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searching Equestrians - The Cult of Dissonance


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Cults are not supposed to exist, yet they do. Let's take a look at the Dissonance Cult just outside the walled fortress of Ponyville. These ponies and other creatures pledge themselves to the dark and moon. They lived their shadowy lives in complete bliss. And the Celestial Inquinsition hunts down these cults and snuffs them out. Let's not let our little cult die out. Of course adding some Acolytes should boost our power.


Your a loyalist for the local cult, and must use your skill set to outwit all of of enemy and spread the good shadow over the land, but that's not going to be easy... For there is a lot of harmony in our way. So who's in?


Most kinds of OCs are acceptable, but ONE per PLAYER. It's a cult, not a circus. What our cult does is dictated by our members' creatures. We have a lot of Vamponies then Bloodsucking is probably going to be big. Now what happens is not going to be heavily planned upon, so there is no certain future for us.


*NOTE* - As awesome as humans are, I'm one as well... I will only except non-human OC's.


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The cult that's currently being run is located in Canterlot, we run "legal" operations. We spread anti harmony whenever we can while blending into society. Their are no racial boundaries in this cult. We don't necessarily want the royalty to kicked out. But their needs to be a change in the way things run. We are essentially decided to take laws into our hooves, (or paws). We do want we think is right by our morals, not the law. Which originally is what drove us underground in the first place.

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