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The Narwhal Muffin

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Blitz nodded slightly and followed Shana as they approached the tower. "I wonder why a dryad would be here of all places." He thought to himself. As the two entered the tower, Blitz noticed that a wide array of fruit and vegetables had seemingly sprouted out of nowhere since they had last been here and the others were already aware of the dryad's prescence. "I guess we have another member of the group."


Gale sighed as she caught a few salmon and ate near the river she caught them in. She needed to think about what had happened over the past few days and now was as good a time as any.

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Dryad: "hello Shana, hello Blitz" she smiled brightly

Chain: "I have a question, why can you only read minds up close I would think you could do it to all animals all the time just like how you see everything?"

Dryad: "the animals and nature have almost split apart from all the advancements you animals have gone throw but as long as the animals are on nature we can still see and observe you"

Chain: "we?"

Dryad: "the earth and nature of course"

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Dryad: "hello Shana, hello Blitz" she smiled brightly


"Who are you? Dryad's don't usually interact with other races unless they have some need or some alternative motivations behind their actions. So what's your reasoning behind coming to this group. And how do you know my name, and how do you know Master? Are you hiding something that we should know about. I don't like people hiding secrets that could be harmful to Master or I." As she spoke, she was walking closer and closer to the Dryad, have almost no trust in her what so ever. She wanted answers and she wanted them as soon as she could.

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Dryad: "look the earth see's and hears all, unless you were levitating then we could not connect to you then again you would have to be flying high because the ground can still see and hear you if you are close enough" she thought about the other quick questions she asked "I am here to help you against the dragon with my power of nature that is all there is to it"

meanwhile a slightly glowing flower appears next to gale to listen to his thought

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@@Yoshikupo, "Yeah. While you suggest that you have good intentions, I have no way I could trust you. So you'll have to earn my trust. And just between you and me, if you try anything that would hurt Master or I, I have no qualms about killing you." She huffed and walked away from the Dryad creature and back to Masters side, holding onto his hand again.


@@Drago Ryder, "Master, I don't like this creature. Too little is known about their power and motives. I'm willing to accept it stay with us, but I don't like it. Call me paranoid, but that's how I have survived through the things I have."

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Kyubi sighed as she watched Shana and the dryad. Eventually, her gaze turned towards Blitz. "I figure you might as well know what she's planning seeing as how it may involve Gale." She said. "She plans on giving her the power she's been able to get from this world and that may help us kill the dragon. I know it's risky, but if we don't stop it here then it won't stop at just this world."

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Eventually, Gale lookec to the sky and felt the wind brush up against he scales. She trusted the dryad to a degree and figured that she could be a useful member of the group. The dragoness then noticed the flower out of the corner of her eye and was slightly intrigued, moving closer while somewhat entranced by its glow.


Blitz sighed and thought for a moment as everything between Shana, the dryad, and Kyubi happened. He wasn't expecting something like this, but he would have to deal with the cards he had been dealt. "I don't care if you join us, but I hope you are aware that I will hold you fully accountable should any harm come to Gale as a result of this. I suspect that one of you has informed her about her role in your plan?" He asked. His tone was stone cold and even if Gale agreed, he still didn't know what to think of this.

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Dryad: she sighed "to answer your question we didn't tell her, we didn't know if we could trust her also I mean the earth and nature not Kyubi, if I just gave her the power the earth and nature would abandon me...then I would just become nothing, and if Gale took the power of nothing what do you think would happen?" she asked rhetorically   

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Blitz pinched the bridge of his nose and thought for a moment before continuing. "I understand, but just be aware that she isn't a pawn for you to discard after her usefulness has run it's course." He said. "She still gets to make the choice on whether or not she would accept it and what I said earlier also goes for if this is all forced onto her."

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Dryad: "I know she is a living being not a pawn, you think a being of nature would make that mistake" she felt a little insulted "I know she has to accept it first, the only thing I hope is that no one gets to attached to me"


the flower from nature saw gale and was still hoping the dragoness would leave sometime soon

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Blitz nodded and sighed. "I'm sorry. Normally when something like this comes up, there's normally some sort of fine print in the contract." He said. The last statement made the neko a bit curious, but he didn't let it bother him that much. "I believe you."


Gale soon lost interest in the flower and flew into the air, hoping to burn off some stress in her thoughts and maybe a bit of energy in the process."

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Dryad: "I know she is a living being not a pawn, you think a being of nature would make that mistake" she felt a little insulted "I know she has to accept it first, the only thing I hope is that no one gets to attached to me"


the flower from nature saw gale and was still hoping the dragoness would leave sometime soon

Agravain awoke, once again covered in the glowing runes, although this time it was due to an immense magic power flowing through him, and not some higher being possessing him. He put on the rest of his armor, and was completely unrecognizable. He almost looked like a king. He picked up his sword and put it on his back. He then realized that he didn't have his sheathe on, but it stuck anyways. He then proceeded outside and looked at the group, then focused on the dryad. "Greetings, guardian of the forest," he said with a bow.


(OOC: If you don't remember what his armor looks like, it's somewhere in the OOC.)


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Dryad: "and thank you Agravain, nice to see you are finally up, earth thought he had another patch of grass for a second" she bowed as well

Chain: "I found her in the forest singing a beautiful song" he paused "like the armor? it will come in handy for the fight"

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"Sorry to break up everyone's lovely conversations, but we kind of have to save the world here. So if we could actually get a move on before the world as we know it is destroyed. I have a gut feeling we may be on a shortish length of time to do what it is we need to do. Which is find some sort of magical relic which is said to hold the power to kill this dragon demon hybrid thing. To get to it we need to pass through the homeland of the Elves. And then though territories unknown. So how about we stop wasting time loitering about like morons and we do something productive with the time we have been granted."


After her rant, Shana left the group and headed back to her campsite to pack it away. She would bring the tent with them and everything else could stay behind. No need for it to take up valuable space. "*tsk* Some creatures don't understand the importance of this quest. Better to get it over and done with rather than leave it to the last second. ~Nyan. Urgency is key as well as a clear mind and a strong plan. *sigh*. Or maybe I'm just over thinking again."

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Blitz glanced at Agravian and was relieved that he was still around. "I wonder where the dark knight and midnight went." He thought to himself, before following Shana out after her rant. "While I agree we should probably stop that dragon as soon as possible, we still need to come up with a plan on how to beat the thing." He said.


Blaze groaned as he regained enough strength to stand. He knew the risks of killing the puppet, but he now had intelligence on his target. "At least they won't be to displeased with my lackluster performance and I'll be prepared for when I go after him next, assuming they won't just hire someone else." He thought, before heading north along the road. His thoughts turned to Shana and a dark smirk played on his lips. "That neko is going to be very important later, if my suspicions are correct."


After a few minutes of flight, Gale landed not to far from the tower and headed back.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Dryad: "I think I can just grab the it throw...what? you got to be kidding me, what do you mean I cant teleport throw the earth there and back?!" she started arguing with the mysterious force again then sighed "we do need to go now"

Chain: "I'm ready"

Banner: "I've been ready"

Chain: he remembered something, the black knights sword he made "uh Dryad, can you use a sword?"

Dryad: "oh right the spare from your friend I don't know but I can try" Chain gave the Dryad the black knights sword

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Kyubi sighed and shook her head. She had a rough idea of what was beyond the elven lands and she still had to bring Blitz to the dark elves. Contrary to popular belief, every species of elves hated the dark elves which was mostly due to their warlike nature and their desire to take over the other elven territories. This should be fun." She thought, before turning her attention back to the others. "I don't really have much outside of what I travel with, so I'm good to go."


(I just realized something. Who'll control the dragon when we finally fight it? I assume it would Jellal, but I would gladly do so if he doesn't want to.)

Edited by Dire Miralis
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(I just realized something. Who'll control the dragon when we finally fight it? I assume it would Jellal, but I would gladly do so if he doesn't want to.)

(I also could control it as characters of an evil nature are my forte)


Blitz glanced at Agravian and was relieved that he was still around. "I wonder where the dark knight and midnight went." He thought to himself, before following Shana out after her rant. "While I agree we should probably stop that dragon as soon as possible, we still need to come up with a plan on how to beat the thing." He said.

"True. A plan is needed, but we don't have enough Intel to make a plan. Once we know more about that we intend to kill, we can work out a plan that plays to our strengths and to against the weaknesses of our foe. We simple just don't know enough to make judgments. And that scares me. I hate not knowing something. It makes be angry and scared." Shana pouted as she finished packing away the supplies from the campsite. "So what do we do while we wait?"

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Blitz nodded slightly and brought Shana into a hug."It'll be ok. We can probably find out information about it as we travel and the dryad is probably going to give some power to Gale, so that'll probably help."


The dragoness watched the two from the shadows and was stunned. She had heard what was planned and headed back to the tower with the intent of speaking to the dryad. She wasn't mad by any stretch of the imagination, but she knew she had a difficult decision to make. That was also assuming that the dryad would go through with it.


(Yeah. Child of Darkness does a good villain.)

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Dryad: "what are you talking about wait?" she said making the food vanish and picked up her new one handed sword and walked away to there next destination

Chain: "hey don't leave us!"

Banner: she stood there for a few seconds watching the two then started to follow "I want to be close to Chain not that Dryad" she said to them as she walked

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Gale sighed as she felt a bit of a conflict. She knew the others were leaving, but she didn't want to leave Midnight. "I really hope you come back soon." She thought as she followed the dryad and the others. The dragoness wouldn't forget about him and hoped that the dark knight woke up soon.

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Kyubi shrugged as she stood and walked at the rear of the group. She didn't really have anything to discuss with the others and figured that she should be more focused on seeing if any bandits would take the risk of attack such a large group. "At least the others aren't mad at me." She thought to herself.

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Blitz nodded slightly and brought Shana into a hug."It'll be ok. We can probably find out information about it as we travel and the dryad is probably going to give some power to Gale, so that'll probably help."

Shana sighed and relaxed as she was hugged. It did calm her nerves quite a bit, but she still frowned when she thought about the situation. "I know that. It's just, I don't like not knowing about something so important. Don't tell anyone else, but I'm frightened. I think it's only just dawning on me how important our task is. Why us? Why us of all people that get involuntarily placed into a situation in which we have to save the world? This is not why I went into this business. And from the way everyone is acting, it seems that I'm the only one looking at this from a realistic stand point." She lowered her head a sighed again. Tears forming in her eyes. "I just don't want the people I care about getting hurt."

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Blitz nodded slightly and gave Shana a gentle kiss on the forehead. "To be quite honest, I'm scared to. I mean, we're going against a dragon that's the size of a city and I don't want you or Gale getting hurt or worse so it's kind of hard for me not to worry. I just try not to think about it right away" He whispered. "As for why we of all people have to do this... I guess because no one else will or something like that." The neko then gently wiped the tears away from Shana's eyes.

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"*chuckle* Yeah. I guess we will just have to deal it as it comes. Optimistic thoughts, at least we get to go travelling. That's a plus. It feels good to be working again. At least for me, another plus. I got to meet you, big plus. *groan* Optimism is difficult. ~Nyaaan. Should we go and find your Dragon and tell her about the situation at hand. Both between us and the power she is supposed to be receiving?"

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