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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

private Helping a stranger in need (FO:E)

Nameless Knight

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Gypse Rose heard him moving about and lifted her head yawning softly. She watched him leave and tilted her head in confusion. " now where's he off to in the middle of the night? " she wondered quietly to herself. She stood and snuck out of the room quietly then followed chain and sat next to him. " what's the matter chain? You look upset. "

Edited by Cherry_Bloom
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Chain saw Gypse next to him and heard her question "well to tell you that I need to tell you about Banner, the pony I love like a sister" he paused trying to keep his tears in "me and her came to be in a little town called nowhere, its not actually a town but we never knew where we came from, all we knew was that we were together" he breathed heavy "we had fights but got back together, we wondered the wasteland together, until..." tears started to flow down his face "then a little town called nowhere took her away...throw all the things we went throw together a F#%&ing split in the path took her away with the bandits there!" he started screaming "I know she escaped, that's why I haven't tracked them"

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She jumped surprised by his outburst. She stood stepping back slightly her ears down. " I... I'm so sorry. But... If you know she escaped why are you with us instead of out looking for her? " she asked though she was not sure she should have asked. She watched him somewhat nervously.

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"you think I haven't been trying...I know its by chance but this group is my plan, if I make I name for myself then maybe she will find out about it me" Chain sighed "I bet I'm wasting my time, sorry to bother you with my grief" he said walking back into the building 

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She blinked and shook her head sighing softly. " you have no reason to be sorry! " she said as she also went back inside and laid back down to rest on her side of one couch. She closed her eyes working she could have helped chain out more but feeling like there was nothing she could do.

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I got mad at her because of a simple map issue Chain thought as he tried to go to sleep again but had very little luck. before he knew it, it was the morning "good morning Chain" Shine said to him on his stomach "good morning" he replied in a less than wide awake voice "how did you sleep?" "just fine" Chain lied

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Hazmat painted the sentinel completely black and looked at it. He yawned and took a step back, in his mind he was somewhat hoping that once he wakes up in the morning he will wake up in his room. He laid down against a wall and closed his eyes He wished that in the morning he would be in his bed.




He woke up and saw the Sentinel "Crap... it wasn't a dream" He said frowning

Edited by NCR Veteran Ranger
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Chain got up from the couch and stretched, inside he still felt bad for what he did last night. I shouldn't have yelled he thought I bet she wants to help, she is a very nice pony. "why don't we start are plan for what we should do today?" he said looking at everypony in the room "I think we should go to a new town, I think we have done all we could do here for now" he paused "it takes about a week for somepony to need help again, if not months"

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Gypse yawned and stretched as she woke. She blinked the sleep from her eyes and stood stretching her wings. " good morning every pony! " she said cheerfully. She got into her bag and pulled out the food she had offering every pony something to eat. " it's not much but it's breakfast! " she said eating some oats.

Edited by Cherry_Bloom
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Shine instantly got up and went to Gypse "I didn't have dinner like normal so I'm hungry now" she takes some oats "I love you mo-" she stoped what she was saying and started walking back to the couch. I almost said mom...why did I do that? she questioned herself. Chain walked up to Gypse "thank you" he said taking a cob of maize

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Gypse Rose smiled happily as she swallowed. " you're both very welcome. " she said. She watched shine and nudged her gently. "I love you too sugar cube." She said softly. " say.... Aren't your parents missing you by now? They gotta be worried sick! I know I sure would be if you were my little filly."

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Hazmat was still upstairs and sitting against a wall looking at STEVE, who was just patrolling the halls. He lit another cigarette and took a drag. He stood up and went down stairs to the lobby and sat in a chair behind the reception desk. He looked at the terminal and noticed that it wasn't lock. He opened it and saw two things that caught his eye...

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"they would be less worried and more mad, I tried to run away alone before but a pony reported me to my parents...when I tried to explain to them they didn't listen" she paused "I over heard them one time, they said they only keep me around so that the other ponies in new pegus would treat them better" Chain saw Hazmat at the reseption desk and walked up to him "what are you looking at?"

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Gypse frowned. " that can't be true my little pony. Where do you live? We can go talk to them. Sort this whole mess out. You are their daughter. They must love you." She said softly. " and... Well if it turns out you're right. Well then I'll tell them to take a hike and you can stay with me. With us."

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He looked at Chain "I'm just looking through some dead guys email... apparently all those traps and turrets that are in here were put there by somepony name... Mr.Horse." He said before looking back at the screen. He came to a page that needed a password. "Hmmm" He began typing and started to attempt to hack it

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Shine hugged Gypse "its at tops casino, Chain and Crowbar were wanting to do the same thing for me...I think" she said remembering what happened before. "that's interesting" Chain said watching Haz type on the keyboard "those symbols are connected, so are those and that one" he said thinking he was working with Haz hoping he was not a nuisance  

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Gypse Rose smiled happily and hugged her. " here eat up!" She said offering her more oats and some water. " we'll get things all sorted out and no matter what happens you'll be OK. If they don't want you I do and you'll be safe and loved. " she said gently. She looked over at the others. * what are they up to?* she wondered.

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(ok, the only rp that I'm in that's doing worst than this is the one on one rp that I'm in with Pvt. stitches)


Shine felt happy about what Gypse said "I love this group, even its downsides that I bet I will find more of soon" she started eating the oats more. Chain and Haz finally got throw the computer but he still couldn't see it well because Haz was in the way "what does it say?"

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(Sorry :( )


"It reads: From: Cindy-Lou Kreb (Pony Resources) To: All Personnel Subject: New Employee Policies, Effective immediately, the following company policies are in place: 1) All cameras are forbidden in office areas AND on the factory floor. 2) No more than three employees are permitted in the break rooms at any time. 3) In accordance with the wishes of management, all bathrooms have been sealed off and walled over. Employees are requested to attend to all waste disposal needs before or after work hours.

If you have any questions about these policies, please e-mail Pony Resources. Thank you.


Cindy-Lou Kreb
H&H Tools Pony Resources" Hazmat read out loud. He looked at Chains before looking back at the screen. "How could anybody work in this place..."

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"it sounds terrible, I would never work here" Chain says "I would rather rob it then work at it, that would be a more enjoyable experience" Chain joked but got right back to being serious "why would they do that? are they hiding something? I wonder if Hazel knows more, I mean we don't know where he got the paint"

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Gypse Rose nodded sitting down watching chain and hazmat going through the computer. " this group has its quirks that is certain, but it seems to be a kind helpful group all the same. " she said softly. " food you two find something of use to us? " she asked them.

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My senses were always rather dull when I wake up from any kind of sleep. I think I've gotten use to wearing this suit of mine, and I don't know if that's a god thing or a bad thing. With a groan I managed to lift myself up after a couple of tries, the suit groaned as I stretched my limbs. Looking around the small room I saw our pegasus friend and little filly having a friendly chat. I patted the kid on the head before wandering off to look for Chain and Nuclear. "None of them down here, might be upstairs," after lazily searching the halls of the pre-war factory I managed to find my two companions huddling near a terminal. "So whats that you're looking at?"

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"well this terminal has a message that this place sucked even before the war years ago" Chain thought a bit "this place also might be hiding something, why else would they not let all this stuff happen?" he points to the rules inside the message. Shine saw Hazel walk in the room and walk out as she finished eating "thank you again" she says then gets off the coach then walks to Chains bags which he left 

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"The owner might have been paranoid because of the Great War... " Hazmat said putting his cigarette into an ah tray. He looked at Chain and Hazel. "whoever this MR.Horse was, he was a psycho." He said before looking through another email from the same pony in pony resources

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"well if he's a psycho then don't you think he would be preparing for this stuff, i.e. preparing a shelter for him self to live in with supplies like long lasting food and ammo" Chain said wanting to find anything better than the gun he had or maybe getting a new magic weapon then turned his attention to Haz "what does it say Haz?"

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