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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Last September

Scare Effect

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Green walked in "hey i was just...." he saw banner beating up a slab of tofu and Scare looking like she just got hit by a train. "......I'm not even gonna question whats happening here." He walked out "That was certainly a stanger part of my day." He saw Rave "Hey you! Don't judge!"

Edited by Mars orbit
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Rave ignored the pegasus, not listening to him as he did not find what he said to be of importance. He started to walk around the camp, wanting to explore it, to know every inch of it. "Hmm, so that is where they station the food. Ahh, interesting things, oh I do love to explore and learn more about areas". 

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Beraha walks into the throne room of FEAR smirking at Broken Heart. "Good job you useless stitched up freak." His blue eyes are glazed over as a result of the deeo brain washing he went through.


He bows to the cloaked figure of fear. "Mistress allow me to go and collect the fear and anguish you need." He glances over to Broken Heart again. "Seriously what's scary about this frankenpony? She couldn't harm a fly if she didn't have her tech. But I on the other hand can wreak massive fear and suffering just by my appearance."


Beraha stands proud. His head held high. HIs draconic features getting more prominent as he does evil deeds.

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Fear looks at Beraha and smiles at his eagerness to cause some fear when he asked what use Broken Heart had she stopped smiling, "Broken Heart here is the best strategist in the multiverse." she said standing up and removing her hood revealing her glowing red eyes and her sharp pointed teeth." your claims of her being too reliant on tech is also questioning my reasons for recruiting her. now if you are so eager to prove yourself better than Broken Heart then go, and be careful don't underestimate the grey pony!" Fear sat back down, looking at Broken Heart, "now it's time to test the courage of the ponies of Equestria."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Beraha bows again smiling before turning and walking out of the room. As he leaves he can be heard to say, "just watch frankenpony, I'll show you how to properly spread fear." He exits the castle and spreads his wings, flying off into the sky.


As Beraha is flying he is searching for any town he can find. Once he finds such a town he chuckles. "Time to watch the sheep scatter and create enough fear to give the mistress great power."


Beraha goes into a dive from behind a cloud. As he goes through the cloud he transforms into a giant red dragon with golden wings and torso scales. In the center of his chest, over his heart, is a glowing purple pentacle.


As part of his dive attack he roars. Once the first buildings are in range, he releases his fire breath setting the building on fire. He gains altitude again swinging around for another attack.

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Buzz finaly saw the town he was looking for. "At last!" he said, flying closer towards the ground. However, his view was being blinded by a light in his eyes. When he reached a shaded area just outside the town he looked for what was obscuring his vision. "What the buck is that?!" he said, stood frozen in shock at the presence of the mechanic beast of a machine and the winged creature in the skies, engulfing the town in a red blaze.

Edited by Buzz


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Scare heard screaming outside and smelled smoke she looked out the door and saw a giant red dragon looking at Banner who was still beating the tofu. she didn't want to leave or get in trouble again so she closed her eyes and focused on an old friend.



outside, the dragon flew past but was knocked a side by something big rising from the ground it was huge easily bigger than the dragon it had glowing green eyes and covered in moss , it was a rock giant that seemed to appear out of no where and it got ready to fight the red dragon.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"This is not what i came here for. This is not what i expected from a town in the middle of the desert." Buzz screamed, running towards the town to find shelter from the upcoming battle. "When i get back, the guys at infomation better hope they have wings for when i throw them out a window!" Buzz took shelter in an old shack on the edge of town. He looked out the window, hoping not to be crushed by the beasts batteling above him.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave looked at the havoc that the dragon was creating. He only shook his head. "So this is the first time they see dragons?" he asked himself. "Bah, they can probably handle themselves". Rave wanted to help, but another part of him also wanted the ponies to burn. "Why should I help them, when they already hate you" he thought to himself. 

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Beraha shakes some from the impact from the rock giant. He roars loudly flame spewing from his open maw. Inside he's chuckling knowing this is going to be a grand battle, but one that will have to wait for another time, once he's had time to prepare.


Beraha backs off flying about a mile from the town. Once he lands he concentrates his dragon magic. One spell he had learned from his mother was breath change. It takes time for him to change his breath weapon from his natural fire. Hopefully he has enough time to complete the spell.

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The rock giant watched the dragon fly off looking around at the flames surrounding the town he stood in he began to move slowly being careful not to squish anypony he now stands at the outskirts of town waiting for the dragon to return, he looked back at the town it was still on fire so he raised his giant hands and brought them together causing sand to fall over the town putting out the major flames.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"my day did not plan this!" Banner says as she starts putting out fires on the town "people help us ou-" as she says this a bunch of sand gets dropped on her head "its a good thing I don't care about my hair that much" she says cleaning her self off the starts putting out more fires

(I got ninja'd again)

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"Because i haven't seen enougth sand this week!" Buzz left the shack and headed to the centre of town, lokking for sompony to talk to, that is if anypony survived. He looked around, seeing the destruction the dragon had caused in such a short amount of time. "Hello" Buzz called, "Is anypony there?"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave heard Buzz calling as he had gone to town, to inspect the damage done. "Greetings pegasus" he called. He was kinda surprised himself that he had answered him as he did not really have any desire to communicate with other ponies except for his own benefit. 

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"Hey there" buzz replied, looking around for the voice in the wreckage and sand. "where are you, do you requier help?" He then saw the unicorn stallion stood, perfectly fine.  "or you could be right there." Buzz said, his face going red in embaresment. Sorry about that. I'm Buzz, who are you?"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave put a hoof to his muzzle to cover his smile as he was amused by the name. He then removed it as he recovered. "My name is Rave Darkmane" saying 'Darkmane' a bit harshly, as he was not fond of saying it. "I require no help, however, other ponies might..... or at least they will require help from some ponies willing to help them". 

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"well that was unnesesarly cryptic" Buzz said under his voice." Souldn't we start helping others, they could be hurt bad" Buzz ran down the street, hoping to hear voices. He turned around to see Rave hadn't moved. "Are you coming or what!" Buzz shouted, still looking for anypony trapped under that collapsed buildings and sand.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave only smirked. "Coming? Well, why should I come? What do I owe these ponies? What do I own them? I will tell you what I owe them. Nothing!! I owe them nothing". He looked at some of the ruins, seeing some ponies that were in desperate need of help, not being able to watch, he looked away. 

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"Huh!" Scare said as she lost her concentration looking behind her to look at Banner, "a giant dragon attacked the village almost completely destroying it, but an old friend of mine chased it off for the time being. oh and i called him here with a summon spell a unicorn enchanted him with so i would never lose him."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"What, is that realy what you think" Buzz shouted at him. "These ponies may need serious medical attention and you won't lift a hoof to help them!" Buzz saw a pony stuck under some debrie and rushed over to help them. He pulled all the wood off her and made sure she was ok. he then turned back to Rave. "If your not going to help then you might aswel go join the dragon!" Buzz rushed off, thinking he heard another voice in the house oposite.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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It takes about ten minutes for the spell to complete. Once done without any interference he lifts off again. He's happy to notice that his transformation hasn't worn off, for that will make this battle easier on him.


As he approaches the town again, Beraha let's off a loud resounding roar. The giant should notice it as a roar of challenge. He wings fast towards the giant low to the ground, spewing a freezing mist that freezes anything it touches instantly.


As he gets close to the giant he gains more altitude. Trying to rise above the reach of its arms.

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Rave smiled, even though he did not really mean it. "Save it, what use is there in saving their lives when they are only going to get slaughtered by the dragon? Better just clear out and get away before the dragon wreaks havoc again". Rave started to move away, but stopped in front of a little foal trapped beneath some wood and stone. He gave out a sigh and started to lift the wreckage of the foal, using his magic. He picked up the foal and looked for a safe place for it. 

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the giant watched the dragon fly towards him breathing ice the dragon tries to fly out of the reach of his arms but was to slow the giant grabbed its tail and slammed the dragon on the ground and put  its hand over the dragon's snout preventing it from using its ice breath.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Buzz continued to help the ponies trapped, not carring that the battle had resumed only a few hundred meters from him. He looked behind him to see Rave helping a fole. "I knew you had some kind of heart, but when di i see you before without one" Buzz thought to himself, still helping as many ponies out of the wreckage from the first battle and getting them away from the second. He noticed the mist coming towards the town. "that cant be good" Buzz said out loud. "double time Buzz, double time!"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"Crap." Green had been helping bystanders out of rubble and ended up getting somepony out and getting trapped himself. He whistled to himself while looking for his sword. "Got it" He changed his swords form and started cutting away at the collapsed building above him. He cut a hole big enough to get through and saw the mist. "I just can't catch a break!" He switched the form of his sword back to the original and got out of the house and flew away from the town picking some ponies up along the way. "YOU ARE EXTREMELY HEAVY!!" flying fast was harder when carrying others.

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