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private Sombra's Shadow


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@@Pucksterv, Jinx laid her captive down and looked at her. "You are outside the kingdom of King Sombra," Jinx replied. Still there was this feeling that she didn't want Trivy to die, and the memory of Jay. Now, there was a possibility. Jay had accepted Jinx's offer of help in the new world order, mainly cuz she didn't have much choice. Not having a special talent, Jay had felt too vulnerable to want to wander the world by herself. So Jinx had given her a place to stay, strengthened with spells.

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Lilith was all eyes and ears as the guards made their way downstairs. Remembering her training, she quietly eased up her breathing and approached the door, listening intently and prepared to immediately explain herself should they be found- as a ranger, she found that she had a small amount of diplomatic immunity that might help them, but, considering that Equestria was being governed by Sombra, and that the Ranger Corps was all but obliterated, going abovedecks would be a death sentence.


Flinching ever-so-slightly as they stepped on a particularly creepy board, she could start to hear voices, closing her eyes, she silently sent a prayer to whatever Great Power would listen that they wouldn't be found- it would spell the end for everyone on board.


I admire this griffon's courage. Taking us all at the risk of her own life...

Agreed. Just be sure those daggers are safe in their scabbards. If we're caught, we don't even want to exude a single hint of potential violence. The gauntlets are enough to raise eyes already.

Mmh. Let's hope that we can meet with one of their rangers quickly. The sooner we're back from Equestria, the better- and I'll be able to see how many of us actually made it out.

My dear... prepare yourself for the worst.

I know...

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The soldiers were all around the ship in just a few seconds, throwing over barrels, ripping open cupboards and basically search every inch of the ship, trying to find any reason to distrust the nervous griffon.After at least 20 minutes of searching, which Winter imagined would be quite uncomfortable for the 16 ponies tucked away in the small hideout, the head officer finally popped his head above deck with a satisfied smile.''Give my regards to your aunt and next time, try to eat all the oats before you get here.'' He said with a wink.


Winter gave an embarrasing smile "Thanks Raha.''


''Yeah yeah, just be careful next time okay?'' The officer gave a loud whistle, as a sign for his soldiers to follow him of the ship and the others to release the ropes holding down the ship.


The little griffon let go a bit of air, now that the moment of tension was over. The gates underwater opened as the ship slowly started moving forward again.



"You are outside the kingdom of King Sombra," Jinx replied.

''What?'' Trivy started moving in panic, struggling when she discovered her hoofs were put in chains. She then tried to use her teleporation, not realizing the ring around her horn, which resulted in a powerful recoil, almost knocking her out again. "DAMN CELESTIA, what in the hay is happening?'' Trivy closed her eyes in pain as she tried to get the ring of her horn.

Edited by Pucksterv
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@@Pucksterv, Jinx regarded Trivy with interest. "I wouldn't try to use your magic, if I were you," she remarked. "That band on your horn effectively prevents you from doing so. It will sap your energy if you attempt to, despite it. And yes, we are outside the Crystal Empire. Where we go from here, depends on you and how I feel."

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Now that the ship was moving again, had passed the security harbor and all the soldiers were out of sight, Winter could the other out from underneath the hatch. She walked into the captain's quarters, stomping on the floor as a way of knocking. ''You can come out now, we passed security and all the griffon guys are gone. I'm gonna need your hep cleaning up the boat though. They really made a mess this time.''



''What do you mean? How you feel? You're gonna bring me to the empire anyway.'' Trivy said as she tried to get her hoofs out the chains, not succeeding very well. ''Rave is going to kill you if you're planning on letting me go. Just saying.'' She said as she continued shaking her hoofs, chains loudly banging against each other. ''Do whatever is best for your life, I don't care. I'm going to die here anyway.''

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Lilith breathed a sigh or relief as she the door opened to reveal their griffin host. Quickly and quietly scaling the ladder, she helped the younger colts and fillies up as she surveyed the mess. "Sheesh..." Lilith muttered to herself. She had heard of griffons not being the nicest creatures in existence, but to not at least include some tiny token measure of cleanup after ripping the ship apart this bad? She shrugged and started by, after everyone had exited (and she counted, to make sure that she wasn't leaving any fillies or colts behind) brought the barrels up to sit properly and rearranged the carpet, before turning to the desk and neatening up the papers that were scattered and all out of order. She remained quiet this entire time, thinking over her expectations and how to react in the various situations she posed for herself in her head- she would continue giving this generic cold shoulder to the world until approached, wandering the ship and tidying up messes as she went, starting with the captain's room.

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@@Pucksterv, "I never said that I would let you go," Jinx said, in a measured voice. "I know that the King would not want me to do this. However, I have often said that I would like a rebel to practice my dark magic spells on, so I know that he would allow me to keep you in my section. There is another mare there, already, so you would have company. Just don't try and escape. The spells I have put on the area would detect you in moments, and something very unpleasant would happen to you. I would not wish for that to happen, if I can help it."

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The cleanup was swift, as many ponies had their hooves in the middle of things.  Shuffling, mopping, sweeping... it took very little time to get things literally shipshape again.  Soon, the boat was as pristine as before the checkpoint.


The group began ambling about the ship, keeping quiet yet busy as they rolled along.


With the threat of discovery currently falling behind them, there was a relaxed air about the ship... but, of course, it would be fleeting if trouble should rear it's ugly head.  Still, with the more nerve-racking part behind them, there was at least some call for a breathed sigh of relief.


Harcourt finished the last swab across the rear deck and set the mop down.  Regarding his work for a moment, he then nodded in approval and moved off towards the front.  There were a few ponies that he felt he needed to speak with, but he was in no severe rush; he'd come across them as he went.


Glancing about at the other various others, he began to search for one of the ponies he had in mind: Lilith, Psych, and Stardust & Aria.  They had to be around here somewhere... maybe in the captain's quarters?  He decided to head there, hopefully crossing any of the others along the way.

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Psych was indeed in the captains quarters, sitting in the chair, looking a bit dejected. He hoped that Winter started feeling better soon. Hearing Harcourt enter the room, he spread his sight and looked to him. "Oh, hello there." He nodded to him. "Is everything back in order? Is there something I can help with out there?" He got up and moved to head out to help clean the ship.

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Well, that's that.


Lilith stood looking inwards, trying to ignore the dejected Psych sitting in a chair, looking rather... down. She quietly turned around to continue on her way, opening the door- and almost running into Harcourt. As Psych responded, she quickly got clear of the door, letting him into the room, before moving to leave.




He wants to talk to you. Linger for a moment, see if he calls you back in.


With a soft sigh, she paused ever so slightly- to the unexperienced, it would seem as barely a flicker, but it was all the time that Harcourt would need if he wished to pull her aside and talk to her.

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Looking between them both, he saw that either one was seemingly ready to speak... but his aim was elsewhere than they thought.


"Sir?  Madam?  It occurs to me that there needs to be more of a group effort than a collection of single actions.  There fore, I would ask what each of your opinions are on each other; if we're going to be a group, we may as well lay our proverbial cards upon the table."


He turned to face the psychic pony first.


"Psych, I believe you possess a far greater deal of ability than you know, and you're afraid to push the line.  You have to exercise that mental muscle before it's needed in earnest."


He swiveled to meet the Ranger's gaze.


"Madam Crow, you are capable enough to keep things under control, but know that you can't always hold back - nor should you always try to."


Turning, he began to pace as he spoke.  They could see the 'scar' that ran across his belly now had a twin, and his true strength was once again obscured from view.  The stealth suit was hidden away elsewhere; he wore a simple peasant's shawl and a slightly-chewed dull straw hat.


"This being said, I expect that much in return from you both.  It will be important to know where we stand, as I plan to ask how your thoughts on asking Stardust and Aria if they should wish to join us.  They have done much towards helping us, and it would be only fair to ask these two mares if they wish to join our ranks."


Stopping, he swept a look over them that was both kind and encouraging; their honest opinions were what needed to be heard if they were going to work together.

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Stardust was still down in the secret room below the captains quarters picking up the few things that had fallen out of saddle bags and such. The hatch door was ajar just enough to hear the conversation happening right above her between Lilith, Psych, and Harcourt. She didn't mean to listen in, but it was kind of hard not to seeing as she was right below it. She didn't want to just pop up right in the middle, so she waited. 




It will be important to know where we stand, as I plan to ask how your thoughts on asking Stardust and Aria if they should wish to join us.  They have done much towards helping us, and it would be only fair to ask these two mares if they wish to join our ranks.


When Stardust heard Harcourt she started to beam with excitement. She wanted to burst up through the hatch and yell   "I ACCEPT!!!", though... she figured that might be a bit rude considering... 


She was anticipating what Lilith and Psych would say. She knew she was being a bit pushy back there when the fight broke out... but somepony had to help. As much as Aria was a leader, she is very defensive and she can be a bit hot headed in stressful times. heh, that's what makes her fun though. She smiled at the thought of Aria getting all red in the face, Stardust recalled a memory of the two. 


"Aria! Come quick! I made some dinner!!!"


"What.... you were out late and I knew you would be hungry...."

"This place is such a mess!! After I spent half of yesterday cleaning up your other mess!! Why can't you just leave the cooking to me!!? You burn half the food more often than not and ugh... just aaah!"
"....Ari... come on....*pouty face*... you know you want to smile....for me??? Pweeeease.... don't you WOVE me???.... I made your faaaaavorite! ... Ari... don't make me tickle you, you know I know your weak spot. *poke...poke*.

"STOP IT! I'm seriously mad!"

"Then I am going to hug you until you are not seriously mad!" *Grips tight*

"LET GO!... Star... let go..."


*Chuckle* "You are my weak spot... you know I could never stay mad at you. Dang it! Let's eat."


Lost in her memory she almost forgot what was happening up top. She continued to listen. 

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Hearing that Harcourt wanted their opinion on the two mares that had helped them so much recently, he turned to him, stating, "I think they should be welcomed into the group. Star was the only one who was really kind to us when we first arrived in the city, and once we met Aria, she exuded that same kindness. There is also the fact that having somepony who can navigate by the stars could be a great help to us, and, in my opinion, I think this group could benefit from a bit of music here and there to raise out spirits. That, and we've already gotten on their ship to take us to the griffin kingdom, so really, I believe that is plenty reason to ask them to join."

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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With a sigh, Lilith turned around and closed the door before talking. "Well... if you want brutal honestly, then, Harcourt, you will get it." With a soft smile, she walked away from the door. "Well, you're a natural leader, quite good at deception and at your... trade, but I feel that your stubbornness might get us into deep trouble one day from a refusal to back down... especially against... well... I'm not sure how much you want me to share about that." She glanced at him, and then Psych, before continuing.


"Psych, you are a kind soul in an age where kind souls are distinctly lacking, but I feel that if you are unable to develop a thicker skin and greater personal willpower, you'll become an easy target for anyone trying to take advantage of you. Humility is great, and one of the key virtues of this world, but eventually, you must take pride in your actions in some way... gives you something to hold onto."


"Aria, she's a calm, sweet young mare who has risked her life several times over to make this happen. Would she want to give up her happy ending to risk it saving even more? In addition to that, I feel like she is... soft-willed. Just by observing the interactions between Aria and Stardust, she caves in much, much more often than not. Eventually, she will just have to say no to something, especially if Sombra starts picking up on her soft spot..."


"And, finally... Stardust. Her skill at navigation is nice, but the hyperactivity will get us into quite a bit of trouble, I feel. It's nothing that will be fixed by a healthy dose of experience, but she feels like a heartbreaking scene waiting to happen- something someone will get attached to and then have their heart broken because of it. Other than that... I personally don't have a problem with them joining, as long as they understand that they'll effectively be giving up their happy ending for it."


"Speaking of surviving," Lilith said, "I have had an idea come to me recently... but the less times it is repeated, the better. I'd like to talk to all of you again once the Stardust and Aria decide to join us or not."

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"Th... Thank you." He blushed lightly. "I know that I may not be strong, but... I try, or at least I can and I will... I don't want to hold the group back, so I'll be stronger."


He turned his head twoards Lilith. "And as for you, you don't have to be strong, you just... Are. You've got strength, speed, intelligence, and it seems like you don't really fear anything. Being a ranger seems to kind of help that along, doesn't it?" He gave a small chuckle.


He then turned to face Harcourt. "And then there's you, Harcourt. We may have lost Trivy..." He sighed and shivered at the sounds that played over in his head when he remembered that day, but pushed the memory away. "But we still have direction, we still have you. You are just as good a leader as she was... I'm glad we still have you in the group to give us direction." He smiled.

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Both of them put me in charge... BOTH of them.  


"I do hope you both understand that I am trying to share the leadership responsibilities; we should each be capable enough on our own to do wonders if need be, and your opinions matter to me.  I never wanted to be in charge in the first place - I just did what had to be done, and others just kept following my lead.  Triv-"


He shut his eyes a moment, then took a slow, deep breath.  


"Trivy hadn't been in charge of her own group when we found her; she was on the outskirts, following the group we came across.  She was lost, in her own way... and she followed me.  Back to the group.  Into training.  Along the path that we..."


There was a moment when a wave of hurt rolled across the shores of his being... then, with a sigh, his eyelids parted.  Emerald green shards were the mirror of seriousness, reflecting back the images of the psychic and the ranger.


"We need to work together, not stand apart.  You both have things that need to be worked on; I have a laundry list, myself.  THAT is one reason why we should try to work in sync with each other - to cover each others' soft spots.  That's how I was taught, anyhow."


Thank you, Gully Fluff, wherever you are.


"We'll need to gather the other two, then... Stardust seems quite eager to help; Aria, I'm not certain... but there's no malice for us there, I'm sure of that much.  And thank you both, dear friends... your insight makes the path more clear, and Luna knows we need some obstacles out of our way, eh?"

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After she heard the words spoken from the ponies she knew it was time to come up and address them. 


*knock, knock, knock* came from the floor. She heard the ponies shuffle around wondering where the sound was coming from. She slowly opened the hatch and and popped her head up. 


"Hope I'm not interrupting, I did hear everything, but I didn't want to just pop up in the middle of everything. But you don't have to say everything over again." She stepped out of the hatch and closed it behind her. 


"First, I want to thank you Harcourt for even considering us to join your group. That is an honor I truly didn't expect to have. I figured I would just give you my maps and Aria and I would just sail off." She gave a small bow in his direction. 


"Second, Lilith, I understand your worry. But please understand me, I will not cause heartbreak. I have experienced so much of it already that trying to help others feel hope, feel happiness, feel... something helps me to not forget my past, but to build upon it and be a stronger pony for it. I am stronger than you know, I have been through more than you know, but that is my past, and my burden to carry. I can tell you this...I will not let this group down, I swear by Luna." She gave a strong, confident nod to Lilith.


"Third, Psych, you are brave, you are wise for your years. When I see you with Wing you have so much to live for, so much strength, you would do anything for that little filly and all you need to do is harness that energy. Harness that will to live, to survive, to be great." She stepped toward Psych and mussed up his mane a bit. She whispered, "You are brave."


She made her way to the door, "Well, if you want to have this meeting with us all, might want to come out of this dark room and speak to us as a group." She gave a wink and walked out of the captains quarters. 

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The ground shook, the boat moved from side to side as a big creaking noise went through the wooden planks. The ship came to an abrupt stop. ''We're here!" Winter yelled from above decks. She closed the sails and lowered the anchor. She grabbed a large plank, laying it down on the side of the ship so they could make their way off the ship and onto the bay.


Winter take a long deep breath as she looked at her hometown with a smile. "we're here.'' she mumbled to herself happy.



@@Pripyat Pony,


*Trivy, you have to get yourself to the dungeon prison*


''Dark magic?'' Trivy shivered


*Trivy, are you even listing to me?'*


''I would rather rot in agony in the dungeons below than to serve as your lab rat.'' She hissed towards the mage with anger.


*That's my girl*


''Just throw me before your king already and get this over with.'' She scold as she gave up on attempting to free herself from her chains and threw her hoofs down on the ground.

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@@Pucksterv, Jinx sighed as she used her magic to haul Trivy up from the floor. "I said that that was how I would explain you being here to the King," she said to the other unicorn. "Not that that was what I planned to do with you. In fact, I don't plan to do anything of the sort. Unofficially, you can keep Jay company. She is reasonably fine where she is; she could go free, but chooses not to while her magic is still unfocused. Still, you can think what you like. I won't take that away from you."


Jinx took Trivy to her apartments, which had a section attached to it where Jinx planned to keep Trivy. The section was heavily enforced with spells, and no magic user would be able to break free from it without Jinx allowing it. Jinx could not explain, even to herself, why she was so against the idea of killing this rebel, when she had killed others without scarcely a qualm.

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Solid ground.  Terra firma.  Something that had the common courtesy to stand still while you tried to walk on it; not at all like the finicky roll of the ocean.  Each one of the refugees got at least a touch of wobbliness upon leaving the ship, with those that had never been on a boat before snagging the worst of it.  Only one of them actually lost their cupcakes, and they did so quietly off to the side.


To the passing pony eye, there was nothing remarkable about where they landed; trees, sand, rocks... you know the drill.  Something one might glance across at any time, for the most part.  But, to a group that had lived in the color-drained lands of a ruined culture, it was a vibrant paradise of life: the twitters and squawks around them, the darts of red and blue above, the smattered carpets of wildflowers below... each a veritable sonata of lively beauty; together, it was a symphony for the soul - and the small gathering of survivors took a moment, to a pony, to appreciate the moment.


Harcourt made his way back to the group discretely; he'd cleaned up his mess, and had managed to gather a semblance of balance good enough to walk with.  Upon arriving, even he took a second glance; he wished Trivy had been here to see it too.


With a curt sigh, he went directly into checking over each pony and taking passing note of where Star was - and, upon locating her, Aria as well.  The discussion ahead already seemed to be destined to go well... barring any unforseen issues, of course.  Everything looked like it was a new dawn of hope.


Which worried Harcourt most of all.

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As the ship came to such an abrupt stop, Psych lurched forward, catching himself with the desk he was next to. After waiting for the ship to stop, he stood properly, shakily walking himself off to the plank and off the ship to solid land. He sat, thankful that they were off the ship and could finally stretch their legs and wings and not be stuck with cabin fever anymore.

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Winter took another deep breath, closing her eyes in piece. Finally home ''Alright, everypony gather around. I want to discuss what we'll do first. We can either start looking for the element, Rarity told me one of you knows were the next one is. Or we could drop by my aunt first where we can get some good rest and food so we'll be stronger when we go searching. Plus, she might know some usual stuff about this place.'' The griffon said with an eager smile towards the ponies.



@@Pripyat Pony,


''Why are you being so nice to me? What have I done to deserve your pity?'' Trivy said as she looked around the place. ''And who's this Jay you speak of?''  The unicorn mare said with a little confusion. She looked around some more, taking in her environment, also searching for a possible way of escape.

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Psych took a step forward. "Um, I think we should take a rest... Being on the ship was tiring, I think we would all be in agreement that it would be best to take a few days rest... Of course, I might be wrong..." He kept his head down, not knowing if Winter was still angry or not, and didn't want to anger her further. "I guess I shouldn't speak for everypony else..."

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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@@Pucksterv, Jinx smiled, somewhat sadly, not like her normal sarcastic grin. "To tell you the truth," she replied, "I don't really know. All I know is that it sickens me to even think about hurting you. I feel as tho I'd fight for you, and protect you... I would say, to my dying breath, but I won't die. As for Jay, she's the pony who hosted my essence when I lost my body. I was casting a dark magic spell to achieve immortality and I succeeded to a point. I managed the spell, but my old body was destroyed. So I possessed Jay, sharing her body til she was old enough to perform the spell that would recreate my body. I think of her now like a little sister; she thought that I would kill her after, but I couldn't do it. Just as I couldn't kill you, but in a different way."


A small unicorn mare with purple fur, a black muzzle and a mint and black mane and tail lay asleep on a bed at one end of the room. The bed was a queen size, with more than enough room for another pony, what with the size of the bed and the mare's short stature. A blanket incompletely covered her, one flank exposed. Unusually for a pony of her age, the unicorn mare had no cutie mark.

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"Winter, your idea is sound.  Plus, I'm certain you have a want to see your relatives; it would be simply rude to keep you from doing so after what you've done for us.  If there's no other suggestions..?"


He looked over the group and nodded.


"Very well - give us long enough to gather our things, then we can be off to see where you lead us to.  And thank you for all you've done; we'd not have made it without you, as I'm sure you no doubt know."


He made his way around, seeing that everypony was taken care of before beginning his search for Stardust and her friend Aria.  If those two knew where the search would take the lot of them next, then that was where he needed to ask for insight.

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