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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Last September

Scare Effect

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Banner still flustered about the whole thing with Scare "to be honest that was one of the best I've had" then Rave interrupted her "Alright shut up we woke up before you said anything. Scare lets get the tents back in the bags" she says as she gets out of the tent and unpegs it

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"Just be quick slowpokes" Rave walked away from the tent of the mares. He was already ready himself. He was only waiting on Buzz to get up so that he could pack down the tent. He was going to give him 3 minutes, otherwise he would pack Buzz down as well. He brought up a dark crystal from his saddle back and started to suck dark magic out of it. "Nothing is as good as some dark magic to wake one up completely" he said to himself quietly, grinning. 

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Scare followed banner out of the tent and began putting the tent away. once away and in her bag. she opened another bag and pulled out a few apples she got back in Apploosa she bit one and offered the other to Banner.


Fear watched the ponies as the woke up, but as scare walked out of her tent Fear vanished before Scare could feel her presence.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Banner saw Scare offering the apple to her "thanks, while we do this can we talk about what happened last night?" Banner asked while looking away then took the apple and bit it "I didn't mean for that to happen, I mean I was intoxicated" Banner said Scare hopping that she would accept her explanation

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"Sure thing Banner," Scare agreed with banner, then after hearing her explanation. "I don't even know what intoxicated means, but if you say that being intoxicated is what made you hug me in my sleep, Then fine. And to think i though you had a crush on me. Well i feel silly." Scare said with a smile, trying to hide her disappointment.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"That's it, times up" Rave started to roll up the tent with Buzz in it, not caring that he was still in there. "And Scare, being intoxicated means being drunk. I am sure you are at least familiar with that term. Now, let's get a move on so that we can finish this quickly" he said a bit annoyed. 

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"Actually i don't know that term either.What is drunk mean anyway." Scare said in a confused voice.Scare then felt silly with the others staring at her."What?"


Fear sat in the middle of the frozen town waiting patiently for the four heroes to arrive so she can put her plan into effect.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave looked gave her a look and then softened his facial expression. "Why, being drunk is when you don't know what you are really doing. You have little control of what you do and most times you do things that you didn't mean to do" he said to her. "That is what being drunk is". He looked back to the tent and started wondering how Buzz was doing. 

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"yeah silly...you know what no, I am not some bashful pony that can not say her feelings directly, I do like you I wish I could do more of these adventures and not sit around waiting for something to happen, last night was by accident but I don't care" Banner said with an inspired voice "I wish I could have done that not intoxicated but its out there now and that's great"  

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"ooohh,"Scare said to Rave's definition of drunk.after hearing Banner's feelings for her she hugged Banner, "Good because i like you too. now with that out of the way." She let go of Banner and grabbed her bags. "We need to get moving we need to be in the frozen town by sun down."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave only rolled his eyes and made a gesture of puking. One thing he had been taught as a Darkmane was that love was a weakness. "Then let's move on immediately" he replied. He looked back where the tent was. "Eh, I think he can handle packing the tent" he said with a smug face and trotted away chuckling to himself. 

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"I got this" Banner said to Scare get her bags putting Buzz on her back and packing the tent "its like this pony got no sleep" she said to Scare then headed to Rave "hey thanks for helping picking  up are friend and the tent" Banner says with lots of sarcasm in her voice

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Rave eyed Banner. "He could have picked the tent himself. Not my fault if he did not get any sleep. I am really quiet when I sleep, Earth Pony" he said the last words with pure disgust. "Now, excuse me, but I have more important things to attend to then a little pony such as yourself" he levitated out his map. He wanted Banner to attack him so that he would get the excuse to vaporize her with dark magic. 

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"I know what your trying to do, I had a situation like this in my head when I found out you were wanted where you kill me or betray me but now that I know you more you want a 'good reason' to do so plus I would have no problem punching Buzz but again you have dark magic, I get enraged easy that does not mean I'm stupid" Banner said to Rave

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Rave settled down. "Then by all means, go punch him again. I might find that amusing, as long as you are not outright torturing him". He then got closer to Banner and whispered coldly. "But speak not of dark magic to me. You have no idea of what it does, what it does to my soul. You know nothing" he whispered the last words behind gritted teeth and then walked away. He stopped and looked back at Banner. "Yes, I am wanted, for a really pretty price, you might become a lord of you were to deliver me in chains to Celestia" he chuckled and kept on walking. 

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Buzz was lying on Banners back, asleep...or so it seemed. He was in and out of consience the whole time the ponies were arguing. He heard somthing about love and alcohol, neither interesting him at that moment. It wasn't till Rave talked about dark magic that he started to listen with full attention. Then, he remembered. He knew exactly where he had seen the unicorn before. "No, it can't be, can it?" he said in his mind. "I cant jump to conclussions, i have to see his eyes. I can never forget those eyes!" Buzz then opened his eyes and yawned, pretending to have finaly have woken up. The first thing he saw was Rave walking away, and then banner who he had been using as a bed. "What's up his plot?"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Scare watched the whole thing unfold but decided to keep quiet she did not like that unicorn very much he was mean and nasty to Banner. seeing Buzz was awake then after making sure everypony was ready they set off toward the town. they arrived there at sunset.


"Okay everypony tonight one of us has to keep watch at all times. Rave will have first watch, then me , then Banner, and then Buzz. and we'll rotate every two hours." Scare said after the camp was setup for the night."so that means no drinking Banner."


Fear saw the ponies arrive at the frozen town, "Time to put my plan into effect."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave looked at Scare. "Fine, you go catch your beauty sleep princess" he joked. Rave passed Buzz and gave him a cold stare. He knows when ponies look at him, ponies had looked at him funny all his life, always pointing at him, always joking. He knew when he was being watched. He looked into Buzz's eyes, giving him a look of warning. He then walked completely past him and sat down, creating a fire place with his magic. 

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"you don't have to tell me I know" she answered Scare "you cant stop me from hugging you while you sleep though" she says to her then gets a potato on a stick and roasts it over the fire "its not like we have mash mellows, that and I like baked potatoes anypony want some?" she asked   

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" i'm not against you hugging me or about your choice of how you cook your potatoes." Scare said then sat next to Banner. pulling out a bag of marshmallows."And we do have marshmallows, i always bring them, it's a habit i picked up from my sister." Scare explained with a smile.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave looked at Banner and Scare with annoyance. "Do you really have to speak about these things out loud? It is called privacy. If you are going to continue on behaving like this, I might speak of my loved one. Oh how I miss her, the most beautiful, exciting and humorous mare in the world. I would give anything just to be able to be with you again, but alas, the sea and land keeps us apart" he sighed. "Go to sleep, I don't want to be taking the first watch, knowing that those who I am supposed to be guarding are still wide awake" Rave's red eyes glimmering in the firelight. 

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"I was just finished eating" Banner says with a mouth full of marsh mellows then swallows "oh and I know that was sarcasm because of how you said it and you having a mare friend? that's the best joke I have heard my entire life" she said laughing a little and headed in to her and Scares tent

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Rave thought of setting fire to their tent, but decided to let it pass. "Consider yourself lucky since I am feeling merciful today. I will kill you the first reason you give me, no more mercy". Banner had crossed a sever line. He floated an orb that had the image of a white pegasus with caramel like mane. "Caramel" he whispered to the orb. He looked back to the tent. "I can destroy everything any pony loves, that is what I do. I destroy" a dark grin spread up his face. He stood up and started practicing with his dark magic. "When this world has payed for it's crimes against me, nothing will stand in my way to be reunited with Caramel, since I will also destroy the ones who have wronged her". 


In Rave's mind, Banner was added to his kill list. 

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"Alright, good night Rave." Scare said to rave as she followed Banner into their tent laying down next to Banner,"so Banner why do you think he was joking about this pony he cares about?"


Fear saw the others walk into their tents now it was time to act. Fear materialized next to Rave. "hello there Rave it's a pleasure to finally meet you in the flesh."Fear said to Rave.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave had been thinking about Caramel, when Fear entered the scenery. After taking a good look at Fear, Rave realized that Fear must be the one, or at least one of the enemies. "You! You are the one we are hunting for, aren't you?" Rave asked him. "Why am I not already shouting to the others and trying to defeat you?" Rave said, waiting to hear what he had to say. 

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