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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Last September

Scare Effect

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"well that sucks but I guess we can still get some plan up" Banner looked at the sky "I think its been 5 minutes" she said to Scare signaling that she should get to sleep "good thing I brought this" she says as she gets a magic metal sharpener/forge from her bag "I got this from a friend, I don't even have to know how to use a forge to make weapons from this, but I can only make small weapons from how small it is" she said starting to reminisce about it 

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Not needing to carry anything with him, Fracture is not slowed and his nervous running allows him to travel at almost three times the speed of the group that he plans to meet with. Out of fear, he does not stop, and the group was travelling in his direction, so he begins to see the silhouettes of tents in the distance sooner than he expected. Fracture begins running toward them at a faster pace.

Not needing to carry anything with him, Fracture is not slowed and his nervous running allows him to travel at almost three times the speed of the group that he plans to meet with. Out of fear, he does not stop, and the group was travelling in his direction, so he begins to see the silhouettes of tents in the distance at some time after midnight, sooner than he expected. Fracture begins running toward them at a faster pace.

I wrote this thing.

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"That is still pretty cool Banner. Even if you don't fully know how to use it." Scare said to Banner looking at the desert  and notice a familiar looking stallion,"Banner does that look like Fracture or am i seeing things?" Scare asked Banner.


Looking through binoculars was an earth pony member of the midnight patrol she saw the prisoner running toward a camp, "Alright girls we have located the prisoner move in." She said to her colleagues. they started towards the camp.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"no your not seeing things that's Fracture with a chopped off leg...HOLY S%@#" she said out loud when she heard her self say that "we need to help now" Banner runs to fracture then runs with him to the camp "why did you come from that direction?...monsters or something are coming to kill us now aren't they?" she said from experience

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"Banner wake up Rave and Buzz because we're about to have company," Scare points her hoof at five ponies heading there way." And make sure to arm yourself too." Scare continued to watch as the ponies approached the camp, 


As they approached they saw a yellow earth pony and a grey earth pony helping the prisoner. 


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Banner sets Fracture down in scares and her tent "there's a med kit in the bag next to you there are many easy to use thing in there, including some prostatic things" she then looks in her bags to get a machete out and many other small knifes, as well as getting a pouch. she leaves to see the ponies get even closer then starts throwing her knifes at them calculating many things in her mind to make sure they hit in the enemy's heads


(took a nap woke up now, night owl time)  

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As Banner meets Fracture as he runs into the camp, he immediately begins to respond to her; "I'm back now. Did anyone actually notice that I was gone?" He asks, hoping that he was noticed or remembered, but knowing that he was not, because it would never be that way. He then goes to answering her questions; "I came from this direction because I was held prisoner by Fear for slightly longer than a day, then I escaped after loosing both of my boots and my prosthetic hoof, which I have worn since I lost my real hoof in an accident with explosive gas... assuming that... that you wanted to know..." He pauses, then continues; "Now, Fear is almost undoubtedly out to kill me and anyone that I am with; it is imperative that we do not allow any success with this." Fracture sits down in the tent and looks in the bag. After thinking for about thirty seconds, he pulls out a generic prosthetic, a wrench, and a coping saw; within less than a minute, he has a hoof that also serves as a weapon, because he knew that it would be useful.

Edited by Sinusoid

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Scare was shocked to see Banner's knives bounce off the ponies that charged the camp. as the pegasus reached the camp she charged fracture only to stop short as Scare tackled her to the ground once landed Scare felt a magic pulse coming from the pegasus, " Their enchanted with invulnerability!" Scare yelled to Banner and fracture, while throwing the stunned pegasus into one of the earth ponies, making her trip.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"oh come on!" she said pissed "is there anyway we can dispel this? because if there is I need it now before we all die!" she started to get out what was in the pouch she had "I don't even think these micro bombs will work" she said throwing more ponies into each other

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Scare thinks for a moment then gets an idea, "Banner do you still have device?" Scare asked as she grabbed the unicorn and tossed her 30 feet away, then grabbed another earth pony and threw her into another earth pony."Because i'm gonna need it for my plan."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Fracture hears the issue of the invulnerability spell as he runs out of the tent. While bucking a pony laying on the ground using the saw attached to his hoof, he says in an attempt to answer the problem, "According to the laws of physics, the spell can only repel as much force as it is currently exerting. Therefore, all that we must do to defeat these ponies is too attack or otherwise hurt them with more force than this."

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"I have no Idea what the plan is but if it at least wounds these ponies I am loving it" she said throwing another pony then going into another bag in there tent were the device was. when she got it and went out again she saw everything that was happening and heard fracture "dude we kind of use magic for many things we do physics may be dammed in this case" she said to Fracture "what do you want me to do with the device?" she yelled to Scare how was still fending them off

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Rave exited the tent after hearing all the fuss outside. "What in the Equestria is going on out here. Can you ponies not be quiet for just 2 hours so that some ponies can sle---" he saw the attack. "An attack is going on and you don't wake me and Buzz... I mean the pegasus? Great way of thinking geniuses". He went back in the tent and kicked Buzz lightly. "Rise and shine princess. We got some company". He exited the tent and joined in with the fray, casting anything that was not dark magic, since the last time he had fought, the machine he had fought had sucked in his dark magic. "What are you thinking Fear? Why now? I can hoofle (yes, this is 'handle') this myself" he thought to himself

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Fracture grunts, frustrated that nopony would consider his ideas. Not a good fighter yet still a primary target, he accepts several blows that result in large, bleeding gashes, but he does not quit. Trying to protect himself for at least a few seconds, he repeats bucking at enemies as he nears an area with some rocks. He quickly grabs the heaviest one that he could lift and strains to throw it onto an enemy's hoof, and he is pleased to find that it causes noticable pain. He is able to yell, "It works!" before being painfully tackled and stabbed again.

I wrote this thing.

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turning to Fracture knocking away the ponies attacking him, "Banner that device out puts enough energy to knock them unconscious with a strong blow to their bodies,"Scare explained, then she heard Rave complain about not being awoken for the fight, turning back to Fracture,"Stay close so you don't get hurt more."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Fracture winces as he tries to stand, and says somewhat angrily to Scare, "Seriously?". Even after showing that his idea would work effectively, nopony listens to him. He weakly crawls away to avoid hurting himself, and, hoping that he is not noticed, goes into a tent and lies down. Noticing the light trail of blood behind him, he says in thought, "I shall take back what is mine." and begins licking his own blood off of his coat.

I wrote this thing.

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Rave didn't understand what Fracture was blabbering about, since he had just gotten there. "What is he going about? There is a battle going on here". One pony came near, so Rave used his horn to brutally stab that pony. He did not show any mercy. Even though he had made a deal with Fear, he was not going to let her ruin his own plans of delivering their deal. 

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"it was fun last time its going to be fun this time" she says then starts shooting at all them making one after another unconscious until all the enemies were while doing that though she saw the horn rave got out and stabbed into one of the invulnerable ponies were did he get that she thought

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Scare watched the ponies fall unconscious walking toward one that was nearby looking at her as she got close there was a bright flash and there standing between Scare and the Ponies stood Fear who looked like she was gonna kill somepony.

"Scare Effect, as nice as it is too see an old friend again you have somepony who stabbed me in my eye and i want him so i can return the favor."Fear said in a tone that dripped with hatred.

"I am sorry but i have to say you are not getting him."Scare said stepping toward the psychotic mare.

"Always trying to be a hero when your not,"Fear said getting in Scare's face, "do you think that by protecting some crippled stallion, will make up for your crimes." Fear sneered as Scare dropped silent unable to speak.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Don't you dare say anything about her doing crimes because you feed on fear and destroyed another dimension!" she said protecting Scare "we may not be hero's but I know we will try! and here's something I want to try" she said throwing a micro bomb in fears face "do equestrian a favor and just die!"

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Rave saw Fear was here. He knew who she was after. He was standing behind Banner and Scare. He nodded his head towards one of the tents where Fracture was, to let Fear know. He stopped before the others could look back and tried to look casual. He wore a bored expression. "Pfft, big deal. Crimes are nothing. Committed so many, that I think I am far beyond my death sentence". 

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After inadequately bandaging his wounds, Fracture hears Fear talking about him, so he takes the saw from his hoof and prepares to strike. He hears "protecting some crippled stallion" and realizes that he had endangered several other ponies at no fault other than his own. "I have done nothing to help; actually, I have hindered.", he thinks, despite saving a few ponies from death under ice and stopping a potentially hazardous vehicle from moving; "I should have killed myself long ago..." And at this, he begins to cry lightly, showing strong emotion for the first time on the journey.

Edited by Sinusoid

I wrote this thing.

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Fear dodged the micro bomb and grabbed Banner, "Funny you should mention the dimension thing, the thing is that Scare here helped with it's destruction." Fear opens her mouth to laugh only to get punched in the mouth by Scare knocking Fear away from Banner

"You keep your hooves off her or you'll be sorry. as for the crimes i committed i don't deny them, and for why i protect a cripple stallion is because he is my friend even if he doesn't agree, so get any closer and you will suffer!" Scare yelled at Fear who was picking herself up.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave was getting tired of this. Why couldn't Fear just get to the point? Did he have to do things himself. He sparked a flame with his fire magic to the tent where Fracture was in. The flames started to consume the tent. "THE TENT IS ON FIRE EVERYPONY" he yelled to the others, trying to signal them. 

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wait how could she light the fire so fast? she was being hit and is recovering she thought whatever the matter I have to help. "Scare, Rave take care of this I have to get Fracture" she says then see's Fracture jump out the tent and hit Fear in the eye ouch she thought then went into the tent to get as many bags as she could then exited the bunt down tent with many singe marks 


(she got 4 bags)

Sisusoid's post goes first now

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