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private Whisper: The City Of Darkness

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Marble flew away from the blast and towards the city, as she drew closer she felt very nervous. She glanced down at the building which looked abandoned. Not liking the spooky feeling she spun around and blitzed back to the bus still getting childs down her spine. She landed on the bus causing it to make a sudden *shrike* sound. She began moving from one side to the other.


*boom* *boom* *boom* each hoofstep echoed across the barren landscape since no sound was being made, Finally she stopped her dark figure glancing down at the group of ponies, the loud 'boom' of her hoofsteps slowly fading. Marble watched the group from below contemplating what to do next. her orange eyes glowing like coals in the darkness. 

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Lavender, just as she caught the bus just about to explode, leapt in front of the two stallions and used her magic to summon a shield spell. Any debris shot in their direction bounced harmlessly off the force field.

Hopefully it would protect Trivy as well.


"Phew," she huffed, staggering a bit as she disarmed the spell, shaking her head of cobwebs, "Shield spells, never easy, huh?" She joked to Bramble.



"Well, an ice pack would be a start, if you can freeze things," Bramble interjected bluntly, "And we need to move him carefully from now on. If you can check him over for broken bones, I need to find my bag."

"Oh yeah, ice!" She squeaked, perking up in realisation once again, "I nearly forgot!"

She opened her bag once again, and used her telekinesis to fish out of it a seemingly normal little ice tray, along with a small sack.

"Alright," She muttered, then looked around her, "Now where can a sweet young thing get some water...?"


In the meantime, she began inspecting the still-unconscious Wilhelm for any broken bones.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Unicorncob, @@Once In A Blue Moon,  


Trivy watched the bus as if exploded, sitting at a safe distance. After the smoke had lessened, she got herself standing on her hoofs again. Her head was slowly putting together the pieces of memory that shattered because of the previous blow to her head. She remember sitting in the bus for some time but still did not seem to know why she was ever on it in the first place.


She did remember she was carrying a bag, which was the reason she was now walking towards the bus. She moved pieces of metal scrap with the little strength she had left before finally finding her saddle bag underneath a pile of dust and ash. Next to it laid a cloak and a amulet. Flashes of memories she saw inside her head. For some reason the amulet was familiar to her. She wanted to open it but for some reason she couldn't. So instead she put it around her neck. She also put on the cloak, assuming it was hers. She grabbed her saddle bag, putting it on her back, strapping it onto her waste before trotting over to Lavender and the two stallions.


(sorry for the long post)

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Wilhelm moaned in his sleep at the noise of the bus's explosion and turned to the side, muttering something about "thrice-damnt irony". One of his legs feebly kicked out, as if in a dream, barely missing Lavender's muzzle. After this short outburst, he slipped back into unconsciousness. However, this incident- to anypony with medical training- would make them reasonably sure that he would wake up soon. Admittedly, with one Tartarus of a headache, but soon.

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Wilhelm moaned in his sleep at the noise of the bus's explosion and turned to the side, muttering something about "thrice-damnt irony". One of his legs feebly kicked out, as if in a dream, barely missing Lavender's muzzle. After this short outburst, he slipped back into unconsciousness. However, this incident- to anypony with medical training- would make them reasonably sure that he would wake up soon. Admittedly, with one Tartarus of a headache, but soon.


Lavender blinked as Wilhelm's hoof just brushed her muzzle in a small outburst, before he calmed back down.

"Well at least he's alive," She muttered to Trivy, noticing her standing by, "a dead teacher wouldn't really do us some good, huh? Nah, just...a lot of bad."




She perked up. "Oh, Trivy! D'you know if there's a river or something around here?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Lavender blinked as Wilhelm's hoof just brushed her muzzle in a small outburst, before he calmed back down.

"Well at least he's alive," She muttered to Trivy, noticing her standing by, "a dead teacher wouldn't really do us some good, huh? Nah, just...a lot of bad."




She perked up. "Oh, Trivy! D'you know if there's a river or something around here?"


Marble's ear twitched as Lavender asked about a river. She dropped down off the bus closing her wings as she trotted over to the mare. "River? We don't need a river, we need a cave" she snorted glancing around, something was definitely watching them, if only she saw it. She turned back to Lavender "no we shall stay by the bus or inside it, we are not welcome here" she said before glancing back at the city. 


She then glanced at the injured pony and gave him a sniff, "Wilhelm will need to be moved, regardless of his injuries" she said poking him with her hoof. She frowned before trotting inside the bus, she then rummaged around getting out her saddlebag, she trotted back to Wilhelm and began throwing salt over him. One of her bat pony traditions of healing.


She then began rummaging in her saddlebag again and drew out some phlox moss which had a strange aroma, she then threw several clumps over Wilhelm. "better she remarked drinking from a bottle in her saddlebag draining it completely".  


"well if he doesn't heal, we can always eat him" she remarked picking up his hoof and slowly dragging him towards the bus.

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"Wilhelm will need to be moved, regardless of his injuries"

"If we're going to move him then we'll need to make an improvised stretcher," Bramble said, ignoring the comment about eating ponies, "Although first I think we should take stock and decide what we're going to do. Staying near to the bus will make it easier for ponies to find us when they realise that we're missing, but if we move then we might find help closer to hoof, as well as somewhere a bit more sheltered," He looked at the other ponies gathered around, "I've got my knife, a magical head-torch, some bandages, a waterproof coverall, a sleeping bag and a couple of days worth of feed pellets; what do you all have?" 

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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"If we're going to move him then we'll need to make an improvised stretcher," Bramble said, ignoring the comment about eating ponies, "Although first I think we should take stock and decide what we're going to do. Staying near to the bus will make it easier for ponies to find us when they realise that we're missing, but if we move then we might find help closer to hoof, as well as somewhere a bit more sheltered," He looked at the other ponies gathered around, "I've got my knife, a magical head-torch, some bandages, a waterproof coverall, a sleeping bag and a couple of days worth of feed pellets; what do you all have?" 



Marble stopped dragging him, " you need to fix that erroneous assumption, who's to say these ponies are friendly? They might be unfriendly" she said frowning, she then glanced at her supplies and brought out a large watermelon covered in red "well I got lots of these, but you won't want it" she said giving the melon a nibble, she just loved fruit among other things. 


That's was her equipment, lots of fruit, her medical supply's and her wing blades, which she already had on. 

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@@Once In A Blue Moon,


Before Trivy could say anything about a river, somepony had spoken before her. So instead of answering Lavender´s question, she turned to the grey earthpony who was talking about supplies or something. Trivy grabbed her saddle bag from her back and started looking through it. "uh... I've got a small blanket, some dried fish but considering you are all probably vegetarian that wont interest you... uh.. I've got some energy bar, two bottles of water and I've a book which is not that important. yeah that's all I have." Trivy said looking at the grey coated pony. "What was your name again? I hit my head during the crash and do not seem to remember."

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She turned back to Lavender "no we shall stay by the bus or inside it, we are not welcome here" she said before glancing back at the city. 

"Oh, that's a great idea," Lavender snarked, frowning and rolling her eyes, "Let's camp out in the burning wreckage that just exploded and nearly took our lives! Hey, why don't we make s'mores while we're at it!"

She blinked, face going blank. "Actually, s'mores sounds awesome right now. Anypony got s'mores?"



She then began rummaging in her saddlebag again and drew out some phlox moss which had a strange aroma, she then threw several clumps over Wilhelm.

Her nose twitched as the strange smell hit her. A smell she recognised.

"Phlox moss!" She squeaked, pointing right at the substance in question, "Of course! Too bad I didn't have any with me."



"uh... I've got a small blanket, some dried fish but considering you are all probably vegetarian that wont interest you... uh.. I've got some energy bar, two bottles of water and I've a book which is not that important. yeah that's all I have." 

Upon hearing 'two bottles of water', her ears perked up, and she pointed her hoof to Trivy, wide-eyed.

"You!" She called, "I need you!"


She trotted up to the mare, ice tray hovering in her magic, and stopped before Trivy. She dropped the ice pack on the ground and smiled at her friend.

"Would you be so kind as to put some water into the tray for your bestest best friend?" She asked, fluttering her eyelashes and all. She saw foals do this all the time, it had to work.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"But...we need that water for later...we don't wanna die of thirst out here...I'm mean..I..uh.. alright, just a bit of water but not too much. I really don't wanna die because of thirst." Trivy said looking at Lavender with a bit of fear in her eyes. She then grabbed the bottle of water and gave it to Lavender. "Be careful with it yeah?" 

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"But...we need that water for later...we don't wanna die of thirst out here...I'm mean..I..uh.. alright, just a bit of water but not too much. I really don't wanna die because of thirst." Trivy said looking at Lavender with a bit of fear in her eyes. She then grabbed the bottle of water and gave it to Lavender. "Be careful with it yeah?" 

"Psh, of course I'll be careful," Lavender snorted, twirling a hoof offhandedly, "'Careful' is practically my middle name! Lavender Careful Gleam, the careful healer-slash-alchemist!"


Using her magic to take the bottle from Trivy, she unscrewed the lid off and began carefully pouring water into a few of the indents on the ice tray, then screwed the bottle back up and floated it to Trivy without looking up from what she was doing.


"Now we just need a little..." She mumbled, her horn glowing once again. Her magic targeted the ice tray, and within seconds, the water crackled as it froze up into little ice cubes, "Perfect! Thank the stars for enchanted ice trays!"


@@Orion Caelum


She grabbed the small sack and opened it up, levitating the tray over the open mouth of the sack and dropping the ice cubes in, then tightened it up and floated the makeshift ice pack onto Wilhelm's head.

"There we are," she chirped, putting the tray back in her bag, "Doctor Gleam has treated Doctor Wilhelm!"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"What was your name again? I hit my head during the crash and do not seem to remember."


"Bramble," He answered, looking somewhat bemused. "Well, she's the right way up with a leg at each corner, so there can't be too much wrong," he thought to himself. He looked at Lavender and Wilhelm, and permitted himself a small sigh of relief at her announcement of having 'treated' Dr Wilhelm. It was out of his hooves anyway, so he turned back to Trivy. 


"You really have no memory, then?" He asked, "Who rules Equestria? Where are you studying? Your parents' names?"

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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"Oh, that's a great idea," Lavender snarked, frowning and rolling her eyes, "Let's camp out in the burning wreckage that just exploded and nearly took our lives! Hey, why don't we make s'mores while we're at it!"

She blinked, face going blank. "Actually, s'mores sounds awesome right now. Anypony got s'mores?"



Her nose twitched as the strange smell hit her. A smell she recognised.

"Phlox moss!" She squeaked, pointing right at the substance in question, "Of course! Too bad I didn't have any with me."



Upon hearing 'two bottles of water', her ears perked up, and she pointed her hoof to Trivy, wide-eyed.

"You!" She called, "I need you!"


She trotted up to the mare, ice tray hovering in her magic, and stopped before Trivy. She dropped the ice pack on the ground and smiled at her friend.

"Would you be so kind as to put some water into the tray for your bestest best friend?" She asked, fluttering her eyelashes and all. She saw foals do this all the time, it had to work.



Marble glanced at the ice cube and then back at the injured pony, "yeah it didn't work, you just wasted water" she grumbled. She then flicked her tail. in annoyance, "well go towards the city, don't come crying to me if you get turned into a smore, whatever that is" she said frowning.


Marble didn't like Lavender's snortishness, "where we going to go now then?" she asked.

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"You really have no memory, then?" He asked, "Who rules Equestria? Where are you studying? Your parents' names?"


"I..uh..I know Celestia and Luna ruled the kingdom before but I.. I don't know who is in charge now..that's all I know..I don't know who I am myself...I remember that this cloak and amulet belonged to me but that's it. I didn't even remember my name until Lavender told me.'' Trivy said looking at gleam. She then turned back to Bramble. "But I'm sure I will get my memory back. Just need something to trigger it."

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"I..uh..I know Celestia and Luna ruled the kingdom before but I.. I don't know who is in charge now..that's all I know..I don't know who I am myself...I remember that this cloak and amulet belonged to me but that's it. I didn't even remember my name until Lavender told me.'' Trivy said looking at gleam. She then turned back to Bramble. "But I'm sure I will get my memory back. Just need something to trigger it."


A sudden hoof smashed into the back of Trivy's head. "you remember now?" Marble asked dryly. Her wings buzzed in annoyance, "can't you do a spell to fix her" she asked Lavender before slapping Trivy's head again.


"what about now?" she continued becoming amused, this was turning into a fun game. 


She raised her hoof for a third strike.

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Marble glanced at the ice cube and then back at the injured pony, "yeah it didn't work, you just wasted water" she grumbled. She then flicked her tail. in annoyance, "well go towards the city, don't come crying to me if you get turned into a smore, whatever that is" she said frowning.


Marble didn't like Lavender's snortishness, "where we going to go now then?" she asked.

"Obviously you don't know the first thing about how to treat concussions," Lavender snarked, raising an eyebrow with a frown toward Marble, "And for your information, smores are delicious campfire treats that you obviously have never tried since you're such a grumpy dork."



A sudden hoof smashed into the back of Trivy's head. "you remember now?" Marble asked dryly. Her wings buzzed in annoyance, "can't you do a spell to fix her" she asked Lavender before slapping Trivy's head again.


"what about now?" she continued becoming amused, this was turning into a fun game. 


She raised her hoof for a third strike.

She growled and fired a shot of magic, deliberately missing Marble to make her stop attacking Trivy.

"Stop makin' her feel worse!" She demanded, "She's taken enough cranial trauma without you making it worse!"


She stomped over, glaring daggers at Marble. "How 'bout I start smackin' you across the head!"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Trivy turned around looking angry at Marble.  "Do you really think that would help? The only thing I get from that is a headache. Now stop it before I will make you lose your memory." Trivy said, still with an angry look. "You can't just use a simple spell to fix memory loss. It's not that easy."


She then looked at Lavender, thanking her with a nod and a smile.

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"Obviously you don't know the first thing about how to treat concussions," Lavender snarked, raising an eyebrow with a frown toward Marble, "And for your information, smores are delicious campfire treats that you obviously have never tried since you're such a grumpy dork."



She growled and fired a shot of magic, deliberately missing Marble to make her stop attacking Trivy.

"Stop makin' her feel worse!" She demanded, "She's taken enough cranial trauma without you making it worse!"


She stomped over, glaring daggers at Marble. "How 'bout I start smackin' you across the head!"






Trivy turned around looking angry at Marble.  "Do you really think that would help? The only thing I get from that is a headache. Now stop it before I will make you lose your memory." Trivy said, still with an angry look. "You can't just use a simple spell to fix memory loss. It's not that easy."


She then looked at Lavender, thanking her with a nod and a smile.


Marble blinked and backed away, "well I ain't no doctor, or unicorn wiz for that matter thank you very much" she snorted at them. She then began nibbling back on her watermelon glaring at Lavender and Trivy. 'who made them so special' she thought to herself as she began eating thoughtfully. 


"why don't you then rethink you're steps, that's what you do if you lose something" she advised before going back to her melon, she had given out her quota of helpful information today, let the rest of them do some thinking.

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"Yeah, that's what you do when you lose your keys! Not when you lose a memory.'' Trivy said almost hissing at Marble. She took a step back, not wanting to be close to batpony. Instead she sat down next to Lavender, who seemed to be the nicest of bunch. "So, is there anything else you can tell me about...well me?"

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"Yeah, that's what you do when you lose your keys! Not when you lose a memory.'' Trivy said almost hissing at Marble. She took a step back, not wanting to be close to batpony. Instead she sat down next to Lavender, who seemed to be the nicest of bunch. "So, is there anything else you can tell me about...well me?"


Marble didn't like this new Trivy, she just rolled her eyes. She decided not to make a smart comment about the old Trivy actually being nice, rather than acting like she just sat on a cactus. She began smirking at the thought of Trivy sitting on a cactus. "classic" she coughed under her breath.


She then finished her melon in silence, she glanced at the shield and wondered if they should go investigate it, she looked over at Trivy and Lavender talking and decided against suggesting it. She left her bag on the ground and walked away from the group her figure disappearing into the shadow, she trotted towards the wall they had crashed though inside the bus, that was where the answers are. 

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Lavender snorted back at Marble, not appreciating her attitude. She never was the nicest pony, but she wasn't outright evil (she thought) so that was something.




She sat next to Trivy and smiled at her.

"Well, we're friends for a start," She explained, "We go to the same highschool, in fact we're in the same class! I assume we were on this sort of trip for some reason, I'm not really sure why. The details are hazier than my mom's cauldron..."


She noticed Marble had gotten up to walk over to the wall they'd crashed into. Part of her hoped she'd stay safe.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Hmm okay...  not much then." Trivy said a bit sad. "I guess I got to figure it out myself." She said standing up again. She saw Marble disappear into the shadows. Since there was not much else to do, she decided to followed her. She walked up to her and the wall. "Sorry for ye know... what I said...you were only trying to help." Trivy said before going silent.

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@@Once In A Blue Moon


While the others are arguing over Marble's antics, you notice movement out of the corner of your eye. Nothing considerable, but still something that appears to be both pony-shaped and hiding in the tall grass nearby. But another thing that seems rather concerning- a small group of also somewhat ponylike creatures coming from the city out, but, even as you see from several miles away and approaching, they certainly aren't ponies. Instead of rear legs, they have a mass of throbbing, twisted flesh, seemingly assisting them in moving. There is a bigger form behind them, ensuring that they are moving forwards, and they are approaching relatively quickly- it would be about half an hour before they reached the bus, judging their current state of movement but they would be close enough to see you more clearly through the brush in only a few minutes...




This 'wall' seemed to be an extremely strong containment field of some sort. With some simple examination, it bore the obvious markings of high-powered magic- this was the work of an archmage of some sort. But therein lay the conundrum- a shield this powerful would have destroyed the bus before it let anything through, let alone fail miserably. There's no reason why you should be on this side of the magical wall.


As you continue to examine the force field, you notice a view waves of energy that brings it into vision for a few, brief second before disappearing. Following where this came from, you notice a small beam of energy slowly fade from somewhere in the middle of the city. Whatever the beam was, it both touched the force field directly and had somehow reinforced it.

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"Hmm okay...  not much then." Trivy said a bit sad. "I guess I got to figure it out myself." She said standing up again. She saw Marble disappear into the shadows. Since there was not much else to do, she decided to followed her. She walked up to her and the wall. "Sorry for ye know... what I said...you were only trying to help." Trivy said before going silent.




This 'wall' seemed to be an extremely strong containment field of some sort. With some simple examination, it bore the obvious markings of high-powered magic- this was the work of an archmage of some sort. But therein lay the conundrum- a shield this powerful would have destroyed the bus before it let anything through, let alone fail miserably. There's no reason why you should be on this side of the magical wall.


As you continue to examine the force field, you notice a view waves of energy that brings it into vision for a few, brief second before disappearing. Following where this came from, you notice a small beam of energy slowly fade from somewhere in the middle of the city. Whatever the beam was, it both touched the force field directly and had somehow reinforced it.


"Yes I was, whenever I lose something I retrace my steps which is remarkably helpful, you're memory is like a pair of keys, just lots of keys slotted together to make a puzzle, you've just misplaced the puzzle pieces" she informed her before stopping several meters away from the wall. "wait here i'm going to try something" she instructed.


"now this thing is simply fascinating" Marble stated before slowly putting her hoof towards it, she stopped a meter away from the wall and withdrew her hoof. "hmmm, strange" she frowned before picking up a stone and tossing it at the wall. It instantly vaporised as it hit the wall. She smiled and glanced back at Trivy "good thing I didn't touch it" she remarked.


Her eyes followed the beam of light before frowning, "it's in the middle of the city, the last place we should go" she sighed. her wings began buzzing again and she frowned, she picked up another stone, much larger and threw it at the wall causing that to disintegrate again. "this shield should have destroyed us all, yet it didn't, almost like something wants us here" she finished.


"we shouldn't split up, lets get back to the others" she told Trivy giving her a curious look, she was still thinking, about something.

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