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Child Of Darkness

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"okay this is.... a bit scary for me..... so um Naga... if your a monk of the divine guardians would you be able to get me to your leader.....i know its a lot to ask.....but..... i must know more about this letter" he proceeds to get up "i know i may not be much...... and are very weak..... but this letter tells me to find you guys.,....and that must mean something right...." he proceeds to smile "and as for you caras you might well died about a million years ago..... wha.....where did that come from....." suddenly in Simple eyes time stop... and a black figure form of himself appear from caras's body.... "poor pitiful thing...... being a part of the chosen alliance and being berely able to fight.....you know i can get you any natural form of energy... you desire..... all that i want you to do is kill the leader of your precious divine guardians.....wouldn't that be good...." "what kill someone no i could never do that it's not right" replied simple very worried ".....well its what your cutie marks says you should do.....it's your destiny..... is it not child" The black figure of simple continued to disappear into naga "BUCK OFF!"  Simple came raging in at naga but before he could blow the blow he was waken up by the screams of naga's reaction.... "UGH!....what?.... did you guys see that... there was a black me and.....oh...." he proceeded to notice the faces people were giving him and for a moment he let off some negative energy followed up by some positive energy he did this pattern twice and then notice naga giving him a very strange look

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Chrysteel stops and turns to Simple. "Simple, can I ask something of you? If yes, seek me alone. I promise you that what you answer to my question, I will jeep to myself."


Chrysteel then begins to head inside. She worries for Simple and remains within 30 feet of him. Her aura of love and hope covering the area. She knows only those who accept love and hope into their hearts can truely feel the effects of her aura.

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"i...uh...i'm sorry naga..... Chrysteel wait up" he followed chrysteel...."so what's this question you were talking about..." said simple being very interested in what chrysteel has to say "and why did you want to talk to me alone....I UGH!....." he heard whisper in his head "oh... so much positive energy..... oh but so much negative energy.....why hold that to your self your true power is evil..... why fight your destiny" he knew that voice it was his voice.... but more had more of a echo like when he saw the dark form of him "why......why is this happening......" "I'M NOT BUCKING EVIL!""AH!.... oh chrystel..... i um... so anyway whats that question" he proceed to sigh "sorry.....about before with naga.... i...."

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"and as for you caras you might well died about a million years ago..... wha.....where did that come from....."

"You. You dare to insult me. You dare to make a mockery of me? You are nothing, you have no rights to speak up against those stronger than you. You need to learn some respect. The Hard way." Caras took a few steps towards Simple Connection, increasing his Dark Aura as he did. He threw one light punch into Simple's chest, but the punch carried enough force that several ribs could be heard breaking. "That was a a miniscule amount of strength. Insult me again, and suffer worse consequences."


He turned away from Simple and walked ahead of the rest of the ponies, the changeling aura of love was making him feel sick. He would meet the rest of them in the meeting room on the top floor of the castle.

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As Chrysteel watched, she saw Caras punch Simple bone clearly breaking. She trots over and helps him her aura now flooding him as direct contact is made. The bones begin to mend. Chrysteel seems to be healing him. "Soon. For now let's move away from the others. This question is only between us."

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"okay.....chrysteel.... whatever i do i will teach that guy a lesson i.....wait.....that face" he stops and thinks for a second "he's the one who been haunting my dream......that...GRR!.....i will...." he then starts to caught up with chrysteel again and walks into a room down the hall...... he then hears a whisper as time stops again "chrysteel.... the chosen...one....oh how sad that the divine guardians have to deal with your weakness......you can berely use this dark magic and only because you don't accept the darkest within your heart.....heh i can give you that natural energy source you desire just JOIN US! you have much use on our side.....and no use on their side all you'll be used for is a target for people to aim at.....what do you expect to do.....a weak skinny pony... who can't even use his full power....." simple proceeds.. to look at chrysteel "your... right what use i'm i...wait a minute...."  "NO! MY DARKEST NO UGH SO CLOSE! NO! the light its too strong where is this coming from...i'll be back kid..." "WHA!... oh sorry had another day dream....so hurry up them get on with it whats your question" as he finished his sentence he heard a strange words that didn't make any sense.... (you'll only be able to unleash your true power when a balance of light and dark appears....don't give up on one fight for both but also for good.... *these words are said backwards in the same order but are said backwards wanted to make it clear* )

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Chrysteel asks, "Are you needing help? My aura sense tells me your fighting a war within oneself."


Chrysteel backs up slowly. An field of energy in her eyes. A chaotic swirl unknown to many. But the colors one knows very well. They are Black and white and every shade of grey between. "What you see in my eyes, is what I see around you. It is your aura."

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"You. You dare to insult me. You dare to make a mockery of me? You are nothing, you have no rights to speak up against those stronger than you. You need to learn some respect. The Hard way." Caras took a few steps towards Simple Connection, increasing his Dark Aura as he did. He threw one light punch into Simple's chest, but the punch carried enough force that several ribs could be heard breaking. "That was a a miniscule amount of strength. Insult me again, and suffer worse consequences."

He turned away from Simple and walked ahead of the rest of the ponies, the changeling aura of love was making him feel sick. He would meet the rest of them in the meeting room on the top floor of the castle.


Naga's face cringed when he saw Caras break Simple's ribcage with a shattering punch. Naga spoke his mind, but tried to be mindful of his tongue.


" heyayayaea! This is supposed to be a peace summit, not a beginnin' to something worse! There's no need in bein' hateful now. You probably just started a contention fer the land! Is that what ya really want, Lord Caras? A war?"


He shouted as Caras walked ahead. Naga shook his head in disapproval. His mane, with it's many braids and golden rings wrapped at the end of each braid, started making a faint clacking sound as some of the rings collided with each other. This was his calling card, essentially. How others knew he was coming.


@@Midnight_Aurora @


Naga then looked over toward the pair that was Chrysteel and Simple. His eyes widened when he saw what was going on. This Simple Connection... Were there two souls battling for control in that body of his? Could Chrysteel handle it?


He stayed around, not following Caras, but also not interfering with Chrysteel and Simple. He would be silent. That Chrysteel... She gave off the kind of karmic power that Naga's soul involuntarily feeds on. Technically, every living being that Naga came into contact with gave off karmic energy that his soul required. Whether it was negative or positive however, was dependent on who he was around and what emotions they were feeling. Vetalas were similar to changelings in the fact that they could gain power from emotion, but where the difference ended was that changelings needed love, and Vetalas converted ALL kinds of loosed karmic energy into food for the soul. Naga was afraid to go near Caras due to an overwhelming amount of negative karma that could be absorbed in his system. While it wouldn't hurt for hours or even a day, without a purification process to convert the negative into positive, it would take a toll on his being. Being near Chrysteel was preferable due to the fact that she seemed to bleed good karma like it was going out of stock. However, whereas anywhere else, at any other time, Naga would like to associate, this wasn't exactly the best situation. Figuring that it would be better to leave them to it, he trotted toward the summit, but not before looking over his shoulder with worried eyes. No one should suffer a battle for their own body.



@@Drago Ryder


Naga was trotting after Caras and the others when he came upon Dawn and Tempest. Temporarily, the old Naga in him came out the moment he saw tempest, temporarily forgetting about what was going on around him. Running up to tempest, the seemingly young Eiquetan monk started babbling exclamatory nonsense.


" Oi! Holy Dharma, I have never seen a batpony up close before! I've so many questions! Where are ya from? What's yer culture like? Speak a different language? Oh, I know! Do yer people sacrifice the elderly to a volcano god?!?... Okay, that was a bit dark. And uncalled for. But hey, if that's what floats yer boat, well... You know. My name is Naga. Naga the monk. Well... More to than that if you heard motormouth Caras. Sorry I got carried away! It's just that I like studyin' about different cultures and whatnot, and I was wonderin' what it was like to be a batpony... Sorry. May I have your name?"


He said, offering tempest a hoof shake. He then looked at Dawn. A wide grin cracked open his gait.



" Well I'll be a Garuda's lunch! You have a marefriend! Not to mention an Alicorn Marefriend! I bet yer a lucky fellow! So, when's the wedding? Will there be a bachelor party? Where are you going on yer honeymoon? Or am I too late on that?"


Naga said this last bit as a joke. He didn't really know if they were just purely plutonic friends or not. This was his way of playing a light-hearted, teasing joke to lighten the tension. Samsara knows that they all needed a bit of relief from the tension.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Caras arrived in the meeting room before the others had made it. Not even the princesses had arrived yet. But they should arrive very soon. He walked outside onto a balcony that overlooked the city. "Beautiful view. Such a wonderful city. Build from the mixture of rock and the magic of crystals, a technique that has been lost through time. Damn shame too. This place is really study and it would take an army to bring it down. Wouldn't you agree?"


Guard's: "Yes Mi'Lord. This is a fine example of what mortals of capable of given enough time. And a bit of divine intervention."


Caras: "*laugh* Quite true indeed. It worries me to think what the mortals will achieve in the next few thousand years. The biggest advancement in tech in my life has been those stupid annoying trains that ponies take from city to city. Well, You two take a place near the door. I'll sit down and wait for everyone to arrive. And hope this starts a war."

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Tempest glanced at Naga and, to be quite honest, wasn't expecting any of what he said. "Um, no. We don't worship a volcano god. As for cultural differences, we're nocturnal and basically worship Luna.." When Naga asked about his relationship with Dawn, the bat pony blushed. "Umm, no. We aren't married, but we are in a relationship." He said.


As naga mentioned her, Dawn blushed lightly and smiled gently. She was happy being his marefriend and knew that he felt the same for her.

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Tempest glanced at Naga and, to be quite honest, wasn't expecting any of what he said. "Um, no. We don't worship a volcano god. As for cultural differences, we're nocturnal and basically worship Luna.." When Naga asked about his relationship with Dawn, the bat pony blushed. "Umm, no. We aren't married, but we are in a relationship." He said.


As naga mentioned her, Dawn blushed lightly and smiled gently. She was happy being his marefriend and knew that he felt the same for her.


Naga's grin grew even wider. " Hey! Whaddya know! I was right! A monk's intuition almost never fails, hahah!"


He fell in to walking beside tempest, keeping him in the middle and Dawn on the other side, to provide max comfort in a social situation. When you've lived and travled as much as Naga has, it was little things like this that could make or break a first impression.


" Dibs on being the bartender at the wedding! Unless you aren't a heavy drinker. Then I'll be a wedding singer! Unless you hate music! Just going off the assumption that you two are definitely a good pair!"


Naga's smile then faded a bit. As he trotted by them, he seemed a bit troubled.


" Sorry fer the rudeness and all... Just my way of tryin' to lighten the mood. Plus, I learned something today, so it's not like it was a totally wasted interaction, right? Anyways... I guess I really should cut the crap right now... Look, I'm going to be perfectly honest. I hate to say it, but the way this is going, it'll mean war. Believe me, Ive Been inside of Hell Above. There is clamor for a conflict. Trying to convince them not to fight and feast on mortals is like trying to put out an Agni Daeva's fire with oil. Only makes em want it more. That's why I'm talking to you both right now. I'm tryin' to get an assessment of what everyone's strengths and weaknesses are. I may not look it, but I'm not that bad of a strategist... "


Naga said, remembering his service to Necrosanctum.


" so what all can you both do? And preferably keep yer best tricks to yerselves. Caras probably has the hearing ability of a dog. It'll give me something to strategize with. Ya know?"



He said to both of them.


" by the way, if I talk too much, a simple ' shut up ' works. So don't be afraid to say it! I know I need to at times, am I right?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Tempest smiled slightly and nodded. "I'm sure we'll find something for you to do." He said, laughing a bit. "Anyway, I've met Caras in the past, so he already knows what I'm capable of. I focus mainly on attacks dealing with the aura."


Dawn relaxed a bit and felt more comfortable as Tempest spoke. "I'm in the same boat as Tempest, but I can also use a bit of ice magic." She said.

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Chrysteel asks, "Are you needing help? My aura sense tells me your fighting a war within oneself."


Chrysteel backs up slowly. An field of energy in her eyes. A chaotic swirl unknown to many. But the colors one knows very well. They are Black and white and every shade of grey between. "What you see in my eyes, is what I see around you. It is your aura."

"no...well.. a little...i...it feels like two beings..... a childhood bliss looking for peace and a greedy king seeking power and corruption....the.... i've never felt it before.......it's....weird.......it feels just like two separate beings...." replied simple before he stop to get more comfortable "look... i don't really want to be a part of this... but it a bit to late to leave so will you help me find these guardians.....caras....will pay.... i don't know but when i look at you....i feel hate,annoyance,pain and loyalty,care,happiness at the same time but with caras its the same....it feels like two beings are fighting for two separate ideals... well anyway...will you help me or not....its fine if not i'm sure you don't to be dragged into this....i'd probably be able to do nothing to help anyway..." simple proceeds to let off a sigh as he starts to slightly close his eyes waiting for a answer from chrysteel

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Chrysteel says, "I offered to teleport us both. If it is a fight they are in making it a draw would be ideal. Half of one and half of the other. There is many a grey area between light and darkness. Auras tell much about a person and yours tells me great power is hidden in the grey area somewhere.


I will help you.


I didn't tell him but these guardians sent me a criptic message to come. I feel our meeting may have not been a chance one. Aura magic is an ancient art of my kind. I am the first to possess it in a very long time."


She hold out her hoof again and waits for his response and action.

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"Late. Late. Everyone is late. Things could not be better. If they don't arrive on time, it can be taken as a sign that we are not being taken seriously. How offensive. It'll be an insult to my entire race, to see that the mortals just think of us as some pests that you can deal with in your own time. This is wonderful. If word about this insubordination gets out, the honour we demons carry in our names will be badly hurt, enough to convince everyone to go to war to prove that their name is worthy of honour. I shall only wait a short while longer, if no one from another faction arrives, it's war. Let's hope no one arrives. *Short Phycotic laugh*"

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Tempest and Dawn entered the meeting room and weren't really surprised that Caras was already there. "Sorry. Can't exactly trust you on your own, can we?" Tempest asked, smirking slightly. The bat pony knew what Caras was capable of, but he also knew that he had grown stronger since their last encounter.


Dawn looked between the two and was honestly curious as to how this was going to turn out. She knew that Tempest would do whatever it took to protect his friends, and she trusted him completely.

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Chrysteel says, "I offered to teleport us both. If it is a fight they are in making it a draw would be ideal. Half of one and half of the other. There is many a grey area between light and darkness. Auras tell much about a person and yours tells me great power is hidden in the grey area somewhere.


I will help you.


I didn't tell him but these guardians sent me a criptic message to come. I feel our meeting may have not been a chance one. Aura magic is an ancient art of my kind. I am the first to possess it in a very long time."


She hold out her hoof again and waits for his response and action.

"thanks...let's let going...being late is not a option......let's go" simple held out his hoof and grab her's he continue to let off a smile and thought (is this what its like to have someone that actually wants to be my friend wow.....) "um.... before we go may i ask you a question......do you know your true destiny........?" he smiled again waiting for a response "you can tell me when we get there if that's all right with you" 

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Tempest and Dawn entered the meeting room and weren't really surprised that Caras was already there. "Sorry. Can't exactly trust you on your own, can we?" Tempest asked, smirking slightly. The bat pony knew what Caras was capable of, but he also knew that he had grown stronger since their last encounter.


Dawn looked between the two and was honestly curious as to how this was going to turn out. She knew that Tempest would do whatever it took to protect his friends, and she trusted him completely.

"Well at least you are here. I take it that Dawn is a representative of Equestria, and you for the Divine Guardians. All factions present and accounted for, we can wait for those stragglers to arrive or we can get this meeting underway right now. I'll leave that to your judgment call."

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Tempest nodded slightly. "Yes. I suppose we could proceede with any formalities." He said. "Then, we can get to peace talks." The bat pony figured that Caras would know of Dawn's position, seeing as he was also a representative.


Dawn nodded in agreement. "Yes. The sooner we can agree on peace, the better.

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"Very well then. Take a seat and we will get started." Caras issued for his guards to leave the room and close the door behind them. None gets in or out with our going through them.


Caras took his helmet off and put it on the table along with his sword. A sign meaning that he means no violence. "Please. Sit with me and let's talk."

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Tempest nodded and sat in the chair opposite of Caras. He then took off the amulet linking him to Xena and put it on the table in front of him, showing the he didn't mean to fight Caras.


Dawn sat in the chair between the two and figured that she might as well be considered the neutral party in all of this, meaning that she would have to make sure that the deal was fair before proceeding onward. The alicorn then took the leg rings that connected her to Baz and set them on the table next to Tempest's amulet. "I believe that we are both ready to continue the negotiations." She said in a calm tone.

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"So the point of these negotiations are to come up with a solution to our problems that are suitable and acceptable to both the Mortals and The immortals.


This is how this will play out: Each side of the debate will give their arguments and accepted terms of peace. Once both sides have finished talking we will try and make comprises that fit both our sides as best we can. As you are the home nation, you talk first. As one of the demon Lords, I represent my entire species at this summit. So what are your terms that my race has to agree too in order to achieve peace between Mortals and immortals?"

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"thanks...let's let going...being late is not a option......let's go" simple held out his hoof and grab her's he continue to let off a smile and thought (is this what its like to have someone that actually wants to be my friend wow.....) "um.... before we go may i ask you a question......do you know your true destiny........?" he smiled again waiting for a response "you can tell me when we get there if that's all right with you"

Chrysteel says, "I will tell ya later." Chrysteel closes her eyes in focus. Now with her horn flaring, the magic encases the both of them. There is a sensation of falling inwards then outwards and the sound of a pop. When Chrysteel opens her eyes...

(Gm, Where ever you wanted these two to be, either at the summit or meet the divine guardians, your move and choice.)

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Dawn sighed and thought for a few moments. Why exactly were they here. The alicorn figured that she could improvise a bit, but it would have to be pretty convincing. "To be quite honest, I believe the best course of action in terms of any expansion the demons wish to do would be to inhabit lands ponies wouldn't normally inhabit, keeping the status quo as it is. In return, we will provide whatever you need to build new settlements and survive in such areas. This way, there would be minimal territorial disputes between sides. Trade would also hopefully increase for both sides due to an increase in accessibility. "


Tempest smiled slightly. He had to admit, Dawn could be pretty diplomatic when needed. "Now I see why she was put on this job."

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They were in an hallway. It looked to be near to where the summit was held. She says, in a low voice, "guess they aren't here yet. Let's listen to what could have been the reason we were asked here."


Just around the corner the guards were doing their thing. Chrysteel cared not for them. She places an ear against the wall to try and listen better.

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