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open Mechquestria: My Life As An Equine Robot


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Anna lets out a deep sigh "I guess that's alright... I just have some sympathy for ponies like yourself, with synthetic limbs and all. I don't like being the kind of pony that makes money off other ponies struggles"


Zeus started to squrim. He didn't know why they stopped. Why... Whhhyyy did we stop. This is taking foreeevvveerrr, quit talking to ponies and let's get home already! he thought to himself while whimpering and whining while kicking Anna.


Anna responded by slipping Zeus out of his carrier and putting him on the ground. He wouldn't wander off, especially if she was doing a repair. Zeus wouldn't miss a repair for the world.


"My little foal here was in a similar situation just the other day!" she pointed to his robotic forehoof "That's Zeus, and I'm Anna... Now let's take a look at that hoof" Anna says as she digs in her bag. Zeus looked at the customer, and turned his head curiously.

"hello Anna and Zeus, I'm hidden heart" she said. She turned to the foal and said "I feel sorry for ya kid. Having to grow up in this world where ponies are becoming more reliant on cybernetic replacements and robotics to extend their lives and sometimes abusing fellow ponies to get what they want, but that's why I and others like myself are here"
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"I have this meeeeeeethod of building things; I don't understand how it works, but it does wo-wo-wo-work.  This is why I'm trying to lear-r-r-r-rn as much as I can - since Earth and Equuis cut o f f  c o n t a c t, there's been no push in technology here for a a a a a long, long time.  Nobody here can do what I d-do-d-do... except maybe the GALATEA Industries peeeeeeeople; they build the robotech stuff over here-re-re-re."


Twitch seemed to cock his head a bit to the side.


"Professooooooor Drone, I have..."


He closed his eyes, and an electronic sigh issued from the speakers inside his throat.


"... issues with my life on Ear-r-r-r-r-rth.  I need to learn all I can about technology, because it could s-sa-s-sa-s-ave my life.  I know there's the kind of tech there that can can can help me, but that's only from onnnnne end; I'd still have to build it on MY end... or one would havvvvvve to be sent here, which is impossible  b e c a u s e  of my sister."


Those eyes opened quickly, and wide... then, they simply looked sad.


"I was afraid of howowowow other ponies would re-re-react.  You two confirmed a few fears, yes... but you also-so-so-o-o showed me that you are capable of listening, and I amamamam eternally grateful for that."


Twitch's face plates spun for a moment, apparently having an issue with something else; eventually, they stopped at a worried look.


"Please - help me figure out this puuuuuuuzzle."

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Drone sighed softly and looked down," Well,I could have sent you one...but...That kind of technology is so large,it takes millions of computing processors to even communicate the brain's intelligence into a simple memory core. It would basically be the equivalent of me teleporting a facility to your planet. It takes hours to transfer the memories,the feelings,the emotions,everything inside of the brain into a machine,and if you mess up in the process...there are no do-overs..."he sighed in thought as he looked around the room,then he thought about his Neural transmitter a moment," Bah,that wouldn't work..."he said to himself and started contemplating," I wonder..."he looked into Twitches eyes and moved forward and slid metal plates on the back of Twitch's head,he looked at the type of Neural transmitter and almost chuckled at the piece," Sir,your sorely out of date. This model hasn't been in circulation...well,since I made it! But,if you managed to stretch this thing's range that far...Say,do you know how Neural Computation works,or am I talking to the wind here?" he asked,he might have been on to something.

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"hello Anna and Zeus, I'm hidden heart" she said. She turned to the foal and said "I feel sorry for ya kid. Having to grow up in this world where ponies are becoming more reliant on cybernetic replacements and robotics to extend their lives and sometimes abusing fellow ponies to get what they want, but that's why I and others like myself are here"

Anna smiled "Nice to meet you!"


Zeus had no idea what this pony just said, but that's because she was a stranger. Anna said a few words he understood, and could even follow some direction from her, but it was like he only understood if it was in her voice. He tilted his head to the other side, then completely stopped paying attention, and fiddled with grass with his cybernetic hoof.


"Well, you see, Zeus was born with a deformed leg. You can't lose what you never had to begin with. He doesn't mind not having his front leg. Sometimes I wonder if he even notices it" Anna says as she gets out the replacement piston and necessary tools.

Edited by Professor Annabella
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"I know how to make ititititit happen, yes... but not like the standard meeeeethod.  Check the wiring and the relays; I tu-u-u-u-uned them up almost faster than Equestrian standards... aaaaaaaalmost.  I know it's child's play to you, but the code is is is is where I really did my work."


Twitch's eyes flashed, and a holographic image of multiple lines of code hung in the air; there wasn't enough to reveal all his secrets, but this information would definitely tell the professor that he wasn't just your average techie geek.


"I built parts ofofofofof the code from old military, civilian and emerrrrrrgency codexes; and I looped them all together with my my my own synaptic relay designs.  I'm not sure if it means anythiiiiiiiing to you..."


Twitch's chest swelled a bit, and he stood up taller.


"... but I'm kinda proud of myself, y o u  k n o w ?"

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Drone smiled a little at the codes,"Nice job,friend."he said and looked at him," But,do you Know the codes for the brain? There are waaaaay to many for anyone to understand,they change forever,they are never the same,well,that is until you put them in a memory core for storage,then they can change when they uploa-"he stopped mid sentence as he smiled wide," That's it...That's it! A memory core! Yes!"he looked around in excitement and pulled out a pen and a notepad,he started drawing frantically and showed Twitch a drawing," You see this,hmm? Yes? Ok,so,Amemory core is basically a very very large piece of computing equipment,in a very small package,but,it only works if there is a physical connection between the processors a-and-and the umm,the thing,right the core,yeah? Ok,so we can convert this,we can change this design-"he takes the notepad again and scratches out his previous drawing and made the same image but with small differences,"-We can make it to where you can upload your brain,using the same technology as in the Long Range Neural Transmitter!"he said excitedly,he covered his mouth with his hoof and tried to contain his laugh,but he couldn't,he laughed loudly and almost manically,but he stopped as he stared at his sketch," W-We can do it,Twitch. We can get you here,to Equuis. It'll only take a few days to build this...but...for the time it takes for your data to be transferred to the core,it'd take hours. Do you have that kind of time?"he asked softly. 

Edited by Aurora Lights
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@@Aurora Lights,


Emerald was woken by laughter, "Hugh what was that? You finished with you geeky talk now?" She got up form her chair and was not fully awake, she looked at her watch it's late now guys "can we do some more of this tomorrow?" She walked up to Drone, "I'm gonna dismiss my guards and go to the barracks, unless..." she left her sentence sort on purpose for Drone to get a hint. If he's too caught up in this project that's ok I would't mind a quite night with the colts.



She looked at the robot "can this wait to tomorrow both of you are probably gonna need sleep."

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Drone looked at his drawing and then to Twitch,then Emerald,he smiled and handed over his sketch to Twitch and looked at Emerald," Well,we can still do that."he said and stood beside her," Listen buddy,I got some business to attend to. We'll talk more about it tomorrow."he said and walked behind Emerald out of the College campus.




Drone smiled at her,the air was chilled by the dying light in the sky,showing that winter was inevitable,but he loved winter time,so much glee,so much snow,it made him happy to see snow,it was his favorite weather phenomenon,it made everything so calm,so quiet,he could watch snow fall forever and he could be content and happy all the same,look at the beauty of the soft white,sheets and blankets of snow atop roofs,on the streets,making everything quiet and seemingly undisturbed. He took in a deep breath and smiled,letting his breath out,a cloud of condensed breath puffed in front of him," Where do you want to go?"he asked Emerald softly.

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@@Aurora Lights


"I don't know, I've been to Manehattan a few times but I don't live here so you pick the place. First though lets stop by the barracks I need to get this Armour off and I don't need Cloudslicer either."


*** Outside the barracks

"ok now that's done." Emerald stood in front of Drone without any equipment on apart from a ear piece, she gestured to it, "encase they need me, so where too Sen?" haven't done this dating thing in what? 5-6 decades now! "wow" she couldn't help but say that.

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Drone smiled up at the darker sky,almost lost in thought," Oh,hm? Sorry,I was just...remembering something. But,Uh we could go to this fancy place across the city,it's not actually that bad of a walk,well,if you have company."he said softly,he is just now seeing her without armor,and he blushed slightly,"You know...you look...you look uh...beautiful. Your coat is nice. A-And your um...you have a nice body."he blushed at his own awkwardness and put his hoof on his forehead for a moment before continuing," I'm sorry. I- just...I haven't done this in a while."he said softly and looked at her," And,Uh,what do you think about winter time? Do you like it?"he asked softly,trying to strike up a conversation with her. They start traveling as they talk.

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@@Aurora Lights,


"ha, YOU haven't done this in a while that's rich, try a few decades." She laughed at her own comment. "But seriously don't try to do that type thing about you look nice etc, you know were going out on this date you have your hoof in the door you don't need to try so hard. However saying that the compliments don't hurt either." She blushed and looked away. I can't believe i'm doing this what if I go vampire on him or something I could not live with myself, no enjoy this you silly pony. "a place to eat sounds nice and I do love winter time, something about trying to warm up on a cold day or night is really nice."

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Drone smiled at her comments and her blushing,he did at the same time,but he said softly, "I love watching the snow fall. I like how it covers everything,making it soft and quiet,it almost muffles everything out,the sounds of every day life."he smiled slightly as he looked around,they were nearing the restaurant,"Well,we're here."he said and opened the door for her,they walked in and sat at a comfortable spot,sitting across from one another. he looked at the menu and smiled slightly," Order whatever your heart desires."he said softly to her,did he really already have a hoof in the doorway? 

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@@Aurora Lights,


"Um...let...lets see um i'll have a hay burger, yes winter dose have that effect on the place although I miss my home when it's winter Orange Grove is lovely this time of year and everypony got time off due to the season so we had loads of fun with each other when I was a philly. That was a long time ago, almost like another life, my great Niece now runs the farm with her husband and two little colts. I get out there from time to time not as much as I like, and Ponyville to I love that town my second home really." Her face came more somber as she changed subjects, "I've been alone for a long time now since my sister passed away, we were really close I guess i've never really thought that somepony else can fill that for me would be nice." She smiled at Drone. "If it's you well...well we will find out won't we". Her face again was red with embarrassment, at least we're both embarrassed.

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Drone nodded,"I'll have the hay burger as well." he said and looked at her softly," I'm sorry to hear that,if she was anything like you,then I hope she finds peace."he said kindly and thought a moment," That place sounds very nice,I'd love to visit it sometime,if you'd have me go with you."he said with a smile and he blushed when she ,made her remark about the void being filled," Yeah...we'll see."he said and looked away as the waiter made it his duty to tell the chef to male the food,he then looked back at Emerald," Hey,Em...Uh,how much about my past do you know,exactly?"he asked softly.

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@@Aurora Lights,


"Whats on record including the classified stuff, but otherwise what ever you told me or what I have picked up on or somepony told me about you really not that much when I think about it your a bit of a mystery really?" She looked at him like she had just met him for the first time, "come on tell this lass more about you then." 

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Drone chuckled softly,'Should I keep myself a mystery?' he silently asked himself before he started talking,"Well,obviously,I'm one of the smartest in Equestria,I didn't mean it like that...um...anyway I have made revolutionary creations and discovery. But you know about all that. Well,a few years ago,about 15 years actually,is when I lost my memory...again...You see,this serum they injected me with,it...well...it has some side effects...I can't control my anger sometimes,and every 10 or 15 years I lose my memory. It's called a mental relapse. So,to make myself remember,I create this little memory core,I insert it into my neural transmitter and I have those memories flood my brain until i remember it all." he looked down and chuckled softly," I once went through a relapse and my friend didn't know it. Oh man,it was so funny to see him try to explain to me who I was."his smile faded after a moment and he looked a little sad and uncomfortable,"Then,there was this one time...I-I didn't get all of my memories because of...because of issues. I was so scared of not knowing everything that I had forgotten,I never regained that memory,not even today...so,I don't know what happened for about 5 years of my life."he said softly and looked up at her," On a better note,I do enjoy the arts of music. I like older country songs,I know,strange right? But,it relaxes me. Sometimes I have a cold brew of hard cider,sit back,relax,watch some tech stuff. Sometimes I even do a little work listening to it."he said and smiled at her kindly," What about you,what do you do in your off time?"he asked nicely.

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@@Aurora Lights,


"off time that's a good laugh, the captain of the guard dose not get much time to herself, however when I do get the odd time to myself, well I read really or listen to music ever since I was changed into what I am I don't forget things, well anything really so i'm using my endless time to gather more information, but really I like dirty novels." Her face went a bright red. "I have never told anypony that before, why did tell you? Oh well you know now don't you, music wise I'm a fan of anything good really, I do enjoy the odd human song to they are different to our music but still relate able, otherwise I like techno and dub-step, you'd think being my age I'd like more classic stuff I do but, young music takes my mind off my many tasks and duties." Emerald's face went funny she hunched up and looked away, "the thing you said about blood to me, well... I haven't ha...had any in decades...were you telling me the truth about well you know...f...feed...feeding on you, just apples don't taste the same...No no this is stupid forget what I said" Her face was so red you could think in was her coat color, stupid pony very stupid. 

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Drone chuckled softly," Yeah,i was serious. I'm immortal,what's the point if you can't use it to help others,eh? Especially others that like reading 'dirty novels'."he smiled at her with a red tint on his cheeks as well,but he looked around and said to her," If you want to,you know,blow this joint and go to my house,I'm down for that,not really hungry anyway."he said,he started like he could really get to know and like this mare,she seemed...different,fun,like she had a lease on life he couldn't possess,"Listen...I don't want to drag down the mood or anything...but...I-I might as well confess it now...It's exhausting to try to keep up my normal or-'normal' self...I'm not the happiest person to ever meet,I'm not,well,the joker,even though sometimes I do get a little silly,I'm not one to...well...I don't get very deep with anyone. The most a pony besides my daughter and the princesses ever got out of me was a facade of fake smiles and makeup."he sighed almost regretting he mentioned it," I'm actually an over-worked ball of of stress and mental stress."he said and chuckled softly," Hell,you could feel my back and neck muscles and feel how bunched up they are."he smiled at her kindly. 

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@@Aurora Lights,


"the burger was nice actually, and if you want to go to you place that would be ok. Also I've read into what my 'species' can do when we feed, I know I can make you feel better than you do now, but it's gonna be weird I have never had a, a willing victim? that's not the right word. But some alone time would be nice of you still sure, cose I may very well bugger this up and really hurt you, that is the last thing I want to do to you Sen."


***Outside the resturant


"where to from here?" she gave him a reassuring look trying to ease him into what was going to happen. I must not bugger this up! She was incredibly nervous as kept thinking what may occur from this.

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Drone smiled when they were outside the restaurant," Ah,cool air. Don't worry,pain is just for a minute,besides,I don't think you can compare to having your organs cut out of your body."he said as they started walking to his home," It's not to far actually." They soon arrived and he unlocked his door,he walked in and turned on the lights,everything was clean,neat,almost sparkling,the futuristic technologies around his home were amazing,even by today's standards,gadgets and things all neatly stacked or out in appropriate places,"Heh,I kinda go overboard when it comes to perfection."he chuckled and closed the door behind her,relocking it,he then led the way upstairs,he then sat on he bed,he had white sheet so he discarded them swiftly and neatly,as to not get any potential drips on them. He smiled as he looked at her.

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(OOC: this is the first time I've done any post like this so wish me luck guys and i'm gonna take my time on this one, and please forgive any godmodding offense I may do if it's below I thought it nessary ;))

@@Aurora Lights


She stood at the edge of the bed, there a million thoughts crossing her mind at once, she was so embarrassed as well, focus on what you learn't Em and well both be ok. "ok then lie down there Sen and look into my eyes", Drone looked at her, his eyes somehow looked as they knew what was coming, she focused on him trying to put him into a trance where she could then make him feel, what ever she wanted him to, that's what I've read. Her eyes changed to more like slits and she kept focusing on him, then his eyes changed. They became soft easy, peaceful she then poured thoughts into him a most subtle glowing link connected them as they kept eye contact, she felt her thoughts pass to him. I believe i'm doing this correctly, a smile crossed her face, reveling her fangs which were already wanting to do there thing. Well here goes nothing.


She broke eye contact and he lay there still as a rock, she then closed her eyes and the monster inside took control, and evil smirk crossed her face and she positioned herself over his neck, her physical appearance had completely changed by now


she lifted her head, pined him down with her front hooves then sank her fangs into his neck the taste was unbelievable to her, it was intoxicating, this is what I have missed? she kept drinking for around 20-30 seconds then her vampire side let go of the controls and Emerald took her fangs out of him, there where two puncture holes and some drips, she grabbed a few tissues and padded his wounds, she looked at him he was still limp, oh yeah right. She focused on him again and his eyes changed to what they were to start with. "Are you ok Sen it's over, please Luna your ok, yes?" She was in agony waiting for him to respond.

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@,  ((It's ok))


Drone didn't protest the fanging he just received,mostly because he was entranced,but the other part was because,in a way,it felt good. To know someone was that deep with him,they could let down their guard,show him their true side,what lies beneath their skin,into what things they suppress,while she was feeding,he stared at the ceiling,feeling her suck on his blood and neck,his vision started to blur,but as soon as he started to black out,he metallic spine shocked him hard,he then sat up quickly,gasping for air a moment as the shock was over,he coughed a couple times,he felt his neck and almost winced but he looked at her and smiled softly,but his smile turned into a face of utter pain as she heard a loud hiss and saw the needles along the edges of the spine raise from their places and get shoved back down by hydraulic force,he growled as they started pumping chemicals into his body,suppressing an pain and healing his wounds slightly before they stopped their injecting,he slowly took off his napkin bandage and she saw 2 small hole marks,now scars,and a hickey. he smiled at her again," Ahhh~ The drugs are kicking in..."he said and laid down in a euphoric state,he then felt the need to answer," Oh...no,I'm not a drug addict,but...every time my body faces physical harm,it injects me with a compound of chemicals. Mostly doing repair to damages and inducing blood regeneration...Oh,by the way,you can drink as long as you like,but for future reference,please,don't entrance me."he said with a soft chuckle as his eyes lowered and his pupils dilated," Come on,come at me."he said and turned his neck to the scars and hickey.

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Grant lie in his cot, staring at the drawing the professor had handed Twitch.


Personality transference through a long-range Neural Transmitter... is that safe?  I mean, the memory core is solid... but the transmitter?  Twitch's transmitter is archaic, compared to what ponies have; how can I expect to do this safely without losing something important?


He pondered it for a moment more, then simply sighed.


I need time to think... I wonder if they'll mind if I take a walk?


Twitch slowly crept up to the doorway, and poked his head out of it.  He looked around, yet saw nopony there.


... I guess they won't.


Twitch stepped lightly through the halls, out the doorway and down the steps.  He gazed around at the campus, simply taking in the sights as he went.


I just can't believe Twitch is still functioning; I'm glad things worked out - if I lost him, I don't know what I'd do.

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@@Aurora Lights,


"I...I'm sorry I've hurt you...n...no." Emerald looked away and started to cry, tears were poring down her face as she continued. "I... I tried to make it pain...less for you, it did... not work, I'm so sorry!" She collapsed onto the bed, no I've hurt him what did I do wrong!? She covered her head with her wings and continued. 

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Drone sighed softly and flung himself onto her and hugged her tight,which was pretty much all he could do in this doped up state," hey...No,you didn't hurt me. My body did,but that's not what matters...What matters is,you trust me enough to reveal yourself to me...I'm not hurt,not in any way.It never really hurt me,i couldn't feel it,but my suit felt the physical pain. Come on sweetie,keep on going,I like it. Promise."he smiled and pulled her down beside him and moved his neck," I'm immortal anyway."he said almost as a joke. 

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