossible.


As it is now... She's starting to worry everypony will just abandon her since they have no reason to protect her. Or perhaps, they'll abandon her just because she's a bat pony. The more she thought about it, the more likely it felt and the more fearful she got of it happening. Her mind started replaying scenarios in which everypony leaves her over and over, and no matter how much she tried to tell herself that worrying won't do anything, she couldn't stop replaying them.

@@Windbreaker, @@Golbez,


The red pegasus had walked over to Silver and said something to her. Ebony overheard her speaking, but didn't pay attention to the exact words since she was trapped in her thoughts. But she suddenly jolted her head upwards and looked down the hall as she realized the pegasus was saying something about a pony leaving. Sure enough, another pegasus with a read coat was running down the hallway, although something seemed off with the coat of this pony. That stupid stallion ran after him moments later.


Those ponies were leaving. Leaving the rest of them behind. Leaving her behind. Ebony can’t let that happen. With no fighting skills and almost assured encounters with the cursed ponies or prison guards, Ebony would have no hope of survival if she were on her own. Her only hope is to follow everypony else closely, even if they try to abandon her.


She suddenly bolted after the two ponies who had run off, yelling 'I won't be left behind!'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Ignoring his fatigue, Sillic jumped up. Everypony had started moving so fast, after all this time spent doing nothing he wasn't sure how far adrenaline would take him. Best to get somewhere safe quickly. The two stallions who had run off seemed the warrior type and could probably handle themselves. And anyway, they're likely to get into trouble, running ahead blindly like that. The green mare had also run off ahead, though in fear instead of confidence. She had seemed... odd. Something about her wings. He'd heard traveling merchants speak of Pegasi with bat wings, who could ruin an entire harvest in a few nights. Sillic didn't trust pegasi much when they were the normal brutes, and apparently their leathery winged cousins were even worse.


Mistrust aside, the real pegasus was young and seemed scared. Sillic spoke softly but sternly. "Hey, Pegasus. Calm down, we'll be fine. Just stick with me, the last thing we want to do right now is split up even more."

He turned to Silver. "Can you lead us out of here? Do you know of anywhere safe?"

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Phantom Dancer



At the sound of a pony shouting after him, he did a backflip to close the distance between him and the shouting pony, using his wings to assist with the maneuver and muffling his landing before turning and giving her a somewhat worried expression. "Ma'am, please be quiet. If you keep yelling, you could give away our position to any guards that injured mare may have missed, or whatever is behind that door. So, please quiet down and we'll all stand a better chance, ok?" He asked, carefully measuring his response to try and seem friendly. After all, she may possess talents useful to his ends.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Ebony stopped on the spot as the pegasus with the somehow off red coat suddenly landed in front of her. He then calmly told her to be quiet, as her yelling could attract the guards. Ebony stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds as she thought about what he said. He was perfectly right, Ebony was being too noisy. Her fears must really have gotten the best of her, as usually she's very good at sneaking around and she had just berated somepony else for being noisy. He was being quite friendly about it too. Ebony got the feeling that this was somepony who would stick by her. Especially since he didn't seem to care she was a bat pony. That really helped with her nerves a lot. She was still scared, but for the most part she was able to think clearly again.


Ebony nodded at the pegasus. With how friendly he was, she should probably tell him how she was feeling. 'Yeah, sorry about that. I guess my fears got the best of me. I don't know how to fight, so I'm worried that you might-' She cut herself off. On second thought, she better not mention the exact reason, or it might put ideas in his head that she really doesn't want him to have. 'That I won't be able fight off anypony else,' she continued. It's not wrong, but it's a little redundant. Hopefully nopony realizes she was hiding anything, but between her stutter and flimsy continuation it wouldn't be too difficult to notice...


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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@@FortyTwo42,@@Windbreaker, @@Gloomfury,



The hall that you entered is much like the one your cells were in. It's long, made of stone, and there are  four iron doors along the sides leading into different rooms. Unlike the hall you were just in, the doors lead in to actual rooms and not into cells. A quick glance inside suggests that each of these rooms were barracks for the dungeon's guards, since there are three beds in each of the rooms. The armory must be further ahead. At the end of the hall, you can see a stairwell leading up to the next level. 


In the middle of the hall are the corpses of three ponies. Two of them are lacking their coats, their skin is dry and leathery looking. Beneath the two of them, you notice that their blood is in the middle of congealing. The third pony still has his coat and mane, though it looks like he's been dead for a few weeks. The broken bones and injuries suggest he was trampled to death.


Silver Heart

@@Evilshy, @@Golbez,  


Silver allowed the red mare to help her to her hooves. The bat-winged pony had already ran off down the hallway. "It's nothing we really need to worry about....so long as no pony opens the door.... Thank you though." She muttered, talking was beginning to become difficult. Even with the drugs she had taken, the pain was beginning to bleed through the otherwise blissful haze on her mind. She leaned against the red mare, mostly for support. At least one pony seemed to be thankful that she had come down to help them. All the other ungrateful bastards had run off. 


The injured mare looked up to the other unicorn, "Getting out is easy. Just follow the hallway. It's a straight line out. There's not really any safe place in the city that I know of...." Silver Heart glanced back at her saddlebag, "We should probably try to catch up with the others....or we can strike it out on our own. They seemed pretty quick to leave...." She finished her sentence with a wince. "Before that could one of you use one of my bandages to wrap around my eye?" A hoof pointed at her bleeding eye "Please, it's very...distracting."






You notice that the mare has two objects tied into her mane, they're difficult to see unless you are very close to her. The first is a glass pyramid with a gem inside. It looks kind of pretty. It's too large to be an earring but too small to any normal accessory.

The second looks like a straw pony that has been bound with leather straps. The expression on it's face makes it look like its screaming in pain or terror.


You get the distinct feeling that neither of these things are ornamental.



(OOC: Sorry for the short post, but I ran out of time.)

Edited by SilverHeart

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Gloom just jumped over them or kicked them out of the way, they were dead, they didn't care. He just kept his pace so he could reach his weapons quicker. He did't even bother to wait for the others, he wasn't their babysitter.  But for some reason he didn't want to just abandon them. But  he wasn't gonna go out of his way just to help them, he still wanted to get out of this place, maybe this city as well. 


But if he was going to at least help the others a little he really needed his blades, mostly because he didn't want to fight any guards with only his hooves and teeth.

Edited by Gloomfury
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Phantom Dancer



His friendly approach seemed to be paying off. This was good. He was on his way to earning a new ally. "It's ok, ma'am. Just take it easy and stay quiet. Maybe you could help me? See, I was going to secure weapons for myself and the others, and bring them back before figuring out the next step of our plan. Perhaps I could help you get home in return for your help."


Again, his response was measured carefully to evoke a friendly response. Her apparent lack of fighting skill was regrettable, but it could be solved in time. Something he didn't have right now, but he'd have think of a way to work around it and her lack of fighting skill. One thing was definitely certain, though. She was no good to him if she died. "Listen, if we make it out of here, I could teach you a thing or two so you can at least defend yourself. Good thing for Pegasus military training, isn't it?" He said, flashing a reassuring smile.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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If this stallion wasn't a great ally before, he definitely was one now. While Ebony still worries the others may feel like leaving her behind, she's now almost certain this stallion wouldn’t do so. As long as she has at least one ally who can fight her odds of survival go a lot higher. And on top of that, he's now offering to both help her get back home and train her a little so she can defend herself. Finding out the world's gone crazy and wants to kill you is probably one of the most unluckiest things that can happen to you, but putting that aside Ebony feels like a lucky mare at the moment to have made such a great ally so quickly.


She started to wonder if she's gotten too lucky. Is this stallion really offering all of this help out of the goodness of his heart? If he's going to such lengths to be on good terms with her, could it be he still thinks Ebony can help him in some way even though she can't fight? Well, maybe she can. She's an expert at safely navigating the Everfree Forest and avoiding the other dangerous animals there. She didn't think those skills mattered anymore since that stupid earth pony made a loud sound when he banged the door and gave away their location, so sneaking is impossible now. But she might as well tell him anyway. She doesn't want anypony thinking she's completely useless.


She continued walking to the armory as she spoke to the stallion. There’s no reason to just stand around. 'Thank you for those offers,' she said. 'Of course, we don't have time to train now, but if we get out of here safely, that will be very useful. And right now what I want the most is to just get home, so thanks for helping me do that too.' She paused for a few moments and sighed, then continued 'I might not be able to fight, but I want to help out in other ways if I can. I used to spend a lot of time in the Everfree Forest, so I'm good at finding out where animals are and avoiding them. It might not work as well now since these are ponies, not animals, but it's the best I can offer.' As she thought about this point for a while, another idea occurred to her. 'Actually... Do you know what echolocation is?'


If they've come this far, they should probably introduce themselves. She stopped walking briefly to hold out a hoof to the stallion. 'I'm Ebony. What's your name?'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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"I...I don't think we have much of a choice..." Cherry tilted her head into Silver's view after being briefly distracted by the very out-of-the-ordinary yet pretty trinkets in the mare's mane, her curiosity wanted to ask about them, but obviously this wasn't an appropriate time, despite she may not get another chance the way things were going.


"Um...I mean...", Cherry stuttered, her nervousness clearly showing, she tooka  deep breath as she drew on her own will to calm herself, "That stallion is obviously a jerk, like a big mean jerk, jerk, jerky Mc Jerk face, but..he's the best bet of all of us, I'm just an initiate and...-" Cherry turned to look at the injured mare, -",,,your in no fit state to fight...I mean...can you?" She knew it was a silly question looking at the state Silver was in, but knowing unicorns for all the red mare knew Silver could be capable of anything, and those trinkets...there was something about them.


"Here...let me," Cherry smiled, only a little mind, for probably what was the first in a very long time as she used a hoof to open Silver's bag and roll out a roll of bandages, Cherry picked it up and began to work on bandaging Silver's eye, she looked at the Sillic, "Um...sir? Could you please run ahead and the tell the others to wait up, or slow down or something?..we'll follow you and catch up, " she smiled at the colt for all the confidence she could muster.

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Silver Heart



"Thanks...." Silver replied while she waited patiently for the mare to finish wrapping the bandages around her head. "Make it as tight as you can, the tighter the better." It was kind of irritating that there wasn't anything for her to lean against. but laying down would only make this process take longer, assuming the mare even knew how to properly bandage the head. Most ponies didn't. Still, she was the only one besides the Unicorn stallion that stayed behind, which was kind. "It's okay....there really isn't anything dangerous left above us....You can take your time." 


Silver Heart winced at Cherry's movements. The pain was definitely coming back now. "H-hold on, just a moment please..." Silver said as she very lightly held up a hoof to hold Cherry back. The injured mare pulled a small iron bowl out of her saddlebags which was followed by a little black brick. She placed the brick into the bowl and conjured a small magical flame beneath it. "Sorry, you can continue...try not to breathe too much of that in...." She said while keeping an eye on the brick."So....what are your names?"

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Phantom Dancer


Phantom listened to her talk about her abilities, looking interested in what she could do. It seemed she was the sneaking type like he was. This could be useful, especially this echolocation. Having at least heard about echolocation from somewhere, he had a basic idea of what it was. Her abilities would make it so much easier to get around without getting into unnecessary fights.


Phantom flashed a smile Ebony's way, all while smirking internally as they walked. "Pretty name. I'm Grey Ash. 'Cause my natural coat colour is grey and some ponies used to tell me it's the colour of ash." He said, shaking her hoof. He hoped she wouldn't pick up that it was actually an alias, but he could easily play it off by acting eccentric and quirky. But he had to be absolutely certain he could trust her. Time would tell how trustworthy she was.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Gloom kept ahead of the others so he could look though some of the doors he past. He came across a few shower rooms, some supply rooms that seemed to be empty with just a few things, and few rooms with nothing inside.  While he got farther away from the cells his sense of smell started to come back. 


Which was a big help because he was able to take a deep breath without the strong stench of filth in the air for once. 

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