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private Helping a stranger in need (FO:E)

Nameless Knight

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Spike as in the behemoth that flew up to neighvarro? "Hahaha I can assure you that dragon never wrote anything back in his younger days. He was to busy helping the ministry mare or dozing off. I'd ask him about it but he's currently miles to the east." I said as I patted dusk shines head.

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"Novac is a large Scrap town, we can get a lot of caps for a good amount of scrap from them. And it is really up to you if you apologize. " He said before prying off the sentinel's chestpiece. "This baby is in perfect condition..." Hazmat saw 4 cut wire "Almost" He smiled and started to connect them "Vision sensors, on. Wheels, on. Weapons systems.... hell no. Power..." Hazmat said to himself before connecting it. The Sentinel came online. "its alive!..." Hazmat said. "Security level, red" the sentinel said and tried to shoot Hazmat but none of its weapons fired. "Weapon Systems: Offline.". Hazmat grinned "Hazel, come see what me and Crowbar did!"

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Gypse's bags were packed as full as she could get them. She looked around finding a bag on the ground in a room she began to pack it to. Quietly keeping to herself. She walked up a set of stairs coming to a big hole in them. She flew over it and started searching for more valuables.

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The thought of the dragon that fought with my fellows way back brought me some good and bad memories. Everypony was so grim out in the East. It almost brought a tear to my eye on how far we've come. My reminiscing was cut short as Nuclear called my name in an excite tone. I left dusk shine to her literature as I went to go see what the fuss was about. My eyes opened wide as I saw Nuclear and crowbar standing next to a docile sentrybot. "Well I'll be damned you managed to turn one back on." I walked over to the mahine inspection its weapons and opened panel on its back. Good condition as anything could be over two hundred years. "You did good however you only shut off its weapon program not its hostility code." I stuck my hoofs into the machine and tinkered with the wires that connected it to its targeting talisman." These robots use the same talismans as the turrets do. Their targeting parameters are set to three courses, now instead of trying to kill you it won't anymore."

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Hazmat watched Hazel disable the talisman and took a mental note so he knew how to do it at later dates. "So now it will be passive? hmmm interesting" He said looking at the sentry bot. "I have never fixed a robot before... to tell you the truth I barely knew what I was doing, I was just connecting the wires based on color and what I knew from a protectron manual. Good to see that Robron co. is consistent.... or was consistent." He said

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Chain got up and wondered what hazel was seeing he put Shine on his back how was still reading "what's going on" he paused with a strait face "A FRIENDLY ROBOT!" he yelped "I always wanted a robot on my side for once" he said happily "a robot?" Shine noticed she wasn't even sitting anymore "what happened" "you got to sucked into the comic book that's what happened"

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Gypse Rose walked into the room where crowbar was searching. " can I ask you a question? " she said softly as she picked up a relatively undamaged pre-war bit off the floor. She looked over at him wondering about the sudden change in his attitude and if he was alright.

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Crowbar was off and to the side. Not ready to talk to Hazel just yet. He was just looking around a bit for things he might have miss. When Rose came up to him she seems to be wondering about something, mostly because she wanted to ask him something. "Yeah, sure."

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She sat down and looked up at him. " crowbar... You seem... Down or upset. Normally you are so outgoing and... Fun. But suddenly you seem like you just don't want to be bothered with anything. Or... By any pony. " she said looking up at him with worry concerned for her new friends.

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Crowbars frown got a little deeper. He sat down next to her and leaned against a desk. "Sorry for making ya worry. Whenever after I get really angry I start to come down. I want to be alone and away from others. So I can regain my composure I guess.  I get my temper from my old man. He's normally really nice and funny. And it takes a lot to make him angry. When he dose he's up for a fight. 


Plus I really, really hate being told what to do. One of the reason why I left the NCR."

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She nodded slowly then smiled seeming relieved. She Nuzzled his cheek gently then stood. " I'm just glad you are okay though. I'll leave you be. " she said softly and turned to leave figuring he would want to be alone for a while. She turned and started back down the stairs.

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"so anyway did you get your red paint Hazel? should we go sometime soon because its kind of getting close to night, I can tell from the lighting of the room with that window" he points to it (I have to stike up conversation and a way to get this going again mostly the second one)

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"I highly doubt your blind Chain, my armor already tells you if I succeeded or not." I said pointing to my red trimmed armored suit. Chain seemed to insist we get a move on due to the sun setting down. I didn't really see a reason to hurry, nothing but overgrown pups and druggies come out at night. Nothing really dangerous to the party withe along. "Where do we find sanctuary if it's not in here? The factory is more then secure for a midnight stay. Unless you have a better place we could go to." I walked over to the entrance waiting for an answer.

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Chain dropped the filly near the entrance how was still glued into her book "I was just worried for her but now that I think about it your right, I bet I could find something soft for us to use, that is if anypony doesn't have anything soft they had in there bags" Chain said to the others 

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Gypse Rose walked in. " there is what looks to be an old break room down the hall with a couple of couches and chairs in it. " she suggested. " if you are looking for a place to sleep that seems as good a place as any. " she said. " I also found a few emergency blankets that should do nicely for the night. "

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"that will do nicely, shine snap out of it" "huh how did I get back here?" (if he didn't have hooves he would pinch the bridge of his nose) "are you tired?" "yeah kind of" "well then lets go to that break room" "I finished this comic anyway" she said pushing it away into Chain's bag and getting on his back

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Gypse Rose lead them into the break room. It had three big couches and a couple soft chairs. She pulled the blankets or of her bag and laid them out on a table. " here you go " she said quietly moving iout off the way so they could get situated for bed. "This should do."

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"thank you gypsy" Chain grabbed a blanket then set Shine down on one of the chairs, he covered her with a blanket "goodnight" he whispered to her. Shine went almost right to sleep when Chain put the blanket on her. "I kind of always wanted to be a parent, moments like these in the wasteland are rare" he said getting on to a sofa stretched out and even before he could get a blanket he was asleep

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I followed the three into the employee break room. The walls were peeling and cracked. The floors were covered in dust and the residue from the decaying ceiling. Luckily the couches and chairs seemed to hold up nicely, howeve the last two hundred years haven't been kind to them. Gypse stayed by the entrance while Chain tucked in the filly. His statement about wanting to be a parent caught me off guard. "Hahaha kid raising a child is more trouble then it's worth. My daughters in her twenties now and look at me, still doing most of the work." I turned to see Chain fast asleep on the couch he had chosen. Shaking my head with a smile I layed down by the doorway and pulled out my files. Might as well read through these again before going to bed, I though to myself as I flipped through the pages.

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Gypse looked over at Hazel curiously. " do you not wish to sleep on a couch? " she asked still standing in the door way. " you are welcome to one. They are decidedly more comfortable than the cold dirty floor has got to be. " she added as she moved and covered chain with a blanket.

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Crowbar was in a stupor after Rose nuzzled him. He stayed were he was for a while, rubbing his cheek where she nuzzled him. It was the first time a mare nuzzled him in the longest time. He almost forgot what it felt like. After he slowly came back to his senses and started feel like himself again. He got up to look for the others.


It didn't take him too long. He found them in the break room getting ready for some sleep. He noticed Rose tucking Chains in like a colt. He couldn't help but smirk. Then he saw Hazel, his mouth went to a straight line. He let out a sigh and walked over to him.


"Hazel, I wanted to say sorry for attacking you. Sometimes my temper gets the better of me. Plus I have a thing about ponies giving me orders. I was  in the NCR for a while, mostly because the set up camp in my town. They gave us orders on almost everything. We had to give them more food and water, space to set up their camp. We couldn't even do business with any caravans that pass by without their say so.


The only way I could make sure my family had a better living was to join the army.  It really sucked. As you can tail the military ain't really my way of life. But I did everything they said, day in and day out. Even though they tried to make me take my sunglasses off. I was able to trick them into thinking that they were proscription. After paying off the medic." He smirk and shrugged. "Anyway, I served my tour and I earned enough to make sure my family were set.


And as soon as I was done I set off to travel the waists. Reason why I'm so keen on making caps is so I can send some back to my family. I got a little sister and my old man can only do so much.


So I ask you, please don't give me anymore orders. But if you ask me I'll be more then willing to help. I ain't a solder anymore and I aim to keep it that way.


And again, I'm sorry. "

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Gypse Rose smiled softly when she heard Crowbar apologizing to Hazel. She was relieved to know he was trying to get along with Hazel and she hoped Hazel would try as well. She walked over to a couch and curled up on it with a blanket testing her head on the arm leaving half of the couch open she closed her eyes to sleep.

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My reading was interrupted by Crowbar of all ponies. I was just about to shoo him away before I got a summary of his life story. I stood up before looking at the stallion. "You coming back to explain yourself and your actions are noteworthy and commendable. However your temper is what I'd expect out of a child. If you don't control that you're going to get you and your friends killed. I won't order you around since you have a reason for me not to. However please think things through before acting on them. Do that for me, don't get in the way of my mission and we'll find ourselves in a much more pleasant standing." I stated before sitting back down to read my files.

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Hazmat was looking at the Sentinel, extremely excited at having been able to get it working. He hadn't noticed everypony had already left the room. He found a series of Numbers and Letters on the Sentinel's gun "5T-3VE" He read out loud. He ran to a desk and searched the drawers and found a marker. He went over the the Sentinel and wrote "STEVE" on it's chestpiece. "Steve... that is a good name for you." He said before smiling. "Do not interfere with Security Operations" The Sentinel said.


Hazmat took out a cigarette and lit it. He put it in his mouth and started to search the top floor. He found a tool cabinet and opened it. It contained some tools (no duh), a small can of black paint and a brush. He took all three and returned to STEVE. He opened the can with his ax and started to paint STEVE black. 

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Chain stirred on the couch until he woke up, its every night...I need to walk Chain thought as he got up trying not to wake anypony up. as he walked up the building to the roof he saw both Haz and Hazel but did not bother to do anything. Chain sat next to the side of the building "why did that have to happen?" he said under his breath

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