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private Fallen Friends

Scare Effect

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in an alley way in a bad side of town a strange glowing light was seen as a portal was opened and out flew Chaotic turning around she looked at the portal and closed it with the magic in her pendent. "Hello Manehatten!" Chaotic called out to the city as she took to the air.

Edited by Scare Effect
  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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The city was bustling with activity, as Manehattan always had.  The streets were crowded, the cart traffic was horrendous, and the skyscrapers stretched forever upward into the haze of clouds the Pegasi had brought in that afternoon.  The city had been due for rain for about a week, but that was Manehattan life for you; either rush to get things done ahead of schedule, or expect things to be as late as can be gotten away with.


As Chaotic flew, greeting the city after teleporting in, a pair of eyes unlike any other in the entire metropolis watched carefully as she looped and dove.  The eyes tracked her around and around, eventually sending the viewer's eyeballs spinning.  The mysterious watcher shook her head, then gave a slow, evil grin that spread across her features until it almost looked like the corners would meet in the back.


"... hee hee hee... just as pre-DIC-ted!  Spinny was right..."


She turned around and drew a sword from an unseen scabbard.  A single swipe through the air, and a thin glowing line appeared.  The pony reached into it and pulled it open like a curtain.  A nebulous shining light spilled out slightly, and before stepping into the torn hole in reality's fabric, she looked back over her shoulder for one last glimpse of Chaotic.


"Soon, my little cupcake... soooooooooon..."


She stepped into the tear, and it sealed up behind her, leaving no trace.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Scare Effect,

"Quake I don't know about you but this is boring, I know why they sent us here and that's because they don't think we do much" Raindrop grumbled as she saw all the ponies in the mall below them from a skylight "I bet they don't think I can do anything, that's a load of crap you know that" she looked around the skylight "although when all these ponies get killed by my hoof that will be a wonderful time, Quake write down that this shopping mall is the most crowded of the three then lets go" she said getting ready to fly

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Quake looked at Raindrop and shrugged. "logically Speaking  this is important and would be a key point to strike and cripple the city." Quake said as she wrote down the cordinates for the mall, once done she rolled up the parchment and tucked it into her saddle bag."next location is trade centers we need to find one that will cripple Equestria's economy."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"I wish we could just skip the whole cripple the rest of equestia so everything will collapse thing and just kill these ponies" she said to Quake avoiding the setting sun as much as possible "lets just go before some stupid pony finds us on the roof, I mean short term snapping his/her neck would be fun but long term ponies would wonder where he went" she finally got ready to fly "at least ponies don't question me flying over them" she said flying toward the first trade center that didn't burn her eyes from it being to much pointed at the sun

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Quake followed Raindrop to the trade center."you know you should never question Spinner's plans, now stay here i am going inside to do some looking around you stay here and keep watch." Quake said as she opened the front door and walked in to survey the stocks that were wrote on a big magic chalk board.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Raindrop waited impatiently for Quake to finish her survey of the Trade Center.  It seemed to be taking forever, of course - but with Raindrop, it ALWAYS took forever.  She flew back and forth, effectively pacing as she waited and waited and waited...


"Hey, Drippy... your hooves are untied!"


The words seemed to come from nowhere... but a moment later, the tip of a blade sliced through thin air, leaving a tear in the fabric of reality.  Through this tear came Silent Blade, grinning like an idiot.  As usual.


"Oh, you're just flying in circles?  Spinny will LOVE to hear that!  So, what'cha dooooooooooooin'?"


The pink pegasus flapped up to meet Raindrop face to face, and her gaze got all wall-eyed again.  Her grin was hideous.

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"don't mess with me, I know you do that stuff to annoy me" she said with a look of slight hate "your more insane and impatient than me, aren't you supposed to be doing something in another equestria anyway? I bet Spinner would get made at you more than me because I'm just waiting for slowpoke Quake to tell me that this place is either worthless or a good spot to attack" she said to the hovering mare "were in a slightly crowded area and you decide to do this stuff? I know your crazy and Insane but I know you are not stupid" she said pulling her down to the ground "well I hope your not anyway" she added

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Quake walked out of the trade center to find Silent Blade talking to Raindrop,"why the hay are you doing here aren't you suppose to be steeling some relic from a meusum or distracting the local law enforcement?" Quake said looking up at the two pegasi


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Hope I'm not what?  Crazy?  Somepony called me crazy once, but then I ended up stuffing confetti into every hole in her body, then she swelled up like a party balloon, and I filled her with helium and tied a strin-..."


She looked at Raindrop for a moment, spaced out and drooling, before she suddenly blinked and re-focused on her erstwhile 'friend' again.  She looked around at the area, and saw a straw dog vendor staring at her.  Her insane smile crept across her face again, and she zipped over to his cart.


"I'll make you a trade, mister!  You give my friend here and me a straw dog, and I'll give you a SURPRISE!"


The vendor eyeballed her.  She looked crazy... but the vendor hadn't had a sale all day.  Besides, at least he'd get SOMEthing for his troubles, wouldn't he?


"Uh... look, lady - if I give you dese, willya go th' heck away?"


"Okie-dokie-lokie!"  She looked back at Raindrop, and gave her a very exaggerated wink.  "GimmegimmegimmegimmeGIMMEEE!"


The vendor kept his eyes on the insane pony as he served up his first straw dogs of the day.  "H-h-here... now, get outta here!"


"Oh, but I said a surprise, didn't I?  Here... this is for youuuuuuu..."  Her hoof zipped up in front of his face, and he flinched from... a black balloon she was holding out to him.  "... okay, bye!"  She trotted back over to Raindrop, and handed her one of the straw dogs.


The vendor took the balloon, shrugged, and tied it to his cart.


Silent Blade ate her dog in one single gulp, then looked at Quake.  "You two already finish that thing?  Because Spinny wants that thing done, and if it's not done it'll be reeeeeeeeeeally bad for you two."


She smiled and wrapped them both in a hug.  "I don't want you two to die... yet... so howzabout we just laugh at this whole thing and shake hooves?"  She turned to Quake and stared.  "You get your OWN dog, though."


With that, she began to lick off her hooves.

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"she's right about one thing, we need to get this done" she looked at the insane pink pony...licking her hooves "look can you just leave us in peace and do are work? we have like this one set of stock market buildings to go then were practically done until the invasion" she gets closer to Quake "lets move while we can, this mare freaks me out more so than anything we could ever do or say to these other worthless ponies in this world" she said flying up, blocking her view from the sun and away to the next target hopping to ditch Silent

  • Brohoof 1
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Silent Blade watched them go, and waved frantically.


"Byeeeeee!  Don't be strangers!  Hurry up and finish your mission, or you'll have to dieeeeeeeee!"


Smiling, she hopped away down the street in the opposite direction, little 'sproingy' sounds accompanying her.


The vendor watched her leave, too.  Dat lady's squirrel nut crazy, he thought to himself.  He did take a closer look at the balloon, though.  There seemed to be words written on it... very small ones... he strained to read them... and they said...


[This balloon will self-destruct in one minute.]


The balloon burst, and the ensuing explosion tore both the cart and the vendor to pieces.

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Hearing the explosions and screams that followed Quake knew what had happened She needs to know when to do that and when not to., quake thought to herself."Okay we have the info we need to report to Spinner." Quake said to Raindrop.


Chaotic looked around trying to locate Dax and Rave but the search was fuitless."Where are they?" She huffed as she continued to search the city for them.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave was coming back home from work. He had just finished disposing of an annoying earth pony that was trying to get his attention by smashing him to a wall in an alleyway, on his way back home. He was in a terrible and madly mood. He levitated the keys to his apartment and entered it after opening the door. He closed it and lied on his bed, exhausted. He hated Manehattan, he hated the ponies there, he hated everybody. The same work, over and over. The only thing he felt made a difference in his life was his training in dark magic. It was the only thing keeping him together. Dark magic was all he needed anyway. 

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The pony in the trenchcoat watched Rave Darkmane enter his apartment building.  He didn't have to follow from there; he knew which one it was.


He'd been following him for nearly nine months now... and had seen quite a bit.  There were a number of places he'd been going: the job Rave had as a tour-guide was one of them.  Rave wore the happy-go-lucky look when he worked there, but that was merely a facade.  There was also the large bunker-type place... but the trenchcoated pony wanted NOTHING to do with that location.  He never came anywhere near it, but Rave came and went as he pleased there... and it seemed as if Rave had been spending more and more time there as of late.


The pony was frustrated at this - the more time Rave was there meant less time HE had to watch him.  And he had been watching him for quite a while.


... ever since the desert...


With a grunt, the pony wrapped his coat tighter around him and headed back into town.  He knew when Rave would be awake, so there was time for a little unwinding before bed; off to the saloon, so to speak.


He gave one last look over his shoulder as he left.


Until tomorrow, my friend.  Sleep tight.


He made his way down the street.

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He looked around his room. Most of what he saw were booklets for Manehattan Tourism. However, there were some dark crystals here and there as well as other crystals. Things that he actually treasured. However, when he thought more about it, he knew how meaningless it actually was. "They are worth nothing". He kept on thinking back to the desert, to the ponies he hated. Ponies that knew nothing, that thought of themselves as heroes, but were nothing but a bunch of freaks trying to sell everypony else that they were the 'good guys'. 


"May they rot in hell and never show their faces again" he said out loud. 

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Chaotic was on her long search she suddenly got a chill as she felt intense hatred emitting from the area below her,I know that hatred anywhere but I don't want to upset him now maybe i can find Dax he should be easier to find now that I know where Rave is he shouldn't be far away. Chaotic thought to herself as she scanned the streets below and spotted a lone pony walking down the streets she flew down to ask the pony if they seen a black earthpony with green stripes. as she approached the pony, Chaotic noticed the pony looked familiar."Spinner?" was all she said before she crashed into the ground due to her forgetting that she was decending. when she recovered the pony was gone.Maybe I'm seeing things, Chaotic thought to herself as she picked herself up off the ground.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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The DJ's Hangout was loud, but not terribly crowded tonight.  Patrons went in and out, the night's guest disc jockey played, drinks were served and the bartender got her tips.  It was a typical night, as far as nights usually went.


The trenchcoated pony made their way in, and looked around a bit.  Looking around a bit and eventually settling on a barstool far enough away from other ponies, he made his way over to it.  Upon reaching the stool he removed his coat, revealing his own black and green colors.  He laid the coat on the bar, and signaled the bartender.  When she came down, he said three words to her:


"Green.  Apple.  Cider."


She nodded and went to get his order; she'd seen him in here quite a few times, and he always tipped decently.  Within moments, he was presented a mug of cider and a smile.  As on many other nights past, he returned the smile and paid for the drink, including a fair tip.  She wondered again why such a stallion never had anypony else with him, but she never thought about it too long.  Other customers called, and she had a job to do.


As she trotted off, Dax Blackwater began sipping at his mug and thinking about things.


Nine months.  I've been following him for nine months, and still haven't said word one to him yet.  Still, he seems like he needs somepony to watch out for him.  From everything he spoke about out in the desert, those other ponies he'd been traveling with treated him quite badly... and I know what it's like to be ostracized.  Being a Darkmane might be harder than being a Blackwater, but we still have issues similar enough to relate to each other.  I mean, sure - I might not have magic like he does, and I may not be as well-traveled as he is, and I'm certainly not as important to my family as he is to his, and...


Dax blinked.  Wow.  The more I think about it, the more pathetic I sound.  Wonderful.


This was a typical night for Dax after Rave hit the sack.  He'd spend the next hour or so here, drinking and thinking, andthen he'd stagger back to the Stalless Misson a few streets away, where he had been sleeping since he had arrived in Manehattan.  In fact, he'd been spending so much time finding, then watching Rave that he had only managed to cover the bare essentials -  a cot to sleep in, a coat to wear, and enough bits to make it from day to day, thanks to his family's bank account.  He never took much; he wasn't greedy like his folks were, he only took enough for the day's expenses... including the night's drinks.


When you left that desert Rave, you were swearing revenge on the ponies who had done you wrong.  I saw the Dark Magic you had in you... but I still wanted to be your friend.  Nopony else wanted anything to do with me because of my family, and it was the same with you.  If anypony understood how alone you felt, it was me... and if anypony would ever need a friend, a REAL friend more than me, it was you.


He gulped down some more cider, the sweet/tart taste tickling his tongue.


It may seem ridiculous, going to these extremes to make a friend... but I've never had a friend before.  I know this is crazy, but I think you still need somepony to watch your back.  Hopefully, you might actually need me too.  If so, I am THERE.

  • Brohoof 1

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Quake and Raindrop were back at their base preparing to give their report to their boss Spinner who was in the next room."Alright Raindrop this time don't say anything until after i give my report," Quake said giving Raindrop an angry look.


Chaotic was walking down the street when her stomach let out a growl."well I'm hungry and I can't search on an empty stomach>" Chaotic said with a laugh then she looked around to find a place to eat and she found a Bar called DJ's Hangout. once inside she approached the Bar area. "Hey Mr.Bartender do you have any thing i can eat here."

"Sorry girly we don't serve children*." The bartender said in a mocking tone."Now go home and ask your mama to feed you."

Chaotic looked at the bartender with a devilish grin."Sure thing mister, but can i atleast have a glass of  water before i leave."

"Sure thing kid." The bartender went to the sink and turned it on but instead of it coming down into the cup the water shot out of it completely soaking the stallion.

Chaotic started laughing uncontrollably at the stallion grabbing onto a pony in a trench coat to keep herself from falling down.


*Check OOC.

Edited by Scare Effect
  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Dax was flank-deep in thought when he felt somepony grab him, apparently trying to keep from falling over.  He gave a start, then turned to see what was going on.


"Whoa, there!  What are you-"


He stopped dead in mid-sentence.  It was HER.  The one who had gotten him started in this direction in the first place.


About a year ago, Dax had a very vivid dream where he had been approached by a being that had called itself Chaotic.  She had promised him that if he went where she told him to go, he would find a friend - a REAL friend - waiting for him.  After having been shunned for a great deal of his life, due to his family's reputation, it was pure bliss to hear those words.  Upon awakening, he had packed up everything he could into his satchel and had followed his gut instincts, as Chaotic had told him to.  


After much exhausting travel, he had found Rave, lying asleep in the desert - nopony around him, and no tent.  Dax's heart had leapt at the idea that his dream had been true... but when Rave had awoken, he barely seemed to pay Dax much attention at all.  Still, he had been determined to make this pony his friend, especially after hearing he was a Darkmane - one of the few families that were as shunned as the Blackwaters.


Dax felt a kinship with Rave because of this, and had done all he could to try to assist him.  When Chaotic herself had shown up, it boggled Dax's mind; the dream pony was REAL.  He took it all kind of hard at first, but he soon simply accepted it - she had led him to Rave, after all.  They had made their way to a strange castle-type-place, and it was there that Dax was given a sword covered in runes, which Chaotic told him could absorb magic.  He had also caught a glimpse of Fear - the mad pony who was trying to destroy the world - and a few of the ponies who had tried to stop her.  


Before the climax of the battle, however, he was teleported away with Rave and Chaotic... back into the desert.  This was where Chaotic left them, and where Rave had deigned to go his own way.  Dax, unwilling to give up the only pony who had any idea of how he had felt, had followed Rave - which, eventually, had led to Manehattan, where he had been living and following Rave for the past nine months.


And now, here was the same pony who had gotten him mixed up in all this in the first place.


"... Chaotic?"


Dax had no idea what else to say, so he said it again.  "Chaotic?  Is... is that YOU?"

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Chaotic heard the cloaked pony say her name his voice was very familiar letting out a gasp she hugged him, "Dax my friend! so good to see you again actually i was looking for you. How have you been." Chaotic asked while Dax trying to stop laughing at her little prank on the bartender.

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Dax loosely hugged back, mostly due to the shock of seeing her again.  He had thought the little pegasus was gone from his life, and here she was again.


"You!  You..."


Then he remembered being left in the desert, without even a goodbye.


"YOU!  What in the name of Equestria are you doing HERE!?"


Then, of course the realization settled in that she was technically the first friend he had ever made...


"... youuuuuuuuuuu!"


... aaaaaaaaaand the cider kicked in.


"Aw, it's so good to see you!  DAMN YOU!  How have you been?  WHERE have you been!?"


It was obvious that Dax was happy to see her... and that he was also a bit upset with her.  All the same, a friend was a friend - and Dax only had two friends: Chaotic... and Rave (or so he hoped).  He was somewhere between hugging her half to death, and yelling at her.  From the sound of his voice, he might try to do both.

  • Brohoof 1

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Quake and Raindrop were back at their base preparing to give their report to their boss Spinner who was in the next room."Alright Raindrop this time don't say anything until after i give my report," Quake said giving Raindrop an angry look.

"got it...tight ass" she said under her breath as she got behind Quake for when she appeared. I bet if I had a dimensional sword like that crazy pony I could do things twice no ten-times as fast! I hope that blade becomes her downfall one day, I'll laugh Raindrop thought as hoof steps started to come from the next room of there base, more like a tight bunker that could survive some sort of disaster but a hide outs a hide out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Ugh Dax your hugging me too tightly are you sure your happy to see me? Or are you upset that i left you in the desert without saying good bye?" Chaotic gasped trying to get free from the physically stronger earth pony stallion.


"Spinner we are here to give our report on the strategic locations you told us to investigate and we found several ideal locations to hit in order to cripple Equestria. First we have the new mega mall it has a constant attendance of at least thirty thousand ponies per day, next we found the central trade center of Equestria attacking it will definitely send Princess Celestia a message." Quake gave her report bowing before a silhouette of an alicorn sitting on a makeshift throne.


"Thank you for your report Quake tell Raindrop she should hold no fear of Silent, she will behave as long as we pull this off with out a hitch. Now you two have a new mission an old friend of ours has arrived in manehatten and i need you to greet her." The alicorn said ushering Quake out.  

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                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Ugh Dax your hugging me too tightly are you sure your happy to see me? Or are you upset that i left you in the desert without saying good bye?" 


"Yes!  To both!  How didja get here?  When didja get here?  What are you doing here?"


It was obvious that Dax was a bit tipsy... and he had no idea how to properly react to this situation.


"Wait... this isn't a dream, is it?  Is this another dream?  Is there somepony else in trouble, or... or what?  What's going on here?"

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