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open The Brigade Of Celestial Light

Child Of Darkness

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Tempest thought for a moment before noddin. "There are some things can be changed, but yes. Your eating can be changed based off the choices you make." He said. The bat pony could understand what Simple was talking about. He had been having trouble with Xena, but practice helped him come to a understanding. "As for the last bit, yes. I can keep a secret to the grave."

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Tempest thought for a moment before noddin. "There are some things can be changed, but yes. Your eating can be changed based off the choices you make." He said. The bat pony could understand what Simple was talking about. He had been having trouble with Xena, but practice helped him come to a understanding. "As for the last bit, yes. I can keep a secret to the grave."

"okay... i'm going to be working as a double agent for a while... don't tell anyone....um.... i'm not betraying any of you.... i'm just going to be figuring out my own destiny...and if i'm going to do that... i will need a taste of both.... please don't tell anyone..... i don't want to worry them i have no evil intentions........" he proceeds to smile as he looks at tempest's face "don't worry hey this could come in handy.... i could easily leave the other team into a trap or give any of you a heads up... but no seriously please don't tell anyone" he noticed that tempest was stilled shocked...."Please  :adorkable:

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(Please don't control my character's reaction. I'm just going to ignore that section.)


Tempest sighed as he closed his eyes and thought for a moment. "Ok. I won't tell. Just be careful that you don't get your sorry flank caught." He said, giving a slight chuckle. He honestly thought that someone like Simple could pull off something like that. "I wish you luck in your endeavor. See you later." With that, the bat pony jumped of the balcony and took flight to see if he could find anything for him and Dawn to eat. By the end of ten minutes, he found a few bushes of crystal berries, lettuce, and a bottle of Asian dressing. For a drink, he found some lemonade. When he got back to his room, he started to prepare a salad for himself and Dawn.


Xena laughed a bit as he watched Tempest. "He's really trying to please her." He thought. "Or should I say them."


Dawn enjoyed walking around the crystal palace. The architecture was simply gorgeous and the scenery was perfect. "It was worth the trip." She thought. The alicorn then began to think of Tempest and smiled. He was everything she could've asked for and more.

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this is edited due to complaints from child of darkness i would also like to apologize to Drago rider and anyone else....


"Heh... he's not one for goodbyes.........." simple proceeds to go look for chrysteel knowing she could probably do with some feeding....mostly because he was hungry........ "i'd say she be looking around at the shop for some emotion to grab i say it would be quite good for the taking in those types of places...." he proceeds to walk down the very long staircase and heads to the bottom floor.... "ah there's the exit.... where should i check first well if i was a changeling where would i be..... um... the coffee shop... the restaurant..... aw doesn't matter i'll check both" he proceeds to head to the exit and open it "now that i'm outside.... the coffee shop is the closest i'd better check there.." he proceeds to make his way to the coffee shop "wow finally here..."

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Chrysteel moves closer to the berry fields. Her natural hunger much stronger now because of the sateing of her love hunger by her aura. She however is conflicted. 'Should I really just take them? Their caretaker worked really hard to grow these delicious looking berries.'


Chrysteel is lost in thought and is unaware of what is currently around her except for the berries.

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"oh she's not here...hmm... well to the restaurant i guess... i have to of course past the Berry field....." Said simple as he proceeded to leave the cafe.... and head to the restaurant on his way....he stopped and the berry field to smell the flowers that were growing near the berries when he noticed Chrysteel "Hey chrysteel! i've been looking for you....." he proceeds to run over to her "so.... why are you in the berry fields..... it seems a bit strange..... are you hungry..... then why don't you feed off my friendship free of charge" he began to smile as he grab her hoof

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Chrysteel seems to be deep in thought. She says absentmindedly, "All the shops and places to get normal food are closed due to the expected attack. These fields were my next best spot for normal food. My Love hunger has been sated by my Mother's Love aura. But my normal mana reserves need normal food. Can't decide if I should just get a few berries or wait till another time when I could buy them."

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Chrysteel seems to be deep in thought. She says absentmindedly, "All the shops and places to get normal food are closed due to the expected attack. These fields were my next best spot for normal food. My Love hunger has been sated by my Mother's Love aura. But my normal mana reserves need normal food. Can't decide if I should just get a few berries or wait till another time when I could buy them."

"personally...... i would wait... a good hero never steals.......plus they need these berries to make a living" simple began to smile and he proceeds to stare a great smile into her face "hey... so how do you view the demonic empire.......i'm not so sure myself... but neither i'm i about the guardians what do you think" he proceeded to stare at her giving her a kind of confused face

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As soon as Tempest finished setting up the dinner he and Dawn would share, said alicorn stepped into the room and was amazed at the scene. "I didn't know that you could cook. This looks amazing." She said, smiling slightly.


The bat pony smirked a bit and blushed. "I lived alone for a bit when I was training. Makes sense that I would learn a thing or two about survival." With that, the two sat down and ate, regaling each other with stories of their youth. All in all, the 'date' was a success. After Tempest had cleaned up, he and Dawn flew outside and high into the air, watching the sun set.

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Chrysteel says, "I was also talking into account That they will destroy these fields during their attack. Then the berries would be wasted. This is why am torn. If the fields aren't destroyed in the attack, it would be bad to take. However, if the fields do get destroyed, then it was bad to not at last try to save some of the fields."


She looks at Simple and says, "To be honest, mother Chrysalis tried something similar against canterlot. So i would side with the guardians. Plus love feeds a changeling. Being half a changeling I can relate to the need to protect a food source. But at the same time being half pony allows me to see from their view as well. I desire to protect those that can't protect themselves. Love of a hero is what would be the reward for doing it the right way. I can see only the desire to protect. This will drive me to do what I need to. Your aura is cloaked in mystery. It shows one of three paths. One is good and one is bad. But i feel you would become Your most powerful if you take the middle road or third path."


Chrysteel looks to have made her choice. She walks over to the berry bushes and begins yo collect many crystal berries. She eats half and puts half away. She then turns to Simple and says, "If what Golden said is true, it is more then likely these fields will be destroyed in the attack. I will at least care for these berries, so that the fields may be restored if destroyed."


She comes back over with more berries for him to eat. "I hope the caretaker can forgive me for it." She eats a few more then gives him the rest.

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(Several Hours later)




Golden had been meditating on a few things in one of the rooms. Cadence and the Crystal Heart had been safely taken away from the city just over an hour ago and am safely in central Equestria. It was almost time. She rose from her spot and trotted slowly to the meeting room.


Upon arrival, An high class leader of the Divines was waiting for her.


Divine: "Golden Leaf. You're here just in time. Come stand on the balcony. I want to show you something."


From the balcony's view, Golden could see that her request for help had been answered. It was only a small force that had arrived, but it was enough for a defence team. 1000 lower level Divine Guardians has been sent to the empire to join in the battle. Fully knowing that the chance if returning home was next to zero.


Golden: "1000 is enough for a defence. If our Intel is right, they will have about 10000 troops. A 10:1 ratio. We will be able to slow them down and give the world more time. But we can't stop them. Even with all these leaders, we just don't have the power. They will clearly have several Lord Class devils with them. Will we even escape alive?"


Divine: "You will. I will fight to my last breath. But we don't want you to go to battle on an empty stomach and in low spirits." With a flash of light, a small banquet of food appeared on the table. All of it fresh and prepared. "This is most we can do. We simple must wait for the others before we can start to talk strategy. Lest hope we can buy the world enough time."

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Chrysteel had arrived shortly after 11:50. She steps inside and says, "Hope I am not to late. Chrysteel reporting in as requested."


She looked allot better then when she was first seen. Her coat and carapace held onto its crystalline shine. Chrysteel looks to the Guardian with Golden Leaf and says, "Pleasure to meet you, holy aura wielder."

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(Several Hours later)


Golden had been meditating on a few things in one of the rooms. Cadence and the Crystal Heart had been safely taken away from the city just over an hour ago and am safely in central Equestria. It was almost time. She rose from her spot and trotted slowly to the meeting room.

Upon arrival, An high class leader of the Divines was waiting for her.

Divine: "Golden Leaf. You're here just in time. Come stand on the balcony. I want to show you something."

From the balcony's view, Golden could see that her request for help had been answered. It was only a small force that had arrived, but it was enough for a defence team. 1000 lower level Divine Guardians has been sent to the empire to join in the battle. Fully knowing that the chance if returning home was next to zero.

Golden: "1000 is enough for a defence. If our Intel is right, they will have about 10000 troops. A 10:1 ratio. We will be able to slow them down and give the world more time. But we can't stop them. Even with all these leaders, we just don't have the power. They will clearly have several Lord Class devils with them. Will we even escape alive?"

Divine: "You will. I will fight to my last breath. But we don't want you to go to battle on an empty stomach and in low spirits." With a flash of light, a small banquet of food appeared on the table. All of it fresh and prepared. "This is most we can do. We simple must wait for the others before we can start to talk strategy. Lest hope we can buy the world enough time."



Naga had been fighting with his own conscience about how he would aid the other fighters. His mind kept coming to one conclusion; embrace his true nature as a Vetala, or die in battle. Of course, dying in battle wouldn't exactly stop him, considering that he could posess a corpse anyways. However, this was Teizu's body. This was the body of the young stallion of whom gave him the cipher of living. Could he really make a sacrifice like that? The other option was falling to instinct. Considering how old Naga was and how he could channel karmic energies, he was very powerful among his own kind, and would be made even more so by embracing the negative karma. However, Naga would become almost mindless. Unrestrained. Truly unbound by inhibition or emotion. To even demons themselves, Naga's feral form would cause nightmares. But even if he did succeed in aiding the battle this way.... Could he revert back afterwards?


Arriving not soon after Chrysteel, Naga waited for Chrysteel to finish speaking and trotted beside her, though keeping his eyes on the divine. Bowing in respect, he lowered his head. He spoke.



" Higher being of greater enlightenment... I have contemplated. I have... Strategies to discuss."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Tempest and Dawn entered a few minutes before midnight and noticed the new troops. "Well, this should be interesting. He said, bowing slughtly to the new divine as a sign of respect. He doubted if it was needed,but it would be a good idea not to displease allies.


Dawn did the same and moved a bit closer to Tempest, feeling more comfortable around her coltfriend.

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Golden: "We're missing one and it's essentially midnight. Chrysteel, do you have any idea where Simple might be? Or I wonder if he is just running late. Either way we cab start without him if you so desire, or you can snack on the food that has been brought for us over there while we wait for him. Either way doesn't matter."


Divine: "Allow me to introduce myself formally. I am the Sword of our Goddess. Yes that is my name. I gave up my old one when I chose to dedicate my life to serving the Goddess by the way of the Blade. But please, call me Sword for short."


Golden: "Vetala. Sorry, Naga. You said you have strategies to discuss. Please, come walk the halls with me for a moment while we talk."

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Golden: "We're missing one and it's essentially midnight. Chrysteel, do you have any idea where Simple might be? Or I wonder if he is just running late. Either way we cab start without him if you so desire, or you can snack on the food that has been brought for us over there while we wait for him. Either way doesn't matter."


Divine: "Allow me to introduce myself formally. I am the Sword of our Goddess. Yes that is my name. I gave up my old one when I chose to dedicate my life to serving the Goddess by the way of the Blade. But please, call me Sword for short."


Golden: "Vetala. Sorry, Naga. You said you have strategies to discuss. Please, come walk the halls with me for a moment while we talk."

"i'm here I'M here" simple proceeded to come running in.... "i apologize i was just having some food for thought......." simple proceeded to smile "so um..... i guess its bed time unless we have a mission of course..... " simple proceeded to sit down and thought (yeah a mission alright a mission i'll take advantage of....) simple proceeds to giggle "so.... yeah.... do we have a mission" "oh god it's 11:55......didn't realize it was that late um...... but no seriously do we have a mission or not"

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Golden: "Hold that thought of yours Naga. Well since we are all gathered, it's about time we got down to business. It's not a mission per say, but it is a vital part of war. I don't like to admit this but we are going to lose the city in the upcoming battle. This defence mission is to simply buy Equestria more time to prepare. They already have armies mobilising north to intercept the Devils as they push south. That's our job right now. Defence. We stay as long as we can and take as many of them down as possible. Our Intel says they have about 10000. We have just over 1000. That's 10:1. Impossible to win against." One of the Divines created a holographic projection of the entire city and surrounding area. "As we know, they will be coming from the north and Tempest has already set traps. I expected nothing less from someone of your ability. Always thinking ahead. Um... Anyway. We have a team of mages that will set up a magical barrier to try and prevent a magic based attack. Infantry with shields and spears will take up positions on the most likely routes they will take, and archers in the sky for assistance and ranged attacks. This is all we can do to set up against them. Along with a few tactical ambushes led by Sword and Myself. If any one has further suggestions for us, speak now."

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Golden: "Hold that thought of yours Naga. Well since we are all gathered, it's about time we got down to business. It's not a mission per say, but it is a vital part of war. I don't like to admit this but we are going to lose the city in the upcoming battle. This defence mission is to simply buy Equestria more time to prepare. They already have armies mobilising north to intercept the Devils as they push south. That's our job right now. Defence. We stay as long as we can and take as many of them down as possible. Our Intel says they have about 10000. We have just over 1000. That's 10:1. Impossible to win against." One of the Divines created a holographic projection of the entire city and surrounding area. "As we know, they will be coming from the north and Tempest has already set traps. I expected nothing less from someone of your ability. Always thinking ahead. Um... Anyway. We have a team of mages that will set up a magical barrier to try and prevent a magic based attack. Infantry with shields and spears will take up positions on the most likely routes they will take, and archers in the sky for assistance and ranged attacks. This is all we can do to set up against them. Along with a few tactical ambushes led by Sword and Myself. If any one has further suggestions for us, speak now."

"um... what will our role be?..... more specifically my role you know the trickster.... the one that opens the chest.." simple glared at golden.... "it's just..... i kind of...wanna.... show my stuff....." simple smiled as he thought (More like i wanna get close of i can talk to one of the higher ups..... it kind of feel good to be the jack of all trades.......good and evil...... a balance must exist and being a jack of all trades will help me find that.... ) simple began to smile as he glared at golden even more 

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Tempest sighed as he thought. His surprise should've stopped expanding by now and to be quite honest, he didn't know what would happen should he activate it. The bat pony then cleared his throat and looked around. "I could take out most of the ground forces they have, and if they have any kind of magic, lord help them all.Then again, I doubt that'll hapoen." He said, giving a slight smirk.


"I'm not that experienced as Tempest, but I can help fight and can use healing magic." Dawn said.

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Chrysteel looks around and says, "My aura magic can provide great support to keep us going. As for a stall tactic, How about an advance withdraw style? With it we can minimize damage to us and gather with the main force down south. Make them think their winning but then turn the tide. My aura can also make my enemies weaker if they somehow manage to anger me. Fear strikes in more then one way. I have also taken into account that they will not back off."


She points out several key locations that such a tactic style would work best at. She even uses her minor magic to make good funneling positions. She says, "At these locations in the city their numbers won't account for much. Only the skys will we need to control to make it work."

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"um... what will our role be?..... more specifically my role you know the trickster.... the one that opens the chest.." simple glared at golden.... "it's just..... i kind of...wanna.... show my stuff....." simple smiled as he thought (More like i wanna get close of i can talk to one of the higher ups..... it kind of feel good to be the jack of all trades.......good and evil...... a balance must exist and being a jack of all trades will help me find that.... ) simple began to smile as he glared at golden even more 

"Good plan.... chrysteel... but sir what would be our weakest spot... maybe i could help out there" simple proceeded to look down and point at the map "i might be able to fend off a arrow or two if you know what i mean..... um..." simple proceeded to think (good....  battling at their weak spot will probably get me as close as i need to get to the demonic empire tell them to strip me up in magic web.... and then go through the weak spot..... i know it one bad deed but its the only way i could possible get connections to soldiers in their team) "well golden.... what's are weak spot?..."

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"Good plan.... chrysteel... but sir what would be our weakest spot... maybe i could help out there" simple proceeded to look down and point at the map "i might be able to fend off a arrow or two if you know what i mean..... um..." simple proceeded to think (good.... battling at their weak spot will probably get me as close as i need to get to the demonic empire tell them to strip me up in magic web.... and then go through the weak spot..... i know it one bad deed but its the only way i could possible get connections to soldiers in their team) "well golden.... what's are weak spot?..."

Golden: "With our strategy, we should win. But our only visible weakness is that we have too low of numbers. And the troops, myself included are scared. We're terrified of what tomorrow will bring. Non of us want to die, but we knew this risks before coming here. I don't want to die yet. But aside from that, our biggest weakness would be our shield. Devils like their magical artillery strikes, they'll never abandoned the old tactics unless it is beaten. So if you have your magic power under full control, you can help the makes keep a strong shield. Or you can fight on the front lines and most likely be captured, tortured, brutalised and all manner of unspeakable things before they kill you. Or they could just straight up kill you. You're choice really. But I recommend playing support. Now then, Naga. You said you had a strategy to talk to us about?"

Chrysteel looks around and says, "My aura magic can provide great support to keep us going. As for a stall tactic, How about an advance withdraw style? With it we can minimize damage to us and gather with the main force down south. Make them think their winning but then turn the tide. My aura can also make my enemies weaker if they somehow manage to anger me. Fear strikes in more then one way. I have also taken into account that they will not back off."


She points out several key locations that such a tactic style would work best at. She even uses her minor magic to make good funneling positions. She says, "At these locations in the city their numbers won't account for much. Only the skys will we need to control to make it work."

Sword: "A sound tactic. But that won't work. If we pull units back in a feign retreat. The Devils will dig in faster than a Parasprite will eat a barrel full of Apples after going weeks without food. If we feign a retreat. They will use our own tactics against us. No. We have to hold, we do not move from our designated positions."

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Golden: "Hold that thought of yours Naga. Well since we are all gathered, it's about time we got down to business. It's not a mission per say, but it is a vital part of war. I don't like to admit this but we are going to lose the city in the upcoming battle. This defence mission is to simply buy Equestria more time to prepare. They already have armies mobilising north to intercept the Devils as they push south. That's our job right now. Defence. We stay as long as we can and take as many of them down as possible. Our Intel says they have about 10000. We have just over 1000. That's 10:1. Impossible to win against." One of the Divines created a holographic projection of the entire city and surrounding area. "As we know, they will be coming from the north and Tempest has already set traps. I expected nothing less from someone of your ability. Always thinking ahead. Um... Anyway. We have a team of mages that will set up a magical barrier to try and prevent a magic based attack. Infantry with shields and spears will take up positions on the most likely routes they will take, and archers in the sky for assistance and ranged attacks. This is all we can do to set up against them. Along with a few tactical ambushes led by Sword and Myself. If any one has further suggestions for us, speak now."


Naga had contemplated. There was no way to save the city. And the best way that naga could help would be... Dangerous to them and himself. However, he had also devised several other plans, each increasing in severity.



" there are many things that I can assist in this situation. As a Vetala, I can inhabit a corpse, and essentially Jump-start it to work again. I can also leave a body I inhabit at anytime I choose. Prehaps if, on the field, a corpse of a high-ranking demon is unoccupied, I can body-hop into it, and infiltrate their ranks. Any body I posess will even give me acess to the entirety of the memory of the body. I can gleam information, enemy positions, supply trades... Everything. It just depends on who the being was before I borrow the body. All I ask, if you choose this role for me, is to keep the body I currently reside in safe. It is a very precious gift from a loving family, long ago."


Naga then proceeded to carry on with another plan.


" Among my species, I am one of the oldest lived, if not THE oldest, as an order of monks used to hunt us down until... Mi'lord took me in and solved the problem centuries ago. This, coupled with the fact that I was taught how to channel and purify karmic energy along with having refined those skills as well as my martial arts for centuries means that even with the restraints that I voluntarily invoke upon myself, means that I am quite powerful. However, it will not be enough. There are many powerful demons, and with Caras at the helm, it only makes it worse. So I propose... If you would like... That I channel negative karma into my soul. It will make me more powerful, bloodthirsty, willing to kill. More so than I am now, considering I hate loss of life no matter what. The goal is to make their numbers feel fear. While they may take the city, the sheer brutality that I could display would be enough to give nightmares to them for weeks on end. However.... There is a chance that I... Could be lost. Feral. It would take a lot to snap me out of it, such as incapacitating me, fighting until I run out of negative karma, or even dying a physical death. This could go hoof-in-hoof with the body possession plan, as I retain all abilities and knowledge, even when in a different body..." He said.


He continued, offering the final bit of his advice.


" Another suggestion is this; a turn-and-burn campaign. We know that it is most likely that this city will be taken. So in order to maximize damage to their forces, I think we should rig a large amount of explosives to go off after a few days, under the city and even in buildings, well hidden. This will collapse the infrastructure of the city, destroy some of their forces, and even keep what might be valuable ledger from falling into their possession, as this city would be but a sinkhole afterwards."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Chrysteel looks shocked after he says his final option. She says, "So, we can destroy the city and weaken them. But what about the livelyhoods of those who once lived here? They will be made nomadic. They will have no home. The main part of this culture has already been gapped by 1000 years. This is what i learned from some of the locals in passing. They at times feel out of place."

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Chrysteel looks shocked after he says his final option. She says, "So, we can destroy the city and weaken them. But what about the livelyhoods of those who once lived here? They will be made nomadic. They will have no home. The main part of this culture has already been gapped by 1000 years. This is what i learned from some of the locals in passing. They at times feel out of place."

"um.... i agree with chrysteel we may be helping the overall cause but the livelyhoods so those who once lived here will be destored..." simple look at golden with a questionable face and thought (god....  that would mean i would have to weaken the shield...... i'll have to hold off till later to get my connections to the demonic empire) "UGH!" simple started hearing the forth wall breaking voice (...... heh heh......... good move.... but seriously don't fail me... without those connection the forth time line will be created which you do not want to go through.......just don't forget your goals) "s..s..sorry ..um... i had another headache......so...um" simple gave a embarrassed look..... 

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