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searching Equestrian Excess (Mystery/Intrigue/Dark)


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Disclaimer: While the topic of this roleplay firmly involves adult oritented content, nothing submitted by the GM or participants ever violate the User Terms or other policies enforced by MLP Forums.


Equestrian Excess

A roleplay about corruption caused by both power and wealth.



In Equestria, there is generally a steady and healthy quality of life enjoyed by all ponies regardless of race. This state of affairs has been maintained for over a thousand years under the wise guidance of Princess Celestia. However, history tells us that it was not always this way. There was once a time when the three races of ponies bickered and squabbled, with the Pegasi and Unicorns subjugating the Earth ponies into little better than slavery. Things have changed greatly sense then, and between the races there now exists a somewhat stable state of equality.


But in the past decade, things have begun to change. The stability which has been maintained for a thousand years is now threatened on almost a weekly basis. Though all challenges by villains both large and small have been defeated, the appearance of so many threats has set in motion events both easily visible and hidden. For a thousand years, the nobility of Equestria have only needed to court the favor of a single Princess, whose wants and desires are well known and somewhat easy to satisfy.


However the return of Princess Luna threw the carefully crafted web of promises, betrayals, alliances, and deals into a state of flux. Previously minor bloodlines seized the chance to court the new power in Equestria before older and more established houses could orient themselves. As such, those who were once powerful now find themselves challenged for the first time in centuries by a myriad of upstart competitors to the Long Game of Equestrian politics.


The arrival and coronations of the Princesses Cadence and Twilight Sparkle have only further shredded the order of things. Behind the facade of peace and harmony which the nobility consistently presents to the outside world, a shadow war is being waged. Instead of swords and shields, this conflict is being fought with money and treaties. But it is no less bloodless for the lack of armor and soldiers. Already several prominent Noble Houses have been reduced to less than nothing, ground to a pulp in the sudden rapid fire events of the Long Game.


Now is the time for the ambitious, and perhaps the foolhardy, to attempt a climb onto the ladder of power. Whether a simple worker or a high born lady, now is the only chance to advance oneself. But remember, no where is safe. Nothing can remain hidden forever. No one is trustworthy.


Plot Summarized:

In the midst of the upheval caused by the events of the Friendship is Magic series, a battle of politics is being waged across Equestia, hidden from view. If the conflict were to ever come to the attention of the Royal Princesses, all involved would be severely punished. The nobility might even be dissolved. So secrecy is imperative. The player characters can be of any background. The only thing they need to have in common is a connection to the Long Game. The events of the roleplay will mainly be in Canterlot, but it can go anywhere in Equestria if appropriate. The GM will be playing the role of the Royal Princesses and npcs as necessary.



1. No god-modding, meta-gaming, and the like.

2. Keep all content within the Forum's rules.

3. If you want to change the plot for everyone, bring it up with me. I'll listen.

4. One character to start with. (Subject to change.)

5. Be courtious to others.

6. Check to make sure someone didn't post something involving you.

7. Please don't ignore posts regarding your character.

8. Discuss character connections before posting them IC.

9. Charcters can be related to the Princesses on request to the GM. Good explanation required.

10. If you read the rules, put the phrase Drugs are Bad in your character sheet.

11. Have Fun.


Character Sheet: (Basic, but required.)




Pony Race: (No alicorns.)

Role/Job: (Noble, Military, Farmer, etc.)

Apperance: (Description or Pic.)

Personality: (Just a couple of sentences.)

Bio: (Whatever feels necessary.)

Edited by Higurashi


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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This looks really good. I'll be honest, I'm not sure if I'll have the time for it but I'd like to give this a shot if you'll have me.


Ah...shoot, I just noticed the "one character to start with" rule. Oh well. I take it that means I can add a second character at a later date?


I'll be applying with one of my OC's but I'm altering her personality and talent to fit this RP better. Assuming I'm accepted, please do not reference the link in my signature.

Character Sheet:  Drugs are bad.


Name: Mirror Image

Age: If she were a human she would be around the age of thirty. 

Pony Race: Unicorn

Role/Job: Wife of a noble.

Apperance: Mirror is a lithe Unicorn of slightly above average height. Her coat is a deep blue (nearly purple) and her mane is a very light shade of pink. Due to an unfortunate foalhood accident, Mirror will never be found without her cloak and mask on. She goes to great lengths to keep whatever scars, injuries, or disfigurements she has hidden from view. Incidentally this also keeps her Cutie Mark obscured, so there isn't much information about her talent. Her mask is of the Venetian style. While the mask shares the same pattern as the one in that link, it is blue and gold, to match her coat and her eyes. The mask is also covers most of the right side of her face. The cape that she wears will vary but it will always cover her entire body.

Personality: To most ponies, Mirror is an introverted and quiet mare that appears to have a flare for the dramatic. In conversation she is polite and timid. Behind closed doors however, she is snide, sarcastic, and obsessed with restoring glory to the family that she married into. Unlike her husband, who only has talent for the military, Mirror is skilled in conversation, coercion, and blackmail. She seems particularly skilled in getting ponies to do as she pleases.

Bio: Mirror was born to a lower-ranked noble house. She grew up in Canterlot and attended Celestia's school for Gifted Unicorns, where she passed but not without some trouble. Thanks to her Father's influence she was able graduate without scandal and was quickly arranged to be married to Snowy Fields, another Unicorn around her age that was showing quite some promise in the military. The House Mirror married into used to be much more influential and has steadily declined due to scandals and poorly chosen heirs over the last few generations.


I might apply later with a different character (depending on if one of my friends chooses to join this). At the moment though I already have all this typed out and would like to go ahead and post it. 

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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This character fits the bill as presented. As such I'm quite happy to accept it!


Thank you for the compliment, and yes, time is always a problem in forum roleplays, indeed in all roleplays.


Regarding the number of characters, the initial limit is in part to gauge how many people want to join in. If there are only a few, then it will be lifted. If there are many (unlikely as it is) then it will be enforced to keep things simple. Politics and such are complicated enough without having to keep track of twenty odd different people at cross purposes.

A regrettable bump for visibility purposes.

Edited by Higurashi
  • Brohoof 1


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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  • 3 weeks later...


Need another application? Might I put forward one?


Character Sheet: Drugs are bad


Name: Phantom Dancer


Age: 22


Pony Race: Pegasus


Role/Job: Servant looking for work


Apperance: Phantom is of average height, but his build is very slim and toned. His medium length mane and tail are usually white, but he regularly applies different dyes to change its colour depending on his mood. His natural colour is grey, but he tends to apply dye to that as well. His eyes are bright green and have a slight shine to them, and his mane tends to drape in front of his face at times. He is often seen smiling.


Personality: Due to the loss of his parents, emotional instability that has been present since his foalhood, and a brief stay in a mental clinic to try and treat him of his instability and bouts of violence, Phantom is an interesting case. On the outside, he appears to be a quirky stallion with a slightly off-kilter personality and a fondness for brownies and a soft spot for foals and damaged ponies like himself. However, on the inside, he’s a much colder and closed off individual who keeps very few ponies close enough to call friends.


Bio: Phantom was a circus pony who wanted nothing more than to smile. With two sisters, a brother and his parents, Phantom knew he should be happy but he never really felt that way. He constantly felt lonely and depressed despite a loving family and being surrounded by other ponies. He always tried hard to master the routines his parents would go through and trained himself to be flexible. Eventually, he was given the chance to be part of the act and he felt happier, smiling for the first time, though it was short-lived and he went back to being his old self in no time.


One day, his parents were killed in an accident during an act, and Phantom had no idea how to deal with it, keeping it all inside where he thought it couldn’t hurt anypony. The result wasn’t pretty on the young colt. He became emotional and increasingly unstable, prone to moodswings and terrible bouts of violence. Eventually, he was sent to a mental clinic to be treated.


When he was released, he was saner, but definitely not the same. While he was at least happier and looked like he was happier, he started to seem like he was analysing everypony around him. Initially, he believed somepony messed with the net so his parents would die. In order to find the truth of his theory, he disappeared for several years, abandoning his old name and severing all ties with his previous life.


He would return years later as Phantom Dancer, though he rarely gave out his name. Instead, he maintained a level of secrecy, and carefully measured responses to divert attention away from him, from acting silly and harmless to giving out a fake name to satisfy an introduction. He also took up subordinate positions in order to appear less important and shy away from the spotlight more easily. Why he does so is known only to him, but he is willing to approach others, and ask to work for them if they are in need of his particular talents.

  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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