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Celestial Panzerhund

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Red swore as the ice hit her, but it was muffled. So, this is how I am going to die, she reflected, I'm going to die by being... frozen to death. She struggled to break out, and burst out of the ice covering her, panting. This unicorn is really powerful...and what was that... was that a goddess I saw? Anemoi? Doesn't matter, I can still do this. Panting slightly, getting tired out, she jumped at Snowflake.

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caliber had gotten out of his stance, and was standing to the side. "aye, snowflake!" he called out. "you want me to end this? im good either way..." he was pretty sure if he overwhelmed her all at once with his dark magic, she'd admit defeat, but hey. there was always that one-in-a-million...


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Snowflake stopped casting that spell.... big spells like that tend to drain his magic greatly.... "go for it Caliber just don't kill her that's the last thing we need" Snowflake backs off and watches the fight from a few feet away and thought to himself "this mare is strong... and brave to stand her ground against us"


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Red grit her teeth. These two were incredibly strong individually, and were a nightmare together. There's no way I can beat them. She suddenly realized the full situation. There was no way she could beat them, and frankly, both parties had known that from that start. But it didn't really matter, what was really important was that they were having a heck of a fight, and she wasn't as bored anymore. She jumped back, taking in a breath, exhausted, and jumped at Caliber lightning quick. Let's see how this guy intends to finish me.

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caliber smirked, and raised his sword. he looked at red, and closed his eyes. the air started to ripple around him, and all at once, dark magic exploded from his horn, covering his body.


"learn now why im the 4th best." he said with an intimidating voice, before dashing at her, apparently gliding. he started a flurry of slashes, at least three times faster than before. by that logic, it looked like there were six blades coming from all sides.


but if she managed to hold him off for thirty seconds...nah. impossible. she'd give up before that. but still...


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Everything seemed to slow around Red for one moment. She saw Caliber rushing at her. She saw how fast it was. She couldn't move. All she could do was say one thing.


She began blocking for dear life, pulling out her knives. She was too tired! Her muscles were moving too slowly! She was sweating badly. The strikes just didn't stop. Would he never run out of energy? Adrenaline was pumping through her. The seconds seemed to be passing incredibly slowly.

Twenty-five seconds since he'd started attacking. She could barely breathe she was so tired. She didn't feel like this often-- maybe when she was training as hard as she could for five hours straight.

Twenty-six. Her limbs were going far too slowly. She felt his sword slice a tiny bit of hair. (OOC: IS THAT GOD-MODDING? I DON'T THINK IT IS. I DUNNO. AAH!)

Twenty-seven. She'd been so wrong to think he couldn't use magic...

Twenty-eight. She felt herself stumbling backwards. Somehow, she didn't feel tired... it was just that her legs couldn't carry her anymore.

She fell on the ground, her sword falling away from her. She was panting. It took her several moments to realize. I lost, she thought, I lost a fight. She closed her eyes, breathing heavily, slowing down. "I give," she said.

  • Brohoof 1
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(nah, it isnt. :P actually, that post was pretty cool!)


caliber's sword stopped one millimeter from her forehead. the dark magic turned off, and the tell-tale headache started pounding in his head, but he managed to keep a straight face. 


he gave a warm smile. "ah, dont feel bad about it." he said, as he offered a hoof to help her up. "in fact, im surprised you kept up as long as you did!"


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(thank u m8 ur purty swag urself)

She panted for several moments, closing her eyes. I'm so... helpless... right now, she mused, I haven't trained hard enough. I need to train harder if I ever want to be able to help every pony. She opened her eyes again. She grabbed his hoof and pulled herself up, staggering slightly.

"Thank you for giving back my money," she said, after a moment of taking in a few breaths. Celestia, she was tired. "And thank you for that fight. I needed that."

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"well, everyone can learn a thing or two from me!" he said with an air of swagger, as he always did after winning a fight. "but, red was it? i have to say...your damn good. i haven't had a fight that pushed me to using that in a while. you should join the swordspony tournament thats happening in a week...who knows, maybe we'll face off again."


'and maybe zenru'll be there...' caliber thought, 'and i would have another rematch...dont know what good it'll do, though. he'll still win...'


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"Swordspony... tournament..?" Perfect. Absolutely perfect. She thought, beaming inwardly. More action on what she'd thought would be the most boring trip with her parents ever, "Where is it?" She asked. She was going to come if she had to run away from home. Actually, she ran away from home so much that it wasn't drastic in the slightest anymore. Her parents just accepted she liked to adventure and explore.

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"oh, its happening just outside ponyville. its a traveling tournament. iv marked its path, and its holding it's next tournament here." he grinned. "i just know you'll be at least in the top ten. but if i know anything...its that neither of us'll be first..." he slumped a little.


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She tilted her head to the side. "Outside Ponyville, hm?" She mused. Well, seemed she wouldn't have to run away from home after all. "Who'll be first?" She asked. Is this why he's only the fourth best? She wondered. She decided to ask. "You mentioned you were fourth best in Equestria. Who takes the top of the cake, then?"

(P.S. Snowflake: sorry for ignoring you. XD I love you~)

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(Jesus Christ I get distracted for 40 minutes and this happens)


Snowflake watches everything unfold.... this is why he kept Caliber around.... he is amazing with the sword.... that and he is his only friend.... maybe one day he'll learn what happened to Snowflake's friends and family Snowflake walks over and stands idle listening in on the conversation



(P.S. Snowflake: sorry for ignoring you. XD I love you~)

Umm... :blink: 


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Beraha nods smiling at Auroras mother. "Ithank you for your generosity and hospitality. I know I have my work cut out for me but I am hopeful I can make some friends that would be willing to help me." It can he told that he is very optamistic about achieving his goals.

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She tilted her head to the side. "Outside Ponyville, hm?" She mused. Well, seemed she wouldn't have to run away from home after all. "Who'll be first?" She asked. Is this why he's only the fourth best? She wondered. She decided to ask. "You mentioned you were fourth best in Equestria. Who takes the top of the cake, then?"


caliber looked at her, and shivered. "sigh...the best swordspony in equestria -and quite possibly the world- is zenru. he's...i dont he's a normal pegasus...at least, i dont think so...he's bested me multiple times, even when i use my dark magic. unreal speed, god-like strength, and i dont even wanna know what kind of endurance he has."


he sighed at the sky. "iv seen a slimmer of his true strength, and im not gonna lie, that was the first time in my life i was afraid to fight someone." he grinned at red. "as long as that guys alive, no-one can take top spot."


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caliber looked at her, and shivered. "sigh...the best swordspony in equestria -and quite possibly the world- is zenru. he's...i dont he's a normal pegasus...at least, i dont think so...he's bested me multiple times, even when i use my dark magic. unreal speed, god-like strength, and i dont even wanna know what kind of endurance he has." he sighed at the sky. "iv seen a slimmer of his true strength, and im not gonna lie, that was the first time in my life i was afraid to fight someone." he grinned at red. "as long as that guys alive, no-one can take top spot."

Red had never really had a goal. It had always been "explore, survive, be strong and help other ponies." Her main goal was always to be strong.

Now she had a goal.

"Thanks," she said, in her own thoughts. "Expect me there. Thanks for letting me know about this... Zenru." She nodded at Snowflake and turned to walk away. She still had grocery shopping to do...

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Beraha nods smiling at Auroras mother. "Ithank you for your generosity and hospitality. I know I have my work cut out for me but I am hopeful I can make some friends that would be willing to help me." It can he told that he is very optamistic about achieving his goals.

Aurora comes out of the kitchen. Aurora says, "I can help too. It seems like it is a worthy endeavor. We should talk with the princesses eventually. Most things will have to go through the Noble council. However if the princesses agree to something, then the Nobles will have to consider and eventually agree to it."


Aurora steps over to Beraha and holds out her hoof. "Friends?"


Hazmat walks up to her and lends out his wing. "Zey might be a bit hard to take out." He then explains, "On gentle touch, it vill feel as soft as velvet, but if it come into contact with anyzing blunt or... zat." He looks at the tweezers. "Zey'll be as solid as crystal."

Aurora's mother says, "I have a Pegasus for a husband and a daughter. The tweezers are enchanted to make preening as easy on the wings as can be. their effects should make it easier to get a feather. Because of the compound, I don't wish to directly touch it or risk damaging the sample."


She moves closer to Hazmat and hopes her words will help him relax a bit.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Beraha nods smiling. "I hope we can become the best of friends Aurora." He takes her hoof in his shaking it.


He looks around again. "Now I hate to sound like a simple country bumpkin, but what does all this stuff do?" He asks as he waves his hoof vaguely around. It is easy to see he means all the tech in the house.

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Aurora comes out of the kitchen. Aurora says, "I can help too. It seems like it is a worthy endeavor. We should talk with the princesses eventually. Most things will have to go through the Noble council. However if the princesses agree to something, then the Nobles will have to consider and eventually agree to it."

Aurora steps over to Beraha and holds out her hoof. "Friends?"

Aurora's mother says, "I have a Pegasus for a husband and a daughter. The tweezers are enchanted to make preening as easy on the wings as can be. their effects should make it easier to get a feather. Because of the compound, I don't wish to directly touch it or risk damaging the sample."

She moves closer to Hazmat and hopes her words will help him relax a bit.

Hazmat nods and watches her. Enchanted tweezers. Is there anything in this house that hasn't been modified or enchanted to make everything easier and such? Hazmat has never been exposed to this much modifications in everyday equipment. It's neat, but is it truley necessary to?

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Aurora's father says, coming from the kitchen, "Most of these are inventions we have never finished. The ones in use are finished. They make life easier for those with strong magic to power them. They can do just about anything. So far my wife and I are the only ones in ponyville who has them."


He looks around and then says, "Dinner is also ready. If you two need a place to rest tonight we have a few spare rooms that you can make use off. Not every room in this house is enchanted."


He then heads back into the dinning room. Aurora taps Beraha's hoof. She says. "Hoofbump. It is the same as a hoof shake."


Aurora's mother strokes one of his damaged feathers with the tweezers. Shortly after she pulls away the damaged feather. "There got one. Your wings didn't harden against my touch."


She really knows how to preen for a unicorn. She takes the feather and places it in a container. "Dear, I will be at dinner in a sec. Going to start testing this sample before it becomes useless."


She takes the container down to the lab in the basement and then comes back about 5 minutes later. "We should have some results by morning."

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"Vell if you Vere a bit more rough it vould've hardened." He says as he looks at the feather. As she walks off, he looks over at the father, the dragon-pony specimen, then at the table. Then the mother comes back. "Das ist gut." (That's good) He replies in his Germane tongue.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Beraha nods at her father's explination. "I understand somewhat I think my dragon family never had anything like this. Also my father never knew about any of this kind of stuff. I don't think ponies were this advanced when he was alive."


He chuckles at Aurora when she taps his hoof. "Thats interesting. Another way to show friendship." His belly grumbles and he looks towards the kitchen. "Well it's rude to not take food when offered. Shall we go eat." He looks to her father one more time. "I really appreciate the offer for a place to sleep I can iffer some bits for payment if you'd like."

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Snowflake decided to do what he does best sneak away without making a scene.... he managed to disappear from Caliber without making a sound... almost like he was never even there... Snowflake then decided to wander aimlessly like anyone else bored out of their mind would do.... so Snowflake decided to play another game of thief.... Snowflake found a house (Aurora's house) and climbed through a window once inside he put on his facewrap and started sneaking around looking for items of value.... Snowflake then heard voices.... he didn't care though it only made it that much more fun... but just to be safe he took one of his potions that made him slightly invisible (you could faintly see a blur much like the Covenant camo in Halo)


(I'm an Assassin I could do so many other things to befriend every character.... but nothing says friendship like robbing them blind)

  • Brohoof 1


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caliber watched red walk off. "welp, lets go snow-" he noticed he had disappeared, and he chuckled. "ah...off to go get himself in even more trouble..." he said, as he started aimlessly wandering around.


he wasn't called "Caliber, the Wanderer" for no reason, after all.


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Snowflake decided to do what he does best sneak away without making a scene.... he managed to disappear from Caliber without making a sound... almost like he was never even there... Snowflake then decided to wander aimlessly like anyone else bored out of their mind would do.... so Snowflake decided to play another game of thief.... Snowflake found a house (Aurora's house) and climbed through a window once inside he put on his facewrap and started sneaking around looking for items of value.... Snowflake then heard voices.... he didn't care though it only made it that much more fun... but just to be safe he took one of his potions that made him slightly invisible (you could faintly see a blur much like the Covenant camo in Halo)


(I'm an Assassin I could do so many other things to befriend every character.... but nothing says friendship like robbing them blind)

Aurora says, "Watcher, an invited guest has entered the house. Mana scan for him and bring him to mom and papa."


A mana seeker drone comes out of a wall slot. The Windows in the house all close and the sneaking pony, Snowflake, hears, "Welcome to our home. You have been requested to come to the Dinning room. Please comply or a forced action of house defense will be used."


Snowflake sees the drone now blocking his path. Snowflake can tell this drone was made by a scientific research specialist unicorn. It is a magical construct. It is looking right at him as if his potion isn't working. "Follow me please or I will be forced to resort to intruder protocols." It waits for his response.


(You tried breaking into a well defended magically warded house. You should have expected this.)

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