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open War Torn

Shadow Dancer

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@@Drago Ryder,@, @@Pucksterv, @@Skye-42, @@Phosphorous




You all are in the small town of Pondale, It is located in between the pony and Griffin battle lines because of this the town is in ruins. How ever you got here doesn't matter. What matters is that you and some others banded together and made a shelter of an old house, and that the only safe time to go outside is at night otherwise you will be shot on sight. In this hell there is no room for morality and the sooner you realize that the better, now good luck.

Edited by Shadow Dancer

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Tempest sighed as he trotted around the house. He and Dawn were on their way back home when the war came to the small town and the bat pony knew that there would be no easy way out. He then glanced at his marefriend, happy that they had managed to find shelter.


Dawn noticed Tempest looking at her and smiled, before trotting towards him. "I'll be fine." She whispered.

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"To think that I was on the verge on finishing my doctorate, and publishing in Equestrian Technology Journal..." Sparky rested her arms on the table. "All of it is gone!" She shouted. Calming down a bit, she decided to become rational once more. Throwing a tantrum wasn't going to solve anything. She sat at a desk in the corner with a typewriter on it. Even though the circumstances are dire, at least she had a lot of extra time. Sparky furiously typed the third final copy of her conclusion.

"...and, what else can I do that's useful." Sparky sat and thought for a long time. A lightbulb flashed in her head. "Aha!" The lightbulb then burned out. "Well, to do that I would need some wire. In this hellhole, I don't know how to retrieve some." Sparky's plan was to make a system that could discreetly warn them if anyone else approached the house.However, without the material, her plan was useless.


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Blaze sat down on a ruined bed. "Back to war, and here i thought that i could retire, and be done with it" a depressed sigh escaped his mouth." Well i wont get anything done by sitting around, this bed just needs some fixing. I will also need water and some food. I wonder if there is a water source somewere..." Blaze got up and began to look for other ponies.

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Sparky noticed a fellow pegasus walk into the desolate doorless room. "Blaze, how was it last night?"


"At least you have a bed. All I have to sleep on is a bunch of ragged t-shirts and the tile floor." She smiled. "Hey, maybe I can rebuild your bed with a few bolts and a plank of wood..." As she looked into Blaze's eyes with a seriously tone, she continued. "...in return, I would like a few metres of copper wire, plastic, a lighter, some quartz crystals, a bell, and a heat UV sensor."


"A heat UV sensor is standard in many industrial complexes."


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Sparky noticed a fellow pegasus walk into the desolate doorless room. "Blaze, how was it last night?"


"At least you have a bed. All I have to sleep on is a bunch of ragged t-shirts and the tile floor." She smiled. "Hey, maybe I can rebuild your bed with a few bolts and a plank of wood..." As she looked into Blaze's eyes with a seriously tone, she continued. "...in return, I would like a few metres of copper wire, plastic, a lighter, some quartz crystals, a bell, and a heat UV sensor."


"A heat UV sensor is standard in many industrial complexes."

Blaze nodded "I have those materials in my basement underground"."Do you want to team up? I have shelter, and some food that will last us 5 days"."I'll give you sometime to think about it, while i get the materials for you. Meet me by this bed when you've made up your mind" said blaze and walked off to get the materials

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Sparky met Blaze by the broken bed. "So about the deal..." She eyed the materials in front of her. "A deal is a deal." With the wood planks between her teeth, Sparky nailed the bed frame back together. "Done. How do you like it?"

She eyed once again at the materials. "Well, there is a sufficient length of wire, we have some plastic, and a box of matchsticks." She turned and looked at Blaze in the eye. "As expected you didn't find quartz crystals and a heat UV sensor in your basement. However, there is a nearby car manufacturing plant, once operated by the Griffons. Perhaps, we can find troves of useful materials there." She drew a map in the dust on the floor. "However, it is beyond the fences. Do you think we can pass? It would also be a more secure shelter, with all their concrete walls and lockdown equipment."


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Mending Pulse exhaled, laying her head over her crossed forelegs and listening to the sounds of conflict in the distance. The cottage she sheltered in was tiny, wooden walls thin and the roof falling apart in patches. The thought of it collapsing on her while she slept was uncomfortable, but until night time, she would have to remain there, trying to restore her energy for the hell she had to face. Pulse's plan was to find a better shelter within the town, preferably with other ponies since being in groups was more comforting to the mare.


The wood creaked, her head shot up towards the sound. Finding nothing, she sighed, resting her head once more.


It was going to be hard for her to adjust to a more nocturnal schedule in this mess.


"I'm just American trash"

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(Ok. Shouldn't we all be in the same building?)


Tempest smiled slightly and nodded. "I know, but you know how I get sometimes when those I care for are at risk." He said. "I don't want to see you die." The bat pony then looked out the window. They had managed to find a decently sized building with a moderately sized basement and they had a good amount of food. They didn't really need anything else aside from books. They had easy access to weapons and magic, so looters weren't of any real threat.

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Aurai was sitting down in the corner. She had found a few books that she was now reading. She didn't want to be in the same room with all the others because they probably hated her. Being a griffon an all. even thou she had lived in a Equestria all her life, she was afraid they wouldn't believe that she did. So as usual she sat down in a quiet room all alone.

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Vincent walked around the decrepit buildings, glancing as he passed people, far too tired and annoyed to make small talk... Living in Equestria as a Griffon had been hard enough to begin with. When tensions rose,his own neighbors alienated him, treating him like a second class citizen. Sure, he`d done plenty of deliveries as a courier to the Griffon Kingdoms before war broke out, but that didn't make him some sort of spy! Bastards.He had the papers to prove he was an Equestria citizen but it didn't matter. Life only became harder when his town got torn to hell and back. He was shot at by all sorts of groups... Equestira soilders thinking he was a Griffon spy... Griffon Archers thinking he was an Equestian Sympathizer.... Hell, most of his own neighbors had tried to attack him when he'd sought sanctuary. Due to all this, One of Vincent's mighty wings had been seriously injured by arrow fire. Had there been a hospital to go to, he could have gotten it treated... He`d patched it up best he could, but without proper care, he couldn't fly with an injured wing.


Vincent was clearly taking it hard.


Vincent had alternated between doing guard duty, and occasionally scavenging along with Blaze, either together for saftey or splitting up to cover more ground. The last night he`d spent out scavaging, having found some moonshine, basic supplies, and of course...


"Hey, Aurai." He said as he appoached the fellow Griffon's corner. Her presence had been one of the few reasons he'd trusted the group enough to stay with them... "I found a few books while I was out last night. They're... a little burned, from the fires, but..." he said as he offered them to her. "Sorry I didn't tell you sooner: Soon as I got back, I sorta passed out on my pile of clothes." He said with a light chuckle, referring to his 'bed'




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Sparky met Blaze by the broken bed. "So about the deal..." She eyed the materials in front of her. "A deal is a deal." With the wood planks between her teeth, Sparky nailed the bed frame back together. "Done. How do you like it?"

She eyed once again at the materials. "Well, there is a sufficient length of wire, we have some plastic, and a box of matchsticks." She turned and looked at Blaze in the eye. "As expected you didn't find quartz crystals and a heat UV sensor in your basement. However, there is a nearby car manufacturing plant, once operated by the Griffons. Perhaps, we can find troves of useful materials there." She drew a map in the dust on the floor. "However, it is beyond the fences. Do you think we can pass? It would also be a more secure shelter, with all their concrete walls and lockdown equipment."

"Well to be honest, i don't really know if we can get in"."We might need some assistance, i'll go ask Vincent. He might know something about it"." Stay here i'll be right back" said Blaze and ran towards Vincents hideout. He knocked at the door. "Vincent! You in there!?"

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Aurai looked up from her books a bit annoyed that someone interrupted her story. Her expression quickly changed as she saw it was Vincent who was seeking her attention. She smiled as she but her book away. "Thank you, you're very kind." She said with a shy smile. She grabbed the books and put them aside. "These look alright to me. It's something at least. Did you find anything else?" she asked interested.

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"Not much i`m afraid..." The male griffon admitted, reaching to rub the back of his neck with his talon. "I went to that neighborhood that had that big fire the other night: Figured there wouldn't be too many people there. I was right, but... well, a lot of the stuff that would have been there was burnt up too." He said with a small sigh. "Got some wood, water... a few parts... and some electrical wiring. No food or medicine..." He said, glancing at his wing, which he flapped experimentally: and winced as he felt the pain from his injury.



He blinked as he heard knocking, turning towards the sound. "Wait here." he instructed as he went towards the door. As he heard Blaze, however, he relaxed.He undid the deadbolt he'd added to the front door, openning it for the stallion."You know you`re not suppose to run around during the day, Blaze. You`ll get caught in the fighting." He said in a patronizing tone. "Whats up?" He asked, figuring it had to be important.  

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"Alright." Aurai said as she grabbed her book again and started reading. She looked up from her pages as Vincent opened the door for Blaze. She tried to focus on her reading, not wanting to draw any attention. The book she was reading was missing a few pages but she didn't mind. She liked making up her own stories.

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With the materials on hand, and the experience of over a decade of studying electrical engineering, Sparky began assembling the base circuit. She cut the wires, and connected them together via molten plastic. Another lightbulb lit up in her head. "Well, we can forgoe using a bell and quartz crystal..." She thought. "...if we just use several lightbulbs. It won't be auditory, but it'll work." She searched for lights, and found a tangle of Hearthswarming Eve lights. She cut each light from the cord with as much prescision as a kitchen knife could allow. Then, she tied the ends of the lightbulb wires to the circuit at more distant spaces, and secured the knots with moleten plastic. She knew that it was a better idea to make this a parallel circuit. "There. Now for the final test. She took the ends of the circuit which she had planned to connect to the heat UV sensor, and tied them to a high voltage battery. "It works."


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"Not much i`m afraid..." The male griffon admitted, reaching to rub the back of his neck with his talon. "I went to that neighborhood that had that big fire the other night: Figured there wouldn't be too many people there. I was right, but... well, a lot of the stuff that would have been there was burnt up too." He said with a small sigh. "Got some wood, water... a few parts... and some electrical wiring. No food or medicine..." He said, glancing at his wing, which he flapped experimentally: and winced as he felt the pain from his injury.



He blinked as he heard knocking, turning towards the sound. "Wait here." he instructed as he went towards the door. As he heard Blaze, however, he relaxed.He undid the deadbolt he'd added to the front door, openning it for the stallion."You know you`re not suppose to run around during the day, Blaze. You`ll get caught in the fighting." He said in a patronizing tone. "Whats up?" He asked, figuring it had to be important.  

"Hey Vincent. I need your help. Do you have any idea on how to get in the car manufactory, just behind these fences?"."I mean we could fly over but that would be too risky, so i was wondering if you had an alternative route?"."In case your wondering why we need to get in. Sparky needs some materials that can be get there, so please?" Blaze asked with puppy eyes

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Aurai listened to the conversation between Blaze and Vincent. She layed down her book and walk to the door. "Going over the fence? I don't think that's a good idea. I mean it's none of my business but still." Aurai said worried. "Are those materials that important?"

"I don't know. But i need to get her the items. We made a deal, she fullfilled her end i will fullfill my end, that's just how i am"."I know that the fences are a bad idea, that's why i'm asking for an alternative route"."Mayne there is a tunnel underground?" Blazed was becoming desperate

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'I don't know, I haven't been real out there yet. There might be a tunnel but I'm not really sure. I think I have a book laying around here somewhere." Aurai said as she searched through her stack of books. "I assume you're going at night. I could come with you if you want. There might be books around after all." She said a small smile. She picked up a book, blowing of the dust. "Ahha! This is what I was looking for. The sewers and underground tunnels should be in here." She said as she walked back to Blaze.

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'I don't know, I haven't been real out there yet. There might be a tunnel but I'm not really sure. I think I have a book laying around here somewhere." Aurai said as she searched through her stack of books. "I assume you're going at night. I could come with you if you want. There might be books around after all." She said a small smile. She picked up a book, blowing of the dust. "Ahha! This is what I was looking for. The sewers and underground tunnels should be in here." She said as she walked back to Blaze.

"My thanks. Don't know what i would do withouth you" Said Blaze with a smile. "And you Vincent"." Now about that route, i need to find out were to go ASAP, so that i can find it, and you guys don't have to go"."If you guys need a favor then don't hesitate to ask, i owe you one" said blaze and added a wink

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Sparky opened the door for Blaze. "I see you've got a book. May I borrow it?" 


She sat down on the floor and flipped through the pages of 'Griffonite Dealing Manual' with her hooves. "There's a tunnel right around here that leads to the other side. It's used by many to bring the illegal Power Crystals into Equestria." She flips the page again. "It is said that you can pass if you pay the guards enough."


She stared sternly at Blaze. "Why does Vincent have such a book? Is he a griffonite dealer?" Griffonite was one of the power crystals classes. "You know, with her presumed connections, we can probably pass through free."

Edited by Phosphorous


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Sparky opened the door for Blaze. "I see you've got a book. May I borrow it?"


She sat down on the floor and flipped through the pages of 'Griffonite Dealing Manual' with her hooves. "There's a tunnel right around here that leads to the other side. It's used by many to bring the illegal Power Crystals into Equestria." She flips the page again. "It is said that you can pass if you pay the guards enough."


She stared sternly at Blaze. "Why does Vincent have such a book? Is he a griffonite dealer?" Griffonite was one of the power crystals classes. "You know, with her presumed connections, we can probably pass through free."

"Be careful, that's an original copy." Aurai said trying to grab her book back. "That is not Vincent, that is mine. I got that as gift a while back." Aurai said a bit annoyed. She wasn't someone who got angry fast but when someone touched her books, it was something different.

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"Be careful, that's an original copy." Aurai said trying to grab her book back. "That is not Vincent, that is mine. I got that as gift a while back." Aurai said a bit annoyed. She wasn't someone who got angry fast but when someone touched her books, it was something different.


"So, Aurai, are you a griffonite dealer?" Sparky said in an interrogative tone. "No matter. In these ruins, nobody's past means anything." She lowered her head, her flax mane illuminated by the moonlight obscuring her face. She muttered very softly "None of our identities matter anymore." Burning tears filled up her eyes. "Does it matter anymore. Our cutie marks might as well fade away. There is nothing worthwhile left in this world which they destroyed." Because she had run out of medication the day before, Sparky was prone to 'episodes' triggered by little more than her own thoughts.

She sat at the corner of the room, crying, and didn't mind that the others were staring at her from a distance. Suddenly she chhered up and began laughing. "Does it mattter anymore? I'm past the point of caring. The point of this game is to solve problems." She stood up, the golden rising sun shining through a hole in the roof onto her face. "Fun is solving problems."

Edited by Phosphorous


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"I'm not a griffonite dealer." Aurai said grumpy as she quickly grabbed her book back. "I just know a lot of stuff is all."


She then looked a bit confused and also concerned at Sparky's sudden mood change. She wanted to apologise for being angry but then somehow Sparky cheered up again. "Never mind then." She mumbled to herself. "So who is coming to the tunnels?"

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