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private The Deminsional War

Scare Effect

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"fine I'll protect from the back, leader or the pony how can kill more than anypony else, should make the orders" she said then started fending off the back of the group. Chain was funneling and making wide triping traps on the enemys to kill them when he heard Harcourt yell "you know I hope killing dosne't become a habit of yours, well at least not on ponies" he yelled back which got Banners attention "I bet I could get something non illegal for you to do with with this knowledge"


(how I see it is were battling in a four way corroder but before the battle we were all talking at the door which is the front, to the right is the office Harcourt is at, Left is to the space exhibit and the back is where the ancient pony display is at that is connected to the rest of the museums exhibits. I just wanted to add a little detail)

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Chaotic saw the demons approaching Dax. she quickly shot up and ran toward him using her magic to turn the demons into butterflies. she hugged Dax. " i will not let another one of my friends to get hurt when i can fight." Chaotic said to him using her magic to form an indestructible barrier around her and Dax.


Scare disappeared and the front side was disintegrated leaving the front of the museum clear. looking at the other sides for anypony that needed help.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"You're just jealous because I'm racking up a higher score than you!"  He yelled to Chain.  "Pony up!"


Harcourt laughed.  Here he was, surrounded by horrific demons, and yet he felt exhilarated to be in the middle of such a fracas.  More than that, he had other ponies watching his back... and he was watching theirs.


Teamwork... a refreshing change, he mused.


He swung the sword low, taking out a demon's legs before stabbing it in the face.  He then wheeled around, kicking another demon through the plate glass and into the office.


"Take a number!"  He yelled at the demons lined up in the hall.  He whipped the sword back and forth, slashing and thrashing whatever came through that wasn't a pony.

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I don't belong here.  There's blood, and gore, and such brutality... why am I here?


Was it all a part of my dream?  Was I supposed to be involved in this from the beginning?  I don't understand... I don't think I CAN understand.  Is this what I was meant to see?  To do?


I saw the flying machine.  I saw Rave's transformation.  I saw countless fights, and witnessed so much blood spilled.  I can't even recall why I started this trek in the first place... can I?


Was it for friendship?  I... I think it was... but now, why is there so much blood?  So much anger?


"I will not let another one of my friends to get hurt when I can fight!"


That's... that's Chaotic, isn't it?  She's my friend... she's the one who got me into this, and she's my friend.  


So is Sinusoid.  Such a smart pony... a little rough around the whole 'chatting' part, but that's what friends are for... to chat with, right?


So is Rave... I think he is, isn't he?  He seemed so... so cold... but he heard me.  Even when he was in that horrible form, he heard me.  So I guess so.


And now, Chaotic is fighting... for me?  Why?  I've tried to be helpful, tried to be friendly, tried to be... but I've been more trouble than I've been worth, haven't I?


So... so when am I going to stop being afraid?  When am I going to... to actually DO something?   When am I going to prove my worth?


"... whenever I'm needed,"  Dax said aloud.


With that, he looked at Chaotic, gave her a gentle hug and reached back into his satchel.  From it, he pulled a sword with runes inscribed on the hilt.


"Chaotic... I'll defend you, too.  If you need me."


For the first time since all this began, he gave a broad smile.  


He wasn't confused anymore - he was ready to do whatever he had to.  


He was ready.

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Chaotic smiles at Dax then expands her shield rapidly knocking the demons surrounding them away."stand back Dax. Also don;t scream" Chaotic said as her body begins to change her yellow fur became yellow scales her muzzle expanded to , her teeth became pointed daggers her mane stands up and becomes spines, and her tail became more reptilian her feathered wings became scaly dragon wings. and her hooves became claws.(for people not to be confused she is a being of chaos so she can in fact change her shape to whatever she desires so she can in fact turn into a dragon.) the demons were shocked to see a pony become a dragon before their eyes. Chaotic let out a ferocious roar that caused the demons to flee.


Outside the museum the Body of silent Blade pieced itself back together and picked itself up."well that was pleasant." Silent said spitting out some blood from her mouth."now that is my sign to vamoose." She said with a laugh then vanished.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"you know from the time I've been here scare and the ponies she knows always confuse me" Chain said out loud finishing his side of the wave with Hits "its way crazier considering what I went throw last year" she said finishing her side which now had a freaking dragon in it, that was Chaotic which defiantly caught her off guard then watched Harcourt about to finish his side that had Fracture on it


(I decided to place everypony on a side they were fighting on since people were being vague)

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Scare heard what Chain and Banner said,"you are right the ponies i know are pretty strange. and that includes you too chain" Scare said with a smile using her new power to drag an unconscious demon toward her. "after we finish things here we need a new hide out. once there we will get some answeres from this guy."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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He shuddered.  His knees knocked together like castanets.  Sweat rolled down his brow.  His eyes grew wide.


... but he did not scream.


Chaotic is my friend, she would never hurt me, Dax kept repeating the mantra in his mind; not because he didn't believe it, but more because he had to keep reminding himself that there was no reason to fear this dragon.  He watched the terrible demons turn tail and flee, and he looked to Chaotic.


Majestic and powerful, she stood much taller than she was before.  Scintillating scales gleamed with the last light of day.  Grand wings flapped once, sending a small dust devil whooshing away from her.  Razor sharp teeth glistened as she gave a vicious smile.


Dax thought it was both the scariest AND the most incredible thing he'd ever seen.  He wanted to say this, to say how incredible her power truly was to behold.  He wanted to tell her how impressed he was with the transformation.  He wanted to let her know that she was absolutely amazing in all her might.


"... wow..."


... well, it was better than nothing.



"... 42... 43... 44..."  Harcourt counted off as he made his way through the demons.  He was bloody, he was breathing hard, he was covered in scratches and scrapes - not to mention the slash in his side - and he looked like he'd been fighting for days...


... and through it all, he was laughing.


"... 48... 49... DRAT AND BLAST!"  He yelled as the last .  demon near him fell, while the rest ran at Chaotic's show of force.


He looked back towards the rest of the group, and scowled.  "Couldn't you have at least waited until I reached 50?"  Though he sounded disappointed, he was noticeably pleased with his work.  He threw back his head and gave a haughty laugh.  The charismatic smile reappeared, and he surveyed the work they had all done.


"Now THAT, friends and neighbors, is how you take care of business!  I'm glad I had the lot of you on my side, as we certainly thrashed the competition, didn't w-"


Then he saw Dax.




He trotted over to Dax, and gave him a slight shove.


"What... Harcourt?"


Dax stared at the other stallion in surprise.


"Yes, it's ME - what are you doing here?  Why are you mixed up in all this?  I have half a mind to knock you into next week, you lunatic!"


Harcourt gave Dax a swift smack on the head, staring at him disapprovingly.

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Chaotic heard Dax say wow she turned to say something when a large red dragon crashed into the building grabbing chaotic in the process, then smack Dax away with his tail. the dragon lets out a ferocious Roar. then turns to Chaotic."HA I THOUGHT A REAL CHALLENGE AWAITED ME BUT HERE I FIND LITTLE DRAGON!"The dragon said to the much smaller chaotic."ALL WELL KILLING YOU WOULD GIVE MUCH NEEDED PLEASURE!"The dragon raised his claws and prepared to strike.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Hits was busy dealing with her portion of the deamons that were running at her. She didnt really know how to use the sword in her mouth, but she seemed to be preatty good with it, swinging it around. This was the first time she had fought since she was in school and the first time she had killed anything bigger that a bug. Yet, she wasnt put off. This was most likely due to the events of earlier in the day. She kept looking over to chain to see how he was doing, and kept thinking to herself how only 24 hours ago she was returning home from college for the holidays. Then a massive dragon burst into the room and grabbed chaotic. Hits turned to them. "That can't be good!" Hits then turned back round to see a deamon pony charging at her. The deamon tackled her and pinned her to the floor. Hits tried holding it off with her hooves. "HELP" Hits screamed.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Harcourt charged into the demon holding Hits down, slamming into it with the force of a battering ram.  It spiraled away, leaving Hits lying on the ground.  He spun back and practically shoved her to her hooves.


"You!  Don't underestimate these damnable things!  Keep back from the dragon, for Celestia's sake, and get the others to fall back!"


The smile was gone - he was angry.


He turned back and grabbed the runic sword that Dax had dropped when he got slung aside by the dragon's tail.  With a growl that rose to a scream of rage, he charged the dragon and prepared to ram it in the back, sword-first.

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The dragon turns his head and looks at Harcourt then tries smacks him away. While the dragon was dealing with Harcourt, Chaotic lying her head down in defeat Chaotic spotted Dax lying unconscious suddenly Chaotic was suddenly filled with anger. the dragon finally knocked Harcourt off his back he then turns back to Chaotic only to see the dragoness had an angry look that made him shake in fear she then moved two claws together then a snapping sound was heard.the museum was fixed the demons were replaced with butterflies and Chaotic was her normal pony self. by her hooves was a two inch long red salamander.(the dragon is gone too)


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Harcourt slowly got to his hooves.  He was in shoddy shape, but he'd been worse.  As soon as he got his bearings and saw the fight was over, he immediately scanned the ground - and saw Dax lying off to the side.


"Daxter?  No no no no no no..."


The made his way over to Dax, knelt down and shook him a bit frantically.


"Daxter!  Speak to me!  Daxter!  Oh Celestia, if you've been killed Mother will never forgive me!  Daxter!?  DAXTER!?"


Harcourt's plaintive cries were answered by a soft snore.  He stared at Dax for a moment, then got up.


"... you little moron."  Regardless of his words, the tone of Harcourt's voice was soft and relieved.  He then turned back to where the others were.


Seeing Chaotic, he asked, "So... is that what all the fuss was about?  Is it over?"

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Chaotic looked at Harcourt then to Dax."will he be okay?" Chaotic asked in a worried voice.

"he will be just fine the blow only knocked him out he will be fine."Scare said as she looked at Chaotic.

"Yeah he will be fine." A voice said behind the group.turning around to reveal a bright yellow earth pony with bright pink hair.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Banner and Chain were speechless to everything happening, Chain was still trying to see if Hits was ok and Banner had focused on the pony how just entered "another pony in that group of insane A%#hole ponies I presume" she said getting closer to Scare "do you have a plan? or is it just going in and trying to overpower her?" 

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Harcourt looked around at the gathered ponies.


"... alright, look - this is becoming a bit confusing for me, so I'd like to ask a few questions, if I may?"


He looked at the group, "First of all, are all of you alright?"


Swiveling his head, he glared at Chaotic, "Second, why in the world is my little brother involved, and what in the world is he doing with you?"


Lastly, he rounded on the newcomer, "And third, exactly who in Equestria are YOU?"

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"nothing she is a friend." Scare said to Banner then turned to the mare."It's been a while since your disappearance.how about you introduce yourself to my little group here."

"Oh yes maybe i should my name is Spectrum Rose and i was the pony that saved Banner and Scare from the dragon that was chasing them earlier, I also let Fracture and Sinusoid live instead of killing them, i am the one who put Scare in the boat instead of killing her like i was told." Spectrum said."I also known Scare since she was a filly."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"well don't blame me for having my suspicions" she whispered to Scare "how many friends are you not going to mention to me?" she added. "wait...I don't know the circumstances but are you  double crosser?" "yeah I'm pretty sure she is and I have a few questions for her, hopefully they get answered soon because I don't want to stick here for long"

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Harcourt raised an eyebrow, then let out an exasperated sigh.


"Fine then... now, if you will excuse me, I have some wounds to attend to.  Those demons were rather thorough in their attacks and this," he motioned to the gash in his flank, "is quite painful, so I plan to find a way to bandage them as soon as possible."


He turned to Banner and bowed.  "Milady, 'twas a pleasure to see you in battle - you are as fierce as you are lovely."  Looking to Chain, "And you, sir - well done."


He then moved over to Hits and said, "You have a warrior's heart, madam... but perhaps a bit more training would suit you.  All the same, I wish you well, miss."


To the rest of the group, he simply said, "The rest of you are fine ponies - and I thank you for having my flank in this fracas."


As Harcourt turned to go, he gave Chaotic a stern look.  "I'm still uncertain as to why Daxter has decided to ally himself with you, but I tell you this - should my brother meet his demise, I will not rest until I see you pay for it.  This is not a threat; it is a promise."


This being said, he limped over to Dax and gave his mane a single, loving stroke.  Dax snored in response.


"Do be well, little brother... and I certainly hope you are aware of what you've gotten yourself into."


Reaching into Dax's satchel, Harcourt fished out a single green apple, and began to munch it as he made his way into the alley.


Dax continued to snore softly.

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"Sorry did not know she was alive i thought she died a long time ago. i also have like three friends and you met all three of them. Everest, Chaotic, and Spectrum.that's it." Scare answered back to chaotic.

"yes i am. Now before i start answering questions i suggest you relocate." Spectrum says.

Chaotic Looked at Harcourt then said."I will do my best to keep him safe."

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"right lets plan where would be a good place to use any of the things we got to make weapons/echantment or enhancments" Chain said thinking of anywhere in the city the could go "your workshop?" Banner suggested to him "not a bad idea but its close to what I assume to be there base, I don't know what do you think Spectrum are new friend?" he said thinking that if anypony knew about it it would be her. Banner felt wierd from what Hancourt said, it felt kind of nice but she still liked Scare.

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Scare was outside thinking of a strategy on what to do in order to free the city, but her mind wandered then she heard a small voice."do you promise?" looking around for it's source Scare spotted a small gold unicorn filly.Scare approached the filly.

"who are you little one?" Scare asked the filly.

"Do you promise?" the filly repeated.

"promise what?"

"to protect my mom."

"of course who is she?"

The filly smiled but did not answer Scare reached out to touch her but the filly vanished.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Hits watched Hancourt walk over to his brother and then leave, blushing a little at what he said. "Why do pony keep saying stuff like that?" Hits asked to herself as she walked towards the others. After hearing the others talk about the new pony, which made Hits a little angry as she works along side the pony that killed her friend but was willing to put that aside for the group, and what to do next. She pverheared some of them talking about old friends who they all seemed to kniw, except for her. At that moment, two questions cane to her mind. "If i may ask before we do anything, who are all of you? I ask this as i only know a few of your names, and that's only because i heared others saying them. And then, how do you, i nean did you know my friend, Buzz?"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"well I'm Banner there's Chain, Fracture, Sinusoid, Chaotic, and Scare is outside" "I think that you remember me from the club that your friend wanted to give someone a drug so that...I shouldn't explain the rest because you know what I mean" Chain Said thinking about what they should do next still waiting for an answer from Spectrum "I'm gonna check up on Scare" Banner said as she walked out of museum to where Scare was

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Dax murmured in his sleep, "... zzz... nmrphgn... dunno the way... just followin' you... friendship is... zzz..."


He had a nasty bruise, but was otherwise unharmed, it seemed.  He lie there, satchel slung at his side, and was apparently in the midst of a dream.


"... zzz... apples? don' mind if i do... green ones please... 'nuff f'r all my friendzzz..."


His muzzle twitched, and he pawed a hoof at the air.


"... zzz... gotta save th' worl'... not gunna be 'lone n'more... zzz..."


There was a small string of drool hanging from his lower lip.

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