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private amongst the dragons (action/adventure RP)


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Beraha appraoches the group. His body scales except for his belly scales is bright blood crimson. His folded wings and belly scales shine golden. The eyes in his pointed skull are a piercing blue as they look at each pony.


"Everypony come here, I need to talk to you." He says in a loud whisper. He waits until the ponies come closer before continuing. "I dont know what my elders have planned. I want to help you ponies out. I belong to a small group of younger dragons that want peace with you ponies."


Hehehe snakes his head around to look to make sure none of the elder dragons are paying attention. "I have kind of a plan to help you escape. The thing about it is though, that it might cause me some great harm." He goes on to explain the lay out of the roost. He also explains the fastest rout out of it.


"I'll make a distraction before they com to get you ponies. Be gone before the ruckus dies down and meet me in the forest below the roost. Wait only an hour before making your escape though. If I don't meet you up before then you can assume that something bad happened to me." He smiles at the ponies. "Hopefuly you can make it out in time."

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Dragonfire aproaches the dragon but does so carefully, upon hearing his plan Dragonfire grew slightly less suspicious of the dragon. he didn't know what to think of the plan, it was rather vague. and not much explenation was given. where were they supposed to hide? what was going to cause this trouble which would allow them to leave? 


he didn't know what to think of it at all so he asked "why do they have us captured here anyway?" but before his question could be answered another dragon apeared, coming from outside he started talking to the crimson red dragon


"who's there!?" the dragon shouted

he continued when seeing the dragon by the cage

"Beraha! get back out here, no communicating with captives, you know that."




10 minutes passed by, dragonfire felt the tension rising. his heart rate fastened. but he tried to keep calm. it was the best idea in this situation. two grey dragons with stomp snouts came by. one of them unlocked the gate to their prison. the other put up his most fearsome expression and said "follow me. and don't even think about escaping..." 


Dragonfire simply complied, partly forgetting about the red dragon, who's name seemed to be Beraha, having a plan. 

Lee followed dragonfire the same direction, not knowing what else to do at the moment. the dragons seemed rather big so escape would be hard.


(OOC) controlling lee's character so he doesn't just disappear from the story.

i've been drawing for 3 years now practicing dragons and ponies
i'd love it if you could check out my Deviantart or Tumblr.


i also sell commissions right here on MLPForums, check it out!

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Tempest opened his eyes as a amulet appeared around his neck. "Well, it's about time." He muttered under his breath as he stood and trotted towards the exit of the cage. A dark smirk then spread across his muzzle and he felt a familiar presence within him mind. "Well, now that he's back this could prove interesting at the very least." He wouldn't try anything just yet, though. Even with his battle experience and now accessible abilities, there were still to many dragons nearby and he didn't want to hurt those who were innocent in this whole debacle. The bat pony then gave a cold glance to the dragon that had spoken to them after the younger one and studied him. Nothing to interesting, but from he could tell, dragons, excluding the ones he knew, valued strength and raw power over finesse. "So, what exactly are you going to do with us?"


The dragoness flew after Orion with a slight smile playing across her lips. She loved being in the open sky and she could trust Orion with almost anything. "Yeah. I would love that." Gale said, flying higher into the air. A purr escaped her chest as wind rushed by and she could feel herself gaining altitude.


(Don't worry. Tempest won't be using his full power for this rp. Just wanted to even the playing field a bit before whatever is to come next.)

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Clayton sighed as he walked out of the cage and stood next to Dragonfire. He didn't have his scythe and his Magic wasn't that strong, but that didn't mean he wouldn't fight to get out of this place. The unicorn also noticed that Tempest was acting a bit differently than what he would've expected. "This could be interesting." He thought to himself, not noticing the bat pony's new accessory. Clayton then looked over the dragons and wasn't really impressed. Orion could take these two easily if he wanted, and he figured that the dragon would help them when he eventually found out that they were here.


Orion laughed lightly as he followed after Gale. The dragon could feel the blood and adrenaline rushing through his veins as he chased after the dragoness. He wasn't as fast, but that didn't meant he was slow by any means. His bulk and larger muscles helped him to cover more ground with each wing beat, compensating for his lack of an aerodynamic body. When he looked up, he noticed that he was flying underneath Gale. A smirk played upon his lips and he came up beside his friend.

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Time crawled as Indicus waited for them to be retrieved. Memories broke through his mental exercise of theorizing about what would   happen and where they would be taken once the clock was done ticking. He still felt that they would survive, maybe not unharmed but they would survive. As he thought and theorized he briefly wondered how he would collect his contract money when he got out of the dragon's clutches. Then he started thinking about how he could get out and if possible bring the others with him seeing as the help could make it easier, or harder depending on how well they could cooperate and coordinate an escape. 


When the group was retrieved as stated Indicus followed as close as he reasonably could his curiosity now sparked and the possibility of new information now open to them. This could help the group as a whole settle a little and maybe help form an escape plan the hardest part would be avoiding dragons in the process. In the meantime he kept following a small almost undetectable smirk on his lips showing a small glimpse of one of Indicus's fangs

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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She had seen another dragon approach the cell she and the other ponies were locked in. The mare was unsure of his intentions, mainly because she didn't dare try to approach him when he requested everypony did. She didn't feel as though she was in any condition to walk, let alone fly, anywhere right then. So the mare was completely in the dark about anything that was going on.


Two grey dragons eventually showed up and opened the cage door. Vaguely noting the dull looks of the other ponies, she could assume these dragons weren't simply 'letting them go'. With a few slow, staggering steps at a time, she spread her wings out to help her try and retain her balance as she made her way out. Taking slow, calming breaths as she walked, by the time she was behind the other ponies her balance had finally returned. Alex smiled a bit as she retracted her wings, glancing up at one of the dragons a moment, before her smile quickly faded. 'Well... that's one problem solved...' She thought to herself. 'Now... what exactly do these dragons want with us?' She wondered.


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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As Beraha saw the ponies being led out of the cage to where they were gonna meet the elders of the flight, he decided that was the best time to put his reckless plan into action. He hides in the darkness,in abambush, then when the time is right he leaps out of the shadows. In those ten minutes between talking to the ponies and them being retrieved from the cage, he had used his pecial magic to change his breath to ice. He had just finished the ten minute spell when the ponies were retrieved.


As he plummeted down towards the dragons that were leading the ponies, he steeled himself for the battle to come. When he was close enough he let out a tremendous roar. In that roar he could be heard to yell out, "ponies take cover!" after that was said he let out with a high pressure stream, of frozen mist that would freeze most on contact. Although in the case of other dragons, due to the heat thier inner fire, it just does damage and slows them down.


Beraha pummels into the leading dragons as his breath weapon is still being fired, getting the one he lands on directly in the face. "RUN PONIES USE THE ESCAPE PLAN I TOLD YOU!" He screams at the ponies as he ruthlessly attacks the other dragon while the first is dealing with the after affects of the freezing mist to the face.

Edited by BerahaKrahn
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Dragonfire got completely confused. the area surounding him turned to chaos. ice shooting left and right. some nearly hitting him. all he recognized was the voice of the dragon he had only just met a few minutes ago telling him to use the so called 'escape plan'


Dragonfire managed to shout out in between all the noise. he continued right after


the sound was deafning to him and he wanted to get out of the way as fast as possible. Dragonfire's hooves started moving, taking him away as fast as he could. 


Dragonfire ran to the left of the cage where he had seen the light come from before. his mind told him it would probably the easiest way out. he didn't know if the others were following him, he feared he would be the only one running in this direction. but he was to scared to look behind him.


just when the hallway he was running in seemed to be endless he noticed a large door leading to the right. he pushed through the large door which was obviously meant for a dragon of larger size and greater strength, though with a lot of effort he got to pulling it open, waiting for any other pony to come in behind him Dragonfire caught his breath. the dragons likely lost them, but he wasn't sure for how long. with the time he had though he looked around the room with surprise.


he saw magic runes carved into stones, walls displaying a language that seemed ancient. it didn't make sense to him. but his biggest surprise came when he looked to his right. he noticed a map, a large one, displaying larger parts of their world where ponies had never gone before. certain lands had a red X on them together with the word "captured"


Dragonfire said it out loud as he read it. several red arrows were pointing towards equestria

"oh no" he thought when suddenly the idea shot to Dragonfire's head.


(for whom it isn't clear it's a map displaying several locations that have already been taken over by the dragons. equestria is marked next. meaning the dragons seek war against the ponies in search of power and land. i didn't quite know how to put it into words subtely.)

i've been drawing for 3 years now practicing dragons and ponies
i'd love it if you could check out my Deviantart or Tumblr.


i also sell commissions right here on MLPForums, check it out!

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Tempest's eyes widened in surprise, but his gaze instantly hardened as he ran past the dragons and in the opposite way that Dragonfire had gone. "If we split up, there is less of a chance of them finding us." He thought to himself, justifying what he was doing in his own way. The bat pony knew what he was capable of, but wouldn't harm a dragon for the sake of his friend. He eventually saw a light and smirked as he took off into the air outside the cave, pulling straight up at his top speed. If he didn't lose any dragon that  might've been following him through speed, he could easily outmaneuver them with his smaller body. What he didn't expect was to run head first into two familiar dragons.


Gale was slightly surprised at her friend's sudden appearance, and barely managed to get out of his way. "I'm glad I didn't lose you." She purred, blushing a bit and brushing her wingtip against Orion's own. She then noticed Tempest and smiled. "Well, isn't this just a surprise."


The bat pony laughed a bit nervously and sighed. "Yeah, sorry if I was interrupting you two love birds. A couple of ponies and myself Just got kidnapped by some crazy dragons, but nothing to out of the ordinary. Oh, and Clayton's here as well. Anyway, I'll talk to you two later. Don't think that the others would like you two talking to me or the other ponies for that matter. Just play along with whatever big red or the others do, and try to get some information as to what they're planning." With that, Tempest dove into the clouds and headed west. He needed a plan for what to do when he came back for the others.

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Clayton's breathe grew heavy as he ran through the tunnels and didn't dare look back for fear of being caught. "Well, this just got a lot more interesting. Now I really wish I had my scythe with me." He thought to himself. The unicorn then ducked into the same room that Dragonfire had and noticed the map. A calm dread eased into his mind as he looked at the map and he glanced at the other pony in the room. "We have to tell someone about this. There's no way that Equestria can win a war like this." Clayton then looked for a map of the tunnels they were in and hoped that he could find a way out of this mess.


Orion was surprised,to say the least, that something like this could happen, but given his race's views on other species, it didn't really surprise him that much. "Should we follow him?" He whispered, glancing at Gale. The dragon was at a loss for words, to be quite honest. He hadn't expected for any of this to happen, and especially not to a pony like Tempest or Clayton. "I doubt they'll be friendly to him if he gets caught."

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Indicus was cut off from the others.  When the group split, Indicus ran in a random direction and hoped that it would get him out while cursing the magic inhibitor on his horn and his lack of weapons. As he ran he pushed younger dragons out of the way sending them reeling in surprise. I noticed that there were steps running behind me. I ran faster the world blurring around me. I pushed one dragon trying to block me out of the way with practiced ease. While trying to also search for a way to get the inhibitor off my horn. 


 He did not learn about the plan of the dragons because he  was cut off by a large red adolescent dragon forcing him to change direction minutes earlier he ended up  changing directions because of it. Indicus ran through what seemed to be some sort of small office corridors all the while making sure he was going up the cave system and maybe out of the caves themselves. Indicus felt the burning in his legs after a while but ignored it, he had felt worse pain. He thought about what the dragons wanted and how to escape. Once Indicus was confident that he lost his pressures  he hid in an empty dark room and worked on getting the ring off his horn. 

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Alex was completely caught off guard the moment chaos started to ensue. She had just barely regained her ability to walk... How was she going to manage running to avoid all this!? However, she didn't really seem to have a choice. And within all her inner thoughts, she hadn't heard anything that was said by either the dragon 'helping' in their escape, or the other ponies.


Galloping wherever she could, she was barely able to avoid close calls of being stepped on or frozen over. She screamed in panic as she tried to figure out where to go. At one point, she was following the same path as a dark-coated, armor covered pony, however a large red dragon caused the two ponies to split in opposite directions.


After running through twists and turns, turning corners and not keeping track of where she was going, she eventually stopped in a long corridor. The bright blue pegasus pony was quickly growing fatigued from all this, and her earlier symptoms were coming back to her. Suddenly, one of her hooves got caught by a rock, causing her to trip and skid across the stone floor a few feet. She groaned, trying to push herself up only to find she was loosing the strength to do so quickly.


She noticed a small cavern, big enough only for a pony to fit through (and possibly a few baby dragons) and put all her efforts into finding refuge in there. Huffing and puffing, she gets a far inside the hole as she can so that hopefully none of the dragons can see her if they pass by. She needed to rest, tend to body's problems if she could... then try to figure out how to escape out of this place.


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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all around the caves dragons were looking for the ponies that had recently escaped.

groups of dragons jumped to the sky in search any that may have already escaped (that's you @Tempest), others searched the hallways.

the faint red dragoness, the one who started the attack on the small observational site back in Apple Loosa, had heard of this recent news that was brought by one of her guards.


she was rather angry that her plans were delayed. possibly even ruined if any would discover their plans and escape. not that equestria could ever stand against a force like ours even if they knew about it's arrival she thought. capturing these ponies was a bad move to begin with. but the leader was very short-tempered, and couldn't care less about the risks she's taking by her actions.


"Spread out and find them, no matter what the cost, DO YOU HEAR ME?" she shouted at the guard who immediatly took action.


"i don't want any of these misrable beeings to walk the surface of our planet ever again, and these fugitives will NOT be an exception" she muttered to herself



@Indicus & Alex


a group of 4 dragons passed both Indicus and Alex, yet they didn't check the door where indicus was hiding nor did they notice Alex in the small crack in the wall. the leading dragon stopped and commanded 1 of the dragons to guard the hallway right outside the door that concealed Indicus.




"you're right. but how are we gonna get out of here?" Blackburn said as he looked around.

he soon realized he had trapped himself, the room he was in didn't connect anywhere else. it was a dead end.

claws could be heard on the other side of the door


"Clayton! quick! just grab one of those maps and hide" he whispered in a sharp tone as to allert the pony of the upcoming presence.

Dragonfire hid himself behind one of the closets which held runes on it's shelves

i've been drawing for 3 years now practicing dragons and ponies
i'd love it if you could check out my Deviantart or Tumblr.


i also sell commissions right here on MLPForums, check it out!

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Tempest landed in the middle of a dense forest and sighed. "Well, that was fun. Nearly got two of my friends caught as well, but luckily that didn't happen." He thought to himself as he stretched. The sound of bones popping back into place became a bit to audible and the bat pony sat under a tree. "I wonder if the others got out." Tempest knew that the dragons would probably be on high alert due to the escape attempt and looked into the sky. "The sun will set soon. I can try to get any of the others that didn't manage to escape during the night."


Gale sighed and shook her head. "No. He should be fine. Besides, I think we should just do as he asks. They won't suspect us of anything unless we give them a reason to, so it's better this way for now." She said, noticing a few dragons were already looking in the skies for their friend. The dragoness then continued to fly in the air next to Orion, hoping that they would overlook the two. She didn't like being around other dragons, outside of Orion, seeing as how they looked down on her.

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Clayton tried to find the smallest map that he could find and looked for a place to hide. He managed to find one inside a random barrel within the room and looked out a hole in the side. He had a good view of the room from this vantage point and he hoped that whoever came in here wouldn't be able to find him. Granted the barrel didn't seem to have anything in it and it was relatively out of the way, so he doubted that they would notice. The biggest flaw would be if they tried to pick it up, but that didn't really seem likely seeing as how the barrel was unused. The closet that Dragonfire was behind was on the opposite side of the room in terms of were Clayton was, and he doubted that he would be able to communicate with the other pony anyway. "Might as well try to get this ring off my horn." He thought as he tried to remove said object.


Orion nodded and also took note of the other dragons. If they tried anything, he would defend Gale without any form of hesitation. "I understand." He whispered as he continued to fly with the dragoness.

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Indicus got down on his stomach upon hearing the guards and where one was posted, as expected he saw a brown dragon in front of the door blocking his path to getting out. He then cursed and made it a priority to first get his weapons and second get the damn inhibitor ring off his horn, as for the second goal he could overload the inhibitor but it could potentially have a very poor outcome or at the very least it would hurt like hell if it was weak or kill him if it was strong enough. Shrugging he decided to try seeing as the other options were capture or death anyways Indicus figured he had little to lose and much to gain. 


He remembered his training with getting these things off if they were indeed weak enough. He had to steadily let magic go to his horn and build up, once it built up enough the ring would become overloaded and disintegrate. As a result the built up magic would shoot out the process took several minutes to an hour.


Indicus started the process knowing that it would kill any stealth he had so he decided to point his horn towards the door. Over the course of ten minutes he concentrated power into his horn causing the ring to burn. Gritting his teeth Indicus continued and another five minutes later the ring became ashes thankfully only powerful enough to contain normal unicorns with an average amount of magic. Sure he did not have as much as Princess Celestia's student Twilight Sparkle but he had enough to last a while in a magic duel. With enough skill back him up.


The resulting blast went through the door and landed on the dragon with a great amount of force.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Alex remained quiet as she heard the dragons passing through the hallway, looking for her and the other ponies. She could see their shadows pass over her as she silently prayed to the Equestrian Princesses that she wouldn't get spotted. Fortunately, it seemed the patrol group had passed by without problems and wouldn't be back for a while. How long though, she couldn't say.


She gives a sigh of relief as she takes the time available to look over any injuries she may have. Aside from the small dizziness going on in her head and a few bruises from her earlier fall, she is disappointed in finding that she has a sprained ankle. This was going to make it difficult for her to plan an escape... That is, unless she flew... She was a bit nervous about flying out there, not knowing the layout of the cave, all the twists and turns, the routes the dragons were taking as they searched for her and the other ponies, plus her dizziness wasn't going to help her think straight while on the move. The bright blue pony decided that she should wait a little longer, maybe if the dragons returned through this hallway, she could observes some sort of pattern, so that she could sneak out once she recovered to a more confident level.


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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the dragons kept circling the sky and looking at the ground for any suspicious movement. when nothing was found they decided to leave the area, if someone escaped they wouldn't make it anywhere on hoof (or on foot whichever you prefer)

the land was far to barren for a pony to survive in it. so dragon guards were set outside to look for a pony near the mountain like fort they were located in 


meanwhile in the hallway, a dragon kept guard in of the corridors of the cave system. the same hallway both @Indicus and @Alex were hiding in. out of silence a loud noise was heard. more specifically the sound of a door beeing destroyed by a magical blast that traveled at high speed. the dragon behind it got no damage from all the wood shrapnel that hit him. his scales made sure it didn't cut or wound him. the blast however came on great impact. the dragon aggressivly smacked against the wall. his body became limp with the remaining breath he had he attempted to scream for help. 


"help...shit" *coughs* the dragon could barely speak or move but was still allive. upon seeing his attacker he cowered behind his wing. 

"god it fucking hurts" the dragon said to himself


meanwhile in the room dragonfire and @Clayton were located in two dragons entered and checked the room getting close to discovering the two. they left after a quick search around the room. as soon as they were gone Dragonfire jumped from behind the closet. he turned his head to Clayton "alright we have to go, they're bound to find us if we stay here, what we've seen makes us an even bigger target so move slowly"


dragonfire took a peek outside the door, when he noticed nobody beeing there he stepped outside "we have to find the others we can't leave them here." 


dragonfire motioned to Clayton to take the lead. beause he had no idea where to go.

Edited by dragonsponies

i've been drawing for 3 years now practicing dragons and ponies
i'd love it if you could check out my Deviantart or Tumblr.


i also sell commissions right here on MLPForums, check it out!

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After a few more minutes, Gale glanced at Orion and nudged him. "We should head back to the mountain." She said, a bit nervous. "I don't want the others to get to suspicious about what we were doing." The dragoness then waited for the dragon next to her to give his thoughts and felt a bit sad that they had to head back so soon. If it was up to her, they would leave and never return, but that wasn't her choice to make and she knew that they might be hunted if they left.


Tempest sighed as he sat on the ground and was a bit exhausted. He had no idea if it was safe to stop, but he figured that it would be a while until he could actually get the others out of there so he might as well start thinking of a plan. "There are bound to be a few weak points in that fortress. I can't take on every dragon there, though, even with his help." The bat pony then stood and trotted around the area, before eventually finding a cave. As he explored, he discovered a underground stream and it was definitely spacious. "I could stay here for a bit and come back when I get the others." Tempest then laid on the soft moss on the ground and closed his eyes

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Indicus looked at the dragon without pity and walked away after forcing directions to the armory from the dragon. The process was made easier because of the dragon's state so instead of spearing him several times with a tendril he just had to put one around the dragon's neck and threaten to break it if he did not get the information he wanted. 


With this new information Indicus made his way to the armory leaving behind a now even more tired dragon guard. On his way to the armory he passed several more guard patrols and some mage's talking to each other about one of their studies into something that Indicus really did not understand very well. It took several minutes to get to the armory unseen and Indicus figured that at any moment they would find their unconscious friend and it would send every dragon in the cave into a frenzy to find the 'stilted eye unicorn pony'. But now that he was at the armory he looked around for his weapons and he found them on a table with many other weapons of pony make. 


With his weapons in sight he took them and put each in it's place on his armor. Now ready to leave he headed out to search for the others that were captured with him.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Clayton got out of the barrel and breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, that was a bit to stressful for my tastes." He thought to himself before turning his head to Dragonfire. "Yeah, that would make sense." The unicorn then slowly moved forward, taking precaution as to not be detected by the dragons. "I hope the others made it out ok. I don't think that the dragons will be as lenient as they were before." The unicorn then came across a forked hallway and looked in both directions. Neither had dragons, but he still handed the smaller map that he had managed to steal to Dragonfire. "Take good care of that." He said. "Someone's going to need to get that to Equestria." The unicorn then trotted down the right path and was ready for a fight.


Orion nodded and followed Gale. "It'll be ok. I won't let them hurt you." He said. Of course the dragon wanted to spend more time with his friend, even if he did view as more than just simply a friend at times. Eventually, the two arrived back at the mountain and the dragon glanced at Gale. "There are some things I need to look into. I'll see you tonight." The dragon then walked deeper into the mountain.

Edited by Dire Miralis
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