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Main OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/127961-patria-y-libertad-military-action-drama-rp/page-1


Attention Players: Effective immediately is,Week Absences Policy. Meaning per post you'll be given a weeks length to start your next post (depending on the circumstance i.e. waiting on conversation reply or if I extend the period due to other occurrences ) . If you are needing more time then a week please send me a PM regarding your reason (Don't worry I won't bite) .



Location : Daun'Kar , Saddle Arabia

Afternoon, August 3rd.


The wagons, carts and various automobiles came to halt carrying the precious cargo of also various ponies and other sentient creatures. With the call of the Volunteer Army their ranks nearly swollen above the expected response.


A team of Arabian Fighter Pegasi soar over head, their jet packs leaving a trail of smoke as the venture onward.


"All new volunteers attention! Please form single lines to the resignation posts! If any pony is current need of medical care please see the nurse pony in the back station. If your a citizen of Saddle Arabia.. " the announcing continues about for several minutes as the lines begin to grow at the recruitment station formed from a prescient.


Sharpie Pinpoint sighed and stepped out carefully looking around a soft smile growing at the familiar humidity of the northern plains.


With her beret corrected and duffle bag on her back, the unicorn formed into line.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Steeleye Sungazer


Stepping out from the shadow of his tent, Steeleye examined the volunteers as they offloaded. It was not overly impressive, at least at first sight. They were as about a motley group as any that he had ever seen. From all walks of life, he pondered the difficulty which would be involved in getting them to work together. It was not a job he would want to be assigned certainly. Thankfully he had already been here a week and his duties were already well established. Saddle Arabia didn't have many unicorns or magic users from what he had seen. As such, they were less experienced in magic than his own native Equestria.


Of course, militarized magic itself was still a relatively new science. For a millennia the Princess Celestia had used the Elements of Harmony to defend the land, and there was little need for the average unicorn to study war magic otherwise. In fact, must unicorns barely used their magic at all outside of their special talents. But the increasing threats had forced the realization that ponies would need to be able to defend themselves. The Princesses could not be everywhere. Given his talent, he had been one of the first to join the growing Enchanter's Corps. Thus far his military career had been quite successful, which had resulted in him being sent as a token asset to the Saddle Arabian Royal Family.


It was something of a thankless job, he'd soon come to realize. Due to the before mentioned lack of unicorns and the resulting absence of experience, many of the locals seemed to regard him as something akin to a lawn ornament, a presentation piece. Of no real use. He hoped that with the arrival of more unicorn volunteers that he'd be able to show magic's value. The ultra-nationalists had no such qualms about using magic and already casualties were mounting, though the Royal Family refused to admit it. This hope was somewhat dampened by the sight of the arrivals. He'd been praying for a squad of his regular Enchanter comrades that he could attach himself to, but they were sadly absent. It seemed that the Princesses were unwilling to commit legitimate resources to this war, perhaps to keep from angering the Ultra-nationalists. Either way, his hopes were dashed.


Wandering over to the recruitment tent, he examined any unicorns he caught sight of. As his original observation had suggested, the sight was not very encouraging. There were one or two potential candidates, but they seemed more like the Royal Guards, who used their magic to heft weaponry rather than cast spells. Thus discouraged, he peeled off to head towards the Royal tent. As an attache, he was allowed in, but only after a staring match with the guards posted outside the entrance. Every time they insisted on making him wait longer than necessary until letting him pass. It was beginning to get on his nerve. As he was enveloped by the shade of the tent, he sighed in relief. It was a bit drier in here, as compared to the soggy air outside. His short walk had already made him damp.

  • Brohoof 1


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Synth Star had woken up at the stopping of the caravan, she hadn't had much sleep lately and wasn't prepared for orders. Begrudgingly she stood up and grabbed her duffle bag. Also picking up her sword she jumped out of the cart remembering how much of a hassle it was to get them to allow her to use it. She looked around to see with a bit more clarity what she had to do before entering the lines that were slowly forming infront of her.



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Wilhelm was flying overhead; as his temporary unit soared over the main column, he took a moment to note down the approximate force strength and how best to employ the varied levels of military experience he saw present. As he slowed down and began a tight circle for landing in the designated area, he sighed, calculations complete; there didn't seem to be an appropriate portion good soldiers, and the ones that were there looked like they had been in action far too many times in support of the foot volunteers. Then again, if their circumstances of arrival were similar to his- here, he smiled self-deprecatingly- he wasn't surprised in the least. At least they really volunteered; for Wilhelm, it was more "come with us or the men who tried to kidnap you will hunt you down".


As Wilhelm shrugged the heavy sniper rifle he carried further up his shoulder, the strap slowly slipping off his sweat-soaked fur, he allowed himself a moment to reminisce as he headed to the registration tents, where he would present himself along with the rest of the volunteer army for debriefing and reassignment to their permanent units.


The soldier across from me leaned across the seat, cap askew. "You know, sir, this place is rather dangerous. Can't you wait and perhaps postpone your visit to the Saddle Arabian National Observatory? We and the men realize you have your purposes, of course, and you do have military experience, but surely it's unreasonable to-" I cut him off mid-sentence, hoof upraised. "I will be fine, Officer. I'm sure that the rebels won't have occasion to attack me; this is not a diplomatic visit, a military visit, or anything that would harm their interests in any way. Besides, would they honestly risk the Diarchy's anger by kidnapping their Royal Astronomer?"


The soldier closed his muzzle, obviously stifling a objection, and leaned forward again, putting his head on the dashboard. The conversation in the back of the armored car resumed after a short pause, and I pulled at the collar of my uniform, already wishing I hadn't worn anything- as was the custom of so many here in the desert and back home. I shrugged half-heartedly and turned the air conditioning up a little more; as I brought my head up to rest on the seat back, my eyes caught the flash of glass from atop a hill we were passing. I hesitated for a moment, then opened my mouth to make a comment on it, but I was too late; there was a sharp report, as that from an antimateriel rifle, and then the concussion of an explosion, doubtless from a triggered IED in the road. Somehow, I observed this rather detachedly, as if it wasn't me who was getting shot at. There were two more firings of whatever gun they had set up on the ridge, and then a final explosion. The car flipped, and I only had the barest moment to stare at the clean bullet hole through the head of the stallion I had just been talking to before it went over totally. I held onto consciousness long enough to hear rough voices in Arabic, as well as the clacking of hooves, before I finally blacked out. 


I didn't entirely care if I woke up.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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A ray of sun flickered before dissipating a broad Arabian stallion enters in. A Neighpalis assault rifle (FAD) hangs along his side, his bright red beret standing out from his dark coat and tactical vest.

"Mr. Sungazer. " he simply says before bowing.

"I am Quarbari. One of the representatives of the Arabian Volunteer Army. An honor." The aged stallion greets him.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Spectre in the vehicle for a moment, cleaning his goggles, before putting them on. When he heard the order to step into line, He stood up, and got into line. He pulled something out of his pocket, it was his trident (It is a medal). He pinned it to his uniform. He was here because he was told to be not because he wanted to. He knew Saddle Arabia well, from the plains to the deserts, Having done multiple operations in the country. He didn't like the country, to many friends died within its borders. He looked around at the others.

  • Brohoof 1

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Blackburn came out of the truck together with the other volunteers. Following the order of a pony who seemed to be one of the higher ranks round this place. Blackburn was nervous, it was his first time in a reall millitary situation. Training is a whole lot different from the real deal, and it seemed most ponies around here knew what they were doing. 


What bothered him the most, though, was that he seemed to be the only dragon in the army. Which made sense to be honest, he wasn't sure why he expected otherwise. It just meant that he'd be getting a lot of weird looks, something he didn't really like.


Blackburn tried to stare straight forward while listening to the commander's explenation on how things worked around here. Upon looking to the right he noticed a pony holding a katana. Not exactly the most ordinary weapon for combat nowadays he thought. Swords were good for close quarters combat yet they were rather brutal in his opinion. The thought of having a sharp piece of metal piercing through him made the dragon shiver a bit.


Gotta keep in mind to make sure she doesn't hate me. He mumbled to himself while still having the idea of the blade stuck in his head

i've been drawing for 3 years now practicing dragons and ponies
i'd love it if you could check out my Deviantart or Tumblr.


i also sell commissions right here on MLPForums, check it out!

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Steeleye Sungazer


"Salaam, sayyid Quarbari," Steeleye replied curtly. He was above average height for the standard Equestrian pony, so he was able to look the tall and slender Saddle Arabians directly in the eye. "Though you know my name already, I am Regimental Enchanter-Captain Steeleye Sungazer, on loan for purposes of magical advice and defense strategies." He popped the cap on a message tube which hung by his side, withdrawing a scroll and unfurling it for viewing. It was his credentials. After a few seconds he replaced it and closed the tube. "Though it is considered an honor to be working with the noble Saddle Arabian Royal Family, it might not look as such to outside viewers." A canteen was hefted from his side to his lips and he took a quick gulp of water before putting it back. "Not hardly a unicorn to be seen in these parts, outside of the ultra-nationalist mercenaries." He paused for a moment, considering his words. "It seems to have resulted in some... interesting conditions. I'm working on a full report, but I doubt it will be read."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Quabari smiled, impressed by his fluint Arabic for the most part.

"We've been hoping for magical advisors. Has, Canterlot sent alchemists too? Sorcery as most know now adays is no longer practiced. Banned since the 7th Century." He rambled a bit.


"Also as of now I felt this information should be known first hand we could need your assistance immediately. Some our units have been recovering MCBs (Magic Chem Bombs) in fathomable amounts. "

Quabari shuffled a bit.

"Disarming is simple. But we've been needing experts recently to dispose them. And we can't just detonate them. Those chemicals will spread out into the air."



@@Orion Caelum

@@child of the night


One by one and in patient time all of the volunteers sign up their information now in official ranking on paper.


Divided into squads this diverse herd now is led along into the compound just past the recruitment tents led by one of the native volunteers.

"New to group you get surplus. Get gear." The stallion says in basic English. Leading them into the warehouse like setting he allows the group to enter.

"Must pick one rifle per pony. One sidearm too. Ask questions if any."


Sharpie Pinpoint just nodded simply and entered in ahead of the group to select her weapon.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Wilhelm followed behind the main group, immediately gravitating towards the longer-ranged battle rifles. Once he got there, he perused the stocks, holding each one to the light and examining them with a finely analytical eye. One gun eventually satisfied him, and he turned it over in his hooves, experimentally lifting it to his shoulder and looking down the provided sight, making mental notes for calibration. He hummed in contentment and then went to the sidearm section, listing the specifications of his new gun out loud. "G3A3, 6x scope, extended magazine, silenced, attached bipod." He smiled ever so slightly as he arrived at Sidearms, offering a curt nod to the pony next to him as he began to look through the selection.


OOC: This pony can be anyone.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Steeleye Sungazer


Steeleye examined Quarbari for a full half minute before responding. "If they have been hoped for, perhaps this is displayed differently than back home," he said carefully. "I have had little to no success in convincing most anyone of the necessity, even after Al Hoofim." The Battle (or slaughter really) of Al Hoofiim had been a major battle in the Saddle Arabian civil war, which had cemented the ultra-nationalists' control over their occupied territory. It was also the first major engagement in which enemy mercenaries had taken part, magic users in particular. After what initially appeared to be a successful push into the city, the Royal Family forces had been trapped in a massive magic barrier which prevented them from leaving. It had not, however, stopped the enemy's spells from arcing in, effectively pounding the trapped soldiers into a messy and charred paste. There had been few survivors and even fewer that had escaped. It was part of what had convinced the Royal Family to start asking for volunteers.


"I don't think that the rebels intend on obeying your laws," he continued softly. "As for your MCB's, any trained mage will have gone through enough alchemy to dispose of them. Mostly a matter of... well it's simple to those who know the terminology." He indicated one of the tables nearby, where several examples (already disabled) were laid out for the viewing pleasure of the Royal Family, if they'd cared enough to look. "From what I can tell, the standard design is a dual vial type. Crack the vials, the two components mix, resulting detonation and gases." He waved his hoof dismissively. "Base magic, feeds off a low grade power crystal. Proximity detection. Get close and pop it goes." He trod over to the main map table.


"They seem to be laying them along our roads, and only our roads, if these are marked correctly," he continued. "Given that control shifts back and forth pretty constantly along the main thoroughfares, it seems likely that they have at least one infiltrator feeding them the latest information on our positions. That and they know what they control. Very well organized, practiced even. Not so much rebellion tactics as wait and baiting." He tapped the map. "They've also been careful to avoid dropping bombs in the path of civilians. They'd lose popular support if they did. A long term goal. Undermine confidence in the legitimate government while putting yourself up as shining liberators."


"But still only a facade," he sighed. "Here, here, and there they've made mistakes, dropped bombs in the way of civilian caravans. They've hidden it well, but it'll get out eventually. They'll likely spin it in such a way that the blame comes back to us, perhaps saying that he used the civilians as guinea pigs to test routes." He lifted a report for closer inspection. "As for disposing of the MCB left over material, I have a few ideas. Some are socially acceptable, others are not. All rely on the fact that both elements require salt to properly deploy." He glanced at the ground. "And given that salt is everywhere in this area, it is dangerous. If there is a large chemical spill, say at a manufacturing point, it is quite possible that one could produce a detonation in the order of bringing down the sun to earth. Gigatonnes, dozens. Would level a city flat in a microsecond." He turned back to Quarbari. "But they're too careful for that. These devices are being mass produced, but it's been done efficiently and effectively. And they're testing new ideas. I'd imagine that soon there will be no way to detect a device before it activates, and when it does there won't be a speck of anyone unlucky enough to step on it left."


He picked up a particular MCB, different from the rest in that it was larger and more complex. "This is one such test example. Only reason it didn't reduce a patrol to a pink mist is because the vial was a tad too strong. Only one component deployed on time. Though it is not my forte, I recognize some of the style from the vials." He set the device back down. "As such, I'm inclined to think that you have a major and growing problem on your plate. Like peas mixing with the mashed potatoes. Except the peas are eating the potatoes." He sniffed. "Sorry, a bit hungry, didn't have lunch. But I do believe that quite possibly one of the foremost minds in military alchemy, or one of his students, is working for the ultra-nationalists. If that's true..." He paused and chewed his lip. "I don't think I need to spell out what would have to be done."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Spectre went in chose his fire arm chose  GDIR (G3A3) and got out. Nice and quick and without saying a word. He found a place where he could hear the next order but was away from the others and looked at the rifle. He set the clip down next to him. He knew how to take one apart and put it back together again quickly, so he decided to check the condition of it. He lifted it with his magic and began to dismantle it to the smallest components to check the condition of the parts and whether they are clean. He lifted his googles and set them on his boonie cap so he can see better. His violet eyes could now be seen by anypony who got close enough to him.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Well its good we don't grow peas and potatoes together (we don't even grow peas) . Well that's just great. " he approaches to the near by table stand looking onto the map.


"Just gonna run you down about the,territories. Its a long split line at the middle. The border between the northern plains and southern deserts. The only boundaries not effected by control are the eastern mountains and south west badlands." He says.


"The Shatties tribes of the mountains fended off the House Tribes from entering so it seems like they don't want to take sides. The badlands, well no pony goes there. Not sense the 16th century. Changelings live in those hills." He adds.


"General Al-Fulani and my comrade Assari are holding the forces at the center border. But apart from those MCBs our other concern is the North east villages. Gi'gar its a fairly large village, hit hard by JRBs (Jury Rigged Bombs) . Our concern is that there's an influence of guerillas there."


Sharpie examined one of the medium ranged SMG. Great War era, its a Prance model side fed straight magazine. Cheap and easy to make. With the weapon held in magic she fed in the clip and slinging it upon her side before collecting extra magazines and moving to the sidearms.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Wilhelm sighed, going over the sidearms one last time. Surprisingly, he couldn't find anything he was too interested in; most of the ones he found were automatic pistols. Wilhelm was a sniper, not some sort of... well, some sort of pony who runs around with an Uzi, anyway. However, as he was about to turn away, a single gun caught his eye, and he pushed away the Vektor CRB that was partially covering it. Hefting the revolver he had found, he smiled; he had just picked up a M1 Irons, seven-round cylinder, 44. Magnum rounds. Moving to where everyone else seemed to be learning the eccentricities of their new weapons, he sat down on the floor next to a unicorn with violet eyes. Wilhelm didn't pass comment save for a brief appraising look, but instead simply began assembling and disassembling his G3- sighting down the scope, reloading and using the bolt, and cleaning the insides of the gun so that it worked perfectly. 

Edited by Orion Caelum
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@,  (I am increasing sense a 'Lawrence of Arabia' theme here.)

Steeleye Sungazer


"I wouldn't discount the Badlands," Steeleye suggested after a moment's thought. "While you may have to be crazy to set up there, there's nothing stopping a particularly determined party from piercing through it. Sure, they'd take casualties, but with enough preparation they could work their way across and get in behind your flanks. So I'd keep an eye in that direction. An occasional fly over maybe. Wouldn't have to reorganize the current scout paths that much either."


"What do you know about the Shattites?" he continued. "If they're not taking sides yet, what is keeping them? Is there an indecisive leader? Are they simply not sure yet which side will win so they can throw in their lot? Maybe they simply want nothing to do with any of this? It would be useful to get them on our side of course, but even if we can't it would still be wise to take steps to prevent them from joining the Ultra-nationalists." He paused for a moment, thinking. "If you had any more information about the Changelings, that would be nice to have. Same as the Shattites, we don't want the ultra-nationalists making any deals with them. Could you imagine a swarm working its way into our forces? Disguising themselves as our own soldiers? It'd be bloody chaos."


"As for Gi'gar, I'm afraid that there is not but I can recommend without more information. There are guerrillas everywhere, even in the areas where we have firm control. Harder to get rid of than parasprites. But if you could find a base of operations that they will have set up, I've a few tricks I could pull out of my bag to show them."

Edited by HigurSan


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Blackburn went inside to check out which weapons were available. Once inside he looked around and made his decision by the DMR's

"These seem good" He thought while looking at the SKS rifle. He had to get one, or if possible, 2 of them mounted on his back if he'd want to be able to use them. So he tried to put on one of the gun cariers, more commonly named battlesaddles.


He got lucky. the thing was a perfect fit. It was obviously ment for a pony of larger proportions but on a dragon it worked just as good. Blackburn put on the two DMR's on either sides of his waist. And connected the rather large triggers to his wings so that extending his wings would fire the weapon. For most winged creatures this is not the easiest method but Blackburn had grown used to it while hunting, and could us it quite effectively.


He left the gun to what it was. It seemed old rather rusty, but it was bound to still work. Otherwise they wouldn't be handing them out.

All that was left was a backpack. Mags could already be stored in the gun carier, so he just need a backpack that would fit between his wings. Eventually he found one with plenty storage space. 


Since he already caried 2 DMR's Blackburn didn't take a sidearm with him, so he walked back out of the tent and sat down while looking at one of the ponies further away, who was taking apart and putting back together a gun. The procces was to complex for him. He didn't know enough about weapons to do such a thing


Blackburn awaited the next order

i've been drawing for 3 years now practicing dragons and ponies
i'd love it if you could check out my Deviantart or Tumblr.


i also sell commissions right here on MLPForums, check it out!

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"The Shattites have made it very clear they haven't picked side. We've yet to send a negotiator to them. The Changelings, if its one thing every Arabian agrees, cannot be trusted. The house tribes have an obvious high bitterness to any changeling. Some have even accused of Changelings in disguise in our parliament."


Quarbari shuffled a bit.


"I don't believe in rumors but have you heard of a, possible negotiation from the princesses?" he asks.

"About a cease fire."



"Be careful." She says in her calm tone to Blackburn approaching him. With her magic she takes hold of the fasteners on the battle saddle and tightening to fit upon his figure.


"It appeared too tight"

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Steeleye Sungazer

(Shorter due to mobile.)

Steeleye seemed to consider this before replying. "As is general knowledge, the Princesses prefer peace, and actively seek it at all times. How that comes about is more for debate, with speed and longevity being primary. While of course I cannot speak for one of such a higher station, it would seem wise to pursue all possible avenues to achieve it." He frowned.


"Though the Princesses have a long history with the Saddle Arabian Royal Family, it has not been always a calm one." He raised an eyebrow meaningfully. Saddle Arabia had encroached on Equestrias borders many times. "Really a question of the old known relationship, or the new maybe better alliance? But I can't really give the answer."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Synth had barely been paying attention when she had stepped out of the truck, she had gotten in line but noticed that most of the people had gone to a nearby warehouse. Walking over to it she noticed ponies picking out weapons from the arsenal and came to the conclusion that she should be doing the same. Walking up to the collection of guns she looked down the line for any piece that caught her fancy.


Hearing that she had to at least have one sidearm if she were to have a rifle she walked up and pulled a Colt M1911 from the stach. Walking down the line once again she stopped in front of the rifles and picked out a M1 Carbine. Since Synth wasn't quite sure  where to go she graped a pistol holster and sat near a dragon that she had seen earlier. While waiting for more orders she pulled out the pistol again and started to look it over while amusing herself with its funny name.



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Spectre checked every individual part of the gun. Most of them were in good condition until he got a look at the barrel it was slightly rusted. "Somepony hasn't been taking care of their guns, or they bought this gun on the cheap." He said. He knew how to remove it, all he needed was some steel wool. He looked up and wondered who here would have access to steel wool. "hmmm..." He stood up and put the gun back together, but the barrel was still removed.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Quarbari nod in.acknowledgment. He was hoping at best to hear some kinda acknowledgment but dismissed it.

"Are you ready to meet our selected unit?" He asks him.


Sharpie examines the PMM pistol. Its small sleek yet rather accurate. With her weapon loaded she holsters it away into its sheath.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Steeleye Sungazer


He watched Quarbari carefully, making sure there was no overly adverse reaction. Seeing that there wasn't, he nodded his head and began following after him. Adjusting the straps on his equipment net, he levitated his Colt 1911 Special out and began a routine weapons check. He didn't like guns and considered them barbaric, but seeing as they were needed he'd got one custom built to suit him. Summarized he could have it fire magic elemental bullets.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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"This way." Exiting from the tent the two stallions follow along through the station passing by the large crowds and into the acquisition tents.

"A cursed shame. " he says as he turns back walking backwards as he continues talking.


"Having to rely on such pitiful surplus. The royal army refuses to share their equipment. We have to purchase surplus weapons." He says and turning.around narrowly missing another fellow combatant.


The two enter into another tent, a handful of ponies plus a dragon await and browse through the weaponry.


@@Orion Caelum



@@child of the night


Quarbari looked about the group of ponies giving a nod of approval and turning to Steel, "This will be our selected unit. Carefully choosen ." He says

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Wilhelm looked up from the book he had taken out once he had finished with his weapons. To Quarbari, he gave a respectful nod, but to Steeleye, he merely looked at analytically, like how the farmer might look at his pigs and decide which ones to send to market. After a few moments, however, Wilhelm's eyes widened slightly in surprised recognition before he got his expression back under control. He immediately went back to reading his book.

  • Brohoof 1
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Spectre had gotten his hooves on some steel wool and he was cleaning the rust off the barrel. He looked up at the ponies. He put his goggles down and once the rust was off he took the gun apart  and put the barrel back in place. He put the gun back together and said "Good as new... I refuse to use a rusty weapon." He said to himself, looking down the sights. they were in alright condition, not bent at least. He hated that these weapons were clearly surplus, if he had gotten his way he wouldn't be using this relic, but his personal Assault Rifle. He now needed to get a side arm, He quickly chose one and didn't care about which one to him, a gun was a gun, if it was in good condition it could kill. He checked it and began dismantling it. It was in okay condition, he put it back together and holstered it.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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