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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Last September

Scare Effect

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"Im fine, just traveling right now." He looked at Banner. "I can't eat tofu, it's too gross for me." He turned to Scare Effect. "What about you, what's your name, Sharpie." He mentally facehoofed. "I did it again dammit." He thought to himself "Why am I prone to that today?"

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 "My name is Scare Effect," Scare said with a laugh. "Nice to meet y-."  suddenly Scare froze up she felt something fast moving toward the village.




in the distance about twelve miles from the village a metallic machine was moving at extreme speeds across the dessert toward the village, Inside the machine sat 30 henchponies and their commander Broken Heart.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Feeling that his procedure had been completed, Fracture goes to place the cap on the well and drops it a bit too hastily, producing a loud noise that echoes down the well for several seconds, further amplifying the sound. Fracture jumps back and winces slightly, and decides that he should leave as soon as possible. He moves the crate over the well, checks it one more time, and begins to quietly walk away. Suddenly noticing the large metal machine moving too quickly in his general direction, he suddenly stops, not knowing what to do.

I wrote this thing.

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Green saw Scare freeze up "What's wrong? Did you hurt yourself?" Green stared at Scare "Whats happening?" He looked at Banner. "Is there something I missed?" Suddenly Green saw a machine moving toward them at high speed. "What might that be? It's moving awfully fast."

Edited by Mars orbit
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Rave was walking in the direction of the camp. He had been exploring once again, mapping down the path he had been traveling. He would have to draw the full map once he returned home and deliver it to his boss. The desert had been hard to traverse across, but he had managed. 

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(after banner tells her to stay )

Scare looked toward the machine completely ignoring the questions and saw what looked like a  earth pony standing in the path of the machine she ran toward the pony and ran past him standing in front of him in the path of the machine. as the machine got closer,  Scare stood there unmoving. as the machine came into contact with Scare a cloud of sand went everywhere blocking what happened.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"I have to warn the others Scare, Greenie stay here" Banner says as she goes off to the other shacks and warns that a big machine is coming then all the ponies in the camp go to the direction of the machine with weapons drawn. "Banner go take care of the ponies that are visiting" "yes captain!" Banner goes to Green and Scare how were in the building the whole time "I was told to protect you ponies in case something bad happens with that machine" 

(I tried to edit but it messed up many times ok?)

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The dust was clearing and the machine could be seen, but the machine looked different it had  a large dent in the front of it. Scare could be seen again but looked some what different her eyes were dilated and her mane was a complete mess. she was holding the machine in place she turned to look at the earth pony behind her, "You okay?" She asked

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Not knowing what was happening or whether he was being talked to, Fracture backs away slowly with unusually wide eyes until he hits a wall. "Wai-- what?" He says timidly; " What did you just do, and... how is it possible? I... I'm really confused." He then stares at the ground, trying to figure what happened.

I wrote this thing.

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"What the @%#$ were you doing!?" said the captain pony to Scare "let us handle the rest of this". (meanwhile) "greenie where is Scare?" she asked thinking that he had something to do with her but then she looked out the window and saw Scare stop the machine but she looked different "this better not be a berserk form or something I have seen a lot of those amazingly"

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Rave walked into the camp, seeing that everything was in an uproar. He tried stopping a random pony, asking what the hay was going on. He did not seem to pay Rave much attention. "Fine, I will find out myself". He walked and spotted a machine. "What in Equestria is that?". 

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ignoring the captain, the earth pony seems shaken up but he's fine now time to get rid of this machine,  Scare Thought as she started to slowly pick up the machine. the hatch on top of the machine opened and a pink earth pony jumped out she was covered in stitches she looked like a creepy doll, looking at Scare  she pulled out a strange device and pointed it at Scare, Scare didn't notice the pony she was to focused on lifting the machine.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Hey, what is going on here?" Rave yelled as he ran in Scare's direction. He was confused as he had not been expecting all the turmoil around the camp. He came by the creepy doll pony's side. "What do you think you are doing with that.... thing?" he pointed at the device. 

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"I'm going to kill her with it now get away or i will use it on you." The doll pony said pointing the device at Rave, Scare heard this and dropped the machine with a loud thud, quickly grabbing the earth pony behind her and and jumped out of the way as the machine took off toward a big rock. startled the doll pony dropped the device hopped back in the machine closing the hatch behind her. punching the pilot away from the controls, grabbing them she turned at the last minute barely missing the rock, turning back toward the desert speeding off the way it came. Scare approached the device the doll pony dropped she quickly hid it as the pony captain approached her looking rather angry.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave looked rather dumbfounded. With everything that had transpired, he was even more confused than before. He looked at Scare. "Forgive my manners, I am Rave Darkmane, an explorer, I have been exploring these parts for a few months now and have finally completed my journey. I have yet to return to my home to return my report and the new modified map. I am pretty tired and confused, so I would like to be filled in with what is happening here" he tried to sound as polite as he could. 

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"well my name is Scare Effect, and I'm not entirely sure either all i know was some hulking metal machine racing toward the town." Scare said to Rave." I just jumped in front of the machine to stop it from hitting  this earth pony," Scare pointed at the still shaking stallion." oh yeah they also interrogated me shortly before this happened."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"what in the ever living Hell was that!? I will have you arrested for doing this" Banner exited the building when the machine was gone "Sir I think I can do you one better...I will punish her" "I think that you might kill her by doing that but we don't have any cell or anything like that here so...fine do your worst" Banner takes Scare to her room

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Hearing that Scare would be punished, Fracture suddenly regains his composure, though still shaking, and says sternly, "The pony in that vehicle was both driving recklessly and threatening Scare with a weapon; therefore, she reacted in self-defense, and does not deserve... whatever it is that you are going to do to her."

I wrote this thing.

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"Okay so what are you gonna do to me? because I do not understand what I did wrong." Scare said as she walked into Banner's room, looking around she saw an equestrian flag hung up on the wall she just looked at the flag waiting for Banner to tell her what she did wrong.



Else where The doll pony was bowing to a cloaked figure

. "Mistress I have failed you" the pink doll pony said in a defeated tone.

  " From your report you were stopped by a grey earth pony that your tank hit and said earth pony proceeded to pick it up and turn it around." The Cloaked Figure  said in a foreboding tone. The doll pony shut her eyes and waited her punishment." Good job Broken Heart," Broken Heart's eyes shot open in disbelief."You just found an old friend of mine."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"you disobeyed military orders, but I think that's bull he would do this when you got the job done, and that's why I wont do anything to you" Banner said as she went throw a bag she had on the ground "just put a bit of this on while I make a few sounds of punishment" she pulls out a makeup kit and a few things like a bat and knife

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Green still staring in disbelief "Did I just witness that?" He just watched an earth pony lift up a huge metal machine and make it change directions. "How? Wait no one is here." He said out loud. "I wonder what that was all about, nah its probably just one of those...stop talking to yourself." He stopped talking before that turned into a one pony argument.

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"Okay," Scare opened the make up kit and stared at it as if it were a foreign concept, "What am i supposed to do with this?" Scare asked while she pulled out what looked like a small pad, bringing it up to her muzzle she sniffed it and almost immediately recoiled from the smell of the powder on it.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave only shook his head when Scare was lead away. "You ponies are all crazy, that is what is going on here". He was rather annoyed, as ponies seemed to be overreacting to everything, but then again, he had just arrived and therefore he could not pass out a fair judgement on things. 

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"you won't need that here" Banner gets red lipstick and purple mascara "put the red on your skin as if it was blood and the purple around your eyes as if I bruised them badly" Banner finished then got out a slab of tofu "never needed this till now" she says as she starts to hit the tofu with the bat

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"Okay," Scare drops the pad thing and grabs the red lipstick and grabbed a mirror, she then begun to put red marks on her mouth. she then put the red lipstick down and grabbed the purple mascara and put it around her eyes. looking in the mirror she looked like she took a bat to her face.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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