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open The Brigade Of Celestial Light

Child Of Darkness

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Clayton thought for a moment before coming up with an answer. "She could've been trying to prove herself. That demon seemed a bit protective of her, so maybe she was trying to show him that she could handle herself." The unicorn then looked at the armored pony. "That seems like the best option we have right now, especially if she got any important information."

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Tempest's eyes shot open as electricity began to gravitate around him. This was the power that had laid dormant within him and he wanted it all. The bat pony then let out an audible roar as lighting shot out of him and into the air. He felt truly powerful and this was without the aura beasts joined with him. "


Dawn's ear flicked and she gasped. She had sensed something and it was somewhat... unsettling. "This can't be good." She thought to herself.


Blitz smirked as he picked up Tempest and placed him within the cave. "For one to develop in such a short time... he really is amazing." He thought. "I can see why anyone would want him on their side of a war. It's a shame I can't interfere any more than I already have." He then placed the amulet containing Xena on Tempest's chest and faded out of existence. "After all. I'm just a spirit out of his time."

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Caras' ears perked up at the statement that Niruna was gathering Intel. "Let me ser that page." He took the page and gave it a look over, impressed with the detail. "So this Is what you where doing down there? I appreciate the gesture Niri, but this is something you should have left to the professionals. Don't think this excuses you from anything though, your still grounded for sneaking out of the city. Again. And for getting into trouble. As for what you said Chrysteel, I can't promise that the damage done will be repairable. Sometimes, you have to do something unethical for the sake of everyone. I don't expect you to understand how we think and how we do things. You're new to our society and still have much to learn. But this is what we do, if you wish to talk to her before I do what I must, best do it as soon as we return. I shall not be waiting long."


A few more minutes and they stood before the city's entrance, and the large gate opened for them. "Chrysteel, you best go back to the house ahead of us. Zecz will take you to her. I hope you can accomplish what it is you wish to achieve from this."

"Thrn I best be quick. I hope you won't mind but even we Changelings know a few tricks. But I won't be altering her. I will be talking with her mostly. I also think I should speak to that spirit that dwells within as well. Should make for quite the conversation."


When they arrived Chrysteel heads towards the house as quickly as she is able. When she arrives she says, "Lord Zecz, Caras has given me permission to speak with the one that is held. I have something to say and ask of her. Will you lead me to her?"

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Clayton thought for a moment before coming up with an answer. "She could've been trying to prove herself. That demon seemed a bit protective of her, so maybe she was trying to show him that she could handle herself." The unicorn then looked at the armored pony. "That seems like the best option we have right now, especially if she got any important information."

"Wether we like it or not there gone and we were played for fools. We need to make sure our base is secure and ready to repel attack!" Mango seathed his sword and began surveying the camp and soldiers. "I suggest changing our patrols, who knows what those demons could have done."

"The two of you must belive me when I say this. You can't comprehend the extent of what a Lord Class devil is capable of. That demon you killed, Mango. He was what we call an Officer Class. A high officer, to be more precise. Close to the power of Low level Lord. That male Demon is on level you don't understand. Lucky for us, he follow the ways of old and only challenge combatants he deems worthy to fair combat, limiting himself as to match his opponent. So listen to this tip for fighting Old devils, keep a nice balance between power, enough that you can fight effectively, but not enough that they can out match you. I've killed a few old devils in my time, so trust me. Odds are, they will attack this place. Evacuate every soldier that will not be able to withstand an assault. They will not send an army, best case scenario for us is that we have to deal with two Lords. Worst case, Three Lords. Clayton, Mango handle the evacuation. I'll prepare a small welcome gift for the Lords."



"Thrn I best be quick. I hope you won't mind but even we Changelings know a few tricks. But I won't be altering her. I will be talking with her mostly. I also think I should speak to that spirit that dwells within as well. Should make for quite the conversation."


When they arrived Chrysteel heads towards the house as quickly as she is able. When she arrives she says, "Lord Zecz, Caras has given me permission to speak with the one that is held. I have something to say and ask of her. Will you lead me to her?"

Zecz: "But by all means. I trust he informed you that I will have to remain close by. Anyway let's not ponder. The stairs on down this was. Straight to the end of the corridor on the right side is the cell she is being held in." He started to escorts her to the location she desired.


Caras felt a strong surge of power coming from the mountain region. After a small amount of speculation, he settled on a. Conclusion of who it was. And he smiled. "So he awakened his hidden powers? Accepted who he is? This may be a game changer of I don't play my cards right."

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Clayton nodded as he headed back to the base. To be honest, he didn't expect the news to go over well, but he couldn't really hide it anyway. "I just hope this works." He thought to himself as he looked into the air. Something wasn't right and he could already tell that Tempest was in the middle of it.

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Zecz: "But by all means. I trust he informed you that I will have to remain close by. Anyway let's not ponder. The stairs on down this was. Straight to the end of the corridor on the right side is the cell she is being held in." He started to escorts her to the location she desired.



Chrysteel follows Zecz. She says before they arrive, "I don't what I have to to fulfill my special purpose Zecz. She holds love in its truest form. To protect and preserve this love and to help it thrive. This is my purpose. When fulfilling this purpose I can become a foe nopony wants to deal with. When love is strong so will the Flutterlings be. Allow me to do what I must and blood will not need to be needlessly spilled."


When they arrive Chrysteel approaches the cell, "Hello Dawn. I don't hope they haven't treated you poorly. I have a gift for you. But I must ask something of you in return. I am not here to manipulate or compell you. I think we can help eachother. I know for fact that there is one power left within you that can be awakened. A power that nearly rivals the solar princess' in might. My gift is a permanent link to a power source that never ends. You have love directed at you by Tempest. Even now his strength grows to protect you. I can show you how to tap this love as your power. This is a gift not just from me but from the goddess of love herself. What do you say? Do me this one favor and It is yours. No strings attached. All you have to do to answer is ask me what the favor is. If not, then Tempest will fight alone."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Dawn was scared when she heard Midnight enter, but when she noticed who was talking to her, she relaxed a bit. "Outside of a few headaches and doing something to Baz, no." She said, as she stood. The alicorn then thought over everything else that Midnight had said. She knew that Midnight was speaking the truth, but she wasn't sure what she needed to do. Then again, there was no chance in hel that she would leave the one she loved. "What do I have to do?"

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Chrysteel says, "Let me speak to Baz and enter your heart. Only you can allow somepony access to your heart. You have already let Tempest in. I can forever link the two of you. No matter what happens the love you two possess will heal, anything break anything. I wish to fulfill my special purpose with you. Will you meditate with me and allow me to enter within?"


Chrysteel looks to Zecz, "If and when she says yes, will you allow me into her cell. It will only take a moment and love is love. Bas and Tempest's aura beast also possess the same love the two possess. There is not a power greater."

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Chrysteel says, "Let me speak to Baz and enter your heart. Only you can allow somepony access to your heart. You have already let Tempest in. I can forever link the two of you. No matter what happens the love you two possess will heal, anything break anything. I wish to fulfill my special purpose with you. Will you meditate with me and allow me to enter within?"


Chrysteel looks to Zecz, "If and when she says yes, will you allow me into her cell. It will only take a moment and love is love. Bas and Tempest's aura beast also possess the same love the two possess. There is not a power greater."

Zecz looked to the side, gritting his teeth in a low growl. "You really are pushing your luck right now. Lucky for you I'm nice. But hear me out on this, for your own good, and for the good of those that have come to rely on you and see you as family, think about what you are doing for a moment. I don't understand why it is you are doing what you are doing, but giving her a link to infinite power is something Caras will not take lightly. In fact, if he was to discover what you did, He would execute you personally. Continue to go through with this insane plan of yours but I will not have any part of it." He handed her the key to Dawns cell. "This is the last time I help you with this. For the love of the Maõ. Be fucking careful with what you do in the future. Your blood is not on my hooves." Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Dawn sighed and nodded. "Ok I'll do it." She said. The alicorn wasn't to sure of Chrysteel's intentions, but she didn't have much to lose if she was telling the truth. If she wasn't, then she had no idea what would happen.


Tempest groaned as he sat up and felt his head throb. "That'll probably be gone soon." He thought as he noticed Xena's amulet on the ground next to him. "Wonder where Blitz went." After a quick explanation from Xena, the bat pony sighed and flew into the air, not sure where he was going.

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Chrysteel says, "Preserving a love. My special purpose. If Caras wishes to kill me for it. He will need to understand this power can't be fully harnessed without its other half. Only a link and constant location detection will be available at the distance the two are at. She can't tap the power without Tempest. It is also a safety. The ability is called Love's Strength. The stronger the love between the two, the more powerful it becomes. A goddess such as Venus can take this gift away. But it is her will for me to give it."


She opens the cell and locks herself in. "I will only need a small moment. If you feel I have made a mistake take the keys with you and tell Caras. I feel in the end an ally can be found in those you trust. I trust you and Caras. I care for Niruna and Simple's future. I will also give this gift to them. Their love isn't as strong but it is only just budding now. In time it will equal these two." She places the keys just outside the cell door.


Chrysteel sits next to Dawn and says, "Place your hoof on mine and meditate with me." Chrysteel begins to meditate just after saying her words. What happens can only be described as a miracle of power. Chrysteel's aura incases them both after Dawn touches her hoof to Chrysteel's.


((The inside of Dawn's mental world is yours to deside Drago.))

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Dawn did as she was told and the two were brought into Dawn's mind. Unlike Tempest's, it seemed more innocent and pure. "Huh. I never expected my consciousness to look like this." She thought to herself.


Baz noticed Chrysteel and Dawn's prescience, and approached the two. "I wasn't expecting company." She said. The aura beast seemed a bit weaker, but she true not to show it.


Tempest landed on an island that he hadn't visited in some time. He then sighed and began to walk around the ancient city. "This is what remains of my heritage." He thought.

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"Madam I wont doubt his power but beyond comprehension is a saying only said in legends and storyboo..argh!" A sudden and heavy pressure engulfed Mangos head. The blackness of his armor faded as it was slowly replaced by an Azure that could only be described as starlight. The pressure tightened,seeming to vibrate as it constricted, no words came out of his mouth no matter how hard he tried.

        Darkness shrouded Mango's eyes for what seemed like an eternity, but as he opened his eyes instead of the camp there was a large red room. In the center of it was a large figure fully clad in azure armor and despite being constricted in chains the figure seemed to irradiate power. Looking up it stared at me with glowing red-orange eyes that would of made lesser beings bow down. "Welcome to my prison child. Come do not be afraid...come hither child for you are my host which of who I owe much gratitude."

        Mango felt his legs move on their own slowly pacing towards the imprisoned figure that has been trapped in the suit for who knows how long. Eventually meeting face to face Mango didn't know what to say, the voice that has cursed his mind finally had been given shape. "Why should I trust you, you have done nothing but seek bloodshed and harm the ones I care about," Mango demanded to the figure.

     "My dear child I never seeked any of those things, it was all you. You wanted bloodshed and twas you who harmed the ones you cherished. All I want is to be free and to feel a body again, which you have given me a taste. If I had to wait another century to find a host I would have gone mad. In the end your actions only help the welfare of your nation and the many beings who live there. For if it was not you who would have donned me it would have been Apostle which surely would have lead to the destruction of Equestria. My dear child I only seek to experience the joy of having a body even for a little while. But my power...OUR POWER is still locked away. All you need to do is prick yourself with a demon dagger that is powered by darkness. A little pain is all I ask, I mean the power is both ours to share and with that power equestrian would be always safe."

    In a flash the room, the figure and the pain was gone. A confused Mango rubbed his head as he rose just experiencing one hell of a fever dream. The figures words lingered I his mind like it always had, Mango took a deep breath as he looked down onto his armor. It was azure and the shaped differed, looking more like an equestrian knight then its previous form. Mango was wordless it looked similar...too similar to the figure in his dream. No...it wasn't a dream it was real all too real, like all those years ago.

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Dawn did as she was told and the two were brought into Dawn's mind. Unlike Tempest's, it seemed more innocent and pure. "Huh. I never expected my consciousness to look like this." She thought to herself.


Baz noticed Chrysteel and Dawn's prescience, and approached the two. "I wasn't expecting company." She said. The aura beast seemed a bit weaker, but she true not to show it.



What appeared next to Dawn, Baz recognized instantly. It is the once Queen of the Flutterlings, Amorè Crystal del Venus. Crystal says, "It is good to see you again Baz. How is your mate doing? I believe you know why we are here. You are the last guard of this one's heart. Her essence if you will. Only with hers and your permission can one enter. Tempest has already been allowed but doesn't know it yet."


She turns to Dawn and says, "If your wandering where Chrysteel is, She and I are one in the same. Soon my soul shard shall merge with her but to you, Tempest, Simple and Niruna, I have a gift. A power that can truely stand to a goddess. However this power only works in pairs. The closer your partner is to you the stronger you both become. When I gift you this power, it will be locked in the one place a being like Caras can never go. Follow me, both of you. I will show you the power of Mother's greatest gift, Love."


She looks to Baz, "This power will also work for you and your mate Baz. Mother misses your kind. You were a great help in mother's purpose."


She then begins walking deeper. She comes to a wall and stops. "The Divines and Devils really have done a number on you both. This wall blocks our way to the location of Mother's gift."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Baz was absolutely stunned to say the very least. "I had no idea that you were still alive. It is an honor to be in your presence." She said, as she and Dawn followed Amore. "I know not what the divine have done, but Caras has sealed my power within me." The wolf hadn't expected any of this, but she felt a happiness that she hadn't felt in a long time rise in her chest, despite her current predicament..


Dawn looked at the aura beast that shared a mind with her and smiled. "It's ok. I'm sure we can find a way to undo whatever he did to you." She said. The alicorn then glanced at Amore. "Is this the wall to my heart?" To be honest, she hadn't gone this far into her own psyche and it was a bit intimidating.

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Crystal says, "By technicality I am neither dead nore alive, Baz. I am what remains of Lady Amorè Crystal. Chrysteel is my host and soon I will merge forever more with her, when she evolves. With Dawn and Tempest's friendship to her, she can achieve the first Changeling evolution in several thousand years. Chrysteel is to become the next Avatar of Love and Queen of the Flutterlings."


She turns to Dawn, "This wall is created to prevent access to the core of your being. This is what the Flutterlings and Changelings call the heart. Aura magic comes from here when one opens their heart for all to see. So technically an aura is actually a soul on display for the world to see."


She then looks to both, "You two are the keepers and only you two can open the way. Touch the wall and say my host's given name, Chrysteel Amorè Chrysalis, to allow me access. By allowing me access Dawn's most protected secrets can be accessed. However, I will not touch them. I will only link Dawn and Tempest from within. What remains of my power, after doing this for both you and the other two, will go to Chrysteel when she evolves. But for her second evolution she will need the blood of a divine or goddess. That condition has been taken care of."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Dawn and Baz nodded. "As long as Caras can't interferre, then I'm ok with letting you in." They both said. The alicorn and wolf then placed a paw/hoof respectively on the wall as a form of energy began to float around the two. "I accept Chrysteel Amore Chrysalis access to my heart as to link me with the one I love."

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Amorè smiles and says, "Only those you give access can enter this place. If they don't have your permission, they can't enter. If you wish to watch me work, follow."


Amorè enters and sit in the very center. She looks to be preparing a powerful spell. "Venus, I am here. They are ready. The time has come for my successor to learn of my power. Grant me strength three final times, before my successor and I become one."


((You can deside how this place looks. It is Dawn's core being. Also only those given access my freely enter. That is why permission must be given.))

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Dawn nodded slightly and watched as Amore worked, before looking around her heart. If her mind was pure, then this was simply light. Of course, secrets and certain memories floated around, but they weren't that noticeable. Most of the memories were from when she was younger, found Baz, and met Tempest for the first time. "This is amazing."


Baz smiled as she thought back before she died. Those were the times she was the happiest and from the sound of it, they had support. "Amore, thank you. I cannot think of way I could repay you for what you are about to do." She said.

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Amorè's aura begins to form around her. It begins to spread. Dawn can feel a Mother's Love to protect her foals and a mother's hope to drive their fears away. It is calm and tranquil to all within the aura.


Amorè reaches out within this area and soon the very memory of Dawn and Tempest first falling in love floats over to Crystal. "From Love's core, to life's power. Bind in this love, the two held between my wings. A mother's embrace to hold them tight. From Love's truest form to power's light. Link in love Dawn and Tempest forever more. When close their power can stand to a God's. When far, they are drawn like opposed magnates to one another. Let their love forever bind. Show your power, Mother Venus!"


From within this scape, a powerful presence is felt. Amorè's aura is now covering the who place.


In a voice not her own Amorè says, "From my realm in the heart of worlds through the presence of my Avatar, I grant you, Dawn and Tempest, Love's Strength. Forever love eachother and never let eachother down. Only together can you be strong. I, Venus goddess of love, have spoken. Live strong and love always."


@ Tempest


Once that was done, Tempest suddenly felt Dawn. He could feel where she is. It also feels as if he needs to go to her. Dawn, even within her mind's world, can now feel Tempest's exact location. But due to the cell she can't go to him.


Crystal says, "It is done. The blessing of Love's Strength is given. You should now be able to sense him and he will be drawn to you."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Tempest heard a faint buzzing in his head and was curious as to what might've cause this. "Who's there?" He asked.


Xena and Nephyer also heard the white noise and were just as curious as their host. "This is strange. Someone seems to be tapping into our collective mind." He said.


Dawn and Baz could hear their voices and smiled. "It's good to hear your voice, guys." They said, excited at the new possibility.


The bat pony and his beasts jumped from surprise and smiled. "Dawn, Baz... how? This... this is amazing." He said, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

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Crystal says, "It is possible only because Venus approved and granted the Blessing to you both. It is time. Tempest, Only when you two draw close and with an act of love, can more then just this awaken. I must leave before Caras notices my true presence. Chrysteel will not be harmed on my watch. Good luck aura beasts. Mother sends her reguards." Caras feels an old and familiar presence. He can't place where exactly but he knows who it is. It is Crystal, Old Queen of the Flutterlings. Then it is gone. She was here then not. But shouldn't she be dead.


With that final word, Crystal/Chrysteel leaves Dawn's inner world. Chrysteel opens her eyes and looks to the cell door. She smiles and says to Zecz, "It is done. Also I didn't do anything but make the request. Another did the spell. It is currently beyond me."


She gets up her aura is noticeably brighter, more filled with truest love. Chrysteel didn't feed on Dawn's Love, she became stronger for helping love grow. She says to Zecz, "I will ask this of I Simple and Niruna as well. If they accept, they two will meet my other half."


Chrysteel feels a strange pulsing coming from her bag. The crystal has finally reached 100% love of friendship collection charge. It pulses faintly as if it were a heart. 'One thing left. Then it is evolution time. Live strong and Love long Dawn and Tempest. And yes you can communicate with me anytime you need advise about the power of Love's Strength. Think of this like a accessable Hive link Communication system. It is almost the same. You need a cental node and because my counter part helped link you two. I thought I would link our mental worlds as well. A true true friend helps a friend in need. I am a friend to you two and so many others. This bond is only for my most trusted and respected friends. Soon two more will join the link, Simple and Niruna. They are friends with a just starting to bud love for each other. Please help me help them grow.' She thinks to Dawn and Tempest.


She remains looking to Zecz and checking if the keys are still where she placed them.

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Crystal says, "It is possible only because Venus approved and granted the Blessing to you both. It is time. Tempest, Only when you two draw close and with an act of love, can more then just this awaken. I must leave before Caras notices my true presence. Chrysteel will not be harmed on my watch. Good luck aura beasts. Mother sends her reguards." Caras feels an old and familiar presence. He can't place where exactly but he knows who it is. It is Crystal, Old Queen of the Flutterlings. Then it is gone. She was here then not. But shouldn't she be dead.


With that final word, Crystal/Chrysteel leaves Dawn's inner world. Chrysteel opens her eyes and looks to the cell door. She smiles and says to Zecz, "It is done. Also I didn't do anything but make the request. Another did the spell. It is currently beyond me."


She gets up her aura is noticeably brighter, more filled with truest love. Chrysteel didn't feed on Dawn's Love, she became stronger for helping love grow. She says to Zecz, "I will ask this of I Simple and Niruna as well. If they accept, they two will meet my other half."


Chrysteel feels a strange pulsing coming from her bag. The crystal has finally reached 100% love of friendship collection charge. It pulses faintly as if it were a heart. 'One thing left. Then it is evolution time. Live strong and Love long Dawn and Tempest. And yes you can communicate with me anytime you need advise about the power of Love's Strength. Think of this like a accessable Hive link Communication system. It is almost the same. You need a cental node and because my counter part helped link you two. I thought I would link our mental worlds as well. A true true friend helps a friend in need. I am a friend to you two and so many others. This bond is only for my most trusted and respected friends. Soon two more will join the link, Simple and Niruna. They are friends with a just starting to bud love for each other. Please help me help them grow.' She thinks to Dawn and Tempest.


She remains looking to Zecz and checking if the keys are still where she placed them.

Zecz was acting distant. His mind was wondering in thought, pondering on a few things that popped into his mind recently. Technically only being half awake when Chrysteel spoke to him, so it did not fully register what she said. "Yeah, alright. Niruna is in her room and Simple should be with the Hunter Clan. More specifically with Diadora. He won't be hard to find." It was only the smallest response he could think off in his state, but it should suffice for now. His mind was focused on a slight feeling he picked up mere seconds ago. Something that should not exist. Something in his mind clicked and he shot awake with a gasp, before teleporting to an unknown location.



Caras returned home and sent Niruna straight to her room. Just catching a glimpse of Zecz as he left. "What do him so worked up? I'd like to think I'm not the only who is ever so much enraged about what I just felt." The last sentence was said in much more dark tone. One a pony would expect of a devil, full of cruelty and blood lust.

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Chrysteel comes up from bellow and asks, "Niruna in her room?"


Chrysteel looks different, Maybe stronger. Her aura is definitely brighter. The crystal she has is pulsing like a heart. Chrysteel also feels to be more relaxed and happy. "Flutterling's Heart is pulsing. Only one thing left, Caras."

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Chrysteel comes up from bellow and asks, "Niruna in her room?"


Chrysteel looks different, Maybe stronger. Her aura is definitely brighter. The crystal she has is pulsing like a heart. Chrysteel also feels to be more relaxed and happy. "Flutterling's Heart is pulsing. Only one thing left, Caras."

"Yeah, blood from the Maõ correct? I'll take you to Lucifer when I have the chance but I have more important information to be working on right now; I have a spirit that should be dead to track down, I have an outpost to deal with and a forbidden spell to learn and cast. Niruna is in her room yes. Now excuse me, I have a spirit to get rid off." Caras put his energy into opening a dimensional rip, and pulled out a dagger along with a book that have been bound together on chains. The title of the book was in old devil letters and unreadable to anyone not familiar with it, even young devils. The dagger seemed to be alive, moving slightly by itself and one could swear it spoke. Both items emitted an aura so dark it would even give a Devil chills, which is exactly what it did. "Forbidden items. Weapons, armours and books that have absorbed so much life for the darkness they developed a mind of their own. This book has things that are taboo even to a devil, such a beautiful piece of literature." Caras became fully absorbed in reading the books and sat down in his lounge.

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