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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Deminsional War

Scare Effect

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"I'm not an inventor, the best nullifier ray thing I could make would be if I enchanted something that already exists" he levitated the chain like wipe he had "like this, plus a added thing I made this do is squeeze in on however is in this grasp" he thought a bit "the best I could do is mass produce something like that" Banner heard what they were saying then remembered something that helped them a lot before "the device I got from Heart is still at the apartment in my vigilante gear" "your what?" 

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"that would be useful. where is your apartment?" Scare asked Banner, Fear heard this and remembered that Heart did lose her gun, so they are the ones who took her gun that makes sense and would explain how they defeated my elite soldiers so easily, Fear thought to herself.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"its about 4 blocks away on pega way" "wait what are you talking about vigilante gear!? have you been lying to me about where you were or where you were going?" Chain said a little angry stopping his looting of the space exhibit "Is that really a big problem right now?" "you are or were a soldier, why would you do that!" "I have reasons, some that Scare caused"

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"cool then you and me will go there and get your gear," Scare said then she heard Banner saying she was semi responsible for Banner becoming a vigilante. "Wait you mean you became a vigilante because of me? no, don't answer that now we will talk about it later but right now we need to get going and get your stuff." Scare then turns to Fear."your in charge while Banner and I go get the device."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"I get it that YOUR the person how I guess was leading the group even thought most of my time knowing you was when you couldn't stand" Chain griped still a bit mad at Banner as he got back to getting materials "I wonder if there's some kind of forge here" he said to himself. Banner left with Scare to the apartment "I hope its not trashed by a dragon or something"

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"don't worry about it Banner we go there, get the device, and return to the museum.Easy. Anyway lead the way." Scare Said to Banner as they walked to the apartment.


Fear looks at Chain,"have you found anything useful yet?" she asked Chain


Spinner looked at her army having given them their new orders, "now my wonderful army go out and search every building in the city and kill all you find.Have fun." Spinner Spinner said as the army dispersed.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"metals, steel mostly" he got up after he ripped apart the last of the metal on a model of a space ship "if I had a forge I could make us some good things, better yet if they have some jewels here then I or you or at least somepony with magic can use them to make special enhancements" he thought for a few seconds "if there's a diamond here then maybe I cant but I bet you can use its full enhancement power"


(tell me if I can or cant do the thing with jewels)

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"hm exactly what kind of enhancements are we talking about?" Fear asked looking at Chain with interest.


Scare looked at the buildings they passed seeing a lot of them had scorch marks looking at the sky she saw a dark cloud."um Banner are we almost to your apartment? because we will be having company in twenty minutes" Scare asked Banner.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"yeah that doesn't look good" she said looking as well "good thing this is our apartment" she said crossing the street and going into the building. "enchantments like putting extra protection or what the jewels are supposed to be used for, magic protection or distribution" he said then thought she might not get what distribution in this circumstance meant "aka putting fire, ice, saping magic on to something but I just used my insignificant gems for most of my chains and let the ponies magic do most of the work" 

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Scare followed Banner across the street into the apartment Building, "lets hurry and get that device." Scare said in a serious tone. looking outside at the cloud of monsters heading toward the building and saw it enter the building next to them."because i think their looking for something."


"Alright lets use the diamond for an enhancement, i already know what i want it to do if you can do it that is. or better yet show me how to do it." Fear said to Chain.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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After punching the tree for a while, Sinusoid begins to walk to the museum, where he assumes that the group would be. He looks around at some of the destroyed buildings, and suddenly remembers that his might have been looted. Disregarding Dax, he begins to gallop to his apartment building, which is luckily near.

He gallops panickedly up the stairs of the building and into his and Fracture's apartment room, incredibly relieved to find that his life's work of papers and audio cassettes, and Fracture's life's work of machines, are undamaged. He takes as much as he can and puts it in a secret compartment behind a wall, lined with metal, that he had installed for a time like this. He closes and locks it, then turns some things over to make it appear that the room had been looted, grabs the aforementioned torture gun, and runs to the museum.

After punching the tree for a while, Sinusoid begins to walk to the museum, where he assumes that the group would be. He looks around at some of the destroyed buildings, and suddenly remembers that his might have been looted. Disregarding Dax, he begins to gallop to his apartment building, which is luckily near.

He gallops panickedly up the stairs of the building and into his and Fracture's apartment room, incredibly relieved to find that his life's work of papers and audio cassettes, and Fracture's life's work of machines, are undamaged. He takes as much as he can and puts it in a secret compartment behind a wall, lined with metal, that he had installed for a time like this. He closes and locks it, then turns some things over to make it appear that the room had been looted, grabs the aforementioned torture gun, and runs to the museum.

I wrote this thing.

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Harcourt was listening to the conversations that happened around him, then saw the others leave.  He was well aware of Fear's presence watching him, and he flashed her a winning smile.


Once he got to thinking however, he tapped a hoof under his chin and looked to Fear.


"Are you aware that the museum here was currently in the midst of displaying some of the oldest magical tomes known to ponykind?  They're supposed to have been dated as being hundreds of years old, and some are even written in languages that nopony has ever seen before... now, I'm not certain exactly how knowledgeable you may be, my dear... but might it be worth giving those tomes a once-over, just to be certain there's nothing useful there?"


He cocked his head, lifting an eyebrow for effect.


"Of course, we could just eschew that idea, and make our way to the armoury - I'm certain the medieval weaponry would do us no end of good, hmmmm?  After all, if it was good enough for the old warriors, it would be good enough for us, right?  And since we've been left on our own, I suggest we prepare for what may or may not be ahead.  Shall we get started preparing ourselves... or must I continue to wait, so that I may be watched like a hawk while we're torn asunder by these vile forces?"


Sarcasm aside, Harcourt looked concerned.


"What say you, madam Fear?"

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"well were going to the second floor, we can use the device thing to at least hinder those monsters if they attack us" she said rushing up the stairs. "well I bet there's a map somewhere around here to shows us where the exhibit is" he thought for a second again "I think I could teach you but it depends what you want to learn, some enhancements are harder than others"

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Fear stared at Harcourt,"Silence please i need to think and as for your suggestions i will give them some thought."Fear turned to Chain, "now where were we oh yeah, I want to enhance a gem to steal magic and transfer it to the one who possesses the Gem is that okay."


Scare followed Banner up the stairs to the second floor.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Dax's throat closed up.  All the previous courage he'd mustered fizzled completely, and his eyes grew wide while his pupils shrank to tiny dots.  


He was deathly afraid of dragons.


The panic was obvious, and he wanted to run more than anything in the world.

Edited by Randimaxis

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Chaotic sighed her necklace glowing and Dax reappeared unable to move due to the magic holding him down."Calm down The dragon is not capable of getting to you unless they go through me okay." Chaotic said reassuringly."Besides running off on your own is not a bright idea."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Harcourt took a bit of offense, then simply shrugged. 


Well, _I_ won't be the one unarmed here today, that's for certain.


He began looking into display cases, searching for anything he could use as weaponry.  I refuse to simply stand here and die.  Let them do what they wish - I'M going to prepare myself, and that's that.  


As he came across different cases filled with weapons and armor, he kicked their locks open quickly.  Once open, he started putting on armored pieces and gathering weaponry.  Once fully outfitted, he started setting up stashes of gathered arms near each door and made a pile of swords, shields and spears near the center of the museum.  All the while, he tried calculating exactly how defensible this place would be and where the exits were... just in case.



"Dragons?  Dragons!  DRAGONSDRAGONSDRAGONSDRAGONSDRAGONS-letmegoletmegoletmegoletmegoletmegoletmegoletmegoletmegoletmegoletmegoletmegoooo!"


Yes, a pillar of courage.  Uh-huh.  Suuuuuure.


Dax whimpered in place, panic pouring out of every pore in his shaking, fearful body.  His teeth were chattering noisily.  His knees were visibly knocking against each other.  One could almost see the yellow streak running down his back.


You know, it's quite possible that Dax may be just a liiiiiiittle scared of dragons...

Edited by Randimaxis

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"that kind of thing would need some great kind of magic to even get is in the gem, the gem is more of a material and cant be enchanted/enhanced it self so magic stealing normally throw a gem would mean the pony would have to first get the magic from the object in question, and I know your going to use it on the magical ponies we are trying to defeat them so the object in question would be hard  to get the magic from without powerful magic" Chain explained the chucked to himself "I bet that the magic would be more worth it than what you use to get it" Chain started walking to a map he saw near the entrance. Banner opened up the door and quickly tore open the coach getting the device, her swords, and some padded strong leather armor 

Edited by Yoshikupo
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"Sorry to disappoint but the gem is not for them but for me i want to drain my magic and transfer it to Scare." Fear said looking at Chain.


Scare kept watch while Banner got her things. Scare saw what looked to be a dragon approaching the building. "Banner do you have the device also is it fully charged?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"it needs to be charged? by what? I saw no plugs or anything that looked like you could put something in it to charge it" she said looking around the device with the big red button and dials "I don't do magic" she said honesty not knowing what she was talking about. "wait what? your going to do THAT?" Chain said thinking of what could happen "isn't she going to gain her magic back normally, why would you...oh that's not it...is it?" he asked thinking a bit more in depth of why she would say that "the took her magic?"

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"OH man we are in trouble then there is a Dragon heading this way and i simply don't have enough magic to even try to fight that thing." Scare said then she looked around looking for escape routes.


Fear looked at Chain and smiled." your right the magic stolen by the corrupted ones will not return to Scare. and i am the only one in this dimension that uses the same magic."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Banner opened a window that lead to a fire escape "I know pretty much every part around here, maybe not the whole city but a large portion and I know that dragons cant get throw these ally's, that is unless they level the buildings" she said thinking the worst but still kept going, for what reason she couldn't even know. "that's great, but why would you do that? I know Banner trusts her but from what I was told you tried to kill all of equestria...wait only one that uses the same magic?"  

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"alright lead the way Banner." Scare said following Banner down the fire escape into the alley and into the streets."we need to get to the museum." the dragon spotted them and roared.


"the magic me and Scare possess is called soul magic. it is extremely dangerous to obtain only through acquiring a large amount of souls can it be used and it almost always kills the one receiving the souls." Fear explained then looked at Chain."It makes the user easier to corrupt and turn evil. i was the prime example of that. As how me and Scare got our magic, I believe Banner told you about the device. well i built one before in Scare's dimension she fought me to stop the device. we fought until the timer ran out and the device detonated, it drained everypony's soul and brought it to itself but with both me and Scare inside the machine it was distributed in half for both of us. also just so you know Scare was just a filly when she tried to stop me. so are you gonna do it or not?"

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"that won't be a problem RUN!" she said sprinting throw streets then ally's trying to throw it off her and Scares tails. Chain thought for a bit "I guess...if that's what you want I think I could do it but now that I know for sure we should get that diamond, I mean you don't want to risk using a not as powerful gem that could potentially kill you both or just keep the magic inside of it or have it dissipate into the air or something even worst" Chain said seeing that the gems were at the right wing of the museum

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Scare followed Banner through alleyways and streets trying to shake the dragon chasing them, then out of no where the dragon collapsed and Scare caught a glimpse of a bright yellow mare. but Scare ignored it and continued following Banner.


"alright so lets go get it then." Fear said to Chain.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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