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New Lands

The Pixelated Pony

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sparkle checked the ship from mast to rudder, main sail to helm before deciding that the ship was good too sail "she looks alright" said sparkle doing some laps around the crow's-nest before landing on deck "wood seams to be well looked after" sparkle flew too the water and went in before diving below he looked closely at the large planks making up the ship before bursting out of the water gasping for air "we got some planks in bad shape down below" he shouted too Ochre

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Spellbind followed Caramel around as they went to places (adn Caramel purchased cookies) until they ended up in front of a shop. Caramel seemed to take interest in a bottle of rum.


"That's pricey... have the money for it?" asked Spellbind. "If not I would probably have the extra."

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"It is pricey isn't it. But no need to pay for it. It's way to expensive, even for you my darling." Caramel said softly. "I guess we just have to borrow it then." Caramel whispered to Spellbind. The shopkeeper looked at her strangely. "I'll go distract him." Caramel walked towards the shopkeeper. "Hello handsome, could you help me out? I would really like to taste some of your merchandise." Caramel, as always, tried to use her charm to get what she wanted.

  • Brohoof 1
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"I would be more than happy to pay for it if there is a charge," said Spellbind just as sweetly, aproaching Caramel and the shopkeeper. Knowing what Caramel's idea was, she whispered out of the shopkeeper's earshot into Caramel's ear: "Why would you try to do that!"

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I'm not going to pay that much for a bottle of rum, neither are you." Caramel whispered back. She looked at the shopkeeper again with a big smile. He smiled back "I'll look around in the back,  I got some of the finest Scotch around there." he said, walking away.


"Now is our change.'' Caramel said. She grabbed the bottle of rum and some bottles of brandy. She then grabbed spellblind and ran out the shop as fast as she could. "this is fun!" Caramel yelled while running.

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(I'm taking the shopkeeper's soul to control... hahahah!)


"Wait what!" said the shopkeeper. He looked outside to see Caramel running off with some of the alcohol as well as Spellbind.


"Get back here!" yelled the shopkeeper, chasing after them. He eventually caught up with them and pinned them to the ground.

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I'm not going to pay that much for a bottle of rum, neither are you." Caramel whispered back. She looked at the shopkeeper again with a big smile. He smiled back "I'll look around in the back,  I got some of the finest Scotch around there." he said, walking away.


"Now is our change.'' Caramel said. She grabbed the bottle of rum and some bottles of brandy. She then grabbed spellblind and ran out the shop as fast as she could. "this is fun!" Caramel yelled while running.

sparkle leaning on the pier noticed caramel running back carying some bottles along with spellbind a few moments later he noticed a shopkeeper chasing them both "uh oh this don't look good" he said " EVERYPONY GET ON BOARD WE GOT COMPANY" he yelled dipping back under water

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"Hey handsome, long time no see." Caramel said to the shopkeeper nervously. He didn't seem to be amused by Caramel's joke. "ye know if you just let us go, we won't be any trouble, I'll give back the rum, I swear." Caramel said, her mane softly glowing, preparing for attack. "Not gonna happen missy." he said. "Well then, you asked for it." Caramel said. With a quick move as always she got him on the ground. "Bye" Caramel said, grabbing Spellblind once more and spreading her wings, ready for lift off. 

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But that was not to be, for The shopkeeper held Caramel's tail in his mouth and pulled her right back down, pinning them down again.


"No use, huh?" said the shopkeeper. He tapped Spellbind's horn. "And how can this possibly help you out?"


"Sir, I think you should stop that..." warned Spellbind.


"Or else what?" said the shopkeeper.


"Magic bursts will happen. They're out of my control..." said Spellbind. Her horn was beginning to spark.


"Oh please," said the shopkeeper. "Don't try that on-"


The entire area flashed as Spellbind felt an intense pain in her horn.


When the light subsided, the shopkeeper was now liquid inside one of the bottles Caramel had taken. He was the same colour and retained his eyes. He could do nothing but frantically look around and blink.

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sparkle's face started too go bluer then before. he broke through the water "o... oxygen thank *gasp* god " sparkle lay on a small beach as he heard caramel beat the shopkeeper and force him too the ground "so i guess we can go now right?" sparkle said just before a blinding light flashed through the area making him fall back and hit his head on the steel hull of a cargo ship knocking him out

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white was wandering around as she heard the sound of a large ship's moter starting she looked onto the sea where the propeller was and she noticed something "what the? wait... SPARKLE SPARKLE'S NEXT TOO THAT SHIP'S ENGINE! HEY SOMPONY ANYPONY HELP!! PLEASE!!!"she yelled too the whole of manehatten

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There was a spash amd a sapphire blue glow. "I got him!" Yells Sapphire. She hovers near White. Ruby hover near White ready for anything. Tech is also nearby. "What happened? I step away to get Ruby and Sapphire and yall are in trouble again."


Sapphire has Sparkle in her sphere shield of blue magic. She brings the shield over to her. "That was a close one."

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Spellbind held the bottle and spoke to the pony-turned-drink. "Although I did warn you not to mess with my horn, I apologise dear sir," she said. "Look, whilst we're on this voyage we'll find a way to turn you back. And give you some treasure to pay for the rum. Oh and this wasn't my idea..." She glared at Caramel.

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"phew i can't thank you enough"white gave sapphire a kiss on the forhead"all i know is there was a massive light and then i saw him almost being cut up by the propeller" white looked at his tail "ah it wasn't always that short so mabye he did get cut slightly" she giggled slightly" short tails are in the season anyway. "white looked at him again " he's out cold that's not good"

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Tech smiles and says, "Shall we head back to the ship? I don't think Sapphire will let him down here. Ruby lends White a helping hoof.


They the guide the two back to the ship.




Lunara walks onto the ship. Her cloak kept still in the breeze. "Am I the first to arrive? Woah..."

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"okay i'll find somewhere too put him down" white opened up a door and walked into the dark depths of the ship. she picked up a torch hanging on a wall and walked down a long corridor finding various rooms she opened one labled crews quarters ans several large spiders crawled out. she dropped the torch which extinguished it and the quarters were plunged into darkness as the door slammed shut behind her

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Treasure gave a low whistle, eyeing the massive cart, then looked at Ochre with concern. "Wow. That's an awful lot of stuff. Do you want any help? I can carry some of it, or spell you or something." The old inkeep in Horseshoe Bay had been a taskmaster, but Treasure was used to hard work because of him. "I know I'm no draft horse, but I can help."

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"hng hnnnnng *pant* no good it's locked tight either that or im trapped. HEY CAN ANYPONY HEAR ME? IT'S ME WHITE WING IM TRAPPED IN HERE JUST FIND THE KEY AND OPEN THE DOOR... PLEASE IM SCARED" white sat down leaning against a wall (hopefully im found soon surely somepony heard all that if not i could end up like that guy) white looked towards a skeleton of a unicorn tucked away in the corner

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Ruby had followed white and ignited a light spell from her horn to illuminate the room. "You ok Miss White?"


Sapphire set him down on a small stack of boxes, while the others went to look for a bed for him. Tech starts making repairs and maintenance of the ship while he waits.



Lunara waits for the others. She hopes they won't be too long. She wanted to get started. Lunara sees Sapphire and Sparkle. She goes over to them and asks, "What happened?" Sapphire says, "Not sure but had to shield Sparkle here to keep him from becoming minced pony."


Lunara shrugs, "This is going to be a long trip."


Sapphire says, "Eeyup."

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white's eyes slowly got used too the light level reveling the shape of ruby "ruby is that you?" white gave her a hug "i thought i would die alone but you being here is comferting but we're still trapped unless you can magic the door open?" white remembered the skeleton "or we could use him too pick the lock?"

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(Wow is nopony going to say anything about the poor guy who got made into a drink? :P)


Spellbind sighed at Caramel without saying whether or not she was forgiven.


Seeing Caramel fawn over her ill-gotten drink made the shopkeeper angry, but he could do nothing but slosh in his glass prison like the drink he was.


"Look, you'll get some treasure as compensation for all this, alright?" said Spellbind.

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"I'm gonna drink this bottle empty and then I'm going to bed, goodnight Spellblind, goodnight mister bottle head. Goodnight everpony." Caramel said as she made her way to the captains hut. She closed the door behind her and jumped on her bed while opening her bottle of rum. "Goodnight Rave, see ye in my dreams." She said as she took a sip from her bottle. Eventually falling asleep, drunk.

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white's eyes slowly got used too the light level reveling the shape of Tech "Tech is that you?" white gave him a hug "i thought i would die alone but you being here is comferting but we're still trapped unless you can magic the door open?" white remembered the skeleton "or we could use him too pick the lock?"

Ruby says, "I can inform Tech of our situation. He is on deck making repairs."


((Tech is a pegasus. Only Ruby went with white.))


Tech had finished a few repairs. "Going to need to fix what is broken under the water. If this was an Equinoxian ship it would have been scraped years ago. They don't make wooden ships anymore in Equinox." He mutters to himself.


((Sapphire and Lunara are open for interaction.))

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