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private Sombra's Shadow


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@@Pucksterv, Jay broke into a big smile as Trivy spoke. "You're right," she said. "I can't think about my blank flank any more, I have to think about finding my destiny here as Princess Twilight said I would. Anyway, I'm very lucky as it is. I've escaped from the Crystal Empire, and I've found a good friend."


She walked besides Trivy, just enjoying the surrounding scenery and the fresh air all around them. There were birds flying overhead, and rustlings in the trees of squirrels. Butterflies flapped past the two ponies as they walked.

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@@Pripyat Pony


(Hope you're okay with a small time skip)


Trivy's eyes followed two of the birds flying above them who settled themselves down on a small tree branch. They were chirping to each other, such a peaceful sound. She smiled again, she hadn't smiled like this in a long time that it actually started to hurt her cheeks her little. Just happy because of these small but beautiful things  The chirping continued, followed by the red unicorn joyfully whistling along. It was strange really, feeling so cheerful and relaxed. Especially since there was still that awful feeling in the back of her mind. The feeling of missing Harcourt. The feeling of danger being everywhere. The feeling of hunger and exhaustion. It was such a conflict in her mind yet for some reason the feeling of the sun shining on her face, the peaceful surroundings were enough for now to keep those thoughts far away. 


After a while, maybe an hour though it was hard to tell anymore, as they were passing a field of juicy grass, Trivy's stomach started to growl. She hadn't eaten any grass in such a long time. Most of it was burned completely by Sombra's forces. Though grass was never really her favorite meal of the day either. Still, after such a long time without anything, it seemed so delicious now, just standing. She nudged Jay's shoulder and pointed at her growling belly and then the tempting green field. She let out a cheery neigh as she quickly trotted into the green. After only 2 minutes, she returned with a goofy smile, grass between her teeth while pretending she didn't know. Hoping it would make Jay laugh.


Although the fun was over in a flash, literally when dark clouds took over the sky filled with sunlight and a bright bolt of lighting shot itself into the ground, followed by buckets of rain pouring down on already weakened mares. Though Trivy was still capable of casting a small shield protecting them from the rain as they quickly ran to a nearby cave for shelter. She dried her wet mane by shaking around her head.


''Well... That was unexpected.'' She said as she tried to dry her wet mane by shaking her head. She then looked pasted her shoulder, noticing the cave running a lot deeper that she had expected. ''Wow... that is a darn deep cave.''

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@@-Octavia-, @@Stardust*, @@Count Paradox,


Lilith sighed as she looked on in the dark forest, seeing the others attempt to sleep. Despite Stardust's notation, she had no initial intention of letting the others keep watch until a few hours before dawn- she barely slept at all, and would get the few hours she required about halfway through the last shift. Besides, they needed their rest anyways.


She kept her ears open, her eyes peeled. Mounted in a tree, she relaxed against the clouds that Stardust had gathered for her, watching and waiting the moon progress across the stars. Listening to the breathing, she realized that a certain pony wasn't asleep. Closing her eyes for a moment, she sighed before speaking. "If you are anticipating watch, don't worry; I intend on doing more than my fair share. Try to relax the best you can."

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"How noble of you."


Rolling onto her side, Aria glanced about the tree line for some sign of the Ranger, but the prowess of the latter left her impressed. Instead she continually traced a circle in the dirt before her as she spoke to the air, "Fortunately, you have a musician at your disposal to help keep watch. And I am relaxed. That's why I'm talking. Well, technically I'm talking because you said something first, but you know what I mean.


So where should I look?"

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Lilith paused for a second, considering her position. "To your left about ten feet, up about fifteen feet, in the branches of the pine tree with the twisted boughs." She stuck a hoof out of the shadow of the canopy into the light of the moon, revealing her position for a split second to Aria, before withdrawing it into the pitch black shadow once again. "Forgive me for my curiosity. I just thought that after the day's hike, you would be willing to sleep well, as Psych and Stardust are."


She paused for a second before glancing at Stardust, sleeping peacefully on her cloud. "Speaking of forgiveness of curiosity... how did you meet Stardust? You two seem completely different from each other, but somehow you're the best of friends. How did you two get together?"

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@@Pucksterv, The rain was so unexpected that Jay had been glad enough to run to shelter, thankful for the small meal that she and Trivy had been able to snatch before the rain came. She shook her mane in an attempt to dry it, a small shower of tiny droplets patterning the stone floor as she did so. The cave seemed very deep and dark, but what did that compare when Jay thought of what she and Trivy had escaped from?


"Maybe we could explore it?" she suggested to her friend, privately surprised at her own daring. "Just for something to do until the rain stops. We can't exactly travel while it's raining buckets; not only would it be very unpleasant, but the rain pouring down like that makes it very hard to see where we're going and there's more chance of us getting lost and going in circles."

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@@Pripyat Pony,


''Yeah I guess it would be a bit difficult.'' Trivy said as another light bolt shot down into the ground, making it shake entirely underneath her hoofs. ''And thunder isn't really my favourite thing either.'' She said, still shaking a little from the loud rumbling. She lite up her horn in a flash, creating a small light, just enough to see inside the cave. 


''Let's go exploring then!'' she said, trying to sound excited but it you could hear the doubting in her voice. I am not sure what we will find here...just a cave that seems to have an endless darkness. 

Winter was dragging herself and her paws behind Summer, exhausted both physically and emotionally, when it started to rain.
''Lets keep walking, we are almost there.'' Night insisted as she flew down to walk with the others.
Winter sighed, she didn't look up at Night dream nor at the rain and just kept walking, looking at the paw prints she was leaving in the muddy ground. A bolt of lightning came crashing down, not too far from them.  

"HURRY!!!" stardust yelled against the loud storm as she was flapping her wings, trying to her friends aboard.
"Trivy, I-I can't...!" Psych tried to get a better grip but his hoof slipped out of hers before her heard the sound of her splashing into the water.  "TRIIIIIVYYYYY!" He screamed as he felt the others pull him on board. 
Countless waves came crashing towards the mare's face, every time she tried to come up air. Winter watched as the gigantic fireball came closer to the water. She couldn't look away, the gigantic fiery rocks splashed into the water on top of were the red unicorn had been swimming. The rock sunk into the gloomy depth of the water. And it appeared Trivy's lifeless body had as well.
Winter was in shock as a tear rolled from her eye, still looking at the empty spot in the sea. She had never seen anyone die before. Another lightning bolt stuck.

She blinked and suddenly she was back in her own time, the worried eyes of a stallion looking at her.
''Hey, are you okay?''
''hmm what? oh.. uh yes I am fine.'' Winter said, a little fazed out.
''Come on, it's not too far.''
Winter looked over her shoulder, back at Harcourt, her eyes filled with sadness before she tried to shake it off and dragged herself behind Summer again. Edited by Pucksterv
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@@Pucksterv, "I hate thunder and lightning, too," Jay replied, jumping nervously as the thunder crashed down. She too lit her horn, feeling that the double light would be useful if the two of them were to explore the cave.


"We don't have to go very far in," she added. "After all, this is just something to do til the storm is over. Then we can carry on with our journey."


She thought again of Twilight's words, and wondered what her destiny would be, and how she would discover it. It was too bad to be a blank flank at her age, she thought sadly. If only she could discover her special talent along the way as the princess had said that she would.

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@@Pripyat Pony,
Trivy's and Jay's hoofsteps echoed against the walls of the cave as the sound of rain and thunder was slowly disappearing as a background noise the further they walked in to the cave.
''I have a question.'' she said as she accidentally shined the light of her horn in Jay's face when she turned to her. She quickly looked forward again. ''Do you have any idea about what your cutie mark may be? I mean I can imagine you have thought it about it a lot of course, it's just... is there anything in specific you are good at?''

The thunder started to clear away a bit but the rain was still falling down heavily. By this time, Winter's coat was completely soaked and only weighing her down. To make things worse, they were walking up hill now that they were almost there. The griffon sighed, looking up at the sky, at least the darker clouds from before were clearing up and a little bit of sunlight came through.
She started to walk a bit slower and eventually stopped until Harcourt was walking near her. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to decide on what to say.
''I... I am sorry about... last night.'' she said, finally.
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He knew he was sick.


He'd felt it in his bones before the sun had gotten too high; he hadn't slept that night, and had been pulling the cart since they had broken camp.  He had said not a word the entire time; the clatter and rock of the cart had been the only sign he was even there.


When Winter approached him, he saw it in his peripheral vision.  He didn't look up, but it was because the stallion had felt ashamed of his behavior the previous night.  Winter had saved the lives of the entire group, including his own, when they had left Baltimare, and again at the Griffon Border.  She had been nothing but a help - and Harcourt had screamed like a lunatic.


Granted, he had certainly FELT crazy last night... and with everything that had happened to him, would anypony - or any being, for that matter - really blame him for losing his mind?  But he knew that they would never stand to hear his whole story... or they would simply not understand it.  That had left him feeling lonelier than ever, but there was nothing to do about it.


He half-expected a sharp comment or witty insult, as tended to be Griffon nature... and he would not have been surprised.  But what she DID say certainly took him fully by surprise.


''I... I am sorry about... last night.''


Slowly, he turned his head to look at her.  He kept an even pace, and did his utmost best to hide his true condition from her.  When he spoke, it was only Winter's keen hearing, one of the hallmarks of being a Griffon, that allowed her to make out what he muttered to her under his breath.


"No need; I... I owe YOU an apology.  And I am truly sorry you had to see me at my most foalish moment like that.  Life hurts so much; I am ashamed to have caused such for you, too."


He pointedly looked up at the two ahead of them for only a moment, then looked back down again.


"I believe... I have embarrassed myself enough for now; again, I am so very sorry for my behavior.  Hopefully, you will be far safer at this hideout than with me; I promised Psych I'd see you safe.  Being around me may no longer BE safe, Winter... I must already seem a monster to you, and I do not wish to make it any worse."


He turned to face the road again, hauling the cart along behind him.


"Thank you, Winter - you are a true friend; I wish I could be such in return."


He could feel the heat building up inside him.  It would be a fever, perhaps a bad one.  As bad as the one that almost killed him?  He had no way of knowing; he did know that if they didn't make it to their destination before it got too bad to hide, he would feel absolutely miserable if somepony else had to pull the cart with him in it.  


He'd cry himself to death if that happened.


So he determined at that very moment that no matter what, the damnable cart would make it to wherever they were being led to by HIS hooves, and HIS hooves alone.  He wasn't about to make anypony else lug the horrible thing even a single inch.


Nodding, he again intoned in a mutter, "Thank you, Winter.  Please forgive me."





The stallion ahead of him froze; he didn't hear a sound from the mare behind him.


"... oops."


The look that Sword Brandish shot over his flank at him was crippling; he mouthed words, carefully enunciating each one so it was as understood as possible.


I told you to watch your hoofsteps!


Chase Fortune gave the Cloudsdale veteran a sheepish grin and an uncertain shrug - he knew he'd messed up, but a baked muffin can't be UN-baked, can it?


The group as a whole had talked about it at great length after some of them ended up sharing what they overheard of Stardust's plans, and they all had agreed that SOMETHING had to be done... but while the rest of them had been bickering over what to do and who to send to do it, Chase had slipped off to go follow the heroes before they got too far away from the village.


On his way out, however, he'd encountered Sword - doing the exact same thing HE had been doing, but like, a HUNDRED times better (as Chase had thought it).  Though the old timer had originally been adamantly against teenaged Chase going off to follow Stardust, Aria, Lilith and Psych into whatever peril they were headed... but when Chase had pointed out how hypocritical it would be to send him back while Sword went on alone, the stallion had caved, and they decided to work together to follow the little pack as best as they could.


They had been about a mile outside of town when Brandish had discovered Kitchen Sink following them.


They both told her to go home, but she just stared at them, then started walking right along with them again when they moved.  Sword had almost turned back right there, but Chase had pointed out how they would lose the trail if they took the seemingly addled Sink all the way back to town.  The old pegasus had ruffled his wings... but grudgingly complied.


Now, here they were - the three of them, with no EXACT idea of where their quarry was, but knowing they were here SOMEwhere.  Sword had impressed upon Chase how important it was to be as quiet as equinely possible; specifically, he pointed out the there was a bonafide RANGER with them, and everyone knew Rangers were so well-trained they could hear a mouse fart from 500 yards away.


Sword, for an old fella, had moves Chase hadn't thought possible; the stallion was far more spry than he'd let on.  Sink hadn't made a sound since they'd discovered her, except for a yawn once, and a sigh when they had told her to go home.


Chase had snapped a small, insignificant twig just a hair over the normal level of sound for a single moment; something that could easily be explained as 'general forest noise' to most ponies, and wouldn't be noticed... or so Chase hoped.


Sword silently sighed, then motioned for them to continue.  Chase began with careful hoofsteps, watching like a hawk for any sign of any more twigs.  Sink waited for a moment, then simply continued slowly meandering along behind them, each step landing quietly.




@Count Paradox





Psych heard it first.




@Stardust* - - @-Octavia-




It was a small noise, but precisely tuned ears - whether focused from training, survival or art - would pick it up as if it were right next to them.


Was it an ambush?

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@@Randimaxis, @Stardust*, @Count Paradox, @-Octavia-,


The *SNAP* was all Lilith needed to hear.


She immediately started and looked up, a hoof stuck out signalling absolute silence. She gave Aria a look that stated clearly get the others up now before closing her eyes and focusing for a moment, one of her gauntlets opening into claws while the other hoof reached for her bow. Her ears picking up where the sound was coming from, she withdrew into the shadows of the tree and immediately scaled it, looking for motion from her perch above the tree. While the darkness obscured it, she could tell based on the sound they were not far off. They would be here within minutes.


Carefully, she made her way through the trees towards the mystery ponies position almost painfully slowly, watching and waiting for movement with her bow at the ready...


((Thank you thank you THANK YOU for causing something to happen Randi. :D))

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Sink looked up, blinked once, then smiled a bit... but said nothing.


Sword continued to make his way along quietly... but the hackles on the back of his silvered, crew-cut mane were standing up; from years of guard duty and training, he knew he had to listen to his instincts.  They were being WATCHED.


He sincerely hoped it was the Ranger - there were FAR too many things out there that he didn't want it to be.


Chase strolled along through the faded dirt on the side of the path - no more sticks here!  He tried to keep a close eye on Sword, as he knew he might be able to pick up a trick or two from the grizzled old veteran.


Young mister Fortune prided himself yet again on the idea he'd had to grab a couple of cloaks on their way out.  Sink had already had one on when they found her, so there were no worries there.  With her on his mind, he took a moment to glance back at her.


Though the mare was actually fairly pretty, there was 'nobody home upstairs', as his friend Reed had put it.  A damn shame; she looks like she'd be pretty cuddly, Chase thought to himself.  He shrugged and kept going.





There were ponies; three of them - two stallions, one mare.  No way to see their faces, as the cloaks they wore obscured them all too much for Lilith to make out if they were Darkmane guards or not.


They were moving along stealthily, obviously trying not to be heard.  


The one in the front seemed like the biggest threat; the size of his barrel and his carefully controlled movements spoke yards about the potential skill there.


The one in the middle seemed lost in thought - VERY careless... but there was no way to tell if he could back up that carelessness with ability.  Either he was a brilliant misdirector, or an idiot.


The third one moved without a sound.  Disconcerting, to say the least... but of all three, the last one was the one that looked the most physically able.


It would be Lilith's call on how to handle this situation: these three just happened to be right here, not far from the campsite, and they seemed to be searching for something... or someONE...

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Psych had heard the snap as soon as it sounded off, and his head snapped up, his ears going every direction to pinpoint what it was. Spreading out his sight, he saw one of their group sneaking off to inspect what the noise was. Not wanting them to get in any danger, he quickly tried to get their attention. He was unable to get their attention, as they were too far away to see his movements, but the way that they moved told him it was Lilith, and realised he shouldnt have been so against her going off alone. Still, he would rather her not get hurt, so he did the next best think, and attempted a telepathic connection to the mare to get her attention. "Lilith, wait! I might actually be able to help you here. Let me go with you,my sight witt catch any ponies in the darkness about as well as your sight, even if they're hiding. It could give us an advantage."


@Randimaxis @-Octavia- @Stardust*

Edited by Count Paradox
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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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@@Count Paradox,@@Randimaxis, @, @@-Octavia-,


A gentle breeze was beginning to blow as the evening sky began to fill with darkness. The nights would range in temperature as it does so often in the Griffon Kingdom. The breeze carried fallen leaves and wisps of dried grass through the air. 




A stray leaf seemed to jump in the air and viciously attack Stardust in a manner most unpleasant. It was attacking the inside of her ear! Too tired to wake up, she shook her head until that little bugger decided it was time to move on. She then wiggled her body into her cloud so deep that all that you could see were her hooves sticking out of the top. Soon after, a thunderous sound was emitting from the cloud. Stardust was famously known for her overly loud snoring when sleeping in clouds. She couldn't help it. 

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@@Count Paradox, @@Randimaxis, @@Stardust*,


Three of them. If they were a threat, she could pick them off in the cliffs ahead. Stardust could run harassment maneuvers, while Aria provided a distraction with her music followed by whatever skill in combat she had- a risky thing to count on, not knowing her combat skills- while Psych could provide magical support. Just as she thought about Psych, she felt something slip into her mind. Withdrawing herself into the tree's shade, she clenched to the trunk and prepared her mental defenses, before she felt a voice say-




"Lilith, wait! I might actually be able to help you here. Let me go with you,my sight witt catch any ponies in the darkness about as well as your sight, even if they're hiding. It could give us an advantage."


She paused for a moment before mentally seizing the line that he threw at her- a mental can telephone, if you would.


I've already got eyes on them. Approaching towards the canyon, three of them. I'm about to try some subtle manipulations so see if I can get them to reveal their intentions- they're not acting like Darkmane Guards, but that just might be misleading. I need you, Psych, to get up onto the highest ground you can, get down as low as you can, and keep an eye on their movements in relation to the site. I would gladly let you come over here, but I'm already in a good position, and they are acting professional- I don't want to risk you getting caught out and captured or killed by some lost- or, even worse yet, actively hunting- soldiers. Make sure the other two are up and moving, too- we might be making a very hasty retreat if they react poorly.


She quietly crept back forwards and watched their movements closely. You could see that the pony in the front was a grizzled professional- his body posture and slow movement not quite disguised by the fact that he was slightly out of shape. A drill sergeant, perhaps. Either way, his posture stated that he knew something was amiss- he could sense her presence somehow. He was probably the biggest problem, and would possibly be the first target when things began firing.


Second, the pony in the middle. She was quiet and floaty- all of the signs of a professional daydreamer. An idealistic newcomer? Maybe a hostage to be used to threaten them into submission. Perhaps someone attempting to appear weak and helpless. Maybe she was a mage- several magic users were a little out there, after all. But no matter what the situation, if she posed a threat, she would be put down, and if they used her as a threat against them... well, Lilith certainly wasn't going to lay down and die for these ponies because of a captive.


Finally, the third pony. Skillful, yet well built, meant that he was-


Wait a second.


The pony in the middle had looked up at the trees to her exact location. She could'nt see her eyes from under the cloak, but she could see her smile- a soft smile that Lilith was almost sure was for her. The one in front looked back with some suspicion at the one in the middle- a slightly more troubling concern. Had she been spotted?


Psych, if you can still hear me, attempt to contact the second pony of the three that are on approach. I have reason to believe she has spotted me, but I am unable to determine what this means. Either way, she's keeping quiet about it. Be careful...


And then the Stardust's thunderous snore hit her ears like a drumbeat, and she winced, quietly drawing her bow with an arrow nocked onto it. So much for deception, she thought vehemently, as she prepared to loose the arrow into the back of the first pony should their intentions reveal themselves.

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''Being around me may no longer BE safe, Winter... I must already seem a monster to you, and I do not wish to make it any worse."
''It's safer around you than it is around them.'' Winter said softly as she gestured with her head to the twins walking a few feet in front of them. ''I know it may not make sense to you but I do trust you, despite your actions yesterday, you are no monster to me. I have no idea who those two are.''
The griffon sighed, looked up at the sky clearing up though the cold that the rain had brought with itself remained.

 "Thank you, Winter.  Please forgive me."
''If your generosity has taught me anything, then it's never too late to forgive. You, me, we both have been through hell. You more than me in fact. I had no close relations to your dear and brave friend and I still haven't forgiven myself from what has happened. But I can imagine it must have and still feels a hundred times worse for you.''


''I am not trying to remind you of it, I am sorry if it does. I just wanted to say, that despite that, despite everything you have been through, you are still here. There is something inside you, a strength that tells you to keep going. I have no idea what it is but if you hold on to that, I can promise it will get better.''


They were now halfway up the mountain, it wasn't long before they would reach the top.

Edited by Pucksterv
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That's what I'm afraid of, Winter dear... the thing I believe I'm holding onto is REVENGE... and revenge has a history of destroying those who grasp it like a vice.  


What he said was, "I'm... trying.  I'm not certain as to why... but I still am.  Thank you for seeing that."


He could feel the fever already starting in on him - he was sopping wet, bone-chillingly cold, and sick as a dog... but he was still set and determined he would NOT be a burden to Winter... to ANY of them... and that the damned cart would reach the camp by his means alone.


He fought down a sneeze, and took shallower breaths to keep from coughing... and simply continued walking, his face turned to the ground as he continued following the other two to... wherever they were headed; at this point, Harcourt was having trouble recalling that fact exactly...


He turned a single eye to Winter, gazing at her through a part in the wall of wet mane that mostly hid his muzzle from view.


"Hopefully, we'll find out what all this is about when we get to where we're headed to... we'll work out what to do there."


... which I have already worked out; if I deem that this group truly IS a means of salvation, then I plan to LEAVE YOU WITH THEM - because I knew that sound...


... that sound in Baltimare...


... those explosions...


... I grew up HEARING those explosions...


... I know them like the back of my hoof...


... that wasn't just dynamite...


... that was QUARRY dynamite.




Rave Darkmane murdered my family, and Sombra stole my home... and now, they have used my Father's dynamite to DESTROY BALTIMARE... and Sweet Rarity... and my precious Trivia...


He sighed softly, choking back another cough - and ignoring the fire in his head and lungs that was slowly but steadily gaining momentum.


If these ponies truly are the light of Harmony, as they say, then I'll leave you with them while I go to what used to be my family's homestead... and STOP them from EVER using ANYTHING ELSE from there to cause ANY more pain... or die trying.


The fever boiling higher inside him said that if THAT was his plan, he'd better hurry.


@-Octavia- - @Stardust* - @Count Paradox



Chase found himself somewhat hypnotized by Sink's smooth gait and swinging flank - addled or not, she was quite a stunner.  


Maybe it wouldn't matter if we were together, he thought, there are so few of us now that ANY hooking up would be something to celebrate!  After all, another foal is still anoth-


This was the moment when Stardust's obnoxiously loud snore fired upon their eardrums.


"SWEET CELESTIA'S FLANK!!!!!"  Chase yelped, and took off like a shot - an entire four feet, as he soundly slammed into Sword's backside.  


Sword Brandish let out a roar of surprise, and took off straight up with Chase holding onto his rear leg for dear life.  Sword shot through the branches, headed directly for Lilith's position until the tree smacked a thick branch fully across his face.  With a grunt, he then began to return in the direction he came from.


Chase, in the meantime, had let Sword's leg slip from his grip when he crashed, and flew upward for a few more feet.  Coming face to face with Lilith herself, he had enough time to say, "HELP!" before an errant young branch caught his cowl, bent with his momentum, then slung him back at the ground.  He barreled straight down, and covered his eyes as he was about to land...


... on Sword Brandish.  When Chase hit, the old stallion let out a loud "WHOOF!" and collapsed.  Chase moaned and held his head, his eyes spinning with dizziness from the impact.


Sink, during the entire fiasco, simply stood there watching.  When it finally ended, she smiled and clapped her front hooves together in appreciation of her friends' antics.  Once done clapping, she turned to look at Lilith's spot, and pulled back her hood to reveal herself.


She was still grinning.

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@Randimaxis @Stardust* @-Octavia-


Psych understood what he had to do, and quickly searched for an optimal place to view everything. Finding a nearby small hill, he quietly scaled it, crawling forward and only going as far as his sight needed him to. Getting ready to spread his sight, he was interrupted, frighteningly, by something that sounded like a buzzsaw. It made him jump back, only barely catching himself before he would have rolled down the hill. He was getting in position again, when he heard another fiasco happening down below. Quickly, he spread his sight, and watched as the rather humorous events unfolded. Surely, guards sent to fetch them wouldn't act this way by a simple startling noise? Still, he had one last objective, and searched for the pony Lilith told him bout. Taking a bit to find her, as everyone had scrambled around, his psychic sights finally locked onto her, and, very tentatively, he telepathically contacted the pony, calling out to her mind, saying, "E-excuse me, but what is it that you're here for? What is your reasoning for following?"

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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"E-excuse me, but what is it that you're here for? What is your reasoning for following?"


 Sink wrinkled her muzzle; something was buzzing inside her head, and it took her a moment before she recognized the voice.  Once she did, she gave a tiny sigh of relief - and began communicating back.  Expressing oneself to another can be done in a variety of ways; up until recently, Psych had only known about the form of mental 'talking' he had done so far... but there was SO much more to communication, as the blind stallion was about to discover.


In answer to his question, there were no words - instead, what came through first was a melange of concepts, loose forms and mixed emotions.  Eventually, this evened out into a soothing, gentle flow from the mare, like the sensation of a soft summer breeze rolling through one's mane.  There was not a hint of fear, aggression or hostility in her towards Psych and company; in fact, there was the distinct feeling that there was a bond of common survival and bonhomie felt towards the psychic stallion himself... and a touch of admiration for his resiliency and optimism.


To Psych's mind, a vision of the small campsite came into focus - the one where Harcourt told the tale of the Fall of Harmony - and there, he could feel himself gently led toward the side of the group, where Psych saw some of the children sitting... and there, behind them, was a vacuous-looking, distantly-gazing, lovely young mare who Psych had seen with their group a number of times since he'd joined.  Always quiet.  Always looking.  Always a bit lost-looking.


Psych got the message without a single "spoken" word:  It was Kitchen Sink.


In that moment, his mental view zoomed in on the elderly pegasi couple, particularly the gruff old stallion who had a folded wing over his mate's own as they stood together, leaning on each other for support and comfort.  


That larger pony below - it was Sword Brandish, the former Cloudsdale Guard.


One more time, Psych's psychic eye was brought to bear on the group, this time next to Harcourt's rickety wooden cart.  Seated on their flanks in the grass, three teenaged ponies watched the fire quietly, reflective thoughts in the heat of a fire Psych could actually feel... and focused on the handsome, yet inexperienced and well-intended young stallion in the middle, Chase Fortune.  Psych recalled overhearing that his parents had been HUGE Daring Do fanatics, and had named their foal in tribute... but now those books were so much ash and smoke, burned along with anything else Sombra's forces found that might hold even the smallest drop of resistance in their pages.


Psych had never experienced communication on such a level before... was THIS what Harcourt had been talking about when he mentioned his Element had... changed him somehow?  If that was the case, then Psych now understood why poor 'Cort had been so stupefied by bringing half the damn forest back to the griffon cottage.  It wasn't because the old stallion had brought back all that wood...


... it had been because old nag Harcourt could have brought back THE ENTIRE FOREST; the only thing that had held him back was the weight capacity of the sled - he could have hauled ten times that amount!  


And now, Psych was experiencing with his MENTAL muscle what 'Cort had experienced with his PHYSICAL ones - his strengths weren't just heightened; they were supernaturally overcharged by the power of the Element he now bore, for better or for worse.


He knew exactly: The three ponies in cloaks were Sword Brandish, Chase Fortune and Kitchen Sink; they followed the group in an effort to help out because all three feel that they should contribute more to the cause; Sword Brandish has six children, only two of which he hasn't seen die in front of his face; Chase Fortune is incredibly insecure and actually misses the sight of his muzzle in an unbroken mirror; Kitchen Sink is a kind soul, and believes that everything happens for a reason - even the bad things in life; Chase has a crush on Sink... but he also has one on several other mares in the group, a few they passed in Baltimare, one or two of the griffons back in the village, as well as Lilith, Stardust AND Aria; Sword is hoping he never has to tell his wife about the steady pain that has been growing in his left flank for the past four months now, as he's embarrassed to let the love of his life know that he's been losing control of his bowels lately; Kitchen Sink is, surprisingly enou-


With a hard twitch, the link between himself and Sink dropped; it had been flooding out more and more information from not only Sink's head, but apparently he'd been unconsciously using her as a node to connect to Sword's AND Chase's minds at the same time!  It was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before... and the realization was a BIG one.


Psych now had power... power he could actually use to FIGHT with; NOW he could show them what 'mind over matter' could REALLY do.

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@@Pucksterv, Jay considered Trivy's question as the two of them walked further inside the cave, the light from their horns showing the way. At last, she answered, "I have thought about it a great deal, and I always hoped that my special talent would be something I could use to help other ponies. I always thought that I was best at healing and helping spells, altho Jinx didn't let me use those kinds of spells very often. I much prefered those spells to hurting others."


The light from Jay's horn struck the surrounding walls, causing something in them to glitter with fragmented light.

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Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,
''Healing magic ey? I know for a fact that healing magic is one of the more difficult forms of magic and for one to be good at it, you must be really skilled. Besides that, it is one of the lightest forms of magic. I've never been able to use my healing magic properly for some reason. You are very lucky with such an uncommon skill.'' Trivy said smiling.

The light from Jay's horn struck the surrounding walls, causing something in them to glitter with fragmented light.

''Hold on a second, stand still.'' she said suddenly. ''Shine that light there again.''
She took a few steps closer to the rocky wall and traced her hoof over it.
''What in the name? Jay, come look at this...''


The rough grey surface was filled with red markings and ancient lettering everywhere. It was like it was telling a story but it was hard to tell since half of it was faded. There was only one part Trivy could make out. Somewhere in the middle stood six creatures standing around by a gigantic tree. Above that were markings of six stones, all giving of some sort of light. 


''It seems this isn't just a random cave after all.''

Edited by Pucksterv
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It took a few moments for Psych to fully realize the extent of what exactly was going on, but suddenly, it occurred to him; his abilities had been sharpened, honed to a degree that he had never even imagined to be possible when he began his training all those years ago. It was as if, instead of just communicating with the pony, he was there with them, in their mind, living all of their memories again with them. As their memories were explored, he began to get a feel for the ponies, what they needed, and who they were. The realization that they were friend rather than foe (coupled with the shock of knowing Sword's... Condition) made him quickly snap out of the link, and he quickly stood, running to the edge closest to Lilith and shouting, "Wait, don't injure them! They're other companions from the group we left behind!"

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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@@Count Paradox, @@Randimaxis,  @, @@-Octavia-,  


 "Wait, don't injure them! They're other companions from the group we left behind!" Psych shouted to Lilith


The commotion woke up Stardust with a startle. She nearly fell through her cloud. She was a ball of feathers and mane when she finally got to the ground. Trying to fix herself up the best she could with her heart running a mile a minute. "What is going on here?! Injure who?! What companions?!" She was very agitated. She was looking for her saddle bags to find her flashlight. Once she found it she flipped it on, she darted it side to side, up and down to try and figure out what was happening. It felt as if she were stuck in a dream. She focused in on Psych as he was running towards a tree. She darted it up into the tree and got a glimpse of where Lilith was perched. 


She started to calm down and walked over to the tree where Lilith and Psych were at. "What is going on?"

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@-Octavia- - @Stardust* - @Count Paradox -  



"Urf... mrggl... phurph..."


Sword was still trying to right himself; he swore stars usually didn't come so close to the ground... and they didn't spin around him that way, now that he recalled.  He'd still be a moment more on the ground.


Chase, however, was up and attentive.


"Hey!  THERE you are!  We've been trying to follow you guys so we could help!  We knew you'd send us back if you caught us, so we kept to ourselves while we... we, uhm... uhh..."


Chase JUST realized that he was confessing their 'crimes', and his speech petered out at this point.


Sink simply walked up to Stardust, smiled and waved, then turned to Sword and watched him being dizzy.

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@@Randimaxis, @@-Octavia-, @, @@Count Paradox


Stardust blushed with embarrassment as she watched the trio stagger over to their camp area. She smiled at Chase's ramblings and gave a soft wave to Kitchen Sink as she walked up to her. 


"You three have put yourselves in such danger coming out here, especially traveling in the middle of the night." Stardust looked to Sink with a bit of a disappointed face. Stardust knew that Sink knew better than to do so. "You could have really gotten hurt, especially sneaking up here on our camp, you should have known Lilith would be standing guard. It's lucky that Psych did what he did and let Lilith know before it was too late."


Stardust kind of grumbled after she said that. "And scared me half to death as he did warn her." she muttered under her breath, as to not indicate that she had gotten scared in front of the new additions to the group. 


"Anyway, you look like you could use something warm to drink and hot to eat, let's get something going over the fire." She motioned to the trio to come and sit by the fire as she managed to get out the kettle and pot. 

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