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New England Bronytones seeking aspiring singers/contributors


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Pony fans have a variety of reasons for why they continue to enjoy pony, with the songs among the most common, but barring conventions many find themselves at a loss for vocally sharing their love of the musical splendor of FiM and all the spin-offs it's inspired. 

mlp-vogue.png Well, look no further darlings; if you're in the New England area, then the New England Bronytones would absolutely love to make your acquaintance. 

The New England Bronytones are a group of individuals dedicated to practicing and performing official songs from the show and the movies, with a focus on perfecting those songs with existing group harmonies while modifying those without into harmonic ensemble numbers. As of now, the group has only practiced one song ("Find the Music in You") comfortably enough to perform on a moment's notice, having clocked in around seven or eight solid Sunday practice sessions prior to a few "spontaneous" attempts at Bronycon 2015. Admittedly, our planning wasn't as on-point as it could have been, to include missing the (barely advertised) cut off point for the otherwise-ideal Open Mic event, but even so our efforts were not completely unappreciated and despite varying levels of talent and all-around low-levels of experience, we still view our proto-debut as something of a small success. Unfortunately, though the dream of improved harmony continues to be near to our hearts, a few of our members (including myself, quite sadly) may/will be moving away very shortly, leaving some newfound silence where once there was song.

sweetieyes.png Un-unfortunately, that's where you come in! We found ourselves perhaps over-crowded for roles, with the notable exception of soprano, during "Find the Music in You," but future endeavors should prove much friendlier for larger ensembles, including the current focus song/mashup "Winter Wrap Up/True True Friend." One of our most dedicated members has been hard at work piecing together the sheet music for us to practice with (on this song and many, many more), and even if you can't necessarily read sheet music we have plenty of ways of soloing out your chosen part(s) so that you can tune your voice to it. With nearly an entire year before the next Bronycon, there is an ample amount of time to add and perfect a few more songs to the Bronytones repertoire, and perhaps even enough time to throw some simple-yet-swanky choreography into the mix as well! We have so generated so many interesting ideas in the few months we've been together, from individual song mashup/remixes to a giant seven-or-eight song continuous medley designed to dazzle...but the only way it'll all come together is with your help!

The only things we ask from those interested in joining are the following: that you have (at a minimum) enough confidence to sing in front of fellow bronies, that you are committed to practicing and improving, and that you are not so completely tone-deaf that you cannot be trained to at least match a pitch within your range. We are hardly spectacular ourselves (yet), as we began our group in the same manner of welcoming all-comers, and therefore possess a varying range of ability (none of us can be considered even close to professional). That said, time spent paying attention to the notes, working on enunciation, improving vocal range, and learning the sound dynamics of the music has markedly improved the group's sound. If you absolutely adore the concept, but still don't think you can manage what we require for singers, we still encourage you to at least show up to see if you might bring something to the table in terms of arrangements, AV wizardry, costuming, and/or choreography. We're a pretty friendly group, which I suppose rates a "duh, bronies," but even so we try to go the extra mile to make newcomers feel like they can make a positive impact our efforts; plus we try to add some fun social elements to our break times so that it's not all just business. As far as when we get together, practices are currently every weekend on Sundays, with the next currently-scheduled-one on for August 30th, but this is naturally a difficult schedule for many and we are discussing shifting towards a more bi-weekly routine.

sadrarity.png As mentioned, though I'm the founder of this group and one of the most practiced/enthusiastic regarding singing, I'm also most definitely going to be leaving the area before September ends. In the spirit of keeping the music alive, I started the official Meetup page for the group and as you can see I intend on promoting it wherever there might be interest so as to bolster the ranks and get the name out there. Additionally, I have left some sound gear with the members, including a dual-amp/mixer combo, a 7-unit wireless mic set, a Bluetooth/optical/USB soundbar set, and a Scarlett music conversion tool for PC mixing...we haven't made extensive use of it so far, but with new members comes new ideas for how best to improve and showcase our sound, so I'm sure someone will find it all handy. 

...this may have been a bit hasty on my part, as I do intend on starting a new chapter in this musical endeavor wherever I end up next, but perhaps the competition will end up needing the assistance to prevail over my next edition? 

smirk.png A friendly challenge, as it were.

Y'know, it actually came as something of a shock to me, when I finally got the ball rolling on this idea, that there didn't seem to be much in the way of dedicated MLP singing groups up in the Northeast; the only counterpart I've really seen so far are the SoCal Ponytones out on the West Coast. We would love to rival their numbers someday soon, as well as their number of fulfilled performances, but we can only do that with improved levels of membership, participation, and effort. So please, if any of this sounds awesome (how could it not?), hit up the Meetup group. You may end up being the practiced powerhouse who takes the group to the next level, or the excited newcomer with a chance to finally strut your singing stuff; whatever the case, the New England Bronytones are waiting with open arms.

"You're gonna' fiiiiiiiiiind you've got the music, got the music, got the music in YOU!" rariwink.png

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