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open Exploring and Settling New Lands (RP) -Open World RP-


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Sparkle coughed up alot of water and some rocks "what happened? White why are you in heaven?" Sparkle put her hoof on White's face 

"your not in heaven Sparkle... nor hell but the world in between where i exist you exist your sisters your parents we are all real " White gave her a hug 

"but i should be dead i shouldn't be alive i drowned... i think *coughs up some more water* i think it's the end of the line for me... *coughs up a small pebble* oh nevermind i live..." Sparkle said embraceing White

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Glider had been feverishly racking her brain, and finally recognized some of the songs on the list. "Oh! I've heard them on the Canterlot radio sometimes! When I was bored and Blitz was out working, I would dance and clean to them." Glider sighed, not really registering Guy-Man's flirtation. "And when Blitz would come home, we would sometimes work together and fool around to the music... It is nice, having someone to share those songs with. I can't believe it! Something about us, I've got to do..." she hummed a little, prancing around, feeling oddly foalish. She stopped, and sighed, wilting. "I guess it's a thing we've left behind us...the radio, and all that. But... if you're here... you can keep creating songs and stuff!" she said brightly. "Oh, how cool! You're, like, a celebrity!"

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"Yeah, but I feel like a lot of people think that I feel like I'm better or more important than them just because I'm famous. It really gets in the way of trying to meet new people and do some work, you know? I don't really even have any friends on the island yet," Guy-Man said. "I'd gladly play some music for you, and even teach you to play if you want." 


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Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Glider had watched him sympathetically as he explained the problems of his fame, and her mouth opened, stunned, at his offer. A beam lit her face. "Ohmygosh, really?" She asked, her smile widening. "I'd... I'd love to learn! I've never studied any music, though," she added sheepishly, "but if you mean it, I'll do my best! I've always wanted to try playing something, to give something back to the ponies other than just being an ordinary weather pony. Wow! I'm going to tell Blitz as soon as she finishes her treatment!" Glider was more excited than she had been since... since she'd gotten her cutie mark, she supposed. She loved learning new things, her teacher looked very nice (and he was famous, which was cool), and it was all almost surreal. "Thank you, thankyou!" she stammered. "I... when can we start?"

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"It doesn't seem like anyone wants my help here, so I was going to go into the woods to gather some food, and maybe some inspiration for a song. Maybe you should come with me? If you don't want to, it's fine. I just thought it might be nice to get to know you better," Guy-Man said.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Despite the fact that his intentions were harmless, Glider blushed a little. No stallion--well, hardly any pony, except her new-found friends in Spellbind and Peregrine--had ever really wanted to get to know her. The prospect was a new one, and it made her happy.


"I'd like to get to know you," she said honestly. "Though... I was going to explore with Peregrine and Spellbind," she added sheepishly as she remembered. "I'm not sure when we're going, but I'd love to go into the woods again afterwards. I love the forest. Growing up in Canterlot and Manehattan, I've almost never been out in the open like this before," she explained, sitting down. "Since we don't have much to do right now, tell me a little bit about yourself. Uh, where did you grow up? When did you meet Thomas? When did you start Daft Pony?" She was abruptly worried she was asking too many questions, and flushed a little. "...if you don't mind me asking," she added.

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"Well, I was born and raised in Canterlot, shortly after I got out of school I went to Manehattan, looks like we've already got a bit in common," Guy-Man said with a flirty smile, her blushing was rather cute. "My father was a lieutenant colonel in the Equestria Marine Corps and always hoped I would surpass him. While I instantly took to the survival aspect of training, I couldn't ever hurt anypony. I listened to a lot of radio when I was a kid and I convinced my mom to get me a guitar. Eventually, I spent less time on training and more time on my music. This infuriated my father but my mother was glad that I was happy. I got my cutie mark shortly after, which aided my mother in convincing my father to give up on pushing me to join the Marines. As for Thomas, he was my neighbor. We'd always play games together, sit by each other in school, and so on. He was musically gifted as well, and we both got our musical cutie marks on the same day! We decided it was fate and we started a band together called Darlin' with Laurent Bancowitz. We originally did punk rock, and in one of our reviews, someone said it sounded like "daft punky thrash," and after Darlin' disbanded, Thomas and I went on to make Daft Punk. We eventually decided to start making EDM after we heard Vinyl Scratch," he concluded. "What about you? What's your story?"


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Glider had been listening intently to the pony's story. To her, it was easily one of the most exciting autobiography she'd ever heard. She was even more sympathetic at his separation from Thomas, and broke in at this point in the story of his life. "You must really miss Thomas, huh?" she said quietly. She grinned upon his recounting of receiving his cutie mark, and the story with Darlin'. She frowned upon hearing the name Vinyl Scratch, and was about to press for more details on the somewhat familiar name when he asked her his question.


She shuffled her hooves, then stopped, knowing that was an awkward thing to do. She sighed. "Well, it's not quite as... romantic as your story," she said honestly. "I remember when I was younger, I was born part of a really rich family in Canterlot. But... my mom kind of rushed into her marriage with dad, and you know how that goes." She tried and pathetically failed to sound upbeat. "They separated, and dad started losing money, and we moved to Manehattan for a fresh start... He really was a wonderful pony," she added, "with a good heart. He just... didn't really know what to do with himself. With us. And we didn't have money, and he was eventually... arrested, for stealing." She said this in another pathetic attempt to sound matter-of-fact, and pitifully failed again. "But, er, that was a long time ago. That's what I left behind--I can't visit him anymore. He's in lifelong prison, for--for--for being crooked."


She sniffed a little, and then blushed. He told you about his life, even though it was plenty sad too. You can do the same! "Uh, well, I was a late bloomer." She said quickly, changing the subject to her cutie mark. She gestured weakly at her flank. "There isn't much opportunity for weather-related stuff in Manehattan and all, but I eventually got my cutie mark in... wind, I guess. I'm really good at making breezes blow. I can even create dust storms, and little tornadoes, by myself!" she added proudly, forgetting for the moment the previous awkward subject. "That's why they let me come here. In case a ship got stuck in dead water, I could blow it out--and I'm a pretty good weather pony, if I do say so myself, even if it's a common thing for pegasi." Her chest puffed with pride at the statement. It was a true one.


"And uh... yeah. Blitz has always taken care of me, but now that we're here, I'm going to try and stop that," she said fondly. "She needs taking care of, too. She can overwork herself a lot. And... that's me!" she added, and looked at him a little nervously. She had just poured her heart out to a celebrity--the results might be unpredictable.

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Guy-Man could tell she was somewhat nervous about telling him her story, and he didn't want to seem rude by saying anything, he needed to make more friends, and the mare was rather cute...  "If your nervous about impressing me or something, don't be. Just because I'm a celebrity doesn't make me more important than anypony else. I'm just like everypony else here, someone who came to settle a new place. So what if I'm a celebrity back in Equestria, and even then I would consider myself rather down-to-earth, I would only let ponies take my picture with my helmet on so that I could live a normal life, so that nopony would recognize me. It's hard being a celebrity, ponies always gossiping about you, everypony watching your every move, waiting for you to mess up so they can pounce, so many young ones looking up to you... You can never disappoint, you always have to be the best you can be, and it gets exhausting. I revealed my name here because, well, I thought everypony might as well know... I wasn't expecting any special treatment, but I think everypony took it the wrong way and thought I meant for them to treat me special... Ponies seem to think that I think I'm better than them... You seem like a really nice pony, you... uhhh... you wanna... do something sometime? Like, together? Just as friends of course..." he said, his face turning red blushing, and shutting his eyes tight preparing for the worst. 'You just met her,' he thought, 'She barely knows you, and you expect her to say yes? You blew it Man, you blew it.'


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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paisley started to get annoyed that no one was listening to her... this entire time she was trying to get someone attenation mostly blitz's "blitz please listen i'm hungry i just woke up and..." paisley looked at blitz everyone seemed to be happy enough but it has been a hour since he woke up and no one seemed to care but that was not what was he was really hungry "hello! blitz! i need to talk to you......"



Blitz laughed. "Yes, I was very active on the boats. I don't like staying in one place for too long. Never have," she mused. She didn't really mean in a purely locational way. She was dynamic-- she couldn't stand sameness. Society changed, and if she didn't change with it, she got nervous.


She ripped her thoughts away. "The construction work was..." she remembered the box of fine china that had broken. She laughed. "Hard. I met the little dragon when I was coming back to the tent after helping save a pony from committing suicide." she paused thoughtfully. It had been a long day.

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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Blitz started. "Oh, no..." she sighed. The dragon needed food... "okay, it should be almost dinner-time soon," Blitz said, pulling the dragon to her side gently. "We can all eat then, okay?" She looked apologetically at Peregrine. Yet another reason she couldn't get her hooves polished..! But she definitely did not want to neglect a dragon in front of every pony.

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Blitz started. "Oh, no..." she sighed. The dragon needed food... "okay, it should be almost dinner-time soon," Blitz said, pulling the dragon to her side gently. "We can all eat then, okay?" She looked apologetically at Peregrine. Yet another reason she couldn't get her hooves polished..! But she definitely did not want to neglect a dragon in front of every pony.

"That's fine" paisley smiled and hugged her....she knew the pony probably wanted some space for a while now so she proceeded to whisper "go do whatever you need to cool off and then come back to feed me.....we all do need some time off now and again"  she then proceeded to say to everyone "i'm going to go outside for a walk be right back"

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


No! nonono... Now he thinks you think he's arrogant! she chided herself as Guy-Man spoke. Aw, he's so modest! She was beginning to quite like Guy-Man. He was pleasant, modest, offered to teach her music, was a musician, and--


You seem like a really nice pony, you... uhhh... you wanna... do something sometime? Like, together? Just as friends of course..."


Glider's normally teal shade turned a bright red. She looked at the ground, not noticing the similarity of his current complexion to hers. Ohmygoodness, is he asking me out--no, no, just as friends. Stop being awkward! Don't be awkward! Say something! "I--uh--uh--yes." She blurted, and her flush deepened. She cleared her throat, and tried to think rationally, pushing aside feelings of a cute stallion wanting to get to know her. She'd never really... experienced that before, had she? "I would love to get to know you, Guy-Man," she said clearly, "Because behind you being famous and stuff, you seem to be a really great pony."


There, she thought, trying to feel satisfied through her vision which was fogging up a little, That wasn't so bad. Was it? I don't know, I can't tell!


"i'm going to go outside for a walk be right back"


She was saved momentarily from Guy-Man's response when Paisley spoke up. "Oh, okay! Er--be careful!" Glider called after the dragon, then quickly continued stalling. "Don't trip! Don't walk into any thorn bushes! Don't get eaten by weird hoofed bear things--" No, wait, she didn't want to scare her--"I mean, not that there are any, just make sure you aren't eaten by any..." Jeez, that was awkward. Glider reflected.

Edited by Reaver
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@@Jellal Fernandes,


No! nonono... Now he thinks you think he's arrogant! she chided herself as Guy-Man spoke. Aw, he's so modest! She was beginning to quite like Guy-Man. He was pleasant, modest, offered to teach her music, was a musician, and--



Glider's normally teal shade turned a bright red. She looked at the ground, not noticing the similarity of his current complexion to hers. Ohmygoodness, is he asking me out--no, no, just as friends. Stop being awkward! Don't be awkward! Say something! "I--uh--uh--yes." She blurted, and her flush deepened. She cleared her throat, and tried to think rationally, pushing aside feelings of a cute stallion wanting to get to know her. She'd never really... experienced that before, had she? "I would love to get to know you, Guy-Man," she said clearly, "Because behind you being famous and stuff, you seem to be a really great pony."


There, she thought, trying to feel satisfied through her vision which was fogging up a little, That wasn't so bad. Was it? I don't know, I can't tell!



She was saved momentarily from Guy-Man's response when Paisley spoke up. "Oh, okay! Er--be careful!" Glider called after the dragon, then quickly continued stalling. "Don't trip! Don't walk into any thorn bushes! Don't get eaten by weird hoofed bear things--" No, wait, she didn't want to scare her--"I mean, not that there are any, just make sure you aren't eaten by any..." Jeez, that was awkward. Glider reflected.

paisley proceeded to giggle "i'll be fine" she then proceeded to hug Glider "well....see you all later" paisley proceeded to walk outside "wow..... my mom generally never lets me out this late... it's so beautiful....." she proceeded to sigh "this is such a adventure...." she sat out there for a while until she started to get cold "b..bbbb...it's c...cold  i've better go inside"

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"Oh, okay! Er--be careful!" Glider called after the dragon, then quickly continued stalling. "Don't trip! Don't walk into any thorn bushes! Don't get eaten by weird hoofed bear things--" No, wait, she didn't want to scare her--"I mean, not that there are any, just make sure you aren't eaten by any..." Jeez, that was awkward. Glider reflected.


Judging from Glider's reaction, Guy-Man realized that Glider must not get much attention from stallions and accidentally spoke out loud "That went over better than I expected, I was afraid she had a boyfriend..." when he realized he spoke it aloud, he started blushing heavily and said "I... uhh... I'm sorry... I'm gonna... uhh... Go for a walk myself..." he said, triggering his self-confidence problems after just thinking he had beaten them with Glider saying yes. He proceeded to start walking out of the tent, faster than the average walk, the way you walk out when you're embarrassed but you don't want to run and cause a scene.


(Not sure what I would call a "boyfriend" in pony form, I know there's marefriend, but I don't think stallionfriend has any ring to it, like, at all.)

Edited by Jellal Fernandes
  • Brohoof 1


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Blitz sighed. She could hear Glider and Guy-Man talking inside-- hopefully, Guy-Man wasn't flirting with her. Glider was so awkward, and she'd never been in a relationship, and she wore her heart on her sleeve...


And it was getting dark out. And cold. "Hey, Peregrine, loathe as I am to say it, I think we should do this later," she sighed. "I'll go get us all dinner. Will you find the little dragon and make sure she's okay?"

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"Darn, how could I mess up my brew now I have to start anew!" I angrily stated as I poured back my stew into the large stir pot. I pulled out the spice jar out of my saddlebag and began inspecting it. I took a spoon and tasted the stew again to make sure I wasn't overlooking anything. "It wasn't the spice I took for granted, it was the leaves I haven't added!" How could I have possibly forgotten to add such a key ingredient in mother's recipe. I thought about it for a second, sure maybe I'm being a bit nitpicky. But this is mother's recipe, how dare I disgrace her name by messing up her recipe she worked so hard on. 


 I sighed as I packed my things and began dragging back the warm stew back to camp. Now where do I depose this culinary disgrace of a zebra dish. After scanning the beach I found a group of ponies with large pots of their own, surely they would know a place where I could throw away my stew. Walking up to a pony wearing an apron and a hair net I dropped my pot off nearby."Excuse me good sir do you know where I can throw away my stir?" I asked pointing to my pot. The pony took a moment sniffed the air before taking a ladle and sampling my stew.


 "Taste mighty alright to me, smells just as good to. It's a whole lot better then the stuff my crew serves that's for sure. I don't now why would you throw away something like that." The pony grabbed the pot and put it with the rest before turning back to me. "Say you seem to me like a fellow who can cook. Mind doing me a favor and serve some of that stuff ya got?" Before I could respond he put an apron over me and slapped a hair net over my mane. "Great, I just knew you would say yes!" he happily stated before walking back over to some other ponies. I just sat there in astonishment in how quickly I was forced into a working position.

  • Brohoof 1
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Blitz sighed. She could hear Glider and Guy-Man talking inside-- hopefully, Guy-Man wasn't flirting with her. Glider was so awkward, and she'd never been in a relationship, and she wore her heart on her sleeve...


And it was getting dark out. And cold. "Hey, Peregrine, loathe as I am to say it, I think we should do this later," she sighed. "I'll go get us all dinner. Will you find the little dragon and make sure she's okay?"

"i'm o..o.oo.kay" she began to shake "I-I'm...AA..A bit cold....." she proceeded to cuddle up in the covers from before" "so w-will dinner be done soon" she started to think in her head (i... never been this cold before..........i hope you don't get sick) she then proceeded to get closer to blitz while dragging the cover with her "so how are you"

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@ @Little Red,


Peregrine sighed, hanging her head, before packing up her tools. "Alright, we all have our things we need to do. I look forward to when things can get back to normal. I guess finding land doesn't mean we can all go back to how we lived in Equestria right away, huh?"


Finding Cuddly shortly after wrapped up in some covers in the tent, Peregrine went up the dragoness and leaned down so her face was level with Cuddly's. "Hi Cuddly. Mind if I join you while we wait for Blitz to come back with food?"

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Blitz smiled at Paisley warmly as she want back inside briefly. "I'm good," she said, and lifted her voice, "I'm going to get us all food." She did a headcount. Boy, there were a lot of ponies. She, Glider, Sharp, Guy-Man, Peregrine, Spellbind, and of course, Paisley and Socks.


"I'll be back soon," she said, trotting out of the tent and heading to the cooking station. She smelled something... interesting. A soup that was different, somehow.



When Blitz reached the station, she saw a zebra, in an apron, looking rather bewildered. That explained the unique smell. She hadn't even known there were any zebras coming to the new land... interesting.


She trotted up to him. "Your soup smells amazing... can I have a few bowls of it, to take to my friends?" She asked, all politeness.

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


"Oh... alright, bye!" Glider called after Guy-Man, trying to sound cheerful, though she was abruptly worried. Had she messed up? Did he think she was terrible for talking about stupid hoofed bear things? She felt as though she were spiraling into a pit of snakes, or something terrible, and couldn't get out and she rather wanted to curl up and worry to death.


He had expected her to already have a boyfriend, though... She hadn't known what to think of that. Had it been some kind of joke--she remembered his expression. Ohhh. The point struck her. He was just as embarrassed as I was! That's.... really sweet! She considered Guy-Man's disappearing figure, then flew after him faster than she'd ever flown in her life, using a well-timed breeze to boost her.


"Waaait! Uh! Guy-Man--" she landed, and stared at him, having no idea what to say. After a moment, she said, "Can I... walk with you?"

Edited by Reaver
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Guy-Man had heard her voice and replied "Ummm, sure, yeah... I'm uhhh, sorry for what I said back there..." He was looking down at the ground, blushing. Because of his sunglasses, you wouldn't be able to see the look of discouragement in his eyes. He was hoping she wouldn't be upset or embarrassed by what had just transpired.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@Little Red 


 My bewildered look must of have been overlooked considering a unicorn walked up to me and asked for my flawed recipe. "Oh sorry if I offend this post was something I did not mean to attend." I hurriedly grabbed a ladle and poured my soup into three bowls. "Apologies if your taste buds are not content this recipe is far from competent." I apologetically stammered as I gripped the ladle with both of my hooves. I was mentally kicking myself for even having the audacity to serve this stuff. I just awkwardly smiled at the unicorn hoping she wouldn't notice that certain herbs were missing.

Edited by Ranger22
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@@Jellal Fernandes,


"What? Wait, why?" Glider asked, rather perplexed. "I mean... it's fine! It was... well, it was kind of cute, actually," she admitted, flushing. "It's kind of flattering, actually... I mean, if you thought I had a boyfriend... er..." Then you think I'm nice, or pretty. "Well, uh, it's a nice thought!" she said quickly. "I mean, I've never actually had one before, not that, uh, well, I always avoided stallions in Manehattan is all, because all they cared about was cider and having more cider than the other stallion and even though I kinda like cider I don't want to drink cider in big... places, that they kept trying to convince me to go to, and, uh, Blitz didn't want me to either." She saw an opportunity to make conversation, weak though it may be, and said quickly, "Do you like cider?"

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This zebra spoke in the traditional rhymes, too. "Oh, it smells delicious," Blitz said, sniffing it again. She decided she should get a few of the normal soup for the others-- some could try the new recipe, some might not want to. She was surprised at the humility of the zebra, he was obviously a fantastic chef.


She turned her head, asking a chef she knew for four bowls of his soup before turning back to the zebra. "I haven't seen you around here before-- did one of the chefs force you to cook for them?" Blitz asked jokingly.

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