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private AES: The Lost City (ended)


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Tyra hopped out of the train, taking a deep whiff of the salty air.

"Aah, I have missed this smell," She chirped, hopping in place as she waited for her companions, "perhaps this town will cater more to our tastes, Caramel!"


She hopped onto a bench, getting a strange look from a mare sitting on one end, and leaned her forehooves on the backrest to get a look at the city before them.


Scarlett laughs a little and says to Tyra "This is still in Equestria, so don't get your hopes up about meat or fish. But I promise you, I stocked plenty of food for all of us on the ship for when we get there"


She walked over to Wade "When was the last time you came out somewhere like this?"


Art by DoeKitty

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Rave grinned as Caramel mentioned maps. "Do I?". He put down his saddlebag and started to look into it. "Hmmmm, where is it, where is.. AHA. The map of Vanhoover". He showed it to Caramel. "I am always ready. We can use all of my maps that I have with me... including my" he leaned close to Caramel and whispered "mapping orb. But don't tell anyone about it, it is my biggest secret". 


Scarlett jumped off the train and walked over to where Rave and Caramel were, just missing what Rave said. She then said to Caramel "So, why are we here again? I mean I know we're here for a good reason but why exactly are we here? And how long are we going to 



"Alright, lets get going then." Caramel said looking at Rave. She wanted to start walking but once again she was interuppted by questions. "For the last time Scarlett, we are going to Tall Tale, where we can find a clue to enter, well more find Atlantis. Then we will sail from the whatever bay area is the most close to Atlantis. Of course, we have to get the ship first." 

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"Alright, lets get going then." Caramel said looking at Rave. She wanted to start walking but once again she was interuppted by questions. "For the last time Scarlett, we are going to Tall Tale, where we can find a clue to enter, well more find Atlantis. Then we will sail from the whatever bay area is the most close to Atlantis. Of course, we have to get the ship first." 

Scarlett squee'd a little upon the word ship and jumped up and down while saying "Ship, ship, shippy, ship ship!" And then she suddenly stopped and sat down and says "Um, I mean that'll be nice. So, where's this person with the clue about Atlantis?"


She steps closer and whispers to Caramel "And I gave Laecius your message"


Art by DoeKitty

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Scarlett laughs a little and says to Tyra "This is still in Equestria, so don't get your hopes up about meat or fish. But I promise you, I stocked plenty of food for all of us on the ship for when we get there"


She walked over to Wade "When was the last time you came out somewhere like this?"

"Last time I was out? Something like 7 years since I've been out of Canterlot. Feels good to finally travel again. And with with this bunch of misfits, it's going to be all the more fun. So a place called Tall Tales is our destination, can't say I've here heard of it. I don't know this city very well, so I guess I'll have to have you metaphorically hold of hoof left I get lost. *chuckle*"

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"There is no pony there with the clue, we gotta find it ourselfs. There is suppose to be some cave around Tall Tales with all sort of writing inside that tells the tale of Atlantis." Caramel said already excited. "I don't know where its suppose to be, its all just stories I heard after all." Caramel said as she started to walk again. "Oh and thanks for contacting me brother. He was not so happy to see me but he did help me out. Otherwise I would have been stuck in prison for a bit longer." 

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"There is no pony there with the clue, we gotta find it ourselfs. There is suppose to be some cave around Tall Tales with all sort of writing inside that tells the tale of Atlantis." Caramel said already excited. "I don't know where its suppose to be, its all just stories I heard after all." Caramel said as she started to walk again. "Oh and thanks for contacting me brother. He was not so happy to see me but he did help me out. Otherwise I would have been stuck in prison for a bit longer."

"You're brother?! You never told me he was your brother. Well, that's another family member I've met without realising. Anyway, so we're looking for a cave and we have no idea where, it could be anywhere in or close to the city right? I say we start by the coast. Nothing says caves more than a beach."


Art by DoeKitty

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''Oh, I forgot to mention that? sorry. No worries, I don't have any family members besides him." Caramel said with a bit of sadness in her tone. However that quickly changed when Scarlett mentioned the cave. ''The gave is not in the city, Tall Tale is a group of mountains. In those mountains, there is a cave somewhere. Have you ever been mountain climbing?"

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Scarlett laughs a little and says to Tyra "This is still in Equestria, so don't get your hopes up about meat or fish. But I promise you, I stocked plenty of food for all of us on the ship for when we get there"


Tyra puffed out her cheeks and scowled at the answer she received.

"What kind of seaside town does not have fish?!" She complained, hopping back off the bench and stomping back to the others, "It makes no sense!"


She perked back up at the news of Scarlett having food stocked up, so hopefully she at least had some tuna or something.

"My thanks, friend!" She chirped up to the unicorn.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ace got off the train and stepped in Vanhoover. He paid attention to the the group of ponies he had been sitting right behind on the train. They had been talking about stuff to do with pirates and ships. Of course, this had interested him, but something told him talking about it to them on the train wasn't the best idea.


Now that he could see them outside, he went over to them and introduced himself rather casually. "Hi there!" he said happily.

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While standing with the others, a sudden realisation his Wade. Until they actually got to anyplace in which his skills as a Scholar and his knowledge of Ancients would come in handy, he was essentially useless. Not being able to navigate foreign terrain effectively, not being able to read maps and basically having zero navigation skills in locations he is not familiar with or knowledgeable about. "Well, this is a bit of a downer. Feel like such a lost child right now." Wade mumbled under his breath as his happy attitude dropped.

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Scarlett says to all the crew "Ok ponies, it's time for us to get some supplies while Caramel makes a plan. We're going to need wood, spare sails and anything else you can thing of that will be useful for our journeys." Her face goes duller for a moment "but first, lets find out where in the name of Luna we get those things"


Scarlett sensed, something, she didn't know what, but she turned around and saw Wade looking slightly less happy than before. She walked over to him and said "Hey, what's up?"

Edited by Vinyl Scratchy DJ


Art by DoeKitty

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Ace got off the train and stepped in Vanhoover. He paid attention to the the group of ponies he had been sitting right behind on the train. They had been talking about stuff to do with pirates and ships. Of course, this had interested him, but something told him talking about it to them on the train wasn't the best idea.


Now that he could see them outside, he went over to them and introduced himself rather casually. "Hi there!" he said happily.


Tyra perked up and acknowledged the newcomer, grinning and waving to him.

"Greetings!" She chirped.



Scarlett says to all the crew "Ok ponies, it's time for us to get some supplies while Caramel makes a plan. We're going to need wood, spare sails and anything else you can thing of that will be useful for our journeys." Her face goes duller for a moment "but first, lets find out where in the name of Luna we get those things"


"I shall get the wood!" Tyra volunteered, patting the handle of her axe, "I am sure the local woodsmith would not mind giving some to us!"


She went to trot off, then halted.


"Extra weapons!" She suddenly blurted out, snap-turning to face the others, "And supplies to keep them maintained and dummies to train with!"

She smirked. "We shall need a grinding stone, perhaps a work table..."


It was obvious she was getting a bit carried away now.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Scarlett sensed, something, she didn't know what, but she turned around and saw Wade looking slightly less happy than before. She walked over to him and said "Hey, what's up?"

"Well I just had a realisation about something. I noticed that I'm practically useless outside of a few specific tasks. All I can do is provide information and look at objects in detail. I can't really do much else beyond that and moving supplies. Take now for example, I can see everything around me, I know where everything is in detail. But I can't navigate anywhere from here because I can't read signs or see landmarks from a distance. Feels kind of bad not being able to help out. Well, no point in crying over spilled milk I guess. Best to help where I can and just hang back in situations like this. Of course, I may need someone to metaphorically hold my hoof while moving around this place. I don't know it so I can easily get lost. Much to my own shame."

"I shall get the wood!" Tyra volunteered, patting the handle of her axe, "I am sure the local woodsmith would not mind giving some to us!"


She went to trot off, then halted.


"Extra weapons!" She suddenly blurted out, snap-turning to face the others, "And supplies to keep them maintained and dummies to train with!"

She smirked. "We shall need a grinding stone, perhaps a work table..."


It was obvious she was getting a bit carried away now.

"Extra weapons? I'll have you know that I already have that section covered for the most part. At least in terms of guns. And maintenance is something that is not that difficult. I'm sure we don't need to lug around a table and a grind stone with us for our trip. Don't you think you're getting a little carried away with this?" Edited by Child Of Darkness

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"Well I just had a realisation about something. I noticed that I'm practically useless outside of a few specific tasks. All I can do is provide information and look at objects in detail. I can't really do much else beyond that and moving supplies. Take now for example, I can see everything around me, I know where everything is in detail. But I can't navigate anywhere from here because I can read signs or see landmarks from a distance. Feels kind of bad not being able to help out. Well, no point in crying over spilled milk I guess. Best to help where I can and just hang back in situations like this. Of course, I may need someone to metaphorically hold my hoof while moving around this place. I don't know it so I can easily get lost. Much to my own shame."

"Extra weapons? I'll have you know that I already have that section covered for the most part. At least in terms of guns. And maintenance is something that is not that difficult. I'm sure we don't need to lug around a table and a grind stone with us for our trip. Don't you think you're getting a little carried away with this?"


"Tyra is a fan of, hand to hand combat weapons instead of long range weapons. And as for your problem, you could stick with me if you want. I was going to go and get spare sails. Oh, that reminds me."


She turns her head to Tyra "Just make sure you get the right type of wood! We don't want a patchwork ship"


Art by DoeKitty

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"Tyra is a fan of, hand to hand combat weapons instead of long range weapons. And as for your problem, you could stick with me if you want. I was going to go and get spare sails. Oh, that reminds me."


She turns her head to Tyra "Just make sure you get the right type of wood! We don't want a patchwork ship"

"I'll take that offer. I don't know anything about ships, but at least I'll be able to see the quality of materials and maybe bring down the price. So everyone has our tasks, once we gather what we need, where in the city shall we regroup again?"


'This would be a nice opportunity to get to know her a little better. Maybe one more way to build her trust. Besides, it will be nice to just spend time with her.'

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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"Extra weapons? I'll have you know that I already have that section covered for the most part. At least in terms of guns. And maintenance is something that is not that difficult. I'm sure we don't need to lug around a table and a grind stone with us for our trip. Don't you think you're getting a little carried away with this?"


Tyra paused, acknowledging Wade's concern, and smirked at him.

"Nonsense," She chirped, puffing her chest out with pride, "You can never be too prepared for battle!"


Suddenly, her ears lowered and her cheeks turned from blue to a light pink as she grinned sheepishly.

"But, aye, perhaps that may be too much..."



She turns her head to Tyra "Just make sure you get the right type of wood! We don't want a patchwork ship"


She nodded with a salute to Scarlett. "I shall not let you down!"

With that, she about-faced and scampered into town, looking for anywhere that sold wood.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Scarlett smiles at Tyra's enthusiasm and says to Wade "You grow to like her. Anyway, let's go get some sails and rope. Also some platinum, how much is platinum these days? And don't ask why I need platinum, I'll explain later. though I may have enough back at the house. And now I'm rambling, let's go get some sails!"

  • Brohoof 1


Art by DoeKitty

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"Is she always this energetic? I don't think I'll be able to survive if she's always this hyperactive and 'grabby'. Never mind, let's got going." Wade took a few steps forwards before he stopped and he started to focus heavily on the surroundings. Trying to find which way to go. This was of course to no avail. "Umm, Scarlett? Why don't you lead the way? That may be more practical."

  • Brohoof 1

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"Is she always this energetic? I don't think I'll be able to survive if she's always this hyperactive and 'grabby'. Never mind, let's got going." Wade took a few steps forwards before he stopped and he started to focus heavily on the surroundings. Trying to find which way to go. This was of course to no avail. "Umm, Scarlett? Why don't you lead the way? That may be more practical."


"I think we're both as lost as eachother, I have never been to this city for more than a day or so. Though I think I might know where we can get some help." 


She closes her eyes, pulls up her CMR and looks for a map. Opening them again she says "We're going to have to go towards the coast for sails, kinda obvious." She turns around and says "Allons'y"

  • Brohoof 1


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Wade clap his hooves, his energy and happy attitude returned to him, "Yes, let us go." He wasn't going to question Scarletts strange habits and abilities any more. It will just be too much of a headache for him. He did have his theories about who exactly she was, each theory just a ludicrous as the previous. As he walked along side Scarlett, thinking about his theories. He did smirk at himself from time to time, almost amazed that his mind was thinking very outside the box. But that again is another reason he can praise himself, this kind of thinking is what brings the future, he should keep a note of this style of thinking for the future.

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Ace gasped with excitement when the group started talking about stuff to do with pirate ships, such as wood and weapons. "Let me help you out!" he yelled clearly excited. "This sounds awesome! What are you all doing anyway?! A pirate ship?! I've ALWAYS wanted to be on one of those!!"

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Wade clap his hooves, his energy and happy attitude returned to him, "Yes, let us go." He wasn't going to question Scarletts strange habits and abilities any more. It will just be too much of a headache for him. He did have his theories about who exactly she was, each theory just a ludicrous as the previous. As he walked along side Scarlett, thinking about his theories. He did smirk at himself from time to time, almost amazed that his mind was thinking very outside the box. But that again is another reason he can praise himself, this kind of thinking is what brings the future, he should keep a note of this style of thinking for the future.


Scarlett walked with Wade following to the dock area and as they turned to walk parallel to the ocean she said "I believe we're looking for a shop called 'Ship Shape', nice name for a shop which you go to when you want your ship to be, well, ship shape I suppose." She laughed a little at her own unintentional bad joke.


Art by DoeKitty

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Lordy had been going around looking for tinkering supplies for repairs. Tyra was getting the wood, they would need nails, rods and other binding tools to bind it to the ship. After meeleing around for some time he gathered a crate of assembly tools and materials. As he was walking down the main street he walked by a cafe. He thought of the bag of bits he got from Scarlett. Should he? No. He just had one didnt he? he couldnt. He continue walking but, after a few steps he stopped. He hid the crate in a shadowy corner behind some barrels and trotted towards the cafe.

"Just one cup." He kept telling himself, "Just one cup."

After a hour or so, he was still there, surrounded by empty cups.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Scarlett walked with Wade following to the dock area and as they turned to walk parallel to the ocean she said "I believe we're looking for a shop called 'Ship Shape', nice name for a shop which you go to when you want your ship to be, well, ship shape I suppose." She laughed a little at her own unintentional bad joke.

'Don't even respond to that Wade. Just get use to it.' "So we just walk aimlessly until we find the location that we need? And then we go shopping together. This is turning out to be a rather usual set up for a first date." Wade laughed to himself, his attempt to brighten up the mood may go the wrong way. Or it might not. Calculated risks are worth it.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Ace gasped with excitement when the group started talking about stuff to do with pirate ships, such as wood and weapons. "Let me help you out!" he yelled clearly excited. "This sounds awesome! What are you all doing anyway?! A pirate ship?! I've ALWAYS wanted to be on one of those!!"


Tyra turned back to look at the newcomer, grinning at his excitement. That was a level of energy she could respect.


"If you wish to assist, then by all means lend a hoof!" She chirped, grin growing wider, "You may start by telling me if you know where I may find a sawmill or some other sort of woodsmith!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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