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searching The Ponyville Schoolhouse


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The bell rings and the giggling school fillies scramble out, eager to greet the town's sights after a long day of school work. The sound of Fillies greeting parents, giggling with others and generally having a great time is spread across the whole school yard as parents come to pick them up. There are a few oddballs here and there, a gryphon or two, the shy fillies hiding at the back and the teachers coming out to talk to one another, but it is relaxed, and almost everyone finds themselves having a good time.




Welcome! This is a filly and teacher role-play, and can use adult characters as fillies as long as it makes sense. you can roleplay easily here, and there will be holidays and after school role plays. Before we begin, here are the rules (they may change)


1. No royalty, dragons or overly powerful characters. Yes, Gyrphons/Hippogriffs/Pegacorns Are allowed, but if we get too many that may have to change. It's Ponyville, and as such we expect a mainly pony cast of characters.

2. If you are a filly, you need to remember how powerful you are. from show information most unicorn foals should barely be mastering levitation and pegasus ponies can fly for short periods of time and glide. earth foals have more strength, but are still relatively weak.

3. Flash sentry will be sent to the moon on arrival

4. Link to ocs for identification.

5. a teacher can apply for two jobs as long as they are not working as an instructor. you cannot apply to teach two classes.



This is set in season three just after apple family reunion.


Currently open slots


Principle - Oak Leaf (Char that will be described once required)

Flight Instructor - N/A

Unicorn Teacher - Chain

School Therapist - Yale Mahogany

Earth Pony Physical Education Teacher - N/A

Class Teachers (listed for each class)

Butterfly - N/A

Breezie - Yale Mahogany

Parasprite - N/A

History Teacher N/A

Art Teacher - Dapper Charmer (Llama)

there are five foals in the student council. - none as of yet

Students - Feeder, Ivy, Chatterbox, (UNAMED OC)


a maximum of ten foals per class (Ambitious!)

special classes for races are held at the same time separately.

if there are any other roles that we should include feel more then welcome to mention them.


- Goodluck, Polyblank 


Edited by Polyblank
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your OC is 24.. you'll be making her a filly right? if so, yes. you can choose which class you will be in, breezie butterfly or parasprite.

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Sorry if I'm rushing but how many people do we need before we start?

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personality: kind, caring, doesn't like to see anypony get hurt, a little quiet, talks when spoken to, always prepared for almost anything



Ivy Winds

personality, courageous, adventurous, hate bullies, snaps at strangers, but friendly was she get to know them, calming


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two ocs is fine (i would be very unfair if I let myself but not you guys :D feel welcome to add up to three, and say which class you'd like to teach/in roll (wtf google translate :confused: ) in

para sprite 




- note that of current they are no different except in name and teacher.

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ok fine all three are in! but in different places at different times most of the time so it won't be an entire back and forth between them. any way Banner as the earth pony Physical Education Teacher https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/banner-r8273

and Jade as a student https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkling-jade-r8629 (the background with banner and Chain with him never happened btw)

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I could use my second OC if you needed more people. If you use him you can put him in what ever role you want. link is in my signature.

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Could you please tell me what role Mist Twister will be playing?

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