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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

The Banned Game

Twilight Sparkle ✨

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banned cuz you questioned the one questioning the questioner without looking at the poster above who questioned the one questioning the questioner before the other questioner questioned the one questioning the questioner!


and ninja's



always ninja's

Edited by repsol rave
  • Brohoof 1
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Banned cuz question the questioner and get questioned by the questioner's questions of questionitude!

Edited by Status Update
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Banned because the manifestation of the existential paradigm is infinitesimally larger than the exponentially evolved humanistic peon; indeed this precept is fundamentally beyond the cognisance of any finite mind.

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Banned because perhaps this will make things clearer.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer a lacus fermentum, volutpat odio eget, vehicula justo. Donec vitae orci orci. Maecenas non posuere magna. Maecenas hendrerit hendrerit urna. Integer adipiscing urna scelerisque, vestibulum ligula non, mattis purus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin est nisl, ornare ac adipiscing vel, hendrerit id eros. Curabitur at convallis nisi. Nulla vel congue tellus.

Donec faucibus lacus consectetur lectus fringilla eleifend. Sed molestie ultrices dolor, eu varius enim placerat ac. Quisque molestie fringilla turpis eu fermentum. Donec condimentum euismod elit, non viverra tortor pretium rutrum. Vestibulum lacus ante, volutpat vel mi viverra, tempus iaculis lectus. Nam porta nec est at blandit. Donec facilisis ullamcorper nulla ut mollis. Ut consectetur euismod malesuada. Curabitur vitae felis ante. Vestibulum viverra tellus nec egestas convallis. Fusce id molestie sem, sit amet aliquam lorem. Donec congue, libero quis volutpat cursus, nunc dui scelerisque magna, in semper leo purus at turpis.

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