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@@Celestial Panzerhund,@@Akari of Duskshire, @@Totally Ducklett, @, @,@@Dapper Charmer,

A stallion voided of any facial features trotted into the room happily, he spinned around in delight in the middle of seven ponies. Stopping his wheeling, the stallion coughed before creating cane out of thin air. Planting the cane firmly on the ground, the stallion rested himself against it. If he had a mouth, he would be smoking a cigar, but a levitating one near where his mouth should be should do fine to maintain a classy look.

“Ah, five, I mean six, and by that, I truly meant seven ponies and a sword!” a puffing sound was made as the Narrator smoked an imaginary pipe before promptly ignoring his mishaps, “what an interesting adventure this shalt be!”

The Narrator picked up the cane and spinned it three times before slamming the end onto the rocky ground, shaking the small cave before settling everything done. Runes of all sorts appeared around the Narrator, making seven complete rune circles before disappearing.

Adopting a rather awesome pose the Narrator straighten a tie that appeared out of nowhere before speaking once more in his deep voice, “Awaken my little ones to UNDER! A place that is timeless as Earth itself! Because, get it? We’re in Earth! Ahahah! I’m so lonely.” The last part was whispered to himself with a lone single tear forming in his nonexistent eye before disappearing into nonexistence.


Gentle Secret groaned as she casted a quick spell on herself, a quick wake-up type. She stretched herself slowly as she looked around before focusing on the six other ponies, a sword, and what appeared to be Slendermane. Whatever she did yesterday, it must had been one heck of something for her to end up in a cave with other ponies, a sword, and a cousin of Slendermane.

“Where am I, who are these ponies, and what are you?” that were the first words she spoke as she slipped into a stance.


“My presence will be revealed as soon as your future compatriots reveal themselves,” the Narrator immediately responded, “and you’re in a cave underground my dear. Do not ask any more questions till the others awaken from their slumber or coma… ignore the last part.”

The Narrator then proceeded to stare at the ponies that haven’t gotten up yet intensely. It was bizarre considering that: a. he didn’t have any eyes and b. the room was rather chilly due to the fact there was no source of heat and they were miles underground. Nonetheless, he still managed to stare intensely at each pony and warmed the very ground itself by a few degrees.

Edited by Demirari


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Dapper mumbled something in his sleep and then suddenly awoke, "No Princess Celestia don't banish me." Dapper looked around and was surprised to see he wasn't at home, "wait a minute this isn't my house. Where am I?" he looked at the faceless pony and the only other pony who was awake, "and who are you guys?"

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Midnight yawned a little as she rose. Her eyes still closed, she smacked her lips a bit and sleepily walked in what appeared to be a set route - perhaps a morning routine. Unfortunately, this route led her right into Gentle Secret. She squeaked as she walked into the mare and fell over. "Wh-who put that..." She opened her eyes wide enough to see the mare in front of her and the floor, which was obviously not the floor of her home. "Wait... where...?" She looked around. "Uhmmmm... why am I in a cave..." And then she saw Slendermane's creepy cousin. You know, the kind of cousin that probably collects weird dolls or something. "...with Slendermane?!" She nervously backed up a little.

Edited by Totally Ducklett

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Well that was creepy", Khris thought to himself as he recalled the memory of the faceless pony who seemed to be narrating. Unlike the others, he was awake the whole time: He was a sword, after all, immune to those sleepy kind of spells. He looked over to Enzo's sleeping form beside him. Sighing, he entered his dream to wake the stag up.




Enzo was about to take another bite from his wheel of cheese when he was rudely interrupted by a ceratin sentient sword, which had decided to materialise right in front of him. 


"Oi, wake up."


"What, i'm dreaming again?"




Enzo took one last longing look at the piece of cheese hovering in front of him before closing his eyes, preparing for the trip back to the waking world.




Enzo abruptly opened his eyes and was greeted by the gray ceiling of the cave. He sniffed the air. The air felt strangely... clean... for a murky cave like the one he found himself in. He scanned his surrounding for ambient magic, and to his surprise, discovered there was quite a surplus of it, enough for him to cast some his more advanced spells above basic levitation. After Stretching out the kinks in his back, he slowly got up. He noticed several other beings, seemingly unconcious around him. Deciding to wait around until the others woke up, he levitated his metallic companion into his sheath and wrapped his tassle around his neck like a scarf, and waited, ignoring the 'statue' in the middle of the room.


After 5 seconds, he grew bored, and decided to prod the being closest to him idly.


( the being that is being prodded is up to the next poster to decide )

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So here, this is how you-  Hey!  Do you think-  No!  It's-  Why?!  Becau-  IT'S WHAT I DESERVE!!!  "Please don't..." Fantasy Moon muttered in her  sleep.  She began to regain consciousness and felt somepony prodding her side and cold stone under her hooves.  She half-heartedly pushed the hoof away without looking, sat up looking half-asleep, and spent a few seconds just slowly looking around.


What?  Didn't I turn out the lights?  Why am I on a stone floor?  And when did I-  Her denim-blue eyes widened and a near-inaudible gasp escaped her as she realized just what was around her.  Is... is this a cave?!  What... what am I doing here?!  And where did all of these ponies come from?!  She looked around some more and saw a few others.  ...And a stag and a llama...

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Dark Stars horn would light itself, a sudden jolt of magic running down his body as he'd wake. Immidietly teleporting on all four hooves he'd warily inspect the ponies around him.

Seeing the others as confused he'd fix his sight on the faceless pony, lighting his horn as it would surround itself in a dim unstable aura, shades of black and green sometimes jolting around his horn and eyes. Star looked dangerous as he'd carefully look at the slender pony.

"Who in tartarus are you and why are all these ponies here?! Speak or you'll regret it."

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Snooore-no not there... Not yet!-snort-Makeitfall!.... Arrow snaps back into reality from his virtual mind set that his brain made up as he slept. Still feeling tired, he yawns, flicks of the ear, and stands up slowly.


He makes a grogling sound before actually speaking to himself ina soft mutter. "Where am I?" He sees the other ponies and how they are. He looks about his environment seeing if he can get an idea of where the hell he is.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@@Totally Ducklett,


Gentle Secret squeaked in surprise, instinctively leaping away from the mare that had ran into her before snapping a basic spell into place. Taking deep breaths, Gentle Secret calmed herself down before casting away the weak shield. Studying the mare and the others around her, she settled down easier. Well, as easy as one can get when one is transported with other ponies into a small cave with Slendermane's cousin. 


"Careful," that was her basic response to what had just transpired. 






"Now, now, calm down," the Narrator replied, amusement saturating his tone, "aren't you adorable with your magic? Looking all dangerous and stuff, reminds me of my ex when I dumped her... anyways," the Narrator twirled around his cane before casting it into nothingness, "I promise I won't harm you or the other ponies."


He turned his head to the others, "I welcome all of you ponies to UNDER. I am the Narrator and I..." he started laughing before stopping himself, "am what you may call a god. True to my name, I narrate all that had happened, is happening, and will happen. Imagine me as fate itself--exciting right?"


The room suddenly changed as basic features were built into the walls or the walls themselves twisted to fit new additions. There was a heater, some modest light-bulbs providing comforting light, some chairs, a bookshelf, and a door that led to a bathroom. All of this was done in mere seconds as the Narrator calmly plucked a random book and opened it, revealing the contents to be blank. 


"Now, I'm going to let you all introduce yourselves, but before that! Know this, you all will be experiencing something wonderful! You are all trapped in UNDER, miles upon miles underground and you all must escape to the top. It is tasked that each one of you participate or else you all will spending your now infinite lives locked away. Dark yes? But fret not, if you somehow die during the task of escaping, you will be reborn or respawned in a safe area. Imagine it as a video game but not a video game."


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Fantasy Moon wiped away the sweat on her face, briefly revealing her other eye.  The unholy combination of an unfamiliar location, unfamiliar ponies, one of said unfamiliar ponies using dangerous-looking magic and causing bad memories to come to the surface, and that... thing was making her shiver.  And that wasn't all.  Said unfamiliar location changed.


Wh-what the-?!  Surprised by the change, she stumbled into one of the chairs.  She could see more clearly now, but now wasn't the time to observe.  As the Narrator's words came out, Fantasy Moon suddenly thought she knew what falling from the sky was like.


Miles and miles underground?!  No no no no NO!  What of my family?!  They-  She stomped on her other hoof, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.  ...No.  We're being used for amusement, but all that matters is getting to the top.  And trying my best not to die.  Because seriously, would you trust everything some strange being who kidnaps you and several others says?


Looking over at the bookshelf, she thought about grabbing at least one for herself.

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"Sorry, Miss! I'm just a just a bit clumsy right now..." She yawned a little, before observing the room transform around them. "Cool, I guess..." Midnight rubbed her eyes slowly, still recovering from her slumber. "A god, you say, Mr. Narrator? Well... not the weirdest thing I've ever heard, to be honest..." Midnight took a seat on a chair. "Are you into that whole 'finding creepy pages thing' like your cousin?"

Edited by Totally Ducklett

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"A video game, huh?" Enzo put his hoof to his chin in false thought.


"Don't even think of-"


Khris was plunged into Enzo's chest. With the remains of his magic, Enzo sliced open his own throat, blood splattering everywhere. His body screamed for air, of which he received none, and slumped down onto the cold floor. He could feel his conciousness slipping, darkness surrounding him. He closed his eyes with a grin and awaited the possible cold embrace of death.


Only to open his eyes and realise he was standing perfectly fine at the place in the room at which he first woke up.


"I would say you would get use killed one day, but it appears my point is now moot"


Enzo paced around the room, still in euphoria from the strange sensation of respawning.


"Escape, huh? Danger? A sick game for a being's enjoyment?"


He stood still


"Sound like plenty of fun!"


Grinning like a madpony all the while, he started pacing around the room:


"Oh, how rude of me. Introductions first. I, am Enzo, master of natural magics, and more commonly known as the asshole of the everfree forest... Yeah you can probably guess how i got that title."


"They probably can't. They also don't seem to hail from ponyville so..."


"And this here, is Khris" He lifted khris into the air. "An extraordinary sword, because it's mine"


He plunged the kris ( kris is another word for 'sword', hence a punny name ) into the floor, cracks spreading from it's point of impact


"Oh, take note: DON'T touch my sword"


He retrieved his sword, his hoof gliding across the cracks in the floor. He turned his head to face the narrator. "Now on to you. If you are truly a god...."


He smiled


"Fill half the room with assorted cheese"

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Fantasy Moon's eyes widened at the act.  More in touch with reality than the rules of whatever sick and twisted game she ended up in, she fully expected the stag to be not just dead, but dead and gone.  So his instant revival was met with both surprise and a mental face hoof on her end.


A dark sorcerer, a mare who doesn't seem to care at all, a mad stag with a sword, and... whatever this thing is?!  The ponies in this place are CRAZY!  She looked around at the others, hoping and praying by Luna's moon that they're sane.


This place... is going to evaporate my sanity...

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@@Demirari, @,


Dark Star would muffle at comment, his magical aura calming down as he'd stand more loosely as everything around him would shift, inspecting more the how this is happening than bothering to care.


Amusement? We are in some sort of game for that twisted persons amusement? He'd think, looking around once more at all the ponies around him. Since we will "Respawn", that means there is no way of us actually failing this? Is there?


"How about you explain-" He'd pause as the stag would kill himself, respawn and then talk to what appeared to be his sword? "Actually, I won't ask... "


@@Akari of Duskshire,


He'd look over to the pony next to him, seeing that she was going crazy and sensing her internal struggle way more than the others he decided to walk over to her and possibly ease her pain.


He'd speak in a calm quiet voice.

"Try and calm down, this game seems to be designed to get us to the top no matter what...  "


He'd materialize out of thin air a single thornless white rose, and levitate it to her.

"And since we will be introducing each other anyway apparently, names Dark Star. "



Star would then turn back to the slenderpony.


"Alright, explain how exactly we get to the top. Any rules? How will it work?  "

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Dapper turned to Enzo who had just stabbed himself and respawned, "Oh, Oh, me next, stab me next, I want to respawn." He then turned to the Narrator, "if this is going to be like a video game count me in. Although if you really are a God I don't really have a choice. I've never met a God before, it's definitely something to scratch off my bucket list." He turned to the other ponies, "excuse my rudeness, I'm Dapper Charmer the llama," he turned back to the Narrator, "also you don't have a face, what's up with that? Or is it just a God thing?"

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@@@Totally Ducklett,@,@@Akari of Duskshire,@@Celestial Panzerhund,@@Dapper Charmer,


"Oh my oh my," the Narrator watched as Enzo commit something very similar to seppuku before shaking his head, "interesting fellow aren't you? And cheese? Cheese of all sorts that have yet to be discovered and had been discovered... behold." The Narrator did a small bow before creating a thousand assorted cheese that filled the room before casting one-fourth of them away. 


The Narrator undid his tie before flinging it at a wall, "A god I am and no, I am not into Creepy Pages. Poor writing and they get so many facts oh so wrong!" Sniffling a little, the Narrator returned to answering the questions that were directed towards it, "a blank face is something I chose. A fashion or look statement... whatever you ponies label such things. Trivial things!" 


"Now we get into business! In order to get to the top, you must best levels that are designed to challenge you in oh so many ways. There are no rules so long as you don't include another omnipotent being into this equation. I will be both a help and a detriment and boy it will be fun. We will start as soon as the miss over there stops breaking down. Now, also," the Narrator creates seven papers each will a picture and a name of the seven ponies, "this introduction is taking too long and I doubt we'll ever get out of this room by the seventh page. So, have at it you all, know the names of your compatriots! I promise no other information will be shared."




Gentle Secret grabbed a hold of one of the papers as the Narrator flung them into the air. Reading the names and assigning them to the ponies in the picture, she nodded her head. This entire situation is rather interesting and... if she had to say herself, rather interesting. Removing the whole "you die, you dead" would open many new possibilities that she could explore. 


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Fantasy Moon tensed when the dark unicorn approached her, but then he spoke and she found herself gradually settling down again.  That... certainly seems to-  The thought was cut short when he levitated the ivory rose to her.   She took it with her own blue magic and it just sort of floated there for a moment before being jerked close to her as cheese suddenly filled the room.


...be the case, Dark Star.  Had things not been happening so fast, she would've thanked him right then and there, maybe even told him her name.  Instead, she found herself stuck listening to this Narrator and catching a few pieces of paper with her front hooves.  Not wanting to waste energy multitasking, she hastily weaved the rose into her mane with her magic and read a few names.


Gentle Secret, Midnight Comet, Enzo... and Khris?  Wait, don't tell me-




With a clearer, more rational mind than what she had a few seconds ago, she saw the sword on the stag named Enzo, then she turned her attention to the papers in her hooves.  ...Well, if I have to use my magic through a bit of pain to get out of here, then so be it.

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Enzo's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as the cheeses blinked into existence in the room. Without hesitation, he bolted to the pile and started searching for the most foul smelling ( and to him, tastiest ) cheese in the pile. 


"Let me get that for you" Khris said as he reached out with the hand- like end of his tassle and snatched one of the papers the 'god' was holding.


"ya know, you don't have to be a master manipulator to call yourself a god, being able to summon cheese is good enough for me"


"hmm, Gentle secret, she's over there.. Dark star....Fantasy moon, wow, a lot of Luna lovers here. Hmm, Ah there's Enzo, aanndd... Me?"


Khris scanned the room was met with many stares, for once, aimed directly at him.


"Umm, Enzo?"


"Yeah? ( munch ), why are you talking out loud?"


"I think My cover's blown"

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Midnight grabbed a paper and instantly memorized the names. "Got it!" She then wandered to some cheese, and sniffed it curiously. She had apparently not noticed the stallion's stung, or perhaps simply didn't bother reacting to it. "What kind is this?" Midnight asked, poking at it.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Dark Star would read through all the pages, matching photos to ponies and creatures. Not bothered by anything else but the smell of all the cheese.


A jokester llama, crazy hyperactive stag who talks to his sword, a person who conjours lots of bows and arrows, astronomer huh... hell lot of unicorns.. Like really.... all of the ponies here are unicorns... wait. He'd raise a brow at the sword. ...Okay, even the sword is a unicorn apparently.


"@@Akari of Duskshire,


"So much for my introduction I suppose. " He'd look at Fantasies page before putting it away. The smell of all the cheese constantly teasing him he'd light up his horn, creating a bubble of fresh air around me and her. "My pleasure. "


"The Narrator clearly has a thing for unicorns, not sure what kind of tests we'll be getting down here, but a shame we don't have a single pegasus, they prove to be important in any sort of team play. I mostly also just hope the Llama won't be a drag. "




He'd once more turn to the narrator.


"So, when do we start? I think most people here would rather be making their way out, no use chattering unless you got something else to say."







Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Totally Ducklett


"Why midnight, i'm glad you asked.This fine piece of cheese is known as Epoisses, one of the smelliest kinds of cheese on the planet, and personally, one of my favourites, though it's hard for me to get my hooves on a wheel: It's one of the most expensive kinds too."


Enzo paused to take a large bite out of his blue cheese.


"This particular wheel you hold seems to be rinsed with Marc De Bourgogne, and appears to have been ages for quite some time: only a god of immense power could create such a fine work of culinary art!"





"Dark Star, why the rush?. We should organize ourselves: perhaps form the basic combat triangle, first, so that we can tackle our challenges for effectively"


Khris independently levitated out of his sheath, and slashed a large triangle into the ground, catching the attention of everyone in the room. He spoke loud and clearly, in an etheral voice.


"We have the tanks, the defender. The ones who take hits others can't"


With a flourish of his blade, he marked a D at one end of the triangle.


"Next, the DPS. the damage dealers, standing at the back and raining hell on our adversaries"


Khris motioned towards arrow.


Another flourish, another marking.


"And then, the specialists. whether a support or a caster, or anything other really, they will help hold this team together against specific threats.


He left the last end of the triangle blank.


"I will choose my role first. Enzo and i work together as a team. His magic and my swordsmanship work together to form intricate attack combinations and allows us to dance among our enemies in battle."


He hovered to the side of the triangle which lay between 'specialist' and 'dps'.


"And as such, we are a hybrid of DPS and specialist"


Khris plunged downward, embedding himself in the floor, precisely on the line of the triangle he was previously hovering over.


The sword raised his voice and sent a telepethic message to the rest of the room.


"Now, everyone, Call your roles"


He half expected someone to call 'mid or feed!'



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"I honestly never expected a talking sword to be the voice of reason in this group, but I'm glad someone will be taking that off my shoulders. " He'd move a bit towards the sword, but only a few steps, trying to not leave the already small pocket of fresh air. "Anyway not everyone here is a warrior, organizing us like this won't work. I am also quite sure this "dungeon" will be more than just fighting our way through waves of whatever the hell they throw at us. Let the warriors of the group do the fighting, not everyone here has to experience the pains of taking deep wounds or even the pain of death. " 


He'd look around the room at all the ponies and Llama and stag. 


"I say we stay wary, overplanning won't help us. If things call for combat, those who feel capable with a weapon can. Gladly, we are also mostly all unicorns here, so I hope most of the others can defend themselves with whatever basic thing they can conjure up."


Star wouldn't know what to think about the Llama, not really inspecting combat styles of that race or even having to deal with it ever before.  


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Dapper looked over his list, 'Wow,' he thought to himself, 'I'm like the only non-unicorn here.' Dapper folded up the paper and put it into his wool. He then walked over to Enzo, Khris and Midnight who were standing by the pile of cheese, "Hope I'm not intruding," said Dapper as he picked up a piece of cheese. He took a bite and looked at Khris, "That's a bit pretty nice sword you have there," said Dapper to Enzo, "not really something you can get at the local market."

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Arrow has a moment of thought. Maybe they can escape early if he triedoesn't to trick him..? It'd always worth a shot. "Well," He starts up. "If you are this so called 'god', prove it. Get us outta here."


This hopefully would work as he winced internally thinking that didn't come out right. "And if you can't, then you are no god." He adds in wincing even more internally. He's just going to stop now.




His thought process halted and turns toward that other pony. Without second thought, He conjures his bow and quiver full of arrows. He thinks to himself "It's been a while hasn't it?" He asks his bow, looking observing the non responsive thing. "Back in business." He mutters to himself.

Edited by Celestial Panzerhund

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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The Narrator stared at Arrow being laughing and shaking his head in amusement. That was something he was not expecting! As his laughter grew to deafen all in the room, he suddenly stopped. Still shaking his head, the Narrator smiled as polite as he can.


"Ah Arrow, you see, I cannot do that," the Narrator walked over to him before sitting next to him, "that would just ruin the point of trapping you all here wouldn't it? And why would I prove that I am what I am? Why would I let you out just to simply appease your skeptical nature? Why oh why, I want you all to escape using your own abilities. That," the Narrator stood up again and walked a few steps away, "is the purpose of UNDER."


The Narrator looked at the seven once more, it seemed like all emotions were sapped away, "We'll start soon little ones."




"Well," Gentle Secret started as soon as the Narrator returned to reading the blank book, "my abilities include magic, some limited swordsmanship, and navigating through obstacles. It would be best if I would be considered a 'caster' using those terminologies." 


The magic part came from her position in the Royal Institute of Magic, where she tirelessly practiced and honed her magic skills to a large degree. Swordsmanship comes from her days of practicing with the rapier against magical constructs and other ponies. Finally, her navigation skill comes from the expeditions she partakes in, where she'll have to navigate past intricate puzzles and climb up obstacles. 

Edited by Demirari


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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Oh, of course not! Wow, a llama... you're really fluffy... uhhhh, hey, would you...errr..." She blushed, though it was faint on her blue coat, "Would you mind if I... felt your fur a bit? I know it's kinda strange, but I just need a little something to get my spirits up. Being stuck underground gets an astronomer a bit down, y'know?"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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