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open Fallen Canterlot RP Thread [An Adventure/Action/Dark]


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Jade Beacon


In the darkness of her cell, Jade was completely motionless. Her eyes were bloodshot and her face was swollen. She had stopped crying long ago, and now she simply gazed in front of her, empty and alone. From time to time she would adjust her seating, sometimes lie down to try to sleep, but that was it. Scratches and scorched spots on the door marked her attempts at escaping, which she had given up long ago. In anger she had torn down most of the fungus surrounding her, leaving her in near total darkness, with only small bits of the fungus all the way at the top of the cell remaining. She had lost any track of time, and she had no clue how lang she'd been here. All she knew is that she had to stay sane. "Do not let the darkness consume you..." With that thought, she fell asleep. Most of the time she was tormented with nightmares, but the few times that she had peaceful rest she dreamed of the world outside. The sun and the night sky, the sweet spring breeze or the harrowing storms of fall. Feeling and living again.


She woke up a bit disgruntled. A set of voices had woken her up. Voices. She jumped up, immediately regretting it because her muscles had grown sore and had been diminished to even less than what they used to be. She grunted in pain, and leaned against the wall of her cell to recover. The voices were still there, and she could see light. Any light at all was blinding to her, and she had trouble to adjust to even the slightest change. "Hello?" She whispered, her voice raucous and timid. Almost stumbling with every step, she exited her cell. She gasped. Finally she was free. Then again, she had no clue what was going on. Had she been left alone?


Still mostly blind, and very confused, Jade carefully stepped forward out of her cell. She blinked a few times trying to see if there was anypony nearby, but she couldn't make out anything. Helpless, she pleaded for help slightly louder. "Hello? Anyone?" She said. Her voice was shivering now, as if she was about to cry. Her muscles felt like they were burning, and she was sure she could collapse any moment. "Please help..." She managed to utter as she slowly dropped back to the ground, sitting against the door of her very own cell. She wasn't sure if she could ever see again at all, and this terrified her. She had to take her time to recover. Perhaps after a few minutes of trying to walk and adjusting to the situation she'd be able to continue, but right now all she wished for was someone to come and rescue her, perhaps even hold her tight... Cry with her.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Ebony returned the stallion's smile. 'It's nice to meet you, Grey Ash,' she replied, not noticing the name was an alias. Hearing his coat colour was naturally grey was surprising at first, but it explains why she felt something was off about the red colour of his coat. 'So, you dye your coat? I don't know of many ponies who do that.' It seems she's forming a good relationship with this pony, so asking him about it while they look for the armory could help strengthen it more. 'Is it a fashion thing? Do you do it to follow trends or look nice? I never understand Canterlot fashion trends, so I wouldn't know. As far as I can tell, some wealthy Canterlot unicorn just says "this is how you will all dress now" and other ponies blindly follow.' She hoped that didn't go too deeply into 'small talk' just then since they obviously have much bigger concerns, but they can easily talk while they search the rooms so it shouldn't be a big deal.


While it's great that she's building up a good relationship with Phantom, it would be even better if she could build up good relationships with everypony else. 'Once we get to the armory, we should probably introduce ourselves to the other ponies and get to know them. Safety in numbers or whatever that saying is. It'll be easier to stay alive if all of us stick together... right?' she asked Phantom. Hopefully everypony else is okay with her being a bat pony like Phantom is, but with about 5 other ponies to get to know, the chances of every one of them not hating bat ponies for one stupid reason or another seems unlikely.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Phantom Dancer



Phantom's internal smirk turned to more of a grin. She'd figured his coat dye was to follow a trend, when the real purpose was far less pleasant. "I do it so I'll look less boring. Seeing me in my natural colours is just so uninspiring. And, you can just call me Grey. It's shorter and easier to use than my full name." He said. Talking to her was a decent way to pass the time if nothing else and she did seem to genuinely want to be on good terms with him. How much of it was his charm and how much was her looking to strengthen good relations with a pony who seemed to want to be friends with her, he couldn't tell, but if he was careful and clever, he could use it to his advantage.


"I'm sure we can get to know our fellow prisoners, certainly. They probably think we've abandoned them, though. Really, all we're doing is moving ahead to secure the armoury and retrieve arms for our companions. Pretty sure it's a military thing, but I haven't been a soldier for a years." Phantom said, flashing another smile Ebony's way. Discounting his careful and calculating mentality, she seemed decent to talk to. Perhaps he would add her to his small list of preferred companions.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Gloomfury@@@Windbreaker@@Evilshy@@SilverHeart, @@Scribblegroove


"Uh...ok...," Cherry leaned back as Silver lightly pushed her away, only becoming even more curios-er as the Unicorn took out what she though was a mortar and pedestal, at least that's what it looked like, the subtle smell of it told a different story however, the red mare raised a hoof to cover her nose as Silver suggested.


"My name is Cherry Bomb, miss.." she smiled as she finished off wrapping the bandage around Silver's head, "Erm...this last bit..might....sting a bit, " she said meekly before grabbing the end of the piece of cloth and yanking it back tight with her teeth, quickly she tied it off at the end and instictively placed her fore-hooves on Silver's shoulders as she buried her face in her the Unicorns mane from behind, "I'm sorry!.."I'm sorry!.."I'm sorry!.."I'm sorry!...I didn't mean for it hurt! Honest!"


After some time apologizing profusely to Silver, One of Cherry's ears perked up as she heard a faint voice calling down the corridor....


"Please help..."


Cherry leaned around Silver's shoulder to look at her directly, "Hey...did you hear that?"

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Silver Heart

@@Golbez@@Scribblegroove, @@Evilshy


Silver, satisfied that Cherry would try not to breathe any of the drug in, fed more power into the flame under the bowl. As the flame grew stronger the small cube began to sweat and bubble forming a pool of reddish-brown liquid in the bowl.


Cherry Bomb is an...interesting name, she had never met a pony that had been named after an explosive before. Apparently, Pegasi really did go for more military-minded names. Well some Unicorns do the same thing, so it really wasn't that off-putting. "Ch-Cherry Bomb huh? That's a pretty name...." Silver Heart replied while remaining as motionless as she could. For the current state she was in, she was doing a pretty good job too. There was only an occasional wobble or twitch.


The medic nodded lightly in response, just so Cherry knew she had heard her. Silver clenched her eyes shut and readied herself for whatever Cherry was about to do. It hurt, it hurt a lot. When Cherry pulled the bandage tight, something bad happened. The flame beneath the bowl flickered and vanished. To keep from yelling out, Silver clenched her teeth. The bandage felt sticky and wet. It felt like her eye had burst. Even with the anesthesia she would have blacked out if that happened. It just hurt like Tartarus.


Several moments went by before Silver realized that Cherry was even apologizing. "It's okay...just let me rest for a few minutes." Silver laid down in front of the bowl and conjured another flame beneath it. The flame was weaker than before but was still strong enough to do its job. The small brick had fully melted and all that was left was a dark and murky liquid. Silver propped her head up on her hooves and began to breathe in the fumes of the bubbling liquid.




It seems she didn't hear you ask the question about hearing anyone else.

You hear her mutter a wish about wishing she had found a pipe.






The smoke from the bowl smells kind of sweet.


Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@Gloomfury, @@Windbreaker,


As Gloomfury, Phantom Dancer and Ebony go up the stairs, they are treated with another, longer hallway. There are five visible doors close to them, two of which are opened. There are also more doors further down the hallway. One of the open doors leads to the armory; however it was clear all the good weapons were taken, leaving only old and less cared for weapons for them to choose from. Most of the remaining weapons were scattered across the floor haphazardly, but there was still quite a variety of weapons available.


The other open door leads to Silver Heart's office. A light trail of blood leads into her office. This trail then goes into the armory, and then to the stairs the three ponies just came from. There was another corpse in front of the armory door - a dead guard, perhaps? He didn't have any weapons or armor, although it looked like he had been stripped of them when he died.





'Yeah, grey is just the most vibrant and lively of colours, isn't it?' Ebony sarcastically added to Phantom's comment. 'I can understand why you'd want to dye your coat. Although it looks like the dye is starting to wear off, and I wouldn't count on a dye shop being open right now.'


'Of course our highest priority is getting to the armory. Or "securing" it in military terms, I think. I don't really know much about militaries. My home city is very isolated, so we never had many threats. We're not like those extremely aggressive pega-' Ebony cut herself off as she remembered she was speaking to a pegasus. She really hoped Phantom either didn't notice or didn't take offense to her last comment. She didn't want to hurt her one good relationship so far with her poor choice of words. Trying to move on quickly before he could respond to that, she asked 'Were you ever involved with the military?'

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Phantom Dancer



Phantom raised an eyebrow as Ebony cut herself off. He was pretty sure of what she was about to say and so far, she didn't seem to have picked up on any of Phantom's lies. Still, it didn't matter much to him. He knew what he was and what ponies hired him for. "My family performed for the soldiers. Keep up morale, y'know? Then...well, there was an accident and they aren't around anymore. It was horribly traumatic at the time and I didn't know how to deal with that kind of loss. But it's a little painful to talk about, even now. The military helped me get over it." He said, playing the sad history card to divert attention away from his previous involvement in the military. That part of his past wasn't for others to know.


As they stepped into the armoury, Phantom started looking around for the best quality set of wingblades he could find. "Hmm...Not quite the best equipment, but it's better than sticks, I guess." He said. If he could reach out to somepony in the city proper, if there is anypony in the city proper to contact, he might be able to line up some better weapons. But the odds of that would be slim. If his suspicions were correct, the black market would be no easier to obtain weapons from than official channels.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Cherry nodded as she watched Silver lay herself down on the ground, she didn't "sound" like she was in pain but regardless the red mare couldn't help but worry if she'd done something wrong.

She was also especially worried about the voice she was convinced she heard down the hallway, she really didn't want to not check in the event they left somepony behind.


She looked down at Silver again and noticed a strange yet sweet smell, noticing it was coming from the small bowl the medic had Cherry instinctively held a hoof to her nose to block it, realizing it was likely some form of herbal substance Silver was using.


Cherry leant down to whisper in Silver's ear, "Silver...ummm...I'm just goign to check on somethign down the hall, ...I won't be far and..I won't be long...I'll be right back i promise....just....don't go anywhere."

Cherry cringed as she leant back again, that was probably a poor thing to say considering.


It probably was a good idea however, if Silver was going to need time to rest and Cherry wasn't meant to inhale whatever the heck kinda medicine she was using, it wouldn't have been a bad idea to check around anyway.



Cherry quietly walked down the hallway towards where she assumed she heard the cry come, her head turned back and forth as she checked each open door for anything at all, until at last she spotted a sorry site which simultaneously relieved her yet depressed her at the same time, a rather young grey colored mare sitting by her open door cell, looking rather disorientated.


"Oh my gosh, you poor thing." Cherry slowly approached the mare, not sure what to expect, by this point her heart could not sink any lower at the realization that apparently not even younger ponies were exempt from being locked up, what next, foals?

Cherry stood in front of the mare as she gently laid a hoof on her shoulder, "Hey...are you ok?"

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Gloom looked though out the armory. Finding only worn and dull blades and no sign of his own blade and dagger. He was now even more angry. Locked away against his will, forced to eat  only disgusting hay and use his cell as a bathroom. He was almost ready to go on a rampage that this land has never seen before. 


He grabbed four blades, tide two on his lower back and two on his arms. He didn't know if these blades would strong enough to last. So he thought it would be better if he had extras just in case the others broke. 

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@@Windbreaker, @@Gloomfury,


Ebony listened to Phantom's story. 'Wow, that must be hard. It sounds like the military really helped you get through it. I guess militaries aren't all bad then. If it's hard for you to talk about, I won't ask any more about it.' She turned to face ahead, but didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular. 'I... I hope my family and my mistress are okay. I don't know what's worse, finding out for sure they're gone or having some hope left that they're okay... I just need to get home and find out if those crazy ponies have gotten there yet.'


Ebony winced at the corpse in front of the armory, and quickly looked away before it made her feel too uneasy. She followed Phantom and Gloom into the armory, and looked over the weapons available, which all seemed rather poor. 'Well, aren't these a top-quality group of weapons,' she commented. Even though all the weapons left look rather shoddy, there was still a decent variety of weapons to pick from. Since she knew little about weapons, it was difficult to compare them to determine which would be the best for her. So instead, she chose randomly, picking a tail whip. She should probably get a second opinion from the pony who knows a lot about weapons, so she went over to Phantom and asked 'Hey, Grey, is this a good weapon?' holding up the tail whip for him to see.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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"Oh my gosh, you poor thing."


She hadn't heard the mare walking up to her. Had she been sneaking closer, or was she just not paying attention? It didn't matter much to her. She looked up, hoping to see friendly eyes, and her wishes were fulfilled. For a moment she had been afraid it was some kind of sick trick, or maybe even a dream. But when she felt the hoof of another pony on her shoulder, she knew it was real. She was free again...


Although she had no clue what she would do with freedom at this point, the realisation made her heart lift a little. She looked up at the red mare, her vision still blurred, but much better than it was a moment ago. She wiped the tears off her face and nodded. "I..." She hesitated. Although she wanted to say that she was fine, she knew that would be a lie, and she could use some help. "I need some help." Her voice was still trembling with fear and distraught, and she was still brimming over with tears, but she tried to recollect herself and look cherry in the eye. "Please..." She said again, as she lifted her hoof, implying that she needed some help standing up.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Cherry didn't even hesitate as she took the young unicorn's hoof in her own, and instinctively pulled her into a hug, wrapping her fore-hooves and wings around Jade.

How could she not be sympathetic? The poor mare was probably scared out of her wits so it was no wonder she was in such a state.


"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, hey it's ok...it's ok...", Cherry lightly raised a hoof and began to gently stroke Jade's mane, as she did this she looked up and inside what was Jade's cell.

She couldn't even see the back wall, it was completely pitch black save for a few strands of luminous mold on the wall, how in Equestria was she even supposed to see what she was....


"Oh sweet mercy no...not that."


The red mare glanced down at young mare and used a hoof to meet jade's face up to hers, she needed to look at her eyes, "Can...can you see, alright?".

Naturally she was worried, if this poor mare was in that dark cell for as long as she was....

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Jade shrieked slightly as Cherry pulled her in, but after a moment of hesitation the gesture of trust and emapthy caused her to break down yet again. Letting it her emotions flow as she cried on Cherry's shoulder, she weeped and sniffed uncontrollably. Her entire body was shaking, and she heavily leaned on Cherry's body. All the nightmares she had had, all the fear that had consumed her the past weeks, maybe even months were hushed by this strange mare's warm and cherishing embrace.


Her hair, which had been in her usual braid when she got locked up, almost reached down to her back and looked like it had been bitten off or sometimes even pulled out in certain places. It was very thin and messy, and some strains of hair hung in front of her face and eyes. Her left eye had turned completely white with a few red veins. Some of them had popped, giving it a nightmarish red shade. Around it were lots of scratches, and her skin seemed sore, as if she had rubbed her eye far too much. Her right eye was bloodshot, and the pupil was constantly dilating, but otherwise it seemed fine.


When Cherry put her hoof under her chin to pull it up to her face, she answered her question. "I... Can't see yet. But it's getting better." Glancing over to her right, but not moving her head as she did, she couldn't see past her own nose with her right eye, and her left eye had been completely blinded, so she could barely see anything. "I think..." She added finally, her voice still shaky.

  • Brohoof 1

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Gloom looked over at the other two prisoners that also went to the armory.  After grabbing one more blade he went over. "Pfft, a tail whip? I'd rather go vegan then use one of those. Sure it can hurt but you're gonna be flashing everyone your bits where the sun don't shine." He chuckled. "What you want his a blade. Grip it in your teeth or hoof, it'll get the job done. With the tail whip you got to keep spinning around just to hit your target, and in return you'll just get dizzy as hell."


He dropped the blade at her hooves. "Plus, a blade has more uses then just for fighting."

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Phantom Dancer a.k.a. Grey Ash




Phantom nodded. He didn't have any words to comfort her when she talked about her family and friends. Of course, her question to him when they were going over weapons was an interesting one. He looked to the tail whip she asked him about and was about to answer when Gloom spoke first, denouncing the weapon and suggesting a blade and the impractical notion of holding it in your mouth as a better alternative. It wouldn't alleviate dizziness, since you'd still need to spin and move in a spiral motion to hit anything. That is, if you didn't cut your mouth to pieces on these things.


"Actually, yes. The tail whip is a good weapon, but only if you're trained in it. It's hard to master because a wrong move is painful and can lead to an injury. Once you know how to use it, it can be deadly and effective. It's usually used in flight, but it can help in guarding your back with a flick of your tail." 

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Gloomfury, @@Windbreaker,


Ebony listened to Gloom's and Phantom's advice. Gloom wasn't very happy with the weapon choice, but with his crude language and his previous showings of stupidity, Ebony didn't consider his opinion useful. 'I see. But since you're a complete nitwit, I'm going to ignore that and listen to the pony who actually knows what he's talking about,' she replied.


Phantom seemed to give much more useful advice. According to him, tail whips are difficult to learn how to use, as it's easy to accidentally whack herself with it. That wasn't a good thing, since Ebony was hoping she could get a weapon she can learn quickly. But everything else she heard about the weapon sounded perfect; it's really ideal for flying, which she'd probably do a lot in combat, and it's great for guarding her back, which would be really useful if she needed to escape and was running away. 'Sounds like my kind of weapon,' she said, 'although as you said, I'll probably need a bit of training to make sure I'm whipping my enemy and not myself. And of course, now's the perfect time for training; it's not like we could be attacked by crazy ponies at any moment, is it?' She sighed, it really did sound like a great weapon for her apart from the 'hard to use' part. 'Do you still think I should use it if I don't have enough time to train with it at the moment?'

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Phantom Dancer a.k.a. Grey Ash



"Time? Most likely, but we don't have the room in here to do that. And the weapons on the floor aren't conducive to a decent training area. Especially not these ones. with this rust, I'd say there's a chance of contracting some kind of sickness from these. so be careful to that whip, too." Phantom said, somewhat amused that he was playing the mentor so soon. But he didn't want her dying yet, so he should give her as much advice and help as she needed. "Honestly, I would suggest carrying a set of wingblades with you. I'm sadly unfamiliar with Batpony anatomy, so I don't know if your wings are flexible or durable enough to handle them, but if the answer to both is yes, they're effective weapons. Just...don't hold them in your mouth."

  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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It was a mistake to look, she realized that too late the moment she saw just how...."nightmarish" her eyes looked, Cherry only looked at Jade's eyes for a brief moment as the unicorn replied she could actually see..."just".


Cherry pulled Jade's head back into her own chest as she laid her chin on top of the Jade's head, practically  burying her within her fore-hooves and wings, mostly just to give the poor some very much needed comfort...but partially because Cherry just needed a moment to recover from what she just saw, biting on her bottom lip as she fought back her own tears.


It just wasn't fair, she's still so young.


Jade may not have been able to see well, but she could definitely hear Cherry rather well and the red mare knew if she allowed the poor Unicorn to even hear a whisper of distraught on her part, then heck knows what she would do.

Cherry had given the young mare a light within the darkness, hope....and Cherry was damn well gonna make sure she kept it that way.


For what seemed perhaps only a few minutes, convinced she had now gotten over the shock of the state of Jade's eyes, Cherry finally spoke up, perhaps sounding only faintly distressed, "Um...Sweetie? What's your name? Mine is Cherry Bomb....I'm a  Pegasi that was put in cell just like you were", she lifted her head off of Jade's and looked down at her yet again, this time steeled at the sight of those ghastly eyes, she smiled at her warmly, "Sweetie, we can't stay here, there are more of us that are all trying to leave this place, so we really can't stay,"


Raising a hoof to Jade's chin, Cherry gently moved her head pointing in the direction where she'd just come from, "A friend is waiting for us just down there, can you walk ok? I can carry you if you don't feel up to it."

  • Brohoof 1
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As Jade showed her face to Cherry, she could not see the look of shock and distraught on Cherry's face. Everything was blurry, and she could barely make out her eyes and mouth. Her left eye started stinging horribly as well once a slight breeze created by Cherry's breath blew along the surface of her eye. Her eyelids started twitching and that made it even worse. The cleansing tears that she had already shed soothed the pain somewhat, but it still hurt. "My left eye hurts..." she uttered, still sniffing and whimpering heavily. She would've acted somewhat more maturely, since it wasn't normal for her to act like a helpless foal, but dire situations like these confronted her with the fact that she wasn't as mentally persevering as she believed she was.


When Cherry released her, she had calmed down slightly. Still shivering slightly and sniffing now and then, she could control herself reasonably well. She looked up at where her face would be instinctively, but she realised that there wasn't much to see. She couldn't even make out the colour of her eyes. Again the eyelids of her left eye twitched as she tried to focus and squint her eyes, hurting herself in the process. "I..." she started, bringing her hoof to her face to rub her eye and sniffing again. Her legs were still shaking slightly, but she could stay on her hooves and walk slowly without collapsing again. "I can walk... but you'll have to lead me." she said as she stepped closer to Cherry, afraid that she might step on something sharp or walk into something dangerous. Cherry seemed confident and reassuring, and Jade felt somewhat safer around her. She almost felt like a tiny duckling hiding under her mother's wing. That very thought caused her to start crying again. "Where is mom... Is she ok? She must be worried sick..." 


Cherry pointed down the hallway, although she couldn't make out where they would be going, or what obstacles were in the way. Determined not to make her seem even more vulnerable and helpless than she already had, she stopped crying after one last lengthy sniff. She then stepped confidently in the direction they were headed, making sure to stay slightly behind Cherry at all times. "My name is Jade..." She said, and even she was surprised by tiny her voice sounded. She felt awful in every way possible, but she forced herself to think in baby steps. First they'd get to this 'friend' Cherry spoke of, and then she'd try to get some more information. After that... She didn't even want to think about what she'd have to do after that.

Edited by Scribblegroove
  • Brohoof 1

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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'Wingblades,' Ebony repeated. 'I don't think I'll be able to accidentally cut myself with those. I suppose it's the better option for now since we don't have time to practice. But I have no clue if bat pony wings are similar enough to pegasi wings for me to use them.' She took a set of wingblades and examined it. 'Well, only one way to find out.' She held it next to her wing... and just stood there. She didn't understand how to put them on. She brought them in front of her again and looked over it closely. 'How do they work?' she asked herself. 'They wouldn't just slide on or they'd fall off while you're flying.' She rotated it in her hooves to see if she could figure it out. Which was a mistake, since spinning it around caused her to touch the sharp end. It was a gentle enough touch that she didn't cut herself badly, but it still stung. 'Ow! How in Equestria are you supposed to get these stupid things onto your wings without cutting them off?!'


If it turns out to be as simple as sliding them on, she's going to kill somepony. Probably whoever made it so difficult to find out that's how you put them on. Besides, how do they expect you to easily reach the ends of your wings with your hooves when you've got them completely unfolded?


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Phantom Dancer a.k.a. Grey Ash



He chuckled a little at Ebony's confusion. "Well, for starters, we don't touch the sharp edge. You can slide them on, but there's the risk of them sliding off again in flight. Usually there's a harness around to help with that, but we might have to look around a little. If not, I'll see if I can arrange something if I have any friends in town."


In his mind, he found her endearing, but her lack of training was worse than he thought. She needed a lot of work if she was going to make it. "You have to be careful with a weapon. They are tools, not toys, and should be treated with care. Take care of your weapons, and they'll get you through almost anything, but you also have to be at least a little clever about it."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"No no no no no no no no don't do that sweetie," Cherry lifted jade's hoof away from her eye to prevent her rubbing, "It's not going to get better if you keep rubbing it like that Jade, I know it hurts but please don't rub it again, ok sweetie?" the red mare smiled sympathetically as she extended and wing and draped along Jades back as she began to lead Jade down the corridor.


It was slow going but it was necessary, while Cherry lead she allowed Jade to set their pace, if anything it may have allowed her build some of her own confidence and maybe even get some strength back in her legs.

Cherry absent mindedly began humming to herself as they went, her soft singing slightly echoing down the halls as they patiently walked,"Oh! That reminds me, I need to find my lute, I hope the jerks didn't break it."


For what would seem quite some time, eventually caught sight of Silver Heart, the red mare grinned as she called out, "Hey Silver!...you feeling better?...Do you have any spare eye-patches?"

It wasn't meant to be a serious request but Cherry would try anything to lighten the mood any way she could.

Edited by Golbez
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@@Golbez, @@Scribblegroove


As the two of you approach Silver Heart, you see that she is still laying in front of the small bowl. The only sign thay she is still alive is a faint wheezing sound. The air is thicker with smoke than it was just a few minutes ago. The smoke itself both tastes and smells sweet. The longer you linger the hsrded you find it to focus.




your pain begins to lessen as you breathe in the smoke



Silver Heart lays still until she hears your voice. At which point she opens her eyes and sits up. Her eyes, glazed over and swollen, drift from Cherry to Jade. Silver stared at the filly's eye for a few seconds. She shrugs tossing the roll of bandages to Cherry, "Sure, you can just use these. You made me one Wake me when you're ready to go." She said as she laid back down close to the bowl

Edited by SilverHeart

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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  • 4 weeks later...




'Oh, right. Missing the strap. How silly of me to expect that the weapons I find in an armory are completely intact,' Ebony stated, with wild voice inflections highlighting her sarcasm. Will she ever be able to find any easy-to-use weapon here? Well, it seems to be quite a run down armory, so perhaps she was expecting too much. But a weapon whose harness can come off like this really seems like an inherently shoddily-made weapon.


At least Phantom was being patient with her and guiding her through this weapon selection process. He really seems genuinely interested in helping her, even though she's a bat pony. Since death had become a very real possibility, she better make sure she sticks with him and stays on his good side. Her usual manner probably doesn't convey gratitude well, so she better make sure Phantom knows she's grateful for his efforts. 'Look, I just... Uh, thanks for all the help you've given me. I really appreciate it,' she said, speaking slightly more softly and slower than usual. She then held up and inspected the wingblades again. 'So, are these useable without the harness, or am I going to need a backup weapon for my backup weapon?'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Phantom Dancer a.k.a. Grey Ash



"I don't think you'd need a third backup weapon unless you wanted to take something on your hooves. But, if we can find some sturdy rope, I can tie the blades in place. Make a pseudo-harness until we find a better one." Phantom said, maintaining the patient exterior as Ebony got more frustrated with the terrible condition of the armoury.


But her thanks threw him off a little. He made sure it didn't show, but he wasn't expecting that. "It's no trouble, Ebony. Us flying ponies gotta look out for each other. I'm sure if our situations were reversed, you'd do the same for me." He said, smiling a little wider for her.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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