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The Narwhal Muffin

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Blitz nodded slightly and smiled as she kissed Shana's forhead. "That is true, but you never know what might happen." He said. "Anyway, we should probably save that little surprise for tonight. We still have to get you a new robe."


Gale groaned as she woke up and was scared when she didn't find Midnight next to her. She then noticed the note and after a quick read, felt a bit of sadness spread in her. The dragoness understood why Midnight had to do what he did and traced his scent back to the area he had sealed off. Gale then laid in front of the area and curled into a ball. "If they leave, I would still choose you." She thought to herself. To be honest, she had no idea why she was feeling this way about Midnight, but she didn't really complain. It felt nice actually.

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Kyubi sighed as she exited the stream and put her robe back on. She then decided to explore the forest for a bit, wanting to see if she could find anything interesting or maybe even find out where that would be assassian from the other night went after he supposedly died.

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Chain: "uuuhhh" he said as he woke up then realized that there was a bunch of animals on him using him as some sort of pillow "I woke up that means you need to get off" he said to the animals trying to shoo them away but they stayed firmly on him

Banner: "good morning...where's Chain?"

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Gale glanced at Banner and shrugged slightly. "I think he went out with Kyubi when she noticed some strange fire last night. He's probably still in the forest somewhere, but he should be fine. There aren't any large predators nearby so the chance of him getting hurt is very slim. Also, Midnight and the dark knight are sealed away, seeing as how one is asleep."

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Banner: "oh..." she said with a sad look because the one person how knew anything about equestria was gone "I bet Chain would be more effected by this than me"

Chain: "oh come on a few little animals are going to keep me here?!" he said trying his hardest to get the animals of him when he heard singing and all the animals headed to the sound "what the?" he said thinking about what that noise would be and followed it

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Blitz nodded slightly and smiled as she kissed Shana's forhead. "That is true, but you never know what might happen." He said. "Anyway, we should probably save that little surprise for tonight. We still have to get you a new robe."


Gale groaned as she woke up and was scared when she didn't find Midnight next to her. She then noticed the note and after a quick read, felt a bit of sadness spread in her. The dragoness understood why Midnight had to do what he did and traced his scent back to the area he had sealed off. Gale then laid in front of the area and curled into a ball. "If they leave, I would still choose you." She thought to herself. To be honest, she had no idea why she was feeling this way about Midnight, but she didn't really complain. It felt nice actually.

"Yes we do. I can't use my bag from travelling forever, and how would I get business if I can see my client face to face? That very counterproductive. So, well leave as soon as we can. And umm, would you mind stepping outside? I still need to change what I'm wearing now. *quiet mumblings* Although I don't really mind you looking."

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Blitz nodded and gave a quick smile. "Ok. I'll just give you a moment." He said, before exiting the tent. The neko was honestly tempted to peek into the tent, but he managed not to.


Gale shrugged when she heard a somewhat hypnotizing melody. "That's strange. I didn't think anyone else would be out this far." She thought, as she stood and headed towards the source of the music.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Banner: she saw Gale fly off "I wonder where he's going"

Chain: he got to the source of the melody and saw a women covered in nature like vines and flowers singing but then she stopped when she saw Chain "I knew someone would hear my call" "how are you?" "I am a women of nature sent to send a massage" "what would that be?" "that since the nature of this world is threatened nature will do all it can to assist you, and now you need to tell your friends the same" "why me?" "you don't see anyone else here my little half human chain" she chuckled and then vanish amongst the trees "was...was that a dryad?"

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Shana fully undressed and went into her bag to look for something to change into. Numerous perverted thoughts crossed her mind and her grinned and laughed at each one. "What to wear, something simple, or something special? Something reveling or something that leaves it to the imagination? Or do I just wear something normal? So many choices." Her mind eventually settled on something relatively normal but still quite revealing. "Master! You can come back inside now."

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Blitz went into the tent and was stunned. "You look amazing." He said, giving a light blush. The neko then smiled a bit and moved a bit closer to Shana. "Shall we go, milady, or do you have anything else to do?"


Gale landed next to Chain and looked at him "What just happened?" She asked, looking at the equine.

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"I...think I just met a dryad" he paused still in amazement about the whole event "she said to tell you and the others that nature will help us on are journey, I don't know what that implies but its amazing, I still want to know more about that dryad" he said thinking about her "I wonder why she didn't just come with us"

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Blitz went into the tent and was stunned. "You look amazing." He said, giving a light blush. The neko then smiled a bit and moved a bit closer to Shana. "Shall we go, milady, or do you have anything else to do?"


Gale landed next to Chain and looked at him "What just happened?" She asked, looking at the equine.

"Thanks for the compliment Master. And yes I'm ready to go. I'll be travelling in the bag again, I hope you mind having to carry me to town. The stores for clothing are a few streets away from the location of last night's incident, they should be open and if we hurry we can be first in line." She climbed inside the small bag and closed it behind her. Looking out from a hole in the side, you could see the full effect of the yellow/green glow in her eyes against the black inside. "Ready."

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Blitz smiled slightly and picked up Shana's bag. "And I don't mind carrying you, my dear." He said, as he exited the tent and made his way to the town. It didn't take him long to arrive at the first clothing store and noticed that there weren't to many people at the store. "Looks like we got lucky." He said.


Gale was surprised to say the least. "Well, I guess that's a good thing." She said.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Kyubi didn't find the assassian, but she did manage to find what seemed to be ancient ruins not to far from the tower. "Well, this is interesting.I wonder what could be hidden in there." She thought to herself as she approached the entrance to the site. She drew a dagger, not wanting to be caught off guard.

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Blitz smiled slightly and picked up Shana's bag. "And I don't mind carrying you, my dear." He said, as he exited the tent and made his way to the town. It didn't take him long to arrive at the first clothing store and noticed that there weren't to many people at the store. "Looks like we got lucky." He said.


Gale was surprised to say the least. "Well, I guess that's a good thing." She said.

Peeking out the nag and looking around, Shana saw a good selection of clothing items available. Most of which were not suited to her tastes. It all looked very extravagant to her and expensive, even though this was the clothing of the general population.


Her eye eventually scouted a cloak in the store that suited her needs. A small one piece cloak that was washout grey in colour. It also had some noticeable damage to it being the last the edges om the legs and sleeves are slightly torn. Just what she liked. "Master! That torn cloak in the back, that's what I'd like. Please?"

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Chain: "I think we should go find the others and tell them about this, you know so that we won't have to explain to them why the trees seem to be whispering to them or a bunny is trying to lead them somewhere" he said starting to walk back to the tower

Dryad: "hm someone has entered my home well better greet them" she says walking to the entrance of the ruins


(anyone can take control of the Dryad just don't do anything like say she burns down the forest)

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Gale nodded slightly and started to head back to the tower. "Also, Banner was wondering where you went when she couldn't find you earlier." She said.


Blitz had noticed the robe and nodded. This shopping trip was for Shana and he wasn't about to argue with her. "Ok, if that's what you want." He said as he got the robe. "There should be some changing rooms in the back if you want to try it on before you buy it."

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"yeah that sounds like her, if we are away from each other for long then she starts getting worried about me and I do the same for her, we don't 'like' each other in that way but if you have known her for as long as I have then its a no brainer why we worry" he said as they reached the tower

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Kyubi noticed the dryad and put her dagger up, seeing as how the other was unarmed. "Umm... sorry about that. I didn't know anyone lived here." She said, before looking around the area. "To be quite honest, I wasn't exactly expecting this place to be here either"


(Nah. You do a good job already.)

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Dryad: "well this place was abandoned years ago, I just now started to live here but its more of a base of operations" she paused "I'm speaking like a soldier never thought I would do that" she said to the girl in front of her "anyway I am a spawn from the earth, I don't have name and I might as well talk to you as long as your in my home"  

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Kyubi nodded, not really expecting such an answer. "I guess I might as well give you my name. I'm Kyubi." She said. "Wait, a base of operations for what? Is a war coming or something?" The dark elf didn't really have that much of a connection to nature, but she knew that something wasn't right.

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Dryad: "the dragon that your group is going against wants nothing but to destroy all, it will use the power of the relic to go and destroy more than ever before, it will destroy more than just this world it will destroy Banner and Chain's world and everything between, after, and before" she took a breath "this goes beyond my power to connect to these worlds but this world can connect to the others and is trying to get as much power from them to make an unstoppable force of nature" she sighed "but for now I am all of the physical power this world has so I sit and wait until I am needed"

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Kyubi nodded slightly and an idea sprung in her head. "Do you think this world could place that power into someone? They would be able to channel that power and use it to stop the dragon before he could do any major damage." The plan was risky, but the dark elf hoped that it would all work out in the end. "There's a dragoness in our group. Maybe she could use it."

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Dryad: she thought for a moment "I know its risky, I know you think that the dragon may conduct magic poorly, I know you think that if we give her power she will go insane with it" she sighed "yeah my plan is to judge if she should have it or not" she cleared her throat "well it looks like I am not going to wait here after all" she said as a pod the size of a human appeared behind her "there's my weaker replacement, show me to your base I hear it is a tower"

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Kyubi nodded slightly and wasn't really disturbed by the pod behind the dryad. "Yeah. The others found it and I just happen to stumble along." She said, as she made her way back to the tower. "So, how exactly will you be able to tell if the dragoness is able to use the power you'll give her? I'm sorry if I sound skeptic, but this is all a bit much."

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